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OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney's explosive tirades against her BF escalated significantly when she was under the influence of drugs -- though it was Christian Obumseli himself who'd provide her with an easy supply.

OF star Patrycia "Paty K" Kratiuk witnessed it firsthand ... telling us on "TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story," airing on FOX Monday night at 9/8 Central, how she saw Christian offer up drugs to CC on a platter, urging her to do a line of coke.

Though, it wasn't a shock to Patrycia -- her manager warned her of Courtney's wild ways ahead of their first meet-up in Palm Springs for an OF content shoot ... telling her she was heavily into drugs/alcohol, and advising her to leave as soon as they finished filming together.

Fellow OF model Kristina Santa backs Patrycia's claims ... saying Christian would appear to get a kick out of Courtney being a "little f***ed up" -- this info shedding chilling new light into their violent relationship, and indicating the toxicity between them may have been a two-way street.

Kristina adds, on the surface, they gave the illusion of being a perfect couple ... but things went from 0 to 100 real quick when drugs and alcohol were involved.

But, it was Courtney's drug-fueled rages that always reached boiling point ... with Christian solely being the target of her temper. As you know ... she stabbed him to death in the Miami condo they shared on April 3, 2022, after getting wind he was flirting with other girls during an OnlyFans content trip in Aspen.

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"TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story" premieres Monday, 9/8c on FOX.

COURTNEY CLENNEY'S PARENTS She Told Us She Feared Boyfriend Would Kill Her ... And He Almost Did

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The parents of Courtney Clenney -- the OnlyFans model charged with murdering her boyfriend -- say she told them he nearly killed her a few weeks before his fatal stabbing.

We interviewed Kim and Deborah Clenney for a new 'TMZ Investigates' airing Monday at 9 PM ET/8 Central on FOX  -- examining Courtney's case and their volatile relationship -- and they say she told them she feared Christian Obumseli might kill her.

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Courtney's parents say their daughter told them Christian once strangled her to the point she started passing out, and a scary thought ran through her mind ... "Oh my gosh, my mom's going to have to plan my funeral."

The Clenneys say the alleged incident happened only a few weeks before Courtney stabbed Christian to death.


Courtney's parents admit she was abusive towards Christian, but they say he abused her too ... made worse by the fact he heavily outweighed her and was much bigger in physical stature and strength.

The Clenneys say that's all on display in the elevator video from the Miami apartment complex where Courtney fatally stabbed Christian.


Courtney's parents say the footage shows Christian manhandling her, easily throwing her in a headlock and being unaffected by her trying to shove him out of the elevator.

Remember ... Courtney's maintained she killed Christian in self-defense.

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"TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story” airs Monday night at 9/8c on FOX.

Padres de Courtney Clenney Ella les dijo que temía que su novio la matara Y él casi lo hizo!!!

¿Un intento desesperado?
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Los padres de Courtney Clenney, la modelo de OnlyFans acusada de asesinar a su novio, dicen que ella les dijo que él estuvo a punto de matarla unas semanas antes del fatal apuñalamiento.

Entrevistamos a Kim y Deborah Clenney para un nuevo especial de "TMZ Investiga", que se emite el lunes a las 9 PM ET/8 por Central FOX, en donde examinamos el caso de Courtney y su volátil relación, incluyendo que temía que Christian Obumseli la pudiera matar.

"Déjame darte una cachetada"
Miami Herald

Los padres de Courtney dicen que su hija les dijo que una vez Christian la estranguló tanto que empezó a desmayarse y tuvo el aterrador pensamiento de que iba morir en su mente. "Dios mío, mi madre va a tener que planear mi funeral".

Los Clenneys dicen que el presunto incidente ocurrió solo unas semanas antes de que Courtney apuñalara a Christian hasta provocarle la muerte.

Los padres de Courtney admiten que ella abusaba de Christian, pero dicen que él también abusaba de ella, lo que se veía empeorado por el hecho de que él pesaba mucho más que ella y era mucho más grande en estatura física y fuerza.

Los Clenneys dicen que todo queda en evidencia en el video del ascensor en el complejo de apartamentos de Miami, donde Courtney apuñaló mortalmente a Christian.

Los padres de Courtney dicen que las imágenes muestran a Christian maltratándola y lanzándola fácilmente en una llave de cabeza. También se ve cómo ella intenta empujarlo fuera del ascensor, sin recibir ningún efecto.

Recuerden, Courtney ha dicho que mató a Christian en defensa propia.

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"TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story" se emite el lunes por la noche a las 9/8c en FOX.

OnlyFans Model Courtney Clenney Called Christian Obumseli N-Word ... Parents Say She Said it So He'd Leave Her

a desperate attempt
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OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney hurled a racial slur at her boyfriend mid-argument ... and her parents say she did it to get now-deceased boyfriend Christian Obumseli to leave.

We spoke to Courtney's parents, Deborah and Kim Clenney, for a new 'TMZ Investigates' airing Monday at 9 PM ET/8 Central on FOX ... when the question of a slur Courtney used during an argument with Christian came up.

Miami Herald

As we previously reported ... Christian secretly recorded Courtney calling him the n-word repeatedly during a fight months before she killed him in the Miami condo where they lived together.

The audio's brutal to hear ... and also explainable according to CC's parents -- who are now facing criminal charges for allegedly illegally accessing Christian's computer after he was killed.

We spoke to them before the arrest -- they have never spoken publicly before -- and they told us Courtney said she needed to use such a horrible slur because she was trying to get Christian to leave, with her mom Deborah claiming Courtney said no "self-respecting Black man would stick around after being called that name."

Deborah went on to say Courtney liked Christian partly because he was Black ... and she doesn't think their daughter would have been prosecuted if she were Black or if Christian were white.

Clenney pled not guilty to second-degree murder after stabbing her boyfriend in the chest ... her parents tell us she will plead self-defense.

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"TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story" airs Monday 9/8c on FOX.

Paige VanZant un suscriptor de OnlyFans le ofreció 50 dólares por cortarse el pelo y enviarle los mechones por correo

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es demasiado
A Kickass Love Story

Paige VanZant acaba de revelar que podría ganar MUCHO dinero cortándose el pelo... pero hay un detalle clave en la propuesta que la tiene indecisa.

La estrella de MMA y modelo de OnlyFans discutió la llamativa petición en el último episodio de su podcast "A Kickass Love Story" con su marido, el luchador de Bellator Austin Vanderford, diciendo que un fan en la plataforma le preguntó si ella cambiaría a un peinado a cambio de $50k.

Mientras Paige reconoció que es un gran día de pago por un poco de trabajo, explicó que la única cosa que la dejó indecisa fue que el seguidor quería que sus restos de cabello le fueran enviados una vez que la acción estuviera hecha.

Paige explicó sus reservas, diciendo que después de ver un documental de Gypsy Rose Blanchard, ella comenzó a preocuparse por lo que podrían hacer con sus trenzas.

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Austin apoyó a su esposa, señalando que si se tratara de un corte de pelo normal, no hay realmente ningún debate, pero enviarle a alguien los mechones de cabello hace que sea una situación bastante turbia.

Paige se ha abierto previamente hacerca de su exitosa carrera fuera de la jaula ... por lo que si bien puede perder a cabo en 50 pilas, ella va a estar bien.

Paige VanZant I Was Offered $50k To Cut My Hair ... But Fan Wanted My Scraps

A Kickass Love Story

Talk about a great conundrum -- Paige VanZant just revealed she could make a TON of money by chopping off her locks ... but there's one key detail to the proposal that has her sitting on the fence.

The MMA star and OnlyFans model discussed the eye-popping request on the latest episode of her "A Kickass Love Story" podcast with her hubby, Bellator fighter Austin Vanderford ... saying one fan on the subscription-based platform slid into her DMs and asked if she would switch to a bob hairstyle in exchange for $50k.

While PVZ acknowledged it's a big payday for a little work, she explained the one thing that left her hesitant was that the follower wanted her hair scraps shipped to him once the deed was done.

Paige explained her reservations ... saying after watching a Gypsy Rose Blanchard doc, she started to worry about what the supporter could do with her tresses -- and she isn't trying to get some evil spell put on her.

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Austin backed his wife ... pointing out if it were just a normal haircut, there's really no debate -- but mailing someone the locks makes it a pretty hairy situation.

Paige has previously opened up on her successful career out of the cage ... so while she may miss out on 50 stacks, she will be just fine.

Caso de asesinato de OnlyFans Padres de Courtney Clenney son acusados de entrar al computador de la víctima

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Los padres de la modelo de OnlyFans Courtney Clenney, la mujer acusada de asesinar a su novio, estaban obsesionados con tratar de acceder a la computadora del hombre que falleció y accedieron ilegalmente a él, por lo que afirman los fiscales en el caso.

TMZ dio a conocer la historia, Kim y Deborah Clenney fueron detenidos el martes por cargos de delito grave por acceso no autorizado o acceso excesivo a un computador. Su hija, Courtney, también fue acusada del delito.

Según la declaración jurada de la policía, el padre de Courtney, Kim, entró en posesión del computador portátil de Christian Obumseli poco después de que Courtney lo apuñalara hasta la muerte en abril de 2022.

Los fiscales obtuvieron una serie de mensajes de texto entre los padres de Courtney y sus abogados, que hacen referencia repetidamente a la necesidad de averiguar la contraseña de Christian. Había más de 4.200 textos en los chats de grupo entre los padres y los abogados.

Al parecer, Courtney había proporcionado una lista de posibles contraseñas y, mediante ensayo y error durante una semana, lograron descifrarla. La contraseña terminó siendo su cumpleaños ... 0412.

El abogado de Courtney le dijo al grupo que no accediera al computador, pero Kim le dijo al abogado que ya había accedido y estaba "empezando a husmear". Dijo que no había abierto ningún archivo y que no había visto nada.

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Detención sangrienta

Como informamos, lo único que había en el disco duro era un balance de criptodivisas. Los fiscales no han alegado, al menos por ahora, que Kim o Deborah borraran algún contenido.

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Tanto Deborah como Kim comparecerán en el tribunal de Miami vía Zoom el miércoles por la mañana. Ellas viven en Austin, Texas, y los fiscales están tratando de extraditarlas a Miami, donde su hija se encuentra en la cárcel a la espera de su juicio por asesinato.

OnlyFans Murder Case Courtney Clenney's Parents Charged with Illegally Accessing Victim's Computer

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The parents of OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney, the woman accused of murdering her boyfriend, were obsessed with trying to gain access to the dead man's computer and unlawfully accessed it ... so claim prosecutors in the murder case.

TMZ broke the story ... Kim and Deborah Clenney were arrested Tuesday on felony charges of unauthorized access or excessive access to a computer. Their daughter, Courtney, was also charged with the crime.

According to the police affidavit, Courtney's dad, Kim, came into possession of Christian Obumseli's laptop shortly after Courtney stabbed him to death in April 2022.

Prosecutors obtained a series of text messages between Courtney's parents and her lawyers, which repeatedly reference the need to figure out Christian's password. There were more than 4,200 texts in the group chats between the parents and the lawyers.

Courtney had apparently provided a list of potential passwords and through trial and error over a week's time, they were able to figure it out. The password ended up being his birthday ... 0412.

Courtney's lawyer told the group not to actually access the computer, but Kim told the lawyer he had already accessed it and was "starting to poke around." He said he had not opened a file and didn't see anything.

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As we reported, the only thing on the hard drive was a cryptocurrency balance sheet. Prosecutors have not alleged -- at least not yet -- that Kim or Deborah deleted any content.

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Both Deborah and Kim will appear in Miami court via zoom Wednesday morning. They are living in Austin, TX and prosecutors are trying to extradite them to Miami, where their daughter sits in jail awaiting her murder trial.


OF Model Courtney Clenney Parents Arrested ... Alleged Evidence Tampering

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4:40 PM PT -- According to online records, the Clenneys are facing unspecified felony charges from out of state -- but we're still working to confirm exactly what they've been dinged for.

The parents of Courtney Clenney -- the OnlyFans model who has been charged with murdering her boyfriend -- have been arrested themselves ... TMZ has learned.

Kim and Deborah Clenney were arrested at their Austin, TX home Tuesday in connection with the murder case ... and we're told it has something to do with potential evidentiary tampering.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us ... the Clenneys were taken into custody by law enforcement in Travis County on a warrant out of Miami.

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The allegation, from what we understand, boils down to a laptop that belonged to Courtney's late boyfriend, Christian Obumseli, which our sources say remained in their Miami apartment after he was killed in an argument in 2022.

We're told Courtney's dad, Kim, went back to their unit to clear out her stuff in the aftermath ... and in the process, stumbled across this laptop -- which we're told had not been impounded as evidence when police first went through after the incident.

Our sources say Courtney gave her father the password, and he got in ... but found nothing but a crypto exchange on the hard drive. After that, we're told he notified Courtney's defense attorney about it ... and handed it off to the legal team.

At this point, our sources say they're still in custody ... and the exact charges are a bit unclear -- but we're told they have a bond hearing in court Wednesday.

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We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 4:08 PM PT


Detienen a los padres de la modelo de OnlyFans Courtney Clenney

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4:40 PM PT -- De acuerdo con los registros en línea, los Clenneys se enfrentan a cargos por delitos no especificados de fuera del estado - pero todavía estamos trabajando para confirmar exactamente lo que han sido dinged para.

Los padres de Courtney Clenney -la modelo OnlyFans que ha sido acusada de asesinar a su novio- han sido capturados por las autoridades... TMZ ha indagado.

Kim y Deborah Clenney fueron detenidos en su casa en Texas el martes en relación con el caso de asesinato ... y nos dicen que tiene algo que ver con la manipulación de pruebas potenciales.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen ... los Clenney fueron puestos bajo custodia por las fuerzas del orden en el condado de Travis en una orden de Miami.

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La acusación, por lo que entendemos, se reduce a una computadora portátil que pertenecía al difunto novio de Courtney, Christian Obumseli, que nuestras fuentes dicen que permaneció en su apartamento de Miami después de que fue asesinado en una discusión el año pasado.

Se nos dice que el padre de Courtney, Kim, regresó a su unidad para limpiar sus cosas en las secuelas ... y en el proceso, tropezó con este portátil - que se nos dice no había sido incautado como prueba cuando la policía fue por primera vez después del incidente.

Nuestras fuentes dicen Courtney dio a su padre la contraseña, y se metió en ... pero no encontró nada, pero un intercambio de criptomonedas en el disco duro. Después de eso, nos dicen que notificó al abogado defensor de Courtney ... y se lo entregó al equipo legal.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que todavía están bajo custodia, y los cargos exactos son un poco confusos, aunque nos dicen que tienen una audiencia de fianza en la corte el miércoles.

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Historia en desarrollo ...

'WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE' No Reboot Invite for DAN BENSON!!! Says Porn Career to Blame


"Wizards of Waverly Place" alum Dan Benson knows he's being cut out of the Disney Channel show's upcoming reboot and says it's upsetting, but not shocking ... due to to his very adult career choices.

Dan tells TMZ ... he's disappointed over being unable to reprise the role of Zeke Beakerman, and also acknowledges he didn't really leave the show's bosses any real option to include him -- having gone from child star to OnlyFans porn star.

He totally sees things from their point of view ... telling us it'd be unreasonable to bring back his wholesome character, while he's also publicizing all his risqué personal life decisions.


Dan even imagines how discussions of his return went down in the reboot's first meeting ... wondering if some Disney exec Googled him to see what he's doing, only to learn he's been posting adults-only content since 2022.

BTW, Selena Gomez is an executive producer, which has Dan wondering just how much of his "body" of work his old costar's come across.

While he's sad his career choices affected his chance to be back on screen, he tells us he actually would've said no if the reboot bosses asked him back.

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The reason being that life after the show got really hard for him, as he struggled to land another mainstream acting gig.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Now, Dan's over being dependent on someone else for opportunities ... something he doesn't have to worry about now cause he's his own boss and makes it happen for himself.

Yes, he's moved on -- but he's also still nostalgic for 'Waverly.'

Dan Benson no vuelve a "Los magos de Waverly Place" Por el porno

no espero ninguna llamada

El actor de "Los Hechiceros de Waverly Place" —Dan Benson— sabe que está siendo cortado de la próxima serie de Disney Channel y dice que es molesto, pero no le sorprende demasiado.

Dan le dice a TMZ que está decepcionado por no poder repetir el papel de Zeke Beakerman, y también reconoce que los jefes de la serie no le dieron ninguna opción real para incluirlo, después de haber pasado de estrella infantil a estrella porno de OnlyFans.

Él ve las cosas desde su punto de vista, diciéndonos que no sería razonable traer de vuelta a su personaje, mientras que él también está haciendo públicas todas sus arriesgadas decisiones en su vida personal.

hay que seguir adelante

Dan incluso se imagina cómo fueron las discusiones sobre su regreso en la primera reunión del reinicio, preguntándose si algún ejecutivo de Disney lo buscó en Google para ver lo que está haciendo, solo para enterarse de que ha estado publicando contenido para adultos desde 2022.

Por cierto, Selena Gomez es productora ejecutiva, lo que hace que Dan se pregunte qué parte de su trabajo ha visto su antigua compañera.

Mientras que él está triste porque su nueva carrera afectó su oportunidad de estar de vuelta en la pantalla, nos dice que en realidad habría dicho que no si los jefes de reinicio le preguntaran de nuevo.

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La razón es que la vida después de la serie fue muy dura para él, ya que luchó por conseguir otro trabajo como actor.

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Ahora, Dan ha dejado de depender de otra persona para tener oportunidades, algo de lo que no tiene qué preocuparse ahora, porque es su propio jefe.

Sí, él ha seguido adelante, pero también nos da mucha nostalgia que no aparezca en "Waverly".

Snoop Dogg OnlyFans Says My 🍆's Worth $100M ... But Wife's Not Goin' For It!!!

Published | Updated

Snoop Dogg says OnlyFans recently came a-knockin' with a nutso $100 million offer to show off the family jewels, but his wife's not ready to share his beans or frank with the public ... not even for 9 figures!!!


The legendary rap star has been married for 27 years and told his pal Slink Johnson on his "Wake & Bake With Double S Express" podcast that OF had one simple request -- "pull that thang out" and the $100 million would be all his!!!

Snoop Dogg reminded Slink that his wife Shante Broadus, who also doubles as his manager, was Black BLACK ... and no amount of money would green-light his sexual eruption online.

Still, $100 million's a ton of pretty pennies and Slink seemed determined to figure out some kinda work-around for Snoop to make the big reveal and get the dough.


But, as of now, Snoop -- and Shante -- are clear ... you won't be seeing deez!

Aubrey O'Day Dan Benson Slams Her for MLK Stunt ... Time and Place, Aubrey!!!


Disney Channel actor turned OnlyFans model Dan Benson is ripping Aubrey O'Day for exploiting MLK Day to plug her OF page -- a move he calls super disrespectful, especially for a white woman.

Controversy Generates Headlines

The “Wizards of Waverly Place” alum tells TMZ ... controversy is often the name of the game for content creators looking to attract new subscribers to their OF pages. He's not naive, but adds there's still a time and a place -- and MLK Day ain't it!

As we reported, Aubrey used the holiday by posting a series of thirst trap photos and videos Monday ... right alongside a famous, and poignant, quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -- "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Maybe Aubrey should've taken that quote to heart more. Dan says Aubrey should have taken MLK Day off from her OF work, and used the time to reflect.

Instead of using Dr. King to promote her OnlyFans, Dan suggests Aubrey should have donated some of her OF revenue to a good cause.

Of course, Dan's in the OF game too, and fully understands creators' drive to boost numbers -- but he says when the "thirst trapping" goes as hard as Aubrey's stunt, it deserves to be called out.

And, we all know the internet's undefeated at that.

Dan Benson critica a Aubrey O'Day por su promoción de onlyfans el Día del MLK


La actriz de Disney Channel convertida en modelo de OnlyFans, Dan Benson, está criticando a Aubrey O'Day por explotar el Día del MLK para promocionar su página de OnlyFans, un acto que califica de irrespetuoso, especialmente viniendo una mujer blanca.

la controversia da titulares

El "Wizards of Waverly Place" le dice a TMZ que la controversia es a menudo parte del negocio para los creadores de contenido que buscan atraer a nuevos suscriptores a sus páginas, no es ingenuo, pero añade que el Día de MLK no es ir muy lejos.

Como informamos, Aubrey aprovechó el día festivo publicando una serie de fotos y videos... justo al lado de una famosa y conmovedora cita del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Nuestras vidas comienzan a terminar el día en que nos callamos sobre las cosas que importan".

Tal vez Aubrey debería haber tomado esa cita más en serio... Dan dice que Aubrey debería haberse tomado el Día MLK libre de su trabajo en OnlyFans y utilizar el tiempo para reflexionar.

En lugar de utilizar al Dr. King para promover su OnlyFans, Dan dice Aubrey debería haber utilizado parte de su dinero ara una buena causa y él piensa que la reacción está justificada.

Dan dice que hace dinero mostrandole su culo a los hombres homosexuales, por lo que sabe cómo se juega el juego de la aplicación... Al menos el chico tiene buenos fundamentos.

Todos sabemos que internet es un lugar salvaje.

JUICE WRLD Ex-GF Puts Sex Tape on OF Ca$hing In Before Hackers Do!!!


Juice WRLD's ex is hawking some of his memorabilia fans wished she kept in the vault ... namely, an alleged sex tape of the 2 of them ... advertising it as explicit footage!!! 😲

Ally Lotti's been posting content on OnlyFans for a while now -- but recently told her subscribers they could unlock the vid of her and the late "Lucid Dreams" rapper ... which she says warrants a XXX rating.

Now, as for an explanation for this move -- best believe this is drumming up outrage among JW's fan base -- AL claims to be under pressure by would-be bad actors. She writes ... "F***ed by my famous ex. Hackers are trying to threaten me to leak my old sex tape with my ex fiance Juice WRLD."

She adds, "IDGAF anymore. I’ll leak it myself. It’s a long time since I have been f***ed rough with some big black c**** like this. I am so mad that I am adding every nude I ever sent him. I know you will at least enjoy it. Can’t believe I am actually sending this but I can’t be threatened anymore."

While it remains to be seen if people are buying her rationale -- let's just say folks don't feel good about her throwing up Juice's private moments after his death ... it just feels gross.

Of course, Juice has been gone since 2019 ... and friends and fans weren't feeling Ally's excuse, hackers or not -- and demanded she have some dignity and take the post down.

One of the Juice WRLD's own collaborators, Denzel Curry, also weighed in ... and he thinks people (including Ally) should let him rest in peace.

We reached out to OnlyFans to see if this violates any policies of theirs ... so far, no word back.