'Octomom' Nadya Suleman I Never Wanted To Be Famous!!!


Nadya Suleman -- AKA "Octomom" -- is opening up about the public scrutiny she faced after gaining international notoriety for becoming the first woman to deliver 8 healthy octuplets in 2009.

The mother of 14 kids in total says all the attention was unwanted, since she never wanted to be famous in the first place. In a 'GMA' interview Thursday, Nadya acknowledged that not being married, and struggling to support her huge brood, were the main reasons she faced death threats, condemnation, and misplaced hate.

Nadya also got real about what she says is the huge misconception she was fame-hungry. She revealed that, in reality, she was painfully shy and had always dreamed of getting her Ph.D. in psychology. But, with everything blowing up, it all became overwhelming and eventually landed her in rehab.

'Octomom' Nadya Suleman I Should Have Sued My Fertility Doc!!!

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"Octomom" Nadya Suleman, who gained international notoriety after delivering the world's first healthy set of octuplets in 2009, now says she has only one regret about her family journey ... not taking her overactive fertility doctor to court.

The mother of 14 kids told People she was hoping for just one additional child at the time ... but she says Dr. Michael Kamrava informed her he'd implanted six embryos via IVF. He had actually implanted 12 embryos. Kamrava has since had his medical license revoked.

Suleman says she was an unhappy only child ... and saw herself having seven kids as an adult. She says ... "I may have possibly overachieved with kids. I didn't intend on having this many."

Octomom The Tax Man Cumeth For Porn Pay

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The IRS has learned a thing or 2 about self-pleasure from Octomom ... because the agency is now pleasuring itself by going after her unpaid taxes on her masturbation video.

Uncle Sam and his buddies believe Nadya Suleman raked in at least $116,000 in 2012, largely from the tape. They're demanding that she ante up all payroll records to show exactly what she made ... and they clearly think she shorted them.

Octo caught the eye of the feds after she pled no contest to a welfare fraud charge in July.

It looks like the wacky tape didn't have legs, because in 2013 her take plunged to around $8K.

Tax records show Suleman collected about $116K from her management company in 2012.

Here's the thing ... who needs to look a second time ... seriously.

Octomom Masturbation Profits Reveal Possible Welfare Fraud

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Evidence Octomom scammed tax payers is growing faster than Lauren Silverman's belly ... after authorities turned up more proof of possible welfare fraud ... thanks to pay stubs from her masturbation porn.

TMZ broke the story ... the L.A. County of Welfare and Fraud Dept opened an investigation against Octo -- seizing her financial records -- and determined she'd been overpaid $15,683 in welfare funds from Jan to May of 2013.

Now the evidence has grown ... authorities seized payment records from Wicked -- the company that hawked Octo's masturbation porn -- and uncovered Octo's hefty XXX residuals:

January -- $1,839.74
February -- $2,537.27
March -- $1,807.97
April -- $7,381.99 (Easter gifts?)
May -- $3,026.67
June -- $1,295.37

6-month total: $17,889.01 (Again, these are residuals).

The discovery adds fuel to the fire ... that Octo is a welfare cheat.

Octo could be charged with welfare fraud -- a felony -- and if convicted faces prison time.

Octomom SCAMMED Tax Payers Out of Thousands (Allegedly)

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Octomom has been HOSING taxpayers by illegally collecting welfare ... and now we know how much she nabbed.

TMZ broke the story ... the L.A. County Dept. of Welfare Fraud prevention seized Nadya Suleman's financial records, after getting a tip that the mother of 14 was collecting gov funds, despite making more than $200,000 in 2012.

FYI -- Octo can only collect welfare if she rakes in less than $119,000 a year.

Here's what we now know:

-- From Jan. to May 2013 she got $6,666 (appropriate #, right?) she had no right to collect
-- From Jan. to May 2013 she got $9,016 in Food Stamps she shouldn't have gotten

All totaled = $15,683.00 (that's just for 4 months).

The investigation continues. Octo could be charged with welfare fraud -- a felony. If convicted she faces prison time.

Octomom You Can Date Me ... If You PAY Me

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Going once, going twice, SOLD ... is what some lucky bidder will hear if they win a date with Octomom ... because the mother of 14 has officially put herself up for auction to earn some cold, hard cash.

Octo -- in a last ditch effort to earn more money before she gets kicked out of her La Habra home -- has created an online dating profile for a site called What'sYourPrice.com ... a website where users can PAY other users to go out with them.

In her profile, Octo says she has 14 kids, loves to work out and loves to laugh ... and she's starting the bidding at a cool $500.

This is the latest in a slew of ploys to earn more green off her Octo fame. If you recall she also signed up for a website where she can beg her fans for money ... but so far she's only raked in a mere $2,509.

... which is $2,509 too much.

Octomom Madonna Inspired Me to Go Topless

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We can all thank Madonna for Octomom's topless album cover ... because the mother of 14 says the pop icon inspired her to bare it all for her music.

As TMZ first reported, Octo is releasing a single with reality TV star Adam Barta -- but they've changed the title of the song from "Get on the Dance Floor" to "Sexy Party."

Sources close to Octo tell TMZ ... the cover art for "Sexy Party" is 100% Madonna inspired. We're told the pop singer's "Like a Virgin" style and need to sing about liberation struck a chord with Octo and she wanted to pay homage to that with her album art.

Sources tell us ... the crosses in the background, the rosary and even Octo baring her boobies (sans nipples) was all in honor of Madge.

Just in case you forgot, the single drops September 4... so there's still plenty of time to uninstall iTunes.

Octomom Begging Fans for $150,000!

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Octomom may have stripped her way off welfare, but she couldn't strip her way out of foreclosure ... and now the mother of 14 is begging her fans for $150,000 so she can put a down payment on a new pad.

In case you forgot ... despite Octo's recent XXX endeavors, she still couldn't make the mortgage payments on her La Habra house and it was foreclosed on last month.

Sources close to Octo tell TMZ she's been given two weeks to move out, but the problem is she doesn't have enough cash to buy a house of her own ... especially one that can fit her giant brood.

Octo's solution ... set up a page on a website called GoFundMe.com, where her fans can send her money through the internet! All she's asking for is a cool $150k to get started.

In the meantime, we're told Octo is trying to book as many jobs as possible, just in case her fans don't come through.

The bright side: at least she's not taking our tax dollars.

Octomom I'm Single ... Again

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Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, and now ... the most SHOCKING break up of all ... Octomom and Frankie G have officially called it quits.

Sources close to Octo tell TMZ, Octo has decided to end their love affair, after almost a whole three months of dating.

Sources tell us ... the mother of 14 ended the relationship a few weeks ago because she has way too much on her plate right now and just can't make time for a serious relationship.

In case you forgot -- Octo is currently juggling various XXX gigs, launching a singing career, getting kicked out of her house, and of course ... caring for the livelihood of many, many, small children.

We're told Octo realized early on that 23-year-old Frankie G was just too young to handle her fast paced lifestyle ... so she had to cut him loose. Sources tell us they still remain friends.

... with benefits. Maybe. Probably not.