Miami Madness Woman Throws Bowling Ball at Lady's Head ... Massive Brawl Pops Off

Bowling Ball
the brutal attack

A massive brawl at a bowling alley in Miami erupted this week -- which ended in a brutal attack on a woman who took a heavy ball to the head ... something that was caught on video.

This footage is making the rounds -- capturing an insane fight between multiple people who got into the gutter somewhere in the Brickell neighborhood ... and where bowling balls started being used as straight-up weapons, with at least one person getting clocked.

Unclear what exactly precipitated all this ... but in any case, several different parties were going at each other -- and eventually, one woman started throwing balls around.

YouTuber Anthony Vella Falls 85 Feet in Paraglider Crash ... Broken Neck, Back, Arm


A YouTuber is lucky to be alive after falling 85 feet in a paraglider crash ... which left him with several broken bones, and practically paralyzed on the ground as he called for help.

Check it out ... Anthony Vella filmed himself recently enjoying a motorized paraglide ride in Texas, when something went terribly wrong -- resulting in the internet personality plummeting to the ground. Anthony screams out in pain before calling out to Siri on his phone to call 911.

2 eyewitnesses come to Anthony's aid ... assisting him in contacting first responders as well as his wife, Leandra. Anthony -- who was going about 50 mph before his fall from the sky -- was rushed to the hospital ... where he was diagnosed with a fractured neck, back, pelvis, and a broken arm. His injuries will require surgery.

Anthony Vella, el YouTuber Cae 85 pies al estrellarse con un parapente Rotura de cuello, espalda y brazo

el momento casi fatal

Un YouTuber tiene suerte de estar vivo después de caer 85 pies en un accidente de parapente que lo dejó con varios huesos rotos y prácticamente paralizado en el suelo mientras pedía ayuda.

Anthony Vella se grabó a sí mismo recientemente disfrutando de un paseo en parapente motorizado en Texas, cuando algo salió terriblemente mal. La personalidad de Internet terminó cayendo en picada al suelo. Anthony grita de dolor antes de pedirle a Siri que llame al 911.

Dos testigos acuden en ayuda de Anthony, ayudándolo a ponerse en contacto con los primeros en responder, así como su esposa, Leandra. Anthony, que iba a unos 80 km/h antes de caer del cielo, fue trasladado al hospital, donde le diagnosticaron fractura de cuello, espalda, pelvis y brazo. Sus lesiones requerirán cirugía.

Timberwolves Coach Tears Knee Tendon During Game ... After Collision W/ Player

The Minnesota Timberwolves were forced to finish their series-clinching win over the Phoenix Suns without Chris Finch -- the head coach suffered a painful knee injury after his own player crashed into him on the sidelines ... and it was so bad, he had to be helped off the court.

The unfortunate incident went down in the closing minutes of the fourth quarter on Sunday ... when Wolves guard Mike Conley took the ball up the court and bumped into Suns star Devin Booker.

Conley tumbled toward the sideline right where Finch was standing ... and the momentum forced him down to the hardwood, despite the hooper trying to brace his fall.

Harvey Weinstein Hospitalizado tras su regreso a NYC

Harvey Weinstein ha sido hospitalizado en la ciudad de Nueva York y su abogado comenta que tiene un montón de problemas de salud.

Arthur Aidala, abogado de Weinstein, le dice a TMZ que su cliente está en el Hospital Bellevue de Manhattan en este momento después de que los médicos de Rikers Island lo examinaran. Weinstein fue llevado a Rikers desde una prisión del norte del estado en virtud de la sentencia de apelación.

Los médicos lo enviaron a Bellevue para más pruebas, dice Aidala, añadiendo que la salud de Weinstein es un drama.

Harvey Weinstein Hospitalized After NYC Return ... His Health's A 'Train Wreck'

Harvey Weinstein has been hospitalized in New York City ... with his lawyer saying he's got a ton of health issues.

Arthur Aidala -- Weinstein's attorney -- tells TMZ his client's now in Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan after doctors on Rikers Island examined him. Weinstein was turned over to Rikers from an upstate prison pursuant to the appeal ruling.

The doctors sent him to Bellevue for more tests, Aidala says ... adding Weinstein's health is a bit of a "train wreck."

O.J. Simpson Cause Of Death Revealed

O.J. Simpson's official cause of death has been revealed ... one of the most infamous, high-profile Americans of all time died from prostate cancer, TMZ has learned.

Malcolm LaVergne, Simpson's longtime attorney and the executor of his estate, tells us he has received the death certificate for the disgraced former football superstar and actor, confirming our report that O.J. succumbed to cancer.

76-year-old Simpson died on April 10 after spending several months in hospice.

"The Pickup" de Eddie Murphy Toma área muestra un complejo accidente... 8 miembros del equipo fueron hospitalizados!!!

Dramáticas imágenes de un dron muestran el lamentable accidente que ocurrió en el set de la nueva película de Eddie Murphy, el que dejó a 8 miembros de su equipo hospitalizados y el registro revela lo feo que fue el incidente.

En este nuevo ángulo obtenido por TMZ se puede ver a un camión blindado deteniéndose junto a un coche, lo que era parte de una escena que estaban rodando el pasado fin de semana en Atlanta, donde se está llevando a cabo el rodaje de "The Pickup", de Eddie. Los otros actores no estaban en el set ese día y, por ende, no estuvieron involucrados.

Algo salió mal...

El equipo a cargo de filmar esta complicada escena contaba con un montón de profesionales y miembros del equipo. Ocho de ellos resultaron heridos y uno permanece hospitalizado con una lesión en la espalda, según informa el NYT.

Eddie Murphy's 'The Pickup' AERIAL VIEW SHOWS Gnarly CRASH ... 8 from Crew Hospitalized!!!

Dramatic drone footage of a stunt-gone-wrong on the set of Eddie Murphy's new movie -- which left 8 crew members hospitalized -- shows an ugly crash ... and it's all on video.

In this new angle -- obtained by TMZ -- you can see an armored truck pulling up alongside a car that's part of a scene they were shooting last weekend down in Atlanta -- where Eddie's "The Pickup" is currently filming. Eddie and the other actors were not on set that day ... and not involved.


This was the team filming a stunt for the movie with a bunch of professionals and crew members -- and while eight people were hurt ... one remains hospitalized with a back injury, per NYT.

O.J. Simpson Causa de muerte revelada

La causa oficial de muerte de O.J. Simpson, uno de los estadounidenses más infames de todos los tiempos, ha sido revelada: murió de cáncer de próstata, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Malcolm Lavergne, abogado de Simpson desde hace mucho tiempo y albacea de su patrimonio, nos dice que recibió el certificado de defunción de la deshonrada ex superestrella de fútbol y actor, lo que confirma nuestro informe de que O.J. sucumbió al cáncer.

Simpson, de 76 años, falleció el 10 de abril tras pasar varios meses en un centro de cuidados paliativos.

Tiffany Haddish He tenido ocho abortos espontáneos... Debido a la endometriosis

Tiffany Haddish dice que ha tenido un montón de problemas con los embarazos en los últimos años y todo se debe a sus luchas con la endometriosis.

La comediante compartió su experiencia en una nueva entrevista con People, la que también detalla en su nuevo libro de memorias "I Curse You With Joy", que sale en menos de dos semanas, y revela que ha sufrido ocho abortos involuntarios.

Tiffany ha compartido previamente sus problemas de fertilidad, pero ahora nos estamos haciendo una mejor idea de ello, ya que resulta que tiene endometriosis, una condición donde el tejido crece fuera del útero y puede afectar la capacidad para concebir.

Tiffany Haddish I've Had Eight Miscarriages ... Due to Endometriosis

Tiffany Haddish says she's had a lot of trouble with pregnancies over the years ... and it's all due to an ongoing battle with endometriosis.

The comedian shared her struggles in a new interview with People ... which she also details in her new memoir, "I Curse You With Joy," which drops in less than 2 weeks. One of the big takeaways in the book is that Tiffany says she's suffered eight miscarriages.

Tiffany has previously shared her fertility struggles, but now we're getting more of a sense of why -- as it turns out, she deals with endometriosis ... which means tissue grows outside the uterus, which can affect a woman's ability to conceive.

COLT FORD First Update Since Heart Attack ... Vows To Get Back Onstage

Instagram / @coltfordmusic

Colt Ford is sharing his first health update in his own words since suffering from a heart attack -- and he's got one thing on his mind ... getting back onstage.

The country singer posted a video Wednesday, where he's speaking from his hospital bed ... and he shows off a huge post-surgery chest scar. He's not sugarcoating it ... admitting he's probably going to miss concerts for the rest of the year as he continues to recover.

Even though he's got a tough road ahead, Colt's determined to come back in a big way. He thanks fans for their well wishes and also drops some wisdom, reminding folks to take care of themselves because life's curveballs can sneak up on you when you least expect it.

caballos corren libres por las calles de londres Caos y heridos

Caballos militares fugados causaron estragos en las calles de Londres durante la hora punta de la mañana, causando lesiones y dejando un rastro sangriento de destrucción a su paso.

Las imágenes son impresionantes, cinco caballos de los guardias de la vida -parte de la prestigiosa caballería- corrió por las calles el miércoles por la mañana. Un caballo blanco parecía estar empapado de sangre... si era su propia sangre o la de otra persona aún no está claro.

El ejército británico confirmó en un comunicado que el galope frenético comenzó cuando los caballos se asustaron durante un ejercicio prolongado.

Kid Cudi Gotta Cancel My Tour ... Long Recovery After Foot Surgery!!!

Kid Cudi won't be raging around the globe anytime soon ... his recently broken foot will require surgery and a recovery time that will keep him from touring, this according to him.

Cudi broke the news to fans on Wednesday -- saying that his Insano: Engage the Rage World Tour was canceled for good as he prepared to go under the knife.

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X/@joshieswrldd, TikTok/@staygroundead

He promised to revamp the tour once he returns back to health but is unsure when that will be ... apparently, the injury is more severe than he first thought.


Escaped military horses wreaked havoc through the London streets during morning rush hour ... causing injuries and leaving a bloody trail of destruction in their wake.

The pics are quite the wild sight ... 5 horses from the Life Guards, part of the prestigious Household Cavalry, tore through the streets Wednesday morning, and one white horse even seemed to be drenched in blood -- whether its own or someone else's is unclear.

The British army confirmed in a statement the frenzied gallop started when the horses were spooked during an extended exercise.