PORN STAR EMILY WILLIS Positive Signs of Recovery After Cardiac Arrest

Emily Willis is slowly -- and her family hopes, surely -- on the road to recovery after a cardiac arrest last month left her unconscious and hospitalized in critical condition.

The 25-year-old adult film star's father, Michael, tells TMZ ... while she remains in a vegetative state, there have been notable improvements -- mainly, she's now awake and able to track things with her eyes, smile, and even become emotional during conversations.

Sadly, Michael says doctors aren't anticipating further improvement beyond what she's already achieved.


Emily Willis se está recuperando después de un paro cardíaco que el mes pasado que la dejó inconsciente y hospitalizada en estado crítico.

El padre de la estrella de cine para adultos de 25 años de edad -Michael- le dice a TMZ que ha habido mejoras notables mientras permanece en estado vegetativo. Ahora está despierta y es capaz de seguir las cosas con los ojos, sonreír, e incluso emocionarse durante las conversaciones.

Lamentablemente, Michael dice que los médicos no están anticipando una mejora más allá de lo que ya ha logrado.

Bethenny Frankel Randomly Decked By Man in NYC ... It's Happening All Over!!!

Bethenny Frankel says a man walked up to her in NYC and punched her square in the face ... and, it sounds like this is part of a concerning trend plaguing women in the Big Apple.

Here's the deal ... a fashion student recently posted a video on TikTok where she revealed a man punched her in the face while she walked down the street -- randomly and for no reason.


In the clip, the student says she was just staring at her phone -- minding her own business -- when a dude came up and clocked her -- which she says her friends told her was becoming the norm for a lot of women all over the city.

Vince Young Knocked Out In Wild Bar Fight ... Video Shows


Vince Young was involved in a wild bar fight last month -- one that ended after he was socked in the face and seemingly knocked unconscious.

The fracas -- which went down inside Tokyo Joe's Shot Bar in Houston, Texas at around 9 PM on Feb. 4 -- was all captured on video, obtained by TMZ Sports.

In the footage, you can see Young -- wearing a white hat, black shirt and shorts -- and another man begin arguing with fellow bargoers ... when, suddenly, things turn physical.


momentos de violencia

Vince Young estuvo involucrado en una salvaje pelea de bar el mes pasado, y parece que lo noquearon.

La pelea -que tuvo lugar en el Tokyo Joe's Shot Bar de Houston Texas- sobre las 9 de la noche del 4 de febrero, fue grabada en video y obtenida por TMZ Sports.

Eric Decker Undergoes Vasectomy ... 'I Survived'

Eric Decker just ensured he won't be having any more kids following the birth of his fourth one -- revealing Monday night he had a vasectomy.

The former NFL star had fun while making the announcement ... sharing some photos of him recovering from the procedure while wearing a T-shirt that read, "Vasectomy survivor. I kid you not."

In one of the snaps, he had a bag of frozen peas on his private parts -- while holding what appeared to be a stiff drink in one of his hands.

Yankees' Oscar Gonzalez Fouls Ball Off Face ... Breaks Eye Socket

Yankees outfielder Oscar Gonzalez is currently resting in a hospital -- this after he broke his eye socket in a scary moment during an exhibition game Monday night.

Gonzalez was at the plate in the middle of NY's tilt against the Diablos Rojos del Mexico in Mexico City when he got pitched inside -- and foul tipped the ball right into his face.

Video from the game's broadcast shows the 26-year-old crumpled in pain immediately ... as trainers raced out to the field to tend to him.

Andre Lima 'Feels Bad' Igor Severino Was Fired For Biting Him During Fight

'I Feel Bad!!!'

UFC flyweight Andre Lima got bitten, and he's got the marks to prove it ... but believe it or not, the undefeated MMA fighter says he feels bad for the guy who went all Iron Mike on his arm during the Fight Night scrap!

"I feel so sorry, to be honest," Lima told TMZ Sports on Monday. "I'm sad for him because he came from the same thing, the struggle like I did. He has a family ... bright future."

"I feel so much for him because I know the same journey I have, he has too. I feel bad for him."

If you didn't catch it, 20-year-old Igor Severino, who was 8-0 and making his UFC debut, squared off against 8-0 Lima in Las Vegas when things took a wild turn. About halfway through round 2, Igor latched onto the inside of Andre's arm, near his bicep, prompting a scream from Lima.

Severino was disqualified for the bite -- his first loss -- and Dana White cut him shortly after the DQ. In the thousands of fights in UFC history, this was a first.

But, it's not all terrible news ... Lima, who actually got a tattoo of the bite after the fight, says he's down to rematch Igor, IF he gets back into the UFC -- but that's probably wishful thinking.


Lima also got a $50k bonus from Dana ... for going through what he did (as well as the awesome tattoo). We asked him what he was going to do with the cash.

"I wanna help my mom, a few people in my family," Lima said, adding ... "I wanna buy a car. That's one thing I've wanted for a long time and now I can buy my car."

Lima also wants UFC fans to take him seriously ... and doesn't want to only be known as the guy who was bitten during a fight.

"I wanna become a world champion. I wanna get back there and show them my skills. That's how I wanna be remembered," Lima said.

Ryan Garcia Fake Boobs And Butts For All!!! ... Offering Free Procedures

Ryan Garcia's bizarre social media activity continues ... this time, the boxing superstar claims he's handing out plastic surgery procedures like candy -- including boob jobs and Brazilian butt lifts.

King Ryan made the odd proclamation on his X account Monday morning ... saying he wants to show his support for women by helping them fulfill their cosmetic desires.

"I'm giving out free BBL's and Boob jobs hit me up," Garcia said. "No weird stuff just out here supporting."

Garcia insisted the gesture is not to throw shade at anyone ... adding, "No disrespect either I respect all woman. I love and support all woman in the world."

The 25-year-old explained his decision to help out ... saying he's been getting blown up with requests in the DMs and wanted to go "full support mode."

Garcia ended his post with another weird statement -- "RG FOR PRESIDENT" -- although the guy has a bit of aging to do before he can actually set his sights on the Oval Office.

As we previously reported, Garcia swore off any non-sports social media content prior to his April 20 fight against Devin Haney ... but that promise was short-lived.


No word on whether anyone will take Garcia up on his offer ... but we take it his DMs are a popular place at the moment.

Muay Thai Fighter Schnozz Gets Jacked Up In Fight

Quite possibly one of the grossest injuries in combat sports history went down over the weekend ... when a Muay Thai fighter had his nose completely wrecked during a bout -- and yeah, the video is disgusting.

The gruesome incident went down between Por Tor Thor Petchrungruang and Shayan Heydari in Thailand ... when the latter was rocked with a vicious uppercut in the second round of the contest.

Heydari's nose practically went sideways ... and it was immediately clear the thing was broken.

Nicki Minaj & Kenneth Petty On the Hook for $500k ... Over Security Guard Suit

Nicki Minaj and Kenneth Petty were accused of ambushing a security guard with violence a couple years back -- and it appears they ignored his lawsuit ... 'cause they now owe money.

The rapper and her husband had a default judgment entered against them Friday in L.A. County Superior Court -- this after a judge says they failed to respond to the lawsuit.

As a result, Nicki and Kenneth now have to pay up -- in the amount of $503,318.02.

We broke the story ... Nicki and Kenneth were sued by a guy named Thomas Weidenmuller -- who alleged Petty and Minaj roughed him up in 2019 at a concert she did in Germany.

At the time, Weidenmuller claimed Nicki had berated one of his security guards working under him, and he says he went to her to address it -- at which point, he alleged she threw a shoe at him. He says he dodged it -- however, the guy alleged Kenneth was waiting in the wings.

Weidenmuller claimed Kenneth socked him in the face and broke his jaw ... and he alleged he had 8 different surgeries to fix the damage. He sued in 2022 for hefty medical bills.

We've reached out to Nicki's camp ... so far, no word back.

Tiroteo en Moscú Más de 40 personas habrían muerto, 100 heridos...

Brutal registro

Un aterrador video de un tremendo tiroteo en Rusia se ha vuelto viral en las redes y muestras algunas dramáticas escenas del ataque que ha dejado decenas de muertos y muchos más heridos.

El registro del triste incidente del viernes en el Crocus City Hall, un enorme lugar de conciertos a las afueras de Moscú, capta el sonido de los disparos que resuenan en el lugar.

Otro video muestra a gente tirándose al suelo y acurrucándose detrás de las sillas del vestíbulo mientras el sonido de los disparos reverbera por toda la sala.

Y lo que es peor, a continuación se declara un gran incendio en el edificio, que es fácil de ver desde los alrededores, y según muestra el video grabado desde el exterior del edificio, las llamas parecieron arder con fuerza durante un rato. Los informes dicen se lanzaron bombas y granadas en medio de este baño de sangre.

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En llamas

El Servicio Federal de Seguridad de Rusia -la organización del país encargada de la seguridad interior- afirma que más de 40 personas murieron en el atentado y más de 100 resultaron heridas.

Associated Press, citando a medios de comunicación rusos, informa que varios hombres armados entraron al edificio y lanzaron explosivos, lo que provocó el incendio. Al parecer, los hombres que entraron en la sala estaban vestidos de faena y empezaron a disparar contra la multitud que asistía a ver a Picnic, un popular grupo de rock. El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia ha calificado el atentado de terrorista.

Al parecer, algunos videos muestran hasta cuatro hombres armados disparando a quemarropa y parece que la policía detuvo al menos a un posible sospechoso, que fue visto palpando a un hombre en el video con las manos sobre un vehículo.

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En custodia

Por cierto, parece que EE.UU. y otras grandes potencias occidentales podrían haber previsto esto, pues habían compartido advertencias con sus ciudadanos en las últimas semanas, llamándolos a permanecer lejos de las zonas concurridas de Moscú.

Aún no está claro si este ataque fue provocado por motivos políticos, pero las autoridades estatales lo están investigando como un acto terrorista.

Moscow Shooting 40+ Reportedly Dead, 100 Injured ... Music Venue Set Ablaze

Horrifying Footage

Terrifying video from a mass shooting in Russia is going viral online ... and, it paints a dramatic picture of the devastating attack that's left dozens dead and many more injured.

Footage from the chaotic scene Friday at Crocus City Hall -- a huge concert venue on the outskirts of Moscow -- captures the sound of gunshots echoing throughout the cavernous venue.

Another clip shows people hitting the floor, huddling behind chairs in the hall as the sound of gunshots reverberates around the room.

Even worse, a huge fire was ignited at the building -- easy to see from all around the venue -- and the flames themselves seemed to burn strong for a while based on video shot from outside the building. Reports say grenades and or bombs were set off in this bloodbath.

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Russia’s Federal Security Service -- the country's organization in charge of domestic security -- says more than 40 people were killed in the attack and more than 100 were injured.

The Associated Press -- citing Russian news outlets -- reports several gunmen entered the building and threw explosives, causing the fire to break out. Men in fatigues reportedly entered the hall and began firing on the crowd in attendance to see Picnic, a popular rock band. Russia's foreign ministry is calling this a terroristic attack.

Some videos reportedly show as many as four gunmen shooting people at point-blank range ... and it appears police detained at least one potential suspect -- seen on video patting down a man with his hands on the side of a vehicle.

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BTW ... it seems the U.S. and other major Western powers might've seen this coming -- with warnings to their citizens being issued in recent weeks to stay away from crowded areas in Moscow.

It's not yet clear if this attack was sparked by any political motives ... but, state authorities are investigating it as an act of terror.

Psychiatrist Dr. Charles Sophy Kate Should Be Honest with Kids ... Over Cancer Diagnosis

Kate Middleton should be open and honest with her kids about her cancer diagnosis -- 'cause that'll be the best way for them to deal with it ... per a prominent expert in the field.

We spoke with Dr. Charles Sophy on "TMZ Live" Friday just minutes after the Princess of Wales revealed to the world she's dealing with cancer -- and he weighed in on how she and Prince William's children might be processing this heavy news about their mom.


Sophy -- a renowned child and family psychiatrist -- says lots of communication with the children, even about adult matters, is the best route to help them understand what's going on  ... and so is listening, as kids will ask the questions they want and need answers to.

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X / @KensingtonRoyal

Dr. Sophy says the Royal Couple needs to be transparent with their children -- 10-year-old George, 8-year-old Charlotte, and 5-year-old Louis -- and address the physical changes Kate may go through early on so the little ones aren't taken aback by things that may come.

On the issue of talking about really hard questions regarding the serious nature of the disease and how Kate's feeling throughout ... Sophy advises William and Kate to leave answers open-ended -- not promising a miraculous recovery, while also trying not to alarm the kids at the same time. He says it's a fine line ... one Will and Kate will have to walk together.

Since the young Royals are of different ages, some may question whether giving them varying levels of information is the right way to go ... but Sophy says no. He thinks William and Kate should give them all the same general information and let them process it how they need to.

Of course, Prince William will also be dealing with his own emotions following his wife's diagnosis ... and Sophy thinks it may bring up old emotions and trauma regarding the death of another famous Royal -- his mother, Princess Diana. Sophy says Will has to find the balance to weather his family through this storm.

Kate says she and her husband have already filled their children in on what's going on -- and that she's needed time out of the spotlight to do so correctly and with care.

Unclear how those convos have gone, but Sophy's advice is clear ... lead with the truth.

White House Press Secretary Wishing Kate Full Recovery ... Won't Say If Biden Called

sending well-wishes
The White House

Kate Middleton's cancer diagnosis is on President Biden's radar ... as the White House Press Secretary addressed the news minutes after it broke.

Karine Jean-Pierre kicked off her daily briefing Friday by acknowledging the White House heard the news out of Kensington Palace, and said their thoughts were with the Duchess of Cambridge, along with Prince William and the rest of the Royal Family

KJP wished Kate a full recovery, and then said she and the rest of the administration want to respect her privacy, and wouldn't comment further on the matter.

Jean-Pierre added that she wouldn't answer questions about whether the prez had spoken with any member of the Royal Family -- wisely anticipating what was coming next from the press corps -- and then moved on to other business.

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X / @KensingtonRoyal

It seems the news caught the White House about as off-guard as the rest of the world ... the Royal Family made no indication of Kate's health until she posted the video this morning at 11 AM PT telling the world about her diagnosis.

As we reported, Kate had abdominal surgery back in January, and she says tests run after the surgery showed cancer had been present. She started a round of preventative chemotherapy and only recently resurfaced in public.

President Biden has a close relationship with King Charles -- discussing climate change last summer on JB's first visit to the UK after Charles was crowned King, and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden actually met Kate while attending Charles' Coronation in May 2023.

So ya gotta imagine, if he hasn't already called, he will soon ... to offer well wishes.

Kate Middleton Doc Lays Out How Cancer Diagnosis Likely Unfolded ... All Clues Add Up to This


Kate Middleton didn't disclose what type of cancer she's battling -- but one doctor who specializes in this field says he has a good idea of what it could be ... and how it was found.

Dr. George Crawford -- a general surgeon who focuses on bariatric, colon and minimally invasive procedures in the operating room -- joined "TMZ Live" Friday to discuss the Princess of Wales' announcement ... where she said cancer was found in the aftermath her abdominal surgery.

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X / @KensingtonRoyal

While Kate didn't get into the details of the exact type of cancer that was found -- Dr. Crawford tells us that, in his professional opinion, it could likely be one of two.

Crawford says that based on Kate's age and other factors ... he speculates that doctors might've discovered either ovarian or uterine cancer -- that's his best guess anyway.

He's not suggesting he knows her exact diagnosis for certain, but Dr. Crawford says his personal experience leads him to land on these two possibilities -- and he even gets into how exactly this may have unfolded.

Dr. Crawford says it's possible that the medical team found something alarming in the middle of the procedure and probably had a biopsy run on it right then and there. Of course, Kate says cancer was discovered after her surgery -- but Dr. Crawford says it's not uncommon to get an answer back fairly quickly ... which can change the course of an entire operation.

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TMZ / The Sun

He also weighs in on the fact Kate says she just recently started preventative chemo -- which Dr. Crawford says makes sense, seeing how much recovery time is needed for an invasive surgery like the one she seems to have undergone ... and how heavy chemo is on the body.

Kate says she's needed time to recover -- as well as time to address this serious matter with her three young children. The upside ... she says she's getting stronger each day, which sounds promising.

The announcement should hopefully end all the gossip that has poured out of this saga for the past several weeks ... because it's clear, she's dealing with something incredibly urgent.

Of course, best wishes to the Princess.