Cara Delevingne Addresses Fire at Home ... Clarifies Cats Are Alive!!!


12:31 PM PT -- Cara Delevingne has addressed the fire at her home, but she worried a lot of people by insinuating that her cats had died in the blaze ... something she's now clarified as not being the case.

At first, Cara posted a photo of two Persian kitties of hers with the caption ... "My heart if broken today ... I cannot believe it. Life can change in a blink of an eye. So cherish what you have."

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Instagram / @caradelevingne

She then posted B-roll footage that was taken at her property and sent to her, and another message that read, "Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the firefighters and people that have showed up to help."

Of course, her cat post startled many ... leading them to believe her pets had perished in the fire. But, Cara has set the record straight.

She posted a second photo of the cats, and wrote ... "They are alive!! Thank you to the firefighters." Phew!

8:48 AM PT -- Harrowing video of Cara Delevingne's Hollywood Hills mansion, shot this morning, shows just how catastrophic the fire was. You can still see smoke embers rising from the home.

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Cara Delevingne's Los Angeles-area home caught on fire this week in the dead of night -- and it turned out to be a massive blaze that required the cavalry to be called in.

The model's massive property in Studio City was ablaze early Friday morning -- around 3:52 AM, we're told -- which required a massive response from the fire department ... with firefighters rushing in with hoses to put out flames that had overtaken much of the home.

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Traffic News Los Angeles

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... a 911 call for a fire first came in around 3:57 AM PST, and when the fire crews showed up, we're told they came to realize that a backroom of some sort on the property caught on fire -- although it's unclear what the cause is for now.

In any case, this was a big one ... we're told the fire spread up into the attic and our sources say part of the roof even collapsed. We're told it took firefighters upwards of 2 hours to get it contained and fully put it out. Not just that, but our sources say some injuries occurred.

We're told one firefighter fell off a ladder trying to put out the blaze and was hurt -- although it's unclear to what extent -- and our sources say an occupant at the home was treated for smoke inhalation as well.

We know Cara was not on the scene ... she's in England right now, and was photographed out and about on Thursday. Cara's been performing there at the Playhouse Theatre all week.

We can't understate how big of a fire this was, as it required a huge response. In total ... we're told 94 total firefighters showed up to fight the blaze in 13 different engines that arrived on the scene. Our sources say 4 ambulances were also sent to the property.

It goes without saying, Cara's home here is a beaut and was actually featured in an Architectural Digest spread in 2021 -- where she and and her sister gave a tour of the grounds, including their remodel of the inside. It's a 4-bed, 6-bath home that's over 8,000 sq. feet.

It includes just about all the bells and whistles of luxury in Los Angeles.

Interesting tidbit -- this home was originally built in 1941 for a famous family ... the Von der Ahes, the founders of the Vons supermarket chain. So yeah, there's history for this house.

We've reached out to her camp ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 7:09 AM PT

Meghan King Defends Olivia Rodrigo's Plan B Handouts ... Good For Her!!!


Meghan King isn't losing sleep after taking her daughter to an Olivia Rodrigo concert where condoms and Plan B were being handed out ... instead, she's applauding the young pop star.

The "Real Housewives of Orange County" alum says she took her 7-year-old daughter Aspen to the St. Louis stop of the "GUTS" world tour, and saw firsthand how Olivia's doling out contraception to her fans.

As Meghan puts it ... the free condoms and Plan B weren't even very noticeable during the event. In fact, she says she only noticed the contraception table because "vote" stickers were being handed out there, too.

Since Aspen is still more than 10 years from being able to vote, Meghan says they walked away without taking a closer look.

However, she realized after the concert more than just stickers were being offered up, but it could've easily flown under the radar for most folks -- Meghan says the Plan B was being handed out under the codename "Julie."


She admits the situation was a little "jarring" for her, mostly because her daughter is so young ... but she also doesn't think parents should be angry over the free contraception.

Meghan even goes as far as calling Olivia's critics ignorant and hypocritical.

She defends that if Justin Bieber was doing something similar with condoms, the singer wouldn't likely face the same backlash -- hinting misogyny might be fueling the pushback against Olivia.

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Meghan understands OR's mission ... calling out how kids are growing up faster than ever and emphasizing the need for sex education.


She does have one recommendation for the singer -- handing out items promoting reproductive health might be more useful for her younger fans.

Still, overall, Meghan applauds Olivia for supporting women's reproductive rights -- and suggests if anyone has a problem with it, they can simply skip the "GUTS" tour.

Meghan King Defiende a Olivia Rodrigo por repartir sus Plan B ... Bien por ella!!!

Los anticonceptivos no eran tan obvios

A Meghan King no le quita el sueño que Olivia Rodrigo haya repartido condones y cajitas de Plan B en un concierto al que llevó a su hija, en cambio, la personalidad televisiva está aplaudiendo a la joven estrella del pop.

La ex participante de "Real Housewives of Orange County" dice que llevó a su hija Aspen, de 7 años, al concierto de Rodrigo en St. Louis, una de las paradas de su gira mundial "GUTS", y vio de primera mano cómo Olivia estaba repartiendo anticonceptivos a sus fans.

Como dice Meghan, los condones gratis y las cajas Plan B ni siquiera se notaron mucho durante el evento. De hecho, dice que solo se dio cuenta de la mesa de anticonceptivos porque se estaban entregando pegatinas de "votar" allí también.

Como a Aspen le faltan más de 10 años para votar, Meghan dice que se alejaron sin mirar.

Sin embargo, después del concierto se dio cuenta de que estaban ofreciendo algo más que pegatinas, pero dice que podría haber pasado fácilmente desapercibido para la mayoría de la gente. Meghan añade que el Plan B estaba siendo repartido bajo el nombre "Julie".

Hay mucho doble estándar

Ella admite que la situación fue un poco "discordante" para ella, sobre todo porque su hija es tan pequeña, pero no cree que los padres deban molestarse por estos anticonceptivos gratuitos.

Meghan incluso llama a los críticos de Olivia como ignorantes e hipócritas.

Dice que si Justin Bieber estuviera haciendo algo parecido con los preservativos, probablemente el cantante no estaría causando las mismas reacciones, insinuando que la misoginia podría estar alimentando la reacción en contra de Olivia.

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Apoyando los derechos reproductivos

Meghan entiende la misión de la superestrella del pop, que solo pone de manifiesto lo rápido que están creciendo los niños ahora y la necesidad de que reciban educación sexual.

Y tiene una recomendación para la cantante, que la entrega de artículos para promover la salud menstrual podría ser más útil para sus fans más jóvenes.

Sin embargo, en general, Meghan aplaude a Olivia por apoyar los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres y sugiere que si alguien tiene un problema con ello, simplemente puede saltarse la gira "GUTS".


buenas noticias

La leyenda de la UFC Mark Coleman está respirando por sí mismo y hablando con su familia, pocos días después de que fue trasladado a un hospital con lesiones potencialmente mortales sufridas mientras rescataba a sus padres de un incendio en su casa.

La hija de Coleman, Kenzie, compartió un emotivo clip en el Instagram de Mark, solo dos días y medio después de que el luchador inhalara humo mientras salvaba a sus padres de un terrible incendio.

"Tuve que tomar una decisión", dijo Coleman, sobre el incendio de la casa desde su cama de hospital. "¡Fue horrible! No podía respirar".

"Soy el hombre más feliz del mundo. ¡Juro por Dios que soy tan afortunado! No puedo creer que mis padres estén vivos".

Por desgracia, su perro, Hammer, falleció, y Coleman -que se retiró de las MMA en 2013- está completamente devastado.

"¡No podía encontrar a Hammer!", dijo Coleman mientras lloraba con su familia.

Se creó un GoFundMe para los seres queridos de Coleman, ya que sus hijas tomarán tiempo libre del trabajo para ayudarlo durante su recuperación. Hasta el jueves, se habían recaudado más de 68.000 dólares.

¡Mejórate, Mark!

UFC's Mark Coleman Conscious, Responsive ... After Saving Parents From House Fire


UFC legend Mark Coleman is breathing on his own and talking to his family ... just days after he was airlifted to a hospital with life-threatening injuries sustained while rescuing his parents from a house fire.

Coleman's daughter, Kenzie, shared an emotional clip on Mark's Instagram ... just 2.5 days after the MMA great suffered smoke inhalation while saving his mom and dad from a giant blaze.

"I had to make a decision," Coleman said about the house fire from his hospital bed, "It was already horrible! I couldn't breathe!"

"I'm the happiest man in the world. I swear to God I'm so lucky! I can't believe my parents are alive!"

Unfortunately, his dog, Hammer, passed away ... and Coleman -- who retired from MMA in 2013 -- is completely devastated.

"I couldn't find Hammer!" Coleman said as he cried with his family.

A GoFundMe was set up for Coleman's loved ones as his daughters will take time off work to help him during his recovery. As of Thursday, over $68K was raised.

Get well, Mark!


Christie Brinkley says she was diagnosed with a form of skin cancer, which docs detected early -- and they got it out of her too ... something she documented with graphic pics.

The former model shared some behind-the-scenes images of her health journey Wednesday -- posting photos of her in recovery after a procedure she underwent to remove basal cell Carcinoma ... which she says she's lucky to have had removed quickly.

Christie writes, "Doctors that removed the cancer and stitched me up to perfection like an haute couture Dior. The good news for you is that all of this can be avoided by being diligent with your sun protection!"

She goes on to say ... "I was lucky to find mine, because I was accompanying one of my daughters to HER check up.. The Doctor was looking at each freckle with a magnifying glass… it wasn’t my appointment so I wasn’t going to say anything but at the VERY end I asked if he could just look at a little tiny dot I could feel as I applied my foundation."

Christie says the doctor then suspected something was amiss with what she was showing and ordered a biopsy, and the next thing you know ... cancerous cells were discovered.

Like we said ... Christie posted photos of having the cancer removed from near her temple -- and let's just say they're very detailed and gory. So, not for the faint of heart.

FYI, an estimated 3.6 million cases of basal cell carcinoma are diagnosed each year, according to the Skin Care Foundation ... but the good news is that the cancer is curable if detected and treated early.

Glad Christie's doing well now!

Missouri Teen Suffered Brain Damage After Brawl ... Family Starts GoFundMe

The Missouri teen who got her head slammed into the ground during a fight has suffered severe brain damage -- and now, her family is asking for help.

The 15-year-old's loved ones have started a GoFundMe for her, and they've revealed her name as Kaylee ... with them noting that she's battling for her life as she remains hospitalized in critical condition following last week's incident.

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According to the GFM -- which is aiming to raise $120,000 to help cover her mounting medical costs -- the brawl left Kaylee with major brain bleeding and swelling.

They also say she suffered a skull fracture and frontal lobe damage as well -- noting she's just at the start of what they consider to be an uphill battle of recovery.

Her family doesn't explicitly say it ... but it sounds like she might not be conscious.

Remember, Kaylee was seen alone and convulsing on the ground as the scuffle continued to play out around her -- which included several other teens throwing punches at one another. According to her family ... EMTs eventually arrived on the scene and rushed Kaylee to a local hospital in St. Louis, but it seems like the damage might've already been done by then.

As we reported ... the teen girl who assaulted Kaylee was arrested on a first-degree felony charge -- but the case is currently being handled by the juvenile court system due to the perpetrator's age.

However, we've learned she could be tried as an adult ... depending on how a court hearing plays out in a couple weeks. If Kaylee's condition worsens, it could spell bad news for the culprit in question too.

Stay tuned ...


Christie Brinkley dice que fue diagnosticada con una forma de cáncer de piel, por suerte los médicos lo detectaron a tiempo para extraerlo.

La ex modelo compartió algunas imágenes el miércoles. La publicación la muestra en plena recuperación después de un procedimiento al que se sometió para eliminar el carcinoma de células basales, el cual dice que tiene suerte de haber eliminado rápidamente.

Christie escribe: "Los médicos extirparon el cáncer y me cosieron a la perfección como un Dior de alta costura. La buena noticia para usted es que todo esto se puede evitar siendo responsable con el protector solar!".

Ella continúa diciendo: "Tuve suerte, porque estaba acompañando a una de mis hijas a su chequeo... El doctor estaba mirando cada peca con una lupa... no era mi cita, así que no iba a decir nada, pero al final le pregunté si podía mirar un pequeño punto que podía sentir mientras me aplicaba la base de maquillaje".

Christie dice que el médico entonces sospechaba que algo estaba mal con lo que estaba mostrando y ordenó una biopsia... resulta que descubrieron las células cancerosas.

Como dijimos, Christie publicó fotos de la extirpación del cáncer cerca de su sien... y son muy detalladas y sangrientas, por lo tanto, no son aptas para los débiles de corazón.

Para su información, un estimado de 3.6 millones de casos de carcinoma de células basales se diagnostican cada año según la Fundación de Cuidado de la Piel, pero la buena noticia es que el cáncer es curable si se detecta y se trata a tiempo.

Nos alegra de que Christie esté bien.

Adolescente en Missouri Sufre daños cerebrales tras una pelea ... La familia empieza un GoFundMe

La adolescente de Missouri que se golpeó la cabeza contra el suelo durante una pelea ha sufrido graves daños cerebrales y ahora su familia está pidiendo ayuda.

Los seres queridos de la chica de 15 años comenzaron un GoFundMe para ella y han revelado su nombre como el de Kaylee, señalando que está luchando por su vida y que permanece hospitalizada y en estado crítico tras el incidente de la semana pasada.

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El brutal ataque

De acuerdo con el GoFundMe, que tiene como objetivo recaudar $100.000 para ayudar a cubrir sus crecientes gastos médicos, la pelea dejó a Kaylee con una hemorragia cerebral importante e hinchazón.

También dicen que sufrió una fractura de cráneo y daños en el lóbulo frontal, dando a entender que este es solo el comienzo de lo que podría ser una batalla cuesta arriba para su completa recuperación.

Su familia no lo dice explícitamente, pero parece que podría no estar consciente.

Recuerden, Kaylee fue vista sola y convulsionando en el suelo mientras la refriega continuaba a su alrededor, la que incluyó a varios otros adolescentes lanzándose golpes entre sí. Según su familia, los paramédicos finalmente llegaron a la escena y se apresuraron en llevar a Kaylee a un hospital local en St. Louis, pero parece que el daño podría haber estado hecho para entonces.

Como informamos, la adolescente que asaltó a Kaylee fue detenida por un cargo de delito grave en primer grado, pero el caso está siendo manejado por el sistema de tribunales de menores debido a la edad del autor.

Sin embargo, hemos averiguado que ella podría ser juzgada como un adulto, dependiendo de cómo se desarrolle una audiencia en la corte en un par de semanas. Si la condición de Kaylee empeora, podría significar malas noticias para quien resulte culpable.

Manténganse en sintonía ...


Las heroicas acciones de Mark Coleman han salido a la luz tras el terrible incendio que calcinó su casa, hiriendo gravemente a la leyenda de la UFC y llevándose trágicamente la vida del cachorro de su familia, Hammer.

Como informamos anteriormente -Coleman de 59 años de edad- se encuentra actualmente en un hospital en Ohio, donde está luchando por su vida como resultado de las lesiones sufridas en el incendio, y ahora tenemos más detalles acerca de lo que Coleman hizo la madrugada del martes.

Coleman -que estaba visitando a sus padres en su casa de la infancia- se despertó alrededor de las 4 AM por su rottweiler -Hammer- cuando el fuego se puso violento, según su hija Morgan.

Mark entró en acción, corriendo inmediatamente hacia mamá y papá y llevándolos a un lugar seguro. Resultaron ilesos.

Sabiendo que Hammer seguía adentro, Coleman volvió corriendo a la casa en llamas para intentar salvar a su querido perro, arriesgando su propia vida.

Trágicamente, Hammer no sobrevivió y la casa se perdió totalmente.

La hija de Mark confirma que fue trasladado por aire a un hospital local donde está recibiendo tratamiento las 24 horas del día.

El amigo de Mark, Wes Sims, proporcionó una actualización médica a última hora, diciendo que Mark "hizo movimientos" en el hospital, aunque está claro que tendrá un largo camino hacia la recuperación y no será barato.

La hija de Mark incluso comenzó un GoFundMe el miércoles para recaudar dinero para los gastos relacionados con el cuidado de su padre, con el objetivo de recaudar $50k.

Es probable que alcanzar esa meta no sea un problema. En solo unas horas ya se han hecho 250 donaciones, por un total de más de 13.000 dólares.

UFC Legend Mark Coleman Risked Life In Attempt To Save Beloved Dog During Massive House Fire

Mark Coleman's heroic actions are coming to light in the wake of the terrible blaze that burned down his home, severely injuring the UFC legend, and tragically taking the life of his family pup, Hammer.

As we previously reported, 59-year-old Coleman is currently in a hospital in Ohio where he's fighting for his life as a result of injuries sustained in the fire ... and now we're learning more about what Coleman did early Tuesday morning.

Coleman, who was visiting his parents at his childhood home, was woken up around 4 AM by his rottweiler Hammer as the fire began to burn, according to his daughter Morgan.

Mark sprung into action, immediately rushing to Mom and Dad, and escorting them to safety. They were unharmed.

Knowing Hammer was still inside, Coleman rushed back into the burning house in an attempt to save his beloved dog, risking his own life.

Tragically, Hammer didn't survive ... and the home was totally lost.

Mark's daughter confirms he was airlifted to a local hospital where he is receiving around-the-clock treatment.

MC's friend, Wes Sims, provided a bit of a medical update late last night, saying Mark "made movements" at the hospital ... though it's clear he'll have a long road to recovery, and it won't be cheap.

Mark's daughter even started a GoFundMe on Wednesday to raise money for expenses related to her dad's care ... with a goal of raising $50k.

It's likely meeting that goal won't be a problem. In just a few hours, there have already been 250 donations made, totaling over $13k.

Novo Nordisk Sued Woman Claims ... Ozempic Busts Your Gut, And You Knew!!!

A woman is taking Novo Nordisk to court over what she claims were negative side effects she experienced after using Ozempic ... alleging the company knew it could jack up your gut.

Caren Elosua just filed suit against the pharmaceutical giant, claiming weight loss meds like Ozempic and Wegovy have long been suspected of being capable of causing serious harm based on studies and trials ... especially in a person's stomach and gastrointestinal system.

In her docs, obtained by TMZ, Elosua says that even with this alleged history of side effects in mind ... she was still prescribed Ozempic to combat her type-2 diabetes.

Elosua says she started taking a dose of 1ml of Ozempic injections weekly starting in April 2021, and goes on to say her dosage was increased by her doc to 2ml a couple years later.

However, toward the end of 2023 ... Elosua claims she started to suffer from symptoms like headaches, vomiting, cramping and severe stomach pain -- so she says she went to see a specialist ... who she says did a stomach emptying test on her to see what was up.

As it turns out, she claims this gastroenterologist diagnosed her with gastroparesis -- which means your stomach muscles get super weak and aren't able to properly digest food -- and she alleges that a second doctor confirmed this diagnosis.

She says her last Ozempic shot was around late January -- but by then, she claims the damage had been done ... alleging she had to be hospitalized due to the constant pain she was experiencing, which she claims has seriously torn up her abdominal area.

Elosua claims Novo Nordisk -- the company behind Ozempic -- knew this miracle drug could screw people up inside, but they cranked it out anyway and made a fortune ... with her claiming it came at the health expense of her and possibly others.

Now, she's seeking major damages. We reached out to Novo Nordisk ... no word back yet.

UFC Legend Mark Coleman Hospitalized ... After Saving Parents From House Fire

Mark Coleman is retired, but he's not done fighting ... the UFC legend was airlifted to a local hospital after sustaining injuries while rescuing his mom and dad from a raging house fire.

59-year-old Coleman, one of the MMA promotion's earliest stars who beat legends like Stephan Bonnar, Don Frye, and Dan Severn, played hero Tuesday morning in Toledo, OH, when his parents and dog Hammer were trapped in an inferno.

Mark was able to get his mother and father out of the burning house and to a safe area before returning for his pup. Tragically, the dog didn't make it, according to the local fire department chief.

As tragic as it was, it could've been much worse ... the chief told reporters the roof of the structure collapsed shortly after firefighters entered the premises.

Although mom, dad, and Mark got out, the UFC Hall of Famer was in such rough shape that he had to be airlifted to a hospital, according to MC's good buddy, Wes Sims.

Sims added that Coleman was intubated and sedated, but provided no further update on his friend's condition.

The cause of the fire isn't yet known.

It's clear Mark has a close relationship with his mom, Connie. On Mother's Day in 2022, he posted a photo with her, along with a sweet caption.

"You are my favorite thank you for everything u are my inspiration. I love u so much."

Wes ended his health update like this ... "I swear to GOD-he’s one of the toughest individual ever created, been thru so much a Movie at this point could not give his life work Justice! Please 🙏 and Share! Life is Precious!"

Get better soon!

'Black-ish' Star Jenifer Lewis Suffered Massive Fall in Africa ... Thought She Would Die

Jenifer Lewis fell from a balcony while vacationing in Africa a couple years back -- and she says the horrific experience nearly took her life ... part of which was caught on video.

The "Black-ish" star recounted this awful story to Robin Roberts on 'GMA' Tuesday ... and yes, it's terrible as it sounds -- as JL says she practically died from this accident -- which happened while she was in Serengeti ... this after traveling to Cape Town and Rwanda.

This all happened in late 2022, after Jen had wrapped production on Season 8 of her hit show ... and she was doing a little traveling with friends. She says things were looking up.

Anyway, when she got to Serengeti ... Jenifer says she checked into a hotel -- one she didn't get a tour for, she notes -- and that's when this nightmare unfolded. As she was in her room at night, Jen says she saw an infinity pool right outside on her own deck.

She thought she could just access it directly from the balcony -- but because it was so dark ... she didn't see that there was a massive gap, through which she fell a whopping 10 feet.

Jenifer says there was no warning sign that someone could fall there -- and goes on to describe the excruciating pain she felt ... once the initial shock wore off, of course.

She says ... "My right hip took the impact. My shoulder went up against the stone. A lightning bolt went through my mind's eye. In pitch black, I didn't know I was falling. nothing would move."

Jenifer continues ... "So I laid there and said, 'Move your body, baby. Come on Jenny, move your body.'" Eventually, people came to her aid -- but she was still in danger ... because there were wild animals roaming about, including a Cape buffalo that got very close.

Jenifer says she's spent the better part of the past year recovering from her injury -- and now, she's ready to talk about it. The full 'GMA' interview is now streaming on Hulu.

Estrella de "Star Wars" Jake Lloyd Ingresó a rehabilitación hace 10 meses ... Por brote sicótico

La estrella infantil de "Star Wars" Jake Lloyd ha estado recibiendo tratamiento en un centro de salud mental los últimos 10 meses, según revela su madre.

Lisa Lloyd dice que su hijo, famoso por interpretar al joven Anakin Skywalker en el "Episodio I: La Amenaza Fantasma" de 1999, comenzó su programa de hospitalización en marzo de 2023. Le dijo a Scripps News el lunes que Jake experimentó un brote psicótico mientras conducían a casa después de hacer una parada en McDonald's.

Lisa relató que Jake, ahora de 35 años, quiso apagar el carro en un momento dado e inquietantemente lo hizo mientras estaban en medio de tres carriles de tránsito, lo que dio lugar a un tumultuoso intercambio de gritos y gritos entre Jake y ella.

El incidente provocó un gran atasco, lo que llevó a otros conductores a llamar al 911. Cuando los policías llegaron a la escena le preguntaron un montón de cosas a Jake para obtener detalles del incidente.

Sin embargo, Lisa dice que Jake fue incapaz de responder coherentemente a las preguntas de los oficiales y las describió como una "ensalada de palabras". Escuchar un discurso incoherente a menudo se asocia a condiciones como la esquizofrenia, condición con la que Jake fue diagnosticado en 2008.

Jake fue ingresado en el hospital ese mismo día y más tarde entró al centro de rehabilitación para una estancia prolongada de 18 meses para intentar lidiar con sus demonios.

Afortunadamente, hay buenas noticias respecto a su progreso. Lisa dice que está muy bien y que incluso ha superado sus expectativas en lo relativo a relacionarse con otras personas y ser un poco más sociable.

Se acordarán de que Jake se ha enfrentado a varios desafíos a lo largo de su vida. En junio de 2015, fue arrestado, pasó 10 meses en prisión y más tarde buscó ayuda psiquiátrica después de una persecución a través del condado que terminó con él estrellando un carro.


'Star Wars' child star Jake Lloyd has been receiving treatment at a mental health facility for the past 10 months ... according to his mother.

Lisa Lloyd says her son -- famous for playing young Anakin Skywalker in 1999's "Episode I: The Phantom Menace" -- began his inpatient program in March 2023. She told Scripps News Monday, he'd been experiencing a psychotic break while they were driving home after making a McDonald's run.

Lisa recounted how Jake, now 35, expressed a desire to turn off the car, and unsettlingly, proceeded to carry out the act while they were in the middle of 3 lanes of traffic ... leading to a tumultuous exchange of yelling and screaming between Jake and her.

The incident caused a major traffic jam, prompting other drivers to call 911, and when cops arrived on the scene, they asked Jake a bunch of questions to get deets surrounding the incident.

However, Lisa says Jake was unable to make sense of the officers' questions ... describing them as a "word salad." Hearing a jumble of incoherent speech is often associated with conditions like schizophrenia, which Jake was diagnosed with back in 2008.

Jake was admitted to the hospital that day ... and later entered the rehab facility for an extended 18-month stay to battle his demons.

Thankfully, there's good news regarding his progress -- Lisa says he's doing great, even exceeding her expectations by relating to people better and becoming a bit more social.

You'll remember ... Jake's faced his fair share of challenges over the years. In June 2015, he was arrested, spent 10 months in prison, and later sought psychiatric help following a cross-county chase that ended with him crashing the car.