Pasajero del Boeing 787 de Latam La caída fue como estar en el "exorcista" Muestra sus heridas

No era una película

Un pasajero a bordo del Boeing 787 de Latam Airlines, que sufrió una caída en el transcurso del vuelo y se dirigía de Australia a Nueva Zelanda, relató su terrible experiencia y está compartiendo fotos de las lesiones que sufrió la gente también.

Brian Jokat, de 61 años, estuvo en CNN diciendo que se había quedado dormido en el avión cuando despertó y vio cuerpos volando y golpeándose con el techo, una escena que comparó con "El Exorcista" mientras el avión caía alrededor de 500 pies, según él.

Al principio, dice que pensó que era un sueño, pero entonces un pasajero que estaba junto a él cayó desde el techo y se golpeó con su reposabrazos y fue entonces cuando se dio cuenta de que estaba en una pesadilla real.

Después del vuelo, un portavoz de la aerolínea dijo que un problema técnico había causado la caída, pero dejó a todos sin saber lo que realmente pasó. Sin embargo, Brian compartió una idea de lo ocurrido, diciendo a CNN que el piloto reveló que perdió el control de sus instrumentos repentinamente, lo que provocó que todo quedara a oscuras.

Dice que el piloto, que estaba en estado de shock, regresó para chequear cómo estaba todo el mundo y les dijo que había perdido esencialmente el control del jet porque los indicadores se quedaron en blanco. Absolutamente aterrador, sin duda.

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Aterrador vuelo

Al cabo de unos segundos, los indicadores volvieron a su patrón de vuelo normal y el avión aterrizó sin problemas en el aeropuerto de Auckland, para el alivio de Brian. También le dijo a The Post que estaba seguro de que todos iban a caer y se había hecho la idea de que todo estaba fuera de su control.

Por cierto, Brian compartió fotos de las heridas de los pasajeros mientras fueron sacudidos en la cabina y se ven absolutamente brutales, por decir lo menos.

Alrededor de 50 pasajeros fueron atendidos por heridas leves o moderadas, y una persona quedó en estado de gravedad.

Este es solo el último incidente de Boeing en los últimos tiempos: sus aviones han sido objeto de un escrutinio increíble debido a problemas en el aire y doblemente a raíz de la repentina muerte de John Barnett.

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Fuerte caída en la calidad

Recuerden, él estaba en medio de una demanda contra ellos, pero apareció muerto este fin de semana pasado. Estuvo en "TMZ Live" a principios de este año para explicar por qué pensaba que los aviones Boeing no eran seguros. Esto, de acuerdo a sus propias experiencias de trabajo con la empresa, según él dijo.

LATAM BOEING 787 Passenger Says Nosedive Was Like 'Exorcist' ... Shares Photos of Injuries

It's Not A Movie

A passenger onboard the nosediving Boeing flight from Australia to New Zealand has recounted his horrific experience ... and he's shared pics of the injuries people sustained, too.

61-year-old Brian Jokat gave the blow-by-blow to CNN -- saying he'd fallen asleep on the plane only to awaken to see bodies flying past him and hitting the roof ... a scene he likened to "The Exorcist," as the plane dropped around 500 feet on Monday, according to him.

At first, he says he thought it was a dream -- but then a fellow passenger suddenly dropped from the roof, hitting his armrest ... and that's when he realized he was in a living nightmare.

After the flight ... an airline spokesperson said there was a technical issue that had caused the drop, but left everyone in the dark about what it actually was. However, Brian has given insight into what really went down ... telling CNN the pilot revealed he'd lost control of his instruments on a dime, with everything just going dark.

He says the shocked pilot came back to check in on everyone ... telling them he'd essentially lost control of the jet 'cause the gauges went blank on him. Absolutely terrifying, no doubt.

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Frightening Flight

After a few seconds, the gauges returned and reengaged to their normal flight pattern ... with the plane ultimately landing safely at Auckland airport, much to the relief of Brian. He also told The Post he was certain they were all gonna go down and had made peace that it was all out of his control.

BTW, Brian shared pictures of people's injuries as they were being tossed around in the cabin -- and they look absolutely brutal, to say the least.

Roughly 50 passengers were treated for mild to moderate injuries, and one person was in serious condition.

This is just the latest incident with Boeing of late -- their aircrafts have come under incredible scrutiny due to problems in the sky ... and doubly so amid John Barnett's sudden death.

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Remember, he was in the midst of a lawsuit against them ... but turned up dead this past weekend. He came on "TMZ Live" earlier this year to explain why he thought Boeing planes weren't safe, based on what he claims were his own experiences working with the company.

Darryl Strawberry Suffers Heart Attack ... Recovering At Hospital

Darryl Strawberry says he sustained a heart attack on Monday evening -- but, thankfully, medics were able to save his life ... and he's now recovering at a hospital.

The three-time World Series champion explained in a social media post the health scare happened in the St. Louis area.

He didn't go into too much detail about the emergency ... although he did say docs had to bring him "through a stent-procedure" to fix his ticker.

Fortunately, he added the process "brought my heart to total restoration!!!"

"Your prayers are so absolutely appreciated as I continue to recover," he wrote on his Instagram page, "in Jesus Name! #savedbyHisgrace❤️❤️."

Several celebs commented on the post, including Alex Rodriguez, Matt Barnes and Cecil Fielder, showing the ex-baseball star love and gratitude that he's now doing OK.

Straw's got a big few weeks coming up ... Tuesday is actually his 62nd birthday -- and on June 1, he's slated to have his No. 18 retired by the New York Mets.

Get well soon!!!

'OPPENHEIMER' A-Bomb Test Victim Says ... NO ILL FEELINGS Over Oscars Success

"Oppenheimer" making nearly $1 billion, and now winning Best Picture, doesn't mean it's immune to criticism, especially from the real-life people harmed by the atomic testing -- but in the wake of the Oscars, some are willing to forgive ... though, not forget.

Maybe the only bad thing uttered about the Christopher Nolan-directed flick has been that it glosses over the long-lasting radiation exposure and cancer cases generations of New Mexico locals have endured following the July 1945 nuclear bomb test.

Despite the omission, one of those victims, Wesley Burris, tells TMZ he doesn't have any ill will about the film being cemented as "the best" of the year. He says it's unlikely the cast or filmmakers were aware of the victims' backstories ... let alone that there were victims at all, starting nearly 80 years ago.

Remember, the explosive test took place amid thunderstorms over White Sands Missile Range, resulting in toxic debris falling back to Earth in the ensuing rain. It contaminated the landscape, water supplies, the food chain and exposed NM residents to harmful radiation.

Wesley reflected on the event that changed his life when he was just 5 years old. He described the detonation as being so bright, it was like looking at the sun, and the force blew him outta bed.

The medical fallout for his whole family's been devastating -- Wesley got skin cancer, his brother had radiation cancer, his sister had breast cancer and her daughter was born with leukemia. He also had friends who died from cancer they attributed to the atomic test.

Wesley acknowledges the government might not have known what the outcome would be, but failing to inform residents about it ahead of time was messed up.

In fact, he says they were all in the dark about what went down for a while, only to be told years later it was a nuclear test.

As for the movie, he says he paid money to go and watch it and thought it was good. But, he still thinks people should know what really happened in the aftermath, and realize people are still dying from it.

Tina Cordova, co-founder of the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium, joined us last week on "TMZ Live" ... to share how the nuclear testing is still affecting NM families -- including her own who lived 15 miles from the blast.

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Tina's less forgiving than Wesley ... as she believes the literal and figurative fallout was intentionally left out of the film -- just as NM residents were left out of 1990's Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, which provided compensation to residents living near nuclear testing sites. But, only those in Arizona, Utah and Nevada.

So, as "Oppenheimer" is celebrated for its acting, directing and storytelling ... Wesley and Tina agree on one thing -- like thousands of others in New Mexico -- they're waiting on the U.S. government to recognize their struggle.

MISSOURI TEEN Arrested After Slamming Girl's Head on Ground Could be Tried as Adult

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A teenage girl has been arrested after video surfaced showing her pounding another girl's head into the ground during a fight, and we've learned prosecutors may try her as an adult.

The footage is shocking ... you can see 2 teens in the midst of a nasty brawl Friday near Hazelwood High School in Missouri -- with one of the girls gaining ground over the other, grabbing her head and slamming it into the sidewalk repeatedly once she's on top of her.

The girl getting pummeled appears to go unconscious almost instantly ... and other students around continue to scuffle. It looks like the girl on the ground starts to have a seizure too.

The girl whose head was slammed into the ground is reportedly in the hospital in critical condition. And now we're told cops have arrested the girl they believe did it to her on a first-degree felony charge ... and her case is being handled by the St. Louis County court system.

The D.A.'s Office has said the case isn't on their radar just yet ... because the perpetrator is a minor, and her case, for now, is being dealt with in the juvenile court system.

However, a rep for the St. Louis County Courts' 21st Judicial Circuit tells TMZ -- the minor in custody at the moment has a hearing in a couple weeks ... which will decide if she can be tried as an adult. We're told this could all happen by later this month.

We're told there's a lot of moving parts that would go into that decision -- including what ultimately happens to the girl in the hospital -- but if things take a turn for the worse ... this could be a much bigger deal than the charges she's currently facing.

In the meantime, the Hazelwood School District says that bullying and fighting are key community issues that need to be addressed for the sake of local children.

They add, "The Hazelwood School District offers our sincerest condolences to everyone involved, and will offer additional emotional support from our support and crisis team to those in need." No update on how exactly the girl in the hospital is doing.

Rip Micheals Heart Transplant Ready These Jokes Are Keeping Me Alive!!!

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Comedian Rip Micheals is already back on the scene after suffering a life-threatening heart attack a few months ago -- because his condition hasn't affected his funny bone.

We recently linked up with the "Wild 'N Out" vet in NYC coming out of the gym working on his fitness, and confirmed he's currently waiting on a heart transplant as his heart is functioning at 15% ... but Rip assures us he's recovering just nicely!!! 💪🏾

Rip shocked fans last November when he posted alarming photos of himself in the hospital ICU and credits Mayo Clinic for bringing him back to life like "Thriller."

He's not out of the woods yet ... he survived another heart attack in February following his comeback concert at the Apollo Theater and continues to monitor his vitals closely.

Contrary to popular belief, Rip says he suffers from congestive heart failure -- meaning his heart attack was caused by genetics and even had some jokes for his parents for not maximizing their biological options.

His famous comic pals figured laughter was the best medicine also -- Nick Cannon advised Rip to get like him and push out multiple kids -- before things get any worse.

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All jokes aside, Rip is marching on for a good cause. He donated half the proceeds of his last comedy special to the American Heart Association and has even more shows booked for 2024 -- with no shortage of morbid jokes, we're sure.


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Frightening Flight

Passengers on a flight from Australia to New Zealand were being tossed around in a cabin after a technical problem caused the plane to take a brief nosedive -- leaving many injured.

Check it out ... one passenger's doubled over in pain and attended to by others, while another's clutching her head in agony onboard an LATAM Airlines Boeing 787-9 ... a model that's, ironically, called the Dreamliner.

It was certainly a tense moment Monday for everyone on board ... they're all looking around, wide-eyed and scared, not knowing what the heck just happened or if it's gonna happen again.

One passenger said some folks weren't strapped into their seatbelts at the time of the drop ... while another told CNN some people were tossed around so vigorously, the plane's ceiling ended up with blood on it!

Despite all the mid-air chaos, the flight -- which was stopping in New Zealand before heading to its final destination in Santiago, Chile -- managed to land safely at Auckland Airport as planned.

A spokesperson for the airline didn't elaborate on what the tech issue was ... just telling the New Zealand Herald the situation had affected some crew and passengers. Understatement much?

Roughly 50 passengers were treated at the airport for mild to moderate injuries, and one person is in serious condition.

BAM MARGERA Skateboard Wipeout ... Tears MCL, Needs Crutches

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Bam Bangs Knee

Bam Margera took a serious tumble while showing off his skateboarding skills -- and we've got the clip of the exact moment it all went down.

Check it out ... the pro skateboarder whizzes back and forth on the ramps, when suddenly, on one descent, his left leg lags behind ... sending him hurtling towards the ground.

As you can see, the former "Jackass" star's clearly in agony, letting out a loud "F***!" while writhing in pain on the ground. His buddy finds himself in a tough spot here ... watching helplessly, unsure of what to do next or how serious Bam's pain really is.

Turns out, it was quite bad ... 'cause he headed straight to the hospital after the wipeout. But, he luckily managed to avoid surgery and only needed a knee brace and some crutches instead.

The skateboarder was also comforted by his fiancée Dannii Marie ... who was by his side at the hospital. Looks like their love is still rolling strong!

Bam kept his fans in the loop ... taking to IG to share the news of his MCL tear -- which is essentially a stretch, partial tear, or complete tear of the medial collateral ligament.

Hopefully, he'll kick his recovery into high gear and be back on his feet soon. Feel better!

Fat Joe Politickin' w/ Joe at White House ... U.S. People Need Healthcare Transparency!!!

Fat Joe's push in D.C. to gut America's cryptic healthcare system last night peaked with an encounter with the man in charge himself -- President Joe Biden!!!

The Bronx-bred rapper came face to face with the Prez following his SOTU address that took shots at Donald Trump -- a personal invite from his good friend, House Rep. Nanette D. Barragán.

Sources close to the encounter tell TMZ Hip Hop they exchanged pleasantries inside the Capitol Building ... Joe's skills as an MC have cemented his life's legacy and even he was impressed with Biden's delivery!!!

Joe wasn't only representing Barragán, he's been in D.C. all week on behalf of the Power to the Patients org that combats hidden hospital fees and we're told Joe's stance is 100% bipartisan ... he even had Democrats and Republicans flocking to him for selfies after he dapped up Biden.

Transparency In Health Care

Chuck D's also fighting the power for the patients, an issue, he recently stressed to TMZ, that needs to be corrected sooner rather than later as the American people are often left in the dark about how the systems work.

They're definitely running in the right circles to push a bill.

Ferrari's Carlos Sainz Diagnosed With Appendicitis ... Out of Saudi Arabian GP

Carlos Sainz's race weekend is over -- the star Ferrari driver will not compete in the Formula 1 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix on Saturday ... after the team revealed he was diagnosed with appendicitis.

The 29-year-old Spanish driver -- who sat out of Wednesday's media availability -- tried to fight through the illness during practice sessions on Thursday ... but called it the "toughest day" he's ever had in the sport due to the track's high G-Force.

Sainz was hoping to get over the stomach bug and return to full health in time for the race ... but it simply wasn't in the cards.

The team said in a statement he will need surgery to fix the issue ... and Ferrari reserve driver Oliver Bearman will take his spot in P3, qualifying and the race.

It's a big bummer for Sainz -- he finished third at the Bahrain GP last weekend, ahead of teammate Charles Leclerc.

It will be 18-year-old Bearman's debut in F1 -- he finished 6th in the F2 championship last season, and had the best qualifying lap time at Jeddah for PREMA prior to getting the call-up to the big leagues.

Megan Thee Stallion I Only Rap About 🐍, Not Drink 'Em!!! Taps Out After Sip of Snake

TikTok / @theestallion

Megan Thee Stallion's snake-driven campaign slithered away with a whimper when she met face-to-face with the real deal ... a bottle of alcohol with a dead snake stuffed inside!!!

The rapper is currently turning heads during a trip out in Japan that tested her "Fear Factor" meter -- this after she sampled Habushu, a traditionally super strong liquor native to Okinawa.

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Apparently, it's powered by poison ... the local Habu snake is said to ferment inside the container to age as long as possible -- which makes for one hell of a boozy drink.

Welp, Meg dove in without hesitation and asked if the potion would send her to the morgue -- but she didn't chicken out ... taking a sip of the concoction, but not really liking it much.

Meg took a little slurp of the Habushu -- but this time around, she didn't drive the boat too far ... docking and anchoring her experience, saying the drink was too strong for her liking. Can't blame her ... drinking dead snake, even for a buzz, doesn't sound pleasant at all.

It's pretty funny ... Meg topped the Billboard Hot 100 a few weeks back with her single "Hiss" -- which was the follow-up to another reptilian record "Cobra." But, when it comes to the real McCoy ... she isn't into it, it seems.

Serpent juice ... it ain't for everyone.

Brittany Mahomes Back In Action ... Powers Through Injury On Mexico Vacay

Brittany Mahomes is proving she's just as tough as her NFL star hubby ... pushing through a fractured back to make sure she and her fam have fun on their Mexico vacation.

The 28-year-old was spotted hittin' the beaches of Los Cabos on Thursday afternoon ... looking no worse for wear despite dealing with a painful ailment.

Brittany -- in a two-piece, green bikini -- was seen building sandcastles with her 3-year-old daughter and another child ... lugging around shovels and pales for the kiddos, ensuring they all enjoyed their day in the sun.

Britt -- who revealed Wednesday she's got a back injury that appeared to stem from her two pregnancies -- seemed to be moving around OK ... fluffing towels and playing with some water while getting dirty in the sand.

Then again, the mom of Sterling and Bronze might have had a little liquid help to manage it all -- as she was seen with an orange-colored cocktail in her hand.

Patrick, of course, was there to provide assistance too ... the Chiefs star was seen taking care of the tykes after they put a pause on their beach day.

Brittany had said after announcing her back issue this week that she was hopeful a vacay with the family would "make it better" ... and so far, it seems so good!

Kansas City Chiefs Frostbitten Fans Need Amputations After Freezing Playoff Game

Kansas City Chiefs fans literally sacrificed body parts to watch their favorite football team win an NFL playoff game ... because reports say some of them need amputations now.

When the Chiefs beat the Dolphins in sub-zero temperatures at Arrowhead Stadium back in January -- on their way to a second straight Super Bowl win -- dozens of fans who attended the game reportedly came down with frostbite in the aftermath.

Now, the medical director at the Grossman Burn Center at Research Medical Center in Kansas City says the vast majority of those frostbitten Chiefs fans are now being told to schedule amputations.

Among those frostbitten Chiefs diehards ... a man who took off his gloves for 5 minutes to put up a tent in the parking lot outside Arrowhead. HCA Midwest Health shared images of his injured hand, and it's pretty gnarly.

Remember ... the AFC Wild Card playoff game between the Chiefs and Dolphins was played in -4 degree temperatures ... with a wind chill of -27 degrees at kickoff.

The game was the coldest in Chiefs franchise history ... and the fourth-coldest contest in NFL history ... but the weather didn't stop the 70,000-seat stadium from being packed to the gills.

Doctors are advising amputations for about 70% of patients coming into the Grossman Burn Center with frostbite ... while the other 30% have to spend weeks in hyperbaric oxygen tanks.


Oprah Set to Talk Weight Loss Drug Impact ... In Upcoming TV Special

Oprah is gearing up to tackle a big topic in America in her upcoming TV special ... namely, the impact prescription weight loss drugs are having on society, including herself.

The billionaire TV mogul says she will address medications and their relation to the weight loss revolution in her new ABC primetime special, "An Oprah Special: Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution" -- which is set to air in a couple weeks.

Oprah's special comes only weeks after she parted ways with WeightWatchers following a nearly 10-year partnership, leaving the weight loss company on the heels of criticism about proudly revealing she uses a weight loss drug.

As we reported ... Oprah says she dropped 40 pounds last year, with the help of doctor-prescribed medication, though she's never revealed the name of the drug she used.

Remember, Oprah using weight loss drugs was controversial because she previously labeled medications like Ozempic and Mounjaro an "easy way out" -- and yet, she turned around and started taking them ... although it's unclear which of these drugs she's on.

The TV special will explore questions and concerns about weight loss medications' intended uses, side effects and their impacts on people living with obesity and diabetes.

In a statement announcing the special, Oprah says ... "It is a very personal topic for me and for the hundreds of millions of people impacted around the globe who have for years struggled with weight and obesity."

Oprah continues ... "This special will bring together medical experts, leaders in the space and people in the day-to-day struggle to talk about health equity and obesity with the intention to ultimately release the shame, judgment and stigma surrounding weight."

The special airs March 18 at 8/7c on ABC and will be available for streaming the next day on Hulu.

Brittany Mahomes I Fractured My Back ... Moms, Take Care Of Your Pelvic Floor!!!

A Mahomes is dealing with a significant injury -- but it's not the one who gets tackled by 300-pound linemen weekly -- no, it's actually Patrick's wife, Brittany, who revealed this week she's suffering from a fractured back.

The mother of two announced the diagnosis on her Instagram page on Wednesday ... appearing to say not taking care of her body properly following two pregnancies led to the ailment.

"Just your daily reminder," she wrote in an IG story, "once you have kids please take care of your pelvic floor. Seriously."

"From: a girl with a fractured back," she added.

Brittany didn't disclose any further details about the situation ... but she seems to be handling it well despite the apparent severity of things -- even joking that a vacation with her hubby and her children "will maybe make it better?"

Brittany and Patrick welcomed their first child, Sterling, into the world back in February 2021. Nearly two years later, in November 2022, she gave birth to the couple's first son, Bronze.

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Sunbathin' Brittany

Brittany's obviously stayed in amazing shape after beginning the family -- in fact, she got so fit, she was featured in this year's Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue -- but, she made it clear this week, more focus on her body's minutia could have prevented her current situation.

NBA's Bismack Biyombo Collapses On Bench During Game ... Scary Scene Caught On Video

Oklahoma City Thunder center Bismack Biyombo collapsed in the middle of a game Wednesday night -- scaring the hell out of his teammates ... and the troubling scene was all captured on video.

It happened during the second quarter of OKC's tilt against the Trail Blazers in Portland ... when Biyombo was trying to lift up some Thunder players as they walked toward the bench for a timeout.

But, as you can see in the game's broadcast footage, as Biyombo was slapping some hands ... he started to sway -- before he dropped into some chairs nearby.

The 31-year-old laid on the ground motionless for several seconds ... sending his teammates into a panic. Thankfully, however, he was able to get up and walk off the court under his own power -- while holding the back of his head.

It's unclear what exactly went wrong with the NBA veteran ... but OKC head coach Mark Daigneault said it looks like he's avoided a serious ailment.

"He's fine," the coach said after the game. "He just fainted, basically. He was in the locker room at halftime laughing and joking."

Biyombo -- who joined the Thunder last month after beginning the season with Memphis -- did not play in the rest of the game ... although the Thunder still won, 128-120.