India Restaurant Guests Vomit Blood In Gnarly Video ... Mistakenly Served Dry Ice

Instagrm/ @nehu_sabharwal

A group of people in India went to dinner and ended up in the hospital -- bleeding from their mouths and barfing after being served dry ice ... and being told it was mouth freshener.

This wild scene was captured on video over the weekend out in the city of Gurugram, and it shows five diners at Laforestta Cafe -- where they were collectively puking and spitting out blood all at the same time ... right in the middle of the restaurant, no less.

Local reports say a waiter came by with what the guests were told was a sugar and ice palate cleanser ... but as it turns out, it was actually dry ice -- which led to instant burning.

The effects seemed to kick in right away ... after they put the dry ice in their mouths, they reportedly started bleeding and vomiting in agonizing pain, rinsing their mouths out with water and spitting all over the floor. One guy was throwing up all of his dinner onto the floor.

The cameraman who documented all this didn't end up taking any of the dry ice himself -- he was spared, but only because he was carrying one of their kids ... so he lucked out. Unfortunately, the rest of the adults in his party did take it ... and they suffered badly.

The group was ultimately rushed to a hospital, where they spent 2 days recovering. It was a costly mistake for the restaurant -- the manager was arrested and cops are still searching for the owner, who is said to be on the run. Police are alleging this was an outright poisoning.

Dry ice ingestion has the potential to be fatal ... but fortunately, these folks are reportedly in stable condition. Unclear what exactly led to the mix-up -- but the manager is being quoted as saying the staff somehow got ice into the mix by mistake, and that it was an accident.

DONNELL RAWLINGS DEFIENDE (E IMITA) A SHANNON SHARPE "¡No te burles de su forma de andar!"

es una declaración de moda

Shannon Sharpe se convirtió en un meme esta semana por simplemente entrar a un negocio, pero Donnell Rawlings cree que debemos darle un respiro a pesar de que él también está aquí para bromear.

Nos pusimos al día con el cómico en Nueva York el miércoles y él tenía algo que añadir a la conversación, incluyendo una defensa firme que se acoda en la comedia. Échale un vistazo, Donnell explica por qué Shannon se pavoneó de la manera que lo hizo, y todo se trata de atletismo.

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Por supuesto, no pudo evitar hacer su propia imitación del ex-NFL, y es genial.

Shannon estuvo promocionando su coñac en Nueva Jersey el pasado fin de semana y perezosamente salió de un vehículo usando un conjunto ajustado, todo verde, junto con una bolsa de color naranja colgado alrededor de su pecho y como se puede imaginar, que al instante se abordó con bromas en línea.

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Como hemos dicho, Donnell hizo su mejor imitación de Shannon Sharpe -tanto hablando como caminando- y tenemos que decir que es bastante bueno. Logra imitar la voz y su cadencia al hablar.

Incluso bromeó sobre Mike Epps y "Shay Shay" y su breve disputa, pero todo es sin malas intenciones, ¡lo juramos! Se puede decir que Donnell aprecia a Shannon, a pesar de que ha sido el anfitrión de algunos invitados últimamente que van en contra de sus compañeros de comedia.

A pesar de que Shannon está explotando en estos días por su pódcast de gran éxito "Club Shay Shay", Donnell recuerda a todos que Shannon es también un jugador de fútbol HOF y su cuerpo golpeado podría ser la razón por la que se burlan de su caminar, algo que Donnell piensa que es un poco injusto.

En cualquier caso, Shannon tiene a alguien a su lado en este asunto. Otro día, otro meme.

Donnell Rawlings Defends (& Roasts) Shannon Sharpe ... Don't Make Fun of His Walk!

It's A Fashion Statement

Shannon Sharpe made himself a meme this week by simply walking into a business -- but Donnell Rawlings thinks we should cut him some slack, even though he's here to roast too.

We caught up with the funnyman in NYC on Wednesday -- and he had his own 2 cents to add to the viral conversation ... including a staunch defense that's layered in comedy. Check it out ... Donnell explains why Shannon strutted the way he did, and it's all about athletics.

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Of course, he couldn't help but do his own impersonation of the ex-NFL'er, and it's great.

ICYMI ... Shannon was promoting his cognac in New Jersey last weekend and sluggishly stepped out of an SUV in a snug-fitting all-green ensemble, coupled with an orange bag slung around his chest ... and as you can imagine, it instantly got tackled with jokes online.

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Like we said, Donnell did his best Shannon Sharpe -- both speaking and walking -- and we gotta say ... it's pretty freaking good. He has his voice and cadence down to a tee here.

He even joked about Mike Epps not wanting the 'Shay Shay' problems after their short-lived spat ... but it's all in good fun, we swear! You can tell Donnell's got love for Shannon -- even though he's been hosting some guests lately who are going after his comedy buddies.

Even though Shannon's blowing up these days over his wildly successful "Club Shay Shay" podcast, Donnell reminds everyone Shannon is also a HOF football stud and his banged-up body might be why his walk is getting made fun of ... something DR thinks is kinda unfair.

In any case, Shannon's got someone in his corner on this issue. Another day, another meme.

"Oppenheimer" Supervivientes de las pruebas nucleares destrozan la película...

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Esto es lo que no les han contado

La prueba de la bomba nuclear que se muestra en "Oppenheimer" dejó un legado duradero de exposición a la radiación y diagnósticos de cáncer en las generaciones de personas que ayudaron a construir Los Álamos en Nuevo México, y estas mismas personas dicen que sus problemas siguen siendo ignorados por Hollywood y el Congreso.

Tina Cordova, cofundadora del Consorcio Tularosa Basin Downwinders, se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el miércoles y nos dijo por qué la primera prueba de la bomba nuclear del mundo sigue afectando a las familias en Nuevo México, décadas después de que se hiciera la detonación nuclear de Robert Oppenheimer en el desierto.

"Oppenheimer" parece estar a punto de ganar un montón de estatuillas en los premios Oscar de la Academia de este fin de semana, pero Tina dice que los cineastas excluyeron descaradamente a todas las personas que hicieron posible Los Álamos y la Prueba Trinity.

Recuerden, la prueba de la bomba nuclear en julio de 1945 se llevó a cabo en medio de tormentas eléctricas, lo que resultó en escombros tóxicos que cayeron de nuevo a la tierra producto de la lluvia posterior, contaminando el paisaje, los suministros de agua y la cadena alimentaria así como exponiendo a los residentes de Nuevo México a la radiación nociva.

Tina, que colaboró en la realización de un documental sobre la lluvia radiactiva, nos cuenta que el cáncer ha diezmado a su familia desde que estalló la bomba (vivían a solo 24 kilómetros de la explosión), y que cinco generaciones han sido diagnosticadas con todo tipo de cánceres, incluidos los de pulmón, boca, piel, cerebro y tiroides.

Dice que los cineastas dejaron este desastre fuera de la película a propósito, del mismo modo que los residentes de Nuevo México fueron dejados fuera de la Ley de Compensación por Exposición a la Radiación (RECA) en su momento, que proporcionó una compensación económica a los estadounidenses que viven cerca de los lugares de pruebas nucleares.

Cuando la gente que vivía cerca de la zona de pruebas de Trinity fue finalmente incluida en RECA y se abrieron potencialmente las puertas para recibir pagos, Tina dice que el liderazgo republicano en el Congreso cortó su financiamiento debido a preocupaciones presupuestarias.

Ahora, con "Oppenheimer" preparándose para una gran noche en los Oscar y una próxima votación del Senado sobre la reautorización y ampliación de RECA, Tina está haciendo ruido por el pueblo de Nuevo México.

Era un problema entonces y sigue siéndolo hoy.

'Oppenheimer' Nuclear Test Survivors Rip Movie, Congress ... We're Still Being Ignored!!!

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The nuclear bomb test shown in "Oppenheimer" left a lasting legacy of radiation exposure and cancer diagnosis on generations of folks who helped build Los Alamos in New Mexico ... but people there say their problems are still being ignored by Hollywood and Congress.

Tina Cordova, co-founder of the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium, joined us on "TMZ Live" Wednesday and told us why the world's first nuclear bomb test is still affecting families in New Mexico, decades after Robert Oppenheimer's nuke detonated in the desert.

"Oppenheimer" looks poised to win a bunch of Oscar statues at this weekend's Academy Awards, but Tina says filmmakers blatantly excluded all the people who made Los Alamos and the Trinity Test possible in the first place.

Remember ... the nuclear bomb test in July 1945 took place amid thunderstorms, resulting in toxic debris falling back to earth in the ensuing rain ... contaminating the landscape, water supplies and the food chain ... and exposing New Mexico residents to harmful radiation.

Tina, who helped make a doc about the fallout, tells us cancer has decimated her family ever since the bomb went off -- they lived only 15 miles from the blast -- with 5 generations being diagnosed with all sorts of cancers ... including lung, oral, skin, brain and thyroid.

She says filmmakers left this nuclear mess out of the film on purpose ... similar to how New Mexico residents were left out of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act back in the day, which provided financial compensation to Americans living near nuclear testing sites.

When folks living near the Trinity Test site were finally set to be included in RECA, potentially opening the door for payments, Tina says Republican leadership in Congress cut their funding because of budget concerns.

Now, with "Oppenheimer" gearing up for a big Oscars night and an upcoming Senate vote on reauthorizing and expanding RECA, Tina is banging the drum for the people of New Mexico.

It was an issue then ... and it remains an issue today.

Avistamiento de Kate Middleton Siguen apareciendo memes... Y nuevas teorías

Kate Middleton y los miembros de la realeza pueden haber pensado que un vistazo de la Princesa después de su hospitalización echaría abajo cualquier especulación o teorías sobre su situación, pero estaban muy equivocados.

Desde que la Princesa de Gales apareció públicamente el lunes cerca de Windsor, tras ser fotografiada en un carro conducido por su madre, con gafas de sol y aparentemente tratando de pasar desapercibida, Internet ha puesto en marcha una nueva ola de memes, chistes y teorías de conspirativas.

El hecho es que la gente vio estas fotos, y muchos de ellos simplemente no estuvieron muy convencidos de que fuera realmente la Princesa, a pesar de que sabemos que es un hecho. Y, Twitter se ha convertido en un campo de batalla sobre el asunto.

Conéctate y verás exactamente de lo que estamos hablando: muchos de estos mensajes claramente son en tono de broma, pero es lamentable que otros continúen especulando de una situación grave.

Algunos están simplemente lanzando otros ejemplos de estrellas que han sido fotografiadas desde el interior de sus carros en los últimos años y los están comparando con estas fotos de Kate. Algunos de los nombres que están siendo yuxtapuestos son el de Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, solo por nombrar unos pocos.

Sin embargo, algunos se están tomando esto un poco más en serio, desmenuzando las fotos que salieron a la luz ayer y entrando en los detalles de su cara, incluyendo lunares, espinillas, etc.

Estas personas están sugiriendo que la mujer fotografiada el lunes no era realmente Kate, señalando que sus rasgos no son los de la persona que estaba en el coche (de nuevo, era obviamente ella).

Algunos piensan que se trataría de su hermana Pippa, otros han dicho que se trata de una persona completamente diferente.

Como hemos dicho, un montón de payasadas y para ser honestos, solo una muestra de la ridiculez de Internet, que es lo que ha estado haciendo incluso antes de este avistamiento.

El Palacio ha dicho que Kate sigue recuperándose de su cirugía abdominal en enero y el martes comentaron que en realidad no reanudaría sus funciones hasta junio.

Lo que haya pasado bajo el bisturí, claramente era algo muy serio. ¡Que te mejores!

Kate Middleton Sighting The Memes Keep on Coming ... New Theories Start to Fly

Kate Middleton and the Royals might've thought a glimpse of her post-hospitalization would tamper down any speculation or theories about her ... but they were dead wrong.

Ever since the Princess of Wales surfaced publicly Monday near Windsor -- being photographed in a car driven by her mother, wearing sunglasses and seemingly trying to lay low -- the internet has kicked off a fresh round of jokes, memes and conspiracy theories.

Fact is ... people saw these pics, and a lot of them just aren't convinced it's really her -- even though we know for a fact it is. And yet -- Twitter's having a field day regardless.

Hop online and you'll see exactly what we're talking about -- a lot of these posts are clearly done in jest and all in good fun ... but it's unfortunate they're making light of a serious sitch.

Some are simply throwing out other examples of stars pap'd from the inside of their cars over the years and comparing those to Kate's new shots. Some of the names that are being juxtaposed to KM ... Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, just to name a few.

However, some are taking this a little more seriously ... picking apart the pictures that surfaced yesterday and getting into the details of her face, including moles/dimples, etc.

These folks are suggesting the woman photographed Monday really isn't Kate ... pointing out that specific features of hers aren't there for whoever was in the car (again, it was obviously her).

Some think they see her sister, Pippa, here ... some see a totally different person entirely.

Like we said ... it's all a bunch of nonsense and tomfoolery -- and, TBH, it's just the Internet being ridiculous ... which is what it was already doing even before this latest sighting.

The Palace has said Kate is continuing to recover from her abdominal surgery in January -- and word just came down Tuesday that she won't actually resume her duties until June.

Whatever she went under the knife for ... it was clearly for something very serious. Get well!

Skier Brutally Crashes Into Chairlift ... During Big-Air Stunt

Catching A Lift
Instagram / @jones.ivan.456 / @cadence.amelia

A big air jump went horribly wrong for a skier when he collided with A CHAIRLIFT -- and it was all caught on video!

You can't make this up ... skier Ivan Jones was at the Lake Louise Ski Resort in Alberta, Canada over the weekend when the incident happened.

Jones shared the clip on Instagram ... you see the 17-year-old launch himself into the air, attempting a flat spin 360 in the air near the Top of The World Chair lift.

His stunt, unfortunately, was attempted at precisely the wrong time ... as a chairlift was going by, and Jones smacked right into it before crashing down to the snow covered ground.

Thankfully the ski lift chair was empty and Jones was left with just a few bumps and bruises.

Witnesses, and everyone who watched the clip, had pretty much the same reaction ... disbelief!

A Lake Louise Ski Resort spokesperson said they're happy Jones wasn't seriously injured, but advised guests to do stunts only in select areas.

"There's a reason why we have terrain parks," the spokesperson said. "To give people the opportunity to practice and do these kind of stunts."

Chairlifts ... another thing to look out for on the slopes!

Esquiador Choca brutalmente contra la silla del telesquí... Durante salto en el aire

A punto de chocar
Instagram / @jones.ivan.456 / @cadence.amelia

¡Un gran salto en el aire terminó terriblemente mal para un esquiador tras chocar contra una silla del telesquí, y todo fue capturado en video!

El esquiador Ivan Jones estaba en el Lake Louise Ski Resort en Alberta, Canadá, durante el fin de semana cuando ocurrió el incidente.

Jones compartió el clip en Instagram, donde se ve al chico de 17 años lanzándose en el aire y tratando de dar una vuelta en 360 grados, muy cerca del telesquí.

Desgraciadamente, su maniobra se produjo en el momento menos oportuno. Justo cuando estaba haciendo el salto, pasó una telesilla vacía, con la que Jones se estrelló y cayó al suelo cubierto de nieve.

Afortunadamente, no había nadie en la silla y Jones solo sufrió algunos golpes y magulladuras.

Los testigos, y todos los que vieron el clip, tuvieron más o menos la misma reacción, ¡incredulidad!

Un portavoz de Lake Louise Ski Resort dijo que están contentos de que Jones no resultara gravemente herido, pero le aconsejó a los huéspedes que solo hicieran acrobacias en las áreas selectas.

"Hay una razón por la que tenemos parques de terreno", dijo el portavoz. "Para dar a la gente la oportunidad de practicar y hacer este tipo de acrobacias".

Telesillas, ¡otra cosa de la que cuidarse en las pistas!

Scorpion Scare Las Vegas Hotel Guest Bit In Balls ... By Eight-Legged Parasite


11:48 AM PT -- Michael Farchi joined "TMZ Live" to take our viewers through the scorpion sting debacle that went viral earlier this morning. He actually now claims The Venetian never comped his room and made him pay for food and various other expenses.


A Las Vegas hotel guest was STUNG in his testicles by a scorpion while asleep in bed – causing him to wake up in incredible pain and utter shock and terror.

On Monday, Michael Farchi sat down with KLAS 8 News Now to discuss his horrifying real-life nightmare at The Venetian Las Vegas on December 26.

Farchi told the reporter he was sleeping in his underwear under the bed sheets in his room when, at around 8 AM, he suddenly felt pain in his groin area.

He described the sensation as "somebody stabbing me in my private area" with a "sharp glass or a knife."

Farchi said he dashed into the bathroom only to discover the orange scorpion attached to his underwear. YIKES!!!

The California man managed to slip out of his briefs and snap photos of the nasty creature dangling from his undies. He then went to the hospital for treatment because he said he was in "a lot of pain."

The next day, Farchi and his family checked out of the hotel, but not before he filed an incident report with staff, detailing what allegedly happened. “Everybody was in shock, nobody believed,” Farchi told KLAS, pointing out management comped his room.

Farchi added that he had no clue how the scorpion got into his bed.

In a statement to KLAS, a Venetian rep said the resort followed all protocols for this type of incident. Farchi's attorney went on to say that guests should always inspect their rooms and the surrounding areas upon checking in.

Farchi says he's now exploring possible legal action against The Venetian.

Originally Published -- 5:59 AM PT

Kate Winslet Ozempic suena terrible!!! Habla de la manía por el peso

Kate Winslet acaba de enterarse de Ozempic y digamos que no estaba saltando de alegría exactamente cuando dio a conocer sus pensamientos mientras comía un pastel.

La actriz tropezó con todo el asunto de Ozempic mientras hablaba con The New York Times Magazine, donde explicó que había oído rumores sobre "una píldora que la gente está tomando o algo así", pero ella no sabía exactamente lo que era.

Algo a tener en cuenta es que Ozempic es originalmente un medicamento para tratar la diabetes tipo 2, que se usa fuera de indicación en Gran Bretaña, de donde es nativa Kate, pero no es tan popular como lo es aquí en los Estados Unidos.

Como resultado, Kate estaba aparentemente horrorizada cuando se enteró para qué se ha estado utilizando. Dijo que sonaba "terrible" y en su lugar animó a la gente a comer más.

El disgusto de Kate con esta estrategia para perder peso a escondidas tiene sentido total si tenemos en cuenta el escrutinio público al que se ha enfrentado por su propio cuerpo, especialmente desde sus días en Titanic, por allá en el 97.

Ella le dijo al medio que los comentarios sobre su peso llegaron a tal punto que comenzó a luchar contra un trastorno de la alimentación, que se lo guardó para sí misma en ese entonces.

Desgarradoramente, Kate compartió que cuando perdió peso, la gente comentaba lo bien que se veía, reforzando esta idea de que verse bien estaba directamente relacionado con cuánto pesaba.

Hoy en día, cuando la gente trata de hacer comentarios sobre el peso de Kate, ya no engancha para nada y se apresura en llamarles la atención al instante. Es seguro decir, que Kate ha tenido malas experiencias con el tema, por lo que sus sentimientos sobre Ozempic no son tan sorprendentes.

Por cierto, hay que decir que está en minoría en este punto. Más famosos están con Ozempic por estos días que no.


Kate Winslet's just found out about Ozempic, and let's just say she's not exactly jumping for joy about it -- making her thoughts known while munchin' on a pastry.

The actress stumbled upon the whole Ozempic thing while speaking to The New York Times Magazine ... where she explained she's heard murmurings about "some pill that people are taking or something like that" ... but she didn't exactly know what it was.

Something to note here ... Ozempic, originally a type 2 diabetes drug, is used off-label in KW's native Britain, but it's not exactly all the rage there like it is here in the States.

As a result, Kate was apparently horrified when she found out what it's actually been used for ... with the star adding it sounded "terrible," and encouraging people to just eat more food instead.

Kate's disgust at the whole sneaky weight loss method makes total sense when you consider the public scrutiny she's faced about her body ... especially since her Titanic days back in '97.

She told the publication the historical comments about her weight got to the point where she began battling an eating disorder ... but she kept it to herself at the time.

Heartbreakingly, Kate shared that when she did lose weight, people would comment on how good she looked, reinforcing this idea that looking good was directly tied to how much she weighed.


Nowadays, when people try to comment on Kate's weight, she's not having any of it ... quick to call them out on it right then and there. Safe to say, Kate's been through the wringer on this issue ... so her feelings on Ozempic aren't all that surprising.

She's in the minority here, BTW ... more stars are for Ozempic these days than not.

Cops: Drew Eubanks Suffered Bloody Gums, Loose Teeth ... In Fight W/ Isaiah Stewart

Sounds like Isaiah Stewart's got a mean right hand ... at least according to Drew Eubanks, who told cops his Valentine's Day fight with the Detroit player left him with bloody gums and loose teeth.

According to a Phoenix Police Department incident report, obtained by TMZ Sports, Eubanks made the complaint roughly five hours after he and Stewart were involved in an altercation at the Footprint Center just prior to the Pistons vs. Suns Feb. 14 matchup.

Eubanks, cops wrote in the report, said Stewart confronted him while he was entering the arena due to interactions the two had previously had while playing in a game three months prior.

"He got off the bus and he started, um, just talking s***," Eubanks told cops. "He said something along the lines of, 'You wanna run it back? We're right here. We can do it right now.'"

Cops say Eubanks told them he tried to walk away from the situation, but Stewart kept advancing toward him ... until they were face-to-face inside of a tunnel in the arena.

Eubanks told cops, according to the report, Isaiah then said, "We can do this s*** right now" ... before he threw "a sucker punch."

Eubanks stated the blow landed in the center of his mouth, causing his gums to bleed. He added, the report states, "My teeth definitely are like looser and they hurt."

When pressed more about why he believed Stewart was so upset, Eubanks stated nothing out of the ordinary happened between the two in their previous matchup.

"Just basketball stuff," the Phoenix center said. "It was, you know, lowering your shoulder. Trying to hit, hit somebody for a box out. Being physical. Talking on the court. That's all it was."

At the time, Eubanks told cops he wished to prosecute ... and Stewart was issued a citation.

However, the report states that on Feb. 17 -- three days after the encounter -- Eubanks called cops and said he no longer wished to press charges.

On Feb. 19, cops say Eubanks told them "he had been thinking about the incident for a couple days and at the time, he was upset, but had time to think about it."

X / @KoryEWoods

Stewart was still suspended by the NBA for three games. After serving the ban, he apologized to his team during a meeting with media members.

Eubanks, meanwhile, has played between six and 25 minutes per game since the fight.

Terrell Owens Alleged Attacker Charged With Two Felonies

The man who allegedly hit Terrell Owens with his car following a dispute at a basketball game last year has been hit with two criminal charges, TMZ Sports has learned.

Court records show Wonzur Ratcliff is now facing two counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon ... after authorities say he was the man who rammed his vehicle into Owens' knee on Oct. 16, 2023.

Cops claimed the incident all went down because Ratcliff and Owens had gotten into an argument while shooting hoops on a court in the Calabasas, Calif. area.

Owens, cops said, did not require medical attention.

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T.O. never formally commented on the matter ... although he did allude to it in an Instagram post two days after it happened. The Hall of Famer shared what appeared to be highlights of him playing in the game that led to the incident ... writing in the caption, "ABOUT LAST NIGHT…"

"BUT I DO HAVE A RIGHT TO PROTECT MYSELF. *hope the car is ok!!!"

A court date for Ratcliff, meanwhile, has not yet been set.

Nicki Minaj Fans Brawl During 'Pink Friday 2' Tour ... Setting Tone Opening Night!!!


Nicki Minaj fans are clearly passionate ... both about her music and standing their ground, it seems -- 'cause a group of her supporters got into a fight during her tour's opening performance!

The Barbz brawl went down Friday night in Oakland ... the first night of her much-anticipated "Pink Friday 2 World Tour" -- and it definitely started the whole concert run off with a bang.

Just check out the clip ... a couple fans dressed in black are exchanging punches in one section -- with someone in an all-pink ensemble and dyed pink hair hopping into the scuffle.

The person in pink getting shoved back seems to set one of the angry fans off even more ... and they jump forward to start raining blows down on the other combatants.

Unfortunately for them, their opponents quickly put 'em in a headlock and start hitting them over and over while being held back against the seats.

Eventually, some security guards come over and break up the fight, but members of the crowd can be heard seemingly questioning the person in pink's gender -- overall, a pretty ugly scene.

The whole thing marred what was otherwise a very impressive show ... with Nicki breaking out all her classic hits including "Starships" which she said a few months ago she was done performing.

The tour rolls on to Denver, Colorado tomorrow ... hopefully, that edition of 'Pink Friday' won't turn into blood-red Sunday!


Alexis Bellino ended up needing Dr. Terry Dubrow's expert help when a piercing left her with a nasty infection ... TMZ has learned.

Alexis tells us her cartilage ear piercing had been giving her grief since she got it a year ago ... but it wasn't until a hairdresser accidentally bumped into it last Thursday that she really felt the agony. Ouch!

She says her hairdresser notified her that the earring was deeply embedded in her ear, and the skin around it was clearly infected and overgrown. Alexis didn't waste any time and dashed straight to urgent care to get it sorted out. Smart move!


However, when docs busted out the scalpel, Alexis told them to hold up ... 'cause the only person she'd trust near her ear was Terry. Of course, the "Botched" star's wife, Heather Dubrow is Alexis' costar on 'RHOC,' so it's all about keeping it all in the Bravo family.

The big removal went down Monday, and Dr. Dubrow, being the champ he is, even skipped his lunch break to help her out.

We're told he managed to pull out Alexis' earring, which was decked out with four diamonds, without having to make any incisions. Now that takes some serious skill.

For his part, Terry tells TMZ he's glad Alexis came to him for help ... especially 'cause messing with infected cartilage in your ear is like playing with fire. He explains to us the area doesn't have much blood flow, so if things go south, it can result in seriously gnarly infections that can straight-up wreck your ear, or even worse. Yeah, no thanks!

TMZ Studios

Alexis is showering Terry with gratitude ... telling us he's a top-notch surgeon and a super kind friend. She's also raving about how Terry squeezed her into his busy schedule ASAP and made sure the whole ordeal was as painless as possible. Now that's the definition of having a true friend in high places!

As for getting another cartilage piercing. She's putting her foot down, and saying never again.