MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. Autographed Book Up For Sale ... Inscribed To Nurse Who Saved His Life

There's a piece of Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy on the market ... a book he inscribed to a nurse who helped save his life following an assassination attempt.

MLK signed a copy of his book, "Stride Toward Freedom," and wrote a personalized note to Gwen Brown, thanking her for caring for him at Harlem Hospital after his 1958 stabbing.

The autographed copy is going up for sale over at Moments In Time ... with a $35,000 price tag.

MLK was actually at a book signing for this very book at Blumstein's Department Store in Harlem when Izola Ware Curry approached him and stabbed him in the chest with a steel letter opener.

The stab wound was so close to MLK's aorta he would have died if he sneezed or coughed on his way to the hospital. With Gwen's help, MLK made a full recovery.

MLK's note to Gwen reads ... "With best wishes and genuine appreciation for the attention you gave me as one of my nurses while I recuperated at Harlem Hospital."

The inscription is written in cursive and features MLK's iconic autograph.

Se vende libro de Martin Luther King Jr. Dedicado la enfermera que le salvó la vida

Hay un pedazo del legado de Martin Luther King Jr. en el mercado. Hablamos de un libro dedicado a una enfermera que lo ayudó a salvar su vida después de un intento de asesinato.

MLK firmó una copia de su libro, "Stride Toward Freedom", y le escribió una nota personalizada a Gwen Brown, dándole las gracias por cuidar de él en el Hospital de Harlem después de su apuñalamiento 1958.

La copia autografiada está a la venta en Moments In Time, con una etiqueta de precio de $35.000.

MLK estaba en una firma de libros para este mismo libro en los grandes almacenes de Blumstein en Harlem, cuando Izola Ware Curry se acercó a él y lo apuñaló en el pecho con un abridor de cartas de acero.

La puñalada estaba tan cerca de la aorta que MLK habría muerto si hubiera estornudado o tosido de camino al hospital. Con la ayuda de Gwen, MLK se recuperó completamente.

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La nota de MLK a Gwen dice: "Con mis mejores deseos y genuino agradecimiento por la atención que me diste como una de mis enfermeras mientras me recuperaba en el Hospital de Harlem".

La inscripción está escrita en cursiva y cuenta con el icónico autógrafo de MLK.

Russell Crowe 'Robin Hood' Stunt Fractured Legs ... Didn't Know For Years

Russell Crowe may have given to the poor in "Robin Hood" ... but what he really needed was to take time off for himself -- 'cause he fractured both his legs on set!

The actor sat down with People for an interview published Saturday ... and, he revealed he suffered a pretty serious injury while filming the movie almost 15 years ago.

The way RC tells it ... he was performing a stunt where he jumped off a castle gate onto uneven ground. It was late, and Crowe said they probably rushed the prep before the stunt -- deciding not to bury a crash pad to land on.

Lo and behold, Russell landed and said he felt something akin to an electric shock shoot through his body ... but he managed to struggle through the scene since the epic battle sequence was already in full swing.

And, Russ said he didn't stop struggling on the movie ... saying he had trouble even walking over the final month of shooting for the action-adventure film, though he didn't take a day off.

Fast forward about a decade, and Crowe said some pain in his legs sent him to the doctor ... who X-rayed him and asked when exactly he'd broken his legs 'cause he could see the residual damage in his shin bones.

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Crowe said he thinks a year off he took between finishing "Robin Hood" and training for "Man of Steel" let his legs naturally heal enough to overlook the pain ... proving the man's kinda superhuman himself.

BTW ... Russell's new movie "Land of Bad" came out yesterday -- hopefully, he's not finding out about a couple broken elbows in 2034!!!

Tiger Woods Withdraws From Big Tournament ... Suffering From Illness


4:02 PM PT -- Tiger Woods' manager just told reporters at the event that the golfer began suffering from flu-like symptoms Thursday night, but decided to try to push through it all on Friday.

However, he became dizzy on the course ... and withdrew from the event.

Woods' manager, though, said that after an IV, the 48-year-old is now feeling "much, much better."

Tiger Woods' return to the PGA Tour was shortlived ... he just withdrew from The Genesis Invitational after suffering from an illness.

The Big Cat -- who shot a 1-over 73 at the tourney on Thursday in his first action since last April -- made it through six holes on Friday afternoon ... before he decided he just couldn't go anymore.

The golfing legend hit his tee shot on hole No. 7, then hopped in a cart and headed back to the clubhouse.

It's unclear the severity of his ailment ... although fans in attendance at the Riviera Country Club in Los Angeles have grown concerned for the 48-year-old after an ambulance showed up at the venue a short time after he officially called it quits.

It seems, however, a bug is going around the course ... as fellow PGA Tour star Jordan Spieth is reportedly dealing with some uneasy symptoms too.

This weekend's rounds were the first PGA Tour ones Woods has logged since he underwent surgery on his ankle following the 2023 Masters. He looked solid throughout Thursday -- although he did have one shank on the 18th hole that went viral.

Following the round, he seemed normal ... though he did tell Golf Channel he had "some treatment ahead of" him to get ready for Friday's 18.

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Originally Published -- 2:50 PM PT

Explosión de un camión 9 bomberos heridos... Bola de fuego en cámara

Gran explosión

Dos de los nueve bomberos gravemente heridos permanecen en estado crítico en el hospital, luego que un tanque de gas natural comprimido dentro de un camión explotara el jueves.

Tienen que ver este increíble video, las dramáticas imágenes de la dash cam de Wilmington, CA muestran el momento exacto en que se inicia la explosión y se prende una bola de fuego en el aire. ¡Prácticamente se puede sentir la intensidad con solo verlo!

Como pueden ver, la explosión lanza al menos a un bombero por los aires entre varias otras partes del carro. También se puede ver el suelo temblando cuando estalla la explosión desde otro ángulo.

Demencial explosión

Esto es lo que pasó: eran alrededor de las 7 AM cuando los bomberos respondieron a una llamada sobre un camión en llamas en la carretera. De repente, uno de los dos tanques de 100 galones de gas natural comprimido dentro del camión explotó.

El Jefe del Departamento de Bomberos de Los Angeles Kristin Crowley reveló que uno de los bomberos heridos en estado crítico se encuentra estable, pero todavía está siendo monitoreado en Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.

La actualización del segundo bombero herido de gravedad no es tan prometedora. Este fue intubado y trasladado a Los Ángeles General Medical Center para ser tratado en la unidad de quemados.

Los otros siete bomberos no están fuera de peligro todavía, de acuerdo con LAFD Capt. Erik Scott. Aún van a necesitar tratamiento para diversas lesiones, incluyendo quemaduras, traumatismos, heridas de metralla e incluso daños en la audición.

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Milagrosamente, el conductor del camión no resultó herido.



Two out of nine seriously injured firefighters remain in critical condition in the hospital -- this after a compressed natural gas tank on a burning truck exploded Thursday.

You gotta see this wild video ... dramatic dash cam footage from Wilmington, CA shows the exact moment the fiery blast ignites and sends a fireball up into the air. You can practically feel the intensity just watching it!

As you can see, the explosion launches at least one firefighter into the air among various other car parts. You can also see the ground shaking like crazy when the blast goes off in another angle.


Here's what happened to lead to the actual explosion itself ... it was around 7 AM when firefighters responded to a call about a burning truck on the road -- when, suddenly, one of two 100-gallon compressed natural gas tanks on the truck blew up minutes later.

Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Kristin Crowley has revealed one of the critically injured firefighters is stable ... but is still being monitored at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.

The update on the second critically injured firefighter isn't as promising ... he was intubated and transferred to L.A. General Medical Center to be treated at their burn unit.

The other seven firefighters aren't out of the woods just yet either ... according to LAFD Capt. Erik Scott, they're still going to need ongoing treatment for a laundry list of injuries – burns, blunt trauma, shrapnel wounds, and even damage to their hearing.

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Miraculously, the truck's driver was not injured.

Patrick y Brittany Mahomes Visitan el hospital infantil tras el tiroteo y se sientan con las víctimas

Patrick Mahomes y su esposa Brittany están intentando alegrar algunos rostros después del trágico tiroteo del miércoles en el desfile de los Chiefs: los dos fueron vistos haciendo una visita al hospital local el jueves y levantando el ánimo de algunos niños heridos.

Los Mahomeses fueron específicamente a las habitaciones de una niña de 8 años y a otra de 10 años, ambas heridas de bala después de que se produjera un tiroteo tras la celebración de los Chiefs por el Super Bowl en Union Station.

Las niñas, parte de la familia Reyes, fueron alcanzadas en las piernas por las balas y necesitaron cirugía poco tiempo después para curar sus dolencias.

Pero cuando Patrick y Brittany pasaron a saludar no fue difícil ver a los pequeños muy felices, ambos tenían grandes sonrisas mientras posaban para las fotos.

Parece que la estrella de Kansas City y su esposa también trajeron regalos, ya que las niñas llevaban cascos en miniatura de los Chiefs.

La familia Reyes -que al parecer está relacionada con la mujer que trágicamente perdió la vida en el tiroteo- estaba agradecida de que los dos fueran a visitarlos y escribieron un comunicado: "Queremos dar un agradecimiento personal al equipo del Hospital Children's Mercy y a Patrick y Brittany Mahomes por su efusivo cuidado, amor y apoyo."

Por su parte, se creó un GoFundMe para ayudar a las niñas y a su familia en su recuperación y ya han recaudado 54.000 dólares.

En total, 23 personas fueron alcanzadas por las balas justo después de que Mahomes pronunciara un discurso en el mitin. Según las autoridades, al menos la mitad de las víctimas eran menores de 16 años.

Dos menores han sido acusados de delitos penales en relación con el tiroteo, pero las autoridades dicen que podrían presentarse más cargos.

Patrick & Brittany Mahomes Visit Children's Hospital After Shooting ... Sit With Victims

Patrick Mahomes and his wife, Brittany, are helping put a smile on some faces following Wednesday's tragic parade shooting ... the two were seen paying a visit to a local hospital on Thursday, lifting some wounded kids' spirits.

The duo of Mahomeses specifically went to rooms belonging to an 8-year-old and a 10-year-old, who were both shot after gunfire erupted following the Chiefs' Super Bowl celebration at Union Station.

The girls, part of the Reyes family, were hit in the legs ... and needed surgery a short time later to fix their ailments.

But, when Patrick and Brittany pulled up -- it wasn't hard to see the little ones were overjoyed ... as they both had big grins on their faces while they posed for pics.

It seems the Kansas City star and his wife brought gifts too, as two girls were holding miniature Chiefs helmets.

The Reyes family -- who's reportedly related to the woman who tragically lost her life in Wednesday's shooting -- were grateful the two stopped by ... writing in a statement, "We want to give a personal thank you to the staff of Children’s Mercy Hospital and Patrick & Brittany Mahomes for their outpouring care, love, and support."

A GoFundMe set up to help the girls and their family in their recovery, meanwhile, has already raised $54,000.

In total, 23 people were struck by bullets just after Mahomes had delivered a speech at the rally. Authorities said at least half of the victims were under the age of 16 years old.

Two juveniles have been hit with criminal charges in connection with the shooting ... but officials say more charges could be forthcoming.

TikTok Star QUEENZZIELOCTHEVOICE Dead at 48 ... After Cancer Battle

Teresa Smith -- AKA, Queenzzielocthevoice, on TikTok -- has died after a tough battle with cancer ... TMZ has learned.

Teresa's daughter Yolundria Rooks, tells us the viral star -- famous covering Billie Eilish's 'What Was I Made For?' -- that her mom passed away at home Wednesday in Stockton, CA ... where we're told she was surrounded by family and loved ones.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

We're told Teresa had been dealing with ovarian cancer of late, and it had recently spread to her lungs. Yolundria says her mother didn't tell her family she had cancer till November 2023 when she was sick in the hospital ... adding she had been in considerable pain since.

She adds ... the coroner came to the home to get her mother's body ... and her family now wants to have Teresa's remains flown back to Macon, GA, to be buried next to her son Josiah -- which Yolundria is now raising money to cover the costs for on GoFundMe.

TikTok / @queenzziel0cthevoice

Yolundria writes, "It is with a heavy heart to announce that my mother The Icon, The Diva, Miss Teresa Smith also known as 'Queenzzielocthevoice' has suddenly passed away."

She adds ... "As the eldest child I will now be taking on full responsibility of all my younger siblings so anything that is donated beyond the funeral cost and expenses will be invested in them, their needs, and their future," she continued. "As I have to prepare and get ready to send my Queen home, I just want to thank all those who loved my mom!"

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Teresa enjoyed TikTok success after going viral for her cover of Billie's 'Barbie' song. She was also known for her catchphrase, "Be who you are for pride," and her bright-colored hair.

She was 48.


For more viral news, check out TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms.

Brian Wilson Family Asking For Conservatorship ... They Say He Has Dementia

Brian Wilson's family has filed for a conservatorship after the death of his wife, Melinda -- and they say it's because his cognitive ability has seriously regressed ... TMZ has confirmed.

According to legal docs ... the legendary Beach Boys frontman is suffering from a "major neurocognitive disorder" and taking medication for dementia -- so says his family. The docs say Wilson can't properly care for his basic personal needs such as food, clothing or shelter.

The Wilson family confirmed the news of the court filing to People, telling the outlet the family came together after Melinda's death and -- in consultation with Wilson's kids, longtime staff members and doctors -- decided to appoint two family representatives as his conservators.

The family went on to add that the decision was made to try and minimize changes to Brian's life and the lives of his children who still live at home.

Despite the conservatorship filing, the family says Wilson can still spend time with loved ones and even work on projects if he so chooses.

As we reported ... Melinda Kae Ledbetter Wilson passed away at the end of last month at the couple's home surrounded by her family.

Brian wrote on Instagram, "Melinda was more than my wife. She was my savior. She gave me the emotional security I needed to have a career."

A court hearing is scheduled for the end of April ... though it's not clear whether Wilson will attend in person.

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In the docs, his doctor says he "has very short attention span and while unintentionally disruptive, is frequently unable to maintain decorum appropriate to the situation."

Príncipe Harry Da cautelosas respuestas sobre el diagnóstico del rey Carlos

LA familia es primero

El Príncipe Harry fue consultado por su padre el Rey Carlos y su reciente diagnóstico de cáncer, y aunque dejó claro que ama a su familia, se puede decir que estaba en guardia.

El duque de Sussex habló con "GMA" para una entrevista que se emitió el jueves. La conversación fue filmada en Whistler, Canadá, donde se realizarán los próximos Invictus, Games, no mucho después de que volara de Londres para visitar a su padre, y Harry dio una idea de la relación que tiene con su padre.

Dijo que estaba contento de haber podido visitar al Rey, que era importante hacerlo para él después de enterarse de su cáncer, algo que el Príncipe Harry escuchó de primera mano.

También dijo explícitamente que ama a su familia, pero cuando lo presionaron un poco más sobre las perspectivas de salud de su padre se quedó callado y le dijo al periodista que no era asunto suyo.

Sobre la posibilidad de arreglar las cosas con el rey Carlos ahora que sabe que tiene cáncer, Harry dice que está absolutamente en las estrellas. Pero por la forma en que responde, se puede decir que estaba un poco ofendido por la pregunta. En su mente, es casi como si estuviera pensando, por supuesto que estamos bien.

No hace falta decirlo, la relación de Harry con la realeza se ha visto fracturada, por no decir completamente desgarrada en los últimos años, pero aquí está sugiriendo que la familia es primero y no importa lo que haya pasado entre ellos. Él los amará pase lo que pase.

También habla de cómo está procesando que estén pasando tantas cosas al otro lado del charco y aquí en California, a lo que Harry respondió que tiene su propia familia ahora.

Esencialmente, su punto es que ama a su familia en Reino Unido, va a verlos cuando puede, pero no va a dejar a su familia por los problemas que estén ocurriendo allá.

Dándole una oportunidad

Ahora, aunque esta charla sobre el rey Carlos sin duda era seria, y Harry tuvo una actitud algo fría, su tiempo en Canadá no fue del todo pesimista. De hecho, lo pasó súper bien en la nieve con nada menos que Meghan Markle.

Por ejemplo, montó un trineo por una pista de hielo como un profesional, demostrando que dominaba el trineo y todo. Honestamente es bastante surrealista.

Incluso viendo esto, se entiende lo que Harry quiere decir cuando dice que va a vivir su vida y que no se va a paralizar por una noticia tan pesada de la familia real.

En conclusión, es capaz de separar las cosas y hasta ahora lo está haciendo bastante bien.

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Carlos, por su parte, parece estar tomando su diagnóstico de cáncer con calma. Ha sido fotografiado en público desde que lanzó la bomba. De quien no hay rastro es de Kate Middleton, quien sigue recuperándose de sus propios problemas de salud.

Prince Harry Cagey Answers on Charles' Diagnosis 'Stays Between Me & Him'


Prince Harry was asked about his father, King Charles, and his recent cancer diagnosis -- and while he made clear he loves his family ... you can tell his guard is still up.

The Duke of Sussex spoke with 'GMA' in an interview that aired Thursday -- a convo that was filmed in Whistler, BC at the site of his upcoming Invictus Games, not long after he flew back from London upon visiting his dad -- and Harry gave some insight into the relationship.

He says he was happy he was able to go see the King, and also noted it was important for him to do so after learning about his cancer ... something PH says he heard first-hand.

Harry also says explicitly here that he loves his family -- but when he's pressed further on how the outlook of his father's health ... he clams up, telling the journo it's none of his business.

On the prospect of mending fences with Charles now that he knows he has cancer -- Harry says that's absolutely in the stars ... but from the way he responds, you can tell he's a little offended by the question. In his mind, it's almost as if he's thinking ... of course we're good.

It goes without saying ... Harry's relationship with the Royals has appeared fractured -- if not completely torn apart in recent years -- but here ... he's suggesting family comes first, no matter what's gone on between them, and that he'll have love for them no matter what.

He also talks about how he's processing the fact there's so much going on across the pond as he's here in California ... and Harry has a bristly reaction, saying he has his own family now.

Essentially, his point is ... I love my UK family, I'll see them when I can, but I'm not gonna shut down my life over problems they're going through -- that's sorta the takeaway.


Now, while this chat about Charles was most certainly serious -- and, admittedly, a little icy on Harry's part -- his time in Canada wasn't all doom and gloom ... in fact, there was a lot of fun he was having out there in the snow, alongside none other than Meghan Markle.

Take this bobsled run he went on, for example, where PH shot down an icy runway ... and he looked a bit like a pro, good form on the sled and all. Honestly, it's pretty surreal.

Even from this alone, you can see what Harry means when he says he's going to live his life -- and not necessarily be paralyzed by such heavy news coming from the Royal family.


Long story short ... he's able to compartmentalize, and so far -- he's doing it quite well.

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Charles, meanwhile, seems to be taking his cancer diagnosis in stride -- he's been pictured out in public since the bombshell dropped. Still no sign of Kate Middleton, though, as she continues to recover from her own health issues.

'Outer Banks' Star Austin North Arrested in Vegas ... Allegedly Attacked ER Hospital Staff


6:26 PM PT -- Austin North just addressed the situation online, and he says he was having a very severe panic attack where he thought he might die ... adding he doesn't remember much of the incident at all.

AN posted a lengthy description of what he says happened that day -- noting he's been dealing with this condition for a long time, and that the attack he endured Tuesday was by far the worst he's ever experienced. He apologizes to the hospital staff, and says he hopes to shed more light on his condition as time goes on.

Austin North went haywire at a hospital in Vegas this week -- attacking several emergency room staffers and needing to be restrained ... so claim cops, anyway.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, officers were dispatched to UMC Hospital Tuesday night for reports of an assault and battery that had occurred in the ER ... and when they arrived, cops say they interviewed the alleged victims.

According to a couple nurses and a phlebotomist -- who claim to have been struck by Austin in a bum-rush they say came out of nowhere -- the actor was throwing fists and shoving all three of them in succession ... for no apparent reason whatsoever.

He's alleged to have punched a nurse in the head, shoved the face of another nurse and pushed the phlebotomist into a table -- only for the latter alleged victim to use a tray nearby to smack him in the head in self-defense.

At this point, cops say Austin was restrained by security officers ... but he's alleged to have attacked one last person -- although it's not clear from the report what her job was.

In any case, they finally cuffed him to a gurney there in the hospital. The cops who arrived to deal with this say they read Austin his Miranda rights when they told him they were arresting him for battery, and when asked if he understood ... they claim he said "yes."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

He was hauled off to jail, where he was booked for gross misdemeanor battery ... and posed for this mug shot. Austin has since bonded out. The one thing that isn't addressed in this whole narrative is ... what the hell was he doing in the ER in the first place???

That remains to be seen ... but it's a very bizarre hole in the story. Interestingly enough, Austin was kinda documenting his weekend in Vegas -- the dude has a whole compilation up on his social media page that shows off everything he was up to ... and it looks like a lot.

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We've reached out to his team for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 3:40 PM PT

Kansas City Chiefs Eleven SB Parade Victims Aged 6 To 15 ... Officials Say

Eleven kids between the ages of 6 years old and 15 years old suffered wounds during Wednesday afternoon's shooting at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade, officials say.

Lisa Augustine, a spokesperson for Children’s Mercy Kansas City, said in a statement to TMZ Sports the hospital treated 12 patients after at least one gunman opened fire at Union Station following the championship festivities in K.C. -- and of those dozen, 11 were children.

Augustine added that nine of the 12 sustained gunshot wounds.

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Thankfully, the hospital rep said, "All are expected to recover."

So far, law enforcement says 22 people in total were struck by gunfire just minutes after Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce had addressed the massive crowd that had gathered to celebrate their recent victory over the San Francisco 49ers.

At least one person, authorities said, died in the shooting.

Cops say three people have been detained in connection with the attack ... although no motive has been revealed. An investigation remains ongoing.

The Chiefs said in a statement they're "truly saddened by the senseless act of violence that occurred outside of Union Station at the conclusion of today's parade and rally."

"Our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and all of Kansas City," they added.

Mahomes and Kelce, meanwhile, also sent out prayers to the victims on their X pages following the tragedy.

Un carro se estrella contra una sala de urgencias Y el conductor muere

el terrible momento

Un carro chocó contra una sala de urgencias en Austin, Texas, esta semana y el video de las consecuencias es absolutamente horrible.

Este accidente ocurrió el martes por la noche en St. Davis's North Austin Medical Center, donde un vehículo literalmente embistió contra la entrada de la sala de emergencias, donde terminó hiriendo a un puñado de personas, entre ellas algunos niños.

Las imágenes que se ven aquí comenzó a rodar momentos después de que el coche vino volando a través de la parte delantera del edificio ... y como se puede oír, los neumáticos seguía chirriando - lo que sugiere que alguien tenía el pie en el pedal del acelerador, incluso después de hacer contacto.

La gente estaba luchando en medio del caos y algunos incluso tuvieron que ser levantados y cargados en brazos mientras las enfermeras y médicos salieron tratando de darle sentido a lo que había sucedido.

No está claro qué es exactamente lo que causó esto, pero lo que sí sabemos con certeza es que el conductor terminó muriendo justo después de recibir primeros auxilios. A primera vista, parece que pudo haber sufrido una emergencia médica y perdió el control del carro.

Los policías señalaron que el accidente no parecía ser intencional... vale la pena aclararlo porque algunos pensaban que podría ser incluso un ataque terrorista. Por suerte, no fue el caso.

Afortunadamente, nadie en el hospital murió, pero hubo muchos heridos. Cinco víctimas fueron trasladadas a otros hospitales con diversos grados de lesiones, incluyendo un niño que fue catalogado como en estado crítico.

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Se informa que el pequeño sufrió lesiones que tienen su vida en riersgo, y las lesiones de un adulto nos informan que son potencialmente mortales.

Austin, TX Car Slams Into Emergency Room Driver Dies, Not Intentional


A car rammed into an emergency room in Austin, TX, this week -- and the video of the immediate aftermath is absolutely horrifying.

This accident happened on Tuesday night at St. David's North Austin Medical Center -- where a vehicle literally rammed into the entrance of the ER there ... which ended up injuring a handful of people, including some kids.

The footage you see here starts just moments after the car came flying through the front of the building ... and as you can hear, the tires were still screeching -- suggesting someone had their foot on the gas pedal even after the impact.

People were scrambling in the chaos ... and some even had to be lifted and carried away as nurses and doctors poured out trying to make sense of what had happened.

At this point, it's unclear what exactly caused this, but what we do know for sure is that the driver died ... this after requiring CPR on the scene.

Cops noted the crash did not appear to be intentional, which some thought might've been the case ... there were immediate concerns it was some sort of terror attack. Luckily, this wasn't that.

Thankfully, no one in the hospital was killed, but there were serious injuries. Five victims were taken to other hospitals for treatment ...and one of them is a child listed in critical condition.

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The kid's injuries are reportedly life-threatening, while one adult suffered potentially life-threatening injury.