Southwest Flight Fight Passenger Pummels Man ... Crew Saves The Day


Two passengers went toe-to-toe on a mid-air flight, with one pummeling the other as the crew finally stepped in to break up the confrontation.

The violence erupted Monday on a Southwest commercial jet heading from Oakland to Hawaii. As soon as the fists started flying the camera started rolling.

Check out this video posted by a witness to Instagram … both men were arguing over some nonsense when one of them turned into Floyd Mayweather, connecting with a series of punches to the other dude’s face.

Fellow passengers and flight attendants quickly jumped in, pulling the two guys apart. When the plane landed on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, the troublemakers were detained by local authorities, but it was unclear if they were arrested or charged. As for any injuries, the guy whose head was used as a punching bag looked okay ... or seemed so anyway.

A rep for Southwest issued the following statement to Hawaii News Now … "The flight landed safely at its scheduled destination, and local authorities met the flight upon arrival."

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The U.S. Department of Transportation posted its own message on X, "Our department has zero tolerance for violent or unruly behavior aboard an aircraft. If you act out on an airplane, you can face criminal prosecution and fines up to $37,000."

Pelea en Southwest Un pasajero lanza un puñetazo a un hombre... La tripulación salva el vuelo

A los golpes

Dos pasajeros se enredaron en una pelea en pleno vuelo, con un hombre lanzando un puñetazo a otro mientras la tripulación intervenía para intentar poner fin al enfrentamiento.

La violencia estalló el lunes en un avión comercial de Southwest que se dirigía de Oakland a Hawai, y tan pronto como los puños comenzaron a volar, la cámara comenzó a rodar.

Echa un vistazo a este video publicado por un testigo en Instagram donde se ve a los dos hombres discutiendo por una tontería hasta que uno de ellos decidió convertirse en Floyd Mayweather y lanzar una serie de puñetazos en la cara del otro tipo.

Rápidamente, los pasajeros y auxiliares de vuelo intervinieron para separar a los dos tipos. Cuando el avión aterrizó en la isla de Kauai, los alborotadores fueron detenidos por las autoridades locales, pero no quedó claro si fueron arrestados o acusados. En cuanto a las lesiones, el tipo que recibió la mayoría de los golpes parecía estar bien... o eso parecía.

Un representante de Southwest emitió la siguiente declaración a Hawaii News Now: "El vuelo aterrizó con seguridad en su destino programado y las autoridades locales se reunieron con el vuelo a su llegada".

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El Departamento de Transporte de Estados Unidos publicó su propio mensaje en X: "Nuestro departamento tiene tolerancia cero con el comportamiento violento o indisciplinado a bordo de un avión. Si te portas mal en un avión, puedes enfrentarte a un proceso penal y a multas de hasta 37.000 dólares".

O.J. Simpson Reportedly Has Prostate Cancer ... Undergoing Chemotherapy

O.J. Simpson is reportedly battling cancer -- but the man himself is somewhat pushing back that he's in poor health ... although, not necessarily denying the notion that he's been diagnosed.

The notorious ex-con -- who was famously acquitted in his double murder trial in the '90s, and who has maintained his innocence -- was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer ... according to Local 10 News.

The publication cites sources for their reporting ... and they go on to say O.J. has been receiving chemotherapy in the area. Unclear when exactly he was given the bad news.

One other bizarre element about this report is that Local 10 News says they're hearing O.J. has been going around and telling friends there are rumors about him going into hospice ... something he's apparently been denying to his closest pals.

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Welp, O.J. doubled down on that denial Friday on the heels of this report coming out -- and while he is denying any notion of him being in hospice ... nobody seems to be claiming that.

Again, O.J.'s not saying he doesn't have cancer ... but he is trying to make it seem like everything is just fine and dandy in his world -- and that his focus is on the Super Bowl.

Here's the weird thing about all this ... O.J. appears to have already acknowledged that he has cancer and that he had done chemo. A video he posted in May 2023 -- where he rambles -- briefly touches on the fact that he "caught cancer," without specifying what type -- but in the clip, he also suggested he'd beaten it and that he was doing just fine now.

The ex-RB talked about dropping weight during chemo and how weed helped him get his appetite back -- but this video seems to have completely flown under the radar at the time.

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O.J. doesn't have a clear history of health issues -- aside from arthritis and flare-ups of old injuries -- but he has appeared to look somewhat frail in recent years as he goes around town.

Pink Una fan se pone de parto en un concierto... Y ella detiene el show!!!

¡¡DE parto en el concierto!!
Tik Tok/@miss_chantal

Un nuevo espectáculo se desarrolló en el concierto de Pink en Sydney, pues una fan entró en pleno trabajo de parto y todo el asunto ha sido capturado en video.

La cantante hizo una pausa en su concierto en el Allianz Stadium en la mitad de la canción "Our Song", luego de darse cuenta de que los organizadores le estaban haciendo señas de que una fan embarazada había sido llevada en silla de ruedas por un médico.

Pink se refirió a la situación, preguntando divertidamente a la multitud si "Alecia o Alex, ¿está naciendo en este momento?", en referencia a su verdadero nombre Alecia Beth Moore.

Su comedia no terminó ahí. Bromeó diciendo que no creía que todos debiesen estar mirándola y que necesitaba un poco de intimidad.

Pero ella estaba realmente interesada, pues le preguntó a la multitud si realmente había dado a luz, a pesar de saber que no, y además ofreció una sincera felicitación.

TMZ investiga
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Ahora Pink expresó su sorpresa de que su emotiva canción "Our Tune" fuera la que aparentemente indujo el parto, bromeando que ella habría pensado que sería con "Get the Party Started" o "Never Gonna Not Dance Again".

Después de desearle buena suerte a la futura madre, Pink continuó con el concierto, el primero de la etapa australiana de su gira "Summer Carnival".

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Cenizas sobre el escenario
Twitter / @jomas__

Una cosa es segura sobre los conciertos de Pink y es que los fans siempre van a hacer que sea un momento salvaje, loco y sorprendente, como cuando un fan arrojó las cenizas de su madre en el escenario durante uno de sus conciertos el año pasado.

Mmm, ¿gracias?


Tik Tok/@miss_chantal

A whole new performance unfolded at Pink's Sydney concert ... with a woman going into labor in the middle of the mosh pit -- and the whole thing has been captured on camera.

The singer called pause at her Allianz Stadium gig halfway through singing "Our Song" ... with the footage picking up after she realizes concertgoers signaling to her that the pregnant fan was wheeled away by a medic.

Pink made light of the situation ... hilariously asking the crowd if "Alecia or Alex is being born right now?" -- in reference to her real birth name, Alecia Beth Moore.

Her comedic delivery didn't end there ... she joked she didn't feel like everyone should be looking at the woman ... and that she needed some privacy.

But her interest was well and truly piqued ... she asked the crowd if she'd actually given birth ... and despite learning that she hadn't yet, she still offered her a heartfelt congratulations.

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Now, Pink did express shock that her highly emotional tune "Our Tune" was the one to apparently induce labor ... quipping, "I thought it would've been 'Get the Party Started' or 'Never Gonna Not Dance Again."

After wishing the mother-to-be good luck, Pink carried on with the concert -- the first in the Aussie leg of her 'Summer Carnival' stadium tour.

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Twitter / @jomas__

One thing for sure about Pink's gigs is that fans are always gonna make it a wild, wacky, and surprising time -- for instance, a fan tossed her mother's ashes on stage during one of her gigs last year.

Ermm, thanks?!

La Roca Le da una cachetada a Cody Rhodes en la conferencia WM40 ... Se une al combate con Roman Reigns

El kickoff de WrestleMania de la WWE fue una locura, con la Roca dándole una cachetada a Cody Rhodes en la cara en una salvaje confrontación sobre el escenario.

El incidente tuvo lugar en Las Vegas el jueves, en donde Roman Reigns se dirigió a la multitud y anunció que se enfrentará a Dwayne Johnson en Filadelfia, afirmando que es su decisión y que no hay nada que Cody pueda hacer al respecto.

En ese momento apareció La Roca y tomó el micrófono, diciendo que sin importar lo que la gente piense, ellos respetarán el combate, ya que la Roca y Roman provienen de The Bloodline, las familias samoanas con la historia más rica dentro de la lucha libre.

Todo parecía escrito en piedra mientras se daban la mano, pero Cody no estaba de acuerdo. Subió al escenario y llamó "bulls***" a todo el asunto, ya que él ganó el Royal Rumble y se ganó el derecho a entrar en el ring con Roman.

Los chicos intercambiaron desagradables insultos sobre las familias de cada uno y cuando Cody les dijo que los abuelos de Roman y Rock estarían avergonzados de ver en qué se han convertido, el Campeón del Pueblo perdió la cabeza y golpeó a Rhodes en la boca.

Todas las partes fueron separadas y escoltadas fuera del escenario, pero esto no se detuvo allí, ya que un furioso la Roca se enfrentó al jefe de contenido de la WWE Triple H después, diciéndole que hiciera algo sobre la falta de respeto de Rhodes o lo manejaría él mismo.

Después de que todo se calmó, la WWE aparentemente se puso del lado de Rhodes, revelando que Cody obtendrá su deseo y se enfrentará a Roman en WrestleMania 40.

TMZ investiga
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La Roca, por su parte, se ha alineado plenamente con el Bloodline, que tiene a los fans de la lucha libre vueltos locos.

Transgender Woman Sued Ex-BF Over Tossed-Out Balls ... But Judge Says, No Case!!!

A transgender woman who sued her ex-boyfriend for throwing out her balls apparently didn't have a case worth litigating ... 'cause a judge tossed her suit, not to mention the BF's.

Brianna Kingsley had recently filed a lawsuit against William Wojciechowski in Detroit -- whom she was dating a couple years ago as she was transitioning ... and who she claims discarded her surgically-removed testicles in the wake of their breakup.

TikTok / @rhinowitchsanctuary

At first, Kingsley was suing Bill for allegedly not returning her balls to her -- claiming in her small claims suit that he was holding them hostage, and keeping them in a mason jar in his fridge next to a carton of eggs. However, after she sued him ... her ex countersued her, claiming she'd humiliated him and also noting that he'd already thrown the testicles away.

It was a lot of back and forth for a while ... and the absurd case was highlighted by a quote Kinglsey had said in court at one point -- saying, "We’re talking about my nuts … I wanted them in my fridge -- not his. The damages were the loss of these nuts."

Kingsley was seeking the return of her testes -- even though they'd already been thrown out -- plus an extra $6,500 in damages. The boyfriend was also seeking damages for his claim.

In the end ... hizzoner said the whole thing was ridiculous and not worth taking under further consideration -- in fact, he called their competing lawsuits against each other a "wash," and added that it would've been too difficult to put a dollar amount on balls.

The judge tossed both lawsuits and basically closed the book on this matter. He also noted his decision could not be appealed -- so no chance of either of them continuing to fight it.

BTW, Kingsley seemed proud to show off her balls a couple years ago after she underwent gender-reassignment surgery -- so we suppose it's understandable they were of value to her.

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Unfortunately, this case ended up being a little too nuts for small claims court. Dismissed!

The Rock Slaps Cody Rhodes At WM40 Kickoff ... Joins Bloodline With Roman Reigns

WWE's WrestleMania Kickoff was nothing short of bonkers ... with The Rock straight-up slapping Cody Rhodes in the face in a wild on-stage confrontation!!

The whole event went down in Las Vegas on Thursday ... with Roman Reigns addressing the crowd and announcing he will face off against Dwayne Johnson in Philadelphia -- claiming it's his decision and there's nothing Cody can do about it.

Rock then showed up and hopped on the mic ... saying no matter what people think of the controversial matchup, they WILL respect it -- as Rock and Roman come from The Bloodline, the Samoan families with the richest history in professional wrestling.

Everything seemed set in stone as both guys shook hands -- but Cody wasn't having it ... taking the stage and calling the whole thing "bulls***," as he won the Royal Rumble and earned the right to enter the squared circle with Roman.

The guys traded nasty insults about each other's families ... and when Cody said Roman and Rock's grandparents would be ashamed of what they have become, The People's Champ lost it -- rocking Rhodes right in the mouth.

All sides needed to be separated and escorted off the stage ... but it didn't stop there, as a livid Rock confronted WWE chief content officer Triple H afterward, telling him to do something about Rhodes' disrespect -- or he'd handle it himself.

After it all died down, the WWE apparently sided with Rhodes in the whole ordeal ... revealing Cody would get his wish and take on Roman at WrestleMania 40.

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Rock, meanwhile, has fully aligned himself with the Bloodline, which has wrestling fans freaking T.F. out.


A surgical robot burned a hole in a Florida woman's small intestine during surgery, injuring her and eventually causing her death -- this according new lawsuit filed by her husband.

According to the legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Boca Raton native Sandra Sultzer passed away at the age of 78 in 2022 following a procedure to treat her colon cancer ... which was performed using a 'da Vinci' robot -- a 4-armed machine activated by a doctor operating a camera and a surgeon steering the robot's arms using a joystick and foot pedals.

Sultzer's husband claims the robot is designed to cut incisions as small as the size of a dime ... and the precise movements are supposed to minimize blood loss and trauma to the body from larger cuts made during traditional surgical procedures.

The suit alleges some of the rubber sleeves around the arms had cracks which allowed electrical currents to escape ... and the stray energy essentially burned Sandra's body tissues during her September 2021 procedure.

Her husband claims the burning of her internal organs happened without the surgical team even fully knowing what was happening at the time.

The lawsuit alleges that Intuitive Surgical Inc. -- the company that makes the da Vinci robot -- failed to adequately warn of these risks ... claiming it should have known of the risks from "thousands of injury and defect reports" about the device.

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He also claims the product was not designed in a safe way or tested enough to avoid the burn risks.

Sultzer's husband is seeking unspecified damages, including punitives.

NBA's Haywood Highsmith Issued Careless Driving Citation ... After Man Suffers Partial Amputation In Crash

Cops issued Miami Heat forward Haywood Highsmith a citation for careless driving on Tuesday ... after they say he caused an accident that resulted in a man suffering a partial amputation of his leg as well as other broken bones.

According to a crash report, obtained by TMZ Sports, the gruesome wreck happened at around 11:20 PM -- just minutes after Highsmith and the Heat beat the Orlando Magic at the Kesaya Center in Miami.

Cops state in the documents that Highsmith was going an estimated 45 MPH in a 40 MPH zone ... when he slammed into the back of a pedestrian who appeared to be pushing a broken-down car in the middle of a roadway.

The docs state Highsmith told officers that the disabled vehicle did not have its lights on ... and he couldn't stop his ride in time when he came across it in the street.

Cops wrote in the docs the pedestrian lost part of his right leg in the accident and sustained a compound fracture to his left leg as well. They also say the man suffered a possible broken left arm.

Police added the man was rushed to a local hospital in critical condition.

The crash report states drugs and alcohol were not involved ... though officers did write in the docs that Highsmith may have been distracted by unknown circumstances.

Highsmith logged three minutes of playing in the Heat's 121-95 win earlier in the night. He did not play Wednesday, though -- as the team announced he was sitting out of their game against San Antonio due to "personal reasons."

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Highsmith has yet to comment on the matter. The Heat, meanwhile, said in a statement, "Our hearts go out to those who were injured."

Mo'Nique Comparte evidencia de los remolques que volaron En el set de "Almost Christmas"

Mo'Nique hizo un montón de afirmaciones en el podcast de Shannon Sharpe, incluyendo que los remolques del set de una de las películas en las que trabajó habrían "volado" y está compartiendo información que permiten hacer seguimiento de la historia.

La comediante y actriz contó esta supuesta anécdota sobre la película de 2016 "Almost Christmas" en el programa "Club Shay Shay" el miércoles. La producción fue filmada junto a Danny Glover, Omar Epps, JB Smoove, Kimberly Elise, entre otros, y según ella, estuvo plagada de peligros.

¿A cargo de quién estáS?
Club Shay Shay

En resumen, Mo'Nique sugirió que el productor Will Packer, un pez gordo de Hollywood detrás de toneladas de comedias y espectáculos en los últimos años, estaba tomando atajos y haciendo caso omiso de las señales de advertencia durante la producción. Habría incluso alegado que hizo la vista gorda cuando alguien le notificó que el elenco había estado oliendo gas cerca de algunos remolques, donde se vestían, etc.

Obviamente, se trata de una acusación importante, y al relatarla en el podcast, prometió que publicaría "pruebas" de ello después, lo que hizo más tarde ese mismo día.

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Mo'Nique lanzó un clip el miércoles que parece mostrar exactamente de lo que estaba hablando. Esto es, que un remolque del set de filmación se quemó y que los bomberos tuvieron que ir a inspeccionar la escena. Ella no entregó más detalles ni información sobre a quién pertenecía ese remolque ni lo que condujo exactamente a que la caravana se destruyera, pero esto parece respaldar su historia.


Esta es solo una de las MUCHAS acusaciones que Mo'Nique lanzó en el show, que sacó a relucir viejas rencillas entre ella, Oprah, Tyler Perry y otras personalidades con las que ha estado involucrada durante años.

No está claro si publicará más "pruebas", como por ejemplo, una supuesta grabación de audio de TC que dice que tiene, pero se pueden imaginar que está lista para soltar cosas.

TMZ investiga
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Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Will para que hicieran comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Mo'Nique Posts 'Evidence' Trailers 'Blew Up' On Set of 'Almost Christmas'

Mo'Nique made a lot of claims on Shannon Sharpe's podcast -- but one she followed up on with receipts includes a story about on-set movie trailers that she claims "blew up."

The comedian/actress told this alleged anecdote on "Club Shay Shay" Wednesday about the 2016 film 'Almost Christmas' that she filmed alongside Danny Glover, Omar Epps, JB Smoove, Kimberly Elise, and others ... a production she insisted was rife with danger.

the trailers blew up!!!
Club Shay Shay

Long story short ... Mo'Nique suggested producer Will Packer -- a Hollywood big shot behind tons of comedies/shows in recent years -- was cutting corners and ignoring warning signs during production of 'AC' -- even alleging he turned a blind eye when someone notified him the cast had been smelling gas near some of their trailers, where they got dressed, etc.

Obviously, it's a major allegation -- and in the moment of her recounting it on the pod ... she promised she'd post "evidence" of it afterward, which she then did later in the day.

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Mo'Nique threw up a clip Wednesday that seems to show exactly what she was talking about -- namely, a movie set trailer all burnt up and damaged with firefighters surveying the scene. She didn't provide more details/info on whose trailer, specifically, this was ... or what exactly led up to the destroyed trailer, but on its face -- it appears to back up her story.


This is just one of MANY allegations Mo'Nique floated on 'CSS' ... which dredged up old feuds between herself, Oprah, Tyler Perry, and others that she's been involved in for years.

Unclear if she's going to post more "evidence" -- like an alleged audio recording of TC that she says she has -- but ya gotta imagine she's ready to drop stuff at a moment's notice.

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We've reached out to Will's team for comment ... so far, no word back.

Report: NBA's Haywood Highsmith Involved In Car Accident Man Suffers Partial Leg Amputation

Heat player Haywood Highsmith was involved in a car accident following Tuesday night's game in Miami ... a crash that reportedly left one man in critical condition with a partially amputated leg.

The Heat say 27-year-old Highsmith -- an undrafted free agent out of Wheeling University in 2018 -- got in the wreck heading home from their contest against the Orlando Magic, in which he recorded three minutes of action in the 121-95 win.

According to local reporter Andy Slater, Highsmith hit a man who was helping another driver who was stuck in the middle of the road.

The man who was struck remains in critical condition, the report added.

The Heat released a statement on the incident ... saying, "Our hearts go out to those who were injured."

Highsmith will sit out Wednesday's matchup against the San Antonio Spurs due to "personal reasons."

Highsmith -- who has also suited up in the G League and overseas -- has appeared in 37 games this season ... averaging 5.8 points and 2.8 rebounds so far. It's unclear when he is expected to rejoin the team.

Story developing ...

Supercross Rider Balls Flop Out During Race ... Aww, Nuts!!!

Supercross rider Cameron McAdoo let it all hang out during a race over the weekend ... suffering a truly unfortunate wardrobe malfunction in the crotch of his pants -- forcing him to complete the event with his junk on full display!!

The NSFW moment went down at the start of the 250SX East event in Detroit ... when McAdoo took a handlebar to the twig and berries after getting caught in a pileup at the beginning of the race.

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The mishap ripped his trousers wide open ... but shockingly, he didn't let it stop him from finishing the race with his nuts freely flopping around for all to see.

McAdoo -- who earned 15th in the competition -- addressed the whole ordeal after the fact ... saying it was a very painful experience.

"I raced the entire main with everything, EVERYTHING out," McAdoo said on his vlog. "So, that was interesting."

McAdoo also showed off the underwear he had on for the race ... revealing a massive hole right in the front.

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McAdoo was able to take it all in stride ... joking about it on social media.

"Now that it’s ALL out there all I ask is that everyone gives me a break ... It's cold in Detroit 🤦🏻‍♂️"

Cameron McAdoo sufre un accidente de vestuario En plena carrera

El piloto de Supercross -Cameron McAdoo- lo dejó todo durante una carrera el fin de semana, sufriendo un desafortunado problema de vestuario en la entrepierna de sus pantalones, ¡¡obligándolo a terminar el evento con sus partes íntimas en plena exhibición!

El momento se produjo al inicio del evento 250SX East en Detroit, cuando McAdoo quedó atrapado en un accidente múltiple al inicio de la carrera.

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En el percance le desgarró los pantalones, pero sorprendentemente no dejó que eso le impidiera terminar la carrera con sus pelotas flotando libremente a vista y paciencia de todos.

McAdoo -que quedó 15º en la competición- se refirió a toda la experiencia después de los hechos... diciendo que fue una experiencia muy dolorosa.

"Corrí con TODO allá afuera", dijo McAdoo en su blog. "Así que, eso fue interesante".

McAdoo también mostró la ropa interior que llevaba puesta, revelando un agujero justo en la parte delantera.

tmz investiga
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McAdoo fue capaz de tomarse las cosas con calma, bromeando al respecto en redes sociales.

"Ahora que está TODO ahí afuera, lo único que pido es que todo el mundo me dé un respiro... hace frío en Detroit 🤦🏻‍♂️"

Tragic Birth Decapitated Baby's Death Ruled a Homicide

A baby delivered at a hospital last year was somehow decapitated during birth -- something officials are now calling a homicide.

The mother in this tragic case -- 20-year-old Jessica Ross -- says she was rushed to Southern Regional Medical Center in Clayton County, GA, back in July after her water broke ... after which, she went into a lengthy labor.

Ross says her baby boy, Treveon Isaiah Taylor Jr., became stuck 10 hours into her attempts to push him out -- and she has since claimed the doctor working on her tried to pull the baby out of her birth canal, allegedly using so much force his head detached from his body.

The mother claims the bones in her baby's skull, head and neck were broken by the doctor manipulating the infant's body way too hard ... which literally left the infant separated at the head and torso. When they did a C-section, the family claims the medical staff was able to pull the body out of the mother's stomach ... the head was still lodged in the birth canal.

The family has also alleged that the mother then had to deliver the baby's head vaginally -- just an absolutely awful thing as described in a lawsuit they subsequently filed. What's more, the family alleges the hospital tried to cover up the baby's decapitation ... allegedly wrapping their dead child in a blanket so as not to show his severed head.

On Tuesday, the Clayton County Medical Examiner's Office ruled the death a homicide and said the baby died from "fracture-dislocation" in his spinal cord and upper cervical spine.

The family is now going after the hospital, doctors and nurses involved in the delivery ... suing for wrongful death and medical negligence.

Meanwhile, the Clayton County Police Department says it's launching a criminal investigation.

In a statement, the hospital says the baby died "in utero prior to the delivery and decapitation."

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Southern Reginal Medical Center also says the doctor who delivered the baby, Dr. Tracy St. Julian, has never been employed by the hospital.