Decapitación de un bebé durante el parto Se declara homicidio

Un bebé nacido en un hospital el año pasado fue decapitado durante el parto, algo que las autoridades califican ahora como homicidio.

La madre en este trágico caso -Jessica Ross de 20 años de edad- dice que fue trasladada de urgencia al Centro Médico Regional del Sur en el condado de Clayton en julio, cuando su fuente se rompió y tuvo que hacer trabajo de parto.

Ross dice que su bebé, Treveon Isaiah Taylor Jr., se quedó atascado 10 horas después de sus intentos de sacarlo. Afirma que el médico trató de sacar al bebé de su canal de parto, supuestamente usando tanta fuerza que su cabeza se separó de su cuerpo.

La madre afirma que el médico le rompió los huesos del cráneo, la cabeza y el cuello al manipular el cuerpo del bebé con demasiada fuerza, y que literalmente le separó la cabeza del torso. Cuando le hicieron la cesárea, la familia afirma que el personal médico pudo sacar el cuerpo del estómago de la madre, pero la cabeza seguía alojada en el canal del parto.

La familia también ha alegado que la madre entonces tuvo que entregar la cabeza del bebé por vía vaginal, una cosa absolutamente horrible como se describe en una demanda que presentaron posteriormente. Lo que es más, la familia alega que el hospital trató de encubrir la decapitación del bebé, supuestamente envolviendo a su hijo muerto en una manta para no mostrar su cabeza cortada.

El martes, la Oficina del Médico Forense del Condado de Clayton dictaminó la muerte como un homicidio y dijo que el bebé murió de "fractura-dislocación" en su médula espinal y la columna cervical superior.

La familia va ahora por el hospital, los médicos y las enfermeras que participaron en el parto. Todos han sido demandados por homicidio culposo y negligencia médica.

Mientras tanto, el Departamento de Policía del Condado de Clayton dice que está iniciando una investigación criminal.

En un comunicado, el hospital dice que el bebé murió "en el útero antes de la entrega y la decapitación".

Southern Reginal Medical Center también dice que el médico que dio a luz al bebé, el Dr. Tracy St. Julian, nunca ha sido empleado del hospital.

Jim Irsay 'On The Mend' After Health Issues ... Thankful For Support

Jim Irsay says he's getting over his recent health issues ... revealing Tuesday he's officially "on the mend."

The Indianapolis Colts owner suffered multiple medical scares in the last few months -- including a suspected overdose at his Indiana home followed by a respiratory ailment -- but, thankfully, he said on his X page he's now doing better.

He told his fans he appreciated all of their support as he went through his recovery process ... writing, "Grateful for all the messages of love."

The Colts first announced 64-year-old Irsay was struggling with his health back on Jan. 9 ... when they said he was battling "a severe respiratory illness." The issue was so dire, it actually forced Irsay to back out of a concert with his band.

To make matters worse for the NFL owner, TMZ Sports learned that just weeks prior -- on Dec. 8 -- cops were called to his Carmel home after they said he had been found unconscious with a blue skin tone.


In police documents, cops said first responders administered live-saving measures before taking him to the hospital ... classifying the incident as both an "overdose" and "overdose/poisoning."

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Fortunately, it seems Irsay's now on the road to putting it all behind him ... adding a heart emoji to his Tuesday message.

Killer Mike Son Getting Kidney Transplant ... After Mike's Grammys Arrest

Killer Mike's officially putting his arrest at the Grammys on the back burner, because after a long wait, his oldest son is finally getting a kidney transplant ... TMZ Hip Hop has learned.

Sources connected to the Grammy-winning rapper tell us Mike is with his son Mikael "Pony Boy" Render Monday as he undergoes the transplant surgery. The 21-year-old has been waiting for a kidney match for 3 years.

Back in November, Mikael got bumped up on the transplant waitlist, and his proud dad talked about it during an interview with Graham Bensinger.

Mike has said Mikael -- who's a musician and rapper, just like Dad -- never had a chance to fully experience his teenage years, because of his battle with kidney disease.

The fact Pony Boy's number got called for the transplant today, of all days, seems like a strange twist of fate ... considering his dad's weekend of some major ups and downs.

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TMZ broke the story ... Killer Mike was awarded 3 Grammys Sunday at L.A.'s Arena -- but he also got arrested.

He was booked for misdemeanor battery after allegedly knocking over a security guard at the venue, but was quickly released on his own recognizance. After getting released ... Mike was in relatively good spirits, even though he'd gone through a fairly dramatic situation.

I Feel Great

Paps tried talking to him about it in the aftermath -- but he wasn't really trying to talk much about it ... keeping his attention on the music. In light of this news about his son ... his mind was clearly elsewhere, as he had more important matters to attend to.

Mike won Grammys for Best Rap Album, Best Rap Song and Best Rap Performance -- but today his focus is purely on Mikael's surgery.

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Here's hoping all goes well on that front.

Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino Insane Video Shows Son Choking ... CPR Classes Incoming


Scary moment in "The Situation" household ... as a Ring camera shows Mike Sorrentino's son choking on his favorite pasta.

The "Jersey Shore" mainstay shared the clip via social media on Saturday ... documenting a nice family dinner Thursday night that quickly evolved into a nightmare scenario.

A family meal starts out innocently enough ... with Mike sitting at the table and his 2-year-old son Romeo sitting in the chair beside him. The little guy puts a bit of pasta pesto gnocchi in his mouth -- and that's when things take a turn.

Romeo's almost immediately in distress ... coughing and starting to cry -- and Papa Mike's on his feet within seconds, checking in on his eldest child before Romeo collapses into a hunched-over position.

One of the two adults Sorrentino is with can be heard clearly saying "He's choking, he's choking" with a woman who appears to be Mike's wife Lauren heading to the kitchen for some water.

MS smacks his son on the back repeatedly, trying to dislodge the food from his windpipe which seems to work eventually ... with Romeo letting out a loud cry as his mother seems to use some kind of tool to get the food out and pulls him into a tight embrace.

The father-of-three posted a couple pics of his kids after the vid ... and gave more details on the ordeal -- basically saying Romeo got the pasta stuck in his throat while applauding himself and his wife for staying calm despite the horror of the moment.

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He added he loves his family ... and he and his wife are heading to CPR classes soon -- while Romeo's gonna have to lay off the gnocchi for a bit!

Tyson Fury Out Of Usyk Fight ... After Suffering Gnarly Cut In Training

February's highly anticipated heavyweight clash between champions Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk is OFF ... after The Gypsy King suffered a deep cut above his eye, forcing him to pull out of the fight.

"I am absolutely devastated after preparing for this fight for so long and being in such superb condition. I feel bad for everyone involved in this huge event and I will work diligently towards the rescheduled date once the eye has healed," Fury said.

Tyson continued, even saying sorry to Oleksandr and his people.

"I can only apologize to everyone affected including my own team, Team Usyk, the undercard fighters, partners, and fans as well as our hosts and my friends in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."

It's especially a bummer for Fury 'cause he'd been training so hard for the fight ... and had his body looking better than it has in years. In fact, he's noticeably leaner now than when he fought Francis Ngannou in October 2023.

If you're a boxing fan, there's a good chance you were pumped for the upcoming bout, originally scheduled to go down on February 17 in Saudi Arabia ... until this morning's sparring sesh.

The deep cut is very close to where Fury was split open while fighting Otto Wallin in 2019 ... nearly forcing that fight to be stopped. It's unclear if that played a part in today's cut ... as scar tissue can make a fighter more apt to sustaining cuts.

A rep for Fury said the eye required immediate medical attention, including stitches, to close up the wound.

It's unclear how long Tyson will need to heal up ... but several reports indicate Usyk may not want to wait, and will instead seek out another opponent to step in on short notice.

Here's hoping the two champions fight sometime, somewhere ... even if we now have to wait just a bit longer.


Let’s Be Clear with Shannen Doherty

Shannen Doherty's finally catching a break amid her grueling stage 4 cancer battle ... revealing there's been a miracle breakthrough after she took a gamble.

On Monday's installment of her "Let's Be Clear" podcast, the actress says her radiation oncologist, Dr. Amin Mirhadi, put her on a new cancer infusion ... but when they didn't see a difference after 4 treatments, her medical team wanted her to try something else -- though she asked to stick it out.

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Instagram / @theshando

Sure enough, Shannen's body became receptive to the treatment after the sixth and seventh treatments ... adding she's pleased things are finally working in her favor health-wise after rolling the dice.

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She explains the drug breaks down the blood-brain barrier ... which can prevent chemotherapy drugs from reaching the brain tumor cells to destroy them. In Shannen's case, anti-cancer drugs are now able to penetrate her tumor cells via the weakened barrier.

Shannen's continuing with the treatment, saying she believes God's seen her struggle and is intervening.

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Instagram / @theshando

Shannen was first diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2015, and after 2 years of chemo, she was in remission. Though devastatingly, the cancer returned in 2020 and spread to her brain last year.

As we previously reported ... Shannen's been keeping busy with all things showbiz-related cause she's not viewing her cancer as a death sentence.

Shannen Doherty comparte una milagrosa noticia En medio de su batalla contra el cáncer

pidiendo un milagro
Let’s Be Clear with Shannen Doherty

Shannen Doherty por fin tiene un respiro en medio de su agotadora batalla contra el cáncer en estadio 4, revelando que ha habido un avance milagroso.

En la entrega del lunes de su podcast "Let's Be Clear", la actriz dice que su oncólogo de radiación, el Dr. Amin Mirhadi, la puso en una nueva infusión de cáncer, pero cuando no vieron una diferencia después de 4 tratamientos, su equipo médico quería que probara otra cosa... aunque ella pidió que continuaran.

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preparándose para la cirugía
Instagram / @theshando

Por supuesto, el cuerpo de Shannen se mostró receptivo al tratamiento después de la sexta y séptima intervención, añadiendo que está contenta de que las cosas finalmente estuvieran a su favor.

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TMZ Studios

Ella explica que la droga rompe la barrera entre la sangre y el cerebro, la cual puede impedir que los medicamentos de quimioterapia lleguen a las células tumorales del cerebro para destruirlos. En el caso de Shannen, los medicamentos contra el cáncer son ahora capaces de penetrar en sus células tumorales a través de la barrera debilitada.

Shannen sigue con el tratamiento, diciendo que ella cree que Dios ha visto su lucha y está interviniendo.

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haciéndose los exámenes
Instagram / @theshando

Shannen fue diagnosticada por primera vez con cáncer de mama allá por 2015, y después de dos años de quimioterapia, estaba en remisión. Aunque el cáncer regresó en 2020 y se extendió a su cerebro el año pasado.

Como hemos informado anteriormente, Shannen se ha mantenido ocupada con todas las cosas relacionadas con el mundo del espectáculo, porque no ve a su cáncer como una sentencia de muerte.

La víctima del secuestro de un perro dice que la atención mediática Hizo que la policía investigara

La mujer que saltó sobre un carro en movimiento para tratar de detener a unos ladrones que robaron a su bulldog francés, dice que la policía finalmente está tomando en serio su caso, todo gracias a los medios de comunicación.

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un viaje aterrador

Ali Zacharias es la pobre mujer que tenía a su perro, Onyx, de paseo a plena luz del día en el centro de Los Ángeles a principios de este mes, cuando fue secuestrado por ladrones. Ella se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el lunes para explicar exactamente cómo fue el asunto y lo que la policía está haciendo ahora para encontrar a los culpables.

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rendirse jamás

Curiosamente, ella dice que la policía ha sido mucho más sensible ahora que el video apareció en las noticias, y por una buena razón, ya que es bastante dramático.

Como informamos, Ali estaba comiendo fuera de un Whole Foods cuando una mujer pasó y agarró la correa de Onyx y se alejó.

Ali dice que persiguió al secuestrador de perros y que se metió en un carro lleno de gente. Dice que se puso delante del carro, entonces se encontró aferrándose al capó para salvar su vida mientras los ladrones aceleraron a través de la ciudad temiendo por su vida.

El secuestro de perros descarado es similar a cuando el paseador de perros de Lady Gaga recibió un disparo para robarle sus bulldogs franceses. con el caso de Gaga que conduce a una enorme respuesta de la policía y la investigación.

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El perro de Ali fue secuestrado el 18 de enero y el video solo salió a la luz el pasado fin de semana, y ahora que su historia está en los medios de comunicación, ella dice que la policía está siendo mucho más útil y sensible.

Los perros de Gaga fueron finalmente devueltos a ella sanos y salvos y Ali espera un final feliz también, además ofrece una recompensa por cualquier información sobre Onyx.

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Esperemos que la presión añadida haga que las cosas se muevan... ¡amantes de las mascotas unidos!

Violent Dognapping Victim Media Attention Lit Fire Under Cops ... Lady Gaga's No Different

The woman who jumped on a moving car to try and stop thieves from stealing her French bulldog says cops are finally taking her case seriously ... all thanks to the media.

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Ali Zacharias is the poor woman who had her dog, Onyx, taken from her in broad daylight in downtown Los Angeles earlier this month -- and she joined us on "TMZ Live" Monday to explain exactly how it went down, and what cops are doing now to find the culprits.

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Interestingly, she says the LAPD has been much more responsive now that video of the daring and violent dognapping is in the news -- and for good reason ... it was dramatic as hell.

As we reported, Ali was eating outside a Whole Foods in DTLA when a woman walked by and grabbed Onyx's leash and walked away.

Ali says she chased after the dognapper, who got into a car full of people. She says she stood in front of the car, then found herself clinging to the hood for dear life as the thieves sped through town ... fearing for her life as the pavement flew by.

The brazen dognapping is similar to when Lady Gaga's dogwalker got shot over her French bulldogs ... with the Gaga case leading to a huge police response and investigation.

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Ali's dog was taken Jan. 18 and the video only surfaced this past weekend, and now that her story is in the media -- she says LAPD is being way more helpful and responsive ... which we suppose is a good thing if it helps get her pooch home sooner.

Gaga's dogs were ultimately returned to her safe and sound ... and Ali's hoping for a happy ending here too, and offering a reward for any info on Onyx.

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Here's hoping the added pressure gets things moving ... pet lovers unite!

Kate Middleton Released from Hospital ... 12 Days After Surgery

Kate Middleton is finally out of the hospital after undergoing surgery nearly 2 weeks ago -- and the official word is ... she's doing alright, and continues to get better.

The Princess of Wales is back home and resting with her family -- this according to Kensington Palace ... which made the announcement Monday. They wrote, "The Princess of Wales has returned home to Windsor to continue her recovery from surgery."

They add, "She is making good progress." This is reassuring, considering how long she was hospitalized, and how suddenly this news was sprung onto the public in the first place.

There's more from Kensington as well -- with the Royal house saying, "The Prince and Princess wish to say a huge thank you to the entire team at The London Clinic, especially the dedicated nursing staff, for the care they have provided."

More good news for the Royals ... King Charles was also released from the hospital Monday. Remember, he went in for a prostate procedure ... just around the same time as KM.

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While the King's procedure/health issue was crystal clear ... Kate's remains somewhat of a mystery -- as no one seems to know what exactly the problem was. Although, that hasn't stopped people from speculating ... with all sorts of ailments being floated as possibilities.

In the meantime, Kensington Palace has asked for privacy and discretion as she heals.

Bahamas Shark Attack Blood From Bit Child Fills Tank ... Gruesome Video Shows


Chilling new video of the Bahamas shark attack shows the terrifying moments after the boy nearly got his leg chomped off as the water in the tank turned a misty blood red.

TMZ has obtained shocking footage capturing the seconds after the 10-year-old boy -- who was the victim in this case -- frantically swam to the top of the tank as his father, who heroically jumped into the water, helped him over to a ladder. It's as dramatic as can be.

Eyewitnesses tell TMZ ... the dad carried the boy up the ladder onto a landing before rushing off with his son to get him medical attention, which can be seen in one of the photos. We're told the boy's mom and Atlantis Resort staff assisted the father in his efforts.

According to one source ... the boy climbed down into the tank with a chaperone on January 15 as part of the shark experience for guests at the Atlantis Bahamas Resort.

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The terrifying footage

Wearing a large white helmet and heavy oxygen tank, the boy stood with the chaperone on the floor of the tank as the sharks whipped past them. Two of the reef sharks were aggressively swimming around the boy -- and one of them darted through his legs.

This caused the boy to lose his footing and straddle the shark, which turned its head around and sank its sharp teeth into one of his legs near the calf area. That caused him to bleed.

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The overcrowded Area

The boy's mom freaked out, screaming, "Did that just bite him?" She then realized, "Oh my gosh, that's my son." The mom, along with the boy's father, sprung into action to assist.

The Royal Bahamas Police Force said the boy -- on vacation from Maryland -- got bit on the right leg and was taken to the hospital ... thankfully, he was in stable condition, and Atlantis shut down their tanks immediately.

Remember, we got a hold of footage and photos that showed what this same shark tank looked like just a couple days prior to this incident -- and while it might've looked a bit crowded in there (with more sharks than humans), we were assured that's standard.

This attraction at the resort has since been shut down ... as they reevaluate their procedures for their guests moving forward.

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We reached out again to Blue Adventures by Stuart Cove -- the company that manages this excursion at the resort -- for new comment ... so far, no word back.

Mikaela Shiffrin Olympics Star Hospitalized After Crashing In World Cup

Skiing star Mikaela Shiffrin was airlifted to a hospital after crashing in a World Cup downhill run on Friday ... but, thankfully, she avoided serious injury.

The scary incident happened when Shiffrin -- who holds the record with 95 World Cup wins -- was going at high speeds down the Olympia delle Tofane course in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy.

In footage of the run, Shiffrin is shown losing control while attempting to land a jump about 20 seconds into her race ... ultimately crashing into the safety barriers.

The 28-year-old was transported to a nearby hospital via medical helicopter to evaluate her leg injury ... and it sounds like she escaped the incident without any serious issue.

U.S. team coach Paul Kristofic spoke about MS' status with the AP ... saying, "She's positive and in a certain way relieved because it could have been worse. But she’s pretty sore, as you are for most speed crashes. But she was quite upbeat about things."

Shiffrin thanked her fans for showing love after her crash ... and gave her team a shout-out for finishing top 20 in the race.

"Thank you everyone for your support and well wishes. At this point I’m just taking it day by day, and I’ll share more information or updates as I know more," Shiffrin said on Instagram.

"Very thankful it’s not worse, but I’m pretty sore at the moment."

Shiffrin will sit out Saturday and Sunday's downhill events in Cortina ... and her return to the slopes is unknown at this time.

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"I won’t be skiing the rest of this weekend, and I won’t be skiing in Kronplatz," Shiffrin said.

"Beyond that, it’s quite hard to say right now. Need a little time to process with my team and see how everything is feeling in the coming days! Thank you all!🙏"

The crash comes shortly after Shiffrin's boyfriend -- Norweigan skier Aleksander Kilde -- had a brutal tumble at a World Cup event ... resulting in multiple injuries and an urgent surgery.

Get well soon!!

Jim Irsay Medical Scare Cops Blared Taylor Swift On Way To NFL Owner's Home ... Police Video Shows

Getaway Car

A cop who was racing to help Jim Irsay during the NFL owner's medical scare last month got a bit of an assist from Taylor Swift ... 'cause new police video, obtained by TMZ Sports, shows the officer was blaring the popstar's music as he rushed to the emergency.

The scene was captured on a Carmel Police Dept. dash camera at around 4:30 AM back on Dec. 8 ... just after cops say someone had called 911 to report Irsay might have suffered a possible overdose at his Indiana home.

In the footage, you can see that right after the call was received ... a policeman turned on his overhead lights -- and his Swift tunes -- to try to get to Irsay's house as soon as possible.

The officer blew through stop signs, at least one red light ... and swerved in and out of lanes -- all while "Cruel Summer" poured out of his vehicle's speakers.

At one point, the cop appeared to reach a high rate of speed as Swift could be heard belting out, "He looks up grinning like a devil, it's new!"

The cop also tuned in to Kenya Grace's "Strangers" ... before he finally arrived at Irsay's residence.


Several other members of law enforcement -- including at least three other cops -- also showed up to help render aid ... though according to their dash cams, they had no music on while en route to the scene.

Cops said in a police report they ultimately found Irsay in his bed gasping for air. They said he had a weak pulse as well as constricted pupils ... and he didn't respond to a sternum rub.

However, according to the police docs, Irsay did respond "slightly" after Narcan -- a drug commonly used in opiate overdose situations -- had been administered. He was later transported to a nearby hotel, where he survived. Cops classified the incident as both "overdose" and "overdose/poisoning."

On Jan. 9, over a month after the scare, the Colts announced Irsay was dealing with a "severe respiratory illness." They added in a statement last week that Jim was still recovering from his respiratory ailment.

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"We will have no further comment on his personal health," the team said on Jan. 17, "and we continue to ask that Jim and his family's privacy be respected."

King Charles III Admitted To London Hospital For Prostate Procedure ... Pays A Visit To Kate

King Charles III was hospitalized Friday in London to undergo a "corrective procedure" for his enlarged prostate – and he'll have another royal to keep him company while he's there.

Charles was admitted this morning to the London Clinic where the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, is currently resting after having stomach surgery. Following his arrival, the king paid a visit to the princess for a little bonding session.

Buckingham Palace – the United Kingdom's royal residence – released an official statement ... “The King was this morning admitted to a London hospital for scheduled treatment. His Majesty would like to thank all those who have sent their good wishes over the past week.''

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The statement went on to say the king was "delighted to learn that his diagnosis is having a positive impact on public health awareness" for those suffering from his condition.

Last week, the palace announced Charles would be having the medical procedure and postponing all public events for a short period as he recuperates.

In mid-January, Charles learned he had a benign, non-cancerous prostate enlargement after he went to a doctor for a check-up because he was experiencing "symptoms."

Prostate enlargement is common in people, especially men, as they age, causing bladder and urinary tract issues, as well as kidney problems, according to the Mayo Clinic. Treatment for the condition can include medicines, surgery or other procedures.

Rey Carlos III Ingresa en un hospital de Londres para un procedimiento de la próstata...

El rey Carlos III fue hospitalizado el viernes en Londres para someterse a un "procedimiento correctivo" por un agrandamiento de su próstata y tendrá a otro miembro de la realeza para hacerle compañía mientras se quede allí.

Carlos ingresó esta mañana a la clínica londinense donde la princesa de Gales, Kate Middleton, se está recuperando tras someterse a una operación de estómago. Tras su llegada, el rey hizo una visita a la princesa para pasar un breve tiempo con ella.

El Palacio de Buckingham, que corresponde a la residencia real del Reino Unido, emitió un comunicado oficial diciendo: "El Rey fue ingresado esta mañana a un hospital de Londres para un tratamiento programado. A Su Majestad le gustaría dar las gracias a todos quienes han enviado sus buenos deseos durante esta última semana".

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La declaración continuó diciendo que el rey se encuentra "encantado de saber que su diagnóstico está teniendo un impacto positivo en las personas y su conciencia de salud pública", especialmente en aquellos que sufren de su condición.

La semana pasada, el palacio anunció que Carlos se sometería a este procedimiento médico y pospondría todos los eventos públicos por un corto período mientras se recupera.

A mediados de enero, Carlos se enteró de que tenía un agrandamiento de próstata benigno, no canceroso, después de ir a un chequeo médico pues estaba experimentando "síntomas."

El agrandamiento de la próstata es común en las personas, especialmente en los hombres, a medida que envejecen, lo que causa problemas en la vejiga y el tracto urinario, así como problemas renales, según la Clínica Mayo. El tratamiento para esta condición puede incluir medicamentos, cirugía u otros procedimientos.

50 Cent es demandado por la presentadora de Power 106 Por golpearla con un micrófono

50 Cent se libró de cargos criminales por golpear a un DJ con un micrófono, pero hay una chica que no se va a rendir tan facilmente.

TMZ Hip Hop obtuvo los documentos presentados por Bryhana Monegain, la presentadora de radio con sede en Los Angeles para Power 106 que fue hospitalizada después de que el rapero lanzara un micrófono a la multitud el 3 de agosto de 2023.

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el polémico momento
TikTok / @polyboy.steezy

Según la demanda, una vez que 50 se dio cuenta de que su micrófono estaba funcionando mal, optó por lanzarlo en la multitud, donde Bryhana afirma que la golpeó en la cara y la muñeca... resultando en lesiones graves y permanentes.

Sus supuestas lesiones, especificadas en los documentos, coinciden con la historia que publicamos en su momento, Bryhana dice que sufrió una conmoción cerebral y una laceración frente, entre otros golpes y contusiones.

Bryhana dice que sigue sufriendo de angustia emocional por el incidente a pesar de que ha tenido que volver a trabajar.

Ella está demandando por los salarios que perdió durante su recuperación, además de los gastos médicos y otros daños.

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TMZ Studios

Sabemos 50, a través de un abogado, había negado haber dañado intencionalmente a nadie, pero eso fue cuando estaba siendo investigado penalmente por esto... ahora está claro que fue él.

No ha respondido a esta nueva demanda todavía.