Colts Owner Jim Irsay Found Blue, Unresponsive in December ... OD Suspected, Cops Say


The Colts released a statement on Jim Irsay's health ... saying he is still recovering from his "respiratory illness."

"We will have no further comment on his personal health, and we continue to ask that Jim and his family's privacy be respected."

Jim Irsay was found laying in his bed unresponsive, cold to the touch and gasping for air during a suspected overdose in December ... this according to police in Indiana.

Carmel Police Department documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, show cops were dispatched to Irsay's Carmel residence on Dec. 8 at around 4:30 AM ... after someone said they had found the Indianapolis Colts owner unconscious on a bathroom floor with a blue skin tone.

When police first arrived on the scene, they say Irsay had been moved to his bed ... where he was struggling to breathe and had a weak pulse and constricted pupils.

Police say in the docs an attempt to wake him with a sternum rub was unsuccessful. They added, though, that after administering one dosage of Narcan -- a drug commonly used to revive people in opiate overdose situations -- "he responded slightly."

Cops say they were prepared to attach an AED to Irsay -- but paramedics arrived and "took over lifesaving efforts." Irsay was eventually transported to a nearby hospital via an ambulance.

Officers noted in the documents that a caretaker provided them a list of the medications Irsay had been taking ... though they wrote in the report, "At this time, it is unknown what Mr. Irsay had ingested prior to our arrival." They classified the incident in the docs as both "overdose" and "overdose/poisoning."

Irsay had not been seen around his Colts' team in the weeks following the incident ... and on Jan. 9, the team announced he'd been dealing with a "severe respiratory illness." The Colts explained in a statement that he would miss a scheduled appearance in Los Angeles with his "Jim Irsay Band" while receiving treatment for the ailment.

"He is receiving excellent care and looks forward to returning to the stage as soon as possible," the Colts said. "We'll have no additional information at this time and we ask that you respect the privacy of Jim and his family as he recovers."

We do not know if Irsay's recent hospitalization is related to the December incident at his home.

Irsay -- who's been the owner of the Colts since 1997 -- said in an interview with Andrea Kremer back in November, he's battled addiction to alcohol and pain pills during his life, requiring at least 15 trips to rehab. He also told Kremer he previously suffered an overdose after he "was trying to detox myself."

"All of a sudden I started slurring my words and then code blue, I stopped breathing," he told Kremer of the OD. "And they revived me, and the doctor goes, 'Jim, you're one lucky man because I had signed, virtually, the death certificate.'"

We've reached out to Irsay, but no word back yet.

Originally Published -- 12:30 AM PT

RV Miracle Guy Gets Ejected on L.A.-Area Fwy ... Lives to Tell the Tale!!!


A guy got launched out of an RV that was barreling down a freeway in the Los Angeles area -- and he got thrown onto the complete opposite side ... somehow surviving the ordeal.

Wild video surfaced Monday of a horrifying accident that miraculously didn't end up being deadly. It shows a driver cruising in one direction along the 14 Freeway near Santa Clarita ... and his dashcam caught an RV coming toward him from the other side of the barrier.

Watch ... you see the RV is a little out of control, and it actually appears to bang against the cement divider -- which seems to have flung one of its passengers through its doors.

Soon enough, a man's body tumbling appears in clear view ... it looks like he fell out of the RV and onto the shoulder of the opposite end of the road, almost hitting oncoming traffic.


BTW, there are a couple different angles capturing the action here ... and it's totally insane.

As you might imagine, this ended up drawing a massive police response -- with first responders rushing to the scene to attend to this poor guy ... and, miraculously, he lived!


The man was taken to the hospital, and the extent of his injuries isn't entirely clear. Now, as for how exactly this could've happened in the first place -- an eyewitness is quoted as claiming that the driver fell asleep, and that the man who was shot out was her hubby.

If true, the lesson here obviously is ... buckle up. But, by the same token ... wake up!

Hombre sale despedido de un vehículo en una autopista de Los Ángeles y sobrevive

expulsado del vehículo

Un hombre salió despedido de un vehículo que se precipitaba por una autopista en la zona de Los Ángeles... y sobrevivió milagrosamente a la terrible experiencia.

La dashcam captó el momento en que una camioneta que parecía tambalearse, expulsa a un hombre de manera muy extraña...

Se ve que la camioneta está fuera de control y parece golpear la barrera cemento arrojado a uno de sus pasajeros a través de sus puertas.

Muy pronto, el cuerpo de un hombre dando tumbos aparece a la vista... al parecer se cayó de la camioneta quedando a la merced del tráfico.

golpeando el suelo

A propósito, hay un par de ángulos diferentes que capturaron la acción... y es totalmente increíble.

Como te puedes imaginar, esto desencadenó una respuesta masiva de la policía. Los socorristas corrieron a la escena para atender a este pobre hombre que milagrosamente sobrevivió.

recibiendo ayuda médica

El hombre fue llevado al hospital y el alcance de sus lesiones no está del todo claro. Ahora, en cuanto a cómo exactamente esto podría haber sucedido en primer lugar, un testigo ocular se cita como afirmando que el conductor se quedó dormido y que el hombre que salió disparado era su marido.

Si es verdad, hay una lección que aprender... ¡abróchate el cinturón!

La madre del bebé de Soulja Boy acude al médico y le recetan ansiolíticos tras demandar a Blueface

La madre del bebé de Soulja Boy, dice que su demanda por difamación contra Blueface está haciendo mella en su salud mental. Sus abogados dicen que está viendo a los médicos y tomando nuevos medicamentos para la ansiedad y el insomnio.

Los abogados de Jackilyn Martínez, Vadim Yeremenko y Tara Licata, le dicen a TMZ que su clienta se siente angustiada por las declaraciones de Blueface sobre su hijo y las amenazas que ella dice que ha recibido de sus fans. Nos dicen que ha estado viendo a un terapeuta y un psiquiatra y que le han prescrito algunos medicamentos.

TMZ publicó la historia, Jackilyn demandó a Blueface después de que él dijo que tuvieron relaciones sexuales el 2022 e insinuó que el hijo que comparte con Soulja podría ser de él.

Blueface hizo más daño más en una serie de mensajes... y como resultado, toda esta situación ha sembrado la discordia entre Soulja y el niño.


También nos informan que Jackilyn y Soulja Boy ahora se comunican muy poco.

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Instagram / @souljaboy

Jackilyn parece estar pasando por mucho, su demanda afirmó que recibió amenazas de muerte de los fans de Blueface, y ahora su equipo legal nos dice que desde entonces ha desactivado los mensajes en las redes sociales.

La demanda fue presentada en diciembre y los abogados nos dicen que sirvieron Blueface mientras hacía un meet and greet en Fountain LA en Koreatown, la misma noche que nuestro fotógrafo lo encontró allí con Jaidyn Alexis.

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CONsiguiendo ESe DINERO

Todo un drama.

Soulja Boy's Baby Mama Fallout From Blueface Defamation Suit ... Doctor Visits, Anxiety Meds

Soulja Boy's baby mama says her defamation lawsuit against Blueface is taking an extreme emotional toll -- her lawyers say she's seeing doctors and taking new medications for anxiety and insomnia.

Jackilyn Martinez's attorneys, Vadim Yeremenko and Tara Licata, tell TMZ ... their client is feeling distressed over Blueface's statements about her child and threats she says she's getting from his fans. We're told she's been seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist, who have prescribed her meds.

TMZ broke the story ... Jackilyn sued Blueface after he said they had sex the day before her and Soulja Boy's baby shower back in 2022 ... and insinuated the son she shares with SB could actually be his.

Blueface took more jabs at Soulja and Jackilyn in a series of social media posts ... and as a result, we're told this whole situation has sowed discord between Soulja and the baby boy.


We're also told Jackilyn and Soulja Boy now have minimal communications themselves.

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Instagram / @souljaboy

Jackilyn seems to be going through a lot ... her lawsuit claimed she received death threats from Blueface fans, and now her legal team tells us she's since disabled messages on social media.

The lawsuit was filed in December and lawyers tell us they served Blueface while doing a meet and greet at Fountain LA in Koreatown ... the same night our photog got him there with Jaidyn Alexis.

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Drama on top of drama.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Lamar Odom le ofrece un cambio de imagen dental Ella lo está considerando

Entre sus glamorosas selfies y su activa vida sexual, Gypsy Rose Blanchard tiene un montón de razones para sonreír por estos días y Lamar Odom espera que lo siga haciendo, con un nuevo tratamiento para su dentadura.

Fuentes cercanas a la ex estrella de la NBA le dicen a TMZ que ha contactado a Gypsy a través de las redes sociales para ofrecerle un cambio de imagen dental completo, como cortesía de su nueva compañía Oxy Dental.

Nos dicen que Lamar es como la mayoría de las personas en Estados Unidos y está fascinado con la historia de Gypsy. Por eso se sintió obligado a ayudar después de enterarse de que su lucha dental fue una gran parte de su viaje.

Gypsy está agradecida por el gesto y se comunicó con Lamar a través de las redes sociales, donde se siguen mutuamente.

El procedimiento normalmente costaría alrededor de $30K, pero Lamar le dijo que esto correría por su cuenta. Nos dicen que ella es receptiva a la idea, pero que aún no está claro si la va a aceptar.

Lamar ha ayudado regularmente a otras estrellas de reality en su centro de rehabilitación para el bienestar, por lo que esto no debería ser una sorpresa.

Se dio cuenta de que algunos pacientes en su centro de rehabilitación necesitaban opciones dentales asequibles y eso lo llevó a abrir su propio consultorio dental el mes pasado en Lomita, California.

Lamar te tiene cubierta
Oxy Dental

Lamar sabe de este proceso, él mismo derrochó unos $80.000 en sus propios dientes en 2022 después de confesar en 'KUWTK' que no había visitado al dentista en 7 años.

En cuanto a la terrible experiencia de Gypsy, varios de sus dientes y glándulas salivales fueron retiradas cuando su madre Dee Dee afirmó que sufría de caries dental.

Se quedó solo con 16 dientes y actualmente tiene postizos y coronas de acero inoxidable.

GYPSY ROSE BLANCHARD LAMAR ODOM OFFERS Dental Makeover ... She's Considering It!!!

Between her glam selfies and active sex life, Gypsy Rose Blanchard has loads of reasons to smile these days, and Lamar Odom's hoping she continues grinning ... with a new set of teeth.

Sources close to the ex-NBA star tell TMZ he's reached out to Gypsy on social media ... offering her a full dental makeover from his new company Oxy Dental.

We're told Lamar's just like most of America -- he's been fascinated with Gypsy's story and felt compelled to help after learning her dental struggle was a big part of her journey.

Gypsy's responded ... she's thankful for the gesture, and is communicating with Lamar via social media, where they follow each other.

The procedure would normally cost about $30K, but Lamar's told her this one's on the house. We're told she's receptive to the idea, but it's still unclear if she'll accept.

Lamar's regularly helped out other reality stars with his rehab wellness facility ... so this shouldn't come as a surprise.

He noticed some patients at his rehab facility needed affordable dental options, and that prompted him to open his own dental office last month in Lomita, CA.

Oxy Dental

Lamar knows the drill himself ... splashing out $80,000 on his own teeth in 2022 after previously confessing on 'KUWTK' that he hadn't visited the dentist in 7 years.

As for Gypsy's ordeal -- several of her teeth and salivary glands were removed when her mother, Dee Dee, claimed she was suffering from tooth decay.

She was left with just 16 teeth and currently has false teeth and stainless crowns.

Madre en Ohio es detenida Por supuestamente fingir el cáncer de su hija ... Recaudó miles de dólares

Una madre de Ohio está tras las rejas después de ser acusada de mentir sobre el cáncer de su hija y utilizarlo para recaudar dinero en un caso que recuerda inquietantemente a la terrible experiencia de Gypsy Rose Blanchard.

Pamela Reed fue detenida el lunes después de que las autoridades dijeran que la mujer le dijo a sus amigos y familiares que su hija, identificada como AR y hoy de 7 años, tenía cáncer, específicamente leucemia mieloide y que sufría convulsiones y era ciega de un ojo.

Las autoridades dicen que Pamela incluso rapó la cabeza de AR para reforzar sus afirmaciones y que habría recaudado alrededor de $8,000 para pagar los gastos de tratamiento del cáncer de AR.

Pero, de acuerdo con la declaración jurada del arresto, todo llegó a su fin cuando la enfermera de la escuela de AR descubrió que no estaba ciega de su ojo derecho, y tras llamar al médico de la niña, se enteró de que no tenía cáncer.

La policía dice que Reed confesó la verdad más tarde a la escuela y le dijo a la policía que reenvasaba recetas para hacer parecer que eran para el tratamiento del cáncer.

Los funcionarios también afirman que le dio medicamentos para las convulsiones a AR que no necesitaba.

Cuando los policías la interrogaron, Reed admitió haber seguido adelante con la mentira durante mucho tiempo porque disfrutaba del apoyo financiero.

Según los policías, Reed ha estado publicando sobre los problemas de salud de su hija desde que tenía 20 meses de edad.

Si esto suena similar a la situación de Gypsy, no se equivocan. Como se acordarán, la defensa de Gypsy en su caso criminal se centró en que su madre Dee Dee sufría de Síndrome de Munchausen por Poder, lo que la llevó a hacerle creer falsamente a Gypsy que sufría de leucemia y distrofia muscular y que necesitaba una silla de ruedas.

Ohio Mother Arrested Allegedly Faked Daughter's Cancer ... Raised Thousands in the Process

An Ohio mother is behind bars after being accused of lying about her daughter's cancer, and using it to raise money in a case eerily reminiscent of Gypsy Rose Blanchard's ordeal.

Pamela Reed was arrested Monday after authorities say she told friends and family for years her 7-year-old daughter, identified as AR, had cancer -- specifically myeloid leukemia -- suffered from seizures and was blind in her right eye.

Law enforcement says Pamela even shaved AR's head to bolster her claims, and had raised about $8,000 ... which was given to help aid AR's cancer treatment expenses.

But, according to the arrest affidavit, it all came to an end when AR's school nurse discovered she wasn't blind in her right eye, and after calling the girl's doctor, learned she did not have cancer.

Cops say Reed later confessed to doctoring AR's paperwork for the school and told cops she repackaged prescriptions to make it seem like they were for cancer treatment.

Officials also claim she gave AR seizure medication she didn't need.

When cops grilled her, Reed admitted carrying on the big lie for so long, because she enjoyed all the financial support.


According to cops, Reed has been posting about her daughter's health concerns since she was 20 months old.

If this sounds similar to Gypsy's past situation, you aren't wrong -- you'll recall, Gypsy's defense in her criminal case focused on her mom, Dee Dee, suffering from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which led to her making Gypsy falsely believe she suffered from leukemia and muscular dystrophy, and needed a wheelchair.

Nicole Eggert Celebs Sending Money & Love After Cancer Diagnosis

Nicole Eggert says she's getting tons of support -- both financially and emotionally -- from many of her famous friends on the heels of revealing she's been diagnosed with cancer.

The former "Baywatch" star tells TMZ ... Kyle Richards is among the celebs who've donated to her fundraiser, with the 'RHOBH' star kicking in $1,000.

Nicole, who recently announced she's fighting stage 2 breast cancer, tells us she goes way back with Kyle ... they were childhood friends running in the same child actor circles in Hollywood.

Nicole's got a GoFundMe to raise money for her upcoming medical expenses -- she doesn't have family to lean on and her insurance won't cover everything, so she's hoping to raise $100K, and already has about $25K and counting.

One interesting side note about Kyle's donation ... she made it under the name Kyle Umansky, even though she's separated from Mauricio.

Anyways, Nicole says another 'Real Housewives' star, Bethenny Frankel, donated too ... with the 'RHONY' star chipping in $500 and her partner, Paul Bernon, matching that.

NE says she's thanked both women for their support, and Bethenny told her she's there for whatever Nicole needs.

She's also getting support from Alyssa Milano, with whom Nicole was childhood friends ... as they both appeared on the sitcom, "Who's The Boss?"


Nicole says most of her former "Baywatch" castmates have reached out, including David Hasselhoff.

All in all, she's in awe of all the love she's receiving, and while the occasion isn't a good one ... Nicole's happy she's been able to reconnect with so many old pals.

Nicole Eggert recibe donaciones y muestras de cariño tras la revelación de su cáncer

Nicole Eggert dice que está recibiendo toneladas de apoyo de Hollywood a raíz de su diagnóstico de cáncer, tanto financiera como emocionalmente.

La ex estrella de "Baywatch" le dice a TMZ que Kyle Richards está entre las celebridades que donan a su recaudación de fondos, ¡desembolsando $1.000!

Nicole, quien recientemente reveló que está luchando contra el cáncer de mama, nos dice que se remonta con Kyle ... eran amigas de la infancia que se ejecuta en los mismos círculos actor infantil en Hollywood.

Nicole tiene un GoFundMe para recaudar dinero para sus próximos gastos médicos, ella no tiene familia para apoyarse y su seguro no cubrirá todo, así que espera recaudar $100K y ya tiene alrededor de $25K y contando.

Es interesante... Kyle donó bajo el nombre de Kyle Umansky, a pesar de que está separada de su marido Mauricio Umansky.

De todos modos Nicole dice que otra estrella de "Real Housewives", Bethenny Frankel, también donó, y su aporte fue de $500 y su pareja, Paul Bernon, hizo lo mismo.

Nicole dice que le envió un mensaje de texto Kyle y Bethenny, dándoles las gracias por sus donaciones, con Bethenny diciéndo que está ahí para lo que Nicole necesite.

También nos dicen Alyssa Milano le envió amor y apoyo a Nicole. Eran amigas de la infancia ya que ambas aparecieron en la comedia televisiva "¿Quién es el jefe?"

Nicole dice que la mayoría de sus ex compañeros de reparto de "Baywatch" se acercaron, incluyendo a David Hasselhoff, con una notable excepción... Pamela Anderson.

De todos modos, Nicole nos dice que está agradecida y que ha sido genial volver a conectar con tantos amigos famosos.

Michael Lohan Gets Skin Cancer On Hand Removed

Michael Lohan -- father of Lindsay Lohan -- underwent a cancer procedure today on his hand ... TMZ has learned.

Michael tells TMZ ... he's been fighting skin cancer for a while, being diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma about 4 years ago and "recently had a suspicious lesion on my hand" that prompted doctors to do a biopsy.

Things changed Tuesday night when he got a call regarding the biopsy and that he needed to get the patch removed ASAP -- and Wednesday, that's exactly what happened.

He tells us the cancer had "deep roots" and needed a lot of digging, but we're told they thankfully were able to get it all out.

Michael admits the type of cancer he has is "aggressive" and he's constantly monitoring it ... adding it likely will return at some point.

Lindsay's father posted about his new scar on Instagram Wednesday, writing, "A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed, you endured the pain, and God has healed you."


BTW, we're told his son, Michael Jr., was the only one who knew about his medical situation -- and Michael tells us he didn't want Lindsay to worry or affect her work, which is why she was unaware.

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High School Reunion

As you know, Lindsay gave fans a big surprise when she appeared at the NYC premiere of the new "Mean Girls" flick earlier this week, smiling alongside Tina Fey, one of her costars from the 2004 version.

Celebrity Chef Curtis Stone Double Big Mac Is Insane ... 'Big Gulp of Burgers!!!'

Celebrity chef Curtis Stone says foodies should be wary of McDonald's' new Double Big Mac ... and he thinks the mega burger should come with its own freakin' warning.

Curtis joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" to talk about the Golden Arches' super-sized creation, which Australians have been chowin' down on for a while, and is about to return to the U.S. for a limited engagement.


According to Curtis, this 4-patty beast is an eat-at-your-own-risk kind of situation, and should have a health warning attached to it ... but his concerns don't stop at the caloric intake -- which is around 740 calories, for the record.

Curtis thinks McDonald's has often provided a lack of food information to its customers -- namely the "100% beef," which could be a mixture of all kinds of meat cuts -- and folks should always know exactly what they're ingesting.

He also thinks companies like Mickey D's dominate the country by adhering to peoples' cravings, but Curtis tells us why that's doing a lot more harm than good.


BTW, Curtis' new show, "Getting Grilled with Curtis Stone," kicks off next week on QVC and HSN+, but we're guessing his take on the Double Big Mac won't be on the menu.

El famoso chef Curtis Stone La Bic Mac doble es una locura...

El famoso chef Curtis Stone dice que los amantes de la comida deberían tener cuidado con el nuevo Double Big Mac de McDonald's y cree que la mega hamburguesa debería venir con su propia advertencia.

Curtis se unió a nosotros el miércoles en "TMZ Live" para hablar de la nueva creación de la empresa de los Arcos Dorados, que los australianos han estado comiendo por un tiempo y que está a punto de regresar a los Estados Unidos para un compromiso limitado.

Consume con precaución

Según Curtis, esta bestia de 4 hamburguesas tiene sus riesgos y debería tener una advertencia de salud adjunta. Aunque sus preocupaciones no se detienen con la ingesta de calorías, que es de alrededor de 740, para que conste.

Curtis cree que McDonald's a menudo ha proporcionado poca información sobre los alimentos a sus clientes, como por ejemplo que el "100% carne de vacuno" podría ser una mezcla de todo tipo de cortes de carne. Él piensa que las personas siempre deberían saber exactamente lo que están ingiriendo.

También cree que las marcas como Mickey D's dominan el país por adherirse a los antojos de la gente, pero Curtis dice que eso está haciendo más daño que bien.

¿Qué está pasando realmente?

Por cierto, el nuevo programa de Curtis, "Getting Grilled with Curtis Stone", comienza la próxima semana en QVC y HSN +, pero suponemos que su opinión sobre el doble Big Mac no estará en el menú.

Alan Ruck Cane at Globes Not Crash-Related ... I Had Knee Surgery!!!

Alan Ruck was seen walking around with support at the Golden Globes this past weekend -- and while we know exactly where your mind's going on why ... there's another explanation.

The 'Succession' star was on hand Sunday in L.A. for the big award show, and folks immediately noticed he was using a cane to get around the red carpet. He didn't say anything about it in the moment -- but folks thought this was car crash-related.

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

Remember, Alan got into a nasty wreck out here in Hollywood when he lost control of his fancy electric truck and smashed through a wall a pizza parlor -- which caused a big scene and a lot of damage.

While Alan was seemingly uninjured at the time -- he did walk around with a knee sleeve in the days after ... and there, too, people thought he'd gotten a little banged up in the accident.

Now, here he is with another assist ... and the speculation has picked up all over again. Welp, we've got some answers -- and this isn't what it seems. Sources close to Alan tell TMZ his cane is actually helping him with an unrelated ailment he's been dealing with lately.

We're told Alan underwent a full knee replacement surgery just 3 and a half weeks ago -- this after suffering from arthritis for some time now. So, that's why he was using it.

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

If it wasn't clear from that ... no, this cane was not a fashion statement -- we're told AR absolutely needs it, and he's putting it to good use early and often. It's interesting (and miraculous) that he wasn't seriously hurt during the October wreck.

Considering how high impact it was, you could imagine him being hurt -- but he's just on the mend for another thing ... and we certainly wish him well!

El bastón de Alan Ruck en los Globos de Oro no fue consecuencia de un accidente

Alan Ruck fue visto caminando con apoyo en los Globos de Oro el pasado fin de semana, y aunque sabemos exactamente cuál pudo ser la razón... hay otra explicación.

La estrella de 'Succession' estuvo presente el domingo en Los Ángeles para la gran entrega de premios y la gente inmediatamente se dio cuenta de que estaba usando un bastón para moverse por la alfombra roja. Él no dijo nada al respecto en ese momento, pero la gente pensó que esto estaba relacionado con el accidente de carro.

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serios daños
TikTok / @olgaparusske

Recordemos que Alan se metió en un feo accidente aquí en Hollywood cuando perdió el control de su camión eléctrico de lujo y se estrelló contra la pared de una pizzería, causando una gran escena y un montón de daños.

Mientras Alan resultó aparentemente ileso aquella vez, se le pudo ver algo magullado los días posteriores.

Ahora la especulación vuelve... pero tenemos algunas respuestas. Fuentes cercanas a Alan le dicen TMZ que su bastón en realidad lo está ayudando con una dolencia no relacionada que ha estado tratando últimamente.

Nos dicen que Alan se sometió a una cirugía de reemplazo de rodilla completa hace solo 3 semanas y media, esto después de sufrir de artritis desde hace algún tiempo. Así que por eso lo estaba usando.

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sin parar
TikTok / @olgaparusske

No, este bastón no era una declaración de moda, nos informan que Alan realmente lo necesita, y así lo está haciendo. Es interesante (y milagroso) que no resultara gravemente herido durante el accidente de octubre.

Teniendo en cuenta lo fuerte que fue el impacto, uno podría imaginarse que resultara herido, pero se está recuperando, ¡y desde luego le deseamos lo mejor!