Planet Fitness Stock Price Nosediving ... Over Transgender Controversy

Planet Fitness seems to be going through the exact same thing Bud Light did last year -- and yes, it's once again all about a transgender person ... who's got a certain group fired up.

You've probably heard about this by now ... a woman in Alaska posted a photo of a trans woman in the women's locker room at her Fairbanks location -- accusing the company of allowing men in a space that she thinks should be exclusive to cisgender women.

The original pic appeared to show the trans woman in question shaving over a sink in the locker room, and the lady who took it ranted and raved on a video that went viral afterward.

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Not Comfortable
Facebook / Patricia Silva

In the aftermath ... her local Planet Fitness reportedly revoked her membership, and let the unidentified trans woman stick around -- who has continued using the locker room. Planet Fitness has also explicitly defended the transgender member, saying their policy allows people with certain gender identities to use the locker rooms that they see fit.

With that said, they also say people can't act in bad faith on this ... or they'll get booted.

Now, more photos of this trans woman have been taken and circulated in the days since all this first kicked off ... and as you can imagine, it's drummed up a lot of outraged reactions.

Specifically, a lot of folks on the right have been blowing this story up over the past week or so -- and they've been calling on people to cancel their Planet Fitness memberships nationwide ... and on its face, it would appear a good handful of members are doing so.

The reason that seems apparent ... PF's stock price has taken a somewhat big hit, and their market value has also plummeted -- with the stock going from $66 to about $56 over the course of 12 days or so, the amount of time that's passed since this firestorm has taken off.

As a result of the stock dip, their market cap has also fallen around $400 million -- going from about $5.3 billion to about $4.9 bil over the course of 5 days, starting last week.

Tough times for those in the thrust of cancel culture ... which is still going strong.


Planet Fitness parece estar pasando exactamente por lo mismo que Bud Light el año pasado, y sí, tiene que ver de nuevo con una persona transgénero.

Usted probablemente ha oído hablar de esto. Una mujer en Alaska publicó una foto de una mujer trans en el vestuario de mujeres, acusando a la empresa de permitir hombres en un espacio que ella piensa que debe ser exclusivo para mujeres.

La foto original parecía mostrar a la mujer trans en cuestión afeitándose, y la señora que tomó despotricó en un video que se hizo viral después.

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nada cómodo
Facebook / Patricia Silva

Finalmente, el local de Planet Fitness, revocó su membresía, y dejó que la mujer trans no identificada se quedara, y ha seguido utilizando el vestuario. Planet Fitness también ha defendido explícitamente el miembro transgénero, diciendo que su política permite que las personas con ciertas identidades de género utilice los vestuarios que les parezca.

Dicho esto, también dicen que la gente no puede actuar de mala fe, o serán expulsados.

Ahora, más fotos de esta mujer trans han circulado, y como se puede imaginar, hay muchas reacciones de indignación.

En concreto, un montón de gente de derecha ha estado alentando a que la gente cancele sus membresías de Planet Fitness en todo el país, y parece que un buen puñado de miembros lo están haciendo.

El precio de las acciones de la compañía ha recibido un golpe, y su valor de mercado también se ha desplomado, con las acciones que van desde $66 a $56 en el transcurso de 12 días más o menos, la cantidad de tiempo que ha pasado desde que esta tormenta de fuego ha despegado.

Como resultado de la caída de las acciones, su capitalización de mercado también ha caído alrededor de $400 millones, pasando de alrededor de $5.3 mil millones al rededor de $4.9 mil millones en el transcurso de 5 días, a partir de la semana pasada.

Son tiempos de cambio y los puntos de vista chocan.

Dana Carvey Apologizes to Sharon Stone ... Over Undressing 'SNL' Skit

Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade

Dana Carvey wants to say sorry over an old 'SNL' skit that saw Sharon Stone stripping on the set -- but funny enough ... Sharon says no apology is needed, 'cause she's not trippin'.

The comedian and his podcast cohost, David Spade, were hosting the actress on their show 'Fly On the Wall' and they were recapping when SS hosted on 'SNL' way back in 1992 ... this on the heels of "Basic Instinct" being released in theaters and taking the country by storm.

In particular, they revisited this one controversial skit called the "Airport Security Sketch" -- where DC played an Indian security guard who kept ordering Sharon to remove one piece of clothing at a time ... because she kept setting off the security buzzer.

Dana has regrets about that ... saying that while Sharon was cool about it back then, they'd probably get "arrested" for that scene nowadays. Spade even chimed in, saying it was offensive.

But, Sharon made it clear that an apology wasn't warranted ... adding there's a big difference between a misdemeanor and a felony -- and that back in '92, they were all "committing misdemeanors," thinking it wasn't a big deal at all.

Sharon adds she had other things to deal with at the time ... and was totally fine being the butt of the joke 'cause she thought it was funny.

She also says people's attitudes about this sort of stuff nowadays are weird and precious ... with people spending too much time alone, and not knowing how to be funny or intimate with each other anymore. In other words, she thinks PC culture is alive and well in 2024.

It's an interesting conversation for sure ... basically, Sharon is okay with the humor from the old days, even though some today might perhaps be offended on her behalf.

Ye y Bianca 😋 El cheesecake sabe mejor casi desnuda...

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Cogiendo un bocado en L.A.

A Bianca Censori se le debe estar abriendo el apetito mientras se pavonea casi desnuda, pues ella y Kanye West pasaron a comer a uno de sus lugares preferidos.

La pareja llegó hasta Cheesecake Factory el miércoles en The Grove en Los Ángeles y Bianca estaba usando su prenda de costumbre, esto es, un body de color nude transparente emparejado con pantalones cortos bien ajustados en su trasero. Naturalmente, esa combinación atrajo la atención de los fotógrafos y de los compradores.

Pero resulta que llegaron un poco temprano para almorzar, superando incluso la hora de apertura del restaurante a las 11:30 AM.

Parecían ansiosos por entrar, pero se encontraron con las puertas cerradas cuando intentaron abrirlas.

Bianca Censori parecía desconcertada, normalmente las puertas se abren de par en par para las estrellas en la ciudad y eso llevó a Ye a sacar su teléfono para hacer una llamada.

La seguridad del centro comercial apareció inmediatamente y trató de despejar a todos los paparazzi y curiosos.

Los Wests no tuvieron que esperar demasiado tiempo, alguien hizo los arreglos para que pudieran obtener un trato VIP, ya que se les permitió entrar 10 minutos antes.

Sin duda, su estatus de celebridad debe haber sorprendido a los trabajadores y a cualquier cliente que llegara durante las horas normales de apertura.

Parece que Cheesecake Factory se está convirtiendo en el lugar favorito de la pareja. El año pasado, Ye y la señora West fueron fotografiados en otra ubicación de la cadena dentro de Topanga Westfield Mall en Los Ángeles.

Cheesecake Factory, ¡¡¡vengan por nuestro menú de 40 páginas y quédense por la esposa del rapero superestrella en ropa transparente!!!

YE & BIANCA 😋 Cheesecake's Better in the Nude (Colored Bodysuit)

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Bianca Censori must be working up quite the appetite struttin' around nearly naked ... 'cause she and Kanye West hit up the classic spot for oversized dishes and doggy bags.

The couple cruised over to the Cheesecake Factory Wednesday at The Grove in L.A., and Bianca was rocking her standard issue fit -- sheer nude-colored bodysuit paired with athletic shorts rolled up high on her booty. Naturally, that combo drew plenty of attention from photogs and shoppers.

But, it turns out they arrived a bit early for lunch, beating the restaurant's 11:30 AM opening time.

They looked eager to get inside, but found the doors still locked when they tried to enter.

BC looked around puzzled -- doors normally swing open for A-listers in this town, after all -- and that prompted Ye to whip out his phone to make a call.

Mall security immediately appeared and tried to clear all the paps and onlookers.

The Wests weren't hung out to dry for too long -- someone made arrangements for them to get VIP treatment at the CF ... as they were allowed inside 10 minutes early.

No doubt their celebrity status would've surprised the workers and any customers set to arrive during normal opening hours.

Seems like Cheesecake Factory is becoming a go-to spot for this couple ... last year, Ye and the missus were snapped at another CF location inside L.A.'s Topanga Westfield Mall.

Cheesecake Factory ... come for our 40-page menu, stay for the superstar rapper's wife in see-through clothing!!!

LSU Star Angel Reese Viral Nude Photos Are Fake, AI-Created ... 'Yall Weird AF'

Angel Reese is the latest celebrity victim of artificial intelligence gone bad after several nude images of the LSU hoop star hit the internet ... photos she's adamant are FAKE!!!

The 21-year-old college basketball star addressed the controversy on social media on Tuesday, writing point blank, "Creating fake AI pictures of me is crazy and weird AF!"

Despite the invasion of privacy (even though the pics are fugazi), the SEC Player of the Year is taking an upsetting situation and making the best of it ... all while making it clear she'd never pose nude on social media.

"Like i know im fine & seem to have an appeal to some but im literally 21 and yall doing this bs when i would neverrrrrr"

Of course, Angel has tons of fans ... and many ran to her defense.

"It's only bored people sweet Angel, put your eyes on the goal and that's a championship," a supporter responded on X.

Speaking of championships ... Reese, averaging 19 points and 13 rebounds, is preparing for March Madness. Her LSU squad is a three-seed in the Albany bracket, where they're hoping to run the table. The Tigers' first game is against 14-seeded Rice ... a contest they're heavily favored to win.

Louisiana State Univ. is looking to go back-to-back after winning a Natty last year under legendary coach Kim Mulkey.

Angel was named the NCAA Tournament's Most Outstanding Player.

Sadly, for all the possibilities that come along with AI, there's also this ... and Reese isn't the first to have to deal with fraudulent images flooding the internet. In fact, Taylor Swift and Bobbi Althoff went through a similar situation recently.

Fake AI images, Geaux Away!!!

'Couples Therapy' DR. JENN HURLEY CROSSING BOUNDARIES W/ SON Don't Strip In Front Of Him!

Dr. Jenn Mann has advice for Elizabeth Hurley -- keep your clothes on around your grown son ... 'cause it goes beyond the pale of what she considers a healthy parent-child dynamic.

The "Couples Therapy" doc tells TMZ ... even though the actress' 21-year-old son Damian is a consenting adult, the fact that he's directing his mom's sex scenes is a major boundary breach between parent and child -- at least from her POV, anyway.

With two best-selling parenting books under her belt -- "SuperBaby: 12 Ways to Give Your Child a Head Start In the First 3 Years" and "The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy, Confident Kids" -- the renowned psychotherapist is speaking from experience when she advises against simulating sex in front of your kid. In her eyes, it's just not the best way to operate.

Jenn does acknowledge that this is a Hollywood thing -- calling out the biz for its lack of boundaries ... noting that Damian directing his mom's sex scene for her upcoming erotic thriller "Strictly Confidential" really blurs the lines ... presumably between voyeurism and art.

She also tells us she finds it downright bizarre that Hurley felt liberated by her son witnessing her being intimate on-camera ... adding the only reason she'd understand EH's empowerment is if she was merely boosting his directing career. Aside from that ... she doesn't get it.

Jenn's not shy in pointing out that Liz and Damian's relationship seems to push boundaries that might be crossing into taboo territory, violating cultural norms ... and she gets why others, like herself, would have a negative reaction to the whole situation.

JM says she thinks Liz and Damian might be best suited for therapy -- and lucky for them, she's a wiz in that field.

As we reported ... EH told Access Hollywood her son Damian made her comfortable during an intimate scene where she wears some seriously skimpy clothing while getting steamy with another woman.

While most others would recoil at the idea of seeing their parents in such a scene ... Liz says she enjoyed it so much, she'd be totally down for a little more mother-son collaboration in the future.

Jenn's hoping they don't, though.

Kanye & Bianca Business Casual for Meetings ... Let's Talk Shop, Bev Hills!!!

Kanye West and Bianca Censori went to some business meetings on Monday -- and they were dressed to impress ... depending on what type of ventures they're chasing, that is.

The couple hit the town again to kick off the week, and they first started out by hitting up Bev Hills -- going into office buildings for what we're told appeared to be formal chats with powerbrokers and shot-callers ... and if they did, they were ready to knock some socks off.

By that, we mostly mean BC, who outdid herself yet again with another eye-popping, body-hugging 'fit that was squeezing her up tight -- and barely holding her upper half together.

Just when we thought we'd seen everything ... Bianca trotted herself out in this little number -- rocking a revealing pink tube top, showing off major cleavage, and neon nylon stockings.

Ye, of course, was just rockin' his usual all-black getup -- and it looks like he was styling Bianca in one of the buildings at one point. Unclear if he was pulling her stocking bottom down or up -- but here, it looks like her booty is very much so revealed, on purpose.

After their business meetings in BH ... Ye and Bianca went to The Grove and hit up a bunch of the shops -- and we're told they even went to Cheesecake Factory at one point. As you can see ... they were having a ball in each other's company, laughing it up/holding hands.

Of course, this outing follows another one the night prior ... when they were up in Burbank strolling around, where there too Bianca was letting it all hang out -- quite literally.

That 'fit of hers was more color-coordinated than this latest one appears to be -- but hey, Spring is upon us ... and perhaps she was feeling a little festive in the daytime and wanted to reflect the mood with her highlighter-esque colors.

Never a dull moment with these two ... have fun, lovebirds!

Kanye y Bianca Muy casuales para sus reuniones... ¡¡Hablemos de negocios, Beverly Hills!!

Kanye West y Bianca Censori fueron a unas reuniones de negocios el lunes y estaban vestidos para impresionar, dependiendo del tipo de acuerdos que estén buscando.

La pareja apareció por la ciudad de nuevo, partiendo por Beverly Hills, donde fueron vistos entrando a unos edificios de oficinas para lo que nos dicen parecen ser conversaciones formales con personas muy influyentes, y si lo hicieron, estaban listos para sorprender.

Con esto, nos referimos sobre todo a Bianca Censori, que se superó a sí misma una vez más con otro llamativo y ceñido outfit, que apenas mantenía su mitad superior en su lugar.

Justo cuando pensábamos que lo habíamos visto todo, Bianca lució esta especie de sostén semi transparente y medias de nylon color verde brillante para su reunión de negocios.

Ye, por supuesto, solo llevaba puesto su atuendo habitual de negro y parece que estaba incluso ayudando a Bianca con su estilo en uno de los edificios. No está claro si le estaba tirando las medias hacia arriba o hacia abajo, pero parece que mostrar parte de su preciado botín era algo a propósito.

Después de sus reuniones de negocios en Beverly Hills, Ye y Bianca fueron a The Grove y entraron a un montón de tiendas. Nos dicen que incluso fueron a Cheesecake Factory en un momento. Como se puede ver, lo estaban pasando súper bien en la compañía del otro, riendo juntos y paseando tomados de la mano.

Por supuesto, esta salida se sucede a la de la otra noche, cuando los dos estuvieron en Burbank paseando y Bianca dejó todo al descubierto, literalmente.

Ese atuendo era menos colorido, pero bueno, la primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina y tal vez se sentía alegre y con ganas de reflejar su estado de ánimo con estos colores.

Nunca hay un momento aburrido con estos dos, ¡diviértanse, tortolitos!

Kristen Stewart Hombre es detenido con su 🍆 afuera Mientras veía su película!!!

La nueva película de Kristen Stewart es aparentemente bien caliente porque un espectador de Michigan fue arrestado esta semana por presuntamente exponerse durante la película, según ha confirmado TMZ.

Un hombre de 33 años fue arrestado el jueves por la policía en Southgate, Michigan, cerca de Detroit, después de recibir una llamada de que este tipo se había quedado dormido durante la proyección de "Love Lies Bleeding" de Kristen Stewart, con el evidente problema de que su pene estaba afuera y expuesto, ¡y fue fotografiado!

Alguien subió una foto que parece mostrar al hombre en cuestión dormido en su asiento. Parece que esto fue tomado después de que terminaron los créditos y se encendieron las luces.

El testigo afirma que el hombre se masturbó y luego se quedó dormido, pero la policía no llegó hasta ahí. Todo lo que dicen es que el hombre estaba supuestamente intoxicado y se negaba a salir. Por cierto, se puede ver lo que parece ser alcohol en la foto.

La policía de Southgate también afirma que encontraron sustancias ilegales en su cuerpo. Al final, fue fichado por posesión de narcóticos, exposición indecente, alteración del orden público y resistencia a la autoridad.

Si no sabes de qué va esta película, básicamente sigue una historia de amor lésbico entre Kristen y el personaje de Katy O'Brian, con una trama policíaca de cine negro de por medio. Hay un montón de fuertes escenas de sexo en los primeros 45 minutos de la película.

Por lo tanto, tal vez el tipo se entusiasmó en la primera mitad de la película y luego se quedó dormido con el resto, olvidando poner a su amiguito en su lugar, por supuesto.

Kristen ha estado usando algunos trajes fuera de lo común últimamente para promover la película. Hay que imaginarse que la gente se morirá de ganas de verla ahora, aunque esperemos que sin azotar a ningún mono. Dejamos los cines porno en el siglo XX.

¡Actúen bien!

Kristen Stewart Man Busted w/ 🍆 Out at Her Movie Asleep as Credits Roll!!!

Kristen Stewart's new film is apparently pretty hot -- 'cause a Michigan moviegoer was arrested this week for allegedly exposing himself during the flick ... TMZ has confirmed.

A 33-year-old man got busted Thursday by cops in Southgate, MI -- near Detroit -- after they got a call that this dude had fallen asleep in a theater during a screening of KS' "Love Lies Bleeding" ... with the obvious problem being that his penis was out and exposed, which was photographed.

Somebody uploaded a pic that appears to show the man in question passed out in his seat at the theater -- and it looks like this was taken after the credits rolled and lights came on.

The eyewitness claims the man masturbated and then fell asleep -- but cops didn't quite go there. All they're saying is that the guy they arrested was allegedly intoxicated -- BTW, you can see what seems to be booze in the photo -- and that he was refusing to leave.

Southgate PD also claims they found illegal substances on him. In the end, he was booked for possession of narcotics, indecent exposure, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

If you're unfamiliar with what this flick is all about -- it basically follows a lesbian love story between Kristen and Katy O'Brian's character ... with a noir crime plot in between. There's a lot of strong sex scenes in the first 45 minutes of the movie, but none really after that.

So, perhaps this guy got a little happy in the first half of the film -- and then started snoozing as the rest of it played .. without putting his little friend away, of course.

Kristen has been wearing some out-there outfits lately to promote the film ... but you just can't buy this type of publicity. Ya gotta figure folks will be dying to see it now ... hopefully not spanking any monkeys, though. We left porno theaters back in the 20th century, y'all.

Act right!


pelea en bote

Un propietario de un yate en California ha amenazado de muerte a un trabajador, y su enfrentamiento ha sido grabado por las cámaras, captando un gesto de desnudez muy grosero.

Échale un vistazo al clip, todo se desarrolla cuando el empresario de San Diego -Ajay Thakore- pasa por el elegante Marriott Marquis Marina en su rara $4.5M Tecnomar para Lamborghini 63 yate para recoger a uno de sus empleados, pero las cosas se calientan cuando el trabajador del muelle Joseph Holt le dice que no puede estar allí.

Thakore, el CEO de la empresa de publicidad médica Doctor Multimedia, enloquece con Holt a lo grande, y comienza a lanzar amenazas como: "Te mataré, sabes que te mataré, te mataré".

Y no se detiene ahí, Thakore no encuentra nada mejor que bajarse los pantalones y hacer un "saludo frontal".

La única represalia de Holt fue un tirón de orejas, y más tarde le dijo a CBS8 que era todo lo que podía hacer para mantener la calma y evitar la escalada de la situación.

Holt dice que partes del altercado no fueron capturadas por la cámara, y añade que Thakore no solo amenazó con matarlo, pero también afirmó tener conexiones que podrían arruinar totalmente su vida.

Holt también dice que Thakore sacó billetes de $100 y se los arrojó, incluso tirando algunos al agua.

Por cierto, Thakore ha dado marcha atrás desde el feo intercambio, ahora dice: "La interacción que se produjo ayer fue lamentable. Lo que comenzó como un malentendido menor se convirtió en una discusión, y pido disculpas por mis acciones y para aquellos que fueron testigos del desafortunado intercambio".

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Uno de los empleados de Thakore afirma que todo comenzó porque otros trabajadores del muelle le impidieron abordar el yate.

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Ah, y si ese lujoso yate Lambo te resulta familiar, es el mismo del que Chuck Liddell se cayó recientemente el mes pasado. ¡Ahora es famoso!



A California yacht owner's vicious beef with a dock worker has reached death-threat levels -- and their exchange was caught on camera and included a nude, and very rude, gesture!

Check out the clip ... it all unfolds when San Diego entrepreneur Ajay Thakore swings by the swanky Marriott Marquis Marina in his rare $4.5M Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63 yacht to pick up one of his employees -- but things boil over when dock worker Joseph Holt tells him he can't be there.

Thakore, the CEO of medical advertising firm Doctor Multimedia, flips out on Holt big time ... and starts spewing threats like, "I will kill you, you know I will kill you, I will kill."

And it doesn't stop there -- as Thakore's pulling out of the harbor, he drops trou to make a full frontal salute in Holt's direction. Stay classy, San Diego!


Holt's only retaliation was flipping the bird, and he later told CBS8 that was all he could do to keep his cool and avoid escalating the situation.

Holt says parts of the altercation were not captured on camera, and he adds ... Thakore not only threatened to kill him, but also claimed to have connections who could totally mess up his life.

Holt also says Thakore pulled out $100 bills and tossed them at him, even chucking some in the water.

BTW, Thakore's done some backpedaling since the ugly exchange -- he now says, "The interaction that occurred yesterday was regrettable. What started as a minor misunderstanding escalated into an argument, and I apologize for my actions and to those who witnessed the unfortunate exchange."

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FWIW ... One of Thakore’s employees claims the whole thing began because other dock workers blocked him from boarding the yacht.

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Accidental Plunge

Oh, and if that fancy Lambo yacht looks familiar -- it's the same one Chuck Liddell recently tumbled off just last month. Now it's famous AND infamous!


John Cena se desnudó en los Oscar... pero ahora sabemos cuánta piel mostró realmente.

El luchador convertido en actor subió al escenario del Teatro Dolby en Hollywood, California, aparentemente desnudo; sin embargo, hay nuevas fotos que demuestran que estaba usando un tapado color piel, en otras palabras, su trasero estaba cubierto después de todo.

más cómodo desnudo

Como se puede ver en las nuevas fotos, John estaba totalmente imperturbable por la mínima vestimenta que tuvo que llevar, mientras sonreía fuera del escenario a la espera de que comenzara su segmento hilarante.

Incluso se le vio pidiendo silencio a algunas personas entre bastidores mientras solo llevaba unas sandalias Birkenstock y un impresionante reloj.

Hay que recordar que John no es ajeno a las actuaciones con poco o nada: es famoso por haber luchado sin camiseta y con pantalones cortos vaqueros durante la mayor parte de su carrera en la WWE.

un reto rápido

En cuanto a cómo realizó su cambio rápido en el escenario para presentar la categoría de Mejor Vestuario... el video de arriba muestra a varios asistentes de producción de los Oscar cubriendo a John con telas mientras sonaba el montaje de los nominados.

No cabe duda de que el compromiso valió la pena. La aparición de John ha sido aplaudida como uno de los mejores momentos de la noche.

Otros momentos destacados de los Oscar de este año fue Emma Stone acercándose al micrófono durante la actuación de Ryan Gosling con "I'm Just Ken", el intercambio de palabras entre Jimmy Kimmel y Donald Trump en pleno espectáculo y el reencuentro en el escenario de los coprotagonistas de "Twins", Arnold Schwarzenegger y Danny DeVito.

Cabe preguntarse qué le habrá parecido todo esto a la ex de John, Nikki Garcia, quien también asistió a la alfombra roja de los Oscars.

John Cena Wasn't Completely Naked at Oscars ... But Just About!!!

John Cena stripped down to practically nothing to pull off a streaker bit at the Oscars ... but we now know just how much skin he really showed, and what was actually covered up.

The wrestler-turned-actor took to the Dolby Theatre stage in Hollywood, Calif. in nothing but nude-colored modesty wear to make it appear like he was really naked at the annual industry event. In other words, his junk/ass was covered up after all, so he wasn't totally naked.


As you can see from the new photos ... John was totally unfazed by the minimal amount he had to wear -- as he smiled offstage while waiting for his hilarious segment to begin.

He was even snapped shushing a few people behind the scenes while rocking only Birkenstock sandals and an impressive timepiece.

Remember, John is no stranger to performing in little to nothing -- he famously wrestled shirtless while rocking only denim jorts throughout most of his WWE career.

Quick Change Crew

As for how he pulled off his onstage quick change to present the Best Costume Design category ... the video above shows several Oscars production assistants draping John in fabric as the nominee montage played.

And the commitment to the bit has certainly paid off -- JC's appearance has been applauded as one of the night's highlights.

Other notable moments at this year's Oscars include Emma Stone ripping her dress during Ryan Gosling's performance of "I'm Just Ken," Jimmy Kimmel and Donald Trump exchanging words mid-show, and "Twins" costars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito's reuniting onstage.

Ya gotta wonder how John's ex, Nikki Garcia, felt about the bit -- as she was also in attendance working the Oscars red carpet.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Kanye West & Bianca Censori Ass Out in L.A. for 'Vultures 2' Party!!!

Kanye West's wife is keeping her wardrobe risque ... even though they're back on U.S. soil, she's still flashing as much skin as she did in Europe -- and it might be the perfect distraction from yet another late release from her husband.

Bianca Censori was rocking a completely sheer black bodysuit and high-high garter boots with her bare ass cheeks on full display Friday night in L.A. ... as she and Ye arrived at a listening party for his "Vultures 2" album.


The project was supposed to be released to the public on Friday, but as he typically does ... Kanye hit pause, and it never dropped.

Inside the party, though, no one seemed to mind the delay. Hell, they were all getting to hear the unfinished album -- and, no doubt, Bianca gave everyone something else to talk about ... her lack of clothing.

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As for the album's status -- Kanye told fans on social media, "We in the lab." Just as he did for the first 'Vultures' record, Ye is working with Ty Dolla $ign for the follow-up.

For now, fans won't get the album drop from Kanye, but they will get Bianca continuing to drop articles of clothing.

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