El presentador de la BBC es tachado de homofóbico Por preguntarle a Andrew Scott sobre "Saltburn"

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"no lo arruines"

Un periodista de la BBC ha sido tachado de homofóbico por interrogar a Andrew Scott sobre la escena del desnudo de Barry Keoghan en "Saltburn", precisamente en los BAFTA.

El corresponsal de entretenimiento de la BBC Colin Paterson pensó que sería genial preguntarle a Andrew -que es gay- por la secuencia del baile desnudo de Barry en "Saltburn", y se puede ver la respuesta incómoda de Andrew en el clip, que es bastante cringe por decir lo menos.

Scott se ríe y sacude la cabeza al principio, tratando de asimilar la pregunta, diciendo que no quiere estropear la película para cualquier persona que no lo haya visto todavía. Sin embargo, dice que la escena fue genial.

Colin siguió insistiendo y continuó diciendo: "Se habló mucho de las prótesis: ¿Lo conoces bien?".

La insinuación detrás de la pregunta resultó ser demasiado para Andrew, que rápidamente salió de cuadro, y Colin finalmente registrando que era "demasiado". ¿Tanto tardó en darse cuenta?

La entrevista de Colin con Andrew hizo que mucha gente eche humo en línea, con una persona escribiendo en X: "Esto es francamente repugnante. Andrew Scott está allí para apoyar su película nominada en varias ocasiones ¿y ESTO es lo que dices? Luego, cuando parece visiblemente incómodo, el tipo continúa. Verdaderamente horrible. #BAFTAs".

Otro escribió: "Esto es atroz: el presentador Colin Paterson "entrevistando" al brillante Andrew Scott, & preguntando por los genitales de un compañero actor (en una película en la que Andrew ni siquiera sale). ¿Porque Andrew también es irlandés, como Barry Keoghan? ¿Porque es gay? Desconcertante e insultante para estos dos talentosos actores".

La BBC aún no ha respondido a las críticas y Colin tampoco ha abordado su paso en falso.

En cuanto a Andrew, claramente manejó el momento con gracia, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que estaba allí para promocionar su película "All Of Us Strangers", que lamentablemente no ganó ninguna de las 6 nominaciones a las que optaba.

Bastante loco que este tipo de cosas pasen en 2024, y sin embargo... aquí estamos.

McDonald's es demandado Por no tener espacios para amamantar en el trabajo

McDonald's está siendo arrastrado a los tribunales por dos empleadas que dicen que la cadena de comida rápida está haciendo que sea difícil para ellas extraerse la leche materna en el trabajo, pues aseguran que no hay tiempo ni lugar para hacerlo.

De acuerdo con una nueva demanda colectiva obtenida por TMZ, dos mujeres llamadas Kathleen Faber y Lexis Mays dicen que volvieron a trabajar a McDonald's después de haber dado a luz y aparentemente están encontrando obstáculos para amamantar.

Las mujeres dicen que le dijeron a sus gerentes que necesitarían sacarse leche en el trabajo. Aunque ellos comentaron que eso no sería un problema, no ha resultado ser el caso.

Faber afirma que su McDonald's en Kansas no tiene un espacio seguro ni privado para ella para extraerse la leche materna y ha tenido que hacerlo en la esquina de una sala de existencias para evitar la visión de las cámaras de seguridad y los empleados.

Mays dice lo mismo de su McDonald's en Nueva York y afirma que ha tenido que hacerlo en la oficina trasera, que no tiene puerta y está abierta a otros miembros del personal, que vienen a la habitación cuando ella está bombeando.

En la demanda, ambas mujeres también dicen que no tienen suficiente tiempo de descanso para extraerse la leche materna durante sus turnos en el Golden Arches.

Faber y Mays dicen que la falta de adaptaciones para la lactancia materna en McDonald's les está causando ansiedad, incomodidad, humillación, vergüenza y angustia emocional.

Las mujeres dicen que la cadena no está cumpliendo con las leyes federales que requieren lugares seguros y privados para las madres lactantes en el lugar de trabajo y quieren que un tribunal intervenga por ellas y ayude a otras empleadas en una situación similar.

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Nos pusimos en contacto con McDonald's pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

McDonald's Sued No Space For Us To Breastfeed at Work ... We Need Time To Pump!!!

McDonald's is being dragged to court by two employees who say the fast food chain is making it tough on them to pump breastmilk on the job ... they say there's no time or place.

According to a new class action lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, two women named Kathleen Faber and Lexis Mays say they returned to work at McDonald's after giving birth and are apparently running into obstacles when it comes to pumping breastmilk for their babies.

The women say they told their managers they would need to pump at work and claim they were told it wouldn't be an issue ... but they say that's turned out not to be the case.

Faber claims her McDonald's in Kansas has no secure, private space for her to pump breast milk, leaving her to pump milk from the corner of a stock room so she can avoid the sight lines of security cameras and male employees.

Mays says her McDonald's in New York doesn't have a secure, private space to pump either ... she claims she's been left to pump from a back office that doesn't have a door and is wide open to other crew members, who she says come in the room when she's pumping.

In the suit, both women also say they don't have enough break time to pump breast milk during their shifts at the Golden Arches.

Faber and Mays say the lack of breastfeeding accommodation at McDonald's is causing them anxiety, discomfort, humiliation, embarrassment and emotional distress.

The women say McDonald's is not complying with federal laws requiring secure and private places for breastfeeding mothers to pump in the workplace ... and they want a court to step in and help them and all similarly situated employees.

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We reached out to McDonald's ... so far no word back.

Super Bowl LVIII Streaker Breaks Silence ... Here's Why I Ran On The Field Half Naked!


The Super Bowl streaker is breaking his silence, explaining why he dropped $42k on front-row tix, only to be tackled on the field half-naked and thrown in the pokey ... revealing it all started with a bet!

TMZ Sports talked to SB streaker Alex Gonzalez on Monday ... just hours after he was released from the local jail.

The question ... why?!

Alex says the plan was to originally place a prop bet at a Vegas sportsbook ... plunking down cash on a fan running on the field during the Chiefs vs. Niners game.


Gonzalez says he was at a UFC event the day before Super Sunday, and he told everyone who would listen, including Dr. Phil and the Nelk Boys, that he was going on the field. So, place your bets.

The only issue? When Gonzalez tried to place the wager, it no longer existed. But, at that point, he says he was already committed ... so despite spending over 40 grand on tickets, Alex decided to go forward with the plan knowing he'd never get to finish watching the game.

"I'm like, 'Damn. I am in too deep at this point where I can't back out anymore.'"

Gonzalez and some buddies headed to a local sporting goods store to buy cleats (we know those Super Bowl fields) and other supplies, and they headed for Allegiant Stadium.

Premeditated Streaking
Instagram / @fxalexg

Then, when the third quarter rolled around (gotta watch at least some of the game), Alex and his friend made their move.

Gonzalez ultimately ran around for several seconds before giving himself up to security officers who were closing in, before leading him to a holding cell in the back of the new stadium.

Alex says he was then taken to jail where he spent Sunday night behind bars.

But, if you think he's regretting it all now ... watch the clip -- he certainly doesn't seem to be sweatin' the situation -- even if he is facing at least one misdemeanor charge.

Helluva story!!!!


L.A.'s forecast lately is a 100% chance of rain, and a 0% chance Bianca Censori will cover up her body during outings with her husband Kanye West.

Just check out these pics ... even in a heavy downpour Monday evening, the Aussie model opted to be naked ... wearing only a sheer rain poncho to protect herself from getting wet as she and Kanye arrived at a music studio.

The branding on her lightweight outerwear just about managed to cover her breasts, but she had to skillfully position her hand to avoid flashing anything down below -- although, it does appear she was wearing a skimpy nude-colored thong.

Knee-high stiletto boots were the only notable wardrobe item the 29-year-old architect wore as she strutted along with the rapper -- who, for his part, pulled out all the stops to remain dry head-to-toe.

In stark contrast to Bianca, he was in full waterproof attire in his signature black ski mask and a khaki poncho. Sure, it was oversized enough to cover Bianca too, but sharing was not caring in this instance. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Of course, Bianca's nakedness is nothing new -- she's known for her barely-there ensembles -- but this is the first time we've seen it while a historic storm batters the West Coast.

Luckily, BC didn't have to suffer in the wet weather for too long ... she and KW soon made it indoors to the music studio, where they allegedly met up with Playboi Carti.

Later, Ye shared his only IG post ... a cryptic "1", which presumably refers to his delayed album "Vultures: Volume 1" which should be dropping later this week.

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But that, of course, remains to be seen, much to the dismay of annoyed fans who are tired of waiting around for him. Luckily for Ye, it looks like Bianca ain't tired of him, though ... she's clearly gonna join him wherever he goes, come rain or shine.

Bianca Censori Va desnuda bajo un impermeable transparente...

El pronóstico de Los Ángeles últimamente es un 100% de probabilidades de lluvia, pero para Bianca Censori es un 0% de que cubra su cuerpo durante las salidas con Kanye West.

Solo basta ver estas fotos, incluso en medio del fuerte aguacero del lunes por la noche, la modelo australiana optó por andar desnuda, vistiendo solo un poncho de lluvia transparente para protegerse de la lluvia mientras ella y Kanye llegaban a un estudio de música.

El logo de su poncho transparente se las arregló para ayudarla a cubrir sus pechos, sin embargo, tuvo que colocar hábilmente su mano en la parte inferior para evitar que se viera algo, aunque parece que llevaba un tanga del color de su piel.

Las botas de tacón de aguja hasta la rodilla fueron el único y notable elemento de vestuario que la arquitecta de 29 años llevaba mientras se pavoneaba junto al rapero, que, por su parte, hizo todo lo posible por permanecer seco de pies a cabeza.

En marcado contraste con Bianca, él estaba cubierto completo, con una máscara negra en su rostro y un poncho de color caqui. Claro, este era lo suficientemente grande como para cubrir a Bianca también, pero compartir no era la idea en este caso. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Por supuesto, los desnudos de Bianca no son nada nuevo. Ella ya es conocida por sus conjuntos transparentes, pero esta es la primera vez que la vemos así mientras una histórica tormenta azota la Costa Oeste.

Por suerte, Bianca no tuvo que sufrir de este clima por mucho tiempo. Ella y Kanye entraron rápidamente al estudio de música, donde supuestamente se reunió con Playboi Carti.

Más tarde, Ye compartió un post de Instagram, el único que tiene en su feed, con un críptico número "1". Presumiblemente, sea una referencia a su retrasado disco "Vultures: Volume 1", el que debería estar saliendo a fines de esta semana.

TMZ investiga
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Pero eso, por supuesto, está por verse para consternación de los fans, quienes están cansados y molestos de esperar. Por suerte para Ye, parece que Bianca no está cansada de él, pues claramente estará con él a donde quiera que vaya, llueva o truene.

Bad Bunny Thirst Traps From the Bathtub ... Check Out My Bubble Bush

Bad Bunny's sexual energy is bubbling over ... as in, he's sharing nude thirst traps from his bubble bath ... with a (soapy) crotch shot!!!

The Latin rapper/pop star just posted a series of tasteful nudes on his Instagram ... and he's kinda showing off the goods, although there's bubbles blocking what's between his legs.

Bad Bunny snuck a crotch shot into his IG post ... it's a few slides into the carousel, but you can see his bare and tattooed legs sticking out of the water, with bubbles the only thing between his penis and the camera.

The "MONACO" singer's not being the least bit shy here ... so take a gander. It's not all about his junk ... he's also sharing shirtless snaps from the tub.

Bad Bunny's no stranger to nude thirst traps ... back in August, he kinda did the same thing with some vacation photos ... including one where he showed off his extremely bushy pubic hair. No shame to his game, it seems ... dude just lets it all hang out.

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Looks like Bad Bunny's still letting the hedges run wild ... his pubes are peeking out from the edge of the bubbles, BTW ... but that's about all we're seeing in terms of his manhood.

Folks in the comments are thirsty for more ... daring him to whip it out.

It's interesting that he's posting this in light of his recent apparent rekindling with Kendall Jenner. Bad Bunny was dating her the last time he posted nudes ... but they've since broken up, and this certainly feels more like an "I'm single" post.

They don't call him Bad Bunny for nothing ... he just might need to work in a "Bubble" in there somewhere to bring it home.

Bad Bunny Sube fotos en cueros desde su bañera... Echa un vistazo

La energía sexual de Bad Bunny está burbujeando, pues acaba de compartir unas sugerentes fotos desde su bañera, sumergido en un montón de burbujas.

La estrella del trap y el pop latino publicó una serie de fotos desnudo desde su cuenta de Instagram, donde aparece casi mostrando su mercancía, aunque hay unas cuantas burbujas que bloquean lo que hay entre sus piernas.

Ahora, el pícaro de Bad Bunny igual coló una foto de su entrepierna en el post de IG, donde se ven sus piernas desnudas y tatuadas sobresaliendo del agua.

El cantante de "MONACO" no es nada tímido, así que echa un vistazo porque no es todo. También compartió fotos sin camisa desde la bañera.

Bad Bunny no es nuevo en este tipo de juegos. En agosto, hizo algo parecido con unas fotos de sus vacaciones, incluyendo una imagen en el que mostró parte de tupido vello púbico. Ninguna vergüenza, el rapero solo deja que todo fluya.

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Parece que Bad Bunny sigue dejando que sus vellos crezcan salvajemente, algo deja entrever al borde de las burbujas, por cierto ... Pero eso es todo.

Ahora, la gente en los comentarios está sedienta de más.

Es interesante que Bad Bunny esté publicando esto a la luz de su reciente reencuentro con Kendall Jenner. El cantante estaba saliendo con ella la última vez que publicó unas fotos desnudo, pero desde entonces se han distanciado y esto sin duda se siente más como un post de "estoy soltero".

No lo llaman Bad Bunny por nada.

Heidi Klum Kids Gotta Remind Me ... Put a Top On Around Our Friends

Put a shirt on, mom !!!
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Heidi Klum is very much a free spirit -- so much so, in fact, that her children have to tell her to NOT be nude around their pals ... even though she insists she always covers up.

The supermodel shared this hilarious anecdote with Alex Cooper of 'Call Her Daddy' this week -- explaining that her comfortability with being in the nude most certainly extends to how she lives within the privacy of her home ... where she's apparently topless quite often.

HK explains ... "I mean, I try to be like that with my kids. Obviously, when you know, no one is there. I’m in my garden also, you know, I’m topless," Klum says. "And they will come, like, 'You know, my friend is coming over, mom, put your top on.' And I’m like, 'When have I ever not had a top on when your friend was coming over? Of course I will.'"

Even with her guarantee, though, Heidi says her kids always double-check to make sure she is, in fact, clothed when their buddies roll through ... and Mama Bear says she complies.

Funny enough, Cooper actually called Heidi's oldest daughter -- 19-year-old Leni -- during this chat with her mom ... and the teen said, yeah ... Heidi goes topless a lot, noting it's been pretty embarrassing over the years. With that said, she says she's gotten used to it.

It might not be that big a deal around her girlfriends, but you gotta figure any boys that are being brought to the Klum household have gotten giddy at the prospect of a visit.

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Heidi Klum kinda puts Stacy's mom to shame ... just sayin'!

BILL BELLAMY on Natasha Leggero She's Got My Support Comic's Strip Show Was Boss Move!!!


Bill Bellamy is laying his thoughts bare on fellow comedian Natasha Leggero flashing her boobs at her recent Improv show ... saying if men can do it, why not women?!

We got the stand-up comic in Beverly Hills Tuesday ... and he says it was pretty boss to see a lady feel free and confident enough to push the envelope in the male-dominated field by stripping down and showing off her body for all to see.


He goes on to point out this business's sexist double standards ... noting that funnyman Bert Kreischer taking his shirt off before Natasha went up was a non-issue -- but when she did the same thing, it caught everyone off guard, and stirred shock/outrage among some.

Bill wants other women to have the same exposure as Natasha in the comedy world  ... cause they give dudes a different life perspective -- and there's enough room onstage for their stories.

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As for Natasha, he's giving her an extra round of applause, 'cause he says her cleavage was all-natural -- implying it was a rare feat for someone living in looks-obsessed L.A. In other words, he's complimenting her body ... as have lots of people who got an eyeful.

Anyway, Bill jokes that she should cash in on her new fame on a platform such as OnlyComedians instead of OnlyFans -- a separate haven for people wanting to be both funny and risqué ... just ask Whitney Cummings about that.

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Bottom line ... he's supporting and lifting up Natasha, and the fact that it's a dude doing it is noteworthy.

Bill Bellamy apoya el espectáculo de striptease de Natasha Leggero

¡está bien!

Bill Bellamy apoya a Natasha Leggero por mostrar sus pechos en su reciente espectáculo y dice que si los hombres pueden hacerlo, ¿por qué no las mujeres?

Tuvimos al cómico en Beverly Hills el martes y dice que es muy impresionante ver a una mujer que se siente libre y lo suficientemente segura como para desenvolverse en un campo dominado por los hombres y además, desnudarse y mostrar su cuerpo.

natasha desnuda

El humorista Bert Kreischer se quitó la camiseta antes de que Natasha subiera al escenario, pero cuando ella hizo lo mismo, sorprendió a todo el mundo y provocó la indignación de algunos.

Bill quiere que otras mujeres tengan la misma exposición que Natasha en el mundo de la comedia, porque le dan a los hombres una perspectiva diferente de la vida y hay suficiente espacio en el escenario para sus historias.

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En cuanto a Natasha, él le da una ronda extra de aplausos, porque él dice que su escote era totalmente natural, lo que implica que era una hazaña rara para alguien que vive en L.A. obsesionado con la apariencia.

De todos modos, Bill bromea con que ella debería sacarle provecho a su nueva fama en una plataforma como OnlyComedians en lugar de OnlyFans, un refugio separado para las personas que quieren ser a la vez divertidas y atrevidas, solo hay que preguntarle a Whitney Cummings al respecto.

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el cielo de la comedia

En pocas palabras, está apoyando a Natasha, y el hecho de que es un hombre llama la atención.

Kanye West Bianca's Gonna Show Off Her Bod ... Come Rain(coat) or Shine!!!

Kanye West and Bianca Censori keep finding new ways for her to show off her breasts ... and this time, it looks like she went for the old nothing-underneath routine in the rain.

Check out these pics of Ye and his wife at a shopping mall in Century City Monday ... as you can see, he's wearing a brown Balenciaga raincoat, and Bianca's in a blue poncho with not much else underneath. In fact, it looks like she's going commando for her upper half.

The only thing clearly visible under Bianca's coat is her black underwear and knee-high black boots ... outside of that, there's nothing there but a rockin' bod and human flesh.

Safe to say, KW and BC are making a fashion statement on a cold and rainy day in L.A. ... and it certainly looks like the weather isn't the only thing here that's a bit nippy. Sorry, we just couldn't resist!


Anyway, this is far from the wildest getup Bianca's worn of late. She's been known to wear some super tight body suits, and sometimes ... nothing much at all. On this occasion, she is technically covered up more than usual -- but, like, not really at the same time.

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Whether it's in a raincoat or anything else, Bianca (and Kanye, too, if we're being honest) seems determined to show off her assets one way or another -- and she usually succeeds.

Rain check on modesty, we suppose.

Kanye West Bianca va a mostrar su cuerpazo... Llueva o truene!!!

Kanye West y Bianca Censori siguen encontrando formas para que ella muestre sus pechos y esta vez parece que optó por la vieja rutina de andar sin nada bajo la lluvia.

Echa un vistazo a estas fotos de Ye y su esposa en un centro comercial en Century City el lunes. Como se puede ver, él lleva un impermeable marrón Balenciaga y Bianca uno azul con no mucho más debajo. De hecho, parece que no lleva nada arriba.

Lo único claramente visible bajo el abrigo de Bianca es su ropa interior negra y sus botas negras a la rodilla. Fuera de eso, no hay nada más que un cuerpo rockero y carne humana.

Es seguro decir que Kanye y Bianca están haciendo una declaración de moda en un día frío y lluvioso en Los Ángeles, y ciertamente parece que el clima no es lo único un poco fresco aquí. Lo siento, ¡no nos pudimos resistir!

¡¿Nada debajo?!

De todos modos, esto está lejos de ser el atuendo más salvaje que Bianca ha usado últimamente. Ella ha sido conocida por llevar algunos trajes super apretados y a veces ... nada en absoluto. En esta ocasión, ella está técnicamente más cubierta de lo habitual, pero al mismo tiempo, no realmente.

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Ya sea en un impermeable o cualquier otra cosa, Bianca (y Kanye también, si somos honestos) parece decidida a mostrar sus activos de una manera u otra, y por lo general, tiene éxito.

Suponemos que esta vez, con el impermeable, quiso ser más modesta.

Aubrey O'Day Dan Benson Slams Her for MLK Stunt ... Time and Place, Aubrey!!!

Disney Channel actor turned OnlyFans model Dan Benson is ripping Aubrey O'Day for exploiting MLK Day to plug her OF page -- a move he calls super disrespectful, especially for a white woman.

Controversy Generates Headlines

The “Wizards of Waverly Place” alum tells TMZ ... controversy is often the name of the game for content creators looking to attract new subscribers to their OF pages. He's not naive, but adds there's still a time and a place -- and MLK Day ain't it!

As we reported, Aubrey used the holiday by posting a series of thirst trap photos and videos Monday ... right alongside a famous, and poignant, quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -- "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Maybe Aubrey should've taken that quote to heart more. Dan says Aubrey should have taken MLK Day off from her OF work, and used the time to reflect.

Instead of using Dr. King to promote her OnlyFans, Dan suggests Aubrey should have donated some of her OF revenue to a good cause.

Of course, Dan's in the OF game too, and fully understands creators' drive to boost numbers -- but he says when the "thirst trapping" goes as hard as Aubrey's stunt, it deserves to be called out.

And, we all know the internet's undefeated at that.

Dan Benson critica a Aubrey O'Day por su promoción de onlyfans el Día del MLK

La actriz de Disney Channel convertida en modelo de OnlyFans, Dan Benson, está criticando a Aubrey O'Day por explotar el Día del MLK para promocionar su página de OnlyFans, un acto que califica de irrespetuoso, especialmente viniendo una mujer blanca.

la controversia da titulares

El "Wizards of Waverly Place" le dice a TMZ que la controversia es a menudo parte del negocio para los creadores de contenido que buscan atraer a nuevos suscriptores a sus páginas, no es ingenuo, pero añade que el Día de MLK no es ir muy lejos.

Como informamos, Aubrey aprovechó el día festivo publicando una serie de fotos y videos... justo al lado de una famosa y conmovedora cita del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Nuestras vidas comienzan a terminar el día en que nos callamos sobre las cosas que importan".

Tal vez Aubrey debería haber tomado esa cita más en serio... Dan dice que Aubrey debería haberse tomado el Día MLK libre de su trabajo en OnlyFans y utilizar el tiempo para reflexionar.

En lugar de utilizar al Dr. King para promover su OnlyFans, Dan dice Aubrey debería haber utilizado parte de su dinero ara una buena causa y él piensa que la reacción está justificada.

Dan dice que hace dinero mostrandole su culo a los hombres homosexuales, por lo que sabe cómo se juega el juego de la aplicación... Al menos el chico tiene buenos fundamentos.

Todos sabemos que internet es un lugar salvaje.

JULIA ROBERTS On Cam Nudity's Just Not for Me!!! Why She's Kept it Clean

Julia Roberts is proud of her G-rated career, and says NOT getting naked on camera -- ever in her career, mind you -- sounds like a choice to her.

The Oscar winner says she's opted to represent herself as a woman by not stripping down for her roles, and being physically vulnerable -- although, she's quick to say she's not shading other women who decide to do it.

Julia told Vogue UK it's just basically a deliberate decision ... as she put it, "choosing not to do something as opposed to doing something."

What makes that path interesting is that she has starred in some sexually explicit movies, such as Mike Nichols' "Closer" ... and, of course, her most famous/beloved role is as a prostitute! Albeit, a prostitute in a Disney movie.

Speaking of the biz in Hollywood ... she tells the publication it's totally changed since she started out -- everything seems too cluttered now, and being famous looks exhausting, she says.


Luckily, she's paid her dues and gets to pick and choose her projects as she pleases, recently starring in Netflix's much-talked-about psychological thriller "Leave the World Behind" -- which only required awkward dancing ... fully clothed.

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