Lance Bass Don't Hate On Justin ... Britney Forgives Him!!!

Lance Bass

Lance Bass says the Justin Timberlake hate needs to stop ... because if Britney Spears can forgive him, so can everyone else.

We got the *NSYNC member Thursday at LAX and he told us he was getting set to read Britney's new memoir, which is chocked full of stories about her ex-boyfriend, JT.

Lance says folks coming after Justin for his role in Britney's abortion, the cheating allegations and their eventual breakup should back off and practice a little forgiveness.

While Lance says everyone is entitled to their own opinion about Justin, he says people should take a note from Britney and just cut the guy some slack.

Britney's book has been a smash hit ... and Lance is glad she's been able to tell her side of things, joking about copying her and getting Michelle Williams to do the audio version should he ever write a memoir.


For his part, Justin's been pretty mum on Britney's tell-all ... but Lance has his back.

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We also asked Lance about the latest with *NSYNC after the boy band's big reunion at the MTV VMAs and their new song ... but it doesn't sound like a tour or an album are in the works, at least not yet.

*NSYNC Staying Supportive of Justin ... As He's Dragged in Britney Memoir

Justin Timberlake is feelin' the heat amid Britney Spears' new book release -- and all the spilled secrets about their relationship -- but we're told his *NSYNC bros still have his back.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Lance Bass, Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick, and JC Chasez have nothing but love for Justin, and they're supporting him through all the harsh criticism due to "The Woman in Me."

We're told they've all known him for 25 years, and would be more than happy to be back performing with him ... despite all the negative energy Britney and her loyal fans are aiming at JT.

Remember, in her book Brit blames him for talking her into an abortion, accuses him of cheating and claims a run-in with Justin triggered a panic attack that ruined her 2007 VMA performance.

While *NSYNC fans and RCA Records would love another Reunion, it isn't in the cards right now -- we're told Justin's focused on his new solo single, album and a tour next year.

BTW, our sources say the hate JT's been getting isn't impacting his career plans. The single and tour for next summer are a full go -- however, we're told he's quietly removed some club appearances that were set for early next year, tied to the release of his single and album.

As we reported, there are no current talks about *NSYNC doing more together -- Justin said recording "Better Place" would just be a special thing for his 'Trolls' sequel.


Still, our sources say the other 4 members are staying excited about the potential for Justin to change his mind, and get back in a studio -- or on a stage -- together.


Justin Timberlake está en el ojo del huracán debido al nuevo libro de Britney Spears. La cantante ha revelado muchos secretos y los compañeros de *NSYNC apoyan a Justin a pesar de todo.

Fuentes familiarizadas con la situación le dicen a TMZ que Lance Bass, Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick, y JC Chasez no tienen nada más que amor por Justin y lo están apoyando debido a todo el ruido que están haciendo las memorias de Britney, "The Woman in Me".

Nos dicen que la energía negativa que está recibiendo Justin no interfiere en nada con las ganas trabajar con él de nuevo, añadiendo que todos lo conocen desde hace 25 años y estarían más que felices de estar de vuelta en el escenario juntos.

A los fans y RCA Records les encantaría otra reunión *NSYNC, pero no está en los planes de Justin en este momento. Nos informan que está centrado en su nuevo single, álbum y una gira el próximo año.

Por cierto, nuestras fuentes dicen que el hate que Justin ha estado recibiendo no va a interferir en el lanzamiento del próximo single y gira programada para el próximo verano. Sin embargo, nos dicen que ha retirado discretamente algunas apariciones en discotecas para principios del próximo año relacionadas con el lanzamiento del single y el álbum.

Como informamos, no hay conversaciones actuales sobre hacer algo más en el futuro. Nos informan que Justin dijo que "Better Place" (para la película 'Trolls') es un caso especial.

Sin embargo, nuestras fuentes dicen que los otros 4 miembros están entusiasmados con la posibilidad de que Justin cambie de opinión y vuelvan al estudio todos juntos.

*NSYNC, BACKSTREET BOYS, DESTINY'S CHILD No cantarían en el Super Bowl ... A pesar de las especulaciones de los fans

Los fans han estado pensando si ex grupos como *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys o Destiny's Child se subirán el escenario del Super Bowl este año, pero resulta que eso no va a suceder.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo dicen a TMZ que, a pesar de los rumores de que las tres icónicas bandas del pasado unirían fuerzas para el Super Bowl LVIII en Las Vegas, ese simplemente no es el caso.

Nos dicen que los grupos no han sido contactados y que tampoco hay conversaciones para hacerlo realidad.

Internet se volvió loco después de que se difundieran rumores de una posible actuación de *NSYNC y Destiny's Child en el gran partido del próximo año, y la ilusión se extendió un poco más para incluir a Backstreet Boys.

La nostalgia se disparó desde que *NSYNC se reuniera para los MTV VMAs y volviera a los estudios a grabar su primera canción en décadas para la nueva película 'Trolls'.

TMZ dio la noticia, *NSYNC no tiene planes de iniciar una gira, residencia o álbum a pesar de las especulaciones, pero eso no significa que el Super Bowl esté fuera de la mesa, ¿verdad? Error.

*NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Destiny's Child We're Not Singing at Super Bowl LVIII ... Despite Fan Speculation

Fans have been thinking former groups *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, and Destiny's Child will all take the stage at this year's Super Bowl ... turns out, it's not gonna happen.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... despite rumors that the 3 iconic musical bands of the past will join forces for Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas, it's just not the case.

We're told the groups haven't been approached to perform, and no conversations are going down to turn it into reality.

The internet's been going nuts after rumors spread about *NSYNC and Destiny's Child being slated to perform at next year's big game ... and the dream expanded to include the Backstreet Boys.

The nostalgia train has really taken off since *NSYNC reunited at the MTV VMAs and got back in the booth to record the first song in decades for the new 'Trolls' flick.

TMZ broke the story, *NSYNC has no plans to start a tour, residency, or album despite speculation, but that doesn't mean the Super Bowl is off the table, right? Wrong.

Backstreet Boys Howie Down to Tour with *NSYNC ... Let 'Em Go First, Though


Howie Dorough says he'd love to have the Backstreet Boys tour with *NSYNC -- but says Justin, JC and co. deserve their own spotlight first ... assuming they actually want that.

We got the BB member Monday at LAX, and asked about all the speculation over a possible prolonged reunion for the *NSYNC fellas ... possibly including a throwback tour, which fans really seem to want at this point.

Howie hits us with a pretty optimistic take, saying he'd be more than open to co-headlining with *NSYNC ... he'd actually welcome it, and he's sure the other Backstreet Boys would too.

While many might've assumed there's a rivalry between the 2 groups ... there isn't, according to HD. He says a lot of them are actually pretty good friends -- and it sounds like they might have even talked about this once or twice over the years.

Now that *NSYNC is putting out a new song -- for Justin Timberlake's latest 'Trolls' movie -- that would-be rekindling is at a fever pitch ... and Howie says that has to be respected.

In other words, if any *NSYNC/Backstreet Boys tour is in the stars -- and there's no guarantee it is -- he says the "Bye Bye Bye" guys should get a bite at the apple first, because there's major interest in them right now. Relevancy rules!

As we've reported .... JC and Lance Bass left the door open for a potential reunion tour, but nobody's saying it's definitely going to happen -- and until they do, everyone's probably better off cooling their jets instead of getting their hopes up.

Enjoy the new *NSYNC song ... and let's just take it one day at a time. BB stans, included.

Do you want to see *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys tour together? Vote below.


dispuesto a colaborar

Howie Dorough dice que le encantaría tener a los Backstreet Boys de gira con *NSYNC, pero dice que Justin, JC y compañía merecen su propio centro de atención en primer lugar, suponiendo que realmente quieren eso.

Nos encontramos con el miembro de los Backstreet el lunes en LAX y le preguntamos acerca de toda la especulación sobre una posible reunión prolongada de los compañeros de *NSYNC, la cual probablemente incluyenda una gira de regreso (algo que los fans realmente parecen querer en este punto)

Howie nos golpea con unas palabras bastante optimistas, diciendo que estaría más que abierto a co-encabezar con *NSYNC. De verdad le daría le gustaría y está seguro de que los otros Backstreet Boys también lo harían.

Mientras que muchos podrían haber asumido que hay rivalidad entre los 2 grupos, segun HD no la hay. Él dice que muchos de ellos son en realidad muy buenos amigos y suena como que incluso podría haber hablado de esto una vez o dos veces a lo largo de los años.

Ahora que *NSYNC está sacando una nueva canción para la última película de Justin Timberlake 'Trolls', puede ser momento perfecto para impuslar a los chicos una vez más.

En otras palabras, si alguna gira de *NSYNC/Backstreet Boys está en las estrellas (y no hay garantía de que lo sea) dice que los chicos de "Bye Bye Bye" deben conseguir un bocado de la manzana en primer lugar, porque hay un gran interés en ellos en este momento. ¡La relevancia manda!

Como hemos informado con anterioridad, JC y Lance Bass dejaron la puerta abierta para una posible gira de reunión pero nadie está diciendo que definitivamente va a suceder y hasta que lo hagan, será mejor que todo el mundo se calme hasta saber más noticias.


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cualquier cosa puede pasar

JC Chasez y Lance Bass de *NSYNC están bromeando con la posibilidad de que los fans vean más del grupo ¡y parece que no debemos descartar nada todavía!

Nos encontramos con JC en LAX, donde nos dijo lo divertido que fue volver al estudio para grabar "Better Place", la canción que aparece en la próxima película, "Trolls Band Together" especialmente después de 2 décadas desde su último trabajo de estudio.

Las fuentes nos dicen que la canción sería la única con todos los compañeros de banda, pero no podíamos dejar pasar la oportunidad de preguntar a JC sus sentimientos acerca de *NSYNC, sobre todo porque su reunión ha atraído tanta atención.

Se hizo el tímido, diciéndonos que sólo está centrado en el single por ahora, pero no aplastó completamente las esperanzas de los fans, e incluso dijo, "todo es posible".

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la huelga es lo primero

Lance también estaba en LAX, separado de JC, y cuando le preguntamos lo mismo tuvo una respuesta interesante, poniendo el foco en la huelga de guionistas y actores en curso.

Dijo que si la gente quiere ver al grupo reunido de nuevo para una gira o un álbum completo, será mejor que empiecen a apoyar la huelga.

Ahora bien, esto podría ser una de dos cosas: podría estar utilizando su plataforma para llamar la atención sobre los miles de trabajadores sindicalizados que se han quedado sin trabajo, o es posible que la banda ya esté en conversaciones para otra reunión. Las huelgas podrían ser una clave de lo que quieren hacer a continuación.

Sólo son ideas para reflexionar. 🤔

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los chicos han vuelto

Como sabes, la icónica reunión de la banda en los MTV VMAs tuvo a la gente en shock, incluyendo a Taylor Swift, que aceptó un premio de ellos al principio de la noche.

Verlos en el estudio es una gran señal, y al menos JC y Lance están diciendo que hay una oportunidad para que hagan más.

*NSYNC JC Chasez, Lance Bass Hint At Group's Future ... 'Anything Is Possible'

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*NSYNC's JC Chasez and Lance Bass are teasing the potential for fans to see more of the group ... and it sounds like we shouldn't rule out anything just yet!

We got JC at LAX, where he told us how fun it was to get back in the studio to record "Better Place," the song featured in the upcoming film, "Trolls Band Together" ... especially coming 2 decades after their last studio effort.

Now, sources have told us the track would be a one-off for the fellas -- but we couldn't pass up the chance to ask JC his feelings about *NSYNC doing more ... especially because their reunion's drawn so much attention.

He played it coy ... telling us he's just focused on the single for now, but he didn't completely crush the hopes of fans, and even said, "anything is possible."

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Lance was also at LAX, separate from JC, and when we asked him the same thing, he had an interesting response -- putting the focus on the ongoing writers' and actors' strike.

He said if people wanna see the group reunite again -- for a tour or a full album -- they better start supporting the strike.

Now, this could be one of 2 things -- he could just be using his platform to shine a light on the thousands of union workers out of jobs. Or ... it's possible the gang is already in talks for another fun reunion, but the strikes might be throwing a wrench in whatever they want to do next.

Just some food for thought. 🤔

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As you know, the band's iconic reunion at the MTV VMAs had people in shock, including Taylor Swift, who accepted an award from them early in the night.

Seeing them in the studio is a great sign, too ... and, at the very least, JC and Lance are saying there's a chance for them to do more.

For more, check out TMZ Live. Now available on all podcast platforms.

Lance Bass 'Dirty Pop' Sweets Coming Soon?!? *NSYNC Thinking Big Biz After Reunion

Lance Bass might be looking to make some big business moves on the heels of the massive *NSYNC reunion ... by using one of the boy band's most famous phrases.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Lance wants to trademark the phrase "Dirty Pop" and slap it on a bunch of junk food ... like candy, chocolate and flavored popcorn.

Of course, the phrase is the opening line in *NSYNC's smash hit from way back in the day, "Pop"

The boy band reunited Tuesday for the first time in a decade, presenting an award at the MTV VMAs ... and fans have been going nuts ever since, so it seems like a perfect time for Lance and the guys to cash in.

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The docs show Lance is also looking to trademark "Boy Band Wars" ... indicating he may want to use it for a potential TV series!!!

The guys are already capitalizing on all the *NSYNC buzz now that they are once again front and center in Hollywood ... rolling out a new single for Justin Timberlake's upcoming 'Trolls' movie.

In addition, Lance's company filed docs to secure the rights to "Frosted Tips" ... for a potential new podcast!!!

Even if there's no new *NSYNC album on the way, seems like Lance won't be saying "bye, bye, bye" any time soon.

LANCE BASS ¿¡PRONTO HABRÁ CARAMELOS DE 'DIRTY POP'!? *NSYNC pensando en grandes negocios tras su reunión

Lance Bass podría estar buscando hacer algunos grandes movimientos de negocios en los talones de la reunión masiva *NSYNC mediante el uso de una de las frases más famosas de la boy band.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Lance quiere registrar la frase "Dirty Pop" y pegarlo en un montón de comida chatarra, como caramelos, chocolate y palomitas de maíz con sabor.

Por supuesto, la frase es la línea de apertura en el éxito de *NSYNC... "Pop"

La boy band se reunió el martes por primera vez en una década presentando un premio en los MTV VMAs. Los fans se han vuelto locos desde entonces, por lo que parece el momento perfecto para que Lance y los chicos saquen provecho.

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¡Los documentos muestran que Lance también está buscando la marca "Boy Band Wars", lo que indica que puede querer utilizarlo para una serie de televisión potencial

Los chicos ya están aprovechando todo el rumor *NSYNC ahora que están una vez más frente y al centro de Hollywood, rodando un nuevo single para la próxima película de Justin Timberlake 'Trolls'.

Además, la compañía de Lance presentó documentos para asegurar los derechos de "Frosted Tips" ¡para un potencial nuevo podcast!

Incluso si no hay nuevo álbum *NSYNC en el camino, parece que Lance no va a decir "adiós, adiós, adiós" en el corto plazo.

*NSYNC New Song Revealed!!! Their First in 2+ Decades

*NSYNC fans are finally getting a taste of the group's brand new song that has all 5 guys joining forces in the studio to lay down a track for the new 'Trolls' flick.

The group's song is called "Better Place," and it's teased near the end of the latest trailer for "Trolls Band Together." It dropped Wednesday night, giving folks a glimpse of what's likely to become a new hit ... especially because they last recorded a song in 2002.

The movie, led by Justin Timberlake's character, is all about getting his former boy band back together, so *NSYNC obviously was a perfect choice. Their 1997 song, "I Want You Back," can also be heard in the new trailer.

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Justin Timberlake, Joey Fatone, JC Chasez, Lance Bass, and Chris Kirkpatrick, all hinted at their song earlier in the day -- lip-syncing to a "Friends" scene about a big secret they can't spill.

Remember, TMZ confirmed rumors the group was jumping back in the studio to record a track for the new movie ... but we were told they don't have any plans to come out with a whole album or go on tour.

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You'll recall, *NSYNC whipped fans into a frenzy Tuesday night at the MTV VMAs, where they appeared onstage to present the Best Pop Video award -- which went to Taylor Swift, who was fangirling to the max over the gang's reunion.

Folks wanting to hear the full track will have to wait until September 29, but portions of it are popping up on TikTok ... that's gonna have to satisfy the die-hards, for now!!!

Do you think *NSYNC should release a new album? Let us know by voting in our game below.

*NSYNC Revela una nueva canción La primera en dos décadas

Los fans de *NSYNC por fin podrán escuchar una nueva canción del grupo. Los 5 chicos unieron sus fuerzas en el estudio para crear un tema para la nueva película de 'Trolls'.

La canción se llama "Better Place", y es anunciada cerca del final del último trailer de "Trolls Band Together". El trailer fue estrenado el miércoles por la noche, dándole a la gente una idea de lo que probablemente se convertirá en un nuevo hit, sobre todo, si consideramos que la última vez que grabaron una canción fue en 2002.

La película, protagonizada por el personaje de Justin Timberlake, trata de reunir a su antigua banda de chicos, por lo que *NSYNC era la elección perfecta. Su canción de 1997, "I Want You Back", también puede escucharse en el nuevo tráiler.

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Justin Timberlake, Joey Fatone, JC Chasez, Lance Bass, y Chris Kirkpatrick, todos dieron indicios de esta nueva canción más temprano ese día, haciendo referencia a una escena de "Friends" sobre un gran secreto que no pueden confesar.

Recuerden que TMZ confirmó los rumores de que el grupo estaba yendo nuevamente a los estudios para grabar una pista para la nueva película. Pero nos dijeron que no tienen planes de salir con un álbum completo o ir de gira.

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Los chicos están de vuelta

Como recordarán, *NSYNC provocó un frenesí entre sus fans el martes por la noche en los MTV VMAs, donde aparecieron en el escenario para presentar el premio al Mejor Video Pop, el que fue para Taylor Swift, que estaba muy emocionada por la reunión del grupo.

La gente que quiera escuchar la canción completa tendrá que esperar hasta el 29 de septiembre, aunque ya están apareciendo algunos fragmentos en TikTok. ¡¡¡Por ahora eso tendrá que satisfacer a sus incondicionales!!!

*NSYNC No Album Or Tour Plans After VMAs ... But Had A Blast Reuniting!!!

*NSYNC fans are already itching for a worldwide tour or new album from the group after their reunion at the VMAs ... but it just ain't gonna happen, TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... despite the group's iconic reunion Tuesday night, they have no plans to tour, do a residency, album, or any other pop-up reunions.

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After the VMAs, we're told bandmates Justin Timberlake, Joey Fatone, JC Chasez, Lance Bass, and Chris Kirkpatrick -- along with their management team and close friends -- all went to dinner at Ambra in NYC ... which was a group close to 50 people.

Our sources say they all had some amazing conversations and laughs during the dinner, which had a menu with the band's name on it. We're told everyone was glad to be back under the same roof all these years later.

BTW, we've confirmed the rumors the group is featured on a song for the upcoming movie, "Trolls Band Together" ... which focuses on Justin Timberlake's character reuniting with his 4 brothers who were all part of a boy band in the past -- pretty meta.

So there might not be an album, but at least a new song is coming soon!

Tuesday night's appearance was the first time they've all been at the VMAs together since 2013. As we reported, a source connected to the group told us they wouldn't be performing but would only be presenting an award ... which ended up going to Taylor Swift.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

2023 MTV VMAs Behind The Scenes With Celeb Swifties ... Plus *NSYNC!!!

The 2023 VMAs were all about Taylor Swift, her famous Swifties and, of course, *NSYNC ... and they showed out behind the scenes.

The Prudential Center in Newark, NJ was the center of the music world Tuesday night, with Taylor and a boy band reunion leading the way for MTV's signature award ceremony.

Taylor went nuts for Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, Joey Fatone, JC Chasez and Chris Kirkpatrick ... and she hung out with Ice Spice and Billy Porter too.

While Taylor was busy taking home awards for her amazing music videos, there was plenty of eye candy off camera ... with Cardi B, Selena Gomez, Bebe Rexha, Emily Ratajkowski and Sexyy Redd all commanding eyes.

Lil Nas X screamed out for attention too ... and there were even some hot celeb couples, like Kelsea Ballerini and Chase Stokes.

Check out the pics ... it was quite the scene.

*NSYNC Reunion at VMAs ... Members Already in NYC


7:39 AM PT -- A source connected to the group tells us there will not be a performance, the guys will only be presenting.

*NSYNC diehards are convinced a reunion is afoot after spotting a few members in the Big Apple -- and TMZ knows the band will be front and center during the show.

Justin Timberlake, Joey Fatone and Lance Bass were all photographed in and around NYC over the past 48 hours -- JT hit up the US Open, Joey was spotted roaming the streets/posing with fans and Lance got snapped grabbing drinks in Manhattan.

In addition to these sightings ... JC Chasez was pictured riding in a private jet -- through a recent social media post from his manager -- although it's unclear where exactly he was flying to.

The one person who has yet to be shot in public is Chris Kirkpatrick ... but he did post a 9/11 tribute Monday, and threw up a NYFD firetruck. Unclear if he took it himself though.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the group will be presenting during the show Tuesday at the Prudential Center in New Jersey. We do not know if they will also perform.

Of course, another clue of a reunion ... a track that's been teased through Justin's latest 'Trolls' movie -- which has the first letter of their band name and a catchy whistling tune ... although the full song has yet to be released/named.

The guys haven't performed together since the 2013 VMAs -- so a reunion now would be timely ... a 10-year anniversary. They haven't released new music since the early 2000s.

Lord knows their day-ones have been craving a reunion for a long, long time now.

The big award show is only hours away, so we'll see if the iconic boy band is ready to join forces. A lot has changed since they last rocked a major stage -- here's hoping they still got the juice!

Originally Published -- 7:11 AM PT