Amanda Bynes I Had Plastic Surgery On My Eyelids

TikTok / @amandaamandaamanda1986

Amanda Bynes is opening up about her new look ... telling fans it's the result of plastic surgery on her face.

The former Nickelodeon star hopped on Instagram to explain why she's looking a little different these days ... explaining why she had plastic surgery on her eyelids.

Amanda says the procedure, known as a Blepharoplasty, removed the skinfolds around the corners of her eyes.

For Amanda, she says the plastic surgery is boosting her self-confidence and making her feel better about herself ... and she says it's one the greatest things she's ever done for herself.

Instagram / @amandaamandaamanda1986

Amanda debuted the new look earlier this month when she released her new podcast, and there were some headlines about a "new look" and she says that's why she's revealing how she went under the knife.

Also part of Amanda's new look is some platinum blonde hair ... but her focus is the eyelid surgery.

Amanda Bynes Launches New Podcast ... 1st Episode w/ Tattoo Artist

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welcome to the pod!
Amanda Bynes & Paul Sieminski: The Podcast / Spotify

Amanda Bynes is back in the spotlight after years of being away -- 'cause she's got a new podcast out ... and the first episode features her playing the role of host/interviewer.

The ex-child star -- who was placed in a conservatorship for years before it came to an end in 2022 -- is leading up the new media venture alongside a friend of hers named Paul Sieminski. Their pod is aptly titled ... 'Amanda Bynes & Paul Sieminski: The Podcast.'

Here's just a snippet of their first episode, which was just released Saturday. It features a sit-down with a L.A.-based tattoo artist named Dahlia Moth ... whom AB has known for years.

Now, this episode is roughly 26 minutes ... so go listen to the full thing if you want. Right from the outset though, you can hear Amanda introducing herself and her co-host ... as well as their guest, and she jumps right into the questions they wanna ask, somewhat abruptly.

Instagram / @amandaamandaamanda1986

As we went through the rest of it ourselves, we couldn't help but notice that Paul tends to do most of the heavy lifting in terms of questions -- with Amanda jumping in here and there.

It's interesting to digest ... frankly, this might be one of the first times folks are hearing Amanda's voice in a while, y'know ... since she's been out of the public eye for a minute. Since leaving Hollywood, she's focused her attention elsewhere ... including fashion school.

Of course, she's also had struggles -- including recent ones (post-conservatorship) that have seen her been hospitalized for a time. She's out now though, and seems to be doing better.

Anyway, Amanda has been plugging this podcast on her personal IG feed lately ... so she certainly seems excited about it. She says she wants to start small with pals, but eventually invite on bigger names -- including celebrities. Time will tell who she's able to book.

Mindy On 'Drake & Josh' 'Memba Her?!

American actress Allison Scagliotti was 14 years old when she first started playing Mindy -- the smart but conceited high schooler -- on Nickelodeon's sitcom series "Drake & Josh" back in 2004.

Scagliotti was cast alongside Drake Bell as the cool, attractive and guitar playin' brother, Drake Parker, Josh Peck as the nerdy brother, Josh Nichols and Miranda Cosgrove as the devious pranking sister, Megan Parker.

Aside from reprising her role in the spin-off film, "Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh" back in '08, she's also known for her roles on "Warehouse 13" and "Stitchers". And,  in more recent years, she's been honing in on her music skills!

Guess what she looks like now!

Mindy en "Drake & Josh" ¿la recuerdas?

La actriz estadounidense Allison Scagliotti tenía 14 años cuando empezó a interpretar a Mindy, la inteligente y engreída estudiante de secundaria en la serie de Nickelodeon "Drake & Josh" en 2004.

Scagliotti formaba parte del reparto junto a Drake Bell, que interpretaba al atractivo y guay hermano guitarrista Drake Parker, Josh Peck, que interpretaba al hermano empollón Josh Nichols, y Miranda Cosgrove, que interpretaba a la retorcida hermana bromista Megan Parker.

Además de volver a interpretar su papel en la película "Feliz Navidad, Drake y Josh" en 2008, también es conocida por sus papeles en "Warehouse 13" y "Stitchers", y en los últimos años, ha estado perfeccionando sus habilidades musicales.

Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora.

Kel Mitchell Aparece en el estreno de "Good Burger 2" ... Se ve bien después de su hospitalización

Kel Mitchell parece estar de buen humor después de su reciente estadía en el hospital, pues el tipo estuvo súper sonriente celebrando el estreno de su próxima película.

El actor se veía tan feliz como siempre la noche del martes en el estreno mundial de "Good Burger 2" en la ciudad de Nueva York, mostrando una sonrisa para las cámaras con un telón de fondo bastante fresco, una recreación del icónico restaurante "Good Burger".

Por supuesto, su coprotagonista Kenan Thompson también asistió y los dos amigos de toda la vida posaron para un montón de fotos juntos durante el gran evento.

TMZ dio a conocer la noticia, Kel estuvo en un hospital de Los Ángeles la semana pasada, aunque el motivo no se sabía claramente hasta que el propio actor aclaró todo el asunto en Instagram.

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Esto es lo que pasó...
Instagram / @iamkelmitchell

Dijo que estaba empezando a sentirse mareado y que partes de su cuerpo comenzaron a entumecerse. Ahí entró en pánico y corrió al hospital.

Afortunadamente, todo se debió a una antigua lesión que se agravó y provocó que una protuberancia discal rozara un nervio. Su diagnóstico fue un alivio, ya que otra posible alternativa era que estuviera sufriendo un derrame cerebral.

Con todo, Kel ha hecho grandes progresos desde el aterrador suceso de la semana pasada, ¡y justo a tiempo para lanzar más hamburguesas en la gran pantalla!

Kel Mitchell Hits Up 'Good Burger 2' Premiere ... Looking Good Post-Hospitalization

Kel Mitchell seems to be in good spirits after his recent hospital stay ... because the dude was all smiles to celebrate the opening of his upcoming flick.

The actor was lookin' as happy as ever Tuesday night at the world premiere of "Good Burger 2" in New York City -- flashing a smile for cameras with a pretty cool backdrop ... a re-creation of the iconic 'Good Burger' restaurant.

Of course, his costar Kenan Thompson was also in attendance, and the 2 longtime pals posed for plenty of pics together during the big event.

TMZ broke the story, Kel was in a Los Angeles-area hospital last week, but the reason was initially unclear -- until the man himself hopped on Instagram to clear the whole thing up.

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Instagram / @iamkelmitchell

He said he was starting to feel dizzy, and parts of his body started going numb, which is when he panicked and rushed to the hospital.

Thankfully, he said it simply stemmed from an old injury that flared up, causing a bulging disk to rub up against a nerve. That was actually a relief, as one potential alternative was that he was having a stroke.

All in all, Kel's made strides since last week's scary event ... and just in time to flip some more burgers on the big screen!

Kel Mitchell I'm On 'Road To Recovery' ... After Hospitalized In L.A.

"Good Burger" and "Kenan & Kel" star Kel Mitchell is now at home and on the road to recovery after his mysterious hospitalization ... something he's calling "genuinely frightening."

Kel broke his silence about the ordeal Wednesday night, saying on Instagram, "Grateful for the flood of prayers and positive vibes" -- adding, "The scare was real, but so was the support."

The 45-year-old goes on to say, "With the grace of God and the skill of the medical team, I'm now on the road to recovery at home, embraced by the love of my family" ... and he's shouting out all the folks who wished him well while spending time at the hospital.

Fans have been sounding off in the comments ... wishing him well, and asking what happened to land him in the ER -- but he's staying silent for the time being.

TMZ broke the story, Kel was admitted into a Los Angeles-area hospital Tuesday night, coming in through the facility's emergency room. We're told he appeared alert when he arrived.

Glad to hear you're doing well, Kel!

Kel Mitchell Estoy en camino a recuperarme... Tras hospitalización en L.A.

Kel Mitchell, estrella de "Good Burger" y "Kenan & Kel" ya está en casa y recuperándose después de su misteriosa hospitalización, algo que califica como "genuinamente aterrador".

Kel se refirió a la terrible experiencia que vivió, diciendo en Instagram: "Estoy agradecido por la avalancha de oraciones y vibraciones positivas. El susto fue real, pero también el apoyo".

El actor de 45 años continuó diciendo: "Con la gracia de Dios y la habilidad del equipo médico, ya estoy camino a recuperarme en casa, abrazado por el amor de mi familia". Kel Mitchell también quiso reconocer a todas las personas que le desearon lo mejor mientras estaba en el hospital.

Los fans han estado expresando lo que sienten en los comentarios, deseándole lo mejor y preguntándole qué lo llevó a aterrizar en la sala de emergencias, pero eso se mantiene en silencio por el momento.

Según TMZ, Kel fue ingresado en un hospital de Los Ángeles el martes por la noche, a través de la sala de urgencias. Nos dicen que parecía estar consciente de su entorno cuando llegó.

Nos alegra saber que estás bien, Kel.

Kel Mitchell Hospitalized In LA

Kel Mitchell -- famous for his work on "Good Burger" as well as "Kenan & Kel" -- is currently hospitalized, TMZ has learned.

We know the actor was admitted into a Los Angeles-area hospital Tuesday night, coming in through the emergency room. A witness tells us Kel appeared to be conscious and alert when he arrived.

The cause of Kel's illness is unclear, but we do know as of Wednesday, he was still in the hospital getting treatment. It's unknown when he'll be released or what his current condition is.

We reached out to Kel's reps, who did not comment on his situation.

Kel's social media pages are still posting despite his hospital stay -- but it's mostly promotional material -- including his work on "Hollywood Squares" and upcoming flick, "Good Burger 2" ... so it's likely the posts were preplanned.

Fans know Kel got his start in the Nickelodeon series, "All That" in the 90's ... before teaming up with "SNL" star Kenan Thompson for "Kenan & Kel" -- the 2 also starred in "Good Burger" in the middle of their comedy show success ... with a sequel to the burger film dropping later this month.

Get well soon, Kel!


Kel Mitchell —famoso por su trabajo en "Good Burger" y "Kenan & Kel"— se encuentra hospitalizado, TMZ ha indagado.

Sabemos que el actor fue ingresado en un hospital del área de Los Ángeles el martes por la noche que llegó a través de la sala de emergencias. Un testigo nos dice que Kel parecía estar consciente y alerta cuando llegó.

La causa de la enfermedad de Kel no está clara, pero sabemos que el miércoles todavía estaba en el hospital recibiendo tratamiento. Se desconoce cuándo será dado de alta o cuál es su estado actual.

Nos pusimos en contacto con los representantes de Kel, pero no hicieron comentarios sobre su situación.

Las páginas de Kel en las redes sociales siguen publicando a pesar de su estancia en el hospital, pero es sobre todo material promocional, incluyendo su trabajo en "Hollywood Squares" y la próxima película, "Good Burger 2", por lo que es probable que los mensajes fueron programados de antemano.

Los fans saben que Kel consiguió su inicio en la serie de Nickelodeon, "All That" en los años 90, antes de asociarse con la estrella de "SNL" Kenan Thompson para "Kenan & Kel". Ámbos protagonizaron "Good Burger" en medio de su éxitoso show de comedia, con una secuela de la película hamburguesa a finales de este mes.

¡Que te mejores pronto Kel!

Halle Berry Drake Reached Out To Me For Slime Pic ... But I Told Him No!!!

Halle Berry is still firin' shots at Drake after using a pic of her covered in slime for his new song ... clarifying that he did reach out for her permission, and she said no way.

Folks have been chiming in all weekend about the cover art for Drake's new track, "Slime You Out," featuring SZA ... one fan asked why Halle's so pressed about a photo that's owned by Getty Images.

She had an answer --"Cuz he asked me and I said NO that’s why." She added, "Why ask if you intend to do what you want to do ! That was the f*** you to me. Not cool You get it?"

Halle went online shortly after Drizzy dropped the single Friday, cryptically shading him.

She said Drake didn't get her permission to use the photo of her from the 2012 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards -- "When people you admire disappoint you you have to be the bigger person and move on!"

Drake still hasn't responded, but he also went the cryptic route Sunday, sharing a snap of him at the cards table with a shirt that says, "What the hell is going on?"

Is Halle Berry overreacting by being mad about Drake using her photo for his new track's cover art? Vote below.

Halle Berry Denuncia a Drake por usar su foto En el nuevo single con SZA

El nuevo single de Drake con SZA está causando furor entre sus fans, pero una persona no está feliz con el hit, y esa sería Halle Berry ... cuya imagen se utiliza para promover la canción.

La actriz publicó un post críptico en su cuenta de Instagram acerca de ser la persona más grande (o adulta) en ciertas situaciones. Esto, poco después de que Drizzy lanzara su nueva canción, "Slime You Out", que acaba de lanzar el viernes. En los comentarios de ese mismo post, sin embargo, Halle lo ataca de frente.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Alguien le preguntó qué opinaba de que Drake utilizara una foto suya de los Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards de 2012, en donde se hizo famosa por ser manchada de baba mientras estaba sentada en su asiento. Se trata de un primer plano de Halle con todo el exudado verde sobre ella, y Drake lo está utilizando en las redes sociales como imagen de portada. En la subida oficial del audio, hay arte alternativo.

De cualquier modo, Halle Berry no está contenta. La actruz respondió, que esta "no tiene su permiso", que "eso no está bien, y ¡tenía una mejor opinión de él!". Y en respuesta a otro fan añade: "de ahí mi post de hoy. Cuando la gente a la que admiras te decepciona tienes que actuar de mejor manera y pasar página".

Halle hizo otros comentarios en respuesta a su post, incluyendo uno en el que dice que todo se trata de los principios, lo que podría aludir al hecho de que probablemente ella ni siquiera posee los derechos de la imagen en cuestión.

Y, por supuesto ... también está la naturaleza gráfica de la canción en sí, que alude a actos sexuales -y que algunos se han ofendido en nombre de Halle. Ella también lo cuestiona, y le respondió a un fan que preguntaba sobre la palabra slime: "¡Exactamente! ¿Qué significa eso?".

No está claro si Drake posee esta foto de Halle, de manera limpia o no, pero es interesante que ella le esté llamando la atención sobre el asunto. Recientemente se vio envuelto en otro escándalo de portada, con nada más ni nada menos que Vogue, y que al parecer le costó un poco de dinero en efectivo después de que lo demandaron.

No parece que Halle vaya a seguir ese camino, pero sí es seguro que no lo aprueba en absoluto.

Halle Berry Slams Drake for Using Slime Pic ... On New Single w/ SZA

Drake's new single with SZA is all the rage among his fans, but one person isn't happy about it -- and that would be Halle Berry ... whose image he used to promote the song.

The actress took to IG with a somewhat cryptic post about being the bigger person in certain situations -- this shortly after Drizzy released his new track, "Slime You Out," which just dropped Friday. In the comments of that same post, though, Halle bashes him head-on.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Somebody asked what she thought of Drake using the photo of her from the 2012 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards -- where she famously got slimed while sitting in her seat. There's a close-up shot of Halle with all the green ooze on her, and Drake is using that on social media as a cover image. On the official audio upload, there's alternative art.

Anyway, HB isn't pleased. She responded, writing, "didn't get my permission. That's not cool I thought better of him!" She adds in response to another fan, "hence my post today. When people you admire disappoint you you have to be the bigger person and move on!"

There are other comments she made in response to people on her post, including one where she says it's about the principle of the matter -- which might allude to the fact she likely doesn't even own the rights to the picture in question.

And, of course ... there's also the graphic nature of the song itself, which alludes to sex acts -- and which some have taken offense to on behalf of Halle. She, too, questions this ... writing to one fan who commented on what slime refers to, "exactly! What does that mean?"

It's unclear if Drake got this picture of Halle cleared or not, but it's interesting that she's calling him out on it. He was recently caught up in yet another cover art scandal -- with Vogue, no less -- and that one reportedly cost him a bit of cash after they sued.

Doesn't sound like Halle's going that route, but she certainly doesn't approve.

Drake & SZA Slimin' You Out ... 1st Taste of 'All the Dogs'

Former lovers Drake and SZA are giving fans a taste of what's to come from the album "For All The Dogs" ... with the release of their "Slime You Out" duet, a modern-day battle of the sexes!!!

Drake fired off the new song on Friday ... which opens with him scolding women for lacking direction in their lives before belting out all the high notes about being in a low place with his lover.

SZA gets passed the baton midway through the track and holds her own for the women before Drake closes the track with sing-songy rap.

The two megastars have a bit of a testy past ... their dating history was made public after Drake leaked the info on his 2020 "Mr. Right Now" collab with 21 Savage, jeopardizing their potential working relationship ... but it's water under the bridge now!!!

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Drake went with a snap of Halle Berry getting slimed at the 2012 Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards for the cover art, which he touched on in his bars ... "I'm slimin' you for them kid choices you made."

Sounds like Champagne Papi's still dealing with child's play.

Tyreek Hill Surprises Young Fan That Went Viral ... For Insane Runs, Catch

Instagram /@big_franco5 , Miami Dolphins

Going viral has its perks ... the little kid who sent the internet into a frenzy with his playground highlight reel -- all while wearing a Tyreek Hill jersey -- just got some face time with Cheetah ... after the NFL superstar made a surprise visit!

And, it was awesome and adorable!

The boy's name is Franco ... and he was first discovered after video of him playing football with friends went viral. Franco's fast ... very fast. So, he earned the nickname "Mini Cheetah."

But, Franco isn't a one-trick cat, he also has hands ... another video showed him hauling in a Hail Mary. It was impressive.


Hill must've seen the video 'cause he surprised the young fan and his friends at school on Wednesday ... and even brought Franco a signed jersey.

Franco and his friends' reactions were priceless as they mobbed the 7x Pro Bowler with hugs ... and even challenged him to a race.

That wasn't the only surprise -- Franco also helped the Miami Dolphins organization announce Hill won Nickelodeon's Week 1 NVP ... and slimed him right on camera!

The 29-year-old definitely earned the slime award ....Hill had 11 catches for 215 yards and two touchdowns against the L.A. Chargers on Sunday.

A good week for both Cheetah and Mini Cheetah!

Geena In 'Unfabulous' 'Memba Her?!

American actress and singer Malese Jow was just 13 years old when she first started playing Geena Fabiano -- the 13-year-old fashionista who designs her own clothes and wears them to Rocky Road Middle School -- in Nickelodeon's sitcom "Unfabulous" back in 2004.

Jow shared the set with Emma Roberts as the middle-schooler who writes songs about boys and school, Addie Singer, Tadhg Kelly as Addie's older brother who works at a smoothie bar, Ben Singer and Jordan Calloway as the environmentalist and basketball player, Zack Carter-Schwartz.

Malese also portrayed Lucy Stone in Nickelodeon's "Big Time Rush."

Guess what she looks like now!

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