Ex-NHLer Adam Johnson Dead At 29 ... After Neck Slashed By Skate Blade During Game

Former NHL player Adam Johnson tragically died this weekend after his neck was slashed by a skate blade during a game on Saturday.

He was just 29 years old.

Johnson was playing in an Elite Ice Hockey League game for the Nottingham Panthers in England when the horrifying moment happened.

As the ex-Pittsburgh Penguins center was taking the puck across the blue line, an opposing player on the Sheffield Steelers kicked his skate into the air and struck Johnson in the throat area. Johnson was rushed off the ice and received immediate treatment ... but he later succumbed to his injuries.

South Yorkshire Police said officers were on the scene and are currently investigating "the circumstances surrounding the incident."

"We would encourage the public to avoid speculation regarding the incident while we continue our enquiries," the SYP said.

The Panthers, meanwhile, called the moment "a freak accident" ... adding that they're "truly devastated" over it all.

"The Panthers would like to send our thoughts and condolences to Adam's family, his partner and all his friends at this extremely difficult time," the team said. "Everyone at the club including players, staff, management and ownership are heartbroken at the news of Adam's passing."

Johnson played for the Penguins in the 2018 and 2019 seasons -- logging a goal and three assists in 13 games. He went on to play professionally overseas ... and had just signed on to skate for the Panthers this season.

"The Pittsburgh Penguins join the entire hockey world in mourning the loss of Adam Johnson, whose life tragically ended far too soon," the Penguins said in a statement Sunday. "We offer our deepest condolences to Adam's family and friends, as well as all of Adam's past and present teammates and coaches. Adam will always be a part of the Penguins family. It was our honor to watch him fulfill his dream of playing in the National Hockey League."

The Panthers announced Sunday their game against the Glasgow Clan on Tuesday has been postponed in the wake of Johnson's death. Further changes to the schedule were being considered, the team added.


NHL's Shane Pinto Suspended 41 Games For 'Activities Relating To Sports Wagering'

The NHL just handed down its first sports betting-related punishment in league history -- suspending Ottawa Senators center Shane Pinto 41 games for "activities relating to sports wagering."

It's unclear what exactly Pinto did to draw the ban, but the league stated an investigation determined there was "no evidence" he bet on any NHL games.

Shane addressed the punishment on Thursday ... saying, "I want to apologize to the National Hockey League, the Ottawa Senators, my teammates, the fans and city of Ottawa and most importantly my family."

"I take full responsibility for my actions and look forward to getting back on the ice with my team."

According to the league's collective bargaining agreement, players are prohibited from betting on any NHL games, but are free to throw money on other sports.

22-year-old Pinto -- the 32nd overall pick in the 2019 NHL Draft -- had 35 points in 82 games for the Senators last season ... but has not suited up for the squad yet this year.

The Sens also addressed the league's decision ... adding, "Shane is a valued member of our hockey club; an engaging, intelligent young man who made poor decisions that have resulted in a suspension by the National Hockey League. We know he is remorseful for his mistakes."

"The Ottawa Senators fully support the NHL’s rules on gambling. While saddened to learn of this issue, the entire organization remains committed to Shane and will work together to do what is necessary to help provide the support to allow him to address his issues and become a strong contributor to our community."

The NFL has also handed down betting bans recently ... suspending players like Jameson Williams, Calvin Ridley and Isaiah Rodgers.

The team says it will welcome Pinto back as soon as the suspension's over in January.

Barry Melrose Diagnosed With Parkinson's Disease ... Stepping Away From ESPN

Barry Melrose -- considered by many to be the best NHL analyst on television -- has sadly been diagnosed with Parkinson's ... and he'll now be stepping away from his role at ESPN while he battles the disease.

Longtime ESPN personality John Buccigross just made the heartbreaking announcement minutes ago on X ... revealing Melrose will be off camera and spending time with his family for the foreseeable future.

"I've worked with Barry at ESPN for over a quarter century," Buccigross said. "Cold beers and hearty laughs in smokey cigar bars. A razor sharp wit, he was always early & looked like a million bucks. I love him. I'll miss him."

"Wayne Gretzky on a life dedicated to hockey," he added.

Melrose both played and coached in the NHL for years ... before he began breaking down games for ESPN beginning in 1996. He took a brief hiatus from the network to coach the Lightning, but returned a short time later.

He's since become a mainstay on NHL broadcasts -- so much so, commissioner Gary Bettman said Tuesday, "Hockey on ESPN won't be the same without him."

"Barry's gigantic personality and trademark style have made our game bigger, more exciting and more entertaining," Bettman said.

"His love for hockey is obvious and infectious. And it is impossible to have a conversation with him without a smile on your face."

Get well soon, Barry.


Barry Melrose —considerado por muchos como el mejor analista de la NHL en la televisión— ha sido tristemente diagnosticado con Parkinson y se alejará de ESPN mientras lucha contra la enfermedad.

John Buccigross, personalidad de ESPN desde hace mucho tiempo, acaba de hacer el desgarrador anuncio hace unos minutos en X, revelando que Melrose estará fuera de las cámaras y pasará tiempo con su familia en el futuro inmediato.

"He trabajado con Barry en ESPN durante más de un cuarto de siglo", dijo Buccigross. "Cervezas frías y carcajadas en bares llenos de humo. Ingenioso, siempre llegaba a tiempo y es sin duda un gran tipo. Lo quiero y lo voy a extrañar".

"Wayne Gretzky en una vida dedicada al hockey", añadió.

Melrose jugó y entrenó en la NHL durante años, antes de empezar a desglosar partidos para ESPN a partir de 1996. Hizo una breve pausa en la cadena para entrenar a los Lightning, pero regresó poco después.

Desde entonces se ha convertido en un pilar de las transmisiones de la NHL, tanto así, que el comisionado Gary Bettman dijo el martes: "Hockey en ESPN no será lo mismo sin él".

"La gigantesca personalidad de Barry y su estilo característico han hecho nuestro juego más grande, más emocionante y más entretenido", dijo Bettman.

"Su amor por el hockey es obvio y contagioso. Y es imposible mantener una conversación con él sin una sonrisa en la cara".

Que te mejores pronto, Barry.

Savannah Chrisley's Ex-Fiancé Nic Kerdiles Dies in Motorcycle Crash ... Savannah Breaks Silence


3:47 PM PT -- Savannah just further discussed Nic's passing, posting a photo of them holding hands. She writes, "Heaven gained the most beautiful angel today ... I miss you and I love you."


She adds, "I'll forever save our last messages of 'I love you.' please send me a sign that you're ok." SC goes on to list some of Nic's favorite things -- including food, which appears to carry some significant meaning to her.


Savannah ends with ... "We loved hard ... and I can't wait to ride bikes with you along the beaches of heaven one day."


Savannah addressed Nic's death on social media, posting a clip of the two of them kissing and writing ... "I'm still hoping you respond to my text."

Savannah Chrisley's ex-fiancé, Nic Kerdiles, died in a motorcycle crash this week ... TMZ has learned.

Nashville PD tells us Kerdiles passed away early Saturday morning as a result of injuries sustained following an accident around 3:30 AM ... when they say he ran through a stop sign in a residential area north of central Nashville.

Cops say he struck the driver's side of a BMW with his Indian Motorcycle. We're told the other driver stopped immediately -- and that Kerdiles was transported to a local hospital ... where he later died. The police note ... there were no signs of impairment from either driver.

We've confirmed Kerdiles' DOB with police. Tragically, NK also posted a photo of himself on his IG story last night that shows him cruising around on his Indian bike. A caption attached reads "Night rider."

Kerdiles had been engaged to Todd and Julie Chrisley's second daughter, Savannah, for a bit between 2018 and 2020 ... when she called it off and broke up with Nic. They'd been dating since 2017, and he was even featured on her parents' reality show, "Chrisley Knows Best."

Of the breakup, Savannah has said ... "When we got engaged, I feel like it was for all the wrong reasons. When he proposed, I knew it shouldn't have been happening. It was filmed, it was on TV. His family was there, my family was there. It was not the way I would want it to go down, ever."

She went on to say ... "Everything was just wrong at the time. Granted, I loved him, I was in love with him. It was just, there was so much more work that needed to be done before you got married."

Nic comes from a hockey background, having played at the college level for a while ... before a brief stint professionally with the Anaheim Ducks in the 2010s. He bounced around for a little bit before hanging up his hockey career in 2018 ... having played for a total of 4 years.

Most recently, Nic had been working as real estate broker in the Nashville area. He had no children of his own -- but most certainly was close to his family ... including his nieces and nephews -- with whom he just posted a bunch of sweet pictures earlier this month.

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One of Nic's last posts is heartbreaking to read. At the time he wrote, "Getting to go home this past weekend and seeing my family was something that I need more than I knew."

Nic adds, "Time in this life goes by quicker and quicker each day. I will never again take the these days with them for granted and my advice is the same for everyone else. Love is unconditional, and it’s rare to find in this world. I’m so thankful that I have parents, siblings, nieces and nephews that love me back the way they do. I’ve already booked my next trip back home and I cannot wait to see them again soon! Love you guys all so much!"

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We've reached out to Nic's family for comment, but haven't been able to connect. We've also reached out to Savannah's rep ... so far, no word back.

Nic was only 29. RIP

Originally Published -- 10:33 AM PT

Ex prometido de Savannah Chrisley Nic Kerdiles muere en accidente de moto

El ex-prometido de Savannah Chrisley, Nic Kerdiles, murió en un accidente de moto esta semana, según ha indagado TMZ.

Policías de Nashville dicen que Kerdiles falleció la madrugada del sábado como resultado de las lesiones sufridas en un accidente a las 3:30 AM aproximadamente, cuando pasó por una señal de stop en una zona residencial al norte del centro de Nashville.

La policía dice que chocó el lado del conductor de un BMW con su motocicleta Indian. Nos dicen que el otro conductor se detuvo de inmediato y que Kerdiles fue trasladado a un hospital local, donde falleció más tarde. La policía puntualiza que no había señales de herida en el otro conductor.

Hemos confirmado la fecha de nacimiento de Kerdiles con la policía. Trágicamente, Nic también publicó una foto suya anoche en sus historias de Instagram, que lo muestra paseando en su moto. Un pie de foto adjunto dice: "conductor nocturno (night rider)".

Kerdiles había estado comprometido por un tiempo con la segunda hija de Todd y Julie Chrisley, Savannah, entre 2018 y 2020, hasta que ella terminó con él. Llevaban saliendo desde 2017, e incluso Nic apareció en el reality de los padres de ella, 'Chrisley Knows Best'.

Sobre la ruptura, Savannah ha dicho: "Cuando nos comprometimos, creo que fue por todas las razones equivocadas. Cuando me lo propuso, sabía que no debería haber pasado. Lo filmaron, salió en la tele. Su familia estaba allí, mi familia estaba allí. No era la forma en que me gustaría que sucediera, nunca".

Continuó diciendo: "Todo estaba mal en ese momento. Por supuesto, yo lo amaba, yo estaba enamorada de él. Pero había mucho trabajo por hacer antes de casarnos".

Nic viene del mundo del hockey. Jugó a nivel universitario por un tiempo y después tuvo un breve paso profesional con los Anaheim Ducks en el 2010. Luego de pensárselo un poco, decidió terminar su carrera en 2018, habiendo jugado un total de cuatro años.

Más recientemente, Nic había estado trabajando como corredor de bienes raíces en el área de Nashville. No tenía hijos, pero estaba cerca de su familia, incluyendo sus sobrinas y sobrinos con los que acababa de publicar un montón de fotos a principios de este mes.

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Uno de los últimos post de Nic resulta desgarrador de leer. En ese momento escribió: "Llegar a casa el fin de semana pasado y ver a mi familia era algo que necesitaba más de lo que pensaba".

Y añadía: "El tiempo en esta vida pasa cada día más rápido. Nunca volveré a dar por sentados estos días con ellos y mi consejo es el mismo para todos los demás. El amor es incondicional, y es raro encontrarlo en este mundo. Estoy muy agradecido de tener padres, hermanos, sobrinas y sobrinos que me quieren como lo hacen. Ya he reservado mi próximo viaje a casa y estoy deseando volver a verlos pronto. Los quiero muchísimo".

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la familia de Nic para hacer comentarios, pero no hemos podido contactarlos. También intentamos conversar con el representante de Savannah, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido ninguna palabra de vuelta.

Nic sólo tenía 29 años. Que en paz descanses.

Lakers, Dodgers, L.A. Sports Teams Donating $450K To HI Wildfire Victims

All of the professional sports teams in Los Angeles have come together to help those affected by the wildfires in Hawaii ... pooling up $450,000 to send to the Red Cross to support the victims.

The Lakers announced the generous donation Thursday morning ... saying they and the other teams in the City of Angels wanted to do what they could to make sure Hawaiians are getting aid during their time of need.

In addition to the Lakers -- who had previously held their training camps in Hawaii for more than two decades -- the Clippers, Angels, Angel City Football Club, Chargers, Dodgers, Anaheim Ducks, L.A. Galaxy, LAFC, Kings, Rams and Sparks all contributed.

"Despite California and Hawaii being separated by more than 2,000 miles," the Lakers said in a statement, "the two states are very connected with a robust Hawaiian community calling Southern California home."

More in the sports world have also recently pitched in, including Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, whose been consistently speaking with organizations in Hawaii with the hopes of getting people to donate to the Hawaii Community Foundation Maui Fund.

Legendary surfer Kelly Slater told us last week he and the surfing community also plan on helping out by sending money and supplies.


As of Wednesday, over 100 have been confirmed dead, according to Hawaii Governor Josh Green ... with many people still unaccounted for.

Jamie Foxx Back at Work!!! 1st Time Filming Since Hospitalization

Jamie Foxx is back in front of cameras for the first time since his medical crisis, and we've learned getting back in the saddle was a piece of cake for the Hollywood vet.

Sources tell TMZ ... Jamie shot a brand new BetMGM commercial Wednesday in Las Vegas at the Aria Resort and Casino, and after almost 4 months of recovery and rehab he was in amazing shape -- showing no signs of physical ailment.

We got some behind-the-scenes pics from the shoot, and he looks pretty focused while sitting in the cockpit of a golden F1 race car. We're told the ad will begin airing just before the NFL season kicks off.

ICYMI, Jamie posted a pic from the shoot Thursday, tagging BetMGM and saying "We got BIG things coming soon." His daughter, Corinne, shared a BTS shot of them together, saying she's really proud of her pops.

Hockey legend Wayne Gretzky also got some face time with Jamie. The Great One is in the ad, too, and described the shoot as ... "One of the best nights of my life with the greatest person. Big things coming soon."

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Instagram / @barber_homie_quan

As we reported, JF was spotted out and about earlier this month -- hittin' golf balls at Topgolf, recovering lost purses in Chicago, and breaking a sweat on the pickleball court.

Jamie was working on a Netflix film in Atlanta back in April when he had to be rushed to a hospital for a still undisclosed medical emergency. He was later moved to Chicago to begin a lengthy physical rehab process.

Great to see him back doing what he does best!!!

NHL's Alex Galchenyuk Apologizes For Arrest ... Enters Assistance Program

NHL player Alex Galchenyuk -- who allegedly hurled racial slurs and made threats toward cops during a hit-and-run arrest last week -- is apologizing for his "deeply disrespectful and despicable behavior" ... saying he's going to seek treatment through the league's player assistance program.

The 29-year-old center was arrested on July 9 in Scottsdale, AZ after appearing to crash his car into a sign. During the traffic stop, cops say Galchenyuk was aggressive and claimed to have connections in Russia who could go after them.

"I'm gonna chop you, your wife, your daughter," Galchenyuk said, according to the police report. "One phone call and you're all dead, your whole family, your bloodline is dead."

Cops say the former No. 3 overall pick also directed racial slurs toward an officer in training during the traffic stop.

The former Coyotes signee broke his silence on the incident on Tuesday ... saying, "I am deeply ashamed of my recent behavior and I am beyond sorry to everyone I offended and hurt."

Galchenyuk lost his contract with Arizona just days after the incident ... and he is now a free agent.

"It was uncalled for, it was horrific and it has ruined this great new opportunity I was given by the Coyotes," Galchenyuk added. "I am beyond embarrassed and disappointed with myself and I feel awful for everyone I have let down."

"My family was counting on me to be better, the Coyotes and the amazing Coyotes fans deserve better and the brave police officers who risk their lives to keep us safe deserve better. I let them all down with my despicable and disrespectful behavior after drinking alcohol."

According to ESPN, Galchenkyuk sent letters to Scottsdale PD and the Coyotes expressing his remorse over the incident ... and he is expected to enter the NHL and NHLPA's player assistance program as early as Tuesday.

"I am doing this to get the help I need and hope to never make a mistake like this again."

NHL Star Carey Price Blows Canadiens' Draft Pick Announcement ... I Forgot The Last Name!!!

Courtesy of NHL / ESPN

Carey Price hasn't made many mistakes throughout his legendary NHL career, but on Wednesday, he committed one of the biggest blunders of all ... fumbling his team's draft pick announcement!!!

The snafu all went down early on in the first round of the 2023 NHL Entry Draft ... when the Montreal Canadiens tapped their goaltender to reveal their franchise's top pick.

Price -- who hasn't played for Montreal since 2022 while battling knee issues -- started off the announcement just fine ... he said what's up to the fans in the building, and then began to say the No. 5 overall pick's name.

The problem? All he was able to get out was "David" ... before he realized he couldn't remember the future rookie's last name!!!

Price stood up there uncomfortably for several moments trying to get someone to help him out -- and, finally, Canadiens GM Kent Hughes mercifully bailed him out.

"We planned it that way," Hughes said, grabbing the mic from Price. "David Reinbacher!"

Everyone cheered and eventually moved on from Price's mishap ... although the goalie certainly didn't let things go afterward -- apologizing for it all on his social media page.

"Boy that was embarrassing," the 35-year-old wrote on Twitter. "Sorry David….. Reinbacher."

Something tells us David and the rest of the Canadiens will forgive the guy ... after all, he's helped the team win 361 games over the past 15 years.

Welcome to the league, David!!

Pro Hockey Player Alex Graham Dead At 20

Alex Graham -- a pro hockey player in England -- tragically died over the weekend ... his team, the Sheffield Steelers, announced. He was just 20 years old.

Graham's org. revealed the sad news in a statement on Monday -- saying it's "devastated" over the passing.

Further details surrounding his death, however, were not released.

"Everyone at the club is heartbroken by the news," team officials said, "and wish to pass on our thoughts and condolences to Alex’s family, friends and teammates."

"It would be appreciated if Alex's family could be provided time and space to take in the enormity of this tragic situation in the days ahead."

Graham first debuted for the Steelers back in 2019 ... and had just signed his first pro contract with the team in May. He was considered by many to be one of the franchise's future stars.

Graham had also played for Great Britain's Under-18s and Under-20s teams ... and in a statement Monday, Ice Hockey UK officials also mourned his passing.


"The news has come as a huge shock to everyone in UK ice hockey, including all of his team-mates," the organization said. "This is a difficult time for so many people and our thoughts are with everyone affected by this devastating news."


SlamBall Inks TV Contract With ESPN ... For Big Comeback

SlamBall is returning to your television screens this summer -- the resurrected sports league has agreed to a 2-year broadcasting partnership with ESPN, TMZ Sports has learned.

The exclusive deal will provide coverage for SlamBall's 2023 and 2024 seasons ... which will consist of 30 hours of action from opening night on July 21 through the playoffs and championship game on August 19.

The basketball/hockey/football hybrid games -- played at the Cox Pavilion in Vegas -- will air on ESPN, ESPN2 and ESPN+.


SlamBall creator and CEO Mason Gordon tells us the deal is proof the sport is only getting more popular with time ... saying, "ESPN's multi-year commitment to SlamBall is further validation of the enormous appeal and growth potential of our sport."

"The level of interest in our hybrid team sport not just in the U.S., but across the world, has been beyond our expectations for the 2023 season. It’s clear that this is the best talent we have had in the sport’s history."

SlamBall's revival has a ton of fans excited -- after all, there was a massive campaign for years to bring it back.

SlamBall co-founder Mike Tollin says the fan feedback was impossible to ignore ... and he's happy to bring the sport back.

"Mason and I couldn’t help but respond to the #BringBackSlamBall clamor. Live sports dominate the airwaves these days and audiences are looking for the next big thing. It’s a thrill to collaborate with ESPN in bringing this ground-breaking sport back to the world."

TMZ Sports broke the story of SlamBall's return back in August ... and as expected, the response was overwhelmingly positive.

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Luckily for the die-hard supporters, the league recently raised $11 million from investors like Blake Griffin, David Blitzer, Gary Vaynerchuk and Michael Rubin ... paving the way for next month's anticipated comeback.

Golden Knights Sex Workers Offer Free Orgy ... After Stanley Cup Win

The Vegas Golden Knights could finish their Stanley Cup victory celebration with a bang ... 'cause one Nevada sex worker is offering the champs one helluva party.

Licensed sex worker Alice Little tells TMZ Sports she and her coworkers want to thank the players for bringing home a championship in a very personal way.

Yes. We're talking about sex.

"We here in Sin City love the Golden Knights more than life itself," Little tells us.

"I cannot express in words the joy I feel now the team won their first-ever Stanley Cup, so I’m going to express it through my actions."

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Little -- who claims to be the highest-grossing sex worker in Nevada history -- says she's offering the "most extravagant, orgiastic sex party" the champs will ever experience at the Chicken Ranch brothel's 40-acre campus and VIP Bungalows.

"Dozens of ladies, myself included, are ready and waiting at the Chicken Ranch to treat the Knights to any and every carnal delight, and there will be absolutely no penalties for misconduct," Little says.

"The brothel is all yours boys! Free of charge! It’s on me!"

Little also threw around the idea of creating VIP cards specifically for the VGK ... which will give them year-round complimentary access to the brothels' invite-only events and its "Eyes Wide Shut"-style sex sprees.

This isn't the first time Little has shown love to Vegas athletes ... earlier this year, she and fellow sex worker Caitlin Bell offered "free sex for life" to Jimmy Garoppolo who joined the Raiders in March.

No word on if anyone will take them up on the offer ... but ya gotta appreciate the passion!!

Vegas Golden Knights Continue Stanley Cup Celebration ... With Club Rager


The Vegas Golden Knights are still riding high after winning the Stanley Cup Final ... 'cause the squad continued their celebration by raging their faces off on The Strip!!

The champs have taken advantage of their home turf this week ... staying put in Sin City as they soak in the first Cup in franchise history.

VGK players hit up several spots during their victory tour, including the popular Encore Beach Club inside the Wynn .... and they were treated like kings -- getting treated with confetti, signs, flags and, of course, the song "We Are The Champions" by Queen.

The players were loving it all ... and to show their appreciation, they showered the fans with massive bottles of champagne before stealing a few sips for themselves.

To soak up all the alcohol, the team enjoyed a meal at hot spot Delilah before their night out ... and they brought the Stanley Cup with them, too.

This is the second night in a row of partying for the champs after defeating the Florida Panthers, 9-3, in Game 5 on Tuesday.

FYI, the party ain't over -- the championship parade is going down Saturday night!!!

50 Cent Partners With Las Vegas Knights ... Official Booze of Champions

50 Cent's booze brand is adding ice to the mix ... as in, a new partnership with the Stanley Cup champions ... The Las Vegas Golden Knights.

The NHL club, which hoisted professional hockey's trophy Tuesday night, announced a multi-year partnership Wednesday with the rapper's spirits company.

50 Cent's Sire Spirits, which makes Branson Cognac and Le Chemin du Roi Champagne, will now be the official cognac and champagne of the Vegas Golden Knights ... giving 50's brand a presence in the team's arena and on its digital platforms.

In fact, Fiddy was on hand to watch the Golden Knights beat the Florida Panthers in Las Vegas to secure the franchise's first Stanley Cup Tuesday night ... and the team partied with his booze in the locker room after the series-clinching win.

The collab isn't just about alcohol ... 50 Cent's G-Unity Foundation is also teaming up with the Vegas Golden Knights Foundation to serve the community in Sin City.

50 Cent's Sire Spirits is on a win streak just like the Golden Knights ... as we first reported, the brand just squashed a beef with Remy Martin over its cognac bottle design.


Las Vegas Golden Knights Celebrate 1st Title ... Soak Stanley Cup, Mark Stone In Booze!!!

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The Stanley Cup is going to be smelling like booze for quite some time ... 'cause after the Golden Knights won it on Tuesday -- they absolutely doused it (and their captain, Mark Stone!) with bubbly!!!

The scene was electric ... following Las Vegas' emphatic 9-3 Game 5 victory over the Florida Panthers, Stone walked the famous trophy into the Knights' locker room -- and then the guys went crazy.

You can see in video from the celly, about a dozen of the new champs busted out champagne -- before unloading all of the bottles' contents on Stone and the Cup.

"THE ONLY PAIN WE WANT IS CHAMPAGNE," the team said of the party.

Later on, Stone kicked the celebration up one more notch ... putting on the team's Elvis wig and sunglasses -- plus a makeshift championship belt!

Eventually, the guys brought the Cup to a Vegas club -- hoisting it for all to see ... before confetti rained all over them.

Twitter , Instagram / @BR_OpenIce , @steveaoki

There was at least one PG moment with the Cup before all the alcohol started flowing -- Knights star William Karlsson placed his newborn in it, and it was adorable.


A ton of celebs were in the building to help with the party too ... Owen Wilson, 50 Cent, Darius Rucker and Steve Aoki were all spotted going crazy for Sin City's hockey team.

And, get this, according to the Knights -- all of the postgame bubbly was provided by none other than Fitty himself!

Congrats, Vegas!!!

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