Travis Kelce Hanging Out Stateside ... While Taylor Tours Australia

Travis Kelce's got a ton of free time until next year's NFL season starts ... but, he's still hanging around K.C. instead of jetting off to see his lady love down undah.

The three-time Super Bowl champ was photographed by Daily Mail hitting up one of his fav restaurants in Kansas City with a to-go bag in hand ... Taylor Swift was not by his side obviously since she's down in Australia on tour.

Travis looks relaxed in the DM pics ... having a grand ol' time while hanging out with a pal in the hot Missouri sun -- which might be surprising to fans who thought he'd be down in Australia already.

TK did a bunch of press leading up to the Super Bowl BTW ... including one interview where he said he would love to experience "Down Under" -- so him not already being down there's definitely raising some eyebrows.

Remember ... Swift performed a string of shows in Melbourne this past weekend -- including one right on the heels of the death of a fan who was headed to see her.

Storytime With Swift
X / @rwylnich

It's been an emotional weekend to say the least -- Taylor also opened up about feeling "lonely" during the pandemic ... which some people are seeing as a pretty clear shot at her ex Joe Alwyn.

Of course, Travis has been on his own emotional rollercoaster recently. The high of winning the Super Bowl was followed almost immediately by the tragic shooting at the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City.

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Both Taylor and Travis have donated thousands in the aftermath of the shooting ... so, clearly the tragedy is still weighing on both of their minds.

Don't worry too much Swifties ... 'cause Taylor's got a few more shows in Australia next weekend, moving on from Melbourne to Sydney. So, Travis has plenty of time to meet up with T-Swift.

Kansas City Magic
The CW / Inside The NFL

Swift's also got dates in Singapore in March ... chance for a romantic Southeast Asia vacation perhaps???

Panthers' Bryce Young I'm Confident I'm Going To Turn Things Around ... 'Excited For Year 2'


Get excited, Panthers fans ... Bryce Young tells TMZ Sports he believes he's going to turn things around in Carolina next season -- saying straight up, "I'm definitely confident."

Of course, the quarterback's rookie season was filled with plenty of speed bumps -- he threw just 11 touchdowns to 10 interceptions ... and only secured two wins in his 16 starts.

But, he's not down on himself at all ... 'cause when we spoke to him out at Super Bowl week in Las Vegas, he sure seemed to think things are going to be a whole lot different 12 months from now.

"I feel like I've grown -- I've learned," the 2023 No. 1 overall pick said. "I'm excited to improve this offseason. Get better at some things -- I'm excited for year 2."

Young actually told us all of the growing pains he and his team went through last season will only make them stronger ... feeling like they all "grew a lot closer through that."

As for the Panthers' new coach, former Buccaneers offensive coordinator Dave Canales, the ex-Heisman Trophy winner seemed fired up to begin working with him as well.


Meanwhile, this year's Heisman Trophy winner, Jayden Daniels, also spoke with us out in Vegas ... and he told us he's happy to finally get a chance to show what he can do in the NFL.

"I'm most definitely ready," the LSU signal-caller said.

Bryce Young de los Panthers Estoy seguro de que voy a dar vuelta las cosas Emocionado por el 2° año

Hay que seguir adelante

Emociónense, fans de los Panthers, Bryce Young le dijo a TMZ Sports que piensa que va a cambiar las cosas en Carolina la próxima temporada y directamente nos dijo: "Definitivamente tengo confianza".

Claro, la temporada de novato del mariscal de campo estuvo llena de un montón de baches: lanzó solo 11 touchdowns a 10 intercepciones y solo aseguró dos victorias en sus 16 inicios.

Pero él no está desanimado en absoluto, porque cuando hablamos con él durante la semana del Super Bowl en Las Vegas, parecía muy confiado en que las cosas van a ser muy diferentes dentro de 12 meses.

"Siento que he crecido, he aprendido", dijo el global pick No. 1 en 2023. "Estoy emocionado por mejorar esta temporada. Mejorar en algunas cosas, estoy emocionado por 2° año".

Young nos dijo que todos los dolores de madurez por los que pasaron él y su equipo la temporada pasada solo los harán más fuertes y siente que todos "crecieron y se acercaron mucho más por eso".

En cuanto al nuevo entrenador de los Panthers, el ex coordinador ofensivo de los Buccaneers Dave Canales, el ex ganador del Trofeo Heisman, también parecía entusiasmado por empezar a trabajar con él.

Listo para la liga

Mientras tanto, el ganador del Trofeo Heisman de este año, Jayden Daniels, también habló con nosotros en Las Vegas y nos dijo que estaba feliz de tener finalmente la oportunidad de demostrar lo que puede hacer en la NFL.

"Definitivamente estoy listo", dijo el señalador de LSU.

Lily Gladstone El nombre de los Chiefs... ofensivo 49ers no es mucho mejor

Lily Gladstone no está contenta con el nombre de los campeones del Super Bowl y dice que la mascota de los subcampeones no es mucho mejor.

La actriz y activista conversó en un panel del Festival Internacional de Cine de Santa Bárbara el pasado fin de semana, justo antes de que los Chiefs derrotaran a los 49ers, y criticó el uso del tomahawk chop de sus aficionados, un gesto con la mano y el canto usado por fans de equipos que tienen mascotas nativas americanas.

Lily Gladstone dijo que el gesto es un recordatorio de lo que Hollywood ha hecho con los nativos americanos y señaló que el canto fue utilizado en los viejos westerns antes de que a los actores indígenas se les diera la oportunidad de interpretar papeles importantes.

Gladstone dijo que se molesta cuando la gente le dice que el canto se entiende como un signo de "honor", llamándolo otra forma de "mercantilización" de su pueblo.

Estos argumentos son bastante comunes entre los activistas, pero Lily también mencionó a los 49ers de San Francisco como otro ejemplo ofensivo.

Lily apuntó a los colonos -llamados 49ers- que fueron al Oeste en busca de oro, "un tiempo increíblemente brutal para los indios de California", por lo que un equipo de la NFL utilice ese apodo tampoco lo libra totalmente libre de culpa.

Por cierto, las protestas en contra del nombre de los Chiefs tienen lugar de vez en cuando. Hubo una justo antes de la victoria en el Super Bowl LVII del año pasado sobre los Philadelphia Eagles.

Otras franquicias deportivas profesionales, como los Guardianes de Cleveland en la MLB y los Comandantes de Washington, ya han cambiado sus nombres para hacer frente a la crítica, aunque sus nombres originales eran banderas rojas mucho más claras para los activistas.

TMZ investiga
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En pocas palabras, Lily está diciendo que no siempre es el nombre lo que está directamente vinculado con las raíces ofensivas.

Lily Gladstone Chiefs Name, Chop Offensive ... 49ers Not Much Better

Lily Gladstone's not happy with the Super Bowl champs' name ... and she says the NFL runner-ups' mascot ain't much better.

The actress and activist spoke during a Santa Barbara International Film Festival panel last weekend, before the Chiefs defeated the 49ers ... and ripped Chiefs fans' use of the tomahawk chop -- a hand gesture and chant used by fans of teams with Native American mascots.

LG said the gesture is a reminder of what Hollywood has done to Native Americans ... pointing out the chant was used in old Westerns before indigenous actors were given the opportunity to play major roles in the movie.

Gladstone said she gets upset when people say the chant is meant as a sign of "honor" ... calling it the "commodification" of her people as well.

These arguments are pretty common among activists and groups ... but, Lily also mentioned the San Francisco 49ers as another example of an offensive mascot.

Lily pointed out settlers -- called 49ers -- who went West looking for gold harkened "an incredibly brutal time for California Indians" ... so an NFL team using that moniker's not totally blameless either.

BTW ... protests against the Chiefs' name take place from time to time -- with one kicking off before their Super Bowl LVII victory last year over the Philadelphia Eagles.

Other pro sports franchises -- like the Cleveland Guardians in MLB and Washington Commanders -- have already changed their names in the face of criticism ... though their original names were pretty clear red flags for activists.

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Bottom line ... Lily's saying it's not always the most directly linked name with offensive roots.

Eli Manning Hits Craps Table For Hours In FL ... Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!?!


Tom Brady and a craps table in Florida apparently have something in common ... neither stands a chance against Eli Manning!!!

TMZ Sports has learned ... the New York Giants legend rolled dice at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, FL for hours on Thursday night -- and he appeared to win BIG.

One witness tells us ... Manning showed up before 9:30 PM and stayed past 2:30 AM -- albeit with a short break for food at some point -- seemingly raking in cash throughout the evening.

In fact, in video we obtained, you can see that after one run in particular ... he celebrated like a madman, high-fiving his tablemates before sharing a huge embrace with one of his pals.

We're told Eli seemed to have around $40,000 in chips in front of him ... while some of the guys he was playing with had over $100K.

Of course, it ain't like Eli exactly needs the dough ... after all, the former signal-caller made over $250 MILLION in his NFL career alone.

But, hey, the guy beat Brady twice in Super Bowls -- he clearly can't help but win when he gets the chance!

Maxx Crosby DPOY Snub Motivates Me ... 'Exactly What I Needed!!!'


Maxx Crosby might be bummed he didn't win NFL Defensive Player of the Year honors this season ... but the Raiders star tells TMZ Sports he's planning on using the snub as motivation to whoop some ass next season.

ICYMI, Cleveland Browns defensive end Myles Garrett edged out Crosby -- and other finalists T.J. Watt, Micah Parsons and DaRon Bland -- for the big award at the NFL Honors ceremony on Feb. 8 ... which many felt Crosby deserved.

After all, Myles had 14 sacks and four forced fumbles on the year ... while Crosby totaled 14.5 sacks and two forced fumbles.

So, when we got the Las Vegas pass rusher out at Super Bowl week, we had to ask the three-time Pro Bowler how he was taking it ... and it's clear, he's using it as fuel for this offseason's workouts.

"I mean, it's exactly what I needed," he said. "I know I'm going in the right direction. I know what I'm capable of. It's just the beginning."

"People haven't seen anything yet," he added.


Before he embarks on the road to dominance in '24, though, Crosby had a little fun in Vegas ahead of Super Bowl LVIII ... horsin' around on a red carpet with none other than Tom Brady.

Watch the clip of the guys, it's hilarious ... and we guess you could say Maxx narrowly added another QB takedown to his total this year!!

Travis Kelce Dona $100K a los niños heridos en el tiroteo

Travis Kelce siguió el ejemplo de su novia y acaba de donar exactamente la misma cantidad de dinero que Taylor Swift a las víctimas del tiroteo de Kansas City.

El jugador ofensivo de los Chiefs donó 100.000 dólares a dos niños que recibieron disparos durante el incidente del miércoles, específicamente, a dos chicas de la familia Reyes que habían comenzado un GoFundMe en los últimos días para ayudar a cubrir los costos de sus graves lesiones.

Travis hizo las donaciones de manera muy similar a Taylor, con dos cuotas de $50k.

Las dos chicas, cuya identidad no se ha revelado públicamente, recibieron disparos en las piernas y siguen recuperándose en el hospital. Su familia fijó un objetivo de 100.000 dólares, que, según dijeron, se destinarán para costear sus gastos médicos y sus futuras matrículas universitarias, y Travis los ayudó a alcanzarlo y a superarlo. Con su donación de $100k, la familia ahora cuenta con más de $175k.

La donación de Travis coincide con la propia contribución de Taylor a la familia de la mujer que murió en el tiroteo y, por supuesto, a la de Patrick Mahomes más temprano en el día.

Patrick y Brittany incluso visitaron uno de los hospitales infantiles de la ciudad para reunirse con algunas de las víctimas que aún se están recuperando.

No hace falta decir que los movimientos caritativos de Travis y Patrick viene en medio de algunos contragolpes esta semana, luego de que se revelara que salieron a celebrar después del tiroteo. Ambos decidieron ir a un restaurante para pasar un buen rato.

Algunos dicen que están siendo criticados injustamente, pero otros piensan que el cuadro en general no era de los mejores.

En cualquier caso, las donaciones son obviamente una gran cosa, algo que estamos seguros que las víctimas apreciarán.

Travis Kelce Gives $100K To Kids Injured In Shooting

Travis Kelce followed his girlfriend's lead in the donation department -- he just donated the exact same amount Taylor Swift gave to victims of the Kansas City shooting.

The Chiefs tight end shelled out $100,000 to two children who were shot during Wednesday's incident -- specifically, two young daughters of the Reyes family ... who'd started a GoFundMe of their own in recent days to help cover costs for their severe injuries.

He made the donations very similarly to how Taylor did it ... two different installments of $50k, which came from his charity, 87 and Running.

The two girls -- whose identities haven't been publicly revealed -- were shot in the legs ... and they're still recovering in the hospital. Their family set a goal of $100,000 -- which they said would go toward their medical costs, plus future college tuition -- and TK helped them reach that and beyond. With his $100k donation ... the family is now at more than $175k.

Travis' donation -- which was first reported by Page Six -- matches Taylor's own $100k contribution to the family of the lone woman who died after Wednesday's shooting ... and, of course, it comes on the heels of Patrick Mahomes donating earlier in the day as well.

Patrick and Brittany even visited one of the hospitals to meet with some of the young victims who are still recuperating.

It goes without saying ... the charitable moves by Travis and Patrick also follow some backlash they faced this week after it was revealed they went out to continue celebrating after the shooting ... hitting up a restaurant and keeping the good time going.

Some have said they're being unfairly criticized -- but others say ... the optics weren't great.

In any case ... the donations are obviously a great thing -- something we're sure the victims appreciate.

C.J. Stroud & Amber Rose Leave Charity Softball Game Together ... Ya'll Dating?!?

C.J. Stroud had a notable passenger riding shotgun with him on Thursday night -- Amber Rose -- and it's got many wonderin' ... are the two an item?!?

The superstar quarterback and the model competed in the 2024 Cactus Jack Foundation HBCU Celebrity Softball Classic at Minute Maid Park ... and shortly after it ended, they were seen walking toward the same car together.

more than friends ???
Infamous Tex of 97.9 The Box

There were no signs of PDA as they made their way through a gaggle of photogs and fans ... but they sure didn't seem awkward around each other -- sparking dating rumors all over the internet.

Our sources tell us Rose -- who's dated Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa in the past -- is not formally seeing anyone at the moment ... and Stroud is reportedly single too -- so it's all entirely possible.

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The one potential hang-up, though ... Rose is 40 years old, and C.J. is just 22 -- but if you've ever seen him play in an NFL game, he's shown plenty of signs that he's mature beyond his years.

Neither, of course, has said anything publicly about it ... so stay tuned.

Jason Kelce Contacts Luchador Mask Kid's Family ... Getting It Back To Elijah!!!

Jason Kelce is serious about getting a Chiefs luchador mask back to the Texas teenager who let him borrow it at the Super Bowl ... because he reached out to the teen's family.

As many people saw during the SB celebrations ... Jason famously wore a Chiefs luchador mask to Super Bowl LVIII after-parties in Las Vegas after his brother Travis Kelce won the big game.

As it turns out ... the mask actually belongs to Elijah Smith, an 8th grader from Dallas who gave Jason the mask for a photo op -- but who never got it back amid all the post-game chaos. JK himself had recently said he found it on the floor ... in any case, it's the kid's.

Anyway ... Jason had already pledged to get Elijah his mask back in a social media post Friday morning, and we've since learned the NFL player has contacted Elijah's parents.

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Sarah Smith, Elijah's mom, tells TMZ … Jason personally reached out to them Friday while Elijah was at school, and he plans on calling back so he can talk to Elijah on the phone later at some point this weekend.

The Smiths tell us Jason came off as very thoughtful, kind, and apologetic ... and they told him there was no rush in returning the luchador mask, especially given the Super Bowl parade shooting tragedy in Kansas City.

Sarah explains that Elijah's a pretty superstitious teen -- as lots of sports fans are -- and believes the mask is a lucky charm of sorts, which is why he wants it back.

In his post on X, Jason agreed ... "Your mask indeed brings great fortune, I owe you big time, sorry it was commandeered."

Worth noting -- the family isn't upset Jason got to wear it after the Super Bowl instead of Elijah ... they say all the videos and photos of Jason in Vegas with the mask are absolutely "epic." Once Jason returns the mask, Elijah's mom predicts her son will wear it to Chiefs games next season ... unless he frames it, of course.

TMZ Studios

All's well that ends well ... and this story's getting a leap-off-the-ropes finale.

Patrick And Brittany Mahomes Make $50k Donation To Chiefs' Fund ... For Shooting Victims

The Mahomes family is doing whatever it can to help following the Kansas City shooting ... with Patrick, Brittany and their foundation donating $50,000 to the Chiefs' fundraiser for victims and others impacted by the tragedy.

The Super Bowl champions launched the campaign with United Way on Friday ... kicking things off with a $200,000 contribution.

The three-time S.B. MVP and his wife were quick to join in, too ... with their names and the 15 and the Mahomies Foundation popping up under the top donors list.

Patrick called on his followers to also chip in if they're able ... saying, "Just like #ChiefsKingdom has always been there for me and my family, we want to be there for them.❤️"

"The @Chiefs have launched #KCStrong, an emergency response fund supporting victims and their families, violence prevention and mental health services, and first responders."

T-Mobile threw in $20,000, too ... bringing the total to $345,500 just one hour after Patrick posted on X about the fundraiser.

The gesture comes on the heels of Patrick and Brittany's visit with shooting victims in the hospital ... and Taylor Swift's $100,000 contribution to support the family of Lisa Lopez-Galvan, who was killed in the tragedy.

The team spoke about the campaign ... saying, "We've all been affected by this moment -- and if you’re compelled to act, we encourage you to turn your outrage into action and contribute to this fund and share it with others."

"We can assure you that 100% of funds raised will go directly to these causes and organizations, with no administrative fees whatsoever. The true strength of champions is revealed in how they respond in the face of adversity. The only question that remains is -- how will we respond, Kansas City?"

Patrick y Brittany Mahomes Visitan el hospital infantil tras el tiroteo y se sientan con las víctimas

Patrick Mahomes y su esposa Brittany están intentando alegrar algunos rostros después del trágico tiroteo del miércoles en el desfile de los Chiefs: los dos fueron vistos haciendo una visita al hospital local el jueves y levantando el ánimo de algunos niños heridos.

Los Mahomeses fueron específicamente a las habitaciones de una niña de 8 años y a otra de 10 años, ambas heridas de bala después de que se produjera un tiroteo tras la celebración de los Chiefs por el Super Bowl en Union Station.

Las niñas, parte de la familia Reyes, fueron alcanzadas en las piernas por las balas y necesitaron cirugía poco tiempo después para curar sus dolencias.

Pero cuando Patrick y Brittany pasaron a saludar no fue difícil ver a los pequeños muy felices, ambos tenían grandes sonrisas mientras posaban para las fotos.

Parece que la estrella de Kansas City y su esposa también trajeron regalos, ya que las niñas llevaban cascos en miniatura de los Chiefs.

La familia Reyes -que al parecer está relacionada con la mujer que trágicamente perdió la vida en el tiroteo- estaba agradecida de que los dos fueran a visitarlos y escribieron un comunicado: "Queremos dar un agradecimiento personal al equipo del Hospital Children's Mercy y a Patrick y Brittany Mahomes por su efusivo cuidado, amor y apoyo."

Por su parte, se creó un GoFundMe para ayudar a las niñas y a su familia en su recuperación y ya han recaudado 54.000 dólares.

En total, 23 personas fueron alcanzadas por las balas justo después de que Mahomes pronunciara un discurso en el mitin. Según las autoridades, al menos la mitad de las víctimas eran menores de 16 años.

Dos menores han sido acusados de delitos penales en relación con el tiroteo, pero las autoridades dicen que podrían presentarse más cargos.

Patrick & Brittany Mahomes Visit Children's Hospital After Shooting ... Sit With Victims

Patrick Mahomes and his wife, Brittany, are helping put a smile on some faces following Wednesday's tragic parade shooting ... the two were seen paying a visit to a local hospital on Thursday, lifting some wounded kids' spirits.

The duo of Mahomeses specifically went to rooms belonging to an 8-year-old and a 10-year-old, who were both shot after gunfire erupted following the Chiefs' Super Bowl celebration at Union Station.

The girls, part of the Reyes family, were hit in the legs ... and needed surgery a short time later to fix their ailments.

But, when Patrick and Brittany pulled up -- it wasn't hard to see the little ones were overjoyed ... as they both had big grins on their faces while they posed for pics.

It seems the Kansas City star and his wife brought gifts too, as two girls were holding miniature Chiefs helmets.

The Reyes family -- who's reportedly related to the woman who tragically lost her life in Wednesday's shooting -- were grateful the two stopped by ... writing in a statement, "We want to give a personal thank you to the staff of Children’s Mercy Hospital and Patrick & Brittany Mahomes for their outpouring care, love, and support."

A GoFundMe set up to help the girls and their family in their recovery, meanwhile, has already raised $54,000.

In total, 23 people were struck by bullets just after Mahomes had delivered a speech at the rally. Authorities said at least half of the victims were under the age of 16 years old.

Two juveniles have been hit with criminal charges in connection with the shooting ... but officials say more charges could be forthcoming.

Jimmy Garoppolo Suspended 2 Games ... Violated NFL's PED Policy

Bad news for Jimmy Garoppolo ... the quarterback is going to have to sit out two games next season after the NFL said he violated its Performance Enhancing Substances Policy.

The league handed down the suspension on Friday morning, according to Adam Schefter, and Garoppolo is not expected to appeal ... meaning he now won't be allowed to suit up for game action until Week 3 of the 2024 season.

Schefter reported the punishment stems from Garoppolo "using a prescribed medication without having a valid Therapeutic Use Exemption."

In even worse news for the 32-year-old signal-caller, Schefter also reported Garoppolo is likely to be cut by the Las Vegas Raiders next month following the league's ban.

If it is ultimately the end of the road for Jimmy G in Sin City -- it wasn't exactly the prettiest journey. He signed a big deal in free agency with the team in March -- but he only went on to play in seven games.

And, in those contests, he wasn't exactly effective ... throwing for just 1,205 yards, seven touchdowns and nine interceptions.

It's unclear where he'll head next ... but there's a lot of QB-needy teams in the league, so it's probable he'll land on his feet -- even if now it'll only be for 15 games in '24.

Kim Kardashian Quiero estas características en mi próximo hombre ¿Estás escuchando, Odell?

Mi hombre ideal
This Life of Mine with James Corden / SiriusXM

El matrimonio de Kim Kardashian con su ex marido Kanye West no funcionó, pero ella está abierta a encontrar el amor de nuevo ... Solo que esta vez tiene una lista muy estricta de requisitos que desea en su próximo hombre.

La estrella de los reality shows, que se rumorea está saliendo con Odell Beckham Jr., compartió lo que busca en su próxima pareja en el podcast de James Corden el jueves y dice que hay algunos rasgos que quiere en cualquier chico con el que vuelva a salir.

Solo una muestra de lo que ella espera en su próximo compañero: que sea responsable de sus acciones, que asuma sus responsabilidades, que la contenga, que no tenga que cuidar de él y, por último ... que tenga buenos dientes.

Kim le dijo a James Corden que no es tan ilusa como para pensar que alguien va a tener todos y cada uno de esos requisitos, pero asegura que es una lista bastante seria, ¡así que parece que Odell tiene mucho trabajo por delante!

En cuanto a si va a pasar por el altar de nuevo, Kim le dijo a James que no está segura. Sabe que se necesita a alguien muy "especial e único" para hacer frente a su épica y enorme vida. Sabe que es un gran compromiso y no lo toma a la ligera. Pero no hace falta decir que quienquiera que sea se divertirá mucho, o así es como Kim lo describe.

Ahora, Kim dice que no está desesperada por encontrar el amor, señalando que no se siente sola con sus 4 hijos, su trabajo y su familia. Por supuesto, también explica que sería bueno compartir su vida con alguien.

TMZ investiga
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Kim añade que aunque es una romántica empedernida, sabe lo que es una relación real, sobre todo porque se ha casado tres veces ya, por lo que está siendo cautelosa respecto a los rumores de que está saliendo con Odell Beckham Jr.

Dicho esto, ambos fueron vistos por última vez en la fiesta Fanatics en el Marquee Dayclub en el Cosmopolitan el pasado fin de semana. Aunque intentaron pasar desapercibidos, los pillamos en una fiesta donde Kim y OBJ se estaban dando un abrazo, aunque leve.

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Cada vez más cercanos

Supongo que Odell tiene trabajo que hacer para asegurarse su confianza en el largo plazo, suponiendo que eso es algo que él quiera.