Susan Buckner La amiga animadora de Sandy en "Grease" Muere a los 72 años

Susan Buckner -que interpretó a la amiga de Olivia Newton-John en "Grease", ha muerto... TMZ ha confirmado.

El representante de la actriz anunció la triste noticia el martes, diciendo: "Susan murió en paz el 2 de mayo rodeada de sus seres queridos". No se proporcionaron otros detalles en torno a su muerte, incluyendo una posible causa.

Susan es más famosa por interpretar a Patty Simcox en la exitosa película musical de 1978, dejando una marca como la amiga de Sandy, la cual tenía un aspecto llamativo gracias a sus grandes gafas.

Apareció en casi todas las grandes secuencias musicales, incluso en "Noches de verano", donde se acurrucaba junto a Olivia.

Susan también tuvo un momento memorable en la escena del baile de la escuela, donde su personaje estaba dando un espectáculo, solo para que los chicos la molesten levantando su vestido.

Aunque "Grease" fue sin duda el mayor éxito de Susan, en realidad actuó en un puñado de otras películas y programas de televisión a lo largo de los años, incluyendo papeles en "The Love Boat", "Starsky y Hutch", "The Amazing Howard Hughes", "Switch", "Deadly Blessing" y más.

Tras dejar de actuar en los años 80, Susan continuó dirigiendo y enseñando teatro a nivel local, así como danza. Le sobreviven su hijo, su hija, sus nietos y otros familiares.

Susan tenía 72 años.


'Grease' Star Susan Buckner Sandy's Cheerleading Pal ... Dead at 72

Susan Buckner -- who played Olivia Newton-John's preppy friend in "Grease" -- has died ... TMZ has confirmed.

The actress's rep announced the sad news Tuesday, saying ... "Susan died peacefully on May 2 surrounded by loved ones." No other details surrounding her death were provided, including a possible cause.

Susan is most famous for playing Patty Simcox in the 1978 hit musical film -- leaving a mark as Sandy's girly-girl pal ... who had a striking appearance thanks to her big glasses.

Will Smith detienen a un presunto intruso Tras merodear por su casa

Son tiempos tensos para el equipo de seguridad de Will Smith. Todo gracias a un invitado no deseado que obligó a los guardias a actuar hasta que la policía pudiera llegar... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que los agentes respondieron dos veces el pasado miércoles a la casa del actor en el área de Los Ángeles, con la primera llamada informando de un hombre sospechoso merodeando cerca de la puerta de Will y preguntando por alguien que no vive allí.

Nos dicen que la seguridad le exigió al hombre salir de la propiedad y desapareció antes de que los oficiales llegaran, pero regresó poco tiempo después y de alguna manera accedió a los terrenos.

Will Smith Alleged Trespasser Arrested ... After Lurking Around Home

Tense times for Will Smith's security team, thanks to an unscheduled and unwanted guest guards had to take down at Will's home until cops could arrive ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... L.A. County Sheriff's Department deputies responded twice last Wednesday to the actor's L.A.-area home -- with the first call reporting a suspicious man lurking near Will's gate, and asking for someone who doesn't live there.

We're told security demanded the man leave the property, and he disappeared before deputies arrived -- but, he returned just a short time later, somehow gaining access to the grounds.

Los Angeles Madness Man Beaten Senseless ... Brutal Assault on Video


A brutal assault of a man on the streets of L.A. was caught on camera this week -- and as shocking as the footage is ... what's even more surprising is that no one's been arrested.

TMZ has obtained video that captured this horrific incident early Monday morning -- around 2:00 AM PT, we're told -- where two different parties were facing off on Hollywood Blvd. ... and where one guy who was squaring up (wearing a hat) got pepper sprayed badly.

Unclear what exactly led up to this, but as you can see ... a larger man is hovering on the outskirts of the action, and as the dude in the hat gets riled up, he blasts him in the face.

Britney Spears Denies Having 'Breakdown' ... Posts Bizarre Horse Video

Britney Spears

Britney Spears is denying she had a "breakdown" at a big hotel in L.A. last week -- but her foot is in fact jacked up ... all of which is quite unrelated to whatever it is she just posted.

The pop star posted a new video (and caption) Monday which brought up last week's ugly incident at the Chateau Marmont ... where paramedics came out after an apparent ruckus in Britney's room, and where she was photographed walking out looking a bit out of sorts.

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We'd been told there might've been some kind of altercation between her and her boyfriend -- and that people suspected she was unraveling that night -- but BS is now saying not true.

Tiffany Haddish Campus Protests Are Not Effective ... Write a Letter, Or Lobby!!!


Tiffany Haddish unloaded on campus protesters across the country who are speaking out about the war in the Middle East -- and she's doubling down ... offering up other solutions.

The comedian was in NYC Monday, where we caught her in the street for a quick stop-and-chat -- and Tiffany expanded on her thoughts from this weekend ... where she was filmed at a Netflix Is a Joke event discussing the ongoing demonstrations at universities everywhere.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

If you didn't see that ... well, her remarks are pretty interesting -- 'cause she basically telegraphed her true feelings about all these protesters and their disruptive methods.

Locura en Los Ángeles agreden a un hombre sin motivo Agresión brutal grabada en video


Un asalto brutal a un hombre en las calles de Los Ángeles fue capturado por la cámara esta semana y es realmente muy impactante... pero lo que es aún más sorprendente es que nadie ha sido arrestado todavía.

TMZ ha obtenido el video que capturó este horrible incidente la madrugada del lunes alrededor de las 2:00 AM. Nos informan que unas personas se enfrentaban en Hollywood Blvd. Hasta que un tipo fue rociado con gas pimienta.

No está claro qué es exactamente lo que llevó a esto, pero como se puede ver, están discutiendo hasta que un tercer sujeto rocía el gas en los ojos de uno de los individuos y es cuando comienza la paliza.

Olympian Oleksandr Pielieshenko Dead At 30 ... Killed In Ukraine-Russia War

Oleksandr Pielieshenko -- a former weightlifting champion who competed in the 2016 Olympics -- tragically died while fighting in the Ukraine-Russia war, the Ukrainian Weightlifting Federation announced Monday.

He was just 30 years old.

UWF official Viktor Slobodianiuk said in a social media post the Olympian passed away while "defending Ukraine from foreigners."

Britney Spears Niega haber sufrido una "crisis nerviosa" Y postea un bizarro video a caballo

Britney Spears

Britney Spears niega haber tenido un "colapso" en un gran hotel de Los Ángeles la semana pasada, pero su pie está lastimado, y acaba de hacer algunos posteos extraños...

La estrella del pop publicó un nuevo video el lunes, el cual trajo a colación el incidente de la semana pasada en el Chateau Marmont, donde los paramédicos aparecieron después de un aparente alboroto en la habitación de Britney, y donde fue fotografiada caminando un poco fuera de sí.

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"me caí"

Nos habían dicho que podría haber habido algún tipo de altercado entre ella y su novio, pero Brit dicie que no es cierto.

Nicolas Cage's Son Weston Accused of Beating His Mom ... Photos Show Awful Injuries

Nicolas Cage's son is on LAPD's radar, as cops investigate allegations that he got violent with his mother ... and, new photos capture the brutal alleged injuries.

Law enforcement sources tell us Weston Cage has been named a suspect in a battery report involving his mother, Christina Fulton. We're told the alleged incident took place last Sunday evening, when Weston was at Christina's Los Angeles-area home.

We're told Weston and Christina got into a verbal dispute, which then allegedly turned into a physical scuffle. Our sources say an ambulance was dispatched to Christina's place -- though no one was transported to the hospital.

El hijo de Nicolas Cage es acusado de golpear a su madre Fotos muestran heridas horribles

El hijo de Nicolas Cage está en el radar de la policía de Los Ángeles, ya que los policías investigan las acusaciones de que se puso violento con su madre, y nuevas fotos captan las brutales supuestas lesiones.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que Weston Cage ha sido nombrado sospechoso en un informe de agresión que involucra a su madre, Christina Fulton. Nos dicen que el presunto incidente tuvo lugar el pasado domingo por la noche, cuando Weston estaba en la casa de Christina en el área de Los Ángeles.

Nos dicen que Weston y Christina tuvieron una disputa verbal, que luego supuestamente se convirtió en una pelea física. Nuestras fuentes dicen que una ambulancia fue enviada a la casa de Christina, aunque nadie fue trasladado al hospital.

Casa Blanca Un carro choca contra una barrera El conductor muere

El Servicio Secreto está investigando un accidente mortal, en el que un carro chocó contra una barrera de la Casa Blanca, obligando a los agentes y a la policía de Washington a intervenir.

La acción se produjo a última hora la noche del sábado, sobre las 10:45, cuando un carro que circulaba a gran velocidad colisionó contra una de las verjas del perímetro exterior que rodea los terrenos de la Casa Blanca.

Los agentes de la policía metropolitana respondieron, al igual que los agentes del Servicio Secreto, rodeando el sedán plateado que se estrelló de frente contra la barrera de hormigón.

White House Car Smashes into Barrier ... Driver Killed From Impact

The Secret Service is investigating a fatal crash -- a car slamming into a White House barrier sent agents and D.C. police scrambling.

The action went down late Saturday night, around 10:45, as a speeding car collided with one of the outer perimeter gates surrounding the White House grounds.

Metropolitan PD officers responded, but Secret Service agents were also immediately on the scene, surrounding the silver sedan ... which smashed head-on into the concrete barrier.

New Haven, CT ATV Crashes Into Police Cruiser ... Cop Blocks His Path?!?


A man riding an ATV landed in the hospital after a cop intentionally blocked his path on the road -- which forced the guy to crash into the windshield ... and folks are divided.

This happened recently in New Haven, CT -- where a police officer was cruising along a narrow trail at a park that's technically only open to pedestrians ... this after complaints that folks have been driving there illegally, including ATV and off-road vehicles.

As the officer slowly cruises up the road, he passes families and other bystanders walking in the opposite direction ... and a few seconds later, he sees this ATV flying his way.

President Biden Fundraising Visit Costs L.A. Millions ... LAPD Costs Skyrocket!!!

President Biden's got a nice chunk o' change for his campaign war chest after visiting Los Angeles, but it did the opposite for the city ... draining millions from the budget.

According to documents, obtained by TMZ, additional LAPD staffing costs to keep POTUS secure during his December trip, cost L.A. just north of $2.6 million ... with much of it going toward the boots on the ground.

The biggest cost, by far, is the $1,833,818.07 paid out to regular police officers -- the cops who blocked off roads and provided security for events. The next biggest expense was salaries for sergeants and detective supervisors ... which totaled $540,720.22.

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