Olympian Oleksandr Pielieshenko Dead At 30 ... Killed In Ukraine-Russia War


Oleksandr Pielieshenko -- a former weightlifting champion who competed in the 2016 Olympics -- tragically died while fighting in the Ukraine-Russia war, the Ukrainian Weightlifting Federation announced Monday.

He was just 30 years old.

UWF official Viktor Slobodianiuk said in a social media post the Olympian passed away while "defending Ukraine from foreigners."

Britney Spears Niega haber sufrido una "crisis nerviosa" Y postea un bizarro video a caballo

Britney Spears

Britney Spears niega haber tenido un "colapso" en un gran hotel de Los Ángeles la semana pasada, pero su pie está lastimado, y acaba de hacer algunos posteos extraños...

La estrella del pop publicó un nuevo video el lunes, el cual trajo a colación el incidente de la semana pasada en el Chateau Marmont, donde los paramédicos aparecieron después de un aparente alboroto en la habitación de Britney, y donde fue fotografiada caminando un poco fuera de sí.

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"me caí"

Nos habían dicho que podría haber habido algún tipo de altercado entre ella y su novio, pero Brit dicie que no es cierto.

Nicolas Cage's Son Weston Accused of Beating His Mom ... Photos Show Awful Injuries

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Nicolas Cage's son is on LAPD's radar, as cops investigate allegations that he got violent with his mother ... and, new photos capture the brutal alleged injuries.

Law enforcement sources tell us Weston Cage has been named a suspect in a battery report involving his mother, Christina Fulton. We're told the alleged incident took place last Sunday evening, when Weston was at Christina's Los Angeles-area home.

We're told Weston and Christina got into a verbal dispute, which then allegedly turned into a physical scuffle. Our sources say an ambulance was dispatched to Christina's place -- though no one was transported to the hospital.

El hijo de Nicolas Cage es acusado de golpear a su madre Fotos muestran heridas horribles

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El hijo de Nicolas Cage está en el radar de la policía de Los Ángeles, ya que los policías investigan las acusaciones de que se puso violento con su madre, y nuevas fotos captan las brutales supuestas lesiones.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que Weston Cage ha sido nombrado sospechoso en un informe de agresión que involucra a su madre, Christina Fulton. Nos dicen que el presunto incidente tuvo lugar el pasado domingo por la noche, cuando Weston estaba en la casa de Christina en el área de Los Ángeles.

Nos dicen que Weston y Christina tuvieron una disputa verbal, que luego supuestamente se convirtió en una pelea física. Nuestras fuentes dicen que una ambulancia fue enviada a la casa de Christina, aunque nadie fue trasladado al hospital.

Casa Blanca Un carro choca contra una barrera El conductor muere

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El Servicio Secreto está investigando un accidente mortal, en el que un carro chocó contra una barrera de la Casa Blanca, obligando a los agentes y a la policía de Washington a intervenir.

La acción se produjo a última hora la noche del sábado, sobre las 10:45, cuando un carro que circulaba a gran velocidad colisionó contra una de las verjas del perímetro exterior que rodea los terrenos de la Casa Blanca.

Los agentes de la policía metropolitana respondieron, al igual que los agentes del Servicio Secreto, rodeando el sedán plateado que se estrelló de frente contra la barrera de hormigón.

White House Car Smashes into Barrier ... Driver Killed From Impact


The Secret Service is investigating a fatal crash -- a car slamming into a White House barrier sent agents and D.C. police scrambling.

The action went down late Saturday night, around 10:45, as a speeding car collided with one of the outer perimeter gates surrounding the White House grounds.

Metropolitan PD officers responded, but Secret Service agents were also immediately on the scene, surrounding the silver sedan ... which smashed head-on into the concrete barrier.

New Haven, CT ATV Crashes Into Police Cruiser ... Cop Blocks His Path?!?

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A man riding an ATV landed in the hospital after a cop intentionally blocked his path on the road -- which forced the guy to crash into the windshield ... and folks are divided.

This happened recently in New Haven, CT -- where a police officer was cruising along a narrow trail at a park that's technically only open to pedestrians ... this after complaints that folks have been driving there illegally, including ATV and off-road vehicles.

As the officer slowly cruises up the road, he passes families and other bystanders walking in the opposite direction ... and a few seconds later, he sees this ATV flying his way.

President Biden Fundraising Visit Costs L.A. Millions ... LAPD Costs Skyrocket!!!

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President Biden's got a nice chunk o' change for his campaign war chest after visiting Los Angeles, but it did the opposite for the city ... draining millions from the budget.

According to documents, obtained by TMZ, additional LAPD staffing costs to keep POTUS secure during his December trip, cost L.A. just north of $2.6 million ... with much of it going toward the boots on the ground.

The biggest cost, by far, is the $1,833,818.07 paid out to regular police officers -- the cops who blocked off roads and provided security for events. The next biggest expense was salaries for sergeants and detective supervisors ... which totaled $540,720.22.

Policía de Philadelphia Un policía le dispara a una jauría de perros Que estaba atacando a una persona

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Una escena inquietante se desarrolló en Filadelfia, cuando un oficial de policía tuvo que dispararle a un perro. El animal estaba atacando a un pobre hombre a plena luz del día junto a otros perros.

Este inquietante material de archivo está circulando en línea, y muestra el incidente violento en la Ciudad del Amor Fraternal, donde al menos cuatro perros se soltaron y comenzaron a atacar a un hombre.

No está claro cuál fue la causa, pero el video comienza mostrando a los perros corriendo en la acera. Ya había un carro de policía en el lugar, así que la reacción pudo ser rápida

Philadelphia PD Cop Shoots at Pack of Dogs As They Gang Up, Maul Man in Street

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An unsettling scene unfolded in Philadelphia -- where a police officer had to shoot a canine after a pack of dogs started to maul a poor man in the street, in broad daylight.

This disturbing footage is making the rounds online -- and it shows the beginning, middle and end of a violent incident in the City of Brotherly Love that recently went down ... where at least 4 dogs got loose and started ganging up on a guy, which was all caught on camera.

It's unclear what exactly led up to this ... but the video starts by showing the pooches trotting down the sidewalk, where a cop car is already there and seemingly observing the situation.

Britney Spears Addresses Hotel Incident with BF ... I'm Leaving California!!!

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Britney Spears just addressed the hotel incident that required paramedics to rush to the scene -- and she's out here claiming "fake news" ... while also vowing to head to Beantown.

The pop star hopped on IG Thursday with a telling caption, which seems to touch on exactly what happened Wednesday night -- namely, first responders arriving at the Chateau Marmont after Britney and her boyfriend, Paul Soliz, got a big fight that spun out of control.

She writes, "Just to let people know ... the news is fake !!! I would like respect at this time for people to understand I am getting stronger everyday !!!"

Orangutan Treats Wound w/ Medicinal Plant ... First Documented Instance

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A male orangutan has scientists going bananas -- 'cause the primate treated his face wound with a medicinal plant ... which seems to have been intentional, a first for scientists to observe.

The primate hails from Indonesia -- its name is Rakus, BTW -- and researchers say it got into a fight back in 2022 ... which left him with a particularly bad face wound in the form of a bad gash near his right eye.

Officials followed Rakus around for the next few days and observed some bizarre behavior for an ape ... seeing the orangutan chewing up a particular liana plant -- which is not normal food for this species. As it turns out ... the plant ended up having healing powers.

Britney Spears Aborda el incidente en el hotel con su novio... Me voy de California!!!

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Britney Spears acaba de abordar el incidente en el hotel que requirió que paramédicos corrieran a la escena, y está acusando de "noticias falsas" y prometiendo con irse a Boston.

La estrella del pop saltó a IG el jueves para abordar lo que sucedió la noche del miércoles, cuando los paramédicos llegaron hasta el hotel Chateau Marmont después de que Britney y su novio Paul Soliz tuvieran una gran pelea que se salió de control.

Ella escribió: "Solo para que la gente sepa ... ¡¡¡la noticia es falsa!!! ¡¡¡Me gustaría respeto en este momento para que la gente entienda que estoy cada día más fuerte!!!"

Boeing Whistleblower 2nd One Dies From Infection ... Months After John Barnett

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Another Boeing whistleblower has died ... just months after John Barnett's apparent suicide -- and, his lawyer seemingly wants to explore whether the two deaths are connected.

Joshua Dean -- a former quality auditor at Spirit AeroSystems -- died Tuesday morning, according to the Seattle Times.

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Dean -- who reportedly showed no symptoms of infection two weeks ago -- tested positive for influenza B, MRSA, and pneumonia ... and, his hands and feet turned black from infection.

Denunciantes de Boeing Segundo que muere ... Meses después del deceso de John Barnett


Otro denunciante de Boeing ha muerto, solo unos meses después del aparente suicidio de John Barnett, y su abogado al parecer quiere explorar si las dos muertes están conectadas.

Joshua Dean, un ex auditor de calidad de Spirit AeroSystems, murió el martes por la mañana, según informa el Seattle Times.

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Tratando de mantener la calma

Dean, que al parecer no mostró síntomas de infección hace dos semanas, dio positivo para la gripe B, MRSA y la neumonía y sus manos y pies se pusieron negras por la infección.

UCLA Protests Cops Break Up Encampment ... Place Demonstrators In Zip Ties

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Cops in riot gear descended onto the University of California, Los Angeles campus, breaking up a pro-Palestinian encampment and detaining multiple people.

California Highway Patrol officers made their move at UCLA early Thursday morning, busting through barricades to dismantle a wooden wall erected by activists protesting the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip. They also tore down tents in the area, which was littered with broken pieces of wood and damaged furniture.

Some of the activists fought back, spraying officers with fire extinguishers while refusing to leave the UCLA grounds -- even after police had spent hours ordering them to disperse over a loudspeaker.