UCLA Protests Cops Break Up Encampment ... Place Demonstrators In Zip Ties


Cops in riot gear descended onto the University of California, Los Angeles campus, breaking up a pro-Palestinian encampment and detaining multiple people.

California Highway Patrol officers made their move at UCLA early Thursday morning, busting through barricades to dismantle a wooden wall erected by activists protesting the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip. They also tore down tents in the area, which was littered with broken pieces of wood and damaged furniture.

Some of the activists fought back, spraying officers with fire extinguishers while refusing to leave the UCLA grounds -- even after police had spent hours ordering them to disperse over a loudspeaker.

Airbnb Stay Inside New 'Up' House, 'X-Men' Mansion & More!!!

Airbnb is bringing to life some of the most beloved homes in pop culture ... courtesy of their new Icons category -- which is leaning big into Disney.

The house rental app announced the new initiative Wednesday, revealing 11 new housing experiences set to drop this year -- which will be hosted by the greatest names in music, film, television, sports, etc.

The whole idea behind the Icons category is to allow users to step into worlds that previously only existed in one's imagination -- and here, they got a couple of big-ticket items ... including the "Up" house and the house from "X-Men '97."

Harvey Weinstein volverá a ser juzgado penalmente tras anularse su condena


12:29 PM PT -- El abogado de Harvey Weinstein, Juda Engelmayer, le dice a TMZ que su equipo legal tiene curiosidad por ver si los fiscales pueden conseguir a los testigos adecuados para hacer que esto pase de nuevo. Cree que uno de los denunciantes originales  ya perjurio a sí misma, por lo que no cree que tengan un caso realmente.

Engelmayer dice que Weinstein está listo para el desafío a pesar de sus problemas de salud, y dice que Weinstein tiene un renovado rayo de esperanza y el vigor restaurado

Harvey Weinstein se va a enfrentar de nuevo al tribunal penal de Nueva York, porque los fiscales dicen que van a volver a juzgarlo a finales de este año.

Harvey Weinstein Set to Be Retried Criminally in NYC ... After Tossed Conviction


12:29 PM PT -- Harvey Weinstein's rep, Juda Engelmayer, tells TMZ ... their legal team is curious to see if prosecutors can whip up the right witnesses to do this again. He says he believes one of the original complainants perjured herself already ... so they don't think the D.A. has a case.

If they do wanna run it back, though, Engelmayer says Weinstein is up for the challenge ... despite his health issues. He says HW has a renewed glimmer of hope and restored vigor.

Harvey Weinstein is going to be put through the wringer again in criminal court out in New York -- because prosecutors say they're retrying him ... which will happen later this year.

Lil Kim sus movimientos en "Quiet Storm" Salvan a una mujer de una lluvia de balas

El icónico baile de Lil Kim en "Quiet Storm" está siendo considerado como un baile heroico, esto luego de que una mujer dijera que aquellos movimientos la ayudaron a salvarse en un tiroteo.

Una mujer llamada Shariah Taylor fue entrevistada recientemente fuera de su departamento en Alabama.

Ella describió vívidamente los acontecimientos después de que escuchó alrededor de 7 disparos el 26 de abril y tuvo que tomar la decisión rápida para salvar a su hijo.

Lil Kim 'Quiet Storm' Dance Moves Save Woman From Hail of Bullets

Lil Kim's signature pop lock from her iconic "Quiet Storm" feature is being hailed as a heroic dance ... after a woman says the moves helped her duck and dodge a drive-by shooting!!!

A woman named Shariah Taylor was recently interviewed outside her apartment complex in Alabama.

She vividly described her recollection of events after she heard about 7 shots on April 26 and had to make the snap decision to save her child.

Universidad de Columbia La policía de Nueva York toma control del edificio... Tras irrupción de manifestantes

FOX 5 New York

La Policía de Nueva York se hizo cargo de la Universidad de Columbia el martes por la noche, utilizando la fuerza para recuperar un edificio académico que había sido tomado violentamente por manifestantes pro-palestinos, e hizo docenas de arrestos durante el operativo.

Cientos de agentes policiales dotados de equipo antidisturbios se dirigieron al campus principal de la escuela de la Ivy League en Manhattan para sacar a los agitadores que solo un día antes habían irrumpido en el Hamilton Hall, tomando el control sobre el edificio.

Echa un vistazo a este dramático video, un grupo de policías con cascos subieron por una escalera a una ventana del segundo piso y se arrastraron dentro del edificio con esposas de cremallera.

UCLA Protests Violence Erupts with Fights, Firecrackers, Pepper Spray

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FOX 11 Los Angeles

UCLA became a flashpoint Tuesday night ... with anti-Israel protesters turning violent.

Firecrackers were thrown, pepper spray saturating people, as people in and around the crowd ran for their safety.

The University had declared the campus encampment illegal and gave protesters an ultimatum ... get out now, or face punishment. The warning was not heeded.

Columbia University NYPD Seizes Control Of Building ... After Violent Protesters Took It Over

FOX 5 New York

The New York Police Department took charge of Columbia University Tuesday night, using force to reclaim an academic building seized by violent pro-Palestinian protesters while making dozens of arrests.

Hundreds of NYPD officers in riot gear marched onto the Ivy League school's main campus in Manhattan to remove the agitators who just one day earlier had smashed their way into Hamilton Hall, assuming control over the building.

Check out this dramatic video ... a bunch of cops wearing helmets climbed up a ladder to a second-floor window and crawled inside the building with zip-tie handcuffs.

profesor de Columbia culpa a la Universidad por el "circo" en el campus "La tensión creció durante meses"

El profesor de Columbia Jack Halberstam está analizando las crecientes tensiones en el campus, luego de que los manifestantes pro-palestinos ocuparan un edificio en la escuela de la Ivy League.

no se está viendo todo el panorama

El profesor de Estudios de Género e Inglés estuvo el martes en "TMZ Live" y defendió la toma de Hamilton Hall el lunes por la noche ya que los manifestantes estudiantiles han ocupado edificios en el pasado -incluyendo Hamilton Hall- para llamar la atención sobre las injusticias relacionadas con el apartheid sudafricano y la guerra de Vietnam, por ejemplo.

El profesor Halberstam también arrojó luz sobre cómo el conflicto entre los manifestantes pro-palestinos y los manifestantes pro-Israel en realidad ha ido en aumento durante meses, con la universidad supuestamente haciendo poco para ayudar a los estudiantes de ambos lados.

Columbia Professor Blames University for Campus 'Circus' ... Says Tension Grew for Months

Columbia Professor Jack Halberstam is weighing in on the growing tensions on campus ... after pro-Palestinian protesters occupied a building at the Ivy League school.


We got the Gender Studies and English prof Tuesday on "TMZ Live," and he defended Monday night's takeover of Hamilton Hall ... as student protesters have occupied buildings in the past -- including Hamilton Hall -- to draw attention to injustices related to South African apartheid and the Vietnam War, for example.

Professor Halberstam also shed light on how the conflict between pro-Palestinian protesters and pro-Israel protesters has actually been growing for months ... with the university allegedly doing little to help students on either side.

Columbia University Pro-Palestine Protesters ... Take Over Building, Chaos Ensues


Pro-Palestine protesters who've been occupying Columbia University for weeks just took their cause to a whole new destructive level ... taking over a campus building in violent fashion.

A massive mob of student demonstrators -- which has been growing by the day -- swarmed Hamilton Hall at the NYC Ivy League college Monday night ... and they ended up breaking in and infiltrating the facility, taking the building by force.

There were multiple chants that could be heard as this was all happening ... most of which had to do with decrying the ongoing conflict in Gaza, with students calling it a genocide.

Universidad de Columbia Manifestantes pro palestinos se toman el campus... Se desata el caos

Se toman el Hamilton Hall

Los manifestantes pro-Palestina que han estado ocupando la Universidad de Columbia durante semanas han llevado su causa a otro nivel luego de tomarse un edificio del campus de manera violenta.

Una gran multitud de estudiantiles, que ha ido creciendo día a día, estaba en el Hamilton Hall de la universidad de la Ivy League de Nueva York la noche del lunes y terminaron rompiendo e infiltrándose en las instalaciones hasta tomarse el edificio por la fuerza.

Hubo múltiples cánticos mientras todo esto sucedía, que en su mayoría condenaban el conflicto en curso en Gaza, con los estudiantes llamándolo un genocidio.

VP Kamala Harris on 'Barrymore' My Laugh's Mocked Because of Sexism ... Gets Called 'Momala'

The Drew Barrymore Show

Kamala Harris sat down with Drew Barrymore to stump for Joe Biden -- and there were some interesting takeaways ... including how she laughs, and a new nickname.

The Veep appeared on "The Drew Barrymore Show" Monday to talk shop on politics and lots of other topics that were suitable for daytime TV -- and they had a lot of chuckles along the way ... which actually ended up becoming a subject of conversation in their chat.

Harris spoke about what it means to be the first female VP in American history -- and she says, even now, she feels she still catches flak for it ... all just because she's a woman.

USC Protests Tommy Trojan Vandalized by Demonstrators

USC's famed Tommy Trojan has been caught up in the Gaza war, and is worse for wear.

The iconic statue was smack in the middle of another protest on the USC campus, resulting in 90 arrests.

Someone spray-painted, "Say no to genocide" on the base of the statue.

LA County CHP Carpool Driver Busted ... Disguised Mannequin Riding Shotgun!!!

Two heads are better than one -- and, absolutely necessary to ride in the carpool lane -- but ya gotta make sure those heads are flesh and bone ... and not plastic, like this one was.

One driver learned that lesson the hard way in Santa Fe Springs, CA -- a suburb in L.A. County about 12 miles southeast of Downtown L.A. -- when a California Highway Patrol officer pulled them over ... and discovered a dressed-up mannequin in the passenger seat.

CHP Santa Fe Springs posted a pic of the plastic dummy Thursday to Instagram ... and, we gotta hand it to the driver -- it's pretty dang lifelike, especially from a distance.