Boeing Another Day, Another Mishap ... Emergency Landing In South Africa

042424_boeing_kal APRIL 2024
Busted Boeing Wheel

Boeing's string of bad luck seems never-ending ... the aircraft company recently had another mishap as one of its jets had to make an emergency landing in South Africa.

On Sunday, the crowded FlySafair Boeing 737 ran into trouble during takeoff at OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg as it was en route to Cape Town about 870 miles away.

At least one wheel malfunctioned as the commercial plane turned around to make the emergency landing back at OR Tambo Airport.

Oregon Kidnapping Woman Abducted on Doorbell Cam ... Found, Suspect Knew Her

Hillsboro Police Department

A woman got kidnapped in Oregon over the weekend in the middle of the night -- all of which was captured on a doorbell camera ... and thankfully, she's been located and rescued.

Check out this footage that was taken Sunday night in Hillsboro, OR -- where a lady ran up to some stranger's home and tried ringing the doorbell before a dude entered the frame out of nowhere and swooped her up in his arms ... dragging her away as she screamed for help.

It's incredibly dramatic ... and while it might look random, cops are saying it's really not -- as they believe these two people knew each other and that there was some sort of relationship.

Dwight Howard Vows To Help Taiwan ... After Earthquakes Hit Country

Dwight Howard is vowing to help Taiwan after the country was hit with a major earthquake earlier this month -- and dozens of smaller tremors since -- with the hoops star promising to return to the island.

The former NBA superstar, who signed with Taiwan's Taoquan Leopards in 2022, made a video message on Monday expressing concern for the Taiwanese people.

"I know a lot of people are still shaken up by just being in an earthquake," Howard said.

Encuentran a la mujer secuestrada en Oregón El sospechoso la conocía

el aterrador momento
Hillsboro Police Department

Una mujer fue secuestrada en Oregón durante el fin de semana en mitad de la noche, y todo fue capturado por la cámara de la puerta principal. Por suerte ha sido localizada y rescatada.

Échale un vistazo a estas imágenes que se tomaron el domingo por la noche en Hillsboro, Oregón, donde una señora corrió hasta la casa de un extraño (escapando de alguien) y trató de tocar el timbre antes de que un tipo apareció de la nada y la agarró de los brazos, arrastrándola lejos mientras ella gritaba pidiendo ayuda.

Es increíblemente dramático, y mientras que podría parecer un incidente azaroso, la policía dice que en realidad no lo es, ya que creen que estas dos personas se conocían y que había algún tipo de relación.

Robert Kraft 'Deeply Saddened' By Columbia Univ. ... Cuts Off Funding

Robert Kraft graduated from Columbia in '63, and has been a huge proponent of the school in every way, including financially ... but all that changed Monday when the billionaire Patriots owner made it clear he wasn't going to stand by and watch his University be taken over by hate and vitriol.

"The school I love so much - the one that welcomed me and provided me with so much opportunity - is no longer an institution I recognize," 82-year-old Kraft said in a statement released by Stand Up To Jewish Hate, adding, "I am deeply saddened at the virulent hate that continues to grow on campus and throughout our country."

Of course, since mid-last week, students and others have taken to Columbia's NYC campus to demand the University sever all ties to Israel. Some protestors have been seen showing support for Hamas and their actions on October 7, even calling for repeated attacks.

Seattle Police Shoot, Kill Child Predator Suspect Body Cam Footage

the terrifying footage

Body cam footage from a Seattle police officer captured the moment they gunned down a suspect ... who pulled a gun on the cops.

The footage -- filmed Wednesday and released Friday by Seattle PD -- begins in a hotel room with officers ready, guns drawn. One of the officers opens the door and confronts a man standing outside ... who pulls a gun from his jacket.

Officers jump into action ... with one grabbing the weapon before firing off several shots, killing the suspect. His compatriots also fire at the man, who's left dead in the hallway.

Juicio de Donald Trump Hombre se prende fuego... Afuera del tribunal

Corriendo a la escena
X / @emilyngo

12:26 PM PT -- Las autoridades han identificado al hombre que se prendió fuego afuera de un tribunal en Nueva York. Se trata de Maxwell Azzarello y dicen que llegó a la ciudad en algún momento de la semana pasada. Dicen que entró al parque, lanzó panfletos en el suelo y luego se roció con algún tipo de sustancia.

Detalles preliminares del incidente
Fox News

Después se prendió fuego y ahora se encuentra en una unidad de quemados en estado crítico. Los bomberos dicen que su familia ni siquiera sabía que estaba en Nueva York. Al parecer, el hombre vino de Florida.

Un hombre se prendió fuego al frente del tribunal donde se está llevando a cabo el juicio penal en contra del ex presidente Donald Trump y las imágenes son impactantes.

Donald Trump Trial Man Sets Himself on Fire ... ID'd, Alive & Critical

X / @emilyngo


12:26 PM PT -- Authorities have identified the man who set himself on fire as Maxwell Azzarello -- and they say he arrived in New York at some point over the past week. They say he walked into the park, threw pamphlets onto the ground and then doused himself in some kind of substance.

Fox News

He then lit himself on fire, and is now at a burn unit in critical condition. Fire officials say his family was unaware he was even in New York -- apparently, the guy came from Florida.

A man set himself on fire in front of the courthouse where former President Donald Trump's hush money criminal trial is currently underway ... and the footage is shocking.

'The Shining' Hotel Horrifying Blaze Breaks Out In Attic

One of the nation's most famous hotels featured in the Stanley Kubrick film, "The Shining," went up in flames Thursday night – but luckily firefighters put out the blaze before it could spread and destroy the Oregon landmark.

Timberline Lodge -- better known as the Overlook Hotel from the 1980 horror classic starring Jack Nicholson -- was once again shot by camera crews, but this time TV news outlets filmed a small inferno that erupted in the attic of the 55,000 square foot building.

Last evening, fire crews responded to the hotel and ski resort about 60 miles from Portland after employees called in the emergency and directed guests to congregate in safe places.

Hotel de "El Resplandor" Terrible incendio en un ático

Uno de los hoteles más famosos del país, que aparece en la película de Stanley Kubrick "El Resplandor", ardió en llamas la noche del jueves, pero por suerte los bomberos pudieron apagar el incendio antes de que se extendiera y destruyera el monumento de Oregon.

El Timberline Lodge, más conocido como el Hotel Overlook del clásico de terror protagonizado por Jack Nicholson en 1980, fue una vez más filmado por las cámaras, pero esta vez los noticieros de televisión grabaron un pequeño infierno que estalló en el ático del edificio de 55.000 pies cuadrados.

Anoche, los equipos de bomberos acudieron al hotel y estación de esquí a unos 100 kilómetros de Portland. Esto, después de que los empleados informaran sobre la emergencia y le pidieran a los huéspedes que se refugiaran en lugares seguros.

Brazilian Woman Hitched a Taxi Ride with Dead Uncle ... Before Hitting the Bank 😵

Jam Press

The Brazilian woman arrested for trying to "Weekend at Bernie's" her uncle's corpse at a bank apparently brought the body with her in a taxi beforehand ... and it's on video.

Erika de Souza Vieira Nunes was caught on surveillance footage not long before she rolled into the bank and tried applying for a loan with her deceased relative. As you can see, she is seen setting up a wheelchair outside a taxi cab -- where she enlists the driver's help to lift her uncle's lifeless body out of the front passenger seat.

After placing her uncle, Paulo Roberto Braga, in the wheelchair, the driver shuts the car door and bounces. Erika is seen paying the driver, as Paulo's gaunt body droops over the side.

Mujer Brasileña Tomó un taxi con su tío muerto... Antes de entrar al banco

Camino al banco
Jam Press

La mujer brasileña que fue detenida por tratar de conseguir un préstamo llevando el cadáver de su tío a un banco, al parecer, anduvo con él en un taxi primero y todo está en video.

Erika de Souza Vieira Nunes fue captada en un video de vigilancia poco antes de entrar al banco e intentar pedir un préstamo con su pariente fallecido. Como se ve en la grabación, ella estaba preparando una silla de ruedas afuera de un taxi y luego solicitó ayuda al conductor para levantar el cuerpo de su tío fuera del asiento del pasajero delantero.

Tras colocar a su tío Paulo Roberto Braga en la silla de ruedas, el conductor cierra la puerta del carro y se da a la fuga. Se puede ver también cómo Erika le paga al conductor, mientras el cuerpo demacrado de Paulo se desliza hacia un lado.


Prince Harry has officially cut the cord with his British roots after years of royal tension ... making it loud and clear he's sticking with the U.S. for the long haul, and calling it home.

The Duke of Sussex updated his country of residence in new paperwork filed with Companies House, which was required for his eco-tourism nonprofit, Travalyst. Whereas he used to claim the United Kingdom as his home base ... that's now changed to America.

While Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, have lived here in California for several years now -- these docs show the change in his residency didn't switch up on paper until last June.

Riley Strain Family Slams Frat Bros ... Partied After He Went Missing

041724_riley_strain_kal 4/17/24
How Does That Make You Feel?

Riley Strain's family just dragged his fraternity brothers through the coals on national TV -- claiming they didn't seem to care that he'd gone missing ... allegedly going partying instead.

The late 22-year-old's mother, father and stepfather did an interview with NewsNation Tuesday night -- and much of the 15-minute segment was dedicated to slamming Riley's fellow Delta Chi members who were with him the night he went missing in Nashville.

According to the family, they didn't notify cops about Riley until the next day ... and they go on to claim that when the family showed up, they continued on with their itinerary.

Hombre en Ohio Dispara y mata a una conductora de Uber ... Ambos fueron embaucados!!!

Clark County Sheriff's Office

Un hombre de Ohio, quien aparentemente pensó que estaba involucrado en un elaborado complot para estafarlo, ha sido acusado de dispararle fatalmente a una conductora de Uber, quien también había sido engañada, por cierto.

Según los informes, William Brock, de 81 años, le dijo a las autoridades en el condado de Clark que le disparó a Loletha Hall, de 61 años, afuera de su casa el 25 de marzo, pero se defendió diciendo que solo lo hizo pues pensaba que estaba trabajando con alguien que le había exigido un rescate monetario.

Cuento corto, Brock había sido contactado por unos estafadores, que comenzaron diciéndole que tenía que soltar miles de dólares porque un pariente estaba en la cárcel y luego convirtieron el caso en un rescate de rehenes, que dejó a Brock confundido.

Ohio Man Shoots & Kills Female Uber Driver ... Both Were Scammed!!!

Clark County Sheriff's Office

An Ohio man has been charged in the fatal shooting of an Uber driver, whom he reportedly thought was involved in an elaborate plot to scam him ... and ditto for the woman, BTW.

Per reports, 81-year-old William Brock told authorities in Clark County that he shot 61-year-old Loletha Hall outside his home on March 25 ... but defended himself, saying he only did so because he believed she was working with someone who'd demanded a ransom from him.

Long story short, Brock had been getting contacted of late by scammers -- who started out by telling him he had to cough up thousands of dollars because some relative was in jail ... which then turned into a straight-up ransom/hostage call, which left Brock confused/rattled.

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