Lisa Monk Mom Misdiagnosed w/ Cancer ... Stole My Kids' Innocence


Lisa Monk -- a woman misdiagnosed with cancer -- says she's not just angry for herself, but she's mad for her children ... who she says lost their innocence because of this ordeal.

We spoke with Lisa on "TMZ Live" ... who took us through her timeline of events -- beginning when she was improperly diagnosed with cancer, and her account is horrifying.

Monk says the hospital treating her ran its own in-house pathology report after she'd been diagnosed by a previous medical team. About a month after the test results came in, LM says a nurse practitioner finally looked at them ... and, looked at her in horror.

99 Cents Only Store Merch Sellin' on eBay for a Pretty Penny

With 99 Cents Only stores shutting down for good, people are flocking to eBay to shill their merch for a decent chunk of change.

Sellers on eBay have listed various goods from the discount store amid news the franchise has filed for bankruptcy. So far, reusable bags, employee vests and gift cards have all surfaced on the online marketplace.

And, sellers are asking for a whole lot more than 99 cents for their merchandise. Take this green reusable shopping bag featuring the 99 Cents Only Store's logo -- the listing asks for $99, a massive markup to say the least.

O.J. Simpson Estate Executor Ready For Court ... Will Fight Civil Trial Payouts

O.J. Simpson's estate won't pay his civil trial's judgment anytime soon ... according to the estate's executor who says he plans to fight any payments to the Browns or Goldmans.

Simpson's will -- obtained by TMZ -- names his longtime attorney Malcolm LaVergne as his executor ... and, Malcolm says he's focused on keeping money out of the hands of the families, specifically the Goldmans. The will also refers to a trust, which all his property was placed into in January.

Malcolm tells the Las Vegas Review-Journal, "It's my hope that the Goldmans get zero, nothing. Them specifically. And I will do everything in my capacity as the executor or personal representative to try and ensure that they get nothing."

Israel Iran Launches Airborne Strike ... PM Says Israel's Ready

Iran has launched an attack on Israel, the White House says in a statement ... and, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the country's prepared.

In a statement from the National Security Council spokesperson, the White House explains Iran's begun an airborne assault on Israel and President Biden's receiving regular updates.

The statement says the attack's expected to play out over several hours, and it reaffirms the Biden administration's support for Israel's security.

Sydney Mall Massacre Video Shows Terrifying Knife Rampage ... Many Dead, Including Suspect


A knife-wielding killer went on a cold-blooded rampage through a mall in Australia, slaughtering 6 people and injuring several more before he was shot dead by police.

And, in what has become commonplace for these types of incidents, witnesses used cell phone cameras to capture pieces of Saturday's frightening massacre in Sydney's busy Westfield Bondi Junction mall.

Check out this dramatic footage ... the alleged 40-year-old suspect was confronted on an escalator by a man trying to fend him off with a pole.

World's Oldest Conjoined Twins Lori & George Dead at 62

The world's oldest conjoined twins Lori & George Schappell have died -- according to online obituaries.

The twins passed at a hospital in Pennsylvania ... though the exact cause of their death, reportedly last Sunday, has not been disclosed.

Lori & George were born in 1961 ... fused partially at the skull, and sharing 30% of their brains, the parietal and frontal lobes.

Siameses más viejos del mundo Lori y George mueren a los 62

Los siameses más viejos del mundo, Lori y George Schappell han fallecido, de acuerdo a los obituarios en línea.

Los gemelos fallecieron en un hospital de Pennsylvania, aunque la causa exacta de su muerte, al parecer el domingo pasado, no ha sido revelada.

Lori y George nacieron en 1961, con sus cráneos parcialmente fusionados. Compartían el 30% de sus cerebros, los lóbulos parietal y frontal.

Oakland Robbers Ransacking Jewelry Store On Video ... Chased By Man w/ Gun

Stealing The Family Jewels

A group of thieves smashed up an Oakland jewelry store, stealing valuables from the broken glass cases before a man with a shotgun chased them off ... and, it was all caught on video.

Eight people ran into Phuong Jewelry in Oakland's Chinatown neighborhood Wednesday ... bashing cases with hammers and making off with a ton of the store's pieces.

Check out the vid ... the first person walks in holding what appears to be a gun and aiming it at the store's owner, Diane Trinh, and another person, forcing them to drop to the ground -- before the other assailants start to smash in the cases.


The last person known to have spoken to Riley Strain before he disappeared has finally given a statement to the cops ... and his family is hailing it as a "huge" development.


Chris Dingman, a spokesperson for Riley's devastated family, told NewsNation the new witness spoke with the family first, and then "told the detective his account of the story of what happened to Riley” -- all this 3 weeks after they found his body.

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Dingman didn't say who the witness was or share the specific details they provided about what happened to Riley ... before he disappeared and was later found dead.

Riley Strain La policía obtiene una declaración de la última persona que habló con él

La última persona que se sabe que habló con Riley Strain antes de que desapareciera ha declarado ante la policía y su familia lo está celebrando como un "gran" avance.

Todo se está alineando

Chris Dingman, un portavoz de la familia de Riley, dijo a NewsNation que el nuevo testigo habló con la familia primero y luego "le dijo al detective su versión de lo que le pasó a Riley". Todo esto, 3 semanas después de que su cuerpo fuera encontrado.

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Riley huyendo

Dingman no dijo quién era el testigo ni compartió detalles específicos sobre lo que le sucedió a Riley antes de que desapareciera y fuera encontrado muerto más tarde.


Peru says they've got a 124-year-old dude who's the real oldest guy in the world, and not the 111-year-old British guy who recently nabbed the Guinness World Records title.

The Peruvian government reveals Marcelino Abad Tolentino, a local farmer, was born in 1900 and hit 124 years old on April 5 -- which, if legit, means he's not just blowing out candles, but he's also setting a global record as the oldest man on the planet.

In a statement, officials say they found the senior citizen in the small village of Chaglla back in 2019 and hooked him up with a passport, an ID card and a pension.

El hombre más viejo del mundo Perú dice que es un campesino local de 124 años ... No un británico de 111

Perú dice que uno de sus ciudadanos es el verdadero hombre más viejo del mundo y no el hombre de 111 años del Reino Unido, que recientemente obtuvo el título Guinness World Records.

El gobierno peruano dice que Marcelino Abad Tolentino, un agricultor local, nació en 1900 y cumplió 124 años el 5 de abril, lo que si es legítimo significa que no solo estaría soplando velas, sino que también estaría estableciendo un récord mundial como el hombre más viejo del planeta.

En un comunicado, las autoridades aseguran que encontraron al anciano en el pequeño pueblo de Chaglla en 2019 y le concedieron un pasaporte, un DNI y una pensión.

Costco Buy Your Precious Metals in Bulk ... Millions in Gold Monthly!!!

Families looking to buy huge packs of toilet paper and dirt cheap hot dogs at Costco can now make out like old-timey prospectors, 'cause the retailer's got gold to spare, which is flying off their digital shelves ... to the tune of potentially hundreds of millions.

The store known for selling everything in bulk is in the precious metals game these days ... selling 1-oz, 24-karat gold bars in their stores for around $2,400 a pop. This has been going on for about 6 months or so now, and at this point ... it's apparently a money-maker.

Analysts at Wells Fargo reportedly told its clients earlier this week that Costco might be bringing in between $100 million and $200 million on gold sales each month. Wowza!

El Chapo Extraña a su esposa e hijas Ruega al juez por visitas y llamadas

La vida de El Chapo en la cárcel se está volviendo aparentemente solitaria, pues ahora le está pidiendo a un juez que le permita a su esposa visitarlo en la cárcel, y en cuanto a sus hijas pequeñas, poder entregarles un anillo.

El notorio capo del cartel mexicano está rogándole a un tribunal de Nueva York que autorice una visita de la familia en la Penitenciaría de los Estados Unidos, Florence en Colorado, donde va a pasar el resto de su vida tras las rejas.

Eso no es todo, el ex señor de la droga también le está pidiendo a la corte que le siga permitiendo 2 llamadas de 15 minutos al mes con sus hijas, lo que se cortó el pasado mes de mayo. Él sugiere que esto es obra de los federales en represalia a su intento de que desechen su caso.

EL CHAPO Missin' Wife & Kids Begs Court For Visitation, Calls

El Chapo's life in lock-up is apparently getting lonely -- 'cause now he's asking a judge to let his wife visit him in prison ... and for his young daughters to be able to give him a ring.

The notorious Mexican cartel kingpin is begging a NYC court to authorize a family visit at the supermax United States Penitentiary Florence in Colorado -- where he's spending the rest of his life behind bars.

That's not all ... the ex-drug lord is also asking the court to continue allowing him 2 15-minute calls a month with his girls -- whom he got cut off from last May, which he suggests is the doing of the feds because he's trying to have his case tossed, and he believes they're retaliating.

COLORADO BUS AIDE Busted for Beating Nonverbal Boy ... Attack Caught On Camera

Shocking Footage

A Colorado bus aide was arrested after disturbing footage emerged showing her beat up a nonverbal, autistic boy she was tasked with watching ... and the injuries are jarring.

28-year-old Kiarra Jones is facing 2 counts of crimes against at-risk children in Denver after she got busted on April 4 ... when a little boy's parents reported he came home with bruises one day -- this after months of inexplicable injuries that would surface on his body.

Cops say they got their hands on the bus surveillance footage -- which has been making the rounds online ... and it's best to watch at your own discretion, as it shows a brutal attack.