Ex-'Howard Stern Show' Star Arrested for Battery ... Beat On Dude, Live Streamed in Car

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A woman who appeared on "The Howard Stern Show" once upon a time got into an ugly tussle with her boyfriend while driving ... something she live streamed and got arrested for.

Elisa Jordana -- a singer/model/writer who appeared with Howard Stern and co. back in the early 2010s -- had a live video of herself up and running Monday ... which showed her in the car with a guy who went on to tell police he was her boyfriend.

In the video, which was live-streamed for several minutes, Elisa and this dude in the passenger seat could be seen bickering back and forth ... and eventually, things turned violent.

2024 Solar Eclipse We're in the Dark!!! Watch the Eclipse on Live Stream


11:34 AM PT -- The eclipse is making its way across North America -- and the people of Mexico were absolutely stoked when things went dark ... just check out this video with their reaction.


People could be heard (and barely seen) cheering on the moment the moon perfectly covered the sun. There'll surely be lots of other reactions just like this throughout the U.S.

The eclipse is happening ... the first images of the 2024 eclipse are coming in from Mexico, as totality inches close to the U.S. of A.

United Airlines Apparent Pilot Fixes Plane Window ... Just Before Takeoff?!?

Repairing For Takeoff
Instagram /@biglittlefeelings

A United Airlines passenger was rattled after she watched a window get replaced on her flight moments before taking off ... by none other than what appears to be one of the pilots.

The passenger -- a self-described toddler expert named Kristin -- documented the experience on her IG Story Sunday ... filming what appeared to be the flight's pilot fixing the interior side of one window, this before her plane from Denver to Dallas was due to hit the sky.

She wrote ... "They are literally replacing a window with all of us just chilling and sitting here waiting to take off?!?!?!"

Solar Eclipse 2024 Texas Fest Canceled, Severe Weather ... Niagara Crowd Prepares!!!

A music festival in Texas that was entirely dedicated to the solar eclipse is now getting scrapped entirely -- and the reason is a little freaky ... an omen, even, perhaps.

The event is called Texas Eclipse 2024 ... a 5-day get-together in Burnet, TX -- which seems to be very much in the vein of Burning Man ... which you can sense from all their marketing and promotional material, not to mention all the pics and vids they have up on socials.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

All was well for these past few days ... however, on Monday, the festival organizers broke some startling news -- namely, their whole event was just canceled over crappy weather.

Lauren Boebert Drunken Selfies With Trump ... Bartender Cuts Her off

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert reportedly got herself into hot water at a pre-Christmas Republican event in NYC, getting so drunk that she became unruly to the point where she was ordered to stop taking selfies with former President Donald Trump.

Boebert's embarrassing episode took place at the New York Young Republican Club's annual gala on December 9, 2023, according to CNN, citing attendees who witnessed the incident.

Waitstaff first told Boebert they wouldn't serve her any more alcohol after they noticed she was intoxicated inside Cipriani Wall Street, CNN said. A source told the network one waiter was spotted walking up to Boebert and informing her she had been "overserved."

Actor de "Yellowstone" Cole Brings Plenty es encontrado muerto... A días de desaparecer

Cole Brings Plenty, mejor conocido por el spinoff de "Yellowstone", "1923", fue encontrado muerto en Kansas, esto, a menos de una semana de que desapareciera, según han confirmado las autoridades.

La Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Johnson, dijo en un comunicado el viernes que encontraron a Cole, cuyo tío es la estrella de "Yellowstone", Mo Brings Plenty, el viernes por la mañana en una zona boscosa luego de que una persona se percatara de un vehículo desocupado cerca y notificara a las autoridades.

Los oficiales del Condado de Johnson están actualmente a cargo de la investigación y siguen presentes en la escena. Las circunstancias exactas de su muerte aún no se han revelado.


Cole Brings Plenty -- best known for the "Yellowstone" spinoff "1923" -- has been found dead in Kansas ... this less than a week after he went missing, law enforcement has confirmed.

The Johnson County Sheriff's Office said in a statement Friday they discovered Cole -- whose uncle Mo Brings Plenty stars in "Yellowstone" -- late Friday morning in a wooded area after a person noticed an unoccupied vehicle nearby and notified authorities.

Johnson County deputies are currently leading the investigation ... and investigators are still present at the scene. The exact circumstances of his death have yet to be revealed.

4.8 Magnitude Earthquake Leaves New Yorkers in Times Square Unfazed!!!


It takes quite a bit to rattle residents of New York City -- so much so, in fact, that not even a 4.8-magnitude earthquake can make them break their stride.

Check out this wild footage that shows people in Times Square Friday not being fazed at all by the massive quake that hit the area. As you can see, barely anybody reacts as the tremor hits the Big Apple Friday morning.

It's totally business as usual, despite the noticeable rattling ... with sightseers snapping selfies, etc. Traffic is barely even impacted ... as cars are seen whizzing by Times Square with no issue. The shaking reportedly only lasted about 20 to 30 seconds.

Temblor magnitud 4.8 Los neoyorquinos ni se inmutan en Times Square!!!

Andando como si nada

Se necesita mucho para sobresaltar a los habitantes de Nueva York, tanto que ni siquiera un terremoto de magnitud 4,8 puede hacerles perder la calma.

Echa un vistazo a estas imágenes que muestran a la gente de Times Square el viernes sin inmutarse en absoluto con el fuerte temblor que sacudió la zona. Como puedes ver, casi nadie reaccionó cuando el temblor sacudió a la Gran Manzana el viernes por la mañana.

Todo sigue como siempre, a pesar de los remezones, con los turistas tomándose selfies, etc. El tráfico apenas se vio afectado, ya que se puede ver a los carros pasando por Times Square sin problemas. Al parecer, el temblor solo duró entre 20 y 30 segundos.

Ravens, Orioles Donating $10 Million ... To Bridge Collapse Emergency Fund

The Ravens and the Orioles are coming together for the city of Baltimore ... donating a combined $10 million to the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse emergency relief fund.

The two professional sports organizations announced the amazing gesture on Friday ... 10 days after a cargo ship crashed into the bridge over the Patapsco River and outer Baltimore port.

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Two of the six victims were found dead in a pickup truck recovered in the water. The four others are presumed dead.

99 Cents Only Stores Closing Up Shop, Across Country ... Bye Bye Cheap Crap!!!

The 99 Cents Only stores are all going out of business, and they'll be shutting their doors across the country in due time ... which has caused many to be up in arms.

The parent company announced the big news Thursday, saying they were going to begin a nationwide wind-down of all of their locations in the U.S. ... a whopping 371 locations, all of which will be shuttered in waves over the coming months.

Specifically, there are 4 states that currently host 99 Cents Only stores -- California, Nevada, Arizona and Texas ... and yes, they're all going bye-bye.

Taiwan Earthquake Dashcam Video ... Shows Boulders Crushing Cars


Dashcam footage capturing the Taiwan earthquake shows just how terrifying it was for those caught in it ... 'cause it sparked a rock slide, which crushed vehicles on the road down below.

Check it out ... you see several cars being pelted with boulders after the 7.4 magnitude quake. The footage kicks off with one driver making his way up a winding road. The driver is heard making concerned noises as an emergency alert sounds, likely a phone.

As the earth shakes ... the cars pull to a stop to wait out the tremble. However, as the video shows, the vehicle in front quickly goes in reverse ... making its way down the road as a massive boulder comes crashing down, making direct contact and a massive impact.

African Safari Woman Killed in Elephant Attack ... Flips Truck on Video

the terrifying footage

An elderly woman was killed in Africa during a safari trip -- this after an elephant charged her party's vehicle ... and flipped it over, which left her fatally wounded.

The unidentified woman 80-year-old was on a safari Saturday in Zambia at the Kafue National Park -- and at one point in the excursion, a bull elephant charges their truck ... and rams into it head-on, all of which was captured in a dramatic video.

The elephant tips over the vehicle, and you can hear panicked screams from the tour guide as well as the patrons -- including what sounds like the woman who actually died.

Safari en África Una mujer muere tras sufrir ataque de un elefante La camioneta se vuelca...

Aterrador registro

Una mujer de 80 años falleció en África durante una excursión de safari, esto después de que un elefante se abalanzara sobre el vehículo hasta volcarlo.

La mujer, que aún no ha sido identificada, estaba en un safari el sábado en Zambia en el Parque Nacional de Kafue, cuando en un momento de la excursión, un elefante atacó la camioneta al embestir de frente, lo que quedó capturado en un dramático video.

El elefante volcó el vehículo y al hacerlo se pueden escuchar los gritos de pánico del guía turístico, así como de los pasajeros, incluyendo la mujer que presumiblemente falleció.

Terremoto en Taiwán Presentadora de noticias ni se inmuta ante la violenta sacudida

Manteniendo la calma

El terremoto más poderoso en Taiwán en un cuarto de siglo no logró perturbar a una presentadora de televisión, que siguió adelante mientras el estudio se movía violentamente.

SET News estaba en directo poco antes de las 8 de la mañana del miércoles, cuando se produjo el sismo de 7,4 grados de magnitud. La emisora se encuentra en la capital de Taiwán, Taipei, y mientras la mayoría de la gente iba a buscar refugio, dondequiera que estuviesen, la presentadora no parecía estar intimidada en absoluto.

En el video se pueden ver trozos del techo cayendo al suelo, la cámara inestable y las luces balanceándose como si estuvieran al aire libre en un día ventoso. La reportera parecía algo inestable, pero mantuvo la compostura mientras se aferraba al monitor de TV.

Taiwan Earthquake News Anchor Unfazed As Studio Violently Shook


The most powerful earthquake in Taiwan in a quarter century did not upend a national newscast, as the anchor plowed ahead as the studio was violently shaking.

The video is crazy ... SET News was on the set live just before 8 AM Wednesday when the 7.4 magnitude quake struck. The station is in Taiwan's capital, Taipei, as most people scrambled for safety ... wherever that might be. Not so with the anchor, who did not seem daunted at all as the earth moved.

You see pieces of the ceiling crashing to the ground, the camera unsteady and the lights swaying as if they were outside on a windy day. The reporter seemed unsteady on her feet but kept it together as she clung to the TV monitor.