Terremoto en Taiwán El mayor sismo en 25 años sacude a la isla ... Aumenta el número de muertos y heridos

Intenso remezón

Taiwán se convirtió en un infierno la mañana del miércoles, cuando un fuerte terremoto sacudió a la isla frente a China, provocando la muerte de al menos 9 personas e hiriendo a más de 900, mientras dejaba a decenas de personas atrapadas.

Las autoridades locales informaron que el temblor fue de 7,4 grados en la escala de Richter, lo que lo convierte en el más potente en 25 años en el país, con casi 24 millones de habitantes. Los temblores también se sintieron en la capital, Taipéi.

Pero el condado de Hualien, situado en la costa este de la isla, pareció ser el más afectado por el sismo, afectando incluso la infraestructura de la ciudad.

Taiwan Earthquake Biggest quake In 25 Years To Hit Island ... Rising Death Toll And Injuries


Taiwan turned into hell on Earth Wednesday morning as a massive earthquake rocked the island off China, killing at least 9 people and injuring over 900 more, while leaving dozens trapped.

Local Taiwanese officials said the tremors registered 7.4 on the Richter scale, making it the most powerful quake to hit the island in 25 years with its nearly 24 million residents. The shocks were also felt in the capital of Taipei.

But Hualien County – located on the island's east coast -- appeared to be hardest hit by the quake, decimating the county's infrastructure.

Donald Trump Posts $175 Million Bond In Fraud Case ... Averts Seizure Of Properties

Donald Trump can keep his cherished properties instead of having them seized by New York's Attorney General -- at least for now – after he posted a whopping $175 million bond!

As you know ... the former prez was saddled with a $454 million bond in his civil fraud case brought by AG Letitia James, but he appealed and got the amount slashed to $175 mil.

On Tuesday, DT took to his Truth Social platform to gloat right after paying the lesser, but still staggering bond amount. He also blasted James and the case judge, calling them corrupt and the whole situation election interference. No shocker there.

L.A. Times Journalist Ben Bolch Apologizes For LSU, UCLA Column ... 'Words I Used Were Wrong'

The journalist who called LSU women's basketball players "dirty debutantes" in a column last week has just issued an apology ... admitting, "I have failed miserably in my choice of words."

Ben Bolch wrote the controversial piece for the Los Angeles Times last Friday ... and it was almost immediately met with backlash. Critics slammed the way he compared the UCLA women's basketball team to "milk and cookies," while calling the Tigers' players "Louisiana hot sauce" -- insisting it was both racist and misogynistic.

In fact, LSU coach Kim Mulkey and her star player, Hailey Van Lith, were so offended by the article, they both used portions of their meetings with media members over the weekend to rail against Bolch.

The reporter clearly heard the criticism ... because on Monday afternoon, he issued a lengthy mea culpa.

In his statement -- which he posted to his X page -- Bolch acknowledged his words were "not appropriate" and were "deeply offensive."

"It was not my intent to be hurtful," he said, adding his employer did not require him to write the note, "but I now understand that I terribly missed the mark."

He concluded his message by writing, "I am deeply sorry."

For the L.A. Times' part, they swapped out portions of Bolch's original article ... writing in an editor's note, "The original version of this commentary did not meet Times editorial standards. It has been edited to remove language that was inappropriate and offensive."

LSU -- which beat the Bruins 78-69 on Saturday -- is slated to play next against Iowa later Monday evening.

Airplane Thunder Bolt Lightning in a Bottle (In the Sky) Quick Hit Before Landing


An airplane was struck by lightning mid-air this weekend up in Northern California -- and while it looks dramatic ... it sounds like the aircraft was able to make a safe landing.

This video was posted by a local X user who was filming a thunderstorm in San Jose, aiming his camera at the sky from his car while rain was coming down. Mid-shot, you can see a plane cruising the sky -- fairly high up too -- and suddenly ... it gets hit by a bolt.

It wasn't a small one either ... this lightning streak was massive, and it tore right through the plane without missing a beat. The plane didn't stop either, of course, and kept on going.


Ramy Youssef se puso político en su monólogo de apertura en "Saturday Night Live", pidiéndole a Dios que libere a Palestina, así como a los rehenes israelíes.

El cómico abordó el conflicto el sábado, contando una anécdota con dos amigos suyos que le pidieron que incluyera sus luchas en sus oraciones.

Un amigo le pidió a Dios que le ayudara a recuperar la custodia de su perro de manos de su ex novia, mientras que otro le pidió que rezara por su familia en Gaza.


Ramy Youssef got political for his opening monologue on "Saturday Night Live" ... asking God to free Palestine, as well as the Israeli hostages.

The comedian touched on the conflict Saturday, recounting an anecdote involving 2 of his friends ... who asked him to work their struggles into his prayers.

One pal asked him to ask God to help him win back custody of his dog from his ex-girlfriend -- whereas another asked Ramy to pray for his family in Gaza.

REY CHARLES III asiste a la misa de Pascua En plena lucha contra el cáncer

El rey Charles III puede estar enfermo, pero tuvo una gran aparición pública el domingo, asistiendo a los servicios de Pascua en el Castillo de Windsor.

Carlos y Camilla llegaron a la Capilla de San Jorge, donde fueron recibidos con  una gran fanfarria. El clero se reunió con ellos fuera y Charles saludó a los espectadores.

Hubo diferencias este año debido al tratamiento médico de Charles -está recibiendo quimioterapia para el cáncer- lo que compromete su sistema inmunológico, por lo que él y Camilla estaban sentados aparte del resto de la realeza. Tampoco asistió a la recepción posterior a la ceremonia.

King Charles III Grand Entrance for Easter Sunday Church Services

King Charles III may be ill, but he bounced back for a big public appearance Sunday ... attending Easter services at Windsor Castle.

KC and Camilla rolled up to St. George's Chapel and there was fanfare waiting for them. The clergy met them outside as Charles waved to onlookers.

There were differences this year because of Charles' medical treatment ... he's undergoing chemo for cancer, which compromises his immune system, so he and Camilla were seated apart from the rest of the royals. He also skipped the reception after the service.

White House Calls Out Journos ... Stop Stealing From AF1, Dammit!!!

The amenities on Air Force One are so damn good, journalists apparently can't keep their filthy paws off of them, and are even taking some home ... so says a new report.

According to Politico, an inventory was taken by the Air Force after a multi-day trip with the press out to the West Coast last month -- and several items were missing.

The outlet claims it was enough of a problem that the White House Travel Office was alerted ... prompting the WH Correspondents' Association prez to send an email reprimanding her peers. Among the items that were taken ... pillowcases, glasses, and gold-rimmed dinnerware.

PORN STAR EMILY WILLIS Positive Signs of Recovery After Cardiac Arrest

Emily Willis is slowly -- and her family hopes, surely -- on the road to recovery after a cardiac arrest last month left her unconscious and hospitalized in critical condition.

The 25-year-old adult film star's father, Michael, tells TMZ ... while she remains in a vegetative state, there have been notable improvements -- mainly, she's now awake and able to track things with her eyes, smile, and even become emotional during conversations.

Sadly, Michael says doctors aren't anticipating further improvement beyond what she's already achieved.


Emily Willis se está recuperando después de un paro cardíaco que el mes pasado que la dejó inconsciente y hospitalizada en estado crítico.

El padre de la estrella de cine para adultos de 25 años de edad -Michael- le dice a TMZ que ha habido mejoras notables mientras permanece en estado vegetativo. Ahora está despierta y es capaz de seguir las cosas con los ojos, sonreír, e incluso emocionarse durante las conversaciones.

Lamentablemente, Michael dice que los médicos no están anticipando una mejora más allá de lo que ya ha logrado.


La afligida familia de Riley Strain ha ordenado una segunda autopsia privada después de que la primera no encontrara nada sospechoso. Han surgido nuevos detalles sobre su muerte.

El joven de 22 años no tenía sus botas de vaquero, pantalones o cartera cuando fue sacado del río Cumberland dos semanas después de desaparecer del bar de Luke Bryan en Nashville el 8 de marzo.

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riley en movimiento

Pero Chris Dingman, un amigo de la familia que sirve como su portavoz, le dijo a NewsNation que Riley llevaba todos esos elementos la noche que desapareció, lo que les lleva a creer que su muerte fue más que accidental.


Riley Strain's grieving family is ordering a second private autopsy for him after the first found no signs of foul play -- this after new details emerged about his death.

The 22-year-old didn't have his cowboy boots, pants or wallet when he was pulled out of the Cumberland River 2 weeks after disappearing from Luke Bryan's Nashville bar on March 8.

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But, Chris Dingman, a family friend serving as their spokesperson, told NewsNation Riley was wearing all those items the night he went missing ... leading them to believe his death was more than accidental.

Bethenny Frankel Randomly Decked By Man in NYC ... It's Happening All Over!!!

Bethenny Frankel says a man walked up to her in NYC and punched her square in the face ... and, it sounds like this is part of a concerning trend plaguing women in the Big Apple.

Here's the deal ... a fashion student recently posted a video on TikTok where she revealed a man punched her in the face while she walked down the street -- randomly and for no reason.


In the clip, the student says she was just staring at her phone -- minding her own business -- when a dude came up and clocked her -- which she says her friends told her was becoming the norm for a lot of women all over the city.

Don Lemon Talks Possible CNN Return ... Never Say Never!!!

TMZ Podcast

Don Lemon is not saying never about returning to CNN -- which fired him last year -- and even has some requirements in mind, but he's also very realistic about why it ain't happening ... most likely.

The famed newsman joined us on the "TMZ Podcast" this week, and revealed he'd be open to going back to his former employer if they offered a particular company car -- one more associated with Elon Musk, ironically.


We're confident he was joking, but Don was serious about not holding his breath for a call from CNN. He says there's no bad blood between them, but also explained why it's probably not a great fit, for him at least.