White House Calls Out Journos ... Stop Stealing From AF1, Dammit!!!

The amenities on Air Force One are so damn good, journalists apparently can't keep their filthy paws off of them, and are even taking some home ... so says a new report.

According to Politico, an inventory was taken by the Air Force after a multi-day trip with the press out to the West Coast last month -- and several items were missing.

The outlet claims it was enough of a problem that the White House Travel Office was alerted ... prompting the WH Correspondents' Association prez to send an email reprimanding her peers. Among the items that were taken ... pillowcases, glasses, and gold-rimmed dinnerware.

PORN STAR EMILY WILLIS Positive Signs of Recovery After Cardiac Arrest

Emily Willis is slowly -- and her family hopes, surely -- on the road to recovery after a cardiac arrest last month left her unconscious and hospitalized in critical condition.

The 25-year-old adult film star's father, Michael, tells TMZ ... while she remains in a vegetative state, there have been notable improvements -- mainly, she's now awake and able to track things with her eyes, smile, and even become emotional during conversations.

Sadly, Michael says doctors aren't anticipating further improvement beyond what she's already achieved.


Emily Willis se está recuperando después de un paro cardíaco que el mes pasado que la dejó inconsciente y hospitalizada en estado crítico.

El padre de la estrella de cine para adultos de 25 años de edad -Michael- le dice a TMZ que ha habido mejoras notables mientras permanece en estado vegetativo. Ahora está despierta y es capaz de seguir las cosas con los ojos, sonreír, e incluso emocionarse durante las conversaciones.

Lamentablemente, Michael dice que los médicos no están anticipando una mejora más allá de lo que ya ha logrado.


La afligida familia de Riley Strain ha ordenado una segunda autopsia privada después de que la primera no encontrara nada sospechoso. Han surgido nuevos detalles sobre su muerte.

El joven de 22 años no tenía sus botas de vaquero, pantalones o cartera cuando fue sacado del río Cumberland dos semanas después de desaparecer del bar de Luke Bryan en Nashville el 8 de marzo.

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riley en movimiento

Pero Chris Dingman, un amigo de la familia que sirve como su portavoz, le dijo a NewsNation que Riley llevaba todos esos elementos la noche que desapareció, lo que les lleva a creer que su muerte fue más que accidental.


Riley Strain's grieving family is ordering a second private autopsy for him after the first found no signs of foul play -- this after new details emerged about his death.

The 22-year-old didn't have his cowboy boots, pants or wallet when he was pulled out of the Cumberland River 2 weeks after disappearing from Luke Bryan's Nashville bar on March 8.

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But, Chris Dingman, a family friend serving as their spokesperson, told NewsNation Riley was wearing all those items the night he went missing ... leading them to believe his death was more than accidental.

Bethenny Frankel Randomly Decked By Man in NYC ... It's Happening All Over!!!

Bethenny Frankel says a man walked up to her in NYC and punched her square in the face ... and, it sounds like this is part of a concerning trend plaguing women in the Big Apple.

Here's the deal ... a fashion student recently posted a video on TikTok where she revealed a man punched her in the face while she walked down the street -- randomly and for no reason.


In the clip, the student says she was just staring at her phone -- minding her own business -- when a dude came up and clocked her -- which she says her friends told her was becoming the norm for a lot of women all over the city.

Don Lemon Talks Possible CNN Return ... Never Say Never!!!

TMZ Podcast

Don Lemon is not saying never about returning to CNN -- which fired him last year -- and even has some requirements in mind, but he's also very realistic about why it ain't happening ... most likely.

The famed newsman joined us on the "TMZ Podcast" this week, and revealed he'd be open to going back to his former employer if they offered a particular company car -- one more associated with Elon Musk, ironically.


We're confident he was joking, but Don was serious about not holding his breath for a call from CNN. He says there's no bad blood between them, but also explained why it's probably not a great fit, for him at least.

Casa de Cara Delevingne En ruinas después del incendio... Se ve en fotos aéreas

Las consecuencias del incendio
The Image Direct

La mansión de 7 millones de dólares de Cara Delevingne que se incendió hace unas semanas se encuentra en ruinas, lo que queda más que demostrado por algunas imágenes aéreas que muestran los devastadores daños.

Echa un vistazo a este video que da una visión completa de la casa de la supermodelo en Los Ángeles, la que fue golpeada por un gran incendio. Como se puede ver, está totalmente destruida, con la mayor parte del techo tomado por el fuego.

De hecho, la cocina y los dormitorios de la costosa morada se pueden apreciar claramente en las tomas aéreas de los escombros, lo que da una clara idea de lo gravemente quemada que está la casa. Los árboles cercanos y el césped adyacente también fueron arrasados.

Recordemos que casi 100 bomberos acudieron a la mansión tras una llamada al 911 en la madrugada del 15 de marzo. El fuego tardó unas dos horas en ser sofocado por completo.

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Ardiendo durante la noche
Traffic News Los Angeles

Cara estaba devastada tras el accidente. Ella ha estado en Londres últimamente mientras protagoniza la producción "Cabaret" del West End, así que estaba físicamente a salvo.

Por supuesto, había mucha preocupación de que los dos gatos de Cara no hubieran podido salir, pero más tarde ella aseguró a sus fans que sus mascotas estaban sanas y salvas.

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La desafortunada escena

Los padres de Cara, Charles y Pandora, le dijeron a un fotógrafo poco después del trágico incendio que las llamas fueron causadas por un cable de alta tensión durante una noche particularmente ventosa en Los Ángeles. Actualmente, hay una investigación en curso sobre la causa oficial del incidente.

No se sabe cuándo volverá Cara a la propiedad, pero está claro que hay mucho trabajo por hacer para restaurarla.

Cara Delevingne's House In Ruins After Fire ... Aerial Shots Show Major Damage

The Aftermath
The Image Direct

Cara Delevingne's $7 million mansion sits in ruins more than a week after her estate caught fire ... something more than evident in some devastating aerial footage showing the damage.

Check out this video that gives a full scope of the supermodel's L.A.-area home that was ravaged by a massive fire. As you can see, it's totally destroyed, with most of the roof taken out from the blaze.

In fact, the pricey abode's kitchen and bedrooms are captured clearly in the aerial shots of the burnt rubble ... giving us a clear understanding of just how badly burnt the house was. Nearby trees and the lawn adjacent to the home are also visibly scorched.

Ravens, Orioles Devastated Over Bridge Collapse ... Praying For Victims


7:18 AM PT -- Baltimore's MLB team just sent out its thoughts and prayers to those affected by the collapse ... vowing in a statement to "get through this" as a "tight-knit and resilient city."

The Baltimore Ravens sent out prayers to the victims of the tragic Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse Tuesday morning ... writing in a statement their "hearts go out to those who have been affected."

The bridge crumpled into the Patapsco River at around 1:30 AM ... after a large ship hit one of its support columns.

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Several vehicles were on the bridge when it crashed into the near-freezing water below ... and city officials say divers are now on the scene searching for victims.

The Ravens -- who play roughly 15 miles away from the bridge at M&T Bank Stadium -- added in their statement they're confident the city will bond together in the wake of the tragedy.

Former Ravens quarterback Robert Griffin III also sent prayers to those involved ... as did LSU women's basketball star Angel Reese, who was born and raised in the Baltimore area.

The crash is said to have been unintentional ... with officials attributing it all to the vessel losing power.

Brett Gelman Slams Bookstores After Canceling Appearances ... 'Pure Jew Hatred'!!!


Brett Gelman is opening up about the recent backlash he's faced for vocally supporting Israel amid its conflict with Hamas in Gaza ... and he thinks it's BS that his gigs are getting nixed.

The "Stranger Things" star joined us Monday on "TMZ Live," where he slammed bookstores for canceling his upcoming appearances over the ongoing controversy in the Middle East.

Brett -- who recently released his book, 'The Terrifying Realm of the Possible' -- confirmed that three different bookstores canceled his promotional appearances amid alleged security concerns.

TIROTEO EN MOSCU MÁS DE 40 MUERTOS Y 100 HERIDOS Aparecen los sospechosos

Parece que los sospechosos del atentado terrorista contra la sala de conciertos de Moscú fueron maltratados durante su detención: estaban gravemente magullados y apenas conscientes durante su primera comparecencia ante el tribunal.

Los presuntos terroristas fueron fotografiados el domingo en un tribunal ruso, donde aparecieron con cortes y magulladuras en sus rostros hinchados mientras se enfrentaron a cargos de terrorismo tras la matanza del viernes. De hecho, Saidakrami Rachabalizoda -un sospechoso de 30 años- entró al tribunal con una venda alrededor de la oreja y varias heridas en la cara.

Dalerdzhon Mirzoyev, de 32 años, también fue fotografiado con un ojo morado mientras se sentaba detrás de un plexiglás para comparecer ante el tribunal. También parecía tener los restos de una bolsa de plástico alrededor de su cuello.

Moscow Terrorism Suspects Beaten & Bruised in Court

Looks like the suspects in the Moscow concert hall terror attack are getting roughed up while in custody -- they were severely bruised, and barely conscious during their first court appearance.

The suspected terrorists were photographed Sunday in a Russian courtroom, where they appeared to have cuts and bruises on their swollen faces as they faced terrorism charges following Friday's carnage. In fact, Saidakrami Rachabalizoda, a 30-year-old suspect, entered the court with a bandage around his ear and several noticeable bruises on his face.

32-year-old Dalerdzhon Mirzoyev was also photographed with a black eye as he sat behind plexiglass for the appearance in court. He also appeared to have the remnants of a plastic bag around his neck.

Katie Couric Hey, I'm A Granny Now!!!

Katie Couric is reporting she's officially a grandma!

The former "Today" show host unveiled her new title on Instagram, while posting a photo of herself cradling her daughter Ellie's newborn, John Albert Dobrosky.

Katie says the nearly 7-pound boy came into this world Saturday morning and will go by the name Jay.

Kate Middleton Tío se disculpa por criticar a Meghan Markle Antes de enterarse sobre el cáncer

El tío de Kate Middleton no es fan de Meghan Markle, y arremetió contra ella en una entrevista la semana pasada con The Times en Londres, pero ahora se disculpa a raíz del diagnóstico de cáncer de Kate.

Según The Times, Gary Goldsmith ha apodado a Meghan "Laughing Girl", diciéndole al periódico hace una semana: "Seamos realistas, Laughing Girl no va a estar por aquí para siempre, ¿verdad? Creo que es voluble. Y creo que es muy mala para Harry y para nuestro país".

Parece que Gary se enojó luego de que Meghan acusara a uno o dos miembros de la realeza de hacer comentarios racistas sobre Archie y su color de piel, y él cree que ella estaba apuntando a Kate.

No parece importarle que Meghan y Harry expresaran su simpatía por Kate, diciendo: "La idea de que Laughing Girl diga que Kate es racista me pone furiosa. Kate conoce las raíces de su familia y está orgullosa de ellas. Lo siento, pero Laughing Girl no es buena gente".

Goldsmith asegura que no siempre fue así: "William, Harry y Kate eran un trío feliz y se arruinó por completo. Con todo lo que está pasando -y hay otras cosas que no son de dominio público-, ¿están en su momento más feliz? No. Sus hijos les dan mucha alegría, pero no".

Ahora se ha disculpado en X:  "Esta entrevista y se hizo hace más de una semana y fue a la imprenta antes de que yo fuera consciente de la triste noticia con respecto a mi sobrina Kate. Mis pensamientos y oraciones están con Kate y la familia en general en este momento difícil y profundamente molesto por el momento de este artículo".

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dando la noticia
X / @KensingtonRoyal

Y continúa: "Espero que esto ponga fin a las continuas especulaciones y horribles conspiraciones. Démosle tiempo a Kate, William y los niños y demostrémosles algo de amor".

No está claro qué opinan los miembros de la realeza sobre las declaraciones de Gary, pero está claro que no les hace ninguna gracia.

Kate Middleton Uncle Apologizes for Blasting Meghan Markle ... Ahead of Cancer Reveal

Kate Middleton's uncle is no fan of Meghan Markle, and he blasted her in an interview last week with The Times in London, but now he's apologizing in the wake of Kate's cancer diagnosis.

According to The Times, Gary Goldsmith has nicknamed Meghan "Laughing Girl," telling the paper a week ago, “Let’s face it, Laughing Girl isn’t going to be around forever, is she? I think she’s fickle. And I think she’s so bad for Harry and for our country.”

Seems GG is harboring bad blood after Meghan accused a Royal or 2 of making racist comments about Archie and his skin color, and he believes she was zeroing in on Kate.

He added, "The idea that Laughing Girl says Kate is racist makes me furious. Kate knows her family’s roots and is proud of them. I’m sorry, but Laughing Girl is not good people.”

Goldsmith claims it wasn't always this way, saying, “William, Harry and Kate were such a happy little trio and it got totally ruined. With all that going on — and there is other stuff going on that is not in the public domain — are they at their absolute happiest? No. Their kids bring them a lot of joy, but no.”

Now he's apologized on X ...  "This interview and shoot was done over a week ago and went to print before I was aware of the sad news regarding my niece Kate. My thoughts and prayers are with Kate and the wider family at this difficult time and deeply upset at the timing of this article."

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