11:35 AM PT -- La policía de Nashville ha publicado las últimas pruebas que tienen de Riley siendo visto en la noche en cuestión, y vienen por cortesía de nada menos que las imágenes de la cámara corporal de un oficial de policía.

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nada sospechoso
Metro Nashville PD

En el video -que estaba rodando mientras el oficial estaba comprobando una llamada de robo de un vehículo- se puede ver al oficial Reginald Young interactuar con Riley que casualmente paseaba junto a él, incluso intercambian un breve hola, y Riley se ve bastante normal.

La policía de Nashville dice que este parece ser el último avistamiento de él en cámara antes de que desapareciera.

Se ha descubierto una pista importante en la desaparición de Riley Strain, ya que las autoridades descubrieron la tarjeta bancaria del estudiante universitario desaparecido el domingo cerca de un río de la ciudad.

Según la policía de Nashville, la tarjeta bancaria de Riley fue encontrada en el terraplén entre Gay St. y el río Cumberland, donde se dice que el video de vigilancia capturó por última vez a Riley. No se emitió ninguna otra actualización, excepto que la búsqueda de Riley continúa.

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riley en movimiento

Esta actualización se produce luego de que la Oficina de Gestión de Emergencias de Nashville tuviera a un equipo de buceo buscando a Riley en el río Cumberland el sábado. La OEM le dijo a FOX17 que el plan de búsqueda incluye usar varios barcos a lo largo de la orilla del río, donde Riley fue visto por última vez.

Se utilizaron sonares para localizar áreas donde los buzos podrían buscar más a fondo, aunque la búsqueda al parecer no dio lugar a resultados concluyentes. Además, la policía no sospecha actualmente de un caso criminal.

Sin embargo, un testigo local le dijo a FOX17 que Riley no estaba solo después de salir de Luke's 32 Bridge el viernes por la noche. Un hombre sin hogar detalló que él y su esposa -que viven junto a la orilla del río- escuchó una conmoción y supuestamente vio a Riley casi tropezar en el río.

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muy intoxicado

Añadió: "Nunca he visto a nadie tropezar tan fuerte antes", mientras afirma que Riley parecía estar muy intoxicado.

El hombre afirma que no exploró la situación más allá, alegando que alguien aparentemente ya estaba allí con Riley, y aseguró que el joven solo estaba borracho. No se sabe quién podría haber sido esa persona, o cualquier descripción de ellos. El informe de FOX17 tampoco dio más detalles.

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Recordemos que la Comisión de Bebidas Alcohólicas de Tennessee está investigando actualmente si Riley bebió en exceso en el bar de Luke Bryan en Nashville. Mientras que el establecimiento está cooperando con las autoridades, se defendieron en un reciente comunicado afirmando que solo le sirvieron Riley una bebida alcohólica (y dos aguas) antes de pedirle que se fuera.

La superestrella del country también se pronunció sobre la desaparición de Riley, calificando todo el asunto de aterrador y pidiendo oraciones.

Para cualquiera que pueda tener información fiable sobre el paradero de Riley, la policía le anima a llamar al 615-742-7463.


Un vuelo en globo de aire caliente se convirtió en una tragedia esta semana después de que un pasajero cayó 1.500 pies... y parece que los policías hicieron todo lo posible para cubrir las secuelas.

Un pasajero cayó sin previo aviso de un globo aerostático comercial el lunes -el cual despegó de Melbourne- a menos de 30 minutos de su viaje. El cuerpo al parecer aterrizó en una zona residencial con el globo de aire caliente realizando un aterrizaje seguro muchas millas más lejos.

Según testigos locales, muchos residentes del suburbio no se dieron cuenta de lo que había ocurrido hasta que se escucharon sirenas. De hecho, una fuerte explosión se escuchó antes de que llegaran los equipos de emergencia.

El incidente provocó la caída de varios cables de alta tensión y hubo una gran presencia policial para bloquear la calle local del tráfico de la mañana.

Aunque la tragedia no está siendo tratada como sospechosa, los policías están hablando con los otros ocupantes del globo para tratar de deducir qué causó exactamente la inesperada caída.

La Industria Nacional de Globos Aerostáticos Comerciales y la Federación Australiana de Globos se han pronunciado sobre la tragedia, asegurando que las cestas de los globos aerostáticos están diseñadas para evitar que los pasajeros se caigan, por lo que no está claro lo que puede haber causado esto.

Dicen que el operador va a organizar apoyo psicológico y asesoramiento para los testigos afectados.

Esta es la segunda tragedia de globo aerostático este año. Recordemos que cuatro personas murieron en Arizona en enero luego de que un globo aerostático cayera durante una salida de paracaidismo. Un informe preliminar de la Junta Nacional de Seguridad en el Transporte dijo más tarde que la envoltura ya estaba desinflada y el quemador todavía encendido antes de que el globo aerostático chocara contra el suelo.

Los globos de aire caliente definitivamente pueden ser peligrosos.

Hot-Air Balloon Death Man Falls 1,500 Feet Into Neighborhood

A hot-air balloon flight turned tragic this week after a passenger fell 1,500 feet to his death from the basket ... and it looks like cops went out of their way to cover up the aftermath.

A male passenger fell without warning from a commercial hot-air balloon Monday -- which took off from Melbourne -- less than 30 minutes into his ride. The body reportedly landed in a residential area with the hot-air balloon making a safe landing many miles away.

According to local eyewitnesses ... many residents in the suburb didn't realize what had occurred until sirens were heard. In fact, a loud bang was heard before emergency responders arrived.

The incident caused several powerlines to go down and a large police presence to block off the local street from morning traffic.

While the tragedy is not being treated as suspicious, cops are speaking with the other occupants in the balloon to try and deduce what exactly caused the unexpected fall.

The National Commercial Hot-Air Ballooning Industry and the Australian Ballooning Federation have spoken out about the tragedy, assuring people that hot-air balloon baskets are designed to prevent passengers from falling out ... so it's unclear what may have caused this.

They say the operator will be arranging for psychological support and counseling for the witnesses affected.

This marks the second hot-air balloon tragedy this year. Remember, four people were killed in Arizona in January after a hot-air balloon went down during a skydiving outing. A preliminary report from the National Transportation Safety Board later said the envelope was already deflated and the burner still on before the hot air balloon collided with the ground.

Just goes to show ... hot-air ballooning can be dangerous.


una salida complicada
TNLA / Citizen

Una conductora y sus dos perros Boston Terrier fueron grabados mientras caían al mar en Venice Beach durante una persecución policial, lo que desencadenó una dramática operación de rescate que, sorprendentemente, terminó sin heridos graves.

El sábado por la noche, la mujer y sus dos perros circulaban a toda velocidad por la autopista 10 en el centro de Los Ángeles, cuando los agentes de policía la vieron sobrepasar el límite de velocidad e intentaron detenerla. Sin embargo, ella no se detuvo y dio comienzo a una persecución salvaje a través de Los Ángeles hasta Venice Beach.

De repente, la mujer se volvió hacia la playa y corrió por la arena, dirigiéndose directamente al agua. Varios videos en Internet mostraban cuando el carro se precipitó al Océano Pacífico para simplemente sumergirse en el agua.

La policía y los socorristas respondieron después de que la mujer salió nadando, abandonando a sus dos perros en el interior.

Intentó adentrarse en el océano mientras una lancha patrullera navegaba a su lado y un policía le lanzaba un salvavidas. Finalmente, la subieron a la lancha y la detuvieron.

Los policías sacaron a sus dos perros del carro y los entregaron a Control de Animales.

Milagrosamente, todos excepto el conductor salieron sin un rasguño, ¡incluidos los perritos! La conductora fue atendida brevemente en un hospital por heridas leves antes de ser detenida y ahora se enfrenta a cargos penales.

Venice Beach Madness Driver Plunges Into Ocean With 2 Dogs

TNLA / Citizen

A BMW driver and her two Boston Terriers were filmed careening into the ocean off Venice Beach during a police pursuit, sparking a dramatic rescue operation that remarkably ended with no one seriously injured.

The woman and her two dogs were zooming down the 10 Freeway in downtown L.A., Saturday night when patrol officers clocked her going way beyond the speed limit and tried to pull her over. But she refused to stop, instead leading police on a wild chase through L.A. to Venice Beach.

Suddenly, the woman turned onto the beach and raced across the sand, heading directly for the water. Several videos posted online showed the car plunging into the Pacific Ocean and later submerged on its side in the water.

Police and lifeguards responded after the woman swam out of her car, abandoning her two pooches inside.

She tried to wade deeper into the ocean as a police boat sailed up beside her and a cop tossed her a life preserver. She was eventually pulled onto the boat and taken into custody.

Cops recused her two dogs from the car and turned them over to Animal Control.

Miraculously, everyone except the driver walked away without a scratch, including the doggies! The motorist was briefly treated at a hospital for minor injuries before she was arrested and now she faces criminal charges.

Don Lemon Elon Doesn't Answer to People ... Especially Ones Who Look Different

Don Lemon's not letting up on Elon Musk one bit ... hitting his new nemesis repeatedly in an explosive interview -- and making some pretty big insinuations.

The talk show host sat down with People in an interview published Sunday to promote his upcoming talk with Musk -- scheduled for release Monday -- and said he thinks Elon was put in a very unfamiliar position.

Among his comments, Lemon said this, "He's not used to being held to account. He's not used to having to answer to anyone, especially someone like me who doesn't share his worldview, who doesn't look like him. You know what I'm saying?"

Reading between the lines a bit here ... it seems Don's saying Elon's not used to answering to Black people -- instead usually dealing with white people who think the same as him -- a pretty huge implication if we're being honest.

And, it sorta falls in line with one of the questions Don asked Elon during their talk. He shared a clip while promoting the upcoming interview on "The View" where he asked Musk if he thought minority pilots were less qualified than their white male counterparts.


Lemon went after Elon a couple more times in the new interview ... he also called Musk naive if he thought questions about diversity wouldn't come up, and Don claimed he really believes in free speech -- while saying EM doesn't.

DL says Elon and his team wanted to see the interview before it aired BTW ... a request Don says he straight-up denied.

The name-calling's gone on for a few days now ... late Friday night, Elon compared Don to spoiled child Veruca Salt from "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" -- best known for repeatedly whining to her dad in the '71 flick.

In any case ... it seems the beef's getting more intense as the time to the interview's release ticks down -- just a few more hours left!

Elon Musk Compares Don Lemon To 'Wonka' Brat ... Amid X Show Drama

Elon Musk upped the ante in his ongoing beef with Don Lemon, comparing him to Veruca Salt — the bratty child in the 'Willy Wonka' films.

In a Friday night post on X, the billionaire mogul wrote, "Don 'Veruca Salt' [lemon emoji]" linking the former CNN moderator to the spoiled girl character, who whined about wanting things from her wealthy dad throughout the famous 1971 flick.

As you know, the bad blood between the two men stems from Elon canceling Don’s contract to host his own TV show on the X social media platform, which is owned by Musk.

Earlier this week, Elon got pissed at Don after they sat down for an interview that was scheduled to appear on X, but never did.


Don asked some questions that rubbed Elon the wrong way, prompting Musk to terminate the deal they had together before the show even aired.

Don then went on CNN – his former employer – to discuss what happened with host Erin Burnett. A few clips of the Elon interview were aired, giving a window into the line questioning that annoyed Musk. Hate speech on X and Elon's ketamine use were among the topics talked about.

The New York Post reported Friday that Don issued a list of demands to Elon during contract negotiations, including a free Tesla Cybertruck and $8 million with $5 million paid upfront.

Just Watch The Interview

We caught up with Don following the whole debacle and he told us X needs his voice on the platform.

Clearly, Elon doesn't think so.

Cara Delevingne Looks Shattered After Mansion Devastation

Friday was a very tough day for Cara Delevingne after her $7 million L.A. mansion burned to the ground – and the devastation was written all over her face.

Check out these photos obtained by TMZ ... Cara looked shattered in the backseat seat of a car, leaving the Kit Kat Club at the Playhouse Theatre in London following her performance in "Cabaret" Friday night.

In one snap, the model placed a hand against her head while seemingly staring into space as her mother, Pandora, seated beside her, tried to comfort her.

Other pictures showed a side view of Cara inside the car, covering her face with her arm. Cara's dad, Charles, also came out to show much-needed support for his daughter after the devastating blaze.

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As we first reported ... Cara's L.A. area estate went up in flames early Friday morning, turning into a smoldering black carcass after firefighters put out the flames.

She had first insinuated her 2 cats had perished in the fire, but she later clarified on Instagram her felines were just fine. Still no word yet on how the kittens were rescued.

The Los Angeles Fire Department's arson unit is investigating, but, we're told, that's just SOP.

She's Devastated

Cara's parents gave their own insights during an interview with a photog in London Friday. They claimed the blaze was the result of an electrical fire sparked by a powerline that went rogue due to the windy conditions in SoCal.

Elon Musk Compara a Don Lemon con la niña malcriada de "Wonka"...

Elon Musk subió la apuesta en su actual disputa con Don Lemon, comparando al presentador con Veruca Salt, la niña malcriada de las películas de "Willy Wonka".

En un post del viernes por la noche en X, el multimillonario magante escribió: "Don "Veruca Salt" [emoji de limón]", vinculando al ex moderador de CNN con el personaje de la niña mimada, que se quejaba de querer cosas de su padre rico a lo largo de la famosa película de 1971.

Como se sabe, la mala sangre entre los dos hombres se deriva de que Elon canceló el contrato de Don para presentar su propio programa de televisión en la plataforma de redes sociales X, que es de propiedad de Musk.

A principios de esta semana, Elon se enojó con Don por una entrevista suya que estaba programada que apareciera en X, pero nunca se emitió.

Los hechos no le importaban

En esa entrevista, Don hizo algunas preguntas que irritaron a Elon y lo llevaron a terminar el acuerdo que tenían juntos, incluso antes de que el programa saliera al aire.

Don entonces fue a CNN, su antiguo empleador, para discutir lo ocurrido con la presentadora Erin Burnett. Allí se emitieron algunos clips de la entrevista que daban una idea de lo que pudo haber molestado a Musk. El discurso de odio en X y su consumo de ketamina fueron algunos de los temas que se hablaron.

El New York Post informó el viernes que Don solicitó una lista de demandas a Elon durante las negociaciones del contrato, incluyendo un Tesla Cybertruck libre y $8 millones, con $ 5 millones pagados por adelantado.

Solo miren la entrevista

Nos pusimos al día con Don después de toda la debacle y nos dijo que X necesita su voz en la plataforma.

Está claro que Elon no piensa lo mismo.

Cara Delevingne Se ve destrozada tras el incendio en su mansión

El viernes fue un día muy duro para Cara Delevingne después de que su mansión de 7 millones de dólares en Los Ángeles se quemara hasta los cimientos, y la devastación se notaba en su cara.

Echa un vistazo a estas fotos obtenidas por TMZ, Cara parecía destrozada en el asiento trasero de un carro, mientras dejaba el Kit Kat Club en el Teatro Playhouse de Londres después de su actuación en "Cabaret" el viernes por la noche.

En una foto, la modelo aparece con una mano en la cabeza y mirando al vacío mientras su madre, Pandora, que está sentada a su lado, trata de consolarla.

Otras imágenes muestran una vista lateral de Cara dentro del carro, donde aparece cubriéndose la cara con el brazo. El padre de Cara, Charles, también estaba en el vehículo para mostrarle su apoyo a su hija después del devastador incendio.

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La desafortunada escena

Como informamos por primera vez, la propiedad de Cara en Los Ángeles se incendió en la madrugada del viernes, convirtiéndose en un montón de humo y cenizas luego de que los bomberos lograran controlar las llamas.

En un primer momento, había insinuado que sus 2 gatos habían perdido la vida en el incendio, pero más tarde aclaró en Instagram que sus felinos estaban bien. Todavía no se sabe cómo fueron rescatados los gatitos.

La unidad de incendios provocados del Departamento de Bomberos de Los Ángeles está investigando, pero nos dicen que es solo el procedimiento habitual.

Ella está devastada

Los padres de Cara dieron su propia opinión en una entrevista con un fotógrafo en Londres el viernes. Afirmaron que el incendio fue provocado por un accidente en una línea eléctrica debido a las condiciones del viento en el Sur de California.


Actor and comedian King Bach is the latest celeb to fall victim in a rash of home burglaries in L.A., and this time the crooks scored quite the haul ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us a burglary crew hit up KB's home in January ... and took off with $200K worth of cash and jewelry!

Cops launched an investigation, and ended up busting a burglary crew they believe is responsible for a series of other burglaries around town. Multiple people were charged with felonies, but unfortunately, Bach hasn't gotten back his jewelry.

We're told that police don't believe the actor was the prime target during the crime spree. Detectives are continuing their investigation to see if more hits are linked to this crew.

Luckily, cops say KB -- whose real name is Andrew Byron Bachelor -- wasn't at home at the time of the burglary, otherwise, that could've been a whole different ball game.

These Hollywood heists don't seem to be slowing down ... as we've previously reported, IG model Abigail Ratchford and OnlyFans model Corinna Kopf were also hit by bandits.

Cara Delevingne Parents Reveal Cause of House Fire ... Say She's Devastated

She's Devastated

Cara Delevingne's tragic house fire may have been electrical in origin ... at least that's what her mom and dad are saying -- who are out in the UK to support their daughter's play.

The model's parents, Charles and Pandora, got interviewed by a photog Friday in London -- where it seems the whole family's in town as Cara performs there at the Playhouse Theatre. They were asked if they knew how the fire started, and they said they did.

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Check it out ... Charles says a rogue powerline may be to blame after a "very windy" night in Southern California. He also says that it was an electrical fire that got out of control.

FWIW ... we're hearing from our law enforcement sources that an official cause still hasn't been attributed just yet -- and officials are still in the early stages of the investigation.

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Traffic News Los Angeles

BTW, despite reports suggesting this being investigated as arson -- our sources tell us that's not entirely accurate. While an arson unit is in the mix as they look into this -- we're told arson is not being seriously suspected. It's SOP to have arson looked into for a fire like this.

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Instagram / @caradelevingne

We broke the story ... Cara's L.A.-area home caught ablaze in the early hours Friday -- prompting a massive turnout from the fire department, part of which was caught on video.

The situation almost became even more heartbreaking after Cara shared a photo of her two cats on Instagram, seemingly suggesting they may have perished in the flames.

Cara later clarified that her felines were fine, sharing the happy update with her Instagram followers. It's unclear if the cats were rescued by the firefighters, per se, but somebody obviously got them out safe and sound. Cara thanked firefighters regardless.


It seems that Charles and Pandora didn't get the news of her cats being okay at the time of this interview -- 'cause they say here that they were still missing as far as they knew ... but luckily, they've been located.

Pandora also shared some insight into Cara's heartbreak over the sad scene, explaining that her model daughter "had her whole life" in the torched residence -- and had apparently lost a lot of items in the fire. She also says Cara is devastated ... and understandably so.

The show must go on, though ... Cara still showed up to do her Friday night performance at the Playhouse Theatre -- and her parents were right there to support her.

Tough day for the Delevingnes, no doubt.

Don Lemon Standing By Elon Musk Interview ... X Needs Talks Like These!!!

Just Watch The Interview

Don Lemon's defending his interview with Elon Musk ... asking people to watch the interview before they dismiss him -- and saying X would benefit from these kinds of convos.

We caught up with the talk show host in the Big Apple Friday and asked him all about his upcoming interview with Elon ... he's challenging people to sit down, watch the interview and let him know why he's not the right voice for X -- 'cause Don says he can't figure it out!

facts weren't important

Lemon -- who says he's open to speaking to Musk despite his recent firing -- says he's giving the platform the kind of conversation he thinks it needs ... and he wants X to hire people with his viewpoint to further its free speech goals.

When asked if he'd consider the Shannon Sharpe/"Club Shay Shay" route -- DL seems to be thinking about it, and he's got nothing but praise for the former Denver Bronco.

As for whether his beef with Don might cause Elon to lose followers ... Lemon's a lot less sure. He seems to think Elon is uber-popular with his base, regardless.

BTW ... Elon's resorting to name-calling in this beef -- calling Don a "pompous fool" on X Friday before saying he's still got the right to share the interview on X when it drops.

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Don's on his full rollout tour right now -- sharing bits and pieces of his interview set for release on YouTube and X on Monday, and he shared a particularly wild clip on "The View" Friday.


Check out the latest clip he dropped on "The View" ... Don asks EM if he values women and minority pilots less than men, and Elon says no -- but he also cites replies on his platform as alleged evidence standards are being lowered to include them in the profession.

All in all, not really a great look for the X CEO ... and it seems like this is just the very tip of the controversy iceberg.

The whole interview's out March 18 ... and it looks like we'll just have to take Don's advice and watch it for ourselves!

Luke Bryan's Nashville Bar Says It Only Gave Riley 1 Drink ... Deny Overserving Claim

Luke Bryan's Nashville bar says Riley Strain only had one drink while at their establishment last week -- denying overserving claims and other narratives that have been floated.

A rep for the TC Restaurant Group and Luke's 32 Bridge tells TMZ ... they quickly provided cops with any and all pertinent information in helping track Riley's whereabouts when he first disappeared last Friday -- including handing over all the surveillance footage they had.

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They go on to say they also forked over receipts, transaction records and time stamps to prove what exactly he drank while in the building ... and as it turns out, they're saying he only purchased and was served one alcoholic drink.

In addition to the boozy beverage, Luke's 32 Bridge says Riley was also given two waters.

Despite this, they say their security team made a decision around 9:35 PM that Riley needed to go -- based on their conduct standards, they say -- and the muscle escorted him to the front of the venue ... where they say he was accompanied by one person in his party.

They also claim the dude who came downstairs with him did not exit with Riley, but instead ... returned upstairs without him. This is different than what Riley's family has said in interviews ... where his father seemed to suggest his friends had been blocked from leaving.

Ryan Gilbert, Riley's dad, told FOX17 ... "He was put out of the bar by himself, and there was a time that went by that his friend wasn’t able to get out. We believe they were taking care of the bar tab or whatnot. By the time they got outside, he just wasn’t there any longer."

On its face, it would appear the dad was putting some blame on the bar -- and even when police first relayed what had allegedly happened ... they said they'd been told Riley was overserved, something Luke's 32 Bridge is now explicitly refuting with their information.

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Of course, this comes on the heels of the TABC opening an investigation into claims that the bar gave him one drink too many -- with a misdemeanor charge on the table. They made clear that it's against the law to serve someone alcohol who is visibly intoxicated.

That seems to be the lingering question here ... was Riley obviously drunk to the bar staff?

Luke himself has already addressed the tragic story in the wake of Riley's week-long disappearance -- he posted a message asking for prayers and noting his bar was cooperating with the authorities. Officials have scoured the Nashville area looking for Riley, with no luck.

Cops are asking anyone with reliable information on Riley's whereabouts to call 615-742-7463.

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Cara Delevingne Su casa en L.A. se incendia... Gran respuesta de los bomberos


12:31 PM PT -- Cara Delevingne ha abordado el incendio en su casa, pero preocupó a mucha gente al insinuar que sus gatos habían muerto en el incendio, lo que ha aclarado que no es el caso.

Al principio, Cara publicó una foto de dos gatitos persas con el comentario: "Mi corazón se rompió hoy ... No me lo puedo creer. La vida puede cambiar en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Así que aprecia lo que tienes".

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Registro de los bomberos
Instagram / @caradelevingne

Luego publicó imágenes de su propiedad que le habían enviado con otro mensaje que decía: "Gracias desde el fondo de mi corazón a todos los bomberos y personas que han aparecido para ayudar". Por supuesto, su mensaje sobre los gatos asustó a muchos, haciéndoles creer que sus mascotas habían fallecido en el incendio. Pero, Cara ha dejado las cosas claras.

Luego publicó una segunda foto de los gatos, diciendo: "¡Están vivos! Gracias a los bomberos". ¡Uf!

8:48 AM PT -- Un estremecedor video de la mansión de Cara Delevingne en Hollywood Hills, grabado esta mañana, muestra lo catastrófico que fue el incendio. Todavía se pueden ver rescoldos de humo saliendo de la casa.

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La desafortunada escena

La casa de Cara Delevingne en Los Ángeles se incendió esta semana en medio de la noche y resultó ser un gran incendio que requirió la intervención de mucha gente.

La propiedad de la modelo en Studio City comenzó a arder la madrugada del viernes, alrededor de las 3:52 AM, según nos dicen, y requirió una gran respuesta de los bomberos, quienes usaron sus mangueras para apagar las llamas que se habían apoderado de la casa.

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Ardiendo en medio de la noche
Traffic News Los Angeles

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que se registró una llamada al 911 por un incendio alrededor de las 3:57 AM PST, y cuando los bomberos llegaron a la escena se dieron cuenta de que un cuarto situado en la parte trasera de la propiedad había agarrado fuego, aunque no está clara la posible causa por ahora.

En cualquier caso, se trataba de un gran incendio. Nos dicen que el fuego se extendió hasta el ático y nuestras fuentes dicen que parte del techo incluso se derrumbó. Nos dicen que los bomberos tardaron más de 2 horas en contenerlo y apagarlo por completo. No solo eso, nuestras fuentes dicen que hubo algunos lesionados.

Nos dicen que un bombero se cayó de una escalera tratando de apagar el fuego y resultó herido, aunque no está claro el alcance de sus lesiones, y nuestras fuentes dicen que un ocupante de la casa fue tratado por inhalación de humo también.

Sabemos que Cara no estaba en la escena. Ella está en Inglaterra en este momento y fue fotografiada por ahí por el jueves. Cara ha estado actuando en el Teatro Playhouse de Londres toda la semana.

No podemos subestimar la magnitud del incendio, ya que requirió una gran respuesta. En total, nos dicen que 94 bomberos se presentaron en la propiedad para luchar contra el fuego y que 13 motores diferentes llegaron a la escena. Nuestras fuentes dicen que también se enviaron 4 ambulancias a la propiedad.

No hace falta decir que la casa de Cara es una belleza y apareció en una edición de Architectural Digest en 2021, en la que ella y su hermana ofrecieron un recorrido por los jardines y mostraron la remodelación de su interior. Es una casa de 4 dormitorios, 6 baños y más de 8.000 pies cuadrados.

Incluye casi todos los elementos que tienen las mansiones de lujo en Los Ángeles.

Un dato interesante: esta casa se construyó originalmente en 1941 para una familia famosa: los Von der Ahes, fundadores de la cadena de supermercados Vons. Así que sí, hay historia en esta casa.

Nos pusimos en contacto con su equipo, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Cara Delevingne Addresses Fire at Home ... Clarifies Cats Are Alive!!!


12:31 PM PT -- Cara Delevingne has addressed the fire at her home, but she worried a lot of people by insinuating that her cats had died in the blaze ... something she's now clarified as not being the case.

At first, Cara posted a photo of two Persian kitties of hers with the caption ... "My heart if broken today ... I cannot believe it. Life can change in a blink of an eye. So cherish what you have."

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Instagram / @caradelevingne

She then posted B-roll footage that was taken at her property and sent to her, and another message that read, "Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the firefighters and people that have showed up to help."

Of course, her cat post startled many ... leading them to believe her pets had perished in the fire. But, Cara has set the record straight.

She posted a second photo of the cats, and wrote ... "They are alive!! Thank you to the firefighters." Phew!

8:48 AM PT -- Harrowing video of Cara Delevingne's Hollywood Hills mansion, shot this morning, shows just how catastrophic the fire was. You can still see smoke embers rising from the home.

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Cara Delevingne's Los Angeles-area home caught on fire this week in the dead of night -- and it turned out to be a massive blaze that required the cavalry to be called in.

The model's massive property in Studio City was ablaze early Friday morning -- around 3:52 AM, we're told -- which required a massive response from the fire department ... with firefighters rushing in with hoses to put out flames that had overtaken much of the home.

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Traffic News Los Angeles

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... a 911 call for a fire first came in around 3:57 AM PST, and when the fire crews showed up, we're told they came to realize that a backroom of some sort on the property caught on fire -- although it's unclear what the cause is for now.

In any case, this was a big one ... we're told the fire spread up into the attic and our sources say part of the roof even collapsed. We're told it took firefighters upwards of 2 hours to get it contained and fully put it out. Not just that, but our sources say some injuries occurred.

We're told one firefighter fell off a ladder trying to put out the blaze and was hurt -- although it's unclear to what extent -- and our sources say an occupant at the home was treated for smoke inhalation as well.

We know Cara was not on the scene ... she's in England right now, and was photographed out and about on Thursday. Cara's been performing there at the Playhouse Theatre all week.

We can't understate how big of a fire this was, as it required a huge response. In total ... we're told 94 total firefighters showed up to fight the blaze in 13 different engines that arrived on the scene. Our sources say 4 ambulances were also sent to the property.

It goes without saying, Cara's home here is a beaut and was actually featured in an Architectural Digest spread in 2021 -- where she and and her sister gave a tour of the grounds, including their remodel of the inside. It's a 4-bed, 6-bath home that's over 8,000 sq. feet.

It includes just about all the bells and whistles of luxury in Los Angeles.

Interesting tidbit -- this home was originally built in 1941 for a famous family ... the Von der Ahes, the founders of the Vons supermarket chain. So yeah, there's history for this house.

We've reached out to her camp ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 7:09 AM PT

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