Subway Brawl Man Shot in Head with His Own Gun ... Altercation Caught on Video


A NYC subway rider is in critical condition after getting shot in the head at the end of a brutal brawl where he was also stabbed ... and the whole thing was recorded by an onlooker.

This went down Thursday in Brooklyn, where cops say 2 men got into a fight while they were both riding a subway car -- their showdown alarmed nearby commuters, some of whom started shooting video as it got physical.

Police say they were told the man who was shot actually instigated things -- and that seems to be confirmed by the video -- as he squared off with the other guy.


While the 2 men were punching and wrestling each other, a woman enters the fray and apparently stabs one of them in the back -- it appears she was with the other combatant. l

The stabbing victim, who was visibly bleeding, started screaming and asking if she'd stabbed him .. and then fumbles in his jacket pocket for a gun.

The man he was originally fighting ran over and tried to shield his woman ... as the gun-wielding man corners them.

At that point, everyone else in the subway car started running in the opposite direction ... desperately trying to get off, because they've seen the gun. It was a tense and terrifying scene ... and as they were cowering 4 gunshots go off.

Struggling To Stay Safe

Someone captured the aftermath of this -- where you can see cops on the scene attending to the man who was shot ... and as you can see it's the man who originally pulled out the gun.

The other man was eventually cuffed and led away, but it's unclear if he's been charged yet.

Rushed Out

NYC officials say it appears the man who was detained wrestled the gun away and fired upon the other man -- no word on whether this will be determined to be self-defense. The man who was shot was eventually rushed away by paramedics, and he's hospitalized in critical condition.

Oprah Esta es la razón por la que dejé WeightWatchers ... No era apropiado!!!

No hay conflicto de interés

Oprah Winfrey dice que renunció al directorio de WeightWatchers después de casi una década "porque no era apropiado" y no quería parecer poco ética.

La leyenda del talk show explicó su decisión a Jimmy Kimmel el jueves, donde dijo que su próximo especial sobre medicamentos para bajar de peso jugó un papel importante en su decisión de abandonar la empresa en la que estuvo años como embajadora oficial.

De acuerdo a Oprah, este especial de televisión sobre la pérdida de peso en el que ha estado trabajando era muy importante para ella, por lo que quería deshacerse de cualquier señal que pudiera ser considerada inapropiada.

Específicamente, O dice que no quería que la gente pensara que estaba promoviendo un especial sobre medicamentos para perder peso y asumiera que estaba haciendo dinero por estar vinculada a WeightWatchers, que ahora está en el negocio de prescribir los mismos medicamentos como Ozempic.

La salida de Oprah de WeightWatchers se supo hace dos semanas, cuando anunció que iba a donar todas sus acciones de la compañía al National Museum of African American History and Culture. Por supuesto, también admitió recientemente que ella misma toma medicamentos para perder peso.

Ahora que ha dado un paso al costado, le dijo a Kimmel que nadie podrá acusarla de estar haciendo esto con fines de lucro, porque no hay nada que ganar en este momento. También dice que para el equipo de WeightWatchers fue muy dura la noticia de su despedida.

En otra parte de la entrevista, Oprah compartió por qué abrazó estos milagrosos medicamentos, diciendo que un doctor le dijo que sus luchas por perder peso estaban vinculadas a su genética y que "la obesidad es una enfermedad." Dice que con los fármacos ha perdido 12 kilos.

El especial de Oprah "Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution" se emite el lunes.

Oprah Here's Why I Left WeightWatchers ... It Was a Bad Look!!!

No Conflict Of Interest

Oprah Winfrey says she stepped down from the WeightWatchers board after nearly a decade 'cause it was a super bad look ... and she didn't want to come off as unethical.

The talk show legend explained her decision to Jimmy Kimmel Thursday ... sharing that her upcoming special about prescription weight loss drugs played a major factor in her decision to leave the company she's been with for years as an official ambassador.

As Oprah put it ... this weight loss medication TV special she's working on was very important to her -- so she wanted to shed any appearance of impropriety by being involved.

Specifically ... O says she didn't want people to think she was just promoting a special about weight loss meds and assume she was making money off of it by being attached to WW -- which is now in the business of prescribing those same medications, like Ozempic.

News of Oprah's WW exit dropped two weeks ago -- when she announced that she was donating all her shares in the company to the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Of course, she's also recently admitted she's on weight loss drugs herself.


Now that she's taken the step of leaving WW behind, she told Kimmel nobody could accuse her of doing all this for profit ... 'cause there's no money to be made at this point. She also says the WeightWatchers crew took the news of her bowing out pretty hard.

In a separate portion of this interview, Oprah shares why she embraced the miracle drugs -- saying her weight struggles over the years were tied to her genetics by a doc, and she went so far as to say that "obesity is a disease." She says she's lost 40 lbs. on the drugs.

Oprah's special 'Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution' airs Monday.

Caída Del Boeing 787 Pudo deberse a un golpe de la azafata en la cabina

Un inocente error de una integrante de la tripulación fue lo que probablemente causó la caída en picada del Boeing 787 Dreamliner y que hirió a decenas de pasajeros en un vuelo de LATAM esta semana. Esto, de acuerdo con un nuevo informe.

El Wall Street Journal dice que la evidencia preliminar apunta a un incidente en la cabina. Al parecer, cuando una asistente de vuelo estaba sirviendo la comida, accidentalmente golpeó un interruptor en el asiento del piloto, lo que habría causado la caída del avión.

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Aterrador vuelo

El interruptor tiene una cubierta que busca evitar que sucedan este tipo de incidentes mientras el piloto está sentado, de acuerdo con el informe del WSJ, pero es evidente que algo salió mal, o se trata de un tremendo error del operador.

Como informamos, la aerolínea chilena estaba volando de Australia a Nueva Zelanda el lunes cuando sufrió una fuerte caída, que arrojó a varios pasajeros hacia el techo del avión. El piloto fue capaz de recuperar el control y todos aterrizaron en Auckland, pero 50 personas fueron tratadas por diversas lesiones que no ponían en peligro su vida.

Las autoridades sacaron las cajas negras del avión el martes para comenzar su investigación.

No era una película

Lo realmente interesante es que, según los pasajeros, el piloto dijo que el panel de instrumentos de la cabina se había ido a negro repentinamente durante unos momentos mientras intentaba explicar qué había pasado.

Si el informe del WSJ es cierto, parece que el piloto no compartió toda la historia.

Boeing 787 Nosedive Report Flight Attendant Bumped Switch On Pilot's Seat

An innocent flight crew mistake is likely what sent a Boeing 787 Dreamliner into a nosedive that injured dozens of passengers on a LATAM flight this week ... according to a new report.

The Wall Street Journal says the preliminary evidence points to an incident in the cockpit -- while serving a meal, a flight attendant accidentally bumped a switch on the pilot's motorized seat ... pushing it forward and sending the plane into the nosedive.

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Frightening Flight

The switch has a cover that's supposed to prevent this kinda thing from happening while the pilot's seated, according to the WSJ report, but clearly something malfunctioned ... or it's a horrifying case of operator error.

As we reported, the Chile-based airliner was flying from Australia to New Zealand on Monday when it started plummeting, pinning several passengers to the cabin ceiling. The pilot was able to regain control and they landed in Auckland, where 50 people were treated for various non-life-threatening injuries.

Authorities took the black boxes off the plane on Tuesday to begin their investigation.

It's Not A Movie

Here's what's really interesting -- according to passengers, the pilot said the cockpit instrument panel had suddenly gone black for a few moments as he tried to explain what went wrong.

If the WSJ report is accurate, it would appear the pilot didn't exactly share the full story.

Meghan Markle Lanza nueva marca de estilo de vida... Quiere vender un montón de cosas

Meghan Markle está lanzando una nueva marca de estilo de vida, y parece que tiene algunas ideas sobre lo que quiere hacer con ella, lo que podría incluir vender una gran variedad de productos.

La compañía de la duquesa de Sussex aplicó para bloquear los derechos de la marca American Riviera Orchard a principios de febrero, que fue anunciada oficialmente el jueves en las redes, y que implicó solicitudes de marca en un montón de diferentes categorías.

Entre los artículos que podría terminar vendiendo bajo la nueva empresa, suponiendo que las marcas sean aprobadas, estarían libros de cocina, vajilla, servicios de café y té, jaleas, mermeladas, manteles, libros de cocina, cubiertos, untables de todo tipo y mucho más.

Y parece que espera que las cosas se muevan sin problemas porque, como hemos dicho, ya lanzó el sitio web y una cuenta de Instagram dedicada a la nueva empresa.

Hasta el momento, la página de IG solo muestra el logotipo de la empresa, pero un clip corto en la historia de la página muestra a Markle horneando mientras escucha "I Wish You Love" de Nancy Wilson. La página ya tiene 199k seguidores, por cierto, por lo que es seguro decir que la gente está muy emocionada con lo que Markle está preparando.

Aunque no está claro exactamente lo que Meghan planea hacer con el nuevo sitio, un montón de fans en línea están especulando que será una versión actualizada de The Tig, un blog de estilo de vida que Markle tenía desde antes de casarse con el príncipe Harry.

The Tig también incluía recetas, ensayos personales y consejos de Markle, todo lo que podría estar incluido en American Riviera Orchard. Tendremos que esperar y ver, suponemos. Meg no ha anunciado cuándo va a correr la cortina, pero hay una lista de espera abierta.

Después del turbulento 2023 de la pareja real, que incluyó un acuerdo junto a Spotify que se vino abajo y una rumoreada asociación con Dior que nunca llegó a buen puerto, esto parece como si Meg quisiera volver a sus raíces de estilo de vida.

El tiempo dirá si este huerto da sus frutos.

Meghan Markle Launching New Lifestyle Brand ... Wants to Sell Tons of Stuff

Meghan Markle's kicking off her new lifestyle brand, and it looks like she's got a few ideas about what she wants to do with it ... including potentially selling a variety of products.

The Duchess of Sussex's company applied to lock up the rights to something called American Riviera Orchard in early February -- which she officially announced Thursday online -- submitting trademark applications in a bunch of different categories.

Among the items she might end up selling under the new venture -- assuming the trademarks get approved, that is -- are cookbooks, tableware, coffee and tea services, jellies, jams, tablecloths, cookbooks, servingware, cutlery, spreads of all kinds ... and lots more.

It seems she's expecting things to move smoothly in that direction ... 'cause, like we said, she just launched both the ARO website and an Instagram page dedicated to the new venture.

So far, the IG page only shows the company's logo ... but a short clip on the page's story shows Markle baking while Nancy Wilson's "I Wish You Love" plays over it. The page already has 199k followers BTW -- safe to say, people are very excited for whatever Markle's got cookin'.

While it's unclear exactly what MM plans to do with the new site, tons of fans online are speculating it'll be an updated version of The Tig -- Markle's lifestyle blog from before she married Prince Harry.

The Tig also featured recipes, personal essays and advice from Markle, all of which could factor into American Riviera Orchard's offerings. We'll just have to wait and see, we suppose -- Meg hasn't announced when she's gonna pull back the curtain, but there's a waitlist open.

After the royal couple's somewhat turbulent 2023 -- including a Spotify deal that fell through and a rumored Dior partnership that never came to fruition -- this seems like Meg going back to basics, and to her lifestyle roots.

Time will tell if this Orchard bears fruit.

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Kate Middleton Instagram advierte a los usuarios que su foto es falsa AFP no confía más en ellos

La saga de Kate Middleton continúa. Debido a que el Palacio de Kensington decidió mantener su foto editada en Instagram, la plataforma le está advirtiendo a la gente que se trata de una imagen fraudulenta.

Instagram le da dado una cachetada oficial a su foto del Día de la Madre, la que se supo que estaba súper editada, con una bandera que le permite a los usuarios saber explícitamente que la imagen no es auténtica y que deberían tener cuidado con ella.

Su post de Instagram ahora dice: "Foto/video alterado. La misma foto alterada fue revisada por verificadores de hechos independientes en otro post".

Una descripción adicional de la alerta dice que el verificador de hechos encontró que la foto había sido editada de una manera que podría inducir a la gente a error, pero no porque se mostrara fuera de contexto. En otras palabras, ¡esto se cocinó en un laboratorio!

El verificador de hechos en que se basa IG (Meta) para sacar estas conclusiones es una empresa llamada EFE Verifica, una organización española que se especializa en este tipo de cosas.

Por cierto, Instagram no es la única empresa que se está distanciando de la foto de Kate. La agencia de noticias francesa AFP (un actor muy respetado) salió públicamente a decir esta semana que no consideran que el Palacio de Kensington sea una fuente confiable.

El director global de AFP dijo que iban a examinar seriamente cualquier cosa que les envíe Kensington en el futuro y también enviaron un aviso a sus equipos a nivel mundial.

Es un gran golpe a la reputación del Palacio de Kensington, sin duda, y el hecho de que aún tengan esta imagen manipulada es sorprendente, especialmente con todas las reacciones, teorías conspirativas y especulaciones sobre el paradero y estado de Kate.

Prince Williams
Déjale el arte a ellos...
Sky News

El Palacio aún no ha respondido a las preguntas sobre esto, a pesar de que todo el mundo se les ha acercado para que hagan más comentarios. Pero por supuesto, este enfoque de meter la cabeza en la arena parece estar encabezado por el propio príncipe William, quien sigue con sus deberes reales como si nada hubiese pasado.

De hecho, Bill estuvo junto a Youth Zone el jueves, una organización que ayuda a los niños más desfavorecidos, con los que fue visto haciendo galletas. También aludió a Kate diciendo que su esposa era la "artística" de la familia en alusión a las decoraciones.

William ha estado haciendo un montón de cosas toda la semana, y aún no ha abordado lo que pasa con Kate. Francamente, no está claro si alguien le ha preguntado.

Si su actitud es una indicación de algo, parece que el equipo del Palacio de Kensington está siguiendo su ejemplo, pero Kate-Gate no va a desaparecer.

La pregunta sigue siendo, ¿dónde está la Princesa de Gales?


The Kate Middleton saga continues -- in light of Kensington Palace choosing to keep their fake photo of her up on Instagram ... the platform is now warning people, this is fraudulent.

IG has officially slapped the Mother's Day picture seen 'round-the-world -- which has since been revealed to be heavily edited -- with a flag that explicitly lets people know the picture ain't authentic ... and that users would be wise to be cautious with it.

The disclaimer on her post now reads, "Altered photo/video. The same altered photo was reviewed by independent fact-checkers in another post."

A further description of their decision to label her picture with this explains that the fact-checker found the photo had been edited in a way that could mislead people, but not because it was shown out of context. Translation ... this thing was cooked up in the lab!

The third-party fact-checker that IG (Meta) is relying on for this conclusion is a company called EFE Verifica -- which is a Spanish org that specializes in this sorta thing.

BTW, Instagram is not the only company that's distancing itself from Kate's pic -- French news agency AFP (a well-respected player) came out publicly this week to say that they do not consider Kensington Palace a trusted source.

AFP's global news director said they were going to heavily vet anything that Kensington sends their way going forward ... and a notice has been sent to their teams globally.

It's a big hit to the reputation of Kensington Palace, no doubt -- and the fact that they still have this doctored image up is astounding ... especially with all the backlash, conspiracy theories and speculation that has followed on Kate's whereabouts and condition.

Prince Williams
Leave The Art To Them
Sky News

Of course, this head-in-the-sand approach -- remember, the Palace has yet to address more questions about this, despite everyone having reached out for further comment -- seems to be spearheaded by Prince William himself, who's continuing on like nothing's happened.

In fact, Bill was on hand Thursday for more Royal duties with the OnSide Youth Zone -- who help disadvantaged kids -- and here, he was seen making cookies with youngsters ... and he actually alluded to Kate, saying his wife was the "arty" one as he botched icing decorations.

He's been doing a bunch of work-related stuff all week, and has yet to address head-on what's up with Kate ... frankly, it's unclear if anyone's even asked him.

If his attitude here -- namely, to ignore and power on -- is any indication ... it seems the rest of the Kensington Palace team is following his lead, but Kate-Gate ain't going away.

The question remains ... where is the Princess of Wales???

SpaceX Lanza enorme cohete al espacio... La tercera es la vencida

¡¡Tenemos despegue!!

Elon Musk todavía puede tener problemas con su empresa de redes sociales, pero en el frente espacial sí que está despegando, pues su compañía acaba de lanzar con éxito el cohete más grande que se ha visto.

SpaceX lanzó su cohete Super Heavy-Starship en órbita el jueves por la mañana, el que tuvo lugar en sus instalaciones de Boca Chica, en Texas, y este último intento marca la tercera vez que el magnate intenta poner esta bestia en el más allá.

Teniendo en cuenta que lo lograron, es realmente una hazaña impresionante, sobre todo por la magnitud del cohete, que es, literalmente, el más grande de la historia.

El cohete, en su totalidad, mide 394 pies y tiene casi 30 pies de ancho. También incluye dos componentes diferentes, la etapa superior Starship y el propulsor Super Heavy. Se dice que esta cosa puede generar más de 16 millones de libras de empuje con sus motores Raptor.

En otras palabras, es un monstruo, y el jueves, Elon y compañía lograron finalmente ponerlo en el espacio y superar nuestra atmósfera, donde inició un vuelo suborbital que está diseñado para atravesar el Golfo de México, el Atlántico y gran parte del Océano Índico.

Se supone que el cohete se desprenderá y que el booster caerá en el GOM y la etapa superior tocará tierra en el Océano Índico. Sí, se puede hacer con aterrizajes controlados.

Con el tiempo, SpaceX (y la NASA) esperan utilizar el Super Heavy-Starship para hacer viajes a la Luna, algo que no se ha hecho desde hace mucho tiempo, pero que quieren volver a poner en marcha. Ahora que este vuelo de prueba salió sin problemas (por el momento), está al alcance de la mano.

Puede que a la gente no le guste el tipo, pero esto es grande para Elon. ¡Felicitaciones!

SpaceX Launches Massive Starship Rocket ... Third Time's a Charm!!!


Elon Musk might still be having trouble with his social media venture, but on the space front he's crushing ... 'cause his company just successfully launched the largest rocket ever.

SpaceX blasted their Super Heavy-Starship rocket into orbit Thursday morning -- with liftoff taking place at their Boca Chica, TX facility ... and with this latest attempt marking their third time trying to get this massive beast out into the great beyond.

Considering they pulled it off, it's truly an impressive feat -- especially when you get a sense of the magnitude of this rocket ... which is quite literally the biggest one in human history.

The rocket, in full, stands at a whopping 394 feet and is nearly 30 feet wide -- it also includes two different components, the upper stage Starship and the Super Heavy booster. Word is, this thing can generate over 16 million pounds of thrust with its Raptor engines.

In other words, it's a monster of a machine ... and on Thursday, Elon and co. were finally able to get it up in the air and past our atmosphere, where it started a sub-orbital flight that's designed to traverse the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic and much of the Indian Ocean.

The rocket is supposed to detach, with the booster dropping into the GOM -- and the upper stage touching down in the Indian Ocean ... yes, both can be done with controlled landings.

Eventually, SpaceX (and NASA) is hoping to use the Super Heavy-Starship to make trips to the moon ... something that hasn't been done for a long time, but which they wanna start back up again. Now that this test flight went off without a hitch (so far), it's within reach.

People may not like the guy, but this is a huge W for Elon. Congrats!

Missing College Student Booted from Luke Bryan Bar Surfaces on Surveillance Video

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A college student who's been missing since Friday -- this after getting asked to leave Luke Bryan's Nashville bar -- wandered the streets aimlessly ... now seen on surveillance video.

22-year-old Riley Strain was in town last weekend, visiting with friends from the University of Missouri for a convention in Nashville -- and they went out drinking Friday night ... hitting up Luke's famous 32 Bridge bar, where cops say he got kicked out after being overserved.

Strain reportedly told his friends he'd just walk the 5 blocks back to their hotel and meet them there afterward ... but his buddies say he never turned up, having totally vanished.

Now, the police are on the case ... and they're asking the public to help locate Riley since he still hasn't turned all these days later. Nashville PD also posted some surveillance video that was captured that night, which they say shows Riley stumbling around all by himself.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The guy's said to be well over 6 feet, so he's hard to miss -- and in these videos, you see him cruising the streets almost without much direction or purpose. In one video, you see him cross the street alongside a group of people ... and he comes across as out of control.

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In another video, you can see him running, and even falls briefly. On its face, it appears he's under the influence -- which his why him going missing like this is all the more horrifying.

As for Luke himself ... he's addressed this story, taking to social media to write, "Y'all This Is Scary. Praying For His Safe Return." LB also noted his bar was cooperating with the authorities in their investigation, while also sending their thoughts and prayers to his fam.

The story has started to get national attention, and billboards in the area have already gone up advertising his disappearance. His parents have said they're incredibly worried about his well-being, calling this whole ordeal an utter nightmare. There's no question, it 100% is.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Anyone with info on Riley's whereabouts can call cops at 615-742-7463.


los hechos no son importantes

Don Lemon volvió a la cadena que lo despidió para hablar de su entrevista con Elon Musk que le hizo perder su acuerdo con X e incluso emitió algunos clips de la conversación.

El ex presentador de noticias fue presentado como invitado de Erin Burnett en CNN el miércoles, donde hablaron sobre la entrevista que hicieron con Elon y que luego provocó que este terminara el acuerdo de su compañía con Don para presentar y distribuir su nuevo programa con ellos.

Obviamente, todos tienen curiosidad de qué fue lo que cabreó tanto a Elon exactamente y ahora, tenemos una idea de lo que podría haber sido porque CNN emitió 3 extractos.

El primer clip muestra a Don compartiendo estadísticas sobre el aumento del discurso de odio en X e incluso abordó el tema de la Gran Teoría de Reemplazo, que abrazan los supremacistas blancos y de la que Elon ha sido acusado por tolerar en su plataforma.

Se puede decir de inmediato que Elon estaba molesto por el interrogatorio e incluso dejó a Don saber que no tiene que responderle a nadie, señalando que solo accedió a conversar con él porque era parte de la familia X, y Don pidió una entrevista.

Fue una interacción bien fría, y sobre ella, Don le dijo a Erin que no cree que Elon esté dispuesto a aceptar los hechos y que siente que no tiene que responderle a nadie o asumir la responsabilidad por lo que se publica en X. Los clips no terminaron allí, sin embargo ..

nada de información personal

En otro clip Don le pregunta a Elon sobre su consumo de ketamina, algo que Elon ha admitido y aunque este tema no era tan incómodo, se puede decir que era algo personal para. Básicamente, dijo que si la gente está deprimida, deberían investigarlo.

También hablaron de política y Elon dijo que no estaba listo para apoyar a ningún candidato, aunque dijo que se inclinaba por Biden. Señaló que él y Trump habían hablado recientemente en Mar-a-Lago y dijo que no le había donado a Donald Trump en absoluto.

Cuento corto, Don volvió a la boca del lobo para transmitir estos clips y es bastante irónico, teniendo en cuenta que le dieron una patada para priorizar un liderazgo diferente.

En cualquier caso, Don vuelve a estar sin casa mediática y va a publicar su contenido directamente en todas las redes sociales. Su entrevista con Elon se emitirá íntegra el lunes.

Don Lemon Airs Clips of Elon Interview on CNN ... Very Tense Conversation

facts weren't important

Don Lemon went back to the network that fired him to talk about his Elon Musk interview that made him lose out on his deal with X ... and he even aired some clips from their chat.

The former news anchor was featured as Erin Burnett's guest on CNN Wednesday, where they spoke about this sit-down Don did with Elon just yesterday -- which then triggered Elon to terminate his company's deal with Don to host and distribute his new show with them.

Obviously, everyone has been curious about what exactly was said that pissed EM off so much -- and now, we have a sense of what it might've been ... 'cause CNN aired 3 excerpts.

The first clip they played showed Don rattling off stats about an uptick in hate speech on X -- and DL even entertained the topic of the Great Replacement Theory, embraced by white supremacists ... which Elon's been accused of entertaining and tolerating on his platform.

You could tell right off the bat that Elon was annoyed by the line of questioning -- and he even let Don know, he doesn't have to answer anyone's questions ... noting he only agreed to chat with Don because he was now part of the X family, and Don asked for an interview.

It was an icy interaction ... and Don goes on to tell Erin he doesn't think Elon is willing to accept facts -- going on to say he feels like Elon doesn't have to answer to anyone or take accountability for what's posted on X. The clips didn't end there, though ... there was more.

getting personal

Another clip aired where Don asked Elon about his ketamine use -- something Elon has admitted to -- and while that topic wasn't nearly as awkward ... you can tell it was somewhat personal for Elon. He basically said if people are depressed, they should look into it.


They also talked politics at one point ... and Elon said he wasn't ready to endorse any candidate just yet -- although he did say he was leaning away from Biden. He noted he and Trump had recently spoken at Mar-a-Lago ... and said he hadn't donated to DT at all.

Long story short ... Don went back into the lion's den to air these clips -- which is pretty ironic, considering they kicked him to the curb, albeit under different leadership.

In any case, Don's without a media home again ... and he's gonna post his content straight to all social media platforms regardless. His Elon interview airs in full Monday.

DON LEMON SU ALIANZA CON X LLEGA A SU FIN Dicen que Elon está cabreado

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¿por qué tan enojado elon?

Don Lemon ha cancelado su acuerdo con X antes de que se emitiera el primer episodio, y culpa a su entrevista con Elon Musk, en la que aparentemente tocó un punto delicado.

El ex presentador de CNN anunció el miércoles en redes sociales el fin de su acuerdo exclusivo con la plataforma de Elon Musk, tanto a través de una declaración escrita como en un breve video que irónicamente publicó en X.

Don explica que se sentó con Elon el viernes para entrevistarlo en el primer episodio de "The Don Lemon Show", diciendo que quería tener a Musk como su primer invitado, porque Elon se considera un gran defensor de la libertad de expresión.

Don dijo que la entrevista no tenía temas fuera de límite, y aunque Don admite que la conversación se puso tensa a ratos, en última instancia dice que las cosas salieron bien.

Sin embargo, parece que Musk no se sentía de la misma manera, y afirma que su acuerdo con X -acordado hace apenas dos meses- se terminó apenas unas horas después de su entrevista.

Lemon le dijo a sus fans que trabajó con X porque es un creyente en la libertad de expresión y quería que su mensaje llegara a un público masivo, y ser "despedido" de X no impide que el ex presentador de CNN lo transmita en la plataforma y en otros lugares.

Lemon dice que todavía piensa publicar la entrevista el lunes 18 de marzo en YouTube y X, lo que podría tomarse como una afrenta hacia Elon. También va a seguir con el programa sin el respaldo de X, así que "The Don Lemon Show" sigue en pie.

En cuanto a lo que exactamente discutieron, no sabemos mucho, pero los informes sugieren que Don hizo algunas preguntas contundentes, incluyendo preguntas sobre el uso de Musk de la ketamina.

Aparentemente, Lemon todavía piensa que X le debe dinero, con un portavoz de Don diciéndole al sitio de noticias Puck, que está dispuesto a ir a los tribunales por el dinero que cree que le deben.

Por su parte, X dice que su plataforma apoya la libertad de expresión, y Don puede publicar libremente lo que quiera, pero X, por otra parte, sigue siendo un negocio y puede optar por iniciar o terminar asociaciones con empresas como mejor le parezca.

En cuanto a Elon... le respondió a una cuenta de parodia de Mark Zuckerberg en X y afirmó que Don todavía estaba haciendo sus trucos de CNN en X y dijo que sentía que solo estaba repitiendo los mismos pasos que su antiguo jefe en la red, Jeff Zucker. Elon también dice que sentía Don no estaba siendo auténtico... y parecer esto fue suficiente para desechar el acuerdo.

Parece que hay mala sangre en ambos frentes, y estamos seguros de que esto no ha terminado todavía.

Don Lemon X Partnership Falls Apart ... Reportedly Pissed Off Elon

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Don Lemon's X partnership is dunzo -- his deal falling apart before the first episode could even air ... and he blames his Elon Musk interview, where he apparently struck a nerve.

The former CNN anchor took to social media Wednesday to announce the end of his exclusive deal with Elon's platform -- both via written statement and in a short video he posted to X, ironically enough.

The way Don explains it ... he sat down with Elon Friday to interview him for the first episode of "The Don Lemon Show," saying he wanted to speak with Musk as his debut guest because Elon considers himself a major proponent of free speech.

Don said the interview had no off-limit topics, and -- even though DL admits the convo got tense at times ... ultimately, he says he felt it was a good, fair back-and-forth.

However, it sounds like Musk didn't feel the same way according to Lemon ... who claims his deal with X -- agreed upon just two months ago -- was terminated mere hours after their interview wrapped.

Lemon told his fans he worked with X because he's a believer in free speech and wanted his message to reach a mass audience ... and, getting "fired" from X ain't stopping the former CNN anchor from airing it on the platform and elsewhere.

Lemon says he's still dropping the interview in all its glory Monday, March 18 on YouTube and X as well -- seemingly a big middle finger to EM and co. He's also gonna carry on with the show without X's backing ... so, the "The Don Lemon Show" is still on.

As for exactly what the two discussed ... we don't know much, but reports are floating around Don asked some hard-hitting questions -- including queries about Musk's use of ketamine.


BTW ... Lemon apparently still thinks X owes him money -- with a spokesperson for Don telling news site Puck he's willing to go to court for the cash he believes is owed ... to be continued, we suppose.

For their part, X is saying their platform is all about free speech, and Don can freely post whatever he wants ... but also X is still a business and can choose to begin or end partnerships with businesses as it sees fit.

As for Elon ... he responded to a Mark Zuckerberg parody account on X -- and claimed Don was still doing his CNN shtick, just on X -- and he said he felt Don was just parroting his old boss at the network, Jeff Zucker. EM also says he felt Don was putting on an act and not being his authentic self ... which was apparently enough for him to scrap their deal.

Seems like lots of bad blood on both sides ... and we're sure it's not over yet.

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