Prince William Keeps Plugging Along with Duties Amid Kate's Photo Scandal

As Kate Middleton continues to deal with the fallout from her photo scandal -- Prince William is just ... well, being a Royal and doing Royal things.

The Prince of Wales was out and about Monday at Frameless London -- a multi-sensory experience tourist attraction with a bunch of cool art exhibitions -- where he was hobnobbing with folks for something called Earthshot Prize Launchpad ... a climate change initiative.

PW spoke during the event ... and he was seen chopping it up with environmentalists. Photos of his outing here were posted to his and Kate's official Royal social media account too.

The problem ... everybody around the world is only focused on one thing as it pertains to William and Kate -- and that would be this edited photo they posted over the weekend, which has now been revealed to be altered ... something Kate herself took the blame for.

There's a fresh round of conspiracy theories all over social media ... and despite this frenzy over her whereabouts and condition, Bill's out here just carrying on like nothing's happening.

Even before his climate event, William showed up for a Commonwealth service alongside Queen Camilla -- and there, too, he looked like nothing was amiss ... just business as usual.

As William was arriving at the latter event ... he and Kate were actually snapped in the car heading on over from Windsor, but Kate was turned to the side -- looking out a window.


Of course, with her admitting that she edited her Mother's Day photo ... there's more speculation and intrigue than ever before ... this after she's been out of the public eye for months now, with mounting concern over her well-being.

Kensington Palace has refused to comment further on what exactly Kate altered in the picture, and how -- but a lot of people have taken educated guesses on what she did.

Meanwhile, Prince William seems to have his head in the sand ... and looking the other way.

TITANOSAURIO Un hombre encontró el esqueleto intacto... ¡Y no dijo nada durante 2 años!

El francés Damien Boschetto lleva casi dos años guardando un enorme secreto... un dinosaurio.

El joven de 25 años dice que tropezó con huesos de dinosaurio en mayo de 2022 mientras paseaba a su perro en el bosque cerca de su ciudad natal Cruzy, en el sur de Francia. El caso es que Damien no solo encontró uno o dos huesos gigantes... ¡Desenterró un esqueleto casi intacto de un titanosaurio de 70 millones de años!

Damien le dijo a France Bleu que el descubrimiento fue una suerte totalmente tonta. Dijo: "Mientras paseaba al perro, un deslizamiento de tierra en el borde del acantilado expuso los huesos de varios esqueletos".

En cuanto a por qué guardó relativo silencio sobre su asombroso tesoro, dijo que quería darle tiempo a los paleontólogos para que excavaran todo el esqueleto antes de que el lugar fuera invadido por saqueadores y entusiastas de los dinosaurios. El fósil está ahora en exhibición en el Museo Cruzy.

Los titanosaurios, por cierto, eran dinosaurios herbívoros conocidos por sus cuellos muy largos, y vivieron durante el período Cretácico, que duró de 145 millones a 66 millones de años. Los científicos dicen que los titanosaurios más grandes medían unos 85 pies de largo y pesaban 70 toneladas.

En otras palabras, es el que ayuda a Pedro Picapiedra en la cantera, ya sabes, por el que Pedro se desliza al terminar cada día.

Hablando de trabajos, Damian dejó el suyo en el sector de la energía después de su dino-hallazgo y ahora está cursando un máster en paleontología. Diríamos que tiene su trabajo de tesis en la bolsa.

Titanosaur Jurassic Secret ... Man Finds Intact Skeleton, Says Nothing for 2 Years!!!

Here's a guy who has no problem burying secrets, because Frenchman Damien Boschetto's been sitting on an enormous one -- dinosaur-sized, literally -- for nearly 2 years now.

The 25-year-old says he stumbled upon dinosaur bones back in May 2022 while he was walking his dog in the forest near his hometown Cruzy in southern France. The thing is, Damien didn't just find one or 2 giant bones ... he unearthed a nearly intact, 70-million-year-old skeleton of a titanosaur!

Damien told France Bleu the discovery was totally dumb luck. He said, "While walking the dog, a landslide on the edge of the cliff exposed the bones of various skeletons."

As for why he kept relatively silent about his amazing treasure -- he said he wanted to give paleontologists time to excavate the entire skeleton before the site was overrun with pillagers and dinosaur enthusiasts. The fossil is now on display at the Cruzy Museum.

Titanosaurs, btw, were plant-eating dinosaurs known for their very long necks, and they lived during the Cretaceous period, which lasted from 145 million to 66 million years ago. Scientists say the largest titanosaurs were about 85 feet long and weighed 70 tons.

In other words ... it's giving Fred Flintsone's Bronto Crane at the quarry. Y'know -- the one he slid down to end each day.

Speaking of jobs, Damian quit his in the energy sector after his dino-find and is now pursuing a master’s degree in paleontology. We'd say he's got his thesis paper in the bag!

Scarlett Johansson on 'SNL' Nails Sen. Katie Britt ... 'Craziest Bitch' in Target Parking Lot!!!

As everyone expected, Sen. Katie Britt was roasted in the 'SNL' cold open, but the surprise was Scarlett Johansson making a cameo to fill the role, and nailing the hilarious send-up of Britt's State of the Union response.

ICYMI .. the junior Alabama Senator went viral after her GOP response to President Biden's Thursday night SOTU address. The speech -- delivered from her kitchen for some reason -- struck most as oddly performative.

Scarlett still managed to take it over the top, saying, "I’ll be performing an original monologue called ‘This country is hell.’ You see, I’m not just a senator. I’m a wife, a mother and the craziest bitch in the Target parking lot.”

She also perfectly mocked Sen. Britt's facial expressions, hand movements and even some questionable fact-checking with lines like ... "I’m going to do a pivot out of nowhere into a shockingly violent story about sex trafficking. Rest assured, every detail about it is real except the year, where it took place, and who was president when it happened.”

Fox News

On Thursday night, the Senator shared a story of a woman she met in Texas who told her about being sex trafficked by the cartels. While Britt blamed President Biden’s border policies, the Washington Post reported the woman’s experiences took place in Mexico during President George W. Bush's administration.

One of Scarlett's best lines in the skit imitated the QVC host tone of Sen. Britt's speech -- out of nowhere, she started hawking the diamond cross necklace she was wearing, saying, "Goes with anything, and you can wear it from da’ church to da’ club.”

As you know, Scarlett is married to 'SNL' cast member Colin Jost -- so, yeah, this might be a bit of nepotism ... but, for once, no one seems too upset about it. Well, except maybe Sen. Britt.


UFO sightings apparently have nothing to do with anything extraterrestrial -- at least that's what Uncle Sam is saying, anyway, after digging into the issue.

For the past couple years, the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has been digging into all those UFO videos in recent years ...  and on Friday, they came out and said it was all much ado about nothing ... at least as far as aliens are concerned.

The Pentagon says they've found zero evidence that any of those mysterious UAP sightings were from outer space ... and also no proof of hidden spacecraft dropping by either.

The unclassified 63-page report goes on to state there's no evidence of the government or any sneaky private companies having their hands on extraterrestrial tech to reverse engineer UFOs in secret ... something that's been alleged by supposed whistleblowers.

In fact, Tim Phillips, the acting director of AARO, told reporters there's no indication that anyone's been hiding stuff from Congress at all on this issue ... adding that the alleged secret UAP programs being kept under wraps by the U.S. government don't exist at all.

Worth noting ... Congress ordered up this report 'cause there's been a lot of renewed interest about UFOs -- so the whole thing may just be a tactic to divert attention elsewhere or cover it up altogether ... that's certainly what conspiracy theorists are gonna say about this.

TMZ Studios

Navy fighter pilot commander David Fravor, a witness of the infamous "Tic Tac" UFO sighting, and former pilot Ryan Graves, also testified alongside David Grusch under oath about UFOs and secret government programs allegedly involving extraterrestrial tech.

A lot of their testimonials were covered in our own doc about this ... 'UFO Revolution.'

Their stories were pretty alarming, and some of those stories about UFO sightings are seriously convincing ... especially with some of the videos that have been released.

As far as the Pentagon is concerned, though ... no little green men are among us.

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J.K. Rowling Es reportada a la policía Por faltarle el respeto a una presentadora trans

J.K. Rowling fue denunciada a la policía por la presentadora británica India Willoughby, quien afirma que JKR la ha insultado repetidamente en medio de una disputa en redes.

India, la ex concursante de "Celebrity Big Brother" que es una mujer transgénero, habló con Byline TV sobre el tema, afirmando que logró involucrar a la policía de Northumbria, luego de que J.K. se refiriera constantemente a ella como un hombre a pesar de que su estatus legal es el de una mujer.

Según ella, el hecho de que J.K. se refiera a ella como un hombre constituye un delito en el Reino Unido y podría violar la Ley de Igualdad y la Ley de Reconocimiento de Género. India también insinúa que esto podría calificarse como un delito de odio, pero como mínimo, piensa que es un caso de comunicaciones maliciosas.

Variety informa que la policía de Northumbria está a la espera y lista para tener una conversación con la autora sobre todo este calvario, pero no se sabe si J.K. va a hacerlo.

Mientras tanto, J.K. ya ha respondido, diciendo que ya consultó con un abogado que no solo considera que tiene un caso sólido contra India por difamación, sino que el hecho de que India la señale constantemente en Internet podría calificarse de acoso, por lo que está pensando en emprender acciones legales por su cuenta.

J.K. añade: "Consciente como soy de que es un delito mentirle a las fuerzas de la ley, simplemente tendré que explicarle a la policía que, en mi opinión, India es un ejemplo clásico de un narcisista masculino que vive en un estado de rabia perpetua por no poder obligar a las mujeres a aceptarle en su propia valoración".

Por supuesto, Rowling se ha enfrentado a un montón de reacciones negativas por sus polémicos comentarios sobre las personas transgénero. Muchos la han calificado de "TERF" (feminista radical transexcluyente) y la han tachado de intolerante e incluso algunos miembros del reparto de "Harry Potter" se han distanciado de ella.

J.K. ha dicho abiertamente que no le quita el sueño el cómo la recuerden en el futuro. ¿La razón? Simple y claro: "Estaré muerta".

J.K. ROWLING Reported to U.K. Cops Allegedly Misgendered Broadcaster

J.K. Rowling has been reported to the police by British broadcaster India Willoughby ... who claims JKR has repeatedly misgendered her online as part of an ongoing online beef.

India -- the ex-"Celebrity Big Brother" contestant who's a transgender woman -- spoke to Byline TV regarding the issue ... claiming she's gotten Northumbria Police involved, as she says J.K. has consistently referred to her as a man despite her legal status as a woman.

She says J.K.'s alleged repeated misgendering constitutes a crime in the U.K. -- suggesting it violates the Equalities Act and Gender Recognition Act. India also hints this could possibly qualify as a hate crime ... but at the very least, thinks it's a malicious communications case.

Variety reports that Northumbria Police are on standby, ready to have a chat with the author about this whole ordeal ... but no word on whether J.K.'s gonna play ball.

Meanwhile, J.K.'s already fired back ... saying she's already consulted a lawyer who not only reckons she has a solid case against IW for defamation, but says India constantly targeting J.K. online might qualify as harassment -- so she's mulling legal action of her own.

J.K. adds, "Aware as I am that it's an offense to lie to law enforcement, I'll simply have to explain to the police that, in my view, India is a classic example of the male narcissist who lives in a state of perpetual rage that he can't compel women to take him at his own valuation."

Of course, Rowling's faced a ton of backlash for her controversial remarks about transgender folks. She's been called out as a "TERF" (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) and labeled a bigot by many -- some of the 'HP' cast have even distanced themselves from her.

J.K. has straight-up said she's not losing any sleep over how the world will remember her once she's gone. Her reason? Simple and to the point ... "I'll be dead."

Donald Trump Responde al discurso de Biden Con montaje en Snapchat


Donald Trump se burló de Joe Biden después del discurso del Estado de la Unión del jueves, comparándolo con un personaje de dibujos animados en un video que publicó en su plataforma de medios sociales usando algunos filtros.

Como era de esperar, Donald Trump tomó la ruta más infantil para responder al discurso de más de una hora del presidente Biden en el Capitolio, publicando una breve compilación de Joe en el podio, con su Vicepresidenta sentada atrás, con un montón de filtros tontos.

Por extraño que parezca, el clip de 27 segundos subido a Truth Social utiliza imágenes del discurso de Biden del año pasado, ninguna de este año, lo cual es extraño.

En cualquier caso, el video junta cuatro escenas filtradas y animadas de Biden pronunciando el discurso de 2023 con Kamala Harris detrás, y los hizo verse bastante ridículos, como el tipo de cosas que un niño de 14 años podría hacer en su tiempo libre.

Algunas de las imágenes muestran a Biden y Harris con los ojos saltones y sus caras congeladas, así como con trenzas y sombreros. En otra imagen, Biden aparece como un perro greñudo y Pinocho.

Por supuesto, esto es relevante porque Trump se enfrentará a Biden en las elecciones presidenciales de 2024. Si la respuesta de Donald es un indicador, nos espera una gran cantidad de enfrentamientos durante esta campaña, por no hablar de bromas y críticas.

En cuanto al discurso de Biden sobre el Estado de la Unión, la mayoría de la gente del Partido Demócrata pensó que fue apasionado y entusiasta. El 46 Prez habló de una serie de temas, incluyendo la guerra en Gaza, Roe V. Wade, la invasión rusa de Ucrania y las amenazas a la democracia.

Biden también atacó a su rival del Partido Republicano sin nombrarlo. Potus citó a su "predecesor" diciéndole a Vladimir Putin: "Haz lo que te dé la gana" en Ucrania.

Los republicanos reprendieron el discurso duramente, calificándolo de enojado y causar división. Como hemos dicho estamos en una larga temporada electoral.

Donald Trump Responds To Biden's SOTU Speech W/ Snapchat Filter Montage

Filtering his foe

Donald Trump mocked Joe Biden after Thursday's State of the Union address ... comparing him to a cartoon character in a filtered video he posted to his social media platform.

Perhaps unsurprisingly ... DT went the juvenile route in response to President Biden's hour-plus speech at The Capitol ... posting a brief compilation of Joe at the podium -- with the Veep sitting behind him -- that featured JB and her with a bunch of goofy filters.

Strangely enough, the 27-second clip DT uploaded to Truth Social used footage from Biden's SOTU address last year ... none from this year, which was weird.

In any case ... the clips Trump threw up spliced together four filtered and animated scenes featuring Biden delivering the 2023 speech with Kamala Harris behind them -- and he made them out to look pretty ridiculous ... the type of thing a 14-year-old might do in his free time.

Some of the images showed Biden and Harris with bulging eyes and frozen faces, as well as braided pigtails and hats. Another visual depicted Biden as a shaggy dog and Pinocchio.

Of course, this is relevant because DT is going toe-to-toe with JB in the 2024 presidential election. If DT's response here was any indicator, we're in for a lot of mudslinging this campaign season ... not to mention sophomoric jokes and jabs.

As for Biden's SOTU speech ...  most people in his Democratic party thought it was passionate and rousing. The 46th Prez talked about a range of issues, including the war in Gaza, Roe V. Wade, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and threats to democracy.

Biden also took a shot at his GOP rival without naming him. POTUS quoted his "predecessor" telling Vladimir Putin, "Do whatever the hell you want," in Ukraine.

Republicans rebuked the speech, calling it angry and divisive. Like we said ... we're in for a long election season.


NY skipper Cole Brauer totally crushed her goal and made history ... becoming the first U.S. woman to sail solo around the world!

The 29-year-old from Long Island marked the achievement as she sailed into Spain Thursday morning ... tearfully reuniting with her family and popping champagne bottles from her trophy to celebrate over 130 days of being out to sea.

Popping Bottles

Cole's journey was all part of the Global Solo Challenge ... a wild 26,000 nautical mile nonstop race that kicked off from the coast of A Coruña, in northwestern Spain, back in October and circled right back to the same spot.

Throughout the journey, she kept her IG followers in the loop, documenting the ups and downs of the dangerous trip onboard her 40-foot monohull sailboat -- and there were loads of times the weather clearly wasn't in her favor .. but for Cole, it was all part of the adventure!

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Cole also brought her followers along for the epic finale on IG Live ... and in her official celebratory post, she gushed: "Amazing finish!!!! So stoked! Thank you to everyone that came together and made this process possible. 😭😍🌈🤙🏼."

She had her eyes on the prize for quite some time ...according to her sailing profile, she said she always dreamed of becoming the first American woman to race around the world, mainly 'cause she wanted to make the male-dominated sport more inclusive for others.

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And Cole's definitely broken barriers ... 'cause she was the only woman in the mix of 19 sailors -- and only 7 remained in the race after the rest dropped out along the way. So her feat is even more remarkable!

Cole has shown the world everything she set out to prove and more. Major congrats!!

Avistamiento de Kate Middleton Siguen apareciendo memes... Y nuevas teorías

Kate Middleton y los miembros de la realeza pueden haber pensado que un vistazo de la Princesa después de su hospitalización echaría abajo cualquier especulación o teorías sobre su situación, pero estaban muy equivocados.

Desde que la Princesa de Gales apareció públicamente el lunes cerca de Windsor, tras ser fotografiada en un carro conducido por su madre, con gafas de sol y aparentemente tratando de pasar desapercibida, Internet ha puesto en marcha una nueva ola de memes, chistes y teorías de conspirativas.

El hecho es que la gente vio estas fotos, y muchos de ellos simplemente no estuvieron muy convencidos de que fuera realmente la Princesa, a pesar de que sabemos que es un hecho. Y, Twitter se ha convertido en un campo de batalla sobre el asunto.

Conéctate y verás exactamente de lo que estamos hablando: muchos de estos mensajes claramente son en tono de broma, pero es lamentable que otros continúen especulando de una situación grave.

Algunos están simplemente lanzando otros ejemplos de estrellas que han sido fotografiadas desde el interior de sus carros en los últimos años y los están comparando con estas fotos de Kate. Algunos de los nombres que están siendo yuxtapuestos son el de Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, solo por nombrar unos pocos.

Sin embargo, algunos se están tomando esto un poco más en serio, desmenuzando las fotos que salieron a la luz ayer y entrando en los detalles de su cara, incluyendo lunares, espinillas, etc.

Estas personas están sugiriendo que la mujer fotografiada el lunes no era realmente Kate, señalando que sus rasgos no son los de la persona que estaba en el coche (de nuevo, era obviamente ella).

Algunos piensan que se trataría de su hermana Pippa, otros han dicho que se trata de una persona completamente diferente.

Como hemos dicho, un montón de payasadas y para ser honestos, solo una muestra de la ridiculez de Internet, que es lo que ha estado haciendo incluso antes de este avistamiento.

El Palacio ha dicho que Kate sigue recuperándose de su cirugía abdominal en enero y el martes comentaron que en realidad no reanudaría sus funciones hasta junio.

Lo que haya pasado bajo el bisturí, claramente era algo muy serio. ¡Que te mejores!

Kate Middleton Sighting The Memes Keep on Coming ... New Theories Start to Fly

Kate Middleton and the Royals might've thought a glimpse of her post-hospitalization would tamper down any speculation or theories about her ... but they were dead wrong.

Ever since the Princess of Wales surfaced publicly Monday near Windsor -- being photographed in a car driven by her mother, wearing sunglasses and seemingly trying to lay low -- the internet has kicked off a fresh round of jokes, memes and conspiracy theories.

Fact is ... people saw these pics, and a lot of them just aren't convinced it's really her -- even though we know for a fact it is. And yet -- Twitter's having a field day regardless.

Hop online and you'll see exactly what we're talking about -- a lot of these posts are clearly done in jest and all in good fun ... but it's unfortunate they're making light of a serious sitch.

Some are simply throwing out other examples of stars pap'd from the inside of their cars over the years and comparing those to Kate's new shots. Some of the names that are being juxtaposed to KM ... Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, just to name a few.

However, some are taking this a little more seriously ... picking apart the pictures that surfaced yesterday and getting into the details of her face, including moles/dimples, etc.

These folks are suggesting the woman photographed Monday really isn't Kate ... pointing out that specific features of hers aren't there for whoever was in the car (again, it was obviously her).

Some think they see her sister, Pippa, here ... some see a totally different person entirely.

Like we said ... it's all a bunch of nonsense and tomfoolery -- and, TBH, it's just the Internet being ridiculous ... which is what it was already doing even before this latest sighting.

The Palace has said Kate is continuing to recover from her abdominal surgery in January -- and word just came down Tuesday that she won't actually resume her duties until June.

Whatever she went under the knife for ... it was clearly for something very serious. Get well!

Daniel Day-Lewis Se mantiene firme con lo de retirarse... Culpa a los streamers

Daniel Day-Lewis se mantiene firme con lo de retirarse de la actuación y no se está echando para atrás, de acuerdo con su amigo director de toda la vida, quien dice que el streaming es la razón que lo mantiene alejado.

Jim Sheridan, quien ha colaborado con Daniel Day-Lewis en 3 películas diferentes, le dijo a ScreenDaily: "Él dice que se acabó", y agregó que todavía está hablando con el actor para ver si puede atraerlo de nuevo a las pistas.

Esta es la cuestión, Jim sugiere que Daniel tiene motivos para estar molesto, pues la revolución del streaming ha cambiado las reglas del cine, y al parecer, para peor.

Jim Sheridan dice: "Él dice que se acabó. Yo sigo hablando con él. Me encantaría que hiciéramos algo juntos de nuevo. Es como todo el mundo. Se abre a los streamers y hay siete mil opciones, ninguna de ellas buena".

Y añade: "El cine ha pasado del dominio público al privado: tienes un mando a distancia, puedes pararlo. No es la misma experiencia. Sería genial ver a Daniel volver y hacer algo porque es muy bueno".

No hace falta decir que cada vez que Jim y Daniel trabajan juntos es oro. Basta con ver su historial: Daniel ganó un Oscar por "My Left Foot" en el 89, fue nominado por "In the Name of the Father" en el 93, y luego volvieron a juntarse para "The Boxer" en el 97.

El retiro de Daniel del mundo de la actuación no es algo nuevo. Después de su interpretación en "Lincoln", en 2012, con el que se ganó una estatuilla, se tomó un descanso de cinco años. Pero incluso después de eso regresó para "Phantom Thread" en 2017, lo que le valió otra nominación al Oscar a Mejor Actor, pero luego decidió retirarse.

Jim no es el único director que está rezando para que Daniel vuelva a la pantalla. Martin Scorsese ha rogado recientemente porque Daniel Day-Lewis vuelva para hacer una película más, pero no hay ninguna señal de que eso vaya a suceder.

A pesar de todas las súplicas de sus amigos directores, todavía no hay ninguna palabra oficial del hombre en cuestión. Suponemos que necesita un poco más de convencimiento para desempolvar sus habilidades interpretativas y volver al juego, eso o alguna otra razón, como por ejemplo, un renacimiento de las películas de teatro.


Daniel Day-Lewis is sticking to his guns on retiring from acting, and he's not backing down -- this according to his longtime director buddy ... who says streaming is keeping him away.

Jim Sheridan -- who's collaborated with DDL on 3 different movies, -- told ScreenDaily, "He says he's done," adding that he's still talking to the actor to see if he can lure him back into the spotlight.

Here's the kicker ... he suggests Daniel's got a bone to pick with how the whole streaming revolution's changed the movie game ... for the worse, it seems.

JS says ... "He says he’s done. I keep talking to him. I’d love to do something with him again. He’s like everybody else. He opens up the streamers and there’s seven thousand choices, none of them are good."

He adds ... "Film has been moved out of the public domain into a private domain -- you have a remote, you can stop it. It’s not the same experience. It’d be great to see Daniel coming back and doing something because he’s so good."

Goes without saying, whenever Jim and Daniel teamed up, it was gold. Just look at their track record ... Daniel snagged an Oscar for '89's "My Left Foot," got nominated for "In the Name of the Father" in '93, and then they came together again for 97's "The Boxer."

Daniel's retirement isn't breaking news ... after his Oscar-winning performance in 2012's "Lincoln," he took a five-year break. But, even after he came back for "Phantom Thread" in 2017 -- earning him yet another Best Actor nod, he hung it up for good.

Jim ain't the only director praying for Daniel to get back onscreen ... Martin Scorsese has recently begged DDL to come back for one more film, but there's no sign that'll happen.

Despite all the pleading from his director pals, there's still no official word from the man himself. Guess he needs a bit more convincing to dust off his acting chops and jump back into the game ... that or another reason to dive back in, like a renaissance of theater flicks.

Nashville Nightmare Plane Turns Into Fireball On Video ... Crash Kills 5 People


A plane turned into a fireball after it crashed near a busy Tennessee highway Monday, killing five people on board as the terrifying scene was captured on video.

The small aircraft was flying from Kentucky to Nashville last evening when the pilot made a radio call to a nearby control tower, requesting an emergency landing after the single-engine had failed and all the power had gone down.

Air traffic controllers gave the go-ahead for the plane to land on Runway 2 at John C. Tune Airport in Nashville. But, moments later, the pilot got back on the radio to report they were not going to make it to the runway.

What happened next was filmed by highway security cameras. Check it out ... the jet cuts across the packed interstate, exploding in flames behind a Costco store. The pilot and four passengers were instantly killed.

Nashville Fire Department trucks raced to the scene and put out the flames without damaging critical evidence for the investigation.

The National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration are now probing the crash to determine the cause.

Local officials, meanwhile, shut down the eastbound lanes of I-40 while investigators sifted through the wreckage, with some of the lanes reopening for Tuesday morning rush hour.

Nashville Mayor Freddie O'Connell offered his condolences to the victims' families and praised the work of the fire department.


Instagram / @jayluchs


11:57 AM PT -- A rep for the Dorchester Collection -- the company that owns The Beverly Hills Hotel, among others -- tells TMZ ... none of its valets had anything to do with this crash, despite speculation.

We're told the Cybertruck just happened to run into the signage right off the road ... and it's unclear what exactly caused that. In any case, they tell us their staff wasn't involved. It also looks like the guy who originally claimed it was the valet is copping to that not being true too.

A Tesla Cybertruck ended up with its front wheel ripped right off after a valet driver at the Beverly Hills Hotel reportedly crashed it ... and Elon Musk himself has something to say.

Check out this wild footage that was taken Sunday night -- the all-new futuristic monster truck is lodged into the raised cement curb just under the hotel's iconic green sign, and the damage looks pretty intense.

No video that shows the before from all this ... but word on the street is, a valet at the hotel somehow lost control of the vehicle while bringing it around to the owner -- and did this.

You can also see that the wheel is pretty torn up ... which is somewhat ironic, to be honest.

Of course, Tesla notably designed the Cybertruck with durability in mind, but we've already seen examples -- including this -- that it might not be the toughest thing on the road.

From the sounds of it, it looks like the truck is past the point of salvaging 'cause a friend of the vehicle's owner asked Tesla owner Elon Musk on X for a replacement. The billionaire has yet to respond ... but he did acknowledge another X post referencing the crash, giving a little speculative insight into the reason behind the crash.

EM basically said that the Cybertruck is much faster than a Porsche 911, so its immense power probably caught him off guard ... in other words, he thinks it was too much truck for the valet to handle.

FWIW, Tesla does have a Valet Mode that's designed to help prevent accidents like these by limiting the vehicle's peak power and imposing a speed limit of 70 MPH while being driven by valets -- but clearly, it's not foolproof.

Originally Published -- 11:22 AM PT