NY skipper Cole Brauer totally crushed her goal and made history ... becoming the first U.S. woman to sail solo around the world!

The 29-year-old from Long Island marked the achievement as she sailed into Spain Thursday morning ... tearfully reuniting with her family and popping champagne bottles from her trophy to celebrate over 130 days of being out to sea.

Popping Bottles

Cole's journey was all part of the Global Solo Challenge ... a wild 26,000 nautical mile nonstop race that kicked off from the coast of A Coruña, in northwestern Spain, back in October and circled right back to the same spot.

Throughout the journey, she kept her IG followers in the loop, documenting the ups and downs of the dangerous trip onboard her 40-foot monohull sailboat -- and there were loads of times the weather clearly wasn't in her favor .. but for Cole, it was all part of the adventure!

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Cole also brought her followers along for the epic finale on IG Live ... and in her official celebratory post, she gushed: "Amazing finish!!!! So stoked! Thank you to everyone that came together and made this process possible. 😭😍🌈🤙🏼."

She had her eyes on the prize for quite some time ...according to her sailing profile, she said she always dreamed of becoming the first American woman to race around the world, mainly 'cause she wanted to make the male-dominated sport more inclusive for others.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

And Cole's definitely broken barriers ... 'cause she was the only woman in the mix of 19 sailors -- and only 7 remained in the race after the rest dropped out along the way. So her feat is even more remarkable!

Cole has shown the world everything she set out to prove and more. Major congrats!!

Avistamiento de Kate Middleton Siguen apareciendo memes... Y nuevas teorías

Kate Middleton y los miembros de la realeza pueden haber pensado que un vistazo de la Princesa después de su hospitalización echaría abajo cualquier especulación o teorías sobre su situación, pero estaban muy equivocados.

Desde que la Princesa de Gales apareció públicamente el lunes cerca de Windsor, tras ser fotografiada en un carro conducido por su madre, con gafas de sol y aparentemente tratando de pasar desapercibida, Internet ha puesto en marcha una nueva ola de memes, chistes y teorías de conspirativas.

El hecho es que la gente vio estas fotos, y muchos de ellos simplemente no estuvieron muy convencidos de que fuera realmente la Princesa, a pesar de que sabemos que es un hecho. Y, Twitter se ha convertido en un campo de batalla sobre el asunto.

Conéctate y verás exactamente de lo que estamos hablando: muchos de estos mensajes claramente son en tono de broma, pero es lamentable que otros continúen especulando de una situación grave.

Algunos están simplemente lanzando otros ejemplos de estrellas que han sido fotografiadas desde el interior de sus carros en los últimos años y los están comparando con estas fotos de Kate. Algunos de los nombres que están siendo yuxtapuestos son el de Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, solo por nombrar unos pocos.

Sin embargo, algunos se están tomando esto un poco más en serio, desmenuzando las fotos que salieron a la luz ayer y entrando en los detalles de su cara, incluyendo lunares, espinillas, etc.

Estas personas están sugiriendo que la mujer fotografiada el lunes no era realmente Kate, señalando que sus rasgos no son los de la persona que estaba en el coche (de nuevo, era obviamente ella).

Algunos piensan que se trataría de su hermana Pippa, otros han dicho que se trata de una persona completamente diferente.

Como hemos dicho, un montón de payasadas y para ser honestos, solo una muestra de la ridiculez de Internet, que es lo que ha estado haciendo incluso antes de este avistamiento.

El Palacio ha dicho que Kate sigue recuperándose de su cirugía abdominal en enero y el martes comentaron que en realidad no reanudaría sus funciones hasta junio.

Lo que haya pasado bajo el bisturí, claramente era algo muy serio. ¡Que te mejores!

Kate Middleton Sighting The Memes Keep on Coming ... New Theories Start to Fly

Kate Middleton and the Royals might've thought a glimpse of her post-hospitalization would tamper down any speculation or theories about her ... but they were dead wrong.

Ever since the Princess of Wales surfaced publicly Monday near Windsor -- being photographed in a car driven by her mother, wearing sunglasses and seemingly trying to lay low -- the internet has kicked off a fresh round of jokes, memes and conspiracy theories.

Fact is ... people saw these pics, and a lot of them just aren't convinced it's really her -- even though we know for a fact it is. And yet -- Twitter's having a field day regardless.

Hop online and you'll see exactly what we're talking about -- a lot of these posts are clearly done in jest and all in good fun ... but it's unfortunate they're making light of a serious sitch.

Some are simply throwing out other examples of stars pap'd from the inside of their cars over the years and comparing those to Kate's new shots. Some of the names that are being juxtaposed to KM ... Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, just to name a few.

However, some are taking this a little more seriously ... picking apart the pictures that surfaced yesterday and getting into the details of her face, including moles/dimples, etc.

These folks are suggesting the woman photographed Monday really isn't Kate ... pointing out that specific features of hers aren't there for whoever was in the car (again, it was obviously her).

Some think they see her sister, Pippa, here ... some see a totally different person entirely.

Like we said ... it's all a bunch of nonsense and tomfoolery -- and, TBH, it's just the Internet being ridiculous ... which is what it was already doing even before this latest sighting.

The Palace has said Kate is continuing to recover from her abdominal surgery in January -- and word just came down Tuesday that she won't actually resume her duties until June.

Whatever she went under the knife for ... it was clearly for something very serious. Get well!

Daniel Day-Lewis Se mantiene firme con lo de retirarse... Culpa a los streamers

Daniel Day-Lewis se mantiene firme con lo de retirarse de la actuación y no se está echando para atrás, de acuerdo con su amigo director de toda la vida, quien dice que el streaming es la razón que lo mantiene alejado.

Jim Sheridan, quien ha colaborado con Daniel Day-Lewis en 3 películas diferentes, le dijo a ScreenDaily: "Él dice que se acabó", y agregó que todavía está hablando con el actor para ver si puede atraerlo de nuevo a las pistas.

Esta es la cuestión, Jim sugiere que Daniel tiene motivos para estar molesto, pues la revolución del streaming ha cambiado las reglas del cine, y al parecer, para peor.

Jim Sheridan dice: "Él dice que se acabó. Yo sigo hablando con él. Me encantaría que hiciéramos algo juntos de nuevo. Es como todo el mundo. Se abre a los streamers y hay siete mil opciones, ninguna de ellas buena".

Y añade: "El cine ha pasado del dominio público al privado: tienes un mando a distancia, puedes pararlo. No es la misma experiencia. Sería genial ver a Daniel volver y hacer algo porque es muy bueno".

No hace falta decir que cada vez que Jim y Daniel trabajan juntos es oro. Basta con ver su historial: Daniel ganó un Oscar por "My Left Foot" en el 89, fue nominado por "In the Name of the Father" en el 93, y luego volvieron a juntarse para "The Boxer" en el 97.

El retiro de Daniel del mundo de la actuación no es algo nuevo. Después de su interpretación en "Lincoln", en 2012, con el que se ganó una estatuilla, se tomó un descanso de cinco años. Pero incluso después de eso regresó para "Phantom Thread" en 2017, lo que le valió otra nominación al Oscar a Mejor Actor, pero luego decidió retirarse.

Jim no es el único director que está rezando para que Daniel vuelva a la pantalla. Martin Scorsese ha rogado recientemente porque Daniel Day-Lewis vuelva para hacer una película más, pero no hay ninguna señal de que eso vaya a suceder.

A pesar de todas las súplicas de sus amigos directores, todavía no hay ninguna palabra oficial del hombre en cuestión. Suponemos que necesita un poco más de convencimiento para desempolvar sus habilidades interpretativas y volver al juego, eso o alguna otra razón, como por ejemplo, un renacimiento de las películas de teatro.


Daniel Day-Lewis is sticking to his guns on retiring from acting, and he's not backing down -- this according to his longtime director buddy ... who says streaming is keeping him away.

Jim Sheridan -- who's collaborated with DDL on 3 different movies, -- told ScreenDaily, "He says he's done," adding that he's still talking to the actor to see if he can lure him back into the spotlight.

Here's the kicker ... he suggests Daniel's got a bone to pick with how the whole streaming revolution's changed the movie game ... for the worse, it seems.

JS says ... "He says he’s done. I keep talking to him. I’d love to do something with him again. He’s like everybody else. He opens up the streamers and there’s seven thousand choices, none of them are good."

He adds ... "Film has been moved out of the public domain into a private domain -- you have a remote, you can stop it. It’s not the same experience. It’d be great to see Daniel coming back and doing something because he’s so good."

Goes without saying, whenever Jim and Daniel teamed up, it was gold. Just look at their track record ... Daniel snagged an Oscar for '89's "My Left Foot," got nominated for "In the Name of the Father" in '93, and then they came together again for 97's "The Boxer."

Daniel's retirement isn't breaking news ... after his Oscar-winning performance in 2012's "Lincoln," he took a five-year break. But, even after he came back for "Phantom Thread" in 2017 -- earning him yet another Best Actor nod, he hung it up for good.

Jim ain't the only director praying for Daniel to get back onscreen ... Martin Scorsese has recently begged DDL to come back for one more film, but there's no sign that'll happen.

Despite all the pleading from his director pals, there's still no official word from the man himself. Guess he needs a bit more convincing to dust off his acting chops and jump back into the game ... that or another reason to dive back in, like a renaissance of theater flicks.

Nashville Nightmare Plane Turns Into Fireball On Video ... Crash Kills 5 People


A plane turned into a fireball after it crashed near a busy Tennessee highway Monday, killing five people on board as the terrifying scene was captured on video.

The small aircraft was flying from Kentucky to Nashville last evening when the pilot made a radio call to a nearby control tower, requesting an emergency landing after the single-engine had failed and all the power had gone down.

Air traffic controllers gave the go-ahead for the plane to land on Runway 2 at John C. Tune Airport in Nashville. But, moments later, the pilot got back on the radio to report they were not going to make it to the runway.

What happened next was filmed by highway security cameras. Check it out ... the jet cuts across the packed interstate, exploding in flames behind a Costco store. The pilot and four passengers were instantly killed.

Nashville Fire Department trucks raced to the scene and put out the flames without damaging critical evidence for the investigation.

The National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration are now probing the crash to determine the cause.

Local officials, meanwhile, shut down the eastbound lanes of I-40 while investigators sifted through the wreckage, with some of the lanes reopening for Tuesday morning rush hour.

Nashville Mayor Freddie O'Connell offered his condolences to the victims' families and praised the work of the fire department.


Instagram / @jayluchs


11:57 AM PT -- A rep for the Dorchester Collection -- the company that owns The Beverly Hills Hotel, among others -- tells TMZ ... none of its valets had anything to do with this crash, despite speculation.

We're told the Cybertruck just happened to run into the signage right off the road ... and it's unclear what exactly caused that. In any case, they tell us their staff wasn't involved. It also looks like the guy who originally claimed it was the valet is copping to that not being true too.

A Tesla Cybertruck ended up with its front wheel ripped right off after a valet driver at the Beverly Hills Hotel reportedly crashed it ... and Elon Musk himself has something to say.

Check out this wild footage that was taken Sunday night -- the all-new futuristic monster truck is lodged into the raised cement curb just under the hotel's iconic green sign, and the damage looks pretty intense.

No video that shows the before from all this ... but word on the street is, a valet at the hotel somehow lost control of the vehicle while bringing it around to the owner -- and did this.

You can also see that the wheel is pretty torn up ... which is somewhat ironic, to be honest.

Of course, Tesla notably designed the Cybertruck with durability in mind, but we've already seen examples -- including this -- that it might not be the toughest thing on the road.

From the sounds of it, it looks like the truck is past the point of salvaging 'cause a friend of the vehicle's owner asked Tesla owner Elon Musk on X for a replacement. The billionaire has yet to respond ... but he did acknowledge another X post referencing the crash, giving a little speculative insight into the reason behind the crash.

EM basically said that the Cybertruck is much faster than a Porsche 911, so its immense power probably caught him off guard ... in other words, he thinks it was too much truck for the valet to handle.

FWIW, Tesla does have a Valet Mode that's designed to help prevent accidents like these by limiting the vehicle's peak power and imposing a speed limit of 70 MPH while being driven by valets -- but clearly, it's not foolproof.

Originally Published -- 11:22 AM PT


A super rare, historic 1945 report on the development of the atomic bomb, signed by 24 Manhattan Project contributors like Oppenheimer, Fermi, Lawrence, Chadwick, Urey, and Rabi has hit the auction block.

RR Auction got their hands on that historic report titled "Atomic Bombs: A General Account of the Development of Methods of Using Atomic Energy for Military Purposes Under the Auspices of the United States Government, 1940-1945" by Henry D. Smyth.

The historical report was privately printed in August 1945 and written before the testing of the first bomb at the Los Alamos "Trinity" test site.

The report is signed in ink on the cover by 24 prominent scientists and administrators engaged in developing and deploying the most dangerous weapon ever created.

The names include J. Robert Oppenheimer and Nobel Prize winners Enrico Fermi, Ernest Lawrence, James Chadwick, Harold Urey, and Isidor I. Rabi.

The author's signature is also displayed on the title page in fountain pen ... 'cause he played a crucial role in the early development of nuclear energy, including participation in the Manhattan Project, membership in the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), and served as U.S. ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Gen. Leslie Groves' War Department secretary in Washington, Nellie V. Sanderson, obtained all the signatures.

This report was first released days after the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and is likely the very first publicly available report on the creation of the bomb.

The creation of the nuclear bomb in the United States culminated in a successful test of the doomsday weapon in July 1945.

Weeks later, America dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, putting an end to World War II. The villages were obliterated, with roughly 200,000 people killed.

The events were depicted in Christopher Nolan's 2023 movie "Oppenheimer," which is winning huge acclaim in the award season circuit, and is also up for Best Film at this year's Oscars.

Richard Lewis Wife Joyce Thanks Supporters ... Following His Death

The wife of late actor-comedian Richard Lewis is breaking her silence and giving thanks to his flood of supporters and well-wishers.

Joyce Lapinsky posted a message on X, showing her gratitude to everyone who sent in "loving tributes" after Richard passed away this week at his L.A. home. On Friday, she said Richard would have been "beyond thrilled and so touched, as am I."

Joyce asked Richard's fans who want to make donations in his memory to send their money to the charity, Comedy Gives Back, or another non-profit of their choice.

As we reported ... The "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star died Tuesday night after suffering a heart attack. Music icon Bette Midler was one of the first people to go on social media to celebrate Richard's life and career. This was followed by a stream of other celebs, such as Ben Stiller, Albert Brooks and his 'Curb' costar Larry David.

Last year, Richard announced he was suffering from Parkinson's disease after he retired from doing stand-up comedy. He said his litany of other health issues culminated in his Parkinson's diagnosis and he was managing it all with medication.

The last time we saw Richard in public was 2021 and Joyce was right there beside him, guiding him as they walked around Beverly Hills.

Humpback Whales 2 Males Caught Having Sex ... 1st Ones Pictured Bangin'

Two humpback whales got caught on-camera engaging in some very adult activities, the first photos of their kind featuring the species ... and it turns out both the whales were dudes!

Here's the deal ... a just-published study in Marine Mammal Science features pics documenting a sexual encounter between a pair of humpback whales off the coast of Hawaii, reportedly the first photographs of two humpbacks ever having penetrative sex. History!

After further examination, the photographers who took the pics -- which the journal says were taken back in 2022 -- found out they'd actually captured two male whales going at it ... checking another first off the list in one fell swoop.

As it turns out, this attempted banging might not have been romantic in nature at all ... 'cause researchers are saying the receiving whale was either sick or injured, and it seems the other whale came along and penetrated him as a show of force -- using his fins to keep him from running off.

The scientists say they're not sure if the top whale was mistakenly trying to knock him up or just establishing dominance. The researchers admit this same-sex session could theoretically go down with two healthy whales, but that just hasn't been documented yet.

BTW ... it's super rare to see a humpback whale penis 'cause it's usually sheathed, so this photo's really got everything going for it. The last attempted humpback whale sex sesh was photographed in '98 ... and that one, too, was male on male -- albeit, dead vs. alive.

In that instance, a male whale tried having sex with a separate dead male whale -- not exactly a match made in heaven. It also doesn't sound like that one was caught on camera.

Anyway, this recent encounter reportedly lasted 30 minutes -- a very respectable time, if we do say so ourselves -- and occurred just about 15 feet below the ocean's surface.

TMZ Studios

Next time you're on a boat in the ocean, remember ... you never know what animals are doing down below. Now, we know -- they might be getting it on ... males or otherwise!


Dos ballenas jorobadas fueron captadas en cámara realizando actividades muy adultas, las primeras fotos de este tipo en las que aparece la especie... ¡Y resulta que ambas ballenas eran machos!

Así es la cosa, un estudio recién publicado en Marine Mammal Science, muestra fotos que documentan un encuentro sexual entre un par de ballenas jorobadas frente a la costa de Hawai, al parecer las primeras fotografías de dos ballenas jorobadas apareándose con penetración... Historico.

Luego de examinar más detenidamente, los fotógrafos que tomaron las fotos -en la revista dice que fueron tomadas en 2022- descubrieron que en realidad habían capturado a dos ballenas macho haciéndolo... consiguiendo así dos hitos de una.

Resulta que este intento de sexo podría no haber sido romántico en absoluto... porque los investigadores dicen que la ballena receptora estaba enferma o herida, y parece que la otra ballena llegó y le penetró como una demostración de fuerza, usando sus aletas para evitar que huyera.

Los científicos dicen que no están seguros de si la ballena superior estaba erróneamente tratando de dejarlo preñado o simplemente estableciendo dominancia. Los investigadores admiten que esta sesión del mismo sexo teóricamente podría ocurrir con dos ballenas sanas, pero eso no ha sido documentado todavía.

Por cierto, es muy raro ver un pene de ballena jorobada porque normalmente está enfundado, así que esta foto lo tiene todo a su favor. El último intento de sexo con una ballena jorobada fue fotografiado en el 98 y ese, también, fue de macho con macho, aunque era uno estaba muerto.

En ese caso, una ballena macho trató de tener relaciones sexuales con otra ballena macho muerta, algo bastante sórdido. Tampoco fue registrado en cámara.

De todos modos, este reciente encuentro duró 30 minutos, un tiempo muy respetable, y se produjo a unos 15 pies bajo la superficie del océano.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

La próxima vez que estés en un barco en el océano, recuerda, nunca se sabe lo que los animales están haciendo abajo.

ELON MUSK Demanda a OpenAI "¡Traicionaron mi idea original!"

Elon Musk está llevando a los tribunales a la empresa matriz de ChatGPT por lo que considera una traición a su acuerdo con el gigante de la IA. Según él, la compañía le ha dado la espalda a la humanidad... y todo en busca de dólares.

El multimillonario gigante de la tecnología acaba de presentar una demanda contra OpenAI, la empresa que ayudó a fundar y financió en 2015, alegando que el consejero delegado Sam Altman y el presidente Greg Brockman han tergiversado la misión humanitaria original de la organización para convertirla en una empresa con ánimo de lucro.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Musk dice que él, Altman, Brockman y otros, establecieron un acuerdo de fundación para OpenAI en su lanzamiento -una especie de constitución, si se quiere- en la cual Elon afirma explícitamente que estaban haciendo todo esto en beneficio de las personas, y no con fines de lucro.

También afirma que otro principio al que llegaron fue tener su código abierto y disponible para el público, para que la gente pudiera entender y colaborar en el desarrollo de la tecnología.

Elon dice en su demanda que este acuerdo de fundación que escribieron fue considerado como el principal impulso de su nueva compañía, pero el año pasado, él afirma que los encargados de OpenAI restantes rompieron su palabra cuando lanzaron su última versión de ChatGPT.

Por supuesto, se refiere a GPT-4. Elon y otros la han llamado la versión más inteligente de la IA hasta el momento, y Elon afirma que Microsoft pagó una tonelada de dinero para un acuerdo de licencia exclusiva con OpenAI para el uso de parte de la tecnología.

El problema, afirma Elon, es que han creado chat GPT-4 en secreto, y afirma que eso rompe el acuerdo de transparencia al público establecid en el acuerdo de fundación de hace casi 10 años.

Elon también señala que todo el episodio de expulsión de Altman de la junta de OpenAI y su reincorporación días después con miembros de la junta favorables a Microsoft, es una prueba más de que OpenAI se ha desviado claramente de su visión original... y ahora solo persigue beneficios.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Elon está demandando por incumplimiento de contrato -entre otras reclamaciones- y quiere una orden que le obligue a OpenAI a seguir el acuerdo de fundación original que mantenía la tecnología abierta al público, en lugar de perseguir ganancias financieras.

Karol G Freaky Flight Emergency ... Smoke Fills Cockpit



10:10 AM -- Karol G is giving an update on this morning's plane incident on her IG story ... thanking everyone who was worried, and says she's okay along with her family and team -- while also stating God blesses us with life and health.

Karol G had a super scary experience Thursday as her private plane filled with smoke midflight and was forced to make an emergency landing in Los Angeles.

The Grammy-winning singer was among 16 others on the private jet, which took off from Hollywood Burbank Airport in the evening, according to ABC News.

The aircraft flew east for a while, but then turned around at Cajon Pass about 70 miles away and flew back to nearby Van Nuys Airport after the pilot reported smoke in the cockpit.

Luckily, the plane safely landed on the runway and everyone on board seemed physically uninjured. Footage shows the aircraft touching down on the tarmac, as well as the dramatic aftermath.

Per the video ... Fire crews responded to the runway, directing the jet to a parking area. The passengers left through the exit door, climbing down a flight of stairs -- including a woman who appeared to be Karol, talking on her cell phone.

Karol's famous arm tattoo of a barbed-wire heart was also emblazoned on the side of the plane.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Karol and the Federal Aviation Administration for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 5:54 AM PT

KAROL G TERROR EN EL AIRE El humo llena la cabina

emergencia en altura

Karol G tuvo una experiencia súper aterradora el jueves cuando su avión privado se llenó de humo en pleno vuelo y se vio obligada a realizar un aterrizaje de emergencia en Los Ángeles.

La cantante ganadora de un Grammy estaba junto a otras 16 personas en el jet privado, que despegó del aeropuerto de Hollywood Burbank por la noche, según ABC News.

La aeronave voló hacia el este durante un tiempo, pero luego dio la vuelta en Cajon Pass a unas 70 millas de distancia y voló de regreso al cercano aeropuerto de Van Nuys después de que el piloto informara de que había humo en la cabina.

Afortunadamente, el avión aterrizó sin problemas en la pista y todos los ocupantes parecían físicamente ilesos. Las imágenes muestran el aterrizaje de la aeronave en la pista, así como las dramáticas secuelas.

Los bomberos actuaron rápido, dirigiendo el jet a una zona de aparcamiento. Los pasajeros salieron por la puerta de salida, bajando por las escaleras, incluyendo a una mujer que parecía ser Karol, hablando por su teléfono celular.

El famoso tatuaje del brazo de Karol de un corazón de alambre de púas estaba estampado en el avión.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Hemos llegado a Karol y la Administración Federal de Aviación para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

Elon Musk Sues ChatGPT's Parent Co. You Betrayed Our OG Mission!!!

Elon Musk is taking ChatGPT's parent company to court over what he claims is a betrayal of his deal with the AI giant -- which he claims has turned its back on humanity ... all in search of dollars.

The billionaire tech giant just filed suit against OpenAI -- the company he helped start/finance back in 2015 -- alleging CEO Sam Altman and President Greg Brockman have twisted the org's original mission of humanitarianism into nothing but a profit-seeking venture.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Musk says he, Altman, Brockman, and others established a founding agreement for OpenAI at its launch -- a constitution of sorts, if you will -- which EM claims explicitly stated they were doing all this for the benefit of all people ... not for profit.

He also claims that another principle they came to was having their code open and available to the public ... so people could understand and collaborate on the development of the technology.

Elon says in his suit that this founding agreement they wrote out was actually memorialized as the north star of their new company -- but last year, he claims the remaining OpenAI honchos torched when they rolled out their latest version of ChatGPT.

Of course, he's referring to GPT-4 ... which Elon and others have called the smartest iteration of AI yet -- and Elon claims Microsoft even paid a ton of money for an exclusive licensing agreement with OpenAI for the use of some of the technology.

The problem, Elon claims, is that the guts of how GPT-4 came together were completely hidden ... which he says is a gross departure from the commitment to openness and transparency to the public laid out in the founding agreement almost 10 years ago.

Elon also points to the whole episode of Altman getting booted from the OpenAI board and then brought back in days later with Microsoft-friendly board members as more proof that OpenAI has clearly bucked its original mission ... and is now simply chasing profit.

TMZ Studios

Elon is suing for breach of contract, among other claims -- and he wants an order requiring OpenAI to follow the original founding deal that kept the technology open to the public, rather than chasing financial gains.

Alexei Navalny Thousands Mourn His Death At Moscow Funeral ... Putin Fails To Stop Supporters

Alexei Navalny -- Russian President Vladimir Putin's chief political rival – certainly didn't die in vain as illustrated by these emotional images from his Friday funeral in Moscow.

Navalny was celebrated by thousands of people – some holding flowers – as his body was laid in a closed coffin and carried inside the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God Soothe My Sorrows, where they opened it up for people to see him.

 His line of supporters was truly extraordinary, stretching several blocks.


Many of the mourners defied orders from Russian authorities to not take photos of the procession or the service. Someone posted a picture on Navalny's YouTube channel showing his body in repose shrouded by flowers inside the church.

His parents were present, carrying lit candles. But his widow, Yulia Navalnaya, and his two children, Daria and Zakhar, did not attend the funeral, likely for security reasons.


Meanwhile, four hundred people have been detained by Putin's police force, including some for merely displaying flowers at Navalny's various memorial sites

As you know, Navalny died February 16 while imprisoned in a penal colony north of the Arctic Circle. During a walk, Navalny suddenly felt sick and collapsed unconscious. Paramedics responded and gave him medical assistance, but they were unable to revive him.

His official cause of death has not been disclosed, but his mother, Lyudmila, was told by prison officials Navalny suffered "'sudden death syndrome." The condition causes heart problems that can lead to sudden cardiac arrest and death.

Yet, most people believe Putin was responsible for Navalny's passing. The Russian dictator jailed Navalny – his most vocal and ardent political opponent.

TMZ Studios

Putin also refused to turn over Navalny's body to his family for weeks after his death despite their repeated demands for his remains.

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