Kate Middleton Team Responds to Viral Speculation ... On Whereabouts, Health

Kate Middleton's team is responding to viral speculation/jokes about why she hasn't surfaced publicly in months -- but they don't find anything funny about all the gossip and chatter.

The Princess of Wales' camp was forced to respond this week after a ton of memes were posted online over the past several days -- several of which were making cracks at her expense over her whereabouts and conjecture over what sort of procedure she had done.

Her rep told Page Six Thursday ... "Kensington Palace made it clear in January the timelines of the princess’ recovery and we’d only be providing significant updates. That guidance stands."

They also emphasized she continues to be doing well and making progress in her recovery.

As you can see, they didn't address the specific theories that have been floating online -- several of which are wild and salacious ... and which really aren't worth addressing here. Clearly, her camp is taking her health seriously ... and didn't feel the need to fuel the fire.

Still, that's not stopping the internet from making light of her situation ... which is kinda sad.

Fact is ... Kate underwent a very serious surgery that was focused on her abdominal area -- and it sidelined her for a good while. When news broke about her hospitalization last month ... the Palace said she'd be out of the public spotlight until at least Easter.

So, them emphasizing that plan yet again here appears to project some frustration on her team's part -- which is understandable. A lot of people are leaning into these Kate Middleton jokes ... and it's a little cringeworthy to say the least.

We haven't seen Kate out since December ... but we know she's been released from the hospital, and that she's recovering at home. Prince William has been quite attentive ... visiting her at the clinic she was at while she was there, while continuing on with his work too.


He did make a last-minute cancelation on one of his engagements this week for "personal reasons" ... and while many assumed it pertained to his wife, it's just unclear why.

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In any case ... her camp has spoken, so here's hoping the ha-has settle down now.

Kate Middleton Su equipo responde a las teorías sobre su paradero

El equipo de Kate Middleton está respondiendo a las especulaciones y bromas sobre su desaparición pública, las que se han vuelto muy virales por estos días. Aunque al equipo real no le parecen nada graciosos los chismes y habladurías que se han generado.

El equipo de la Princesa de Gales se vio obligado a responder después de que aparecieran un montón de memes en Internet esta semana, varios de los cuales estaban haciendo bromas sobre su paradero y conjeturas sobre qué tipo de procedimiento se habría hecho.

Su representante le dijo a Page Six el jueves: "El Palacio de Kensington dejó claro en enero los plazos de recuperación de la princesa y que solo estaríamos proporcionando actualizaciones significativas. Esa orientación se mantiene".

También enfatizaron que ella sigue estando bien y haciendo progresos en su recuperación.

Como pueden ver, no se refirieron a las teorías específicas que han estado circulando en línea, varias de las cuales son súper descabelladas y no vale la pena abordar aquí. Está claro que su equipo se toma en serio su salud y no siente la necesidad de avivar el fuego.

Sin embargo, eso no impide que Internet siga haciendo polémicas por su situación, lo que es un poco triste.

El hecho es que Kate se sometió a una cirugía muy grave en su área abdominal, que la marginó por un buen tiempo. Cuando se conoció la noticia de su hospitalización el mes pasado, el Palacio dijo que estaría fuera del foco público hasta por lo menos Pascua.

Por lo tanto, enfatizar ese plan una vez más aquí parece proyectar cierta frustración por parte de su equipo, lo cual es comprensible. Mucha gente está haciendo bromas y especulaciones sobre Kate Middleton, lo que es un poco incómodo, por decir lo menos.

No hemos visto a Kate desde diciembre, pero sabemos que fue dada de alta del hospital y que se está recuperando en casa. El príncipe Guillermo ha estado muy atento y la visitó en la clínica mientras estaba allí, al mismo tiempo que continuaba con su trabajo también.

Además, hizo una cancelación de último minuto a uno de sus compromisos de esta semana por "razones personales" y aunque muchos asumieron que se refería a su esposa, no está claro el motivo.

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En cualquier caso, su equipo ha hablado, así que esperemos que las habladurías terminen.

Brazilian Soccer Journalist Accuses Mascot Of Sexual Harassment ... At Huge Rivalry Game

A soccer reporter who was covering a famed rivalry game in Brazil over the weekend says she was forced to go to cops following the conclusion of the match ... after she claims one of the team's mascots sexually harassed her.

Canal Monumental journalist Gisele Kumpel alleged the misconduct happened while she was on the sidelines of Sunday's Grêmio vs. Sport Club Internacional tilt -- which soccer aficionados call "Gre-Nal."

Kumpel said in an interview with GloboEsporte that at several points during the match, Internacional's masked cheerleader, known as Saci, began making gestures at her ... before he bent over and looked down at her phone.

Then, according to Kumpel, following a big goal by Internacional in the second half ... Saci grabbed her and made kissing noises.

"He stopped next to me and simply hugged me," she told GE. "He hugged me. Even with the mask on, he pushed my head and made to kiss me. I could hear the kiss crack and I felt his sweat."

Kumpel went on to say she was the only female reporter in attendance ... and the only one who Saci embraced.

"Another day of women wanting to do their job in football and suffering for it with some idiots who are criminals," she wrote in a post on X ... while adding photos of her reporting the incident to local authorities. "I'm going to the end so that no other woman goes through this."

Internacional officials said in a statement to the U.S. Sun that they've suspended the person in the Saci costume as they and law enforcement continue to investigate the allegations.

Kumpel, meanwhile, said she's doing OK despite the incident ... writing on her social media page, "Everything is fine."

"Taking away the fear, trembling, crying and disbelief of the moment," she said, "I did what I could do, since eliminating the fact is impossible."

Príncipe Harry Pierde batalla judicial en el Reino Unido relacionada a su seguridad ¡¡¡Ahora eres un plebeyo!!!

El príncipe Harry ha estado librando una guerra con el gobierno británico luego de que retiraran su seguridad, que es financiada con fondos públicos del Reino Unido, pero ahora un juez está entregando un veredicto sobre el asunto.

El caso se ha prolongado desde 2022 y el Tribunal Superior de Londres finalmente falló el miércoles a favor del Ministerio del Interior después de que el Príncipe Harry intentara anular una decisión que rebajó su nivel de protección en el Reino Unido.

Recuerden, cuando él y su esposa Meghan Markle renunciaron a sus puestos reales, los abrigos rojos les dieron la espalda también y revocaron la seguridad de alto nivel que se puede permitir un miembro de la realeza que trabaja a tiempo completo normalmente. Harry lo denunció y presentó una demanda.

Como hemos dicho, esto fue hace mucho tiempo, pero finalmente se llegó a una conclusión y el Duque se va con un juez de Los Ángeles, sabiendo que no hay nada ilegal o injusto en la decisión alcanzada en favor del Ministerio del Interior.

No parece haber muchos detalles en términos de los motivos. Todo lo que el juez al parecer dijo en los documentos fue que este movimiento era razonable y legal y que una alternativa para Harry es contar con seguridad a medida, menos formal cuando esté en el Reino Unido.

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Eso sí, Harry ya había perdido otra batalla legal en este frente de seguridad. Allí había tratado de argumentar que él debería ser capaz de pagar por seguridad de alto nivel de la policía, pero también fue rechazada.

Toda la queja de Harry se reducía a que sentía que su familia no estaría segura en el Reino Unido si no podían recibir el tratamiento real en términos de seguridad y ahora parece que el gobierno y el Tribunal Superior le están diciendo rotundamente que ya no es un miembro de la realeza. Acéptalo. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Prince Harry Loses Court Battle Over UK Security You're a Commoner Now!!!


10:41 AM PT -- A spokesperson for Prince Harry announced he will appeal this decision.

Prince Harry has been waging war with the British government over the fact they yanked his publicly-funded security in the UK ... but a judge flipped him the bird once and for all.

A decision was made in the drawn-out case that's been going on since 2022 -- with the London High Court ruling Wednesday in favor of the Home Office after PH had attempted to overturn a decision made that downgraded his level of protection across the pond.

Remember ... when he and his wife, Meghan Markle, stepped down from their Royal posts -- the red coats turned their back on them too -- revoking top-level police officer security details a full-time working Royal might normally be afforded. Harry cried foul and sued over this.

Like we said, this has been going on for a long time ... but it's finally reached its conclusion -- and the Duke's walking away with an L.A. judge saying there was nothing unlawful or unfair about the way this conclusion was reached by the Home Office.

There doesn't seem to be much detail in terms of the rationale here -- all the judge reportedly said in the docs was that this move was reasonable and legal ... and that the alternative for Harry -- a tailored, less formal security detail if/when he's in the UK -- is also appropriate.

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Mind you, Harry had already lost another battle on this security front -- he had tried arguing that he should be able to pay for high-level cop security ... but he got turned down there too.

Harry's whole gripe boiled down to him feeling like his family wasn't safe in the UK if they couldn't get the royal treatment in terms of security -- and now, it sounds like the government and the High Court are flatly telling him ... you're not a Royal anymore, bro. Deal with it. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Originally Published -- 5:36 AM PT

Don Lemon $24.5 Million Payout ... Upon Exiting CNN: Report

Don Lemon was handsomely compensated after being fired from CNN last year -- in fact, it's almost as if he never left ... 'cause the dude's definitely getting paid like it, per a new report.

According to the Wrap, the former CNN anchor finally reached a deal with his former bosses at the cable news network to finalize his separation from the company -- this after he was canned almost a full year ago.


Apparently, they'd been working out the details of his exit package -- and now, word is they finally landed on a number ... which is astronomical. The Wrap says he got $24.5 million.

What's astonishing about that figure is that, per the outlet, this amount of cash is exactly what he would've been paid if he'd been allowed to stay there and finish out his contract -- which they say had another 3.5 half years left on it before his ousting in April.

In other words, he got his full contract's worth of money ... so good on his negotiating team.

Weirdly enough, though, CNN is actually pushing back on the number ... telling People the report of his massive payout is "incorrect." With that said, they didn't elaborate beyond that.

In any case ... it sounds like Don's walking away from this saga a happy camper. Yes, he's no longer on TV -- but he's moved on over to X for a new show, similar to Tucker Carlson.

While he was fuming after getting the boot at CNN, Don ended up with the last laugh ... the guy who fired him, Chris Licht, ended up being shown the door as well not long after. Meanwhile, Don's millions of dollars richer ... and he's in the free speech space now.

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Willy Wonka Atracción en el Reino Unido es un fracaso rotundo ... Padres indignados

Una atracción de Willy Wonka en el Reino Unido resultó ser una total decepción para las familias que pensaban que visitarían la intrincada fábrica de chocolate de su icónico personaje, y las fotos del lugar son reveladoras.

A las familias se les prometió una "deliciosa" fuente de chocolate y "caprichosos" Oompa Loompas en "Willy's Chocolate Experience" en Glasgow, Escocia, pero terminaron en un lugar relativamente vacío, donde fueron recibidos con una triste vista. ¡Echa un vistazo!

Las fotos de la "fábrica" han estado circulando en línea y casi todos están de acuerdo en que esta supuesta experiencia fue totalmente sobre vendida y eso es lo que sienten los padres también.

Como se puede ver, el lugar donde supuestamente iban a pasar un rato increíble no tenía mucho: solo un arco iris inflable, un castillo hinchable solitario, algunas otras decoraciones dispersas alrededor y algunos actores desaliñados por el lugar.

Echa un vistazo a esta foto de uno de los Oompa Loompas contratados para actuar en esta atracción: es una imagen triste. Según algunos informes, los miembros del reparto recibieron guiones la noche anterior y tuvieron que improvisar sobre la marcha.

Uno de los padres, Aileen Butcher, calificó la debacle de "vergüenza absoluta" y declaró al Daily Record que se tardaron un minuto en recorrer la atracción, que también incluía una mesa llena de gominolas. Según se informa, las entradas costaron alrededor de $35.

Otro padre, Stuart Sinclair, contó todo en Facebook, explicando que viajó dos horas solo para que sus hijos se fueran con dos míseras gominolas y un cuarto de una lata de limonada Barr.

Al parecer, se montó un buen numerito en la supuesta fábrica de chocolate. Los actores se pusieron en pie de guerra, al igual que los padres, muchos de los cuales se enfrentaron al propietario y exigieron que les devolvieran el dinero. Al parecer, incluso tuvo que intervenir la policía para calmar los ánimos.

Desde entonces, los organizadores de esta experiencia, House of Illuminati, han pedido disculpas por el "estresante y frustrante" día.

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Reconocieron que si lo hubieran cancelado antes podrían haberle evitado a todos la frustración. Desde entonces han emitido 850 reembolsos. Sí, este definitivamente no era un boleto dorado. 😅

WILLY WONKA Pop-Up Factory Experience a Bust ... Parents Outraged

A Willy Wonka pop-up attraction in the UK turned out to be underwhelming for families who thought they'd be going through an intricate chocolate factory -- and the pics are wild.

Get this ... families who were promised a "delectable" chocolate fountain and "whimsical" Oompa Loompas at 'Willy's Chocolate Experience' in Glasgow, Scotland ended up in a relatively empty warehouse where they were greeted with a sad sight -- just take a look.

Photos of the "factory" have been circulating online -- and most everyone agrees ... this so-called recreated experience was definitely oversold, and that's how parents feel as well.

As you can see ... the space where people were told they'd be treated to an awesome time was scant and pretty bare -- with an inflatable rainbow, a lonely bouncy castle, and a few other half-hearted decorations scattered about, and some frumpy actors on hand too.

Check out this photo of one of the Oompa Loompas hired to role-play for this attraction -- it's a sad sight. Reports have surfaced claiming the cast members were handed scripts the night before, and then told to improvise on the spot.

One parent, Aileen Butcher, called the whole debacle an "absolute disgrace" ... telling the Daily Record it took all of one minute to walk through this thing, which also included a lone table strewn with jelly beans. The tickets were reportedly about $35 a pop.

Another parent, Stuart Sinclair, spilled all the beans on FB ... explaining he traveled two hours for the event, only for his kids to walk away with two measly jelly babies and a quarter of a can of Barr limeade.

It was apparently quite a scene in the would-be chocolate factory ... actors were reportedly up in arms, as were the parents ... many of whom confronted the owner and demanded refunds. Cops reportedly even had to get involved in all this to settle everyone down.

Organizers House of Illuminati have since apologized for the "stressful and frustrating day."

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They acknowledged that canceling it earlier might've spared everyone a lot of frustration ... and have since issued 850 refunds. Yeah, this definitely wasn't a golden ticket idea. 😅

Drake Fans Mother, Daughter Ran Over By Speeding Car ... After His St. Louis Concert

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Tragic Collision

Tragic new video shows the moment a mother and daughter leaving a Drake concert were killed by a car running a red light -- and you can see just how fast this person was driving.

The dramatic footage shows Laticha Bracero and her adult daughter, 21-year-old Alyssa Cordova, walking through a crosswalk on early Feb. 14 -- right after Drake's concert in St. Louis -- when, suddenly, a car comes flying into frame, blowing through a red light and sideswiping another car before running them over.

It all happens in a flash -- and we've stopped the video to avoid showing the gruesome moment of impact -- but make no mistake ... Bracero and Cordova were obliterated.

Obviously, the fatal incident is absolutely horrific -- and worse yet, it happened a few blocks away from the Enterprise Center in downtown St. Louis, where the women had just left a Drake show ... the 2nd night of his two-show performances there in town.

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department says the mother died at the scene and her daughter later died at a hospital.

Cops also claim the alleged driver, 22-year-old Monte Henderson, was running red lights for several blocks and speeding in a Jeep Cherokee before running over the women and injuring several other pedestrians. They ended up finding him and arresting him shortly after this.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Henderson's been charged with two counts each of armed criminal action and involuntary manslaughter. Cops say he was speeding at over 70 MPH -- it's unclear why he might've been driving that fast ... but in any case, he has reportedly since bonded out of jail.

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According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch ... a judge overseeing his case denied a request from prosecutors to keep him locked up -- with them arguing he's a danger to the community -- and allowed to be freed on a $20,000 bail. He has since been released from custody.

The mother and daughter apparently weren't even from St. Louis -- word is, they'd traveled into town from Chicago just to catch Drizzy in person. A GoFundMe to help pay for funeral arrangements and other costs has been started in their name.



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trágico momento

Un nuevo y trágico video muestra el momento en que una madre y su hija -que salían de un concierto de Drake- mueren atropelladas por un carro que se salta un semáforo en rojo, y se puede ver a qué iba muy rápido.

Las dramáticas imágenes muestran a Laticha Bracero y su hija de 21 años de edad, Alyssa Cordova, caminando por un paso de peatones a principios del 14 de febrero -justo después del concierto de Drake en St. Louis- cuando, de repente, un carro viene volando pasándose una luz roja y les quita la vida

Todo sucede en un instante y hemos cortado el video para evitar mostrar el horrible momento del impacto, pero no se equivoquen, Bracero y Cordova fueron brutalmente golpeadas.

Obviamente, el incidente fatal es absolutamente horrible y lo que es peor, ocurrió a pocas cuadras del Enterprise Center en el centro de St. Louis, donde las mujeres acababan de salir de un espectáculo de Drake, la segunda noche de sus dos espectáculos allí en la ciudad.

El Departamento de Policía Metropolitana de St. Louis dice que la madre murió en la escena y su hija murió más tarde en un hospital.

Los policías también afirman que el presunto conductor, Monte Henderson, de 22 años, se saltó semáforos en rojo durante varias manzanas y circulaba a gran velocidad en un Jeep Cherokee antes de atropellar a las mujeres y herir a varios peatones más. Acabaron encontrándolo y arrestándolo poco después.

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Henderson ha sido acusado de dos cargos, cada uno de acción criminal armada y homicidio involuntario. Los policías dicen que iba a más de 70 MPH y no está claro por qué podría haber estado conduciendo tan rápido, pero en cualquier caso, según los informes, pero en cualquier caso, al parecer ya ha salido de la cárcel.

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De acuerdo con el St. Louis Post-Dispatch, un juez que supervisa su caso denegó una solicitud de los fiscales para mantenerlo encerrado. Argumentan que es un peligro para la comunidad y le permitieron ser liberado bajo fianza de $20.000. Desde entonces ha sido puesto en libertad.

La madre y la hija al parecer ni siquiera eran de St. Louis, se dice que habían viajado a la ciudad desde Chicago solo para ver a Drizzy en persona. Un GoFundMe para ayudar a pagar los arreglos funerarios y otros gastos se ha iniciado en su nombre.




The Air Force member who set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in D.C. in protest against Israel has died ... and video of the horrific incident has now surfaced.

Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old from San Antonio, was identified by the Metropolitan Police Department as the man who set himself ablaze Sunday ... and he actually live streamed the whole thing himself on Twitch just before 1 PM ET, which you can watch here -- but brace yourself, it's harrowing, to say the least.

It's a chilling image ... you can see Bushnell casually walking up to the gates of the Israeli Embassy, talking straight to the camera, saying he won't be complicit in genocide anymore. He adds how whatever protest he's about to engage in is nothing compared to what Palestinians have been going through at the hands of their colonizers.

He then positions his camera on the ground, douses himself in accelerant, and ignites the flames ... all while yelling, "Free Palestine!!"

Bushnell was extinguished by the United States Secret Service and was rushed to the hospital with his life-threatening injuries -- and we all now know he didn't make it.

The Air Force said in a statement Monday: "The individual involved in yesterday's incident succumbed to his injuries and passed away last night."

On top of everything else, the Metropolitan Police Department's bomb squad got called in to check out a suspicious vehicle in the area. Thankfully, they determined that the vehicle didn't contain any hazardous material.

The massive protest against the conflict between Israel and Hamas kicked off when Hamas agents attacked a music festival -- killing hundreds and taking more hostage on October 7, 2023.

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Israel responded by launching an all-out war against Hamas in Gaza, and tensions between the two sides have been raging since.

LAMAR ODOM Pastor Gifts Former B-Baller New Rehab Facility

Lamar Odom has taken the reins of a New Mexico rehab facility ... and he's ready to give it some serious TLC to help those hit hard by the drug crisis.

The former athlete's manager tells TMZ ... the previous owner left the property to New Mexico Pastor Anthony Torres, with hopes of opening a treatment center. But when the pastor hit a roadblock with funding, he turned to Lamar, knowing he'd been involved in opening up rehab centers himself.

Lamar checked out the property -- which sits on an acre of land -- and the pastor decided to gift it to him with the intention of using it as a sanctuary for people battling fentanyl addiction.

We're told the property, once owned by the American Legion, is getting a whole new lease on life under Lamar's Odom Recovery Group.

Of course, Lamar's already made a considerable impact across different communities with his network of addiction treatment facilities. From Restoration Recovery in Sacramento to Compassions in Laguna Hills ... from Inner Minds Health in San Bernardino to Vanity Wellness Center in Woodland Hills ... he's covering some serious ground.

Oxy Dental

Lamar's not just stopping at addiction treatment -- he's also keeping busy in the dentistry world with his new venture, Oxy Dental.

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After battling his own demons with addiction, the fact that Lamar's using his experiences to help others turn their lives around is truly heartwarming.

Wendy Williams Breaks Silence on Diagnoses ... Appreciate the Love!!!

Wendy Williams is speaking out on her recent health diagnoses -- and while she's grateful for the love and support she's been getting ... she isn't addressing the elephant in the room.

The former talk show host -- who's been out of the spotlight for a couple years now as she's dealt with private issues -- issued a statement Friday that touched on the fact that her team says she's now afflicted with aphasia and frontotemporal dementia.

Wendy says, "I want to say I have immense gratitude for the love and kind words I have received after sharing my diagnosis of Aphasia and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). Let me say, wow!  Your response has been overwhelming."

She adds, "The messages shared with me have touched me, reminding me of the power of unity and the need for compassion. I hope that others with FTD may benefit from my story. I want to also thank the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration for their kind words of support and their extraordinary efforts to raise awareness of FTD."

Wendy finally finishes with this ... "I continue to need personal space and peace to thrive.  Please just know that your positivity and encouragement are deeply appreciated."

It's good to hear from Wendy directly, of course ... but the one thing people really wanna know about her right now is -- where exactly is she, and how is she holding up???

The documentary from Lifetime that's coming out this weekend makes it seem like Wendy is going through a really hard time ... and there appears to be drama brewing between the team handling her affairs right now and her own family. Basically, it's messy and complicated.

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A woman claiming to be Wendy's guardian just ran to court to try and block the doc from coming out -- but they were unsuccessful for the time being and it's dropping tomorrow.

Choque masivo en China 100 carros apilados a causa del hielo en las carreteras... Ningún muerto

Salvaje choque

Un impactante accidente múltiple en China dejó a 100 carros apilados y parece que todos sobrevivieron a la terrible experiencia, que quedó registrada en video.

Los medios estatales de China publicaron el video, que ahora está por todas las redes sociales, donde se ve una enorme fila de coches embestidos unos contra otros en extrañas posiciones, con un vehículo incluso descansando encima de todos en un ángulo casi vertical.

También se pueden ver escombros sobre la autopista y a la gente saliendo de los carros para ayudar a sus compañeros, aunque la policía local está diciendo que todo el mundo está más o menos bien, con solo algunas personas heridas.

La policía del Parque Industrial de Suzhou publicó en sus redes sociales WeChat que tres personas habían sido derivadas al hospital por sus lesiones y seis sufrieron rasguños menores, pero según ellos, todo el mundo sigue vivo.

Reuters está apuntando al mal tiempo como la principal razón detrás de este accidente, diciendo que el país ha sido golpeado con ventiscas y toneladas de lluvia.

El medio también informa que ha habido más gente circulando por las carreteras debido a las recientes vacaciones del Año Nuevo Lunar.

Por cierto, estos enormes accidentes no son totalmente desconocidos en China. En 2022, más de 200 carros se vieron implicados en un accidente múltiple provocado por la niebla, según el diario estatal Global Times. Según los informes, una persona murió en ese caso.

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Parece que todo el mundo está bastante bien aquí, nada menos que un milagro.

100-Car Pileup in China Icy Roads Caused Massive Accident ... No One Reportedly Dead


The aftermath of a 100-car pileup in China looks absolutely terrifying on camera ... and yet, it seems everyone survived the horrible ordeal.

Chinese state media posted the video, now all over social media, Friday which showed a huge swath of cars rammed into one another at odd angles, with one vehicle even resting atop several others at a near vertical angle.

Debris litters the freeway in the vid, and people can be seen clambering out of cars and looking to help their fellow crashed drivers ... but, local police are saying everyone's pretty much fine with just a few people injured.

Suzhou Industrial Park traffic police posted on social media platform WeChat saying three people were headed to the hospital for their injuries and six suffered minor scratches ... but, according to them, everyone's still alive.

Reuters is pointing to a recent bout of bad weather as the main reason behind this crash ... saying the country's been hit with blizzards and tons of rain.

More people have been on the roads too, the outlet reports, because of the recent Lunar New Year holiday.

BTW ... these huge accidents aren't totally unheard of in China. More than 200 cars were involved in a massive pileup in 2022 caused by heavy fog according to the state-owned Global Times. One person reportedly died in that instance.

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Seems like everyone's pretty much OK here, however ... truly nothing short of a miracle.


un estereotipo
Fox News

Un presentador de FOX News está siendo criticado por sugerir que las nuevas zapatillas de Donald Trump se ganarán a los afroamericanos, y un rapero de Detroit parece dispuesto a firmar ese mensaje.

Raymond Arroyo estaba al aire hablando de Trump y de las zapatillas -que cuestan alrededor de $400- y dio a entender que todos los afroamericanos aman las zapatillas deportivas y por eso Trump iba a triunfar.

Esto es lo que dijo: "Esto está conectando con los afroamericanos, porque les encantan las zapatillas deportivas. Este es un gran tema, sobre todo en el centro de la ciudad. Así que cuando Trump lanzó su línea de zapatillas, ellos dijeron, "espera un minuto, esto es genial'. Está llegando a ellos por encima de la política".

Naturalmente, los comentarios de Arroyo desataron la indignación en Internet, y muchos lo calificaron de racista y de caer en estereotipos dañinos que no son ciertos. Como muchos señalaron con razón, los afroamericanos y cualquier grupo étnico son variados, en gustos y estilos.

TRUMP es un soplón

Sin embargo Peezy, que tiene un gran número de seguidores, parecía apoyar el argumento de Arroyo, afirmando en línea que está tratando de conseguir un par. De hecho, apoya a Trump y critica a Biden.

Peezy fue claro respecto a las zapatillas y a sus afiliaciones políticas, diciendo: "F*** Joe Biden, estoy rockeando con Trump", antes de añadir un "f*** Kamala Harris" por si acaso. También dijo "Free Trump", así que sí, él es un fan.

Por supuesto, Peezy de ninguna manera hablando en nombre todos, solo se representa a sí mismo y sus propios puntos de vista, pero es interesante de todas formas.

Los comentarios de Arroyo están siendo vistos como problemáticos, pero por la misma razón, hay claramente algunos afroamericanos que en realidad detestan a Trump. De nuevo, no somos todos iguales, así que no es ninguna sorpresa.

Si Trump es capaz de lograr que más afroamericanos voten por él este año, probablemente no será a causa de estas zapatillas... no importa lo que FOX News diga.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Dicho esto, estas zapatillas de Trump se han agotado. Fue un lanzamiento de edición limitada -con solo 1.000 pares- y la gente los compró bastante rápido. 🤷🏽‍♂️