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trágico momento

Un nuevo y trágico video muestra el momento en que una madre y su hija -que salían de un concierto de Drake- mueren atropelladas por un carro que se salta un semáforo en rojo, y se puede ver a qué iba muy rápido.

Las dramáticas imágenes muestran a Laticha Bracero y su hija de 21 años de edad, Alyssa Cordova, caminando por un paso de peatones a principios del 14 de febrero -justo después del concierto de Drake en St. Louis- cuando, de repente, un carro viene volando pasándose una luz roja y les quita la vida

Todo sucede en un instante y hemos cortado el video para evitar mostrar el horrible momento del impacto, pero no se equivoquen, Bracero y Cordova fueron brutalmente golpeadas.

Obviamente, el incidente fatal es absolutamente horrible y lo que es peor, ocurrió a pocas cuadras del Enterprise Center en el centro de St. Louis, donde las mujeres acababan de salir de un espectáculo de Drake, la segunda noche de sus dos espectáculos allí en la ciudad.

El Departamento de Policía Metropolitana de St. Louis dice que la madre murió en la escena y su hija murió más tarde en un hospital.

Los policías también afirman que el presunto conductor, Monte Henderson, de 22 años, se saltó semáforos en rojo durante varias manzanas y circulaba a gran velocidad en un Jeep Cherokee antes de atropellar a las mujeres y herir a varios peatones más. Acabaron encontrándolo y arrestándolo poco después.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Henderson ha sido acusado de dos cargos, cada uno de acción criminal armada y homicidio involuntario. Los policías dicen que iba a más de 70 MPH y no está claro por qué podría haber estado conduciendo tan rápido, pero en cualquier caso, según los informes, pero en cualquier caso, al parecer ya ha salido de la cárcel.

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De acuerdo con el St. Louis Post-Dispatch, un juez que supervisa su caso denegó una solicitud de los fiscales para mantenerlo encerrado. Argumentan que es un peligro para la comunidad y le permitieron ser liberado bajo fianza de $20.000. Desde entonces ha sido puesto en libertad.

La madre y la hija al parecer ni siquiera eran de St. Louis, se dice que habían viajado a la ciudad desde Chicago solo para ver a Drizzy en persona. Un GoFundMe para ayudar a pagar los arreglos funerarios y otros gastos se ha iniciado en su nombre.




The Air Force member who set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in D.C. in protest against Israel has died ... and video of the horrific incident has now surfaced.

Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old from San Antonio, was identified by the Metropolitan Police Department as the man who set himself ablaze Sunday ... and he actually live streamed the whole thing himself on Twitch just before 1 PM ET, which you can watch here -- but brace yourself, it's harrowing, to say the least.

It's a chilling image ... you can see Bushnell casually walking up to the gates of the Israeli Embassy, talking straight to the camera, saying he won't be complicit in genocide anymore. He adds how whatever protest he's about to engage in is nothing compared to what Palestinians have been going through at the hands of their colonizers.

He then positions his camera on the ground, douses himself in accelerant, and ignites the flames ... all while yelling, "Free Palestine!!"

Bushnell was extinguished by the United States Secret Service and was rushed to the hospital with his life-threatening injuries -- and we all now know he didn't make it.

The Air Force said in a statement Monday: "The individual involved in yesterday's incident succumbed to his injuries and passed away last night."

On top of everything else, the Metropolitan Police Department's bomb squad got called in to check out a suspicious vehicle in the area. Thankfully, they determined that the vehicle didn't contain any hazardous material.

The massive protest against the conflict between Israel and Hamas kicked off when Hamas agents attacked a music festival -- killing hundreds and taking more hostage on October 7, 2023.

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Israel responded by launching an all-out war against Hamas in Gaza, and tensions between the two sides have been raging since.

LAMAR ODOM Pastor Gifts Former B-Baller New Rehab Facility

Lamar Odom has taken the reins of a New Mexico rehab facility ... and he's ready to give it some serious TLC to help those hit hard by the drug crisis.

The former athlete's manager tells TMZ ... the previous owner left the property to New Mexico Pastor Anthony Torres, with hopes of opening a treatment center. But when the pastor hit a roadblock with funding, he turned to Lamar, knowing he'd been involved in opening up rehab centers himself.

Lamar checked out the property -- which sits on an acre of land -- and the pastor decided to gift it to him with the intention of using it as a sanctuary for people battling fentanyl addiction.

We're told the property, once owned by the American Legion, is getting a whole new lease on life under Lamar's Odom Recovery Group.

Of course, Lamar's already made a considerable impact across different communities with his network of addiction treatment facilities. From Restoration Recovery in Sacramento to Compassions in Laguna Hills ... from Inner Minds Health in San Bernardino to Vanity Wellness Center in Woodland Hills ... he's covering some serious ground.

Oxy Dental

Lamar's not just stopping at addiction treatment -- he's also keeping busy in the dentistry world with his new venture, Oxy Dental.

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After battling his own demons with addiction, the fact that Lamar's using his experiences to help others turn their lives around is truly heartwarming.

Wendy Williams Breaks Silence on Diagnoses ... Appreciate the Love!!!

Wendy Williams is speaking out on her recent health diagnoses -- and while she's grateful for the love and support she's been getting ... she isn't addressing the elephant in the room.

The former talk show host -- who's been out of the spotlight for a couple years now as she's dealt with private issues -- issued a statement Friday that touched on the fact that her team says she's now afflicted with aphasia and frontotemporal dementia.

Wendy says, "I want to say I have immense gratitude for the love and kind words I have received after sharing my diagnosis of Aphasia and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). Let me say, wow!  Your response has been overwhelming."

She adds, "The messages shared with me have touched me, reminding me of the power of unity and the need for compassion. I hope that others with FTD may benefit from my story. I want to also thank the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration for their kind words of support and their extraordinary efforts to raise awareness of FTD."

Wendy finally finishes with this ... "I continue to need personal space and peace to thrive.  Please just know that your positivity and encouragement are deeply appreciated."

It's good to hear from Wendy directly, of course ... but the one thing people really wanna know about her right now is -- where exactly is she, and how is she holding up???

The documentary from Lifetime that's coming out this weekend makes it seem like Wendy is going through a really hard time ... and there appears to be drama brewing between the team handling her affairs right now and her own family. Basically, it's messy and complicated.

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A woman claiming to be Wendy's guardian just ran to court to try and block the doc from coming out -- but they were unsuccessful for the time being and it's dropping tomorrow.

Choque masivo en China 100 carros apilados a causa del hielo en las carreteras... Ningún muerto

Salvaje choque

Un impactante accidente múltiple en China dejó a 100 carros apilados y parece que todos sobrevivieron a la terrible experiencia, que quedó registrada en video.

Los medios estatales de China publicaron el video, que ahora está por todas las redes sociales, donde se ve una enorme fila de coches embestidos unos contra otros en extrañas posiciones, con un vehículo incluso descansando encima de todos en un ángulo casi vertical.

También se pueden ver escombros sobre la autopista y a la gente saliendo de los carros para ayudar a sus compañeros, aunque la policía local está diciendo que todo el mundo está más o menos bien, con solo algunas personas heridas.

La policía del Parque Industrial de Suzhou publicó en sus redes sociales WeChat que tres personas habían sido derivadas al hospital por sus lesiones y seis sufrieron rasguños menores, pero según ellos, todo el mundo sigue vivo.

Reuters está apuntando al mal tiempo como la principal razón detrás de este accidente, diciendo que el país ha sido golpeado con ventiscas y toneladas de lluvia.

El medio también informa que ha habido más gente circulando por las carreteras debido a las recientes vacaciones del Año Nuevo Lunar.

Por cierto, estos enormes accidentes no son totalmente desconocidos en China. En 2022, más de 200 carros se vieron implicados en un accidente múltiple provocado por la niebla, según el diario estatal Global Times. Según los informes, una persona murió en ese caso.

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Parece que todo el mundo está bastante bien aquí, nada menos que un milagro.

100-Car Pileup in China Icy Roads Caused Massive Accident ... No One Reportedly Dead


The aftermath of a 100-car pileup in China looks absolutely terrifying on camera ... and yet, it seems everyone survived the horrible ordeal.

Chinese state media posted the video, now all over social media, Friday which showed a huge swath of cars rammed into one another at odd angles, with one vehicle even resting atop several others at a near vertical angle.

Debris litters the freeway in the vid, and people can be seen clambering out of cars and looking to help their fellow crashed drivers ... but, local police are saying everyone's pretty much fine with just a few people injured.

Suzhou Industrial Park traffic police posted on social media platform WeChat saying three people were headed to the hospital for their injuries and six suffered minor scratches ... but, according to them, everyone's still alive.

Reuters is pointing to a recent bout of bad weather as the main reason behind this crash ... saying the country's been hit with blizzards and tons of rain.

More people have been on the roads too, the outlet reports, because of the recent Lunar New Year holiday.

BTW ... these huge accidents aren't totally unheard of in China. More than 200 cars were involved in a massive pileup in 2022 caused by heavy fog according to the state-owned Global Times. One person reportedly died in that instance.

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Seems like everyone's pretty much OK here, however ... truly nothing short of a miracle.


un estereotipo
Fox News

Un presentador de FOX News está siendo criticado por sugerir que las nuevas zapatillas de Donald Trump se ganarán a los afroamericanos, y un rapero de Detroit parece dispuesto a firmar ese mensaje.

Raymond Arroyo estaba al aire hablando de Trump y de las zapatillas -que cuestan alrededor de $400- y dio a entender que todos los afroamericanos aman las zapatillas deportivas y por eso Trump iba a triunfar.

Esto es lo que dijo: "Esto está conectando con los afroamericanos, porque les encantan las zapatillas deportivas. Este es un gran tema, sobre todo en el centro de la ciudad. Así que cuando Trump lanzó su línea de zapatillas, ellos dijeron, "espera un minuto, esto es genial'. Está llegando a ellos por encima de la política".

Naturalmente, los comentarios de Arroyo desataron la indignación en Internet, y muchos lo calificaron de racista y de caer en estereotipos dañinos que no son ciertos. Como muchos señalaron con razón, los afroamericanos y cualquier grupo étnico son variados, en gustos y estilos.

TRUMP es un soplón

Sin embargo Peezy, que tiene un gran número de seguidores, parecía apoyar el argumento de Arroyo, afirmando en línea que está tratando de conseguir un par. De hecho, apoya a Trump y critica a Biden.

Peezy fue claro respecto a las zapatillas y a sus afiliaciones políticas, diciendo: "F*** Joe Biden, estoy rockeando con Trump", antes de añadir un "f*** Kamala Harris" por si acaso. También dijo "Free Trump", así que sí, él es un fan.

Por supuesto, Peezy de ninguna manera hablando en nombre todos, solo se representa a sí mismo y sus propios puntos de vista, pero es interesante de todas formas.

Los comentarios de Arroyo están siendo vistos como problemáticos, pero por la misma razón, hay claramente algunos afroamericanos que en realidad detestan a Trump. De nuevo, no somos todos iguales, así que no es ninguna sorpresa.

Si Trump es capaz de lograr que más afroamericanos voten por él este año, probablemente no será a causa de estas zapatillas... no importa lo que FOX News diga.

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Dicho esto, estas zapatillas de Trump se han agotado. Fue un lanzamiento de edición limitada -con solo 1.000 pares- y la gente los compró bastante rápido. 🤷🏽‍♂️


"bien por ella"

Darius Rucker es un gran fan de que Beyoncé pruebe otros géneros, dice que le encanta su nueva música country y espera que finalmente le consiga el codiciado Grammy al Álbum del Año.

El legendario cantautor -que es uno de los pocos artistas negros que ha irrumpido con éxito en el country- estaba en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles el miércoles cuando un fotógrafo le preguntó acerca de la última oferta de Beyoncé, "Texas Hold 'Em".

Darius es bastante breve y preciso en sus comentarios. Dice que le gusta el nuevo giro de la Diva.

Dice que "THE" es una gran canción e incluso le desea buena suerte a su manera sobre la perspectiva de la incursión de Beyoncé en la música country finalmente le gana un premio Grammy por Álbum del Año, algo que todavía falta dentro de los logros de Bey.

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"ella merece mucho más"

Recordemos que Jay-Z hizo un gran alboroto sobre la ausencia de Beyoncé durante su discurso en los Grammys de este mes, por lo que mucha gente se pregunta si un álbum de country podría cambiar las cosas.

Por supuesto, Beyoncé va a tener que vencer a Taylor Swift -entre otros- para ganar el gran premio (Artista del Año). Taylor también tiene un nuevo álbum y Darius se refirió a ella.

El camarógrafo le pregunta a Darius si cree que Taylor debe volver al country. A lo que responde que Tay Tay debería sacar el tipo de música que quiera, lo mismo para Beyoncé.

Una última cosa que Darius abordó aquí sobre Bey y el country, son los comentarios feos de John Schneider de la semana pasada, cuando hizo comparaciones con un perro que marca su territorio.

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Al igual que muchas personas, está de acuerdo en que las palabras de John estaban impregnadas de un trasfondo racista, y dice que la música country no pertenece a un grupo pequeño. Sobre la cuestión de si Beyoncé es un "pararrayos", Darius se burla de esa idea también en esta entrevista.

Resumiendo, Darius está apoyando los deseos de Beyoncé de entrar en la música country.

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Aquí está la esperanza de que su consigna calme a los haters, porque parece que hay un montón de ellos, y a los ojos de Darius, están haciendo un gran alboroto por nada.

FOX News Trump Sneaks Will Sway Black Voters Rapper Peezy Loves 'Em!!!

Fox News

A FOX News host is under fire for suggesting Donald Trump's new sneakers will win over Black America -- and one rapper from Detroit seems ready to cosign that message.

Raymond Arroyo was on the air and talking about DT's "gold" kicks -- which cost about $400 -- and he said something controversial ... namely, implying all Black people love sneakers, and because of that -- Trump's new endeavor will bring them over to his side in droves.

Here's what he said ... "This is connecting with Black America because they love sneakers. This is a big deal, certainly in the inner city. So when you have Trump roll out his sneaker line, they're like, 'wait a minute, this is cool.' He's reaching them on a level that defies and is above politics."

Naturally, Arroyo's comments sparked outrage online -- with many calling his sentiment outright racist ... and playing into harmful stereotypes that just aren't true. As many rightly noted ... Black people are NOT a monolith, and neither is any other group for that matter.


And yet ... Peezy -- who's got a pretty big following -- appeared to back Arroyo's argument ... hopping online to explicitly plug Trump's "Never Surrender" shoes, and even saying he's trying to get his hands on a pair. Indeed, he endorses Trump here -- and slams Biden as well.

Peezy put out an APB for a size 13 for the sold-out sneakers ... while making his political affiliations clear ... saying "F*** Joe Biden, I'm rocking with Trump," before adding a "f*** Kamala Harris" for good measure. He also said "Free Trump" ... so yeah, he's a fan.

Of course, Peezy is in no way speaking on behalf of others here -- he only represents himself and his own views -- but it is interesting that he's coming out swinging on behalf of DT and his kicks.

Big picture though ... Arroyo's remarks are being viewed as problematic, but by the same token -- there's clearly some Black people who actually dig Trump and his merch. Again ... not a monolith -- so no surprise there, really.

We'll say this ... if Trump is able to sway more African Americans to vote for him this year -- it probably won't be because of these shoes, specifically -- despite what FOX News thinks.

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With that said ... these Trump sneakers have actually sold out. It was a limited edition release, with only 1,000 pairs dropping -- and people snapped 'em up pretty quick. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Darius Rucker Beyoncé's Country Music Is Great ... I Hope She Wins AOTY!!!


Darius Rucker is a big fan of Beyoncé joining his genre ... saying he's loving her new country music, and hopes it finally lands her a coveted Album of the Year Grammy.

The legendary singer-songwriter -- who's one of the few Black artists who's broken through into country successfully -- was at LAX Wednesday when a photog asked him about Beyoncé's latest offering, "Texas Hold 'Em."

Darius is fairly brief and succinct in his review -- but he's clear ... he's digging Bey's twang.

He says 'THE' is a great song and even throws good luck her way over the prospect of Beyoncé's foray into country music finally earns her a Grammy award for Album of The Year ... something that's still missing from Bey's mantle.

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Remember ... Jay-Z made a big stink about Beyoncé's lack of an AOTY award during a speech at this month's Grammys, so lots of folks are wondering if a country album will get Bey over the hump ... Darius included.

Of course, Beyoncé's going to have to beat out Taylor Swift -- and others -- to win AOTY ... Taylor's got a new album coming out too, and Darius actually addresses Taylor too here.

The cameraman asks Darius if he thinks Taylor should go back to country -- something that another bystander next to DR actually weighs in on before has a chance to. As for Darius, he says Tay Tay should crank out whatever type of music she wants ... ditto for Beyoncé.

One last thing Darius addressed here about Bey and country ... namely, John Schneider's ugly remarks about her last week -- when he likened her to a dog marking its territory.

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Like many people ... he agrees that John's words were laced with a racist undertone -- and he says gatekeeping country music is absolutely silly. On the question of whether Beyoncé is a "lightning rod" ... Darius scoffs at that notion as well in this interview.

Long story short ... Darius is all for Beyoncé getting into country music -- he's definitely a fan.

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Here's hoping his cosign quiets down the haters who are riled up ... 'cause there seems to be a lot of 'em, and in Darius' eyes -- they're making a big fat fuss over a whole lotta nothing.

Gabby Petito Family Settles Emotional Distress Lawsuit ... Avoids 'Prolonged Personal Conflict'

Gabby Petito's family has reached a settlement with her killer Brian Laundrie's family in their emotional distress lawsuit ... but the details aren't being released to the public.

An attorney for the Laundries, Steve Bertolino, released a statement on the settlement Wednesday, according to CNN, saying the two sides had reached an accord to avoid going to trial in the case.

Bertolino said the terms of the settlement are confidential ... so, unclear exactly how much money they settled for, if any. But, it ends a years-long saga that began when Brian killed Gabby in late August 2021.

The Petito family also made a statement through their lawyer who said the sides "reluctantly agreed" to avoid a difficult legal battle and "prolonged personal conflict."

A couple days after Laundrie killed Petito, he reportedly called his parents and told them Gabby was "gone" and he was going to need a lawyer before going on the run and sparking a statewide manhunt. He was later found dead, and the death was eventually ruled a suicide.

This call was apparently made weeks before Gabby's body was found in Wyoming ... a killing Brian later seemingly confessed to in a series of writings found at his death scene.

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Petito's family is still engaged in another lawsuit ... as we previously reported, Gabby's parents are suing the Moab City Police Department who interviewed Gabby and Brian on the side of the road in the weeks leading up to her death.

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Moab Police Department

Gabby told officers Brian grabbed her face and scratched her ... but cops only separated the couple for the day. GP was killed about two weeks later.

AT&T, Verizon & T-Mobile Cell Phone Outage Nightmare ... Tons Of Customers Pissed

A multitude of AT&T customers are probably yanking out their hair after the company announced their network crashed, killing cell phone usage in many areas around the country.

Upwards of 73,000 AT&T clients were cut off from making mobile calls and sending text messages following the nationwide outages that began Thursday around 5 AM ET. This comes on the heels of AT&T's temporary outages over the last few days, including a 911 blackout in some parts of the southeastern United States.

Verizon and T-Mobile customers were also hit with service interruptions, but not as hard as AT&T. About 4,000 customers reported cell phone outages for Verizon, while around 1,900 T-Mobile customers reported a lack of service.

People started reporting the outages on the website, "DownDetector," which tracks telecommunication issues throughout the U.S. Initially, the number of reported AT&T outages fell during the 5 AM hour, only to spike again in the 7 AM hour.

In San Francisco, the Department of Emergency Management issued a public announcement, saying that its 911 center was functioning.

However, in their statement posted to X, the officials suggested that AT&T customers use a landline or a rival phone service to get through to them if the mobile network was down.

They also wrote, “We are aware of an issue impacting AT&T wireless customers from making and receiving any phone calls (including to 911). We are actively engaged and monitoring this.”

People online are making comparisons to Julia Roberts' Netflix film "Leave The World Behind," which follows a family dealing with the reality of a country-wide blackout crisis.

So far, AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile have not officially commented on what triggered the outages ... but AT&T says they're currently working on customer complaints.

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One thing's for sure ... Americans won't stand for no cell phone service. Get that s*** up and running, pronto!

Tiroteo en Kansas City Lyndell Mays admite haber hecho los primeros disparos ... dice la policía


2/21 5:51 AM -- Lyndell Mays fue dado de alta del hospital el martes por la noche y puesto bajo custodia, donde le tomaron una foto policial. Se puede ver que aún parecía tener un gran vendaje en la cara mientras pasaba por el proceso de registro.

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Caos total

Los oficiales de Kansas City aseguran que Lyndell Mays admitió haber disparado los primeros tiros en el desfile de los Chiefs tras su victoria en el Super Bowl la semana pasada, antes de supuestamente decir que "no debería haberlo hecho".

Según documentos judiciales, Mays hizo las sorprendentes declaraciones al Departamento de Policía de Kansas City el 16 de febrero, dos días después de que más de 20 personas fueran alcanzadas por los disparos mientras celebraban el último campeonato de Patrick Mahomes y Travis Kelce en Union Station.

En los documentos, un detective de KCPD escribió que Mays fue entrevistado en un hospital local después de sufrir una aparente herida de bala. Los documentos dicen que inicialmente le dijo a la policía que no le había disparado a nadie después de haber discutido con un grupo de individuos en el desfile. Aunque cuando fue confrontado por los oficiales con que tenían "videos de vigilancia del incidente", cambió su historia.

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Caóticas consecuencias
Jeremy Scherle

Según los policías, May les dijo que un grupo con el que estaba discutiendo le habría dicho: "Voy por ti", algo que aparentemente interpretó como: "Voy a matarte".

Mays les dijo entonces que disparó primero: "quizá dos veces". Sin embargo, según los documentos, dijo que inicialmente dudó en apretar el gatillo "porque sabía que había niños allí". Los docs también afirman que Mays no estaba apuntando específicamente a nadie cuando finalmente decidió disparar, porque "todos podrían haber tenido armas".

"Así que simplemente eligió al azar a qué individuo apuntar", escribieron los policías en los documentos. También señalaron que la persona a la que Mays finalmente le terminó disparando estaba huyendo de él.

"Cuando se le preguntó por qué Lyndell Mays avanzó sobre ellos para empezar, respondió: 'Stupid, man", escribieron los policías en los documentos. "'Saqué un arma y empecé a disparar. No debería haberlo hecho. Solo estaba siendo estúpido".

Los fiscales anunciaron el martes que después de las conversaciones con Mays, lo golpearon con cargos de asesinato en segundo grado, acción criminal armada y uso ilegal de un arma.

Cargos presentados

Los fiscales también revelaron que un hombre llamado Dominic Miller había sido acusado con los mismos cargos.

De acuerdo con los documentos judiciales, las autoridades hablaron con Miller sobre su presunto papel en el tiroteo del 16 de febrero, después de que lo identificaran a través de declaraciones de video y declaraciones de testigos presenciales que estuvieron involucrados en la discusión que precedió a los disparos.

Los policías dicen que Miller, que también estaba en un hospital local recuperándose de aparentes heridas de bala, inicialmente les dijo que corrió tras escuchar los disparos y fue golpeado en el abdomen mientras trataba de irse lejos. Sin embargo, los documentos afirman que cuando las autoridades les dijeron que sus acciones habían sido grabadas en video, admitió haber disparado su pistola Taurus G3 de 9 mm durante el altercado.

Según los documentos, Miller les dijo que después de escuchar los disparos, "observó a un hombre negro con rastas armado con un arma de fuego negro disparando contra él".

"Miller declaró que devolvió el fuego con su propia arma de fuego", escribieron los policías en los documentos. "Miller estimó que disparó 4-5 tiros y no estaba seguro de si golpeó al individuo al que estaba disparando".

Según los documentos, se recuperó una bala de calibre 38 del cuerpo de Lisa López-Galván, quien murió en medio del tiroteo. Los policías dicen que los detectives descubrieron que la bala fue disparada por la pistola Taurus G3 de 9 mm en posesión de Miller.

Tanto Miller como Mays, que tienen 23 años o menos, están actualmente detenidos bajo una fianza de un millón de dólares.

Anteriormente, los fiscales acusaron a dos menores de edad con otros cargos por su conexión con el tiroteo.

Tanto Kelce y Mahomes, por su parte, han ofrecido sus oraciones por las víctimas del incidente. Ambos han donado miles de dólares para ayudar en sus esfuerzos de recuperación.

Super Bowl Parade Shooting Lyndell Mays Admitted To Firing First Shots ... Cops Say


2/21 -- 5:51 AM PT -- Lyndell Mays was released from the hospital Tuesday evening and taken into custody ... where he took a mug shot. You can see he appeared to still have a large bandage on his face as he went through the booking process.

Police officers in Kansas City claim Lyndell Mays admitted he fired the first shots at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade last week ... before he allegedly said he "shouldn't have done that."

According to court documents, Mays made the stunning admissions to the Kansas City Police Department on Feb. 16 -- two days after more than 20 people were struck by gunfire while celebrating Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce's latest championship at Union Station.

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In the docs, a KCPD detective wrote that Mays was interviewed at a local hospital after suffering from an apparent gunshot wound. Initially, the docs state Mays told police he didn't shoot at anyone following a dispute with a group of individuals at the parade -- although when "Mays was confronted that we had surveillance video of the incident, he then changed his story."

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Jeremy Scherle

Mays, according to cops, said a group he was quarreling with had told him, "I'm going to get you" ... something that Mays apparently believed meant, "I'm going to kill you."

Cops say Mays then told them he shot first -- "maybe two times." However, according to the docs, Mays said he initially hesitated to pull the trigger "because he knew there were kids there." The docs also state Mays wasn't specifically targeting anyone when he ultimately decided to fire, because "they all could have had guns."

"So he just randomly picked one of the individuals to target," cops wrote in the documents.

Cops also noted in the docs that the person Mays ended up shooting at was actually running away from him.

"When asked why Lyndell Mays advanced on them to begin with, he replied, 'Stupid, man,'" cops wrote in the documents. "'Just pulled a gun out and started shooting. I shouldn't have done that. Just being stupid.'"

Prosecutors announced Tuesday that following officers' talks with Mays, they hit him with charges of murder in the second degree, armed criminal action, and unlawful use of a weapon.


Prosecutors also revealed Tuesday a man named Dominic Miller had been hit with the same charges as well.

According to court documents, authorities spoke with Miller over his alleged role in the shooting on Feb. 16 after they say they identified through video and eyewitness statements that he was involved in the argument that preceded the gunfire.

Cops say Miller -- who was also at a local hospital recovering from apparent gunshot wounds -- initially told them he ran after hearing gunshots, and was struck in the abdomen as he was trying to hightail it away from the area. However, the docs state when authorities told them his actions were filmed on video -- he admitted to firing his Taurus G3 9mm handgun during the altercation.

According to the docs, Miller told them that after he heard gunshots, "he observed a black male with dreads armed with a black handgun shooting at him."

"Miller stated he returned fire with his own firearm," cops wrote in the docs. "Miller estimated he fired 4-5 shots and was uncertain if he struck the individual he was shooting at."

According to the docs, a .38 caliber class bullet was recovered from the body of Lisa Lopez-Galvan, who died amid the shooting. Cops say detectives later discovered the bullet was fired from the Taurus G3 9mm gun that Miller had acknowledged that he possessed and shot.

Both Miller and Mays -- who are 23 years old or younger -- are now currently being held on a $1 million bond.

Previously, prosecutors hit two juveniles with charges over their connection to the shooting as well.

Both Kelce and Mahomes, meanwhile, have offered their prayers for the victims of the shooting ... with each donating thousands to help in recovery efforts.

Originally Published -- 2/20 -- 2:29 PM PT

DC Young Fly Need My Stolen Bag Back... Jacky Oh!'s Death Cert Was In There!!!

DC Young Fly is graciously asking the person responsible for swiping his bookbag to return it pronto ... because its sentimental value outweighs the financial gain in this caper.

Apparently, DC had a gig at the Hollywood Improv last night but discovered his bag had gone missing following the let-out of the show -- and he suspects it got taken by a thief.


The comedian/actor hoped on IG this morning with a passionate plea for the bag to be returned to him ... and it's incredibly sad, because he says there was something inside that was of the utmost importance to him.

According to DC, no cash or jewels were taken but, as it turns out, the backpack actually contained the death certificate of his girlfriend, Jacky Oh!, with whom he had 3 children.

As we reported ...Jacky died last May due to complications from cosmetic surgery and like we told you, no foul play was suspected in her death. It was just a tragic accident.

DC's not asking for anything crazy here ... he literally just wants his bag back, and is hoping his message reaches the right people and that they'll do the right thing and return it.

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His fellow comedians D.L. Hughley and Earthquake have since joined him on IG in spreading awareness for the stolen property.

DC YOUNG FLY Necesito que me devuelvan mi bolso robado... ¡El certificado de defunción de Jacky Oh estaba ahí!

DC Young Fly le está pidiendo amablemente a la persona responsable del robo de su bolso que se lo devuelva pronto, porque su valor sentimental es mayor que la ganancia financiera.

Al parecer, DC tenía un show en el Hollywood Improv anoche, y descubrió que su bolso había desaparecido a la salida del espectáculo y sospecha que se lo llevó un ladrón.

"devuelvan el bolso"

El comediante y actor apareció en Insta esta mañana pidiendo de manera muy sentida que le devuelvan el bolso, y es increíblemente triste, porque dice que había algo dentro que era de suma importancia para él.

Según DC, no se llevaron dinero ni joyas, pero resulta que la mochila en realidad contenía el certificado de defunción de su novia, Jacky Oh!, con la que tuvo tres hijos.

Como ya informamos, Jacky falleció el pasado mes de mayo debido a complicaciones derivadas de una cirugía estética y como ya dijimos, no hubo rastros de actividad sospechosa, fue solo un trágico accidente.

DC no está pidiendo nada raro, literalmente solo quiere que su bolso de vuelta y está esperando que su mensaje llegue a las personas adecuadas y que van a hacer lo correcto y lo devolverán.

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Sus compañeros comediantes D.L. Hughley y Earthquake se han unido a él en Insta en la difusión de la conciencia de la propiedad robada.

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