Tiroteo en Kansas City Momentos antes ... Adolescentes se enfrentan en un acalorado intercambio

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Momento de la disputa

Un nuevo video del tiroteo en Kansas City parece mostrar el momento exacto antes de los disparos, y como los policías han indicado, hay adolescentes involucrados.

TMZ ha obtenido imágenes que muestran la celebración del miércoles a las 1:48 PM CT, hora en que empezaron a llegar los primeros reportes de los disparos, y testigos presenciales nos dicen que los jóvenes que se ven al fondo se metieron en un acalorado intercambio con alguien fuera de cámara.

Hay unos pocos jugadores en los que concentrarse: primero, un adolescente de rojo, que se molesta y tira su bolsa al suelo mientras discute con alguien que no está a la vista. También hay otro adolescente vestido de negro con un bolso que camina hacia ellos.

Estos 2 en particular fueron grabados alejándose del tiroteo momentos después, cuestión que también se ve en las imágenes que conseguimos. El joven de negro, en tanto, parece haber recibido un disparo.

Testigos que vieron esto nos dicen que parece que le dispararon en la cara. Si se fijan bien, su amigo de rojo lo sigue de cerca mientras sale de allí.

Volviendo al video principal, hay un par de otros tipos que también fueron señalados y que parecen haber estado involucrados: un chico joven con una chaqueta marrón (que parece ser el mismo tipo que fue abordado en ese video ahora viral) y otro chico con una chaqueta negra y gorro rojo, de quien se nos dice que parecía estar alcanzando algo en su abrigo.

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Heroica contención

Nuestras fuentes dicen que todos los chicos en cámara andaban en grupo y estaban discutiendo con un hombre mucho más alto y posiblemente mayor fuera de cámara. Nuestros testigos dicen que este definitivamente habría disparado los primeros tiros contra ellos.

No está del todo claro si los jóvenes le devolvieron los disparos, pero nos han dicho que la gente del lugar cree que podrían haberlo hecho. Aunque no se los ve sacando o usando un arma en absoluto en estos videos.

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La terrible escena

Los policías solo han acusado a 2 individuos menores de edad por delitos relacionados con armas de fuego, aunque es probable que se vengan más cargos.

Las piezas del rompecabezas recién están cayendo en su lugar y siguen habiendo más preguntas que respuestas en este momento. Por lo que parece, esta podría haber sido una discusión que salió mal.

Por supuesto, es una tragedia. El tiroteo cobró la vida de una persona y dejó casi dos docenas de heridos, muchos de los cuales eran niños pequeños.

John Schneider Beyoncé Like Dog Peeing On Tree ... Stay Outta Country Music!!!

Beyoncé’s in the country music doghouse it seems ... at least if John Schneider’s to be believed -- ‘cause he said the star's like a dog takin’ a piss on the genre!

The former “Dukes of Hazzard” star sat down for an interview with right-wing One American News Network to discuss Bey’s recent foray into country music ... and he blasted the Queen for not leaving the genre well enough alone.

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Check out the clip yourself ... Schneider says left-wing entertainers have to “make their mark just like a dog” -- basically, he sees entertainers trying to claim country music as their own.

While he’s probably best known for his work as an actor, Schneider does know a little bit about country music ... John’s actually released a bunch of albums with several reaching impressive heights on the country charts back in the ‘80s.

Beyoncé's used as the example here, but JS is speaking more broadly about pop stars flooding into country music ... and he seems none too pleased about the trend whatsoever.

Artists like Post Malone and Lana Del Rey are also reportedly dipping their toes into the country music pool ... but Bey’s new album’s gotta be the most-anticipated. Her new tracks “Texas Hold ‘Em” and “16 Carriages” got dropped during the Super Bowl and signaled a whole new sound for the Beyhive to jam to.

BTW ... this isn't exactly a new phenomenon. Steven Tyler, Cyndi Lauper and Nelly are just a few big names who have put out country/country-adjacent albums in the past.

Now, if you’re wondering how Bey’s fans took Schenider’s comments ... they weren’t shy about venting their anger, calling his words “disgusting” and pointing out Beyonce’s from Texas -- so country’s kinda in her DNA!

TMZ Studios

Bottom line ... John thinks Beyoncé’s trying to mark country as her own -- and it seems her fans are biting back on her behalf.

John Schneider Beyoncé es como un perro dejando su marca... ¡¡Mantente lejos de la música country!!

Beyoncé se está metiendo en la boca del lobo de la música country, al menos para John Schneider, ¡quien dijo que la estrella es como un perro meando en el género!

La ex estrella de "Dukes of Hazzard" se sentó a conversar con la derechista One American News Network para discutir sobre la reciente incursión de Bey en la música country, y el hombre criticó a Queen B por no dejar el género en paz.

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Tiene que dejar su marca

Echa un vistazo a este clip, Schneider dice que los artistas de izquierda tienen que "hacer su marca al igual que un perro", básicamente, ve a esos artistas tratando de reclamar la música country como propia.

Aunque probablemente es más conocido por su trabajo como actor, Schneider sabe algo de la música country. De hecho, ha publicado varios álbumes, algunos de los cuales alcanzaron cotas impresionantes en las listas de country en los años 80.

Beyoncé es utilizada como un ejemplo en este caso, pero John está hablando más en general sobre las estrellas del pop que se están sumergiendo en este género y él no parece estar en absoluto contento con la tendencia.

Dice que artistas como Post Malone y Lana Del Rey también están incursionando en la música country, aunque el álbum más esperado es el de Bey. Sus nuevas canciones "Texas Hold 'Em" y "16 Carriages" fueron lanzadas durante el Super Bowl y marcaron un nuevo sonido para la Beyhive.

Por cierto, este no es un fenómeno nuevo. Steven Tyler, Cyndi Lauper y Nelly son solo algunos grandes nombres que han publicado álbumes country en el pasado.

Ahora, si se están preguntando cómo se tomaron los fans de Beyoncé los comentarios de Schenider, estos no fueron tímidos al expresar su ira, calificando sus palabras de "repugnantes" y señalando que Bey es de Texas, por lo que el country está en su ADN.

Jugando con el sistema
TMZ Studios

En pocas palabras, John cree que Beyoncé está tratando de marcar el country como propio y parece que sus fans están mordiendo de nuevo en su nombre.

Pit Bulls Attack Pack Mauls Man to Death ... Bloody Body Left in Kennel

A man was mauled to death by his own pit bulls in L.A. County ... and the bloody aftermath was captured by news choppers, as officials found his body in a backyard kennel.

This horrific incident went down Thursday night in Compton -- although, this poor man wasn't discovered until Friday ... and at that point, he was dead. As you can see in the images above -- which have been circulating on social media -- the scene is downright gruesome.

Fox 11 Los Angeles

Unclear what exactly led up to the mauling, but the guy's reported to have been in the business of breeding/selling pitties ... and he had at least 5 grown ones in his backyard. Cops say they believe he might have been trying to feed the animals when they turned on him.

Helicopters surveying the scene early Friday appear to have captured images of his body in one of the enclosures on his property -- but later in the day, first responders arrived to contain the situation ... apprehending the dogs themselves.

The drama wasn't over by then, though ... even after the authorities had arrived, a woman had somehow found her way into the yard and needed help escaping from the dogs.

Eventually, firefighters were able to rescue her and get the pits under control. No word on what will happen to the dogs -- they're now in the possession of Animal Control.

The director of LA County's Animal Control department says, "Our deepest sympathies are extended to the family and friends of the victim. We are committed to conducting a thorough investigation to determine the facts and ensure the safety and well-being of both the community and the animals involved."

The identity of the victim has yet to be released. A neighbor reportedly discovered him dead.

Ataque de unos pitbulls Una jauría mata a un hombre en Compton...

Un hombre fue mutilado hasta la muerte por sus propios pitbulls en el condado de Los Ángeles y las sangrientas secuelas fueron capturadas por unos helicópteros de noticias, mientras los funcionarios encontraron su cuerpo en una perrera trasera.

Este horrible incidente ocurrió el jueves por la noche en Compton, aunque este pobre hombre no fue descubierto hasta el viernes, y en ese momento ya estaba muerto.

Como se puede ver en las imágenes que han estado circulando en las redes sociales, la escena es francamente horrible.

Ataque feroz
Fox 11 Los Angeles

No está claro qué causó exactamente esa mutilación, pero se ha informado que el hombre estaba en el negocio de la cría y venta de pitbull, y tenía al menos cinco de ellos en su patio trasero. La policía cree que estaba intentando alimentar a los animales cuando se le echaron encima.

Los helicópteros que estaban sobrevolando la escena temprano el viernes parecen haber capturado imágenes de su cuerpo en uno de los recintos de su propiedad. Más tarde, los primeros auxilios llegaron a contener la situación y aprehendieron a sus propios perros.

El drama no había terminado allí, sin embargo. Incluso después de que las autoridades llegaran la escena, una mujer que había encontrado su camino hacia el patio necesitó ayuda para escapar de los perros.

Finalmente, los bomberos pudieron rescatarla y controlar a los perros. No se sabe qué pasará con ellos, pero ahora están en posesión de Control de Animales.

El director del departamento de Control de Animales de Los Angeles County dice: "Nuestras más profundas condolencias se extienden a la familia y amigos de la víctima. Nos comprometemos a llevar a cabo una investigación exhaustiva para determinar los hechos y garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar tanto de la comunidad como de los animales implicados"

Aún no se ha hecho pública la identidad de la víctima. Al parecer, un vecino lo descubrió muerto.

Travis Kelce Dona $100K a los niños heridos en el tiroteo

Travis Kelce siguió el ejemplo de su novia y acaba de donar exactamente la misma cantidad de dinero que Taylor Swift a las víctimas del tiroteo de Kansas City.

El jugador ofensivo de los Chiefs donó 100.000 dólares a dos niños que recibieron disparos durante el incidente del miércoles, específicamente, a dos chicas de la familia Reyes que habían comenzado un GoFundMe en los últimos días para ayudar a cubrir los costos de sus graves lesiones.

Travis hizo las donaciones de manera muy similar a Taylor, con dos cuotas de $50k.

Las dos chicas, cuya identidad no se ha revelado públicamente, recibieron disparos en las piernas y siguen recuperándose en el hospital. Su familia fijó un objetivo de 100.000 dólares, que, según dijeron, se destinarán para costear sus gastos médicos y sus futuras matrículas universitarias, y Travis los ayudó a alcanzarlo y a superarlo. Con su donación de $100k, la familia ahora cuenta con más de $175k.

La donación de Travis coincide con la propia contribución de Taylor a la familia de la mujer que murió en el tiroteo y, por supuesto, a la de Patrick Mahomes más temprano en el día.

Patrick y Brittany incluso visitaron uno de los hospitales infantiles de la ciudad para reunirse con algunas de las víctimas que aún se están recuperando.

No hace falta decir que los movimientos caritativos de Travis y Patrick viene en medio de algunos contragolpes esta semana, luego de que se revelara que salieron a celebrar después del tiroteo. Ambos decidieron ir a un restaurante para pasar un buen rato.

Algunos dicen que están siendo criticados injustamente, pero otros piensan que el cuadro en general no era de los mejores.

En cualquier caso, las donaciones son obviamente una gran cosa, algo que estamos seguros que las víctimas apreciarán.

Travis Kelce Gives $100K To Kids Injured In Shooting

Travis Kelce followed his girlfriend's lead in the donation department -- he just donated the exact same amount Taylor Swift gave to victims of the Kansas City shooting.

The Chiefs tight end shelled out $100,000 to two children who were shot during Wednesday's incident -- specifically, two young daughters of the Reyes family ... who'd started a GoFundMe of their own in recent days to help cover costs for their severe injuries.

He made the donations very similarly to how Taylor did it ... two different installments of $50k, which came from his charity, 87 and Running.

The two girls -- whose identities haven't been publicly revealed -- were shot in the legs ... and they're still recovering in the hospital. Their family set a goal of $100,000 -- which they said would go toward their medical costs, plus future college tuition -- and TK helped them reach that and beyond. With his $100k donation ... the family is now at more than $175k.

Travis' donation -- which was first reported by Page Six -- matches Taylor's own $100k contribution to the family of the lone woman who died after Wednesday's shooting ... and, of course, it comes on the heels of Patrick Mahomes donating earlier in the day as well.

Patrick and Brittany even visited one of the hospitals to meet with some of the young victims who are still recuperating.

It goes without saying ... the charitable moves by Travis and Patrick also follow some backlash they faced this week after it was revealed they went out to continue celebrating after the shooting ... hitting up a restaurant and keeping the good time going.

Some have said they're being unfairly criticized -- but others say ... the optics weren't great.

In any case ... the donations are obviously a great thing -- something we're sure the victims appreciate.

Jackson Mahomes Caught Up in K.C. Shooting ... Helped Out Child, Says Eyewitness

Jackson Mahomes was caught up in the chaos during the Kansas City parade shooting -- at least according to one eyewitness ... who says she saw him going above and beyond.

A woman named Jess revealed on X Wednesday that Patrick Mahomes' little brother had actually stuck around in the aftermath of the Chiefs parade -- and was apparently on the scene when shots rang out and people started panicking.

She writes, "I don’t care what anyone says but I have found a new found respect for Jackson Mahomes, Ana and I were stuck hiding with him at union station by the trains and he was taking care of a child who lost his parents and helping him calm down."

Her tweet has since gone viral ... and while she didn't elaborate beyond that, the story about Jackson is being praised and shared -- with many expressing shock Jackson was there.

The Chiefs players/staff had already left by the time gunfire erupted ... so it's shocking to hear JM may have still been around. According to Jess ... not only was he on the scene, but he was helping others -- including the most vulnerable people who were scared/distressed.

What Jess goes on to describe about the moment is absolutely horrifying -- and if she's saying Jackson was right there with her ... then he was experiencing the exact same thing.

She says, "We heard pops and then we saw everyone rushing running crying headed towards where I was standing in panic and we had to jump over the gates by the stage and entrance of union station running for our lives in union station hearing gunshots seeing people HIDING IN OVENS!"

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The Chiefs org itself said afterward that all players, coaches and staff members were safe and accounted for -- but on its face, it doesn't sound like that applied to Jackson ... that is, if what this eyewitness is describing is accurate ... though, she seems quite sure.

As we reported ... at least one person was left dead from the shooting, and 22 other suffered gunshot wounds of varying degrees. A few people were detained, but no arrests have been announced just yet ... and police say they're still investigating what exactly happened.

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Video of a man being tackled by bystanders appears to show someone picking up a rifle of some sort and tossing it aside -- although, it's unclear what the motive for the shooting was.

The most tragic part about this is that several of the victims are children, nearly a dozen.

We've reached out to Jackson's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Nuevo video muestra el momento del tiroteo

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Caos total

Un nuevo video muestra el momento en que se inicia el horrible tiroteo en la celebración de los Kansas City por su victoria en el Super Bowl, y este metraje muestra gráficamente cuando algunas personas heridas caen al suelo y la multitud se dispersa.

El video es de la cámara de vigilancia de un apartamento cercano. En este se ve a la multitud dando vueltas después de que termina el desfile hasta que de repente se escucha una ráfaga de disparos sonando.

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Cuando estallan los disparos

Además de registrar a varias personas cayendo al suelo, presumiblemente heridas, se puede ver dónde se disparó el arma en función de hacia dónde se dispersa la multitud.

También se ve a los policías corriendo a la zona donde el pistolero inició el fuego.

A metros del ataque

Como informamos, un hombre que recibió un disparo dice que su esposa y su hija escucharon a una mujer diciéndole a un hombre en la multitud "no lo hagas. No aquí. Esto es estúpido", poco antes de que se escucharan los disparos.

Varios asistentes al desfile abordaron a un hombre armado poco después del tiroteo. La policía se abalanzó sobre él y lo detuvo. Al menos tres personas han sido detenidas en relación con el ataque.

Una persona falleció y otras 22 han resultado heridas, entre ellas al menos 11 niños de entre 6 y 15 años.

Kansas City Super Bowl Shooting New Video Shows Moment of Shooting, Injured Falling to Ground

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New video shows the horrific shooting at the Kansas City Super Bowl parade ... and this footage graphically shows injured people falling to the ground and the crowd scattering.

The video is from a nearby apartment surveillance camera. You see the crowd milling around after the parade ended, and then suddenly a flurry of shots ring out.

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As several people fall to the ground, presumably injured, you see where the gun was fired based on where the crowd disburses.

You also see cops rushing toward the area where the gunman appears to have fired.


As we reported, a man who was shot says his wife and daughter heard a woman tell a man in the crowd, "Don't do it. Not here. This is stupid," shortly before shots rang out.

Several parade-goers tackled a man carrying a gun shortly after the shooting. Police swooped in and took him into custody. At least 3 people have been detained in connection to the shooting.

One person is dead and 22 others wounded, including at least 11 children between the ages of 6 and 15.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Una victíma escuchó a una mujer diciendo "no lo hagas" a un hombre

A unos metros del ataque

Un hombre que recibió un disparo tras la celebración de los Kansas City por el Super Bowl, al igual que su esposa y su hijo, dice que antes de que sonaran los disparos escuchó a una mujer diciéndole a un hombre: "No lo hagas. No aquí. Esto es estúpido".

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La aterradora escena
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine

Jacob Gooch Sr. dice que su esposa y su hija vieron al tirador disparando mientras se movía en círculos. Se habló de que el tiroteo podría haber sido el resultado de dos o más personas peleando, pero si lo que Gooch dice es correcto, dar vueltas con un arma de fuego sugiere que la persona estaba tratando de atacar a la mayor cantidad de personas posible.

Y además está esto: 15 minutos antes del tiroteo, vio a unas personas que él percibió como sospechosas cerca de él, eran 4 a 6 "niños" con máscaras y ropa negra. Dice que desaparecieron entre la multitud poco antes de que terminara la celebración.

Gooch recibió un disparo en el tobillo, su mujer en el pecho y su hijo en el pie. Dice que todos están bien.

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eStallan los disparos

El tiroteo causó la muerte de una DJ de radio y dejó al menos 22 personas heridas, de las cuales al menos 11 son niños de entre 6 y 15 años.

Kansas City Parade Shooting Shooting Victim Heard Woman Tell Man, 'Don't Do It'


A man who was shot after the Kansas City Super Bowl Parade ended -- shot along with his wife and son -- says immediately before shots rang out he heard a woman tell a guy in the crowd, "Don't do it. Not here. This is stupid."

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The Scary Scene
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine

Jacob Gooch Sr. says his wife and daughter saw the shooter fire as he spun in a circle. There was talk the shooting might have been the result of two or more people beefing with each other, but if Gooch's account is correct, spinning in a circle as the gunman fired suggests he was trying to hit as many people as he could.

And there's this ... 15 minutes before the shooting, he saw what he thought were suspicious people near him ... 4 to 6 "kids," wearing black masks and black clothing. He says they disappeared in the crowd shortly before the rally ended.

Gooch got shot in the ankle, his wife was shot in the calf, and his son was shot in the foot. He says all of them are ok.

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The shootings resulted in a female radio DJ dead, with at least 22 people injured, at least 11 are children between the ages of 6 to 15.

V-Day Drug Bust Cop Dresses as Teddy Bear ... Lures Suspect for Arrest!!!

Teddy Bear Bust

A cop in Peru got creative this week to lure out a suspected drug dealer -- and it seems their holiday-themed scheme worked to a T ... teddy bear costumes usually do the trick, right?

Check out this wild video out of Lima ... which shows police officers going undercover and committing to the bit, full stop -- with one cop getting into a whole ass bear costume, complete with props and everything.

It's pretty clear what's happening -- ahead of Valentine's Day, they wanted to attempt to arrest a woman they suspected of drug dealing ... and figured an in-person telegram would do it.

As it turns out -- they were right. The lady they were after did, indeed, come outside to see what the deal was ... and once she was in their sights, the officers moved and pinned her to the ground.

You can hear the lady say she hasn't done anything and didn't have anything on her -- but they cuffed her anyway and searched her apartment after.

Unclear if they ended up finding any drugs on her -- but they dragged her to the station for booking, it seems. Operation V-Day can be considered a success ... con amor, por supuesto.

TMZ Studios

Happy Valentine's Day!

Plane Crazy Video Jet Crashes, Explodes In Flames ... During Emergency Landing


A small plane carrying five passengers crashed into a vehicle on a Florida highway as it was making an emergency landing – killing two people and creating a massive fireball.

Friday afternoon's disaster was partly captured on video and air traffic control audio as the aircraft flew from Columbus, Ohio to Naples, Florida, but lost both of its engines.

As a result, the pilot radioed one of the control towers near the Naples airport, saying they needed to make an emergency landing.

The terrifying audio

In the chilling audio ... the air traffic controller told the pilot that he was cleared to make the emergency landing on a specific runway.

The pilot replied the plane was not going to make it due to its engine troubles.

Minutes later, the Bombardier Challenger 600 jet took a nosedive into Interstate 75 in Collier County, colliding with the vehicle and exploding into flames.

Witnesses shot cell phone footage of the fiery aftermath ... showing the airliner burning on the shoulder of the highway with black smoke billowing out of the wreckage.

The Collier County Sheriff's Office confirmed there were two deaths, but it was not clear if they were people on the ground or jet passengers. Three victims from the airliner survived and were taken to the hospital, although their conditions were not known.

TMZ Studios

The Federal Aviation Administration has launched an investigation with the National Transportation Safety Board.

TMZ Staffers Hit The Deck!!! Desk Ducking During 'Quake


A 4.6-magnitude earthquake just hit L.A. ... and disrupted the hectic TMZ newsroom -- and while some of our staffers knew just what to do, not everyone hit the deck immediately.

According to the CDC ... the first thing to do during an earthquake is to drop to the ground before it knocks you down and crawl underneath a sturdy desk or table to protect yourself from falling objects.

If no such structure is available, get near some low-lying furniture and cover your neck and head. Then, hold on to your makeshift shelter until the shaking stops ... and pray for dear life!

Our own Charlie Neff stood out as a model earthquake expert by the CDC's guidelines ... dropping to the floor and rolling under her desk as soon as the building started to shake.

Charlie, an L.A. native, credits dozens of elementary school earthquake drills for preparing her for exactly this moment.

Her deskmate, Brendon Geoffrion, could probably have used a few more of those drills himself ... 'cause he decided to start wandering around and investigate the ceiling. Pretty much the opposite of the suggested guidelines!

shaken, not stirred

Charles Latibeaudiere didn't hit the ground ... but nearly hit the ceiling with how high he jumped when the quake started. The scary shake definitely gave him a startle --- though he quickly regained composure and checked on everyone to make sure they were OK.

Another camera angle will give you a pretty good idea of how badly the building was shaking ... and our man John Brix knew what was up. Check him out on the right side of the screen, brown beanie on. He disappeared under the desk about as quickly as he could.


The ordeal definitely gave the whole office a jolt ... but don't worry ... everybody's fine, and nothing major seems to have been broken. So all's well that ends well!

Remember ... earthquakes can feel differently to everyone. One of our staff members said she thought someone was shaking her chair while another could've sworn the earthquake was just a heavy gust of wind.

If you're not sure ... the best thing to do is drop, cover and hold -- better safe than sorry.

TMZ Studios

BTW for those wondering what our fearless leader Harvey Levin did during all this ... he was actually at the dentist at the time -- here's hoping the earthquake didn't rattle a tooth loose!

Wolf Blitzer Appears To Choke Back Vomit On-Air ... During Interview On Trump


Wolf Blitzer looked like he was about to puke during a CNN segment on Donald Trump ... seemingly choking back vomit before the network suddenly cut to commercial.

The 'Situation Room' host looked to be in distress Thursday during an interview with Rep. Jamie Raskin, making a series of pained facial expressions as Raskin talked about Trump and the Colorado ballot controversy.

Check out the video ... Wolf seems to be on the verge of vomiting and he struggles to choke something down and keep his mouth closed.

CNN finally catches on and cuts Wolf's feed, leaving Raskin on the screen ... and seconds later vomit-like sounds are heard off camera as CNN pulls the plug and goes to commercial in the middle of a Raskin sentence.

Wolf did not come back on camera after the break, instead being replaced by CNN chief legal affairs correspondent Paula Reid, who announced "Wolf had to step away" and would "be back."

However, Wolf never came back before his show ended and CNN told the Washington Post, "Wolf wasn’t feeling 100% while anchoring Thursday night. He looks forward to being back in the Situation Room and appreciates the well wishes."

TMZ Studios

For his part, Wolf gave a health update Thursday night, saying ... "I'm fine! Thanks for the well wishes. I’ll see you back in the Situation Room soon."

The internet's having a field day here ... with folks joking the mere thought of Trump on the ballot was enough to make Wolf sick.