Kansas City Super Bowl Shooting New Video Shows Moment of Shooting, Injured Falling to Ground

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New video shows the horrific shooting at the Kansas City Super Bowl parade ... and this footage graphically shows injured people falling to the ground and the crowd scattering.

The video is from a nearby apartment surveillance camera. You see the crowd milling around after the parade ended, and then suddenly a flurry of shots ring out.

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As several people fall to the ground, presumably injured, you see where the gun was fired based on where the crowd disburses.

You also see cops rushing toward the area where the gunman appears to have fired.


As we reported, a man who was shot says his wife and daughter heard a woman tell a man in the crowd, "Don't do it. Not here. This is stupid," shortly before shots rang out.

Several parade-goers tackled a man carrying a gun shortly after the shooting. Police swooped in and took him into custody. At least 3 people have been detained in connection to the shooting.

One person is dead and 22 others wounded, including at least 11 children between the ages of 6 and 15.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Una victíma escuchó a una mujer diciendo "no lo hagas" a un hombre

A unos metros del ataque

Un hombre que recibió un disparo tras la celebración de los Kansas City por el Super Bowl, al igual que su esposa y su hijo, dice que antes de que sonaran los disparos escuchó a una mujer diciéndole a un hombre: "No lo hagas. No aquí. Esto es estúpido".

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La aterradora escena
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine

Jacob Gooch Sr. dice que su esposa y su hija vieron al tirador disparando mientras se movía en círculos. Se habló de que el tiroteo podría haber sido el resultado de dos o más personas peleando, pero si lo que Gooch dice es correcto, dar vueltas con un arma de fuego sugiere que la persona estaba tratando de atacar a la mayor cantidad de personas posible.

Y además está esto: 15 minutos antes del tiroteo, vio a unas personas que él percibió como sospechosas cerca de él, eran 4 a 6 "niños" con máscaras y ropa negra. Dice que desaparecieron entre la multitud poco antes de que terminara la celebración.

Gooch recibió un disparo en el tobillo, su mujer en el pecho y su hijo en el pie. Dice que todos están bien.

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eStallan los disparos

El tiroteo causó la muerte de una DJ de radio y dejó al menos 22 personas heridas, de las cuales al menos 11 son niños de entre 6 y 15 años.

Kansas City Parade Shooting Shooting Victim Heard Woman Tell Man, 'Don't Do It'


A man who was shot after the Kansas City Super Bowl Parade ended -- shot along with his wife and son -- says immediately before shots rang out he heard a woman tell a guy in the crowd, "Don't do it. Not here. This is stupid."

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The Scary Scene
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine

Jacob Gooch Sr. says his wife and daughter saw the shooter fire as he spun in a circle. There was talk the shooting might have been the result of two or more people beefing with each other, but if Gooch's account is correct, spinning in a circle as the gunman fired suggests he was trying to hit as many people as he could.

And there's this ... 15 minutes before the shooting, he saw what he thought were suspicious people near him ... 4 to 6 "kids," wearing black masks and black clothing. He says they disappeared in the crowd shortly before the rally ended.

Gooch got shot in the ankle, his wife was shot in the calf, and his son was shot in the foot. He says all of them are ok.

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The shootings resulted in a female radio DJ dead, with at least 22 people injured, at least 11 are children between the ages of 6 to 15.

V-Day Drug Bust Cop Dresses as Teddy Bear ... Lures Suspect for Arrest!!!

Teddy Bear Bust

A cop in Peru got creative this week to lure out a suspected drug dealer -- and it seems their holiday-themed scheme worked to a T ... teddy bear costumes usually do the trick, right?

Check out this wild video out of Lima ... which shows police officers going undercover and committing to the bit, full stop -- with one cop getting into a whole ass bear costume, complete with props and everything.

It's pretty clear what's happening -- ahead of Valentine's Day, they wanted to attempt to arrest a woman they suspected of drug dealing ... and figured an in-person telegram would do it.

As it turns out -- they were right. The lady they were after did, indeed, come outside to see what the deal was ... and once she was in their sights, the officers moved and pinned her to the ground.

You can hear the lady say she hasn't done anything and didn't have anything on her -- but they cuffed her anyway and searched her apartment after.

Unclear if they ended up finding any drugs on her -- but they dragged her to the station for booking, it seems. Operation V-Day can be considered a success ... con amor, por supuesto.

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Happy Valentine's Day!

Plane Crazy Video Jet Crashes, Explodes In Flames ... During Emergency Landing


A small plane carrying five passengers crashed into a vehicle on a Florida highway as it was making an emergency landing – killing two people and creating a massive fireball.

Friday afternoon's disaster was partly captured on video and air traffic control audio as the aircraft flew from Columbus, Ohio to Naples, Florida, but lost both of its engines.

As a result, the pilot radioed one of the control towers near the Naples airport, saying they needed to make an emergency landing.

The terrifying audio

In the chilling audio ... the air traffic controller told the pilot that he was cleared to make the emergency landing on a specific runway.

The pilot replied the plane was not going to make it due to its engine troubles.

Minutes later, the Bombardier Challenger 600 jet took a nosedive into Interstate 75 in Collier County, colliding with the vehicle and exploding into flames.

Witnesses shot cell phone footage of the fiery aftermath ... showing the airliner burning on the shoulder of the highway with black smoke billowing out of the wreckage.

The Collier County Sheriff's Office confirmed there were two deaths, but it was not clear if they were people on the ground or jet passengers. Three victims from the airliner survived and were taken to the hospital, although their conditions were not known.

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The Federal Aviation Administration has launched an investigation with the National Transportation Safety Board.

TMZ Staffers Hit The Deck!!! Desk Ducking During 'Quake


A 4.6-magnitude earthquake just hit L.A. ... and disrupted the hectic TMZ newsroom -- and while some of our staffers knew just what to do, not everyone hit the deck immediately.

According to the CDC ... the first thing to do during an earthquake is to drop to the ground before it knocks you down and crawl underneath a sturdy desk or table to protect yourself from falling objects.

If no such structure is available, get near some low-lying furniture and cover your neck and head. Then, hold on to your makeshift shelter until the shaking stops ... and pray for dear life!

Our own Charlie Neff stood out as a model earthquake expert by the CDC's guidelines ... dropping to the floor and rolling under her desk as soon as the building started to shake.

Charlie, an L.A. native, credits dozens of elementary school earthquake drills for preparing her for exactly this moment.

Her deskmate, Brendon Geoffrion, could probably have used a few more of those drills himself ... 'cause he decided to start wandering around and investigate the ceiling. Pretty much the opposite of the suggested guidelines!

shaken, not stirred

Charles Latibeaudiere didn't hit the ground ... but nearly hit the ceiling with how high he jumped when the quake started. The scary shake definitely gave him a startle --- though he quickly regained composure and checked on everyone to make sure they were OK.

Another camera angle will give you a pretty good idea of how badly the building was shaking ... and our man John Brix knew what was up. Check him out on the right side of the screen, brown beanie on. He disappeared under the desk about as quickly as he could.


The ordeal definitely gave the whole office a jolt ... but don't worry ... everybody's fine, and nothing major seems to have been broken. So all's well that ends well!

Remember ... earthquakes can feel differently to everyone. One of our staff members said she thought someone was shaking her chair while another could've sworn the earthquake was just a heavy gust of wind.

If you're not sure ... the best thing to do is drop, cover and hold -- better safe than sorry.

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BTW for those wondering what our fearless leader Harvey Levin did during all this ... he was actually at the dentist at the time -- here's hoping the earthquake didn't rattle a tooth loose!

Wolf Blitzer Appears To Choke Back Vomit On-Air ... During Interview On Trump


Wolf Blitzer looked like he was about to puke during a CNN segment on Donald Trump ... seemingly choking back vomit before the network suddenly cut to commercial.

The 'Situation Room' host looked to be in distress Thursday during an interview with Rep. Jamie Raskin, making a series of pained facial expressions as Raskin talked about Trump and the Colorado ballot controversy.

Check out the video ... Wolf seems to be on the verge of vomiting and he struggles to choke something down and keep his mouth closed.

CNN finally catches on and cuts Wolf's feed, leaving Raskin on the screen ... and seconds later vomit-like sounds are heard off camera as CNN pulls the plug and goes to commercial in the middle of a Raskin sentence.

Wolf did not come back on camera after the break, instead being replaced by CNN chief legal affairs correspondent Paula Reid, who announced "Wolf had to step away" and would "be back."

However, Wolf never came back before his show ended and CNN told the Washington Post, "Wolf wasn’t feeling 100% while anchoring Thursday night. He looks forward to being back in the Situation Room and appreciates the well wishes."

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For his part, Wolf gave a health update Thursday night, saying ... "I'm fine! Thanks for the well wishes. I’ll see you back in the Situation Room soon."

The internet's having a field day here ... with folks joking the mere thought of Trump on the ballot was enough to make Wolf sick.

Helicopter Rescue LAFD Uses Chopper To Save Man, Dog From Raging L.A. River

Daniel Castillo / LAFD

Daring rescue in the middle of a historic storm dumping tons of rain on Los Angeles ... firefighters used a helicopter to save a man who jumped in a raging river to grab his dog.

The emergency situation played out Monday afternoon in the middle of the flooding L.A. River ... with LAFD crews bringing in a chopper to pull out a man who was stranded in the flowing water.

The guy was trying to bit somewhat of a hero himself ... he was attempting to save his dog, who had been swept away in the rapids during a flash flood.

As you can see, a helicopter hovered over the river and lowered a firefighter who grabbed the guy and pulled him to safety.

The poor pooch was saved too ... with the dog swimming to dry land on its own.

LAFD says both man and dog suffered minor injuries ... the guy was transported to a local hospital and the pup was taken to an animal shelter.

Firefighters are happy to report the dog is "alive and eager to reunite with his human."

As we reported ... the big storm, a Pineapple Express, is wreaking havoc in Southern California ... causing flash flooding, catastrophic landslides, and damage from debris and downed trees.

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Cue Arnold Schwarzenegger ... get to the chopper!!!

Boeing 737 Max Bolts Missing From Door That Blew Off ... Agency Report Says

The door that blew off a Boeing 737 Max airplane during an Alaska Airlines flight appeared to be missing bolts that are supposed to keep the panel secured ... per a new report.

In a preliminary report from its investigation, the NTSB says four bolts meant to lock the door to the body of the plane were removed by Boeing to fix another issue and appear not to have been replaced.

The NTSB says the bolts were removed at a Boeing factory when the door was opened as part of a repair on damaged rivets on the plane's fuselage.

It's unclear who removed the bolts, the NTSB report doesn't say, though the safety board says it looks like at least 3 and possibly all 4 bolts were never reinstalled after the rivet repair.

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The NTSB says Boeing removed the bolts for a September repair and there's no evidence the door was ever opened again before the 737 Max was delivered in October to Alaska Airlines.

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As we reported ... the door blew off back in January, shortly after Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 took off from Portland International Airport.

The plane, which was packed with passengers, had to make an emergency landing.

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Boeing's 737 Max planes were grounded as airlines checked the bolts on the doors ... and the aircraft was only recently given the green light to get back up in the sky, despite some saying it was too early.

The NTSB says it's still investigating the incident.

Dr. Phil Visits w/ Border Patrol in TX ... Blasts White House, VP

Dr. Phil McGraw's known for helping families iron out their issues, and now he's taking on his biggest challenge yet ... trying to fix U.S. immigration.

The television therapy star visited the Southern border in Texas on Friday to film upcoming episodes of "Dr. Phil Primetime" -- a new primetime show he announced a few months ago which will reportedly follow a similar format as his OG "Dr. Phil."

DPM walked the fence down in Eagle Pass, TX and filmed several interviews with border agents while also stopping to take some pics with border patrol officers ... all while railing against the current administration's immigration policy.

McGraw's specifically calling out Vice President Kamala Harris ... pointing out she's America's immigration czar -- but claiming she's only actually visited the border with Mexico one time since she ascended to the VP job.

What's interesting here ... Dr. Phil isn't taking the "all or nothing" stance many conservative politicians and commentators have staked their reputations on ... instead, he said he's actually in favor of immigration and knows immigrants drive the U.S. economy forward.

But, McGraw explained, that doesn't mean there isn't a problem at the border ... saying we need to "teach people how to treat us" instead of showing undocumented migrants that "they do not need to follow the rules at our border" -- adding it's a slippery slope from ignoring immigration laws to migrants breaking laws once they're in the country.

As for those people against "America First" policies ... McGraw said they need to remember putting themselves -- or in this case, your country -- first isn't the same as being selfish.

FWIW ... the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol reported a nearly 40% increase in border encounters from fiscal year 2021 to fiscal year 2023 -- and that appears to be growing in subsequent months with encounters over the last 3 months of 2023 topping date from the same months in previous years.

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"Dr. Phil Primetime" is all set to premiere on McGraw's own cable broadcast network, Merit Street Media, on February 26.

Don Lemon Be Afraid MAGA Supporters ... T-Swift Can Beat Trump


Don Lemon says Taylor Swift could put Donald Trump through a very cruel summer ... 'cause, if she wants to, he thinks she could swing the election in President Biden's favor.

We caught up with the former CNN anchor Friday at LAX where he warned MAGA supporters to keep an eye on just how involved the singer-songwriter opts to be during this presidential campaign.

Lemon says TS wields a ton of power and influence, and while she's not exactly his generation ... he gives her all the props for fighting for her catalog and becoming a self-made billionaire.

As we reported ... members of Trump's inner circle are reportedly ready to go to "holy war" with Taylor if she decides to endorse President Biden -- as she did in 2020 -- but Don thinks it will take more than one-liners to combat her impact on the election.

Translation: underestimating her could sink DT's White House dreams.

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This all falls in line with what FOX11 political reporter/anchor Elex Michaelson said on "TMZ Live" earlier this week ... warning Trump's going toe-to-toe with Swift, and Swifties, is a risky strategy.

Although, he does see a scenario where Swift ends up helping both candidates -- basically, Trump could use a Taylor endorsement for Biden to blast Hollywood elitism, and mobilize his supporters to get out and vote.

There has been a vocal minority hating on T-Swift ... even celebs like Plies, who are getting tired of seeing her all over their TVs when they're watching a football game -- so it's not far-fetched to imagine that hate motivating Trump backers.

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We know Biden and Trump have bad blood -- to borrow from Taylor's catalog -- and, while she's yet to make an endorsement, it's likely the self-proclaimed anti-hero will end up impacting the election ... one way or the other.

Joe Biden Reportedly Calls Trump 'Sick F***' ... Nearly Said It in Speech?!?

WHAT A SICK F*** !!!

Joe Biden's supposedly has a choice pet name for his likely 2024 opponent ... one you can't really use in polite society -- which he almost said in a speech recently!

A report from Politico released Thursday reveals the current Prez is seemingly disgusted with Donald Trump ... calling him a "sick f***" when talking to close friends and White House aides.

And, it appears he likes to double down on it too ... commenting "What a f***ing a**hole the guy is" on at least one occasion according to the premier political magazine.

While this may seem hard to confirm ... video evidence from a Pennsylvania speech early last month shows "Dark Brandon" seemingly ready to fire off his new catchphrase while railing against the former POTUS for his remarks.

JB said, "At his rally, he jokes about an intruder whipped up by the big Trump lie, taking a hammer to Paul Pelosi's skull and echoing the very same words used on January 6 -- "Where's Nancy?" -- and he thinks that's funny. He laughed about it. What a sick--."

POTUS never finished that statement ... instead the audience laughed and Biden added he thought DT was "despicable" -- pretty clear he wanted to use a more graphic term though.

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If you're wondering if the Trump campaign's concerned about Biden's words at all ... it's pretty obvious they're not. Chris LaCivita, a top campaign adviser, told Politico it's abhorrent he'd use such words to describe his predecessor -- though it's "no surprise he disrespects the 45th president the same way he disrespects the American people with his failed policies."

Bottom line ... these fellas don't like each other, and they're not afraid to show it.

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Fox News

Joe also reportedly gets triggered by Don's statements all the time ... with Politico saying he'd expressed distaste for Trump after comments he made about Charlottesville, Vladimir Putin and veterans.

It's gearing up to be a tense election season. Just remember, Joe ... the debates are live -- so leave the potty mouth at home.

Clive Davis Grammy Party Gunman Arrested in Bev Hills ... Area Shut Down Amid Event Prep

Preparations for Clive Davis' famed pre-Grammy party came to a grinding halt Thursday morning as cops busted an armed man at the Waldorf Astoria ... TMZ has learned.

The Waldorf is right next door to the Beverly Hilton -- where Clive's event is held -- and cops swarmed the area after getting a call shortly after 9:30 AM for a disturbance at the hotel. We're told a drone was deployed over the Waldorf, and spotted the gunman standing on a hotel room balcony.

Cops immediately shut down one of all traffic around the intersection of Wilshire and Santa Monica Boulevard -- one of L.A.'s busiest intersections -- and deployed SWAT officers around the hotels.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... cops made contact with the guy in his hotel room and convinced him to surrender peacefully -- but once inside, they discovered he had already shot up the room.

The man was actually firing the gun while police were outside the room ... according to witnesses at the hotel.

Once he was in custody, we're told the gunman was booked for felony possession of a firearm and negligent discharge of the firearm.

Our sources say the weapons was a handgun with an extended magazine.

Luckily, no one was injured at the hotel.

The area will be heavily trafficked by media and celebs leading up to Clive's party Saturday night -- attendees have to pick up credentials ahead of the event.

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Police re-opened the area after making the arrest. As of now, it doesn't appear the gunman made any direct threats related to the pre-Grammy party.

Grammys Detienen a un hombre armado en Beverly Hills... Zona cerrada en medio de los preparativos

Los preparativos para la famosa fiesta antes de los Grammy de Clive Davis se detuvieron el jueves por la mañana cuando la policía detuvo a un hombre armado en el Waldorf Astoria, según ha averiguado TMZ.

El Waldorf está justo al lado del Beverly Hilton, donde se celebra el evento de Clive, y la policía rodeó la zona después de recibir una llamada poco después de las 9:30 AM por un disturbio en el hotel. Nos dicen que un avión no tripulado se desplegó sobre el Waldorf, y vio al pistolero de pie en un balcón de la habitación del hotel.

Los policías inmediatamente cerraron todo el tráfico alrededor de la intersección de Wilshire y Santa Monica Boulevard, una de las intersecciones más concurridas de Los Ángeles, y desplegaron oficiales SWAT alrededor de los hoteles.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los policías hicieron contacto con el hombre en su habitación de hotel y lo convencieron de rendirse pacíficamente. Sin embargo, una vez dentro, descubrieron que ya había disparado en la habitación.

El hombre en realidad estaba disparando mientras la policía estaba afuera del cuarto, según cuentan testigos del hotel.

Una vez que estuvo bajo custodia, el pistolero fue fichado por delito grave de posesión de un arma de fuego y descarga negligente de dicha arma.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que el arma era una pistola con un cargador extendido.

Afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido dentro del hotel.

La zona será muy concurrida el sábado por la noche, por los medios de comunicación y las celebridades que participarán en la fiesta de Clive. Los asistentes, además, tienen que recoger las credenciales antes del evento.

TMZ investiga
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La policía reabrió la zona después de hacer el arresto. Por ahora, no parece que el pistolero haya hecho ninguna amenaza directa relacionada con la fiesta previa a los Grammy.

Deceased KC Chiefs Fans Early Toxicology Indicates Cocaine & Fentanyl in Systems


2:24 PM PT -- Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... early toxicology results from this investigation suggest traces of cocaine and fentanyl were found in the deceased's systems. A full toxicology report has yet to be released -- but for now, we're told these are substances that cops have detected early on, and there may be others that surface when the official results come out.


The mysterious deaths of 3 Chiefs fans might soon be cleared up -- and early signs point to it being drug-related ... so says an attorney repping one of the families of the deceased.

We talked to Tony Kagay -- a lawyer who's been hired by the mother of Clayton McGeeney, who was one of the three who were found dead in Jordan Willis' backyard -- who joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday to tell us what he knows about the investigation thus far.

Kagay was certainly trying to keep his cards close to the vest here -- but based on a meeting he says his client, Nancy Bossert (Clayton's mom), had with authorities Wednesday ... it sounds like what people have suspected will soon be confirmed.

Namely, he seems to be suggesting that the autopsies are complete and early toxicology tests have been run ... and while he doesn't reveal the exact results, he does say he's privy to the fact that there may (or may not) be substances that were discovered in their bodies.

We pushed Kagay to tell us what he knew -- but he was being careful with what he said, and how he said it ... but you can read between the lines here and figure out what's what.

Basically, Kagay acknowledges that drugs may have played a part in the 3 men's deaths -- but there are still questions that need to be answered ... including how any substances may have gotten into their system, and what exactly played out over the course of 2 days.

Alex Caprariello / NewsNation

Cops so far have reiterated that there's no evidence of foul play, and that they're not investigating this as a homicide --- something Kagay confirmed with us as well.

Like we said, there's still a lot to uncover ... but Kagay tells us he believes the autopsy/toxicology results will be released soon (even as early as Thursday) -- which will hopefully shed some light on this tragedy. In the meantime, his client has asked for privacy.

Nancy did say this about her son ... "Clayton was a beloved son ... Clayton was a caring father. Clayton was a loving partner to his fiancée, April Mahoney. His death under any circumstances would have been painful to everyone his life had touched. Under these unusual and confusing circumstances, it is even more difficult for the family to deal with."

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We reached out to Kansas City PD and they told us they weren't aware of toxicology results coming anytime soon -- and simply said the case remains under investigation.

Originally Published -- 2:09 PM PT

Hinchas fallecidos de los Chiefs Abogado de la familia... La toxicología sugiere drogas

2:24 PM PT -- Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que los primeros resultados toxicológicos de la investigación sugieren que se encontraron rastros de cocaína y fentanilo en el cuerpo de los fallecidos. El informe toxicológico completo aún no se ha publicado, pero por ahora nos dicen que estas son las sustancias que han detectado los policías y pueden aparecer otras cuando salgan los resultados oficiales.

Importante pieza en el Puzzle

La misteriosa muerte de los 3 hinchas de los Chiefs podría ser aclarada pronto, y los primeros indicios apuntan a que estarían relacionadas con las drogas, así lo dice un abogado que representa a la familia de uno de los fallecidos.

Hablamos con Tony Kagay, un abogado que fue contratado por la madre de Clayton McGeeney, uno de los tres amigos que fueron encontrados muertos en el patio trasero de Jordan Willis y que se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" este jueves para decirnos lo que sabe acerca de la investigación hasta el momento.

Kagay ciertamente estaba tratando de ser discreto, pero de acuerdo a una reunión que su cliente, Nancy Bossert (la madre de Clayton), tuvo con las autoridades el miércoles, parece que las sospechas de la gente pronto se confirmarán.

Con esto, parece estar sugiriendo que las autopsias y las primeras pruebas de toxicología se han ejecutado, y aunque no revela los resultados exactos, dice que está al tanto de que se pueden (o no) haber descubierto sustancias en sus cuerpos.

Presionamos a Kagay para que nos dijera lo que sabía, pero fue muy cuidadoso con la forma y contenido de sus palabras, pero algo se puede leer entre líneas.

Básicamente, Kagay reconoce que las drogas pueden haber jugado un papel en la muerte de los tres hombres, pero todavía hay preguntas que necesitan respuestas, incluyendo el hecho de cómo pueden haber entrado las sustancias en su sistema, y lo que exactamente pasó en el transcurso de esos dos días.

Esposado por los policías
Alex Caprariello / NewsNation

Hasta ahora, la policía ha reiterado que no hay evidencia de juego sucio y que no están investigando esto como un homicidio, algo que Kagay también confirmó con nosotros.

Como les hemos contado, aún queda mucho por descubrir, pero Kagay cree que los resultados de la autopsia/toxicología se darán a conocer pronto (incluso el jueves), lo que esperamos arroje algo de luz sobre esta tragedia. Mientras tanto, su cliente ha pedido privacidad.

Nancy dijo esto acerca de su hijo: "Clayton era un hijo muy querido ... Clayton era un padre cariñoso. Clayton era un compañero amoroso de su prometida, April Mahoney. Su muerte habría sido dolorosa en cualquier circunstancia para todos los que su vida tocó. En estas circunstancias inusuales y confusas, es aún más difícil para la familia de lidiar con eso".

TMZ investiga
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Nos pusimos en contacto con la policía de Kansas City y nos dijeron que no estaban al tanto de los resultados de toxicología y simplemente dijeron que el caso sigue bajo investigación.

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