Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Applaud Parents Against Social ... Use Zuck Apologizing Pic

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle are standing behind parents advocating against social media companies ... and they're using a viral Mark Zuckerberg moment to underscore their point.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared a statement on the social media Senate hearings from Wednesday to the Archewell Foundation's website -- showing support for the victims and detailing some of their own experiences speaking to families who've gone through this.

In the statement, PH and MM applauded parents standing up against huge social media companies, and added, "The best parenting in the world cannot keep children safe from these platforms" ... all in all, a fairly fluffy, boilerplate statement from the royal couple.

I Zucked Up

The big news here ... they picked a shot of Zuck from the hearing yesterday as the huge image above their statement -- a pic that captured MZ's surprise apology to parents and victims of child sex exploitation via social media.

As we reported ... Mark was getting grilled during the committee hearing with Senator Josh Hawley peppering him with questions until Zuck was basically forced to turn around and apologize to the crowd at large.

The crowd held up numerous photographs of victims as Mark apologized and made mention of measures he said Meta's taking to stop any other children from becoming victims.

Well, it seems the Sussexes are clearly on the side of the victims and advocates ... unsurprising given their charitable works to combat sex trafficking and child slavery. Plus, they're parents themselves -- and they have a ton of experience dealing with agitators online to boot.

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Still, it does sorta feel like they're taking a shot at Zuck too in the same breath ... which is interesting. Makes ya wonder if they're doing another us-against-them type deal.

Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle Aplauden a los padres en contra de las redes sociales... Usan foto de Mark

El príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle están apoyando a los padres que están hablando en contra de las empresas detrás de las redes sociales, y están usando una imagen viral de Mark Zuckerberg para subrayar su punto.

El duque y la duquesa de Sussex compartieron en el sitio web de la Fundación Archewell una declaración sobre las audiencias en el Senado relacionadas con las redes sociales que se hicieron el miércoles, en donde mostraron su apoyo a las víctimas y detallaron algunas de sus propias experiencias hablando con familias que han pasado por esto.

En la declaración, Harry y Meghan aplaudieron a los padres que están en contra de las grandes empresas de redes sociales, y agregaron: "La mejor crianza del mundo no puede mantener a los niños a salvo de estas plataformas", en definitiva, una declaración bastante estándar y suave de la pareja real.

ME equivoqué

La gran noticia aquí es que eligieron una foto de Zuck en la audiencia de ayer como la imagen destacada de su declaración, una foto que captura la sorpresiva disculpa de Mark a los padres y víctimas de la explotación sexual infantil a través de las redes sociales.

Como informamos, Mark estaba siendo acribillado durante la audiencia del comité con el senador Josh Hawley, bombardeado de preguntas, hasta que Zuck se vio obligado a darse la media vuelta y pedir disculpas frente a la multitud en general.

La audiencia presente estaba sosteniendo diferentes fotografías de las víctimas mientras Mark pedía disculpas y mencionaba las medidas que está tomando Meta para evitar que otros niños se conviertan en víctimas.

Bueno, parece que los Sussex están claramente del lado de las víctimas y defensores, nada sorprendente teniendo en cuenta las obras de caridad que apoyan para combatir el tráfico sexual y la esclavitud infantil. Además, ellos mismos son padres y tienen un montón de experiencia en el trato con los haters en línea.

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Aun así, parece que están atacando a Zuck al mismo tiempo, lo cual es interesante. Te hace preguntar si están haciendo otro acuerdo del tipo "nosotros contra ellos".

Oakland Denny's Shut Down Due to Crime ... Follows In-N-Out

Another American staple in the food biz is fleeing Oakland because of increased crime ... the only Denny's in the city closed for good earlier this week, continuing a troubling trend.

While Denny's officials reportedly wouldn't speak on camera, a notice taped to the door cited the "safety and well-being" of employees and guests as the chief cause of the closure -- which sounds a lot like increased crime's become an issue for the 24-hour restaurant.

Employees were reportedly notified of the closure just a day before the 54-year-old Denny's officially shut down ... and the company promised to find the employees positions at other locations if they could relocate.

It'll be a minor commute for Oaklanders to get a Grand Slam at the Emeryville location, a 3-mile difference ... but it's just the latest in a shocking trend of closures precipitated by rising crime in the Bay Area.

This Denny's location had reportedly fallen victim to break-ins-robberies and violent crime ... just like the In-N-Out that's also hightailing it out of town.

As we reported ... In-N-Out's COO Denny Warnick cited crime as the major reason the super popular food chain was heading out of business -- though they'll stay open until late March.

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It's an unfortunate Oakland reality ... even Denny's can't live up to its "Always Open" promise.

manifestantes francesas vandalizan a la Mona Lisa En el famoso museo del Louvre

el momento del ataque

Unas manifestantes francesas intentaron hacerse notar, arrojándole sopa a la mundialmente famosa obra de arte, afortunadamente estaba protegida por un cristal impenetrable.

Las dos manifestantes fueron grabadas en video el domingo de pie frente al retrato del siglo XVI de Leonardo da Vincin el cual estaba colgado contra una pared en el Louvre de París.

Mientras los entusiastas del arte observaban la obra, las mujeres arrojaron sopa de calabaza sobre el cuadro, bañando el cristal con el líquido bronceado.

La pareja se giró entonces hacia la multitud que se había formado a su alrededor, la cual filmó el incidente con las cámaras de sus teléfonos móviles.

Una de las mujeres se arrancó la chaqueta para revelar su camiseta blanca que mostraba un mensaje en francés, "Riposte Alimentaire", que en inglés se traduce como "Respuesta Alimentaria".

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Ambas mujeres también empezaron a gritar en francés: "¿Qué es más importante? ¿El arte o el derecho a una alimentación sana y sostenible?". Y añadieron: "Vuestro sistema agrícola está enfermo. Nuestros agricultores se mueren trabajando".

Los guardias de seguridad colocaron rápidamente barreras negras para proteger la Mona Lisa mientras escoltaban a la gente fuera de la zona general.

Funcionarios del museo estaban planeando presentar una queja a pesar de que la pintura no parecía haberse dañado, no se conoce el estado actual de las manifestantes.

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el ataque a van gogh

Después del incidente, un grupo con el nombre, "Riposte Alimentaire," emitió un comunicado, admitiendo el hecho y prometiendo el "inicio de una campaña de resistencia civil, con la clara reivindicación de la seguridad social de una alimentación sostenible".

Mona Lisa Splattered with Pumpkin Soup at the Louvre


Protesters in France tried to make a point with the Mona Lisa, throwing soup at the world-famous work of art — but, thankfully, it was protected by impenetrable glass.

The two female demonstrators were caught on video Sunday standing in front of Leonardo da Vinci’s 16th Century portrait hanging against a wall at The Louvre in Paris.

As art enthusiasts milled about, the women suddenly tossed pumpkin soup at the painting, showering the glass in front of it with the tan liquid.

The pair then turned to the crowd that had formed around them, filming the incident with cell phone cameras.

One of the women ripped off her jacket to reveal her white t-shirt emblazoned with a message in French, “Riposte Alimentaire,” which, in English, translates to "Food Response."

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Both women also started yelling in French, "What is more important? Art or the right to healthy and sustainable food?” They added, “Your agricultural system is sick. Our farmers are dying at work.”

Security guards quickly put up black barriers to shield the Mona Lisa while escorting people out of the general area.

Museum officials were planning on filing a complaint even though the painting did not appear damaged ... the current status of the protesters was not immediately known.

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After the incident, a group by the name, "Riposte Alimentaire," issued a statement, admitting to the ugly deed and promising the "start of a campaign of civil resistance with the clear demand ... of the social security of sustainable food."

No soup for you anymore.

Bill Maher We're S***tier People than We Used to Be ... And that's Why Democracy is Failing

Democracy, If You Can Keep It

Bill Maher is throwing in the towel on American democracy -- or so it seems -- and he makes a case.

The 'Real Time' host served up a scary parallel between the U S of A and Brazil, both of which had insurrections over their respective presidential elections -- the U.S. on January 6, 2021, and Brazil on January 8, 2023.

In both cases, as Bill says, the presidents who disputed the election were thrice-married, right-wing populists. But that's where the comparison ends.

In Brazil's case, almost everyone rose up against the rioters and the president, who's been banished from the country and is now living in Florida. In the case of America, the former president now living in Florida will be the Republican nominee by an insanely large margin.

Bill then dove into how we really have never been truly democratic ... California has the same representation in the Senate -- which, by the way, can convict a president for misdeeds -- as sparsely populated Wyoming. We have this fakakta electoral college which has no correlation to the popular vote.

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Then Bill gets even more real with the confession, maybe we lost our taste for democracy because "we're just a s**ttier people than we used to be."

And finally, Bill issues a warning to Democrats on why Trump is so popular, and it has something to do with Chardonnay.

Ben Shapiro I'm a Rapper Now!!! ... Internet Totally Cringes

Ben Shapiro is diving headfirst into the rap game -- he's got a new single and an accompanying music video, and it's doing numbers ... this despite some poor reactions.

The famous conservative talk show host and editor of The Daily Wire -- who's known for his skill on a mic, but not in the MC capacity -- was featured on wrestler-turned-rapper Tom MacDonald's new single ... supplying the guest verse with bars!

Their track together is called "Facts" ... and Ben's 16 takes aim at actual rappers in the game, like Nicki Minaj, Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion ... among others. He's wearing a hoodie in this thing as he raps about making money off compound interest, all while his haters live with their parents. Yeah, it's classic Shapiro ... dude loves to flex his intellect.

Anyway, the song's pretty polarizing ... and not just because of the lyrical content, which references culture wars and defunding the police. In terms of listen-ability, it's ... jarring.

As you can imagine -- Ben himself is controversial, and has a ton of haters too ... so, it's no surprise the track's generating a ton of bad reviews on social media right now, with lotsa folks calling it cringe, uncool, goofy and a contender for the worst verse of all time.

In his rap, Ben calls on his supporters to download and stream the song ... and that looks like what's going on, because it's doing pretty well on the music charts. So ... a win?

'Facts' is currently No. 2 on iTunes, between Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake ... and Ben's doing an early victory lap on social media ... taking more shots at Nicki along the way.

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Ben's thanking his parents for paying for 15 years of classical violin records and he says he and Tom have "officially made hip-hop great again, as was always my lifelong dream."

Ben Shapiro ¡¡¡Ahora soy un rapero!!! ... Internet lo repudia totalmente

Ben Shapiro se está metiendo de cabeza en el rap, con un nuevo single y un video musical que lo acompaña, pero no está recibiendo muy buenas reacciones.

El famoso presentador conservador y editor de The Daily Wire, conocido por su habilidad con el micrófono, apareció en el nuevo single del luchador convertido en rapero Tom MacDonald, cantando unos versos como invitado en la canción.

Su tema juntos se llama "Facts", en donde Ben apunta a raperos reales como Nicki Minaj, Cardi B y Megan Thee Stallion, entre otros. En el video, lleva una sudadera con capucha mientras rapea sobre hacer dinero con el interés compuesto, mientras sus haters viven con sus padres. Sí, es clásico de Shapiro, al tipo le encanta alardear sobre su intelecto.

De todos modos, la canción es bastante polarizante y no solo por el contenido lírico, sino que también porque hace referencia a las guerras culturales y la desfinanciación de la policía. En términos de capacidad de escucha, es ... discordante.

Como se pueden imaginar, el propio Ben es controvertido y tiene una tonelada de haters, por lo tanto, no es extraño que la pista esté generando un montón de malas críticas en las redes sociales en este momento, con mucha gente llamándolo cringe, uncool, tonto y un contendiente para el peor verso de todos los tiempos.

En su rap, Ben hace un llamado a sus seguidores para que descarguen y escuchen la canción y parece que eso es lo que está pasando, porque está funcionando bastante bien en las listas musicales. Así que, ¿una victoria?

"Facts" es actualmente número 2 en iTunes, entre Britney Spears y Justin Timberlake y Ben está cantando victoria en las redes sociales, lanzando más dardos a Nicki en el camino.

Ben está agradeciendo a sus padres por haber recibido 15 años de discos de violín clásico y dice que él y Tom han "hecho oficialmente el hip-hop grande de nuevo (great again), como fue su sueño de toda la vida".

La Jolla, California Una embarcación de migrantes arriba en la playa... Los ocupantes se dispersan

Tocando tierra

Un barco aparentemente lleno de migrantes arribó en la costa de una playa al sur de California esta semana, y cuando tocó tierra, la gente en el interior se dirigió a las colinas.

Estas salvajes imágenes han estado circulando en línea durante las últimas 24 horas, y parecen mostrar lo que los testigos aseguran que era un barco decidido a aterrizar en La Jolla, California, a plena luz del día, nada menos.

Se supone que las personas en el interior son inmigrantes indocumentados, lo que hace que lo que pasa a continuación sea aún más impactante. Una vez que llegaron, estas personas saltaron y se dispersaron muy rápidamente.

Como se puede ver, varios ocupantes de la embarcación vienen corriendo desde la playa hacia la carretera, con un montón de transeúntes observándolos, y luego se empiezan a dispersar por el barrio costero cercano. Incluso había niños en la mezcla.

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Los espectadores estaban en estado de shock mientras tomaban estos videos. Parece que hubo incluso algunas personas de primeros auxilios que vieron lo que pasaba. Se pueden oír sirenas de algún tipo de vehículo, presumiblemente de un salvavidas.

Como señala el camarógrafo, estos no parecen demasiado ansiosos por detenerlos, aunque no está claro si lo hicieron. Tampoco se sabe si esta gente fue finalmente abordada o aprehendida. Por supuesto, vale la pena señalar que La Jolla se encuentra en el condado de San Diego, un santuario natural en los Estados Unidos, donde los migrantes pueden técnicamente venir y buscar refugio o asilo.

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Llegando a la costa
Fox News

Vimos algo muy similar en las costas de Malibú no hace mucho tiempo atrás, así que, a primera vista, parece que esto es algo habitual en la costa oeste.

También es emblemático del debate fronterizo en curso, por no hablar de lo que está pasando en Texas, donde el conflicto está llegando a un punto de ebullición.

Es un tema que sigue y sigue filtrándose en el debate público, con los migrantes, literalmente, aterrizando en la puerta de la gente más y más. Podemos imaginar que algo tiene que pasar.

La Jolla, CA Migrant Boat Pulls Up Onto Beach ... Several Occupants Scatter

land ho !!!

A boat apparently full of migrants washed ashore this week in a Southern California beach town -- and when it touched down on land ... the people inside went heading for the hills.

This wild footage has been circulating online for the past 24 hours, and it seems to show what eyewitnesses claim was a panga boat that was dead set on landing in La Jolla, CA -- which it eventually did, in the middle of the day no less.

The people inside are purported to be undocumented migrants ... which is what makes what happens next all the more shocking -- these folks hopped out and scattered very quickly.

As you can see, several occupants from the boat come running up the beach onto the road above -- with a bunch of bystanders watching them in plain view, mind you -- and they start making their way into the nearby seaside neighborhood ... there were even kids in the mix.

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As onlookers took it all in with shock ... it seems there were even some first responders who saw it happen too. You can hear sirens from some sort of vehicle, presumably a lifeguard.

As the cameraman notes ... they don't seem too eager to stop 'em, although it's unclear if they did. It's also unknown if these folks were eventually approached/apprehended. Of course, it's worth pointing out that La Jolla is in San Diego County ... a place of sanctuary here in the States, and where migrants can technically come and seek refuge/asylum.

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We saw something very similar take place off the shores of Malibu not too long ago --- so, on its face, it would appear this is somewhat of a regular occurrence on the West Coast.

It's also emblematic of the ongoing border debate in this country -- don't even get us started on what's going down in Texas, where a raging conflict is reaching its boiling point.

It's an issue that only seems to continue seeping into the public's purview ... with migrants quite literally landing on people's doorstep more and more. Ya figure, something's gotta give.

Accidente en Oklahoma Un agente sale disparado durante un control de tránsito

Oklahoma Highway Patrol

Un patrullero de carretera en Oklahoma fue lanzado como un muñeco de trapo después de que un carro se detuviera para un control de tránsito y se estrellara contra un vehículo completamente diferente, y todo está en video.

Este registro acaba de ser liberado por la Patrulla de Carreteras de Oklahoma, que muestra a uno de los suyos siendo golpeado (indirectamente) por un carro que viene chocando contra el SUV blanco que estaba detenido para hablar con él, mientras estaba al costado de la carretera en una autopista en Yukon, Oklahoma.

El nombre del policía estatal es Jesse Gregory y como se puede ver, definitivamente no lo vio venir, lo que queda en evidencia por el hecho de que no tuvo tiempo para prepararse para el impacto en absoluto.

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Por mucho que él podría haber sido herido en el momento, hay que preguntarse cómo quedó el conductor del carro que estaba hablando con él. En su cara, se ve bastante feo y aunque se podría pensar que habría daños importantes, al parecer no.

Los empleadores del oficial Gregory dicen que no solo estaba bien después de esto, sino que también lo estaban las otras dos personas involucradas en el accidente que, francamente, es un poco de un milagro (en el buen sentido).

La razón por la que publicó esto era para recordarle a las personas los peligros de la carretera y para destacar la importancia de reducir la velocidad y ser conscientes del tráfico.

Considérenlo lección aprendida porque esto es casi tan aterrador como un accidente de carro puede ser. 😬

Oklahoma Highway Patrol Officer Goes Flying During Traffic Stop Vehicle Swiped by Other Car

Oklahoma Highway Patrol

A highway patrolman in Oklahoma got tossed like a rag doll after the car he pulled over for a traffic stop got smashed into by a completely different vehicle ... and it's all on video.

This wild footage was just released by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol ... which shows one of their own getting hit (indirectly) by a car that comes crashing into the white SUV he was in the middle of talking to while on the side of the road on a freeway in Yukon, OK.

The state trooper's name is Jesse Gregory ... and as you can see, he definitely didn't see this coming -- evidenced by the fact that he had no time to brace for impact whatsoever.

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As much as he might've been hurt in the moment ... you gotta wonder how the driver of the car he was speaking with might've been -- 'cause they got rammed into on their side. On its face, it looks pretty ugly ... and while you'd think there'd be major damage, apparently not.

Officer Gregory's employers say that not only was he okay after this ... but so were the other two people involved in the accident -- which, frankly, is a bit of a miracle (in a good way).

The reason they posted this was to remind people of the dangers of the road ... highlighting the importance of slowing down, moving over to the shoulder, and being mindful of traffic.

Consider the lesson learned ... 'cause this is about as scary as a car wreck can get. 😬


Ukraine is lambasting HBO's "The White Lotus" for casting Miloš Biković ... a Serbian actor who's voiced support and admiration for Russia amid the ongoing war, and has accepted a medal from Vladimir Putin.

Ukraine's foreign ministry called out HBO in an X post Wednesday ... asking if it was right for the outlet to work with a person who supports genocide and violates international law.

A quick rundown on the uproar: Biković's been accused of supporting Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine ... even posting an X poll showing that trust in Putin was higher than in Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

He's starred in a string of Russian films, such as 2014's "Sunstroke" ... which Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said he'd filmed in Crimea, the peninsula Russia seized from Ukraine in 2014.

In 2018, Putin awarded Biković a Pushkin medal for advancing Russian culture. A year later, Ukraine banned him from entering the country for national security reasons.

The 36-year-old was unfazed over the ban, making it clear where his loyalties lie as he gushed over receiving Russian citizenship in 2021 ... and added, he'd been actively participating in Russian cultural life for more than 7 years.

His casting in the third season of Mike White's anthology series was announced earlier this month ... and production is set to begin next month in Thailand.

Deadline reports he'll likely play a Russian-speaking wellness guru at the hotel -- though his character details haven't been confirmed.

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The dark comedy has been a massive hit with fans and has dominated award season with its first 2 seasons ... so expectations are undoubtedly high for the third.

How HBO handles the backlash to Biković's casting remains to be seen.

Jon Stewart volverá como presentador del "Daily Show"

"The Daily Show" vuelve a contar con una cara conocida para proporcionar algo de estabilidad, aunque podría acabar siendo solo otra solución temporal.

Jon Stewart, presentador original del programa de 1999 a 2015, volverá a Comedy Central para presentar "TDS", pero solo los lunes. De martes a jueves, los fans verán a algunos de sus corresponsales favoritos dirigir el programa.

El trabajo de presentador a tiempo parcial no significa que Jon vaya a descansar el resto de la semana, también vuelve como productor ejecutivo de cada episodio desde ahora hasta 2025, por lo que parece que se quedará por aquí un tiempo.

No solo fue anfitrión y productor ejecutivo del programa durante más de 15 años, sino que fue mentor de algunos de los nombres más grandes de la comedia mientras dirigía el programa.

Solo hace falta ver la lista, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, Samantha Bee, John Oliver, Steve Carell, Ed Helms, Olivia Munn, Hasan Minhaj y Josh Gad, por nombrar algunos. Menudo árbol de entrenadores.

Probablemente sea un buen momento para que Jon vuelva a su antiguo terreno, porque su última aventura televisiva, "The Problem with Jon Stewart", no ha ido muy bien.

Apple TV + canceló el programa de Stewart en octubre después de un poco más de dos años, y The New York Times informó que el comediante se enfrentó con los ejecutivos de Apple sobre temas de espectáculos e invitados.

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Y recuerda, a "The Daily Show" no le ha ido mucho mejor, han estado trabajando con un elenco rotativo de presentadores invitados durante más de un año desde que Trevor renunció al papel que culminó en un momento divertido e incómodo en los Emmys de este año, donde el ex corresponsal Roy Wood Jr. básicamente le suplicó a los ejecutivos que "por favor, contraten a un anfitrión".

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No es exactamente la solución permanente que Roy estaba buscando, pero definitivamente es un paso en la dirección correcta.

Jon Stewart Coming Back as 'Daily Show' Host

"The Daily Show" is going back to a familiar face to provide some stability ... though it might end up being just another temporary fix.

Jon Stewart -- who originally hosted the show from 1999 to 2015 -- is headed back to Comedy Central to host 'TDS' ... but only on Mondays. From Tuesday-Thursday, fans will see some of their fav correspondents helm the show.

The part-time hosting gig doesn't mean Jon will be kicking back during the rest of the week -- he's also returning as executive producer for every episode from now through 2025 -- so it looks like he'll be sticking around for a bit.

Not only was Stewart host and EP of the show for more than 15 years, but he mentored some of the biggest names in comedy while heading up the program.

Just check out the roster ... Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, Samantha Bee, John Oliver, Steve Carell, Ed Helms, Olivia Munn, Hasan Minhaj and Josh Gad just to name a few. Talk about one hell of a coaching tree!

It's probably a good time for JS to head back to his old stompin' ground ... 'cause his latest television venture, "The Problem with Jon Stewart" didn't go so well.

Apple TV+ canceled Stewart's show in October after a little over 2 years, and The New York Times reported the comedian butted heads with Apple execs on show topics and guests.

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And remember, "The Daily Show" hasn't fared much better ... they've been working with a rotating cast of guest hosts for more than a year since Trevor stepped down from the role -- culminating in a funny/awkward moment at this year's Emmys where former correspondent Roy Wood Jr. basically pled with execs in the crowd to "please hire a host."

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Not exactly the permanent solution Roy was looking for, but definitely a step in the right direction.


Univ. of Wisconsin Law Students Told ... 'No Exceptional White People'

First-year law students at the University of Wisconsin were reportedly forced to attend a "re-orientation" that was all about race ... and, apparently, how white people are the worst.

According to the Federalist -- which cites sources who say they were in attendance, not to mention screengrabs of the alleged session/materials -- this went down last week ... and the DEI-inspired crash course on race and privilege was mandatory for a bunch of scholars.

As part of the orientation, students were reportedly asked to complete a worksheet with a number of bizarre prompts -- including one that encouraged the students to "Tell the Truth" and expand, in writing, "how deep racism goes in my life" among other confessionals.

The NY Post even claims that some of the literature they were asked to read up on before this re-orientation contained a line that said "there are no exceptional white people."

Other topics like color blindness were slammed as inherently racist -- and one of the alleged exercises students were encouraged to partake in was to share racial slurs for different minority groups ... all in an effort, it seems, to break down stereotypes and tropes.

Long story short, it sounds like this session was pretty much all about race -- and the question being asked, of course, is ... what the heck does this have to do with law???

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The UoW hasn't addressed the orientation just yet ... but it rubbed some the wrong way.

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