Bill Maher Battle for Soul of Country is Between Sane and Crazy!!!


Bill Maher is back for a new season, and he came out swinging against both the left and right extremes, saying both sides are so crazy they meet the standard for involuntary commitment.

The "Real Time" host bore down on both extremes Friday night, proclaiming 2024 as the year of sanity. He says enough of the extremes getting all the attention. And then, he gave them some attention, but clearly not the kind they want.

Bill went in hard on the right, noting the leading Republican candidate is kind of dictator. On the left, he noted 3 university presidents could not bring themselves to squarely condemn calls for the genocide of Jews. As BM says, "Can't anyone say f**k no?!?"

TMZ Studios

He scoffs at folks who are supporting Hamas, especially those Hamas would kill because of their views, race, sexual orientation, etc. Bill says people who are supporting causes that would ultimately kill them meet the standard for involuntary commitment ... i.e. a danger to themselves.

And speaking of extremes ... a Lululemon employee was fired for getting a shoplifter arrested, and Trump wants to shoot shoplifters. As Bill says, why can't we just find a middle ground?

As he warns, the battle for the soul of this country is not between the left and right ... it's between sane and crazy.


'King of Kong' star Billy Mitchell is keeping score after Twin Galaxies reinstated his historical records ... after a multi-year dispute over cheating allegations.

You Can't Rewrite History

Billy tells TMZ ... he's satisfied and relieved with the recent resolution in his defamation case against the video game database ... nearly 6 years after they suggested he fabricated his Donkey Kong record through an emulation software, banned him, and wiped his scores from their site.

He tells us when the investigation and claims began in 2018, his first order of business was going back to the arcade and beating all the scores, which he did.

For some people this wasn't good enough, so now that his name is cleared, he is going to get back to what he enjoys doing, which is playing games, breaking records, attending events, and being an ambassador for competitive gaming.

TMZ Studios

Billy's happy his history has finally been restored -- but doesn't get why people were trying to rewrite it in the first place ... especially 'cause Twin Galaxies ain't as relevant as it used to be, according to him.

"The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" was a 2007 documentary about competitive arcade gaming that followed Steve Wiebe attempting to take down Billy's high score record in Donkey Kong. Following the success of the documentary, he was told there was talk of a feature film with Tom Cruise and Jim Carrey being eyed as the lead.

As for now, Billy's taking the onslaught of movie offers his way seriously ... after putting them on the back burner while his defamation case raged on.

Billy's lead counsel, Anthony Ellrod tells TMZ... “This was an extremely hard fought case, and I am happy that the parties were ultimately able to resolve it. Cases like this where an individual’s credibility and veracity are at stake are very difficult to resolve short of trial. I credit the hard work of all parties and counsel in reaching a settlement.”

Billy's leveling up for the future now ... basically, he's saying, don't hate the player, hate the game!!

ALLEGED GILGO BEACH SERIAL KILLER Lawyer Defends His Sick Search History ... Porn, Torture, Rape

Suspected serial killer Rex Heuermann allegedly has a twisted internet search history ... but his lawyer says everyone Googles weird crap, and it doesn't make him a murderer.

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Heuermann -- the alleged Gilgo Beach killer -- had his alleged internet search history revealed in new court documents, with prosecutors saying he was looking up autopsy photos, violent hardcore porn and deviant sex acts.

But his lawyer, Michael Brown, is pushing back ... telling reporters this week, "Searching the internet, ask yourselves what you search on your computers and your phones."

Brown brushed it off this way ... "One thing leads to another -- you see a show about something, you start searching, and they talk about how somebody got killed. You start searching, and then they talk about another way, and you start searching."

Prosecutors claim Heuermann's Google searches included ... "tied up fat girl porn," "medieval torture of women," "skinny black girl slave porn," "autopsy photos of female," "wooden pony porn," "skinny white teen crying porn" and "how I was raped audio" ... just to name a few.

What's more, Heuermann allegedly had over 200 searches about the Gilgo Beach murder case and other known serial killers.

But his lawyer says ... "Think about if they looked at your own personal search history, how all of a sudden you're guilty because of your search history?”

As we reported ... earlier this week Heuermann was hit with a fourth murder charge.

tmz gilgo special 30

All four women worked as escorts near his home on Long Island ... and his internet history allegedly includes searches for all kinds of escorts -- running the gamut of identities ... racial, sexual and otherwise.

Heuermann's defense lawyers are also casting doubt on the DNA testing used in the case against him ... arguing the tech is faulty and that it doesn't provide a smoking gun, but simply eliminates other possibilities.

Japan Robot Explorer Lands on Moon But Was it Successful???

Japan just became the latest country to set up camp on the moon -- although, how hard it actually touched down is still a little unclear.

Yes, it's a big deal ... Japan is now the fifth country to get some kind of spacecraft up on the big ball of cheese in the sky -- landing their "Moon Sniper" explorer Friday ... part of which they streamed live to document the momentous occasion.

The question at this point, however, is whether the explorer crashed onto the moon ... or if it successfully made contact. There are conflicting reports on what the actual case is.

We suppose we'll know soon enough -- but in any case, it's cool to see the human race continue to try and explore our moon. This mission is called SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) and this launch of Japan's robot went down way back in September.

The other countries that have been to the moon ... Russia, China, India and, of course, the US of A. We're the only ones to get humans up there ... no one's been back since.

Anyway, cool space news for sure ... and just one bigger step for mankind into the great beyond.

Japón Un robot explorador aterriza en la Luna ¡¿Pero tuvo éxito?!

Japón se acaba de convertir en el último país en aterrizar en la Luna, aunque todavía no está muy claro hasta qué punto ha llegado.

Es un gran acontecimiento... Japón ahora es el quinto país en conseguir que una nave espacial llegue hasta el cuerpo celeste, con el aterrizaje de su "Moon Sniper" el viernes y parte del evento se transmitió en vivo para documentar la ocasión trascendental.

La cuestión en este momento, sin embargo, es si el explorador se estrelló en la luna o si hizo contacto con éxito. Hay informes contradictorios sobre la realidad actual.

Suponemos que pronto lo sabremos, pero en cualquier caso, alucina ver que la raza humana sigue intentando explorar nuestra Luna. Esta misión se llama SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) y el lanzamiento del robot japonés tuvo lugar en septiembre.

Los otros países que han estado en la luna antes son Rusia, China, India y, por supuesto, los Estados Unidos. Somos los únicos que hemos logrado llevar seres humanos hasta allí, nadie ha regresado desde entonces.

En cualquier caso, es una buena noticia espacial y un paso más para la humanidad en el descubrimiento del más allá.

Fiery Miami Plane Video Airliner Goes Up In Flames ... Shocking Video Captures It


A cargo jet went up in flames as it was flying over Miami Thursday night, creating a frightening and potentially deadly scenario that was all caught on video, but, thankfully, nobody was injured in the end.

The Atlas Air Boeing 747 plane took off from Miami International Airport for Puerto Rico at 10:32 PM – and just minutes into the flight one of the engines caught fire.

As the airliner was streaking through the sky, one woman on the ground turned on her phone camera and started recording the fireball.

Check it out ... Sparks shoot out from the rear of the jet as the woman expresses utter shock, "Oh my god. It's on fire. Oh my god."

She then calls over her mom, while stating, "Holy s**t. I hope they're ok."

After a few more seconds, the video cuts off as the plane appears to be on a downward trajectory.

A rep for Atlas Air told TMZ that while the plane experienced an engine malfunction, the crew followed all standard procedures and safely returned to Miami International Airport.

Atlas officials, along with the Federal Aviation Administration, are investigating the cause of the incident.

Avión en Miami Se incendia... Impactante video lo captura


Un avión de carga se incendió mientras volaba sobre Miami el jueves por la noche, creando un aterrador y potencialmente mortal escenario que fue grabado en video, pero, afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido al final.

El avión Boeing 747 de Atlas Air despegó del aeropuerto internacional de Miami con destino a Puerto Rico a las 22.32 horas, y a los pocos minutos de vuelo uno de los motores se comenzó a incendiar.

Mientras el avión surcaba el cielo, una mujer en tierra encendió la cámara de su teléfono y empezó a grabar la bola de fuego.

Echa un vistazo ... Las chispas salen disparadas de la parte trasera del avión mientras la mujer expresa su total conmoción: "Oh, Dios mío. Se está incendiando. Dios mío".

Luego llama a su madre, mientras dice: "Holly s**t. Espero que estén bien".

Después de unos segundos más, el video se corta mientras el avión parece estar en una trayectoria descendente.

Un representante de Atlas Air dijo a TMZ que mientras el avión experimentaba el mal funcionamiento del motor, la tripulación siguió los procedimientos estándar y regresó con seguridad al Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami.

Los funcionarios de Atlas, junto con la Administración Federal de Aviación, están investigando la causa del incidente.

Crisis fronteriza Perros abandonados por los migrantes... Reporteros y la Guardia Nacional los cuidan

Proporcionando hogar a los perros abandonados

Hay una cosa muy extraña sucediendo a lo largo de la frontera sur. Los migrantes que intentan entrar en Estados Unidos con sus perros se ven obligados a dejarlos atrás y eso está creando una crisis totalmente diferente.

El reportero de FNC Matt Finn está en el terreno de Eagle Pass, Texas, y se unió a nosotros el jueves en "TMZ Live" para revelar lo que está viendo y cómo él y otros equipos de televisión se están involucrando y haciéndose cargo de algunos perros ellos mismos.

Matt dice que toneladas de migrantes están intentando cruzar la frontera con sus perros, solo para que les informen que no pueden llevar a los cachorros con ellos a los centros federales de procesamiento, lo que resulta en cientos de perros callejeros vagando por la frontera.

Estas circunstancias dejan a los perros con necesidad de comida, agua y refugio y Matt dice que las tropas de la Guardia Nacional están cuidando de algunos de ellos. Él y su productor han ayudado también.

Algunos perros tienen garrapatas, pulgas y gusanos y Matt nos dice que al menos un veterinario en la ciudad está cuidándolos pro bono.

Matt ha visto esta tragedia antes en otras áreas de la frontera y ha conseguido realojar a un puñado de perros.

El hecho es que esto es solo una pequeña parte del cuadro, y aunque algunos perros le hacen compañía a las tropas de la Guardia Nacional mientras están estacionadas en la frontera, hay muchos perros necesitados y mucho más por hacer.

Border Crisis Dogs Abandoned By Migrants ... Reporters & National Guard Caring for Pups


There's a crazy thing happening along the southern border -- migrants attempting to enter the United States with their dogs are forced to leave them behind, and it's creating a whole other crisis.

FNC reporter Matt Finn is on the ground in Eagle Pass, Texas and joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live" to reveal what he's seeing firsthand ... and how he and other TV crews are getting involved, and taking some of the dogs in themselves.

Matt says tons of migrants are trying to cross the border with their dogs, only to be told they can't bring the pups with them to federal processing centers ... resulting in strays roaming the border.

The circumstances leave dogs in need of food, water and shelter ... and Matt says troops with the National Guard are taking care of some of the doggos ... and he and his producer have helped out too.

Some dogs have ticks, fleas and worms ... and Matt tells us at least one vet in town is caring for them pro bono.

Matt's seen this tragedy play out before in other areas along the border ... getting a handful of dogs rehomed.

Fact is ... that's just a drop in the bucket, and while some dogs are keeping National Guard troops company while they're stationed at the border ... there's a lot of dogs in need, and a lot more to be done.

'The Daily Show' We've Got Big News Fans ... Ready to Announce Host???

"The Daily Show" has been in a state of flux since Trevor Noah stepped down more than a year ago ... but it sounds like the uncertainty might be comin' to an end.

On Thursday, a spokesperson for Comedy Central told TheWrap the network was getting ready to reveal the show's "next chapter" ... and then promptly left fans on the edge of their seats -- saying the announcement's coming NEXT week.

This comes on the heels of an Emmy win for 'TDS' ... taking home Outstanding Talk Series at the awards show on Monday -- though even during the win the show's unresolved host issue took center stage.

Roy Wood Jr., a longtime correspondent of the show, expressed his displeasure with recent choices ... mouthing "Please hire a host" multiple times while TN lifted the award in triumph -- pretty funny parallel when you see the clip.

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Noah left the show back in 2022 ... giving fans a tear-jerking goodbye when he signed off. A rotating panel of hosts has taken over in the weeks and months since -- and clearly, it's had its ups and downs.

Wood Jr. left the show back in Oct. after he was seemingly passed up for the full-time hosting gig ... no word on if he'd be open to a reunion with his former employer.

Our patience is wearing thin Comedy Central ... who's it gonna be?!?

Man Ejected From RV Thought I Was Going To Die ... Wife Passed Out Driving


Cordell Patrick, the man ejected from a moving RV, says he's lucky to be alive ... because he thought he was going to die on that busy Los Angeles area freeway.

Cordell joined us on "TMZ Live" Wednesday from his hospital bed ... and he told us how he ended up being thrown from his RV onto the freeway.


It's pretty incredible ... Cordell says he was getting up to use the bathroom and took off his seatbelt in the 5-second window where his wife passed out behind the wheel and veered into the median.

Cordell says the impact sent him crashing through the driver-side window ... and his body flying over the median and landing on the other side of the freeway, inches away from the carpool lane.


As he lay on the freeway with his mangled ankle, Cordell says he thought he was going to be run over by a car ... telling us it's a miracle he was able to make it out of harms way.

Cordell says he and his wife had just gotten back from a trip and were heading to their storage unit when she suddenly blacked out and crashed.


She's getting medical attention too, and Cordell says they're still trying to figure out why she passed out.

Frankly, it's a miracle Cordell survived ... and he tells us why he's certain someone or something must have been watching over him.

Hombre expulsado en la autopista Pensé que iba a morir... Su esposa se desmayó mientras conducía

Agradecido de estar aquí

Cordell Patrick, el hombre que salió expulsado de una caravana en movimiento, dice que tiene suerte de estar vivo porque pensó que iba a morir en la concurrida autopista de Los Ángeles.

Cordell se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el miércoles desde su cama del hospital y nos dijo cómo terminó siendo arrojado desde su vehículo en la autopista.

Disparado del vehículo

Es bastante increíble. Cordell dice que se estaba levantando para ir al baño y se quitó el cinturón de seguridad cuando su esposa se desmayó al volante y se desvió hacia un costado.

Cordell dice que el impacto lo llevó a estrellarse a través de la ventana del lado del conductor y su cuerpo salió volando hacia un lado de la autopista, a pocos centímetros de distancia del carril de carro compartido.

Golpeado fuerte contra el suelo

Mientras yacía en la autopista con su tobillo destrozado, Cordell dice que pensó que iba a ser atropellado. Nos dice que es un milagro que fuera capaz de salir del peligro.

Cordell dice que él y su esposa acababan de regresar de un viaje y se dirigían a su unidad de almacenamiento cuando de repente se desmayó y se estrelló.

Recibiendo atención médica

Ella también está recibiendo atención médica y Cordell dice que todavía están tratando de averiguar por qué se desmayó.

Francamente, es un milagro que Cordell haya sobrevivido y nos dice por qué está seguro de que alguien o algo debe haber estado velando por él.

Whoopi Goldberg Fires Back at Nikki Haley Yes, the U.S. *Has* Been Racist!!!


Nikki Haley said America has never been a racist country -- but Whoopi Goldberg would beg to differ ... and she's ready to list the ugly receipts that prove the exact opposite.

The talk show host tackled this topic on "The View" Wednesday -- this a day after the Republican presidential candidate went on FOX News to rebuke the notion that America is a racist nation ... but in the same breath, denied the U.S. has ever that problem.

Fox News

Of course, that's a ridiculous statement ... and just factually wrong. Not only did we have slaves in this country for a good long while -- but America was a segregated nation through much of the 20th century as well. Basic history ... but NH seems to be trying to blur it.

Welp, Whoopi wasn't having any of Haley's obfuscation ... and she unloaded on her in no uncertain terms in an impassioned speech as she was intro'ing this topic at the table.

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Check out what she has to say for yourself -- she says all the lynching of Black people over the years wasn't carried out by them ... but by racist Americans, and you can tell she's outraged by Haley's attempt to downplay this country's past.

The reason this latest slip-up from her stands out is the fact that just recently suggested the Civil War was not really about slavery -- something she tried to clarify after the fact ... but raised a lot of eyebrows when she said it.


Things didn't get better when she further tried distancing herself from those remarks at a Republican town hall ... using the old "I have Black friends" line to defend herself.

Talk about stepping in it, huh?

Whoopi Goldberg responde a la afirmación de Nikki Haley de que EE.UU. "nunca fue racista"

el racismo es real

Nikki Haley dijo que Estados Unidos nunca ha sido un país racista, pero Whoopi Goldberg no está de acuerdo, y está dispuesta a enumerar distintas situaciones recibos que demuestran exactamente lo contrario.

El anfitrión del programa de entrevistas abordó este tema en "The View" el miércoles, un día después de que la candidata presidencial republicana apareciera en FOX News para refutar la idea de que Estados Unidos es una nación racista, pero en el mismo discurso, negó que los EE.UU. tuviera ese problema desde siempre.

"nunca hemos sido un país racista"
Fox News

Por supuesto, esa es una afirmación ridícula y simplemente incorrecta. No solo tuvimos esclavos en este país durante mucho tiempo, sino que Estados Unidos fue una nación segregada durante gran parte del siglo XX. Historia básica, pero Nikki parece estar tratando de difuminarla.

Whoopi respondio de una manera elocuente y directa —mucho mejor que alguien que se postula a un cargo político— y puso a Hañey en su lugar.

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siguiente pregunta

Mira lo que dijo por ti mismo, ella dice que todos los linchamientos de personas de raza negra a lo largo de los años no fueron llevados a cabo por ellos, sino por los estadounidenses racistas, y se puede decir que está indignada por el intento de Haley de restarle importancia al pasado de este país.

La razón de este último desliz se destaca es el hecho de que hace poco sugirió que la Guerra Civil no era realmente acerca de la esclavitud, algo que trató de aclarar después de los hechos, pero levantó un montón de cejas cuando lo hizo.

"tengo amigos negros"

Las cosas no mejoraron cuando trató de distanciarse de esos comentarios en un ayuntamiento republicano, utilizando la vieja línea "Tengo amigos negros" para defenderse.

Eso sí que es pisar fuerte, ¿eh?

RV Miracle Guy Gets Ejected on L.A.-Area Fwy ... Lives to Tell the Tale!!!


A guy got launched out of an RV that was barreling down a freeway in the Los Angeles area -- and he got thrown onto the complete opposite side ... somehow surviving the ordeal.

Wild video surfaced Monday of a horrifying accident that miraculously didn't end up being deadly. It shows a driver cruising in one direction along the 14 Freeway near Santa Clarita ... and his dashcam caught an RV coming toward him from the other side of the barrier.

Watch ... you see the RV is a little out of control, and it actually appears to bang against the cement divider -- which seems to have flung one of its passengers through its doors.

Soon enough, a man's body tumbling appears in clear view ... it looks like he fell out of the RV and onto the shoulder of the opposite end of the road, almost hitting oncoming traffic.


BTW, there are a couple different angles capturing the action here ... and it's totally insane.

As you might imagine, this ended up drawing a massive police response -- with first responders rushing to the scene to attend to this poor guy ... and, miraculously, he lived!


The man was taken to the hospital, and the extent of his injuries isn't entirely clear. Now, as for how exactly this could've happened in the first place -- an eyewitness is quoted as claiming that the driver fell asleep, and that the man who was shot out was her hubby.

If true, the lesson here obviously is ... buckle up. But, by the same token ... wake up!

Hombre sale despedido de un vehículo en una autopista de Los Ángeles y sobrevive

expulsado del vehículo

Un hombre salió despedido de un vehículo que se precipitaba por una autopista en la zona de Los Ángeles... y sobrevivió milagrosamente a la terrible experiencia.

La dashcam captó el momento en que una camioneta que parecía tambalearse, expulsa a un hombre de manera muy extraña...

Se ve que la camioneta está fuera de control y parece golpear la barrera cemento arrojado a uno de sus pasajeros a través de sus puertas.

Muy pronto, el cuerpo de un hombre dando tumbos aparece a la vista... al parecer se cayó de la camioneta quedando a la merced del tráfico.

golpeando el suelo

A propósito, hay un par de ángulos diferentes que capturaron la acción... y es totalmente increíble.

Como te puedes imaginar, esto desencadenó una respuesta masiva de la policía. Los socorristas corrieron a la escena para atender a este pobre hombre que milagrosamente sobrevivió.

recibiendo ayuda médica

El hombre fue llevado al hospital y el alcance de sus lesiones no está del todo claro. Ahora, en cuanto a cómo exactamente esto podría haber sucedido en primer lugar, un testigo ocular se cita como afirmando que el conductor se quedó dormido y que el hombre que salió disparado era su marido.

Si es verdad, hay una lección que aprender... ¡abróchate el cinturón!