Un conductor de Los Ángeles arroja a su perro de un camión en marcha durante una persecución policial

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el infame momento

La policía de Los Ángeles persigue a un sospechoso que arroja a un perro por la ventanilla de su camioneta.

Este pedazo de basura era buscado por vandalismo y llevó a los oficiales a una persecución a alta velocidad el jueves por la tarde en varias autopistas de Los Ángeles diferentes antes de entrar a los suburbios de Pomona.

El tipo no parecía reducir la velocidad en absoluto cuando él sorprendentemente arrojó al perro de su vehículo, obligando a las unidades de policía que persiguen a desviarse alrededor del pobre animal.

Por desgracia, no está claro si el cachorro sobrevivió a la caída de la camioneta.

En cuanto al idiota detrás de esto... golpeó a otros dos vehículos durante la persecución, el segundo fue una colisión frontal a 60 mph que le puso fin a la persecución.

Los policías rodearon rápidamente su camión y le gritaron instrucciones, pero no quiso salir. Finalmente, los agentes utilizaron munición no letal para disparar contra su ventanilla y a continuación lo sacaron a rastras y lo detuvieron.

Los otros dos conductores a los que atropelló no sufrieron heridas graves y pudieron salir ilesos de los accidentes.

L.A. Police Chase Driver Throws Dog from Moving Truck During High-Speed Chase

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Horrifying sight in L.A. during one of those wild police chases -- as the suspect was speeding away from cops, he tossed a small dog out his window!

This piece of crap was wanted for vandalism, and led CHP officers on a high-speed chase Thursday afternoon on several different L.A. freeways ... before exiting onto surface streets in the suburb of Pomona.

The guy didn't appear to slow down at all when he shockingly threw the dog out of his vehicle, forcing the pursuing police units to swerve around the poor animal.

Unfortunately, it's unclear if the pup even survived the fall from the truck.

As for the jerk behind the wheel ... he went on to hit 2 other vehicles during the chase -- the second one being a head-on 60 mph collision that brought the pursuit to an end.

Cops quickly surrounded his truck, and shouted instructions, but he would not get out on his own. Officers eventually used non-lethal rounds to shoot out his window, and then dragged him out and arrested him.

Both of the other drivers he hit were not seriously injured and were able to walk away from the accidents.

Madre en Ohio es detenida Por supuestamente fingir el cáncer de su hija ... Recaudó miles de dólares

Una madre de Ohio está tras las rejas después de ser acusada de mentir sobre el cáncer de su hija y utilizarlo para recaudar dinero en un caso que recuerda inquietantemente a la terrible experiencia de Gypsy Rose Blanchard.

Pamela Reed fue detenida el lunes después de que las autoridades dijeran que la mujer le dijo a sus amigos y familiares que su hija, identificada como AR y hoy de 7 años, tenía cáncer, específicamente leucemia mieloide y que sufría convulsiones y era ciega de un ojo.

Las autoridades dicen que Pamela incluso rapó la cabeza de AR para reforzar sus afirmaciones y que habría recaudado alrededor de $8,000 para pagar los gastos de tratamiento del cáncer de AR.

Pero, de acuerdo con la declaración jurada del arresto, todo llegó a su fin cuando la enfermera de la escuela de AR descubrió que no estaba ciega de su ojo derecho, y tras llamar al médico de la niña, se enteró de que no tenía cáncer.

La policía dice que Reed confesó la verdad más tarde a la escuela y le dijo a la policía que reenvasaba recetas para hacer parecer que eran para el tratamiento del cáncer.

Los funcionarios también afirman que le dio medicamentos para las convulsiones a AR que no necesitaba.

Cuando los policías la interrogaron, Reed admitió haber seguido adelante con la mentira durante mucho tiempo porque disfrutaba del apoyo financiero.

Según los policías, Reed ha estado publicando sobre los problemas de salud de su hija desde que tenía 20 meses de edad.

Si esto suena similar a la situación de Gypsy, no se equivocan. Como se acordarán, la defensa de Gypsy en su caso criminal se centró en que su madre Dee Dee sufría de Síndrome de Munchausen por Poder, lo que la llevó a hacerle creer falsamente a Gypsy que sufría de leucemia y distrofia muscular y que necesitaba una silla de ruedas.

Ohio Mother Arrested Allegedly Faked Daughter's Cancer ... Raised Thousands in the Process

An Ohio mother is behind bars after being accused of lying about her daughter's cancer, and using it to raise money in a case eerily reminiscent of Gypsy Rose Blanchard's ordeal.

Pamela Reed was arrested Monday after authorities say she told friends and family for years her 7-year-old daughter, identified as AR, had cancer -- specifically myeloid leukemia -- suffered from seizures and was blind in her right eye.

Law enforcement says Pamela even shaved AR's head to bolster her claims, and had raised about $8,000 ... which was given to help aid AR's cancer treatment expenses.

But, according to the arrest affidavit, it all came to an end when AR's school nurse discovered she wasn't blind in her right eye, and after calling the girl's doctor, learned she did not have cancer.

Cops say Reed later confessed to doctoring AR's paperwork for the school and told cops she repackaged prescriptions to make it seem like they were for cancer treatment.

Officials also claim she gave AR seizure medication she didn't need.

When cops grilled her, Reed admitted carrying on the big lie for so long, because she enjoyed all the financial support.


According to cops, Reed has been posting about her daughter's health concerns since she was 20 months old.

If this sounds similar to Gypsy's past situation, you aren't wrong -- you'll recall, Gypsy's defense in her criminal case focused on her mom, Dee Dee, suffering from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which led to her making Gypsy falsely believe she suffered from leukemia and muscular dystrophy, and needed a wheelchair.

Ecuador in Chaos Gangs Unleash Havoc On Public ... Wild Footage Surfacing


Ecuador has been thrust into utter chaos after a major drug lord escaped from prison over the weekend -- spurring cartel gang members to wreak havoc all throughout the country.

Cities like Guayaquil and others are being subjected to stickups and raids on the behalf of thugs who are running amok in the streets ... storming TV stations, holding people hostage at gunpoint, and in many cases -- outright executions of law enforcement officials.


The videos making the rounds online right now are absolutely stunning in the worst possible way -- these cartel killers are recording themselves indiscriminately opening fire in public.

Like we said ... it's bedlam of the highest degree, and the disturbing images surfacing are causing alarm in the international community. Ecuador's government has already issued a state of emergency, and military personnel has been deployed to get a handle on things.


There've been countless arrests -- but it's unclear if this attempted crackdown will be effective ... Ecuador has been at the center of corruption allegations for years, so it remains to be seen if their criminal justice system can keep things in check there.


As far as what sparked all this ... it appears to be stemming from a brash prison break for a guy named Adolfo 'Fito' Macias -- who busted out on Sunday, and who leads Los Choneros.

Now, he and his goons are a putting on a show of force ... and being met with pushback not just from law enforcement, but from citizens as well -- many of whom are taking up arms.

It's a precarious situation, here's hoping they can get things in order there fairly quickly.

Crisis en Ecuador Las pandillas desatan el caos Imágenes salvajes

Calles tomadas

Ecuador se ha sumido en el caos absoluto después de que un importante capo de la droga escapara de la cárcel durante el fin de semana, lo que ha llevado a los miembros de las bandas del cártel a sembrar el caos por todo el país.

Ciudades como Guayaquil y otras están siendo objeto de asaltos y redadas en nombre de los matones que están corriendo fuera de control por las calles. Han asaltado estaciones de televisión, tomado personas como rehenes a punta de pistola, y en muchos casos, ejecutado directamente a los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley.

Amenazado en televisión

Los videos que están circulando en línea en este momento son absolutamente impresionantes y de la peor forma posible. Estos asesinos del cártel se están grabando indiscriminadamente mientras abren fuego en público.

Como decíamos, es un caos del más alto grado y las perturbadoras imágenes están causando alarma en la comunidad internacional. El gobierno de Ecuador ya ha decretado el estado de emergencia y se ha desplegado personal militar para controlar la situación.

Retenidos a punta de pistola

Ha habido innumerables detenciones, pero no está claro si este intento de represión será eficaz. Ecuador ha estado en el centro de acusaciones de corrupción durante años, por lo que está por verse si su sistema de justicia penal puede mantener las cosas bajo control.

En cuanto a lo que provocó todo esto, parece que se deriva de la fuga de la cárcel de un tipo llamado Adolfo 'Fito' Macías, que escapó el domingo y lidera a Los Choneros.

Ahora, él y sus matones se enfrentan al repudio no solo de las fuerzas del orden, sino de los ciudadanos, muchos de los cuales están tomando las armas.

Es una situación precaria, esperamos que puedan poner las cosas en orden rápidamente

Tucker Carlson Congratulates Don Lemon On New Show ... Welcome to X, Despite Our Differences

Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon definitely don't see eye to eye on a lot of stuff, but that didn't stop the former Fox News anchor from congratulating Don on joining him on Team X.

As you know, Don entered a partnership with X -- formerly Twitter -- on Tuesday, where he'll have a new 30-minute show airing on the platform 3 times a week, and which comes after his firing from CNN last year.

The whole thing was similar to Tucker's situation, as he's already got a show on X. Remember, the 2 of them got canned on the same day, and Tucker extended an olive branch to the guy, despite their long-standing beef ... telling him, "Congratulations. It’s a new world.”

Doesn't mean the dust has settled in their drama, though -- Don replied in the most polite, yet unenthusiastic way possible ... "Thanks Tucker."

Tucker and Don would often butt heads while they were doing their cable news shows ... with Tucker insulting Don and mispronouncing his name on purpose, and Don calling Tucker for what he saw as wild takes.

In Tuesday's announcement, Don called Elon Musk's platform  “a place for honest debate and discussion without the hall monitors" ... but it'll be interesting to see how 2 feuding hosts handle being in the same space.

NYPD Encuentran un túnel secreto bajo una sinagoga... Causa revuelo y alboroto

Caos en Jabad

Un enorme túnel secreto fue descubierto bajo una histórica sinagoga en Nueva York, y cuando las autoridades trataron de cerrarlo, se produjo un caos por las personas que lo estaban usando.

Descabelladas imágenes están circulando por Internet que muestran una escena frenética este lunes en la sede mundial de Jabad-Lubavitch en Crown Heights, Brooklyn, que sirve como lugar de reunión y culto para los judíos ortodoxos de la zona, y todo está relacionado con este pasaje oculto.

Hacia las salidas

Cuento corto, este recinto subterráneo que conduce a la sinagoga fue descubierto por casualidad el mes pasado por civiles que escucharon ruidos extraños debajo de sus casas.

Hay informes de que un grupo selecto de esta sinagoga estaba utilizando el túnel para acceder a una zona cerrada destinada al baño de mujeres, además de otras áreas en y alrededor de Brooklyn, al parecer.

Tour por el Túnel

De todos modos, los líderes de la sinagoga decidieron cerrar todo esto y trajeron equipos de construcción para que sellaran el túnel con cemento, pero parece que los chicos que lo estaban utilizando estaban indignados y comenzaron el alboroto dentro de su propia institución sagrada, lo que alertó a la policía.

Ahí es donde aparecen estos videos, que muestran a los judíos enfrentándose a la policía, volcando muebles y aparentemente intentando refugiarse en el túnel para evitar su cierre.

En algún momento, alguien bajó al túnel y grabó un breve recorrido dentro y se puede ver que estos tipos se sentían como en casa, con sus ropas esparcidas por todas partes.

Al final, parece que pudieron cerrar la tapa del escondite secreto, probablemente para bien. La idea de tipos merodeando bajo tierra es un poco de las Tortugas Ninja 😅.

NYPD Secret Tunnel Found Under Synagogue ... Sparks Chaos & Uproar


A massive secret tunnel was discovered under a historic Jewish synagogue in NYC -- and when the authorities tried to shut it down ... sheer chaos ensued from the guys using it.

Wild footage is circulating online showing a frenetic scene Monday at the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn's Crown Heights -- serving as the meeting location and place of worship for Orthodox Jews in that area ... and it all has to do with this hidden passage.


Long story short ... this underground enclosure leading into the synagogue was stumbled upon last month by civilians who reported hearing weird noises under their homes.

There's reports that a select group from this synagogue were using the tunnel to access a shuttered women's bathing area ... plus other areas in and around Brooklyn, it seems.


Anyway, leadership from this synagogue decided to shut this whole thing down -- bringing in construction crews to seal up the tunnel with cement ... but apparently, the fellas who'd been using were outraged and started rioting within their own holy institution, and cops came out.

That's where all these clips come in -- showing the Jewish clashing with cops, overturning furniture and seemingly trying to hunker down in their tunnel to avoid it being closed up.

At some point, someone went down into the tunnel itself and recorded a little walk-through -- and you can see these fellas made themselves at home ... draping their clothes all about.


In the end, it looks like they were able to close the lid on this secret hideout -- probably for the best, TBH. The idea of dudes lurking around underground is ... well, kinda 'TMNT.' 😅


restos de la zona devastada

Una explosión masiva en Fort Worth esta semana convirtió las calles del centro en algo sacado de una película de acción, y desafortunadamente dejó a varias personas heridas.

Las autoridades locales y equipos de emergencia se lanzaron sobre el Hotel Sandman en la calle Houston el lunes por la tarde, después de que una explosión sacudiera el costado del edificio, enviando escombros y restos a las calles.

Los reportes indican que al menos 11 personas resultaron heridas de distintas maneras, y se reporta una persona fallecida. Actualmente, se está llevando a cabo una operación de limpieza. En cuanto a la causa, los bomberos dicen que parece ser una fuga de gas.

La investigación sobre la causa exacta aún está en curso. Por si no estaba claro lo grave que fue por las imágenes que circulan, ahora estamos enterándonos de que se destruyeron 2 pisos enteros del hotel de gran altura. Es un milagro que no haya más personas heridas o incluso muertas.

Los residentes locales informan que el olor a gas se está propagando por toda la cercanía, y están tratando de llegar al fondo de lo que sucedió aquí. Hay rumores de que podría haber habido alguna construcción en este hotel.

La historia sigue en curso…

Fort Worth Downtown Hotel Explosion ... Leaves Several Injured


A massive explosion in Fort Worth this week made the downtown streets look like something out of an action movie -- and, unfortunately, it left some people harmed.

Local officials and first responders swarmed upon the Sandman Hotel on Houston Street Monday afternoon ... this after a blast rocked the side of the building and sent debris and rubble spilling into the streets.

Reports say at least 11 people sustained injuries of varying degrees, and one person is reported as dead ... and a cleanup is underway right now. As far as what might've caused this -- fire officials are saying it appears to be a gas leak of some sort.

The exact cause is still under investigation. In case it wasn't clear how bad this was from the footage that's going around, we're now learning 2 floors' worth of the high-rise hotel was destroyed ... so it's a miracle even more people weren't hurt, or even killed.

Locals are saying the smell of gas is spreading throughout the immediate area -- and they're scrambling to get to the bottom of what the hell happened here. There's word that some construction may have been going on at this hotel.

Story developing ...

Alaska Airlines Phone Flew Out Hole During Emergency Landing ... Found Unharmed on Ground!!!

An iPhone's been found from the Alaska Airlines flight forced to make an emergency landing when a hole blew open in the fuselage ... and amazingly, the device was not damaged.

The device was found along a roadside in Oregon, according to game designer Sean Bates -- who posted on X about his shocking discovery, saying it had no scratches on it, and worked just fine.

He says the phone was still in airplane mode, and it unlocked without a passcode. Most telling, he says it opened to a baggage and flight confirmation for flight 1282 ... the flight that was forced to make an emergency return to Portland airport after the door blew off mid-flight on Friday.

Twitter / @SeanSafyre

In a follow-up video, Sean said he was skeptical when he stumbled upon the phone, which still had a piece of a charger wedged into it ... but called over a member of the National Transportation Safety Board search team when he realized what he had in his hands.

The plug used on the exit door has also been found, according to NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy -- who said it was found in a schoolteacher's backyard in Portland after Friday's ordeal in the skies.

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As we reported, a wild video from inside the plane showed the insanity folks had to face while on board -- with strong gusts of wind filling the cabin while the Alaska Airlines pilots had to fly back to Portland to land.

While the plane -- which was heading to Ontario, CA -- luckily landed with no injuries, there have been reports that pilots had filed reports about warning lights about the plane in the days leading up to Friday's incident ... which indicated a loss of cabin pressure.

The Boeing 737 MAX 9 was restricted from taking long-distance flights over the water as a result, and Homendy told CNN she was aware there were issues with the aircraft before the ordeal went down.

Alaska Airlines has grounded all 737 MAX 9s in its fleet, and the FAA has temporarily grounded others for some other airlines.

Jonathan Majors I'm Ready To Talk After Guilty Verdict ... ABC Lands Interview

Jonathan Majors is ready to talk after his high-profile guilty verdict ... and he's going with ABC News for his first sit-down interview since his trial ... TMZ has learned.

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The embattled actor -- who was convicted on assault and harassment charges last month in his Manhattan criminal trial -- will break his silence with ABC News Live 'Prime' anchor Linsey Davis.

The network tells us their exclusive interview with Jonathan will premiere Monday on 'Good Morning America' ... and the extended interview will stream on ABC News Live‘s “Prime with Linsey Davis” Monday at 7:00 p.m. EST.

It will be interesting to see what Jonathan has to say here ... he's been mum since a jury found him guilty of assaulting and harassing his ex, Grace Jabbari.

We've seen Jonathan alone in New York City and with girlfriend Meagan Good another time landing in Los Angeles since the guilty verdict came down.

It's interesting Jonathan is going with ABC here ... ABC is a division of Disney, which dropped JM from his big movie role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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Meanwhile, Jonathan is awaiting sentencing.

Jonathan Majors Estoy listo para hablar después del veredicto... En entrevista con ABC

Jonathan Majors está listo para hablar después de su veredicto de culpabilidad y decidió hacerlo con ABC News para una primera entrevista frente a frente desde su juicio.

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Majors dejando el tribunal

El actor, que fue condenado por cargos de agresión y acoso el mes pasado en Manhattan, hablará con ABC News Live 'Prime' y su presentador Linsey Davis.

La cadena nos dice que la entrevista exclusiva con Jonathan se emitirá el lunes en "Good Morning America" y la entrevista ampliada se emitirá en "Prime with Linsey Davis" de ABC News Live el lunes por la noche a las 19:00 EST.

Será interesante ver lo que Jonathan tiene que decir ... El actor ha estado mudo desde que un jurado lo declaró culpable de agredir y acosar a su ex, Grace Jabbari.

Desde que se conoció el veredicto, hemos visto a Jonathan solo en la ciudad de Nueva York y en otra oportunidad con su novia Meagan Good en Los Angeles.

Es interesante que Jonathan haya decidido ir con ABC.... ABC es parte de Disney, quien lo despidió de su gran papel en la película del universo cinematográfico Marvel.

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Aguantando fuerte

Mientras tanto, Jonathan está a la espera de sentencia.

Tyreek Hill House Fire Caused By Child Playing With Lighter ... Officials Say

The inferno at Tyreek Hill's mansion on Wednesday was caused by a child playing with a lighter ... this according to officials.

A spokesperson for the Davie Fire Department in Florida confirmed to TMZ Sports that investigators believe a youngster inside a bedroom at Hill's Southwest Ranches home started the blaze.

It's unclear if the child is related to Hill or how exactly it was able to ignite the flames -- though according to the DFP rep, because officials formally identified it all as "accidental," no further investigations are taking place.

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As we reported, firefighters were first notified of the flames at around 1:50 PM ET ... and a short time later, they were able to knock down the blaze with a water hose.

Officials say, fortunately, no one was injured.

Hill was at Dolphins practice when the fire first broke out -- and, according to the team, he left early to handle the issue. He was seen on the scene at around 3 PM ET with his wife looking concerned as he watched officials try to contain the blaze.

Drew Rosenhaus -- Hill's agent -- said, though, in an interview with 7News that his client was in good spirits despite the situation.

"It is very difficult for anybody, obviously, to have your home catch on fire," Rosenhaus said, "but Hill was handling it with as much poise as you can hope."

Race Against The Flames

Hill bought the home for nearly $7 million after being traded to the Fins in 2022. He's expected to have a big role in Miami's must-win game against the Buffalo Bills on Sunday night.

Tyreek Hill El incendio en casa fue provocado por un niño jugando con un encendedor ... Dicen las autoridades

El infierno en la mansión de Tyreek Hill el miércoles fue causado por un niño jugando con un encendedor, esto según los funcionarios.

Un portavoz del Departamento de Bomberos de Davie en Florida confirmó a TMZ Sports que los investigadores creen que un niño dentro de un dormitorio de la casa de Hill en Southwest Ranches inició el incendio.

No está claro si el niño está relacionado con Hill o cómo fue capaz de prender el fuego, aunque de acuerdo con el representante del DFP, no se realizarán más investigaciones porque los funcionarios identificaron formalmente el caso como "accidental".

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Combatiendo las llamas

Como informamos, los bomberos fueron notificados del incendio alrededor de las 1:50 PM ET y poco después, fueron capaces de apagarlo con una manguera de agua.

Las autoridades dicen que, afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido.

Hill se encontraba en el entrenamiento de los Dolphins cuando se encendieron las llamas y, según el equipo, se fue antes para ocuparse del asunto. Fue visto en la escena alrededor de las 3 PM ET, muy preocupado con su esposa, mientras observaba a los funcionarios intentando contener las llamas.

Drew Rosenhaus, agente de Hill, dijo en una entrevista con 7News que a pesar de todo su cliente estaba de buen humor.

"Es muy difícil para cualquiera, obviamente, que tu casa se incendie", dijo Rosenhaus, "pero Hill lo estaba manejando con tanto aplomo como se puede esperar".

Carrera contra las llamas

Hill compró la casa por casi $7 millones después de ser fichado por los Fins en 2022. Se espera que tenga un papel importante en el partido que Miami debe ganar contra los Buffalo Bills el domingo por la noche.