Ukraine Video Shows Politician Detonating Grenades During Council Meeting

The Shocking Footage

A local politician in Western Ukraine turned a village meeting into chaos Friday morning when he detonated 2 grenades, injuring 26 people ... and it was live streamed on Facebook.

The man enters the council room during a heated discussion. He stands around for around half a minute, then pulls the grenades out of his jacket and tosses them into the room.

You hear the explosions and people screaming as the room fills with smoke.

What makes this even more horrific ... the man's grievance was over his salary. The council members were debating whether to give themselves a wartime pay increase. He had been arguing with his fellow council members, left the meeting and came back with the grenades.

Six people are currently listed in grave condition. There were reports the grenade-thrower had died, but doctors resuscitated him.

Prince Harry Wins Landmark Phone Hacking Case Judge Awards Him $180K

Prince Harry just landed a huge victory in his landmark civil suit against the Mirror Group Newspapers, as the judge found the company illegally obtained information from the royal, awarding him about $180,000 in damages!!!

Judge Timothy Fancourt handed down his ruling Friday in a London courtroom, explaining that MGN-owned newspapers unlawfully gathered personal details about Harry's life and published them for the world to read.

Fancourt determined that the tabloids hacked Harry's phone and gained access to his voicemail messages to write their juicy stories.

In his 2019 suit, Harry claimed the intrusions went on for years, and also targeted his wife, Meghan Markle, causing them "considerable distress."

Judge Fancourt found that 15 out of the 33 articles published by The Sunday Mirror and another paper contained information illegally gathered by hacking into Harry's personal phone between 2004 and 2009. Harry's attorney entered a total of 147 newspaper stories into evidence -- and many of them were forensically analyzed.

Most of Harry's allegations in the suit occurred from 1991 to 2011 at a time when he was running third to the British throne behind his father, King Charles, and his older brother, Prince William.

During the trial, Harry testified for seven hours, making him the first senior royal to take the witness stand in centuries in a court of law.

Harry and Meghan still have two more lawsuits pending against British tabloids for allegedly violating their privacy rights.

Príncipe Harry Gana un caso histórico de hackeo telefónico El juez le concede $180 mil

El príncipe Harry acaba de conseguir una gran victoria en su histórica demanda civil contra el Mirror Group Newspapers, ya que el juez dictaminó que la empresa obtuvo ilegalmente información de la realeza, concediéndole alrededor de ¡¡¡180.000 dólares en daños y perjuicios!!!

El juez Timothy Fancourt dictaminó la sentencia el viernes en un tribunal de Londres, explicando que los periódicos propiedad de MGN recogieron ilegalmente detalles personales de la vida de Harry y los publicaron para que el mundo los leyera.

Fancourt determinó que los tabloides hackearon el teléfono de Harry y obtuvieron acceso a sus mensajes de voz para escribir sus jugosas historias.

En su demanda de 2019, Harry afirmó que las intrusiones se prolongaron durante años y que también se dirigieron a su esposa, Meghan Markle, causándoles "considerable estrés".

El juez Fancourt determinó que 15 de los 33 artículos publicados por The Sunday Mirror y otro periódico contenían información obtenida ilegalmente desde el teléfono personal de Harry entre 2004 y 2009. El abogado de Harry introdujo un total de 147 artículos de periódicos como prueba y muchos de ellos fueron analizados con detalle.

La mayoría de las acusaciones de Harry en la demanda se produjeron entre 1991 y 2011, en un momento en que se postulaba tercero al trono británico detrás de su padre el rey Carlos y su hermano mayor el príncipe Guillermo.

Durante el juicio, Harry testificó siete horas, convirtiéndose en el primer miembro de la realeza de alto rango en subir al estrado de testigos en siglos en un tribunal de justicia.

Harry y Meghan aún tienen pendientes otras dos demandas contra tabloides británicos por presunta violación de sus derechos de privacidad.

In-N-Out Burger Abre su primer restaurante en Idaho Con filas de 8 horas!!!

Tremendo tráfico
Tik Tok / @jesse_taff

In-N-Out Burger -una comida básica de la Costa Oeste- ha abierto oficialmente sus puertas en las colinas de Idaho, pero quienes quisieron ir por su Double-Double tuvieron que esperar hasta 8 malditas horas en su carro el día de la inauguración.

El popular lugar abrió sus puertas el martes en Meridian, un suburbio de Boise, y los lugareños estaban claramente anticipando la locura, pues algunas personas acamparon la noche anterior con un clima de 30 grados.

¿Vale la pena la espera?
Tik Tok / @MrsSyrek

La línea de drive-thru (autoservicio) era tan larga, que terminó comenzando en un lote de tierra cerca con un cartel que advertía a los clientes que estarían relajándose en sus carros al menos 7-8 horas. ¡Pero miles soportaron la larga espera para conseguir su comida!

Raro. Después de todo, siguen siendo solo hamburguesas, amigos.

La mejor hamburguesa...

De todos modos, muchos clientes fuera de la tienda estaban abrigados con sus gruesos abrigos para mantener el calor. Uno le dijo a IdahoNews6 que habían estado "esperando durante años" para tener en sus manos en un poco de esta maravilla.

El restaurante de comida rápida de Idaho es en realidad la tienda número 400 de la cadena. Abre en su 75º año de existencia. Aunque la mayoría de sus restaurantes están en California, tienen planes de expandirse hacia Tennessee en 2026 y Nuevo México en 2027.

In-N-Out Burger First Restaurant Opens In Idaho With Side of 8-Hour Lines!!!

Tik Tok / @jesse_taff

In-N-Out Burger -- a West Coast staple -- is officially opened in the hills of Idaho, but folks looking to get a Double-Double had to wait in their car for up to 8 freaking hours on opening day!

The popular grub spot opened its doors on Tuesday in Meridian, a Boise suburb, and the locals were clearly anticipating the rush ... because some people camped out the night before in 30-degree weather.

Worth The Wait???
Tik Tok / @MrsSyrek

The drive-thru line for the burger joint was so long, it ended up starting in a nearby dirt lot ... with a sign that warned customers they'd be chilling in their cars for at least 7-8 hours -- but thousands withstood the long wait to get their food.


Weird. They're still just burgers, folks.

Better Burger ...

Anyway, many customers standing outside stayed bundled up with heavy coats to keep warm ... and one told IdahoNews6 they've been "waiting for years" to get their hands on some Animal-style goodness.

The Idaho fast food restaurant is actually the chain's 400th store, opening in the company's 75th year of existence ... while most of their restaurants are in California, they've got expansion plans for Tennessee in 2026 and New Mexico in 2027.

Presentadora de noticias Pierde la vida tras ser atropellada por un tren Es declarado como suicidio

Emily Matson, una querida presentadora de noticias de Pensilvania, fue atropellada por un tren y ahora su muerte está siendo declarada como un suicidio.

La presentadora de "Erie News Now" fue atropellada por el tren la madrugada del lunes en Fairview Township, donde vivía. La Oficina del Forense del Condado de Erie investigó el incidente y determinó que el accidente fue un suicidio.

Emily fue parte del equipo de noticias por dos décadas y estuvo al aire por última vez el viernes por la noche. La estación dio la noticia de su trágica muerte con el director de noticias del programa, Scott MacDowell, diciendo: "Emily era una luz en nuestra sala de redacción. Entregaba las noticias con la pasión y el amor que tenía por la comunidad de Erie y el noroeste de Pensilvania".

Y añade: "Queríamos mucho a Emily y nuestros corazones están con la familia Matson y su marido Ryan en estos momentos".

La meteoróloga Sara Tonks fue uno de los muchos colegas que también expresó su dolor por la trágica pérdida. "No puedo contar el número de veces que me detenía junto a su escritorio para hablar con ella o simplemente escucharla hablar con los demás".

Emily tenía 42 años.

Que en paz descanse.

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PA News Anchor Struck and Killed By Train ... Death Ruled Suicide

Emily Matson, a beloved Pennsylvania news anchor, was struck and killed by a train ... and now her death is being ruled a suicide.

The "Erie News Now" anchor was hit by the train early Monday morning in Fairview Township, where she lived. The Erie County Coroner's Office investigated the incident and determined the fatal train strike was a suicide.

Emily was a part of the news team for 2 decades, and was last on the air Friday night. The station broke the news of her tragic death ... with the show's news director, Scott MacDowell, saying, "Emily was a shining light in our newsroom, delivering news with a passion and love she had for the Erie community and Northwest Pennsylvania."

He adds, "We loved Emily dearly and our hearts go out to the Matson family and her husband Ryan at this time."

Meteorologist Sara Tonks was one of her many colleagues who also expressed grief over the tragic loss ... saying, "I can't count the number of times that I would stop by her desk to talk to her or just listen to her talk to others."

Emily was 42.


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Alex Jones Reinstated on X ... After Elon Musk Poll

Alex Jones is back on X (formerly Twitter) after Elon Musk randomly decided to leave it to a vote among users to see how they felt about it ... and as they say, the people have spoken.

The notorious conspiracy theorist -- who infamously questioned the legitimacy of the Sandy Hook shooting, and got taken to court over it -- regained control of his account again late Saturday after being removed from the platform years ago.

This all happened back in 2018 when tech companies banned him en masse. At the time, he was embroiled in defamation lawsuits from the families of the Sandy Hook victims ... but that controversy, in and of itself, wasn't why he got banned -- different orgs. cited different reasons, but it all boiled down to what they said were violations of their policies.

For Twitter -- the last social media company to ban him -- they ended up citing abusive behavior by Jones and his account ... similar to what the other companies ended up saying.

In any case, Musk reversed the decision with a poll. He wrote, "Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform? Vox Populi, Vox Dei." After leaving the poll up for a full day, the results came in -- and out of nearly 2 million people that participated, 70% said he oughta be brought back.

Once the poll wrapped, EM wrote ... "The people have spoken and so it shall be." He also responded to some concerned users who felt Jones could potentially pose a threat on X -- but Elon clarified, "He cannot break the law." So, it sounds like AJ will be monitored.

Jones hasn't tweeted any new original content after being reinstated, but he has retweeted a few people who are celebrating his return -- including Andrew Tate, who wrote ... "To show respect to Alex Jones for his triumphant return and to show respect to Elon being a hero -  tell a globalist to get f****d today." Jones has retweeted other far-right figures too.

Jones continues to run his InfoWars website and channel, and broadcasts his program from there daily -- but, he doesn't have mainstream distribution on social media or otherwise.

He remains controversial for many reasons, some of which he addressed in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson ... who sat down with Jones for a wide-ranging interview.

Now that he has a big platform again, we'll see what he says ... and if he goes too far for Elon's taste. These days, the guy seems to be embracing a wide range of speech, period.

University of Pennsylvania Prez Liz Magill Resigns ... After 'Genocide of Jews' Testimony

Liz Magill -- the president of the University of Pennsylvania -- is stepping down after equivocating over the "genocide of Jews" and whether calling for that violated their rules.

The announcement over Magill's resignation came down Saturday straight from Penn itself -- with a statement from a member of the Board of Trustees reading ... "I write to share that President Liz Magill has voluntarily tendered her resignation as President of the University of Pennsylvania. She will remain a tenured faculty member at Penn Carey Law."

This follows a turbulent week on Capitol Hill, where Magill and 2 other presidents of prominent universities -- namely, Harvard and M.I.T. -- were grilled by lawmakers over the rise in antisemitism on college campuses after the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks in Israel.

When asked by Rep. Elise Stefanik, a Republican, if calling for the genocide of Jews, in and of itself, violated Penn's rules or code of conduct ... Magill gave a qualifying answer instead of just saying yes or no -- essentially explaining that it depended on the context.

Magill went on to say if the speech Stefanik referred to turned into actual action, it could then potentially constitute harassment. Stefanik gave her yet another opportunity to answer more directly -- again, over whether calling for the genocide of Jews was a rule-breaker -- and Magill kept giving conditional responses ... which turned into a testy exchange.

That all went viral, and Magill later apologized in a video posted to Penn's social media pages -- where she was much more clear ... yes, calling for the genocide of Jews is obviously in violation of the university's policies -- something she should've just said up front.

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Just about everyone was stunned that Magill wouldn't just acknowledge that what Stefanik was (literally) asking was terrible and not in line with the university's values -- even if there's nuanced context to what exactly university students are saying/protesting for on campus.

We got into this issue further with a MIT free speech advocate ... who gave us a puzzling response to whether the KKK calling for the genocide of African-Americans on a college campus would be met with the same kind of response as calling for the genocide of Jews.

Apparently, it'd be dealt with differently ... but the reasons for why are still unclear, it seems.

Of course, this all stems from the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas -- which has thrust innocent people into the mix ... and has spurred a lot of people across the country to hit the streets to voice support ... mostly for Palestine. A lot of that rhetoric though -- namely, criticizing Zionism -- has been viewed as outright antisemitic hate speech by some.

As with everything ... it's all case by case, and specificity matters. With that said, it should go without saying ... calling for the genocide of any group of people is absolutely wrong.

Vivek Ramaswamy Se hunde al avergonzar a Chris Christie En debate republicano

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Enfurecido con Christie

El candidato presidencial republicano Vivek Ramaswamy le dio un golpe bajo al ex gobernador de Nueva Jersey, Chris Christie, en el último debate republicano, esencialmente diciéndole que se retirara de la carrera y se fuera a tomar por culo.

Ramaswamy disparó el comentario la noche del miércoles en Tuscaloosa, Alabama, alegando que la única experiencia de Christie en cuestiones de política exterior fue el cierre del puente George Washington, un momento infame durante su tiempo como gobernador.

Solo ese golpe habría sido mera política como de costumbre, pero entonces Ramaswamy lo llevó a un terreno personal diciendo: "Solo retírate del escenario, disfrutar de una buena comida y da un paso al costado de esta carrera".

El chascarrillo cosechó algunos aplausos, pero sobre todo muchos abucheos.

Sus duras palabras se produjeron después de que Christie saliera en defensa de su compañera de candidatura, Nikki Haley, a quien Ramaswamy acusó de no saber dónde se encontraban algunas provincias de Ucrania si le daban un mapa.

Christie dijo que era una "mujer inteligente y consumada" y arremetió contra Ramaswamy por ser, a sus ojos, "el fanfarrón más odioso de América".

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Dictador el día uno
Fox News

El favorito de la carrera, Donald Trump, tampoco asistió al cuarto debate, pero acaparó muchos titulares antes del evento.

Como informamos, dijo a Sean Hannity, de Fox News, que si volvía a ser elegido, sería un dictador, pero solo durante el primer día de su presidencia.

Vivek Ramaswamy Sinks to Fat-Shaming Chris Christie ... 'Meal' Crack in GOP Debate

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Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy took a low blow at former NJ Gov. Chris Christie in the latest Republican debate, essentially telling him to get out of the race and go stuff his face.

Ramaswamy fired off the remark Wednesday night in Tuscaloosa, Alabama ... claiming Christie's only experience on the topic of foreign policy was shutting down the George Washington Bridge -- an infamous moment during his time as Governor.

That woulda been politics as usual, but then Ramaswamy took it to fat-shaming -- he added, "Just walk yourself off that stage, enjoy a nice meal, and get the hell out of this race."

The crack garnered some applause, but mostly a whole lotta booing.

His harsh words came after Christie jumped to fellow candidate Nikki Haley's defense -- Ramaswamy accused her of not knowing where specific provinces in Ukraine were if she was given a map.

Christie called her a "smart, accomplished woman," and blasted Ramaswamy for being, in his eyes, "the most obnoxious blowhard in America."

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Fox News

Frontrunner Donald Trump again wasn't in attendance for the 4th debate, but he grabbed plenty of headlines leading up to it.

As we reported, he told Fox News' Sean Hannity, if elected again, he'd only be a dictator on the first day of his presidency.

Autor de tiroteo en UNLV Es identificado como un profesor universitario Posiblemente rechazado tras solicitar un trabajo

El hombre acusado de iniciar un tiroteo masivo en Las Vegas y que dejó varias víctimas fatales ha sido identificado como un profesor universitario que puede haber sido rechazado de un trabajo y que también dice que resolvió el infame caso de asesinato Zodiac.

Anthony Polito, de 67 años, fue identificado por la policía como el sospechoso que disparó mortalmente a tres personas e hirió de gravedad a una cuarta víctima durante la matanza del miércoles en el campus de la Universidad de Nevada, en Las Vegas, según informó ABC News citando fuentes policiales.

Escoltados por la policía
Twitter / Yonatan Eyob

La CNN dijo que los investigadores estaban estudiando si Polito fue desairado después de haber enviado su currículum para un puesto en la UNLV, lo que habría llevado al ataque.

Según la Policía Metropolitana de Las Vegas, Polito estaba armado con una pistola cuando entró en la escuela de negocios de la universidad alrededor del mediodía y fue piso por piso, disparando a cuatro personas, tres de los cuales perdieron la vida.

La víctima superviviente fue trasladada a un hospital local y se encuentra en estado crítico, pero estable. Otras cuatro personas también fueron tratadas por crisis de pánico.

Un oficial de la policía rápidamente acudió a la universidad cuando recibió el llamado y le ordenó a todos los estudiantes y profesores que se refugiaran en el lugar. Dos detectives de la universidad se enzarzaron finalmente en un tiroteo con Polito, quien fue declarado muerto en el lugar de los hechos. Al parecer, fue abatido a tiros por la policía.

Se presume que Polito tenía su propio sitio web, donde publicó un documento de 15 páginas en el que afirmaba haber descifrado algunas de las crípticas cartas que el asesino del Zodiaco envió a los medios de comunicación sobre su matanza a finales de los 60 y principios de los 70 en el norte de California. Hasta hoy, el caso sigue sin resolverse.

Polito también tenía una página de LinkedIn, en donde se describía a sí mismo como un "profesor universitario semi-retirado" que había trabajado en la Universidad de Carolina del Este entre 2001 a 2017. También profesaba tener un doctorado en filosofía de la Universidad de Georgia y una maestría en administración de empresas de la Universidad de Duke.

UNLV Mass Shooter Identified As College Professor ... Possibly Snubbed After Applying For Job

The man accused of going on a fatal mass shooting spree in Las Vegas is a college professor who may have been rejected from a job he applied for, while also claiming he cracked ciphers in the infamous Zodiac murder case.

67-year-old Anthony Polito was identified by police as the suspect who fatally shot three people and critically wounded a fourth during Wednesday’s rampage on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, ABC News reported, citing law enforcement sources.

Twitter / Yonatan Eyob

CNN said investigators were looking into whether Polito was snubbed after sending in his resume for a position at UNLV, leading to the attack.

According to Las Vegas Metro Police, Polito was armed with a handgun as he entered the university's business school around noon and went floor to floor, shooting four people -- three of whom fatally.

The surviving victim was rushed to a local hospital and listed in critical but stable condition. Four other people were also treated for panic attacks.

An army of police officers quickly responded to the college, ordering all students and professors to shelter in place. Two university detectives ultimately got into a shootout with Polito, who was pronounced dead at the scene. It appears he was shot and killed by police.

Meanwhile, Polito reportedly maintained his own website, where he posted a 15-page document, claiming he decoded some of the Zodiac Killer's cryptic letters sent to the media about the late '60s and early '70s serial murders in Northern California. To this day, the Zodiac case remains unsolved.

Polito also has a LinkedIn page, describing himself as a "semi-retired university professor" who worked at East Carolina University from 2001 to 2017. He also professed to have a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Georgia and a master's in business administration from Duke University.

Presentadora de la BBC Muestra el dedo durante una emisión en directo Dice que era una broma

Mostrando el dedo en la BBC

Una presentadora de noticias de la BBC fue sorprendida mostrando el dedo del medio mientras estaba al aire el miércoles, pero ella afirma que todo fue una "tonta broma".

Maryam Moshiri -una de las "presentadoras jefes" de la BBC- estaba sentada detrás de la mesa de noticias, protegida de la vista del público por el clip de bienvenida a su programa de mediodía que muestra una cuenta regresiva mezclada con otras imágenes.

Al final de la introducción, Moshiri apareció en pantalla haciendo una mueca graciosa con la cabeza inclinada hacia un lado, mientras miraba al público.

De repente se dio cuenta de que estaba en directo y abandonó rápidamente su bobo comportamiento para sumergirse nuevamente en una historia sobre el ex primer ministro británico Boris Johnson, en que pide disculpas al Reino Unido por el dolor causado por la pandemia del Coronavirus.

Moshiri emitió sus propias disculpas después de que su embarazosa metedura de pata se hiciera viral en las redes sociales.

En un comunicado publicado en X, Moshiri dijo que estaba compartiendo una broma privada con el equipo y siente mucho que saliera al aire.

Continuó: "No era mi intención que esto sucediera y lo siento si ofendí o molesté a alguien".

También insistió en que no estaba "tomándole el pelo" a sus espectadores o alguien en particular y que todo era una "broma tonta" dirigida a un pequeño número de colegas.

Nos pusimos en contacto con la BBC para que nos hicieran llegar sus comentarios, pero de momento no nos han contestado.

BBC News Host Maryam Moshiri Flips Off Camera During Live Broadcast ... Claims She Was Just Joking


A BBC news anchor got caught flipping off the camera while live on the air Wednesday -- but she claims it was all a "silly joke."

Maryam Moshiri -- one of the BBC's "chief presenters" -- was sitting behind the news desk shielded from the audience's view by the intro to her noon show -- a digital countdown mixed with other graphics.

At the end of the intro, Moshiri flashed on screen making a funny face with her head tilted to one side -- while flipping the bird.

She suddenly realized she was live on air and quickly abandoned her goofy behavior, turning serious as she dived into a story about former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologizing to the UK for the pain caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Moshiri issued her own apology after her embarrassing gaffe went viral on social media.

In a statement posted on X, Moshiri said she was sharing a "private joke with the team and I’m so sorry it went out on air!"

She continued, "It was not my intention for this to happen and I’m sorry if I offended or upset anyone."

She also insisted she was not "flipping the bird" to her viewers or anyone else -- and it was all a "silly joke" meant for a small number of colleagues.

We've reached out to the BBC for comment ... so far no word back.

Impactante video Un policía militar golpea a su esposa ... Y la mata a tiros

El fatal incidente

Un policía militar le disparó a su esposa hasta provocarle la muerte después de haberla golpeado brutalmente durante un enfrentamiento en Brasil y todo fue grabado en video.

Thiago Cezar de Lima estaba fuera de servicio el domingo cuando comenzó a discutir con su esposa, Erika, por alguna razón dentro de un carro aparcado en Sao Paulo.

Echa un vistazo a las imágenes de vigilancia, Erika salta del asiento del conductor, da vueltas alrededor del carro e intenta abrir una puerta del lado del pasajero para sacar a Thiago del asiento trasero.

Los dos se enzarzan en un violento forcejeo mientras Thiago sale del vehículo con una pistola en la mano. Thiago golpea repetidamente a Erika en la cabeza antes de apuntarle con la pistola.

Según los informes, Thiago cargó a Erika en el carro y se la llevó a un hospital local, donde fue declarada su muerte.

Las autoridades brasileñas detuvieron a Thiago, quien confesó haber disparado mortalmente a Erika, según la CNN. No está claro si se presentaron cargos criminales.

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