NYU Jewish Students Sue ... Stop On-Campus Antisemitism!!!


3:36 PM PT -- A rep for NYU tells us, in part, "The assertions in this suit do not accurately describe conditions on our campus or the many steps NYU has been taking to fight antisemitism and keep the campus safe.  Antisemitism violates our rules; we take the issues of antisemitism and any other forms of hate extremely seriously, and we are committed to safeguarding our community and providing an environment in which all students can live and learn in peace."

They continue, "NYU was among the first universities in the US to publicly condemn Hamas' terrorist attack on Israel; NYU maintains what is arguably the largest academic presence in Israel of any major US university, our NYU Tel Aviv program, and has flatly rejected all calls to close it." The school says it's also added security patrol and has laid out the fact antisemitism violates school rules, and those who violate will face consequences.

Antisemitism is alive and terrifying at New York University ... at least according to a group of Jewish students who are now suing the school over the rampant bigotry.

NYU is being dragged to court by 3 Jewish students who claim the university is failing to protect them from what they feel is "egregious" antisemitism on campus.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, the students claim the Israel-Hamas war is making campus a toxic and dangerous place for Jewish students ... and they allege the university is refusing to enforce its own anti-discrimination policies.

The Jewish students claim they are often confronted on campus by folks chanting, "Hitler was right," "Gas the Jews" and "Death to k**es."

In their suit, the students accuse NYU administrators and professors of fostering and fomenting a hostile environment toward Jewish people ... claiming peers and faculty repeatedly demonize, threaten and abuse Jewish students.

Things on campus are so bad, the suit claims, Jewish students are being "put at severe risk of extreme emotional and physical injury."

In the docs, the Jewish students say NYU administration is refusing to enforce Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and New York's state civil rights laws ... which are designed to protect people from discrimination based on race, color or national origin.

They're suing NYU for money ... and asking the judge to force the university to fire faculty they believe are responsible for the antisemitism on campus, and suspend or expel students engaging in antisemitic conduct at the school.

CAPITOL HILL BRAWL GOP SENATE VS Teamsters Leader 'Let's Finish It Here!' ... Bernie Intervenes


The gloves were off as a fistfight nearly broke out between Sen. Markwayne Mullin and Teamsters General President, Sean O'Brien, on Capitol Hill Tuesday ... resulting in a stern scolding from Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Tensions erupted when ex-MMA fighter Mullin read out tweets by O'Brien following a previous heated congressional hearing, in which he was labeled a "clown and fraud," among various other insults.

With his damning gaze firmly on his opponent, Mullin warns of a "time and place to run his mouth" ... and as "two consenting adults," they could "finish it here."

The duo urges each other to "stand their butt up" to duke it out leaving an agitated Sanders to keep the peace and remind Mullin of his responsibilities as a United States senator.

"God knows the American people have enough contempt for Congress," Sanders says, clearly pissed about the showdown that was about to unfold.

Unrelenting, Sen. Mullin -- an Oklahoma Republican -- goes on to taunt his rival for "going quiet" ... only for O'Brien to hit back by likening him to a 12-year-old for challenging him to a cage match. Ouch.

The verbal boxing match concluded with no winners as Bernie threw down his gavel ... rebuking any more chatter of physical abuse.

Samuel Haskell JR. Es acusado de asesinato de su esposa y suegros

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¿La prueba irrefutable?

Samuel Haskell Jr, el hijo del poderoso agente de Hollywood Samuel Haskell Sr., acaba de ser acusado del asesinato de su esposa y sus suegros.

El Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Los Ángeles, George Gascón, anunció los cargos el lunes. Haskell Jr. fue acusado de tres cargos de asesinato por la muerte de su esposa de 37 años, Mei, y sus padres, Gaoshan Li, de 72 años, y Yanxiang Wang, de 64.

Si es declarado culpable, Haskell Jr. podría enfrentarse a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de acceder a libertad condicional.

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Captado en cámara

Recuerden, un torso humano fue encontrado en un cubo de basura la semana pasada por una persona que estaba viviendo en la calle en Encino, y como informamos, el video obtenido por TMZ muestra a Haskell Jr. y algunos trabajadores llegando a su casa y trasladando bolsas de basura hacia un camión.

Uno de los trabajadores dijo que les dijeron que las bolsas estaban llenas de piedras, pero ellos comenzaron a sospechar y comprobaron que una de ellas contenía partes de cuerpos. Luego de ello, decidieron devolverle las bolsas a Haskell y llamaron al 911.

Al percatarse de que iba a tener que lidiar con los cuerpos por su cuenta, también obtuvimos imágenes que muestran a Haskell Jr. tirando lo que parece ser una bolsa pesada en un contenedor de basura, el mismo donde fue encontrado el torso al día siguiente.

Samuel Haskell Jr. Charged With Murder Of Wife and In-Laws

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Samuel Haskell Jr., the son of powerful Hollywood agent Samuel Haskell Sr., has just been charged with the murder of his wife and in-laws.

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón announced the charges Monday -- Haskell Jr.'s being hit with 3 counts of murder in the death of his 37-year-old wife, Mei, and her parents ... 72-year-old Gaoshan Li and 64-year-old Yanxiang Wang.

If convicted, Haskell Jr. could face life in prison without the possibility of parole.

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Remember, a dismembered human torso was found in a garbage bin last week by a homeless person in Encino ... and as we reported, video obtained by TMZ showed Haskell Jr. and some day laborers arrive at his home and carry out garbage bags into a truck.

One of the workers said they were told the bags were full of rocks, but the crew got suspicious ... and checked one of the bags, which the worker said contained body parts. They returned the bags to Haskell and called 911.

Realizing he needed to handle the body disposal on his own, we also obtained footage of Haskell Jr. Tuesday afternoon, dumping what appeared to be a heavy bag into a dumpster -- the same dumpster the torso was found in the following day.

Circus Lion Escapes Italian Show ... Roams Streets of Rome!!!


The King of Jungle briefly became the Emperor of Rome this weekend after a lion escaped from an Italian circus and prowled around in public.

The jailbreak happened Saturday evening in the seaside town of Ladispoli -- where a traveling circus was passing through, and the big cat somehow got out of its cage and began roaming the streets, with a lot of eyewitnesses and cameras rolling.

Several bystanders captured video of the lion walking around residential neighborhoods ... casually cruising along sidewalks and in between parked cars, minding its own business.

Eventually, the circus owners and local vets were able to track it down and sedate it -- bringing it back to where it belonged -- and nobody was harmed while it was out and about.

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As far as what led to the escape in the first place ... it's a bit of a mystery, but the owner of the circus suggested to local media that somebody might've let the animal out on purpose, insisting he'd double checked the cage and locks before turning in for the night.

In terms of fears for public safety, the guy said he actually was more afraid for the lion.

Now, it's back in captivity ... but there's still controversy. Animal rights activists have decried the fact the lion is forced to participate in a circus at all ... and there's public outcry, demanding the Italian government ban wild animals being used in entertainment, period.


¡león suelo!

El Rey de la Jungla se convirtió brevemente en el Emperador de Roma este fin de semana luego de que un león se escapara de un circo italiano y merodeara en público.

La fuga ocurrió el sábado por la noche en la ciudad costera de Ladispoli, donde un circo ambulante estaba de paso y el gran felino de alguna manera salió de su jaula y comenzó a vagar por las calles, con un montón de testigos y cámaras grabando.

Varios transeúntes capturaron videos del león caminando alrededor de los barrios residenciales, casualmente crucero a lo largo de las aceras y entre los coches aparcados, ocupándose de sus propios asuntos.

Al final, los propietarios del circo y los veterinarios locales pudieron localizarlo y sedarlo -devolviéndolo a su sitio- y nadie sufrió daños mientras estaba fuera.

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En cuanto a las causas de la fuga... es un misterio, pero el propietario del circo sugirió a los medios de comunicación locales que alguien podría haber dejado salir al animal a propósito, insistiendo en que había comprobado dos veces la jaula y las cerraduras antes de irse a dormir.

En cuanto a los temores por la seguridad pública, el hombre dijo que en realidad temía más por el león.

Ahora, está de vuelta en cautiverio, pero todavía hay controversia. Los defensores de los derechos de los animales han denunciado el hecho de que el león se vea obligado a participar en un circo y hay protestas públicas que le exigien al gobierno italiano que prohíba el uso de animales salvajes en el entretenimiento y punto.


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más sospechoso imposible

Samuel Haskell Jr. fue captado por una cámara desasiéndose de lo que muy bien pudo haber sido el torso de un cuerpo que la policía encontró en Encino (California), el miércoles. TMZ tiene el video que se puede relacionar perfectamente con el video de Haskell con bolsas idénticas en su casa.

Hemos obtenido nuevas imágenes que muestran a Haskell en un estacionamiento de Encino la tarde del martes en su Tesla blanco. Está estacionado y abre la maleta trasera para agarrar lo que parece una bolsa de basura grande y pesada. Haskell lucha mientras se la coloca en el hombro y luego la arroja al contenedor de basura.

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un ángulo diferente

Obtuvimos dos clips, uno desde un ángulo ligeramente más cercano, y otro capturando la escena desde un poco más lejos.

Este es el mismo lugar, y al parecer el mismo cubo de basura donde una persona sin hogar encontró un torso humano desmembrado en un estacionamiento del centro comercial a primera hora del miércoles.

La policía rodeó la zona y rápidamente arrestaron a Haskell por asesinato. Su esposa, Mei, y sus padres están desaparecidos. No está claro de quién era el torso, pero sabemos que era de una mujer.

Así es como se conectan todos los puntos. TMZ publicó un video que mostraba a Haskell en su casa el martes por la tarde, donde se le veía llevando grandes bolsas de basura, tan grandes que necesitó la ayuda de otros hombres no identificados.

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la escena del crimen

Uno de los trabajadores le dijo a NBC4 L.A. que Haskell les dijo que había piedras en las tres bolsas, pero sospecharon porque el contenido era blando. Se fueron, pero condujeron solo una cuadra y decidieron abrir una bolsa, donde encontraron partes del cuerpo, incluyendo un ombligo.

Los trabajadores volvieron a casa de Haskell unos minutos después de marcharse, devolvieron las bolsas y las colocaron en su entrada y devolvieron el pago. A continuación, fueron a la policía.

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capturado en cámara

Ahora bien, esto es crítico, Haskell salió de su casa en su Tesla alrededor de las 4:22 PM, y a las 4:45 PM (cuando este nuevo metraje comienza) se le ve tirando una bolsa de basura grande en el contenedor. Ese contenedor está a 6 millas de la casa de Haskell, así que la hora coincide.

No se sabe el paradero de las otras bolsas.

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Haskell es el hijo de un ex agente de Hollywood, Samuel Haskell Sr. que solía representar a Dolly Parton y a un montón de otras estrellas antes de retirarse en 2005.

Haskell sigue trabajando con Dolly en sus especiales de televisión, pero todavía no ha comentado nada sobre la detención de su hijo. Haskell Jr. permanece bajo custodia policial con una fianza de 2 millones de dólares.

Samuel Haskell Jr. Seen Dumping Apparent Body ... In New Surveillance Vid

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Samuel Haskell Jr. was caught on camera dumping what very well may have been the torso of a body police found in Encino, CA Wednesday ... and TMZ has the video, which aligns almost perfectly with video of Haskell with identical bags at his home.

We've obtained new footage which shows Haskell pulling into a parking lot in Encino late Tuesday afternoon in his white Tesla, casually parking by a dumpster and opening up the back to grab what appears to be a large, heavy garbage bag. Haskell struggles as he places it on his shoulder, and then hurls it into the trash bin.

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We obtained two clips -- one from a slightly closer angle, and another capturing the scene from a little further away.

This is the same location, and apparently the same garbage bin where a homeless person found a dismembered human torso in a strip mall parking lot early Wednesday.

Cops swarmed the area and quickly arrested Haskell for murder. His wife, Mei, and her parents are all missing. It's unclear whose torso it was ... but we know it was a woman's.

Now here's how the dots all connect. TMZ posted video earlier today showing Haskell at his home Tuesday afternoon as some day laborers drive up and then help Haskell carry big garbage bags -- seemingly identical to the one he later tossed -- into a nearby truck.

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One of the workers told NBC4 LA ... Haskell told them there were rocks in the 3 bags, but they were suspicious because the contents were soft and squishy. They left, but drove just a block and decided to open a bag, where they found body parts, including a belly button.


The workers returned to Haskell's house a few minutes after they left, returned the bags and placed them on his driveway, and returned payment. They then went to cops.

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Now this is critical -- Haskell then left his home in his Tesla around 4:22 PM, and at 4:45 PM (when this new footage starts) ... you see him pulling in and dropping a large trash bag in the bin. That bin is 6 miles from Haskell's house, so the time matches up.

No word on where the other bags might've gone.

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Haskell is the son of a former powerful Hollywood agent, Samuel Haskell Sr. ... who used to rep the likes of Dolly Parton and a slew of other A-listers before retiring from WME in '05.

He continues to work with Dolly on TV specials of hers, but hasn't commented on his son's arrest just yet. Haskell Jr. remains in police custody on $2 million bail.

FL Deputies Ambushed Man Deliberately Rams Them with Car ... Both Critically Injured

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office

Two deputies are lucky to be alive after a Florida man intentionally accelerated his car and plowed into them while they were responding to a distress call from his mother.

The horrifically violent scene played out Thursday morning in suburban Tampa ... where the mother of the suspect, Ralph Bouzy, called cops to say her son was "behaving violently" at their home. Hillsborough County Sheriff's deputies arrived and saw Bouzy sitting behind the wheel of car in his driveway.

Cops say Bouzy drove off, but returned 15 minutes later ... as 2 deputies were still there, standing near the foot of the driveway. A deputy's body cam captured the moment Bouzy stepped on the gas, sped up and smashed into the lawmen ... pinning one of them up against a patrol car.

After the impact, Bouzy got out of his car and walked toward other cops on the scene, refusing to surrender. He finally went down once they tasered him, and he was arrested.

It's a miracle the deputies -- Carlos Brito and Manuel Santos -- even survived the crash. Both sustained critical injuries that required surgery, and remain hospitalized.

Sheriff Chad Chronister said, "There is no other way to describe this other than an ambush. Our deputies put their lives on the line every day to protect this community and what happened today makes me absolutely sick."

Bouzy's been booked for attempted murder of a law enforcement officer.

Oficiales emboscados Un hombre los embiste deliberdamente con su carro

Aplastando a la policía
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office

Dos ayudantes del sheriff tienen suerte de estar vivo después de que un hombre de Florida acelera intencionalmente su carro y se estrellara contra ellos mientras estaban respondiendo a una desesperada llamada de socorro de su madre.

La violenta y horrible escena ocurrió el jueves por la mañana en los suburbios de Tampa, donde la madre del sospechoso Ralph Bouzy llamó a la policía para decirles que su hijo estaba "comportándose violentamente" en casa. Los oficiales del sheriff del condado de Hillsborough llegaron y vieron a Bouzy sentado al volante del carro en la entrada.

Los policías dicen que Bouzy se alejó, pero regresó 15 minutos después, mientras los dos oficiales seguían allí de pie de la calzada. La cámara de uno de ellos capturó el momento en que Bouzy pisó el acelerador y se estrelló contra los agentes de la ley, dejando a uno de ellos inmovilizado contra un carro patrulla.

Después del impacto, Bouzy salió del carro y fue hacia otros policías que estaban en la escena, negándose a rendirse. Finalmente, se dio por vencido cuando lo electrocutaron y fue arrestado.

Es un milagro que los agentes, Carlos Brito y Manuel Santos, sobrevivieran al accidente. Ambos sufrieron lesiones críticas, que requirieron cirugía y permanecen hospitalizados.

El sheriff Chad Chronister dijo: "No hay otra manera de describir esto que no sea una emboscada. Nuestros ayudantes se juegan la vida cada día para proteger a esta comunidad y lo que ha ocurrido hoy me pone absolutamente enfermo".

Bouzy ha sido fichado por intento de asesinato de un agente de la ley.


Visto al aire libre
Expedition Cyclops

Los científicos están celebrando un descubrimiento notable. El Equidna de Attenborough que se pensaba extinto, no lo estaba después de todo, ¡¡¡porque fue capturado en una maldita cámara!!!

Echa un vistazo al rarísimo hallazgo, captado por una cámara remota de los investigadores de la Universidad de Oxford en una expedición a Indonesia. Las imágenes muestran a la criatura de largos picos paseando por el bosque.

El Dr. James Kempton dijo a BBC News que él y todo su equipo consiguieron el impresionante registro en "la última tarjeta SD que miramos, de la última cámara que recogimos, en el último día de nuestra expedición", dijo el científico. Hecho el punto, la criatura vaya que hizo una entrada.

Dice que todo su equipo estaba "eufórico" cuando encontraron el viejo temporizador, y con razón. Se cree que el Echidna, cuyo nombre científico es Zaglossus attenboroughi, llamado así por el famoso biólogo Sir David Attenborough ha evolucionado desde la época de los dinosaurios, hace unos 200 millones de años.

No está claro cuando se extinguió exactamente el mamífero, o eso pensaban los científicos, pero la única evidencia de la criatura fue recogida en 1961.

Anótalo como una gran victoria para la ciencia, aunque más vale que se aseguren de que haya al menos dos de ellos, ¡si es que el equidna realmente va a volver!

Attenborough Echidna Rare Mammal Not Extinct After All!!! Captured on Remote Cam

Expedition Cyclops

Scientists are celebrating a remarkable discovery -- the Attenborough Echidna can't be extinct, as they thought it was, because it was caught on freakin' camera!!!

Check out the extremely rare find, captured on a remote camera placed by Oxford University researchers on an expedition to Indonesia. The footage shows the long-beaked creature just strolling in the woods.

Dr. James Kempton told BBC News he and his whole team got the impressive footage on "the very last SD card that we looked at, from the very last camera that we collected, on the very last day of our expedition." Point being ... the critter made one hell of an entrance.

He says his whole team was "euphoric" when they found the old timer, and rightfully so ... the Echidna -- scientific name Zaglossus attenboroughi, named after famed biologist Sir David Attenborough -- was thought to have evolved in the time of dinosaurs, about 200 million years ago.

It isn't clear exactly when the spiky mammal went extinct -- or so scientists thought -- but the only evidence of the creature was collected in 1961.

Mark this one down as a massive win for science ... although, they better make sure there are at least 2 of 'em, if the echidna's really making a comeback!

Israel Vs. Palestine Jewish Man Killed At Competing Rallies In CA ... Possible Hate Crime

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A Jewish man was killed at a pro-Palestinian rally in California ... and police are now investigating his death as a possible hate crime.

69-year-old Paul Kessler was attending the Sunday afternoon event in Thousand Oaks, CA, where there was also a competing pro-Israel rally. Kessler was demonstrating in support of Israel.

As you know, Israelis and Palestinians -- under the rule of Hamas -- are embroiled in a bloody war in the Middle East. Hamas attacked the Jewish state in October, sparking the conflict.

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Law enforcement tells us ... At the gathering in Ventura County, Kessler got into a heated argument with the Palestinian counter-protesters, leading to a physical fight.

Cops say Kessler was knocked backwards, causing him to fall and hit his head on the ground.

Video of the incident later surfaced on X. Take a look ... Kessler is sprawled out on the sidewalk after the altercation. He appears to be in agony as two people tend to him.


Kessler was rushed to a local hospital, where he died from his head injuries. The L.A. County Coroner determined his death was a homicide.

A rep for the Ventura County Sheriff's Office says they're investigating and have not ruled out "the possibility of a hate crime." No one has been arrested.

Israel vs. Palestina Muere asesinado un judió en mitin en California Posible delito de odio

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El mitin se volvió violento

Un hombre judío fue asesinado en una manifestación pro-Palestina en California, y la policía está investigando su muerte como un posible crimen de odio.

Paul Kessler, de 69 años, asistió al acto celebrado el domingo por la tarde en Thousand Oaks, donde también había una manifestación pro israelí en la que estaba Kessler.

Como saben, israelíes y palestinos -bajo el gobierno de Hamás- están envueltos en una sangrienta guerra en Medio Oriente. Hamás atacó al Estado judío en octubre, desatando el conflicto.

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La protesta continúa

Las fuerzas del orden nos dicen que en la reunión en el condado de Ventura, Kessler entró en una acalorada discusión con los manifestantes palestinos, lo que llevó a una pelea física.

La policía dice que Kessler fue golpeado hacia atrás, lo que hizo que se cayera y se golpeara la cabeza contra el suelo.

Más tarde apareció un video del incidente en X. Echa un vistazo, Kessler está tendido en la acera después del altercado. Parece que está agonizando mientras dos personas lo atienden.

Kessler fue trasladado a un hospital local, donde murió a causa de sus heridas en la cabeza. El forense del condado de Los Ángeles determinó que su muerte fue un homicidio.

Un representante de la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Ventura dice que están investigando y no han descartado "la posibilidad de un crimen de odio."

Aún no detienen a nadie.

Barbara Walters Longtime NYC Home Finds Buyer ... But, At What Price??? 👀

Barbara Walters spent a good amount of her life in one of the nicest pads in New York City -- one that went on the market earlier this year ... and which may have a new owner.

You'll recall ... the late news icon's fam put her Manhattan condo up for sale back in April -- this just a few months after she passed away in December 2022 -- and the 5-bed, 6-bath home was listed at the time for $19.75 million, which was well worth it. The place is nice!

Since then, however, it looks like the real estate agents who were working on it ended up dropping the price tag a tad -- and as of right now, it was going for around $17.7 mil.

Somebody has made an offer on the home, and we've confirmed it's under contract -- which means the sale is pending, and should go through ... assuming all goes according to plan. What we don't know is if the would-be buyer ponied up $17.7 million, more ... or less.

If escrow does close, we'll find out in due time through property records -- but if the mystery shopper spent anywhere near what it was priced at ... they got a good deal.

The crib has all the bells and whistles of East Coast luxury -- including a wood-burning fireplace, and 10-foot high ceilings ... not to mention Central Park views. Congrats ... maybe. 😅

Barack Obama Speaks on Israel-Palestine ... Both-Sides Issue

Pod Save America

Barack Obama spoke out about the conflict between Israel and Palestine -- and he says two things must be acknowledged as true ... on both sides of this thorny issue.

The former President was recently speaking at an event, and his remarks were captured by Pod Save America -- which says his full interview is coming out Tuesday. But from the snippet they released, BO says quite a bit ... and fully admits, this is complicated.

Take a look for yourself to see what exactly he says ... essentially, he condemns Hamas and the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel -- but in the same breath, condemns Israel's response.

He says there are innocent people in Gaza who've been wrapped up in this that have nothing to do with Hamas ... and yet, also notes the history of Jews being segregated/persecuted over their identity as a people. In other words, there's validity in each POV here.

In terms of folks debating this problem, Obama says it can't be hashed out on social media -- and it can't be solved unless everybody tells the "whole truth" about a complex topic.

He also says people have to learn to speak to others on the opposite end and be able to do so civilly ... and encourages everyone to see that there's complicity on all fronts of this. It's a word salad, but if you're wondering what he's actually arguing for now ... you're outta luck.

Barack doesn't really say what he thinks should happen going forward, nor does he specify what exactly he's calling for at this point ... at least not in what's uploaded at the moment. Perhaps we'll hear more from him in the coming days.

Pres. Biden, meanwhile, has called for a "pause" in the fighting .. but Israel isn't budging. Their ground operation into Gaza continues as they seek to hunt down the terrorists.