Nashville Bombing New Video of Immense Impact Nearby Biz Recorded, Exterior Shots Too


3:16 PM PT -- The full scope of the Nashville explosion can now be seen from both inside and out -- because new footage has emerged that depicts a straight-on shot of the moment the RV went up in flames ... all while people, including cops, were in close proximity.


Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Video.


Check out this video that's circulating on Facebook right now -- which shows officers on the scene trying to evacuate the area. Word is that at least 4 cops were on the ground telling people to steer clear and to head back inside for cover, and very likely saved lives.


The street appeared to be blocked off as police investigated the suspicious RV, which was blaring an evacuation alarm of its own for several minutes. As they attempted to figure out what was going on, the RV blew up and scorched the surrounding area.


Another video apparently shows someone who was walking their dog right before the explosion -- captured from nearby surveillance video -- and a cop who approaches them to ward them off. They're both caught in the blast, but neither appeared to be seriously hurt.


You can also hear the raw blast for the first time here -- it sounds like something out of a movie (in a bad way).

The Nashville explosion that rocked downtown sent shards of glass and rubble flying all about in neighboring businesses -- including this one ... which was just a few short yards away from the blast.

TMZ has obtained new video captured from inside a sports bar named Buffalo's -- which sits at 2nd Ave and Commerce Street ... literally right down the block from where the RV in question blew up in a ball of fire. It's clear from this clip -- the impact was absolutely immense.

The security footage from inside shows 4 different angles from within the building -- all of which documented the moment shock waves from the explosion came roaring through their building early Christmas morning ... sending window fragments and debris in every direction.


The apparent bombing seems to have been orchestrated to go down in the wee hours -- right before 6:30 AM, based on what we're seeing here -- which is fortunate for the Buffalo's team ... because it doesn't look like anyone was inside yet. If they were, they would've almost certainly been seriously injured, or possibly killed by the explosion or flying debris.

Of course, there are reports of 3 injuries -- but, thankfully, none of them critical. Law enforcement has identified one person of interest, and agents are at his home now investigating ... but so far, nobody is in custody. It's likely the suspected bomber is dead.

As for Buffalo's ... they're especially in need of some help right now. Not only were they struck hard by the pandemic and new COVID measures in Davidson County, but their staffers have also been affected by natural disasters from earlier this year -- and now, this mess.

They got a GoFundMe set up to help hold over hourly employees' living expenses as upper management figures out the next steps. Any and every little bit helps, we're sure.

Originally Published -- 2:22 PM PT

Nashville Explosion Person of Interest Had Similar RV ... Apparently Ran Alarm Biz


1:29 PM PT -- The man who has reportedly been identified as a person of interest appears to have run a private electronics business that specializes in custom alarms ... something people say jibes with the evacuation alarm that went off before the RV in question exploded.


The business is registered in the area, but it's not located at a storefront as you might imagine ... instead, the address is linked to a residential home on a sleepy street near the neighborhood of Murray Heights -- about 20 minutes from central Nashville.


The phone number associated with the business does not appear to be operational at this time either. It's unclear if the person of interest has been taken into custody or not -- but ATF agents are currently at his home and have taped off the premise.


12:44 PM PT -- The person of interest who cops and feds are raiding right now had a very similar looking RV parked on his property as recently as last year.


Check out what we found on Google Maps ... a shot of the guy's home in Antioch, TN -- just a stone's throw away from Nashville -- and it shows an RV that appears eerily similar. It's unclear if it's the same RV that blew up in downtown Nashville Friday, but it certainly could be based on this.


The guy -- whom TMZ is not yet naming -- has not been taken into custody yet as far as we know. As we reported, it appears authorities believe the culprit blew himself up in the explosion.

No current threat
Fox News

The person who intentionally set off a massive explosion in Nashville has apparently died -- because authorities say they aren't actively searching for anyone who might be directly responsible ... which would be standard operating procedure if they were alive.

Cops and federal official held a news conference Saturday with an update on where things stood after an RV blew up in downtown and caused devastating damage ... and the main takeaway here is that there's no manhunt underway for the culprit, which is telling.


Considering law enforcement came out early and said this appeared intentional means somebody's to blame -- and there's no way in hell cops and agents wouldn't be pounding the pavement if they thought the person who did this might still be walking free.

Tie that with the fact that officials have also said it looks like they've found possible human remains at the scene -- that leads one to believe that the culprit was blown to smithereens.

Here's another thing that makes us think the bomber is a goner ... he was referred to as the "ultimate Scrooge" by the U.S. Attorney there -- that's not the tone one takes when your man is on the run.

Now, cops have said they're pursuing over 500 tips for possible leads about others who might've been involved ... and there's a report there is one person of interest. A raid's going down at a Nashville-area home, where neighbors apparently saw a similar looking RV parked in recent weeks.

There've been no reported arrests ... just a lot of speculation. Cops say there are no more active threats they're aware of either -- which also points to the fact this was probably a successful suicide bombing, and an isolated incident.

The how and why are still unknown -- but law enforcement is scrambling for answers.

Originally Published -- 12:16 PM PT

Murdock, Minnesota Approves Whites-Only Church

Just like ol' times in Murdock, Minnesota, where a "whites-only" church just got approval to open its doors.

It's true ... The Asatru Folk Assembly applied and was granted a conditional use permit to preach its pre-Christian messages. The Church, which formed in Northern Europe, operates openly to exclude anyone but white people.

The Murdock City Council approved the permit this month, but not without protest. There's a petition drive opposing the Council's move and it has 50,000 signatures, though clearly not just from the town. Murdock has a population of 280.

Many locals have also protested, saying they support the growing Latino population in the town and favor them over the views of the church.

It's unclear what factors went into the Council's decision to approve the permit.

Neo-Nazis T-Shirts Sold with Holocaust Message ... '6 Million Wasn't Enough'

A neo-Nazi t-shirt is being hawked online, with a message bemoaning that more Jews were not exterminated during the Holocaust.

The shirt is emblazoned with letters and numbers ... "6MWE" -- that's code for 6 million wasn't enough.

It's important to note these do not seem to be Holocaust deniers ... they're actually acknowledging that 6 million Jews were savagely murdered, but they feel like the Nazis could have done more.

The logo has a resemblance to the Proud Boys logo, but it's unclear exactly who's behind this disgusting display.

We reached out to, the company selling the shirt ... so far, no word back.

Jupiter & Saturn Shine Bright in Rare Alignment ... Dubbed 'Great Conjunction'

If you saw an extra bright star in the sky Monday evening, you're not alone -- our Solar System's 2 biggest planets crossed paths ... closer than they've been since the year 1226!!!

Monday's winter solstice -- the longest night of the year -- happened to coincide with a rare celestial occurrence star-gazers call the Great Conjunction, when Jupiter and Saturn align in their respective orbits around the sun ... only this time, they got extra cozy in space.

While Jupiter will pass Saturn every 20 years, the last the gas planets appeared as together as they do this right now was some 800 years ago. That time, they nestled up too close to the sun, so hardly anybody could see. Now, they're crystal clear in the night sky.

It's a rare, cool thing ... one that's colloquially been called the "Christmas Star" -- y'know, from the Bible and all. The planets might look conjoined to the naked eye, but even then -- they're about one-tenth of a degree apart from our vantage point.

Up there, though, they're really hundreds of millions of miles apart. Still, there's no way you could've missed their closest point Monday if you looked to the southwest shortly after sunset ... assuming weather conditions allowed for a peek. Tons of folks snagged photos too.

Jupiter and Saturn will remain in close proximity for the remainder of the month, but after that, they'll drift back apart to their usual distance.

Just think ... NONE of us will be around the next time it happens. Pretty neat we were able to see it, huh?!?

Boston PD Cops Pepper Spray, Strike Protesters ... 'I wanna hit this Asshole'


12:31 PM PT -- Boston Police Commissioner William G. Gross tells TMZ ... “As soon as these videos were brought to my attention, I immediately ordered my Bureau of Professional Standards to open and conduct a thorough and fair investigation into this matter, and the totality of circumstances involved."


"I have placed a Sergeant involved in this incident on administrative leave and I will take any additional action as necessary at the conclusion of the investigation. I want to encourage people to bring these matters to our attention so that we can investigate them appropriately.”

Some Boston cops were excited about pepper-spraying people protesting police brutality ... unloading on them almost like warriors ... and it was apparent, some of them were nervous that body cams were recording their actions and their words.

The incident went down in June, in the wake of George Floyd's death. Protesters were in the Boston Commons area, where cops attempted to disperse the crowd.

You see and hear a cop armed with pepper spray saying, "I got a little left. I wanna hit this asshole."

Shortly thereafter, you see a demonstrator with hands up, but a cop levels the protester with a billy club to the chest.

You hear other cops say, "Start spraying the f*****rs." There was even talk among the cops of using vehicles as weapons.

At the beginning of the video, you hear one of the cops say "I'm f***ing hitting people with the car," and then a fellow cop whose body cam is recording the conversation, quickly and nervously walks away and then announces, "This thing is on." Then the story changes and the cop says "I didn't hit anybody."

The body cam video, which was just released, has triggered an internal affairs investigation.

Originally Published -- 7:58 AM PT

Connie Chung Working with Sawyer and Walters Was Like Tonya Harding Kneecapping Nancy Kerrigan


5:10 PM PT -- A rep for Barbara tells TMZ, "Barbara paved the way for every female journalist that came after her. She has been a tremendous supporter for all women."

Connie Chung just went scorched earth on some huge names in news ... saying working with Barbara Walters and Diane Sawyer was "not unlike what Tonya Harding did to Nancy Kerrigan."

Chung was on "The Originals" podcast for L.A. Magazine and dished about her time as an anchor at ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN. She said, "When I got to ABC news, I joined with Both Barbara Walters and Diane Sawyer there and I thought, "Oh, this is going to be great. It'll be three women who get along."

Chung says it couldn't have been further from the truth, claiming her fellow anchors big footed her out of the best interviews ... per ABC news execs.

She was famously paired with Dan Rather as co-anchors of the "CBS Evening News," and says teaming up with Rather was right out of "Psycho."

And, there's more. Connie, who's been married to Maury Povich since 1984, frequently appeared on David Letterman's show. There was a lot of chatter they were flirting with each other, although Connie says, "I had this thing for him, and he had a thing for me, and I really think it was inexplicable in that respect." But, then she went on to say, "And yet, I really didn't have a thing for him. Do you know what I mean?" Sorta.

She went on to say Dave's "a dark, unhappy sort of, I don't mean he's unhappy. He is a kvetch ... He's anti-social is what he is."

Chung also had harsh words for Hugh Grant ... she had a cameo in "The Undoing." She says, "He was not very friendly. I had interviewed him right after 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' for his next movie. So when I saw him I said, 'Oh hi. I interviewed you ... do you remember? And he said, 'No."

We reached out to reps for Dan, Diane, Barbara and Dave ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 4:59 PM PT

COVID Vaccine Black Woman First to Get it in NY State ... Black Doctor Led Research


12:09 PM PT -- There's nothing for African-Americans to fear about the vaccination effort, because it wasn't rushed and a Black doctor was at the forefront of research ... so says Dr. Louito Edje.


The good doc joined us on "TMZ Live" Monday and offered an easy-to-understand analogy about the vaccine process ... telling us why it's like a cake that's been carefully baked for 20 years and just needed the right icing.


Dr. Edje also points out Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, an African-American scientist, led the team behind the COVID-19 vaccine and even got the shot herself.

The first vaccine in New York was administered Monday -- and the person they chose to give it to speaks volumes about very real concerns regarding safety and mistrust of the government.

The recipient was intensive-care nurse Sandra Lindsay, a Black woman working in healthcare, and she got the shot at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Queens. Before the deed was done, Sandra was hailed for her bravery ... for getting vaccinated in public, and for months of work treating COVID patients on the front lines.

As the doctor, also a woman of color, injected the needle ... Sandra didn't even flinch, and got a big round of applause.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo was on standby, watching the inoculation virtually. He noted Sandra didn't make a fuss about it and that the doc who did it -- Dr. Chester --- must have a good touch. Sandra responded that it felt like any other shot or vaccine she's gotten before.

The fact New York decided to publicize the first Pfizer vaccination with 2 women of color shouldn't be lost on folks.

As we've mentioned, and as the federal government has noted too, African-Americans are highly suspicious of this vaccination effort, and many say they won't take it or don't trust it.


There's a myriad of reasons why, but we got an up-close and personal look at that mindset this weekend with none other than Offset ... who told us straight-up he wasn't planning to get the shot.

Originally published -- 8:29 AM PT

SpaceX Starship Test Flight Ends with Fiery Crash ... Back to Drawing Board!!!

120920_space_x_kal 12/9/20

Elon Musk, we have a problem.

SpaceX's much-hyped high-altitude test flight of Starship -- a spacecraft designed to take people and cargo to the moon and Mars -- ended in a fireball as it crash-landed Wednesday in South Texas.

Video shows the large reusable capsule, which is supposed to land vertically, came down way too hard and instantly exploded. However, even though the footage is crazy ... it was not unexpected.

Musk predicted Starship would likely crash land, but said data gathered in the test flight would be critical in moving the mission forward. SpaceX stated ... "With a test such as this, success is not measured by completion of specific objectives but rather how much we can learn."

Hopefully, the company and its CEO learned a lot from what looks like one very expensive experiment.

Spike Lee Presents Teen with Courage Award ... For Recording George Floyd's Death

PEN America

Spike Lee praised Darnella Frazier -- the teen who captured George Floyd's death on video, sparking worldwide protests -- while presenting her with an award for courage.

The famed director said he was "proud of my sister" in presenting Frazier with the 2020 PEN/Benenson Freedom of Expression Courage Award during Tuesday night's PEN America Virtual Gala. Spike made note of what everyone's been saying about Frazer ... her courage to stand there for more than 10 minutes to record every minute of George's last dying breath reverberated around the world.

For her part ... Frazer said everything that transpired after posting the video on social media has been a lot to take in and NOTHING she would have ever imagined. She also said she felt honored about Spike presenting the award.

The org noted Frazer didn't set out to change the world on May 25 ... just another teenager looking out for her young cousin heading to a nearby store when she saw Floyd's encounter with cops ... including ex-cop Derek Chauvin pressing his knee on Floyd's neck.

Minneapolis Police 5/25/20
Facebook/ Darnella Frazier

As we reported ... Darnella's bravery didn't come without her facing her own consequences in the aftermath of her video. Her family told us they sought therapy to help Darnella cope with the emotional trauma.

Her video would ultimately spark a worldwide movement against racism and injustice, resulting in the Minneapolis cops involved to be fired and face criminal charges, including murder. And, it was Frazier's video that sparked the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act ... passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. The video also led to police reform in more than 20 U.S. states.

COVID-19 Vaccine Russians Told to Avoid Drinking ... No Shots After Shots!!!

Russia's vodka industry is taking a major hit -- leaders over there are telling citizens to lay off the sauce when they get the coronavirus vaccine.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova says Russians who receive the Sputnik V vaccine -- which is administered in 2 phases 21 days apart -- must abstain from alcohol for 42 days ... because it's an immunosuppressant.

That's not all -- Russians planning to get the vaccine are also supposed to give up drinking 2 weeks before their first injection. So, that's about 2 months of sobriety for people living in the nation known to be one of the world's leading alcohol consumers.

Anna Popova, head of Russia’s consumer watchdog agency, says beer and liquor are a strain on the body, adding ... "If we want to stay healthy and have a strong immune response, don’t drink alcohol." Smoking cigarettes is also being discouraged.

So far, Russian officials estimate 100,000 have received the Sputnik V vaccine.

We know what you're thinking, and there's no word of a similar instruction for the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

Pete Buttigieg Vetted for Cabinet Posts ... Commerce, HUD, EPA on the Table

Joe Biden said the LGBTQ+ community would be represented in his cabinet, and sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Pete Buttigieg is actively under consideration for various posts, but we're told he didn't get his first choice.

Sources privy to the selection process tell TMZ, Buttigieg is being vetted for what could be a significant appointment. We're told the possible appointment includes Secretary of Commerce and HUD. We're told he's also under consideration to head the EPA.

Our sources say another post that has been a subject of discussion is Veterans Affairs. As you know, Pete served in Afghanistan and has a strong connection to the military. We're told, although the V.A. remains a possibility for Pete, it's unlikely.

We're told what Buttigieg really wanted was U.N. Ambassador, but obviously, that position has already been filled.

Buttigieg was a strong supporter of Biden's during the campaign, and we're told he will "almost certainly" be offered a significant position in the Biden Administration.

Luminar CEO Austin Russell Self-Made Billionaire at 25 ... 'Sup, Kylie Jenner???

The founder of Luminar Technologies -- a potential major player in self-driving cars -- is snatching the crown Kylie Jenner once wore ... now that he's the world's youngest self-made billionaire.

Austin Russell's only 25, but he's worth a whopping $2.4 BILLION after his company's stock market debut Thursday ... which saw its share price soar to $22.98, giving the company a market value of about $7.8 billion.

Russell owns about a third of that, so do the math ... and yeah, the dude's balling. Forbes dubbed him the world's youngest self-made billionaire, and his wealth is expected to climb even more Friday along with Luminar's stock price.

As you'll recall, Forbes had previously given Kylie that title in August 2018, but earlier this year -- after some forensic accounting -- determined she actually came up about $100 mil short.

Of course, Kylie's "self-made" status was also called into question, but that doesn't seem to be the case for Russell ... who dropped out of college in 2012 to start Luminar.

AR's company's pretty cool ... it makes a device called lidar scanners that use lasers to give autonomous cars a 3-D view of the road and surroundings. The company's already struck deals with Volvo, Daimler Truck and Intel’s autonomous vehicle unit ... and is projected to start raking in billions annually.

For now, though ... it's given a 25-year-old dropout serious bragging rights.

Giraffe Rescue 8 Stuck on an Island ... Float On, Gentle Giants!!!

Rescuers from 3 different conservation groups are sticking their necks out for 8 giraffes that have been stranded on an island in Kenya ... and 2 have already made it back to safety.

Here's what's happening -- the poor Rothschild's giraffes got trapped on an island in Lake Baringo due to rising water levels flooding it ... which separated them from the resources they need to survive.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

In order to save them, the Kenya Wildlife Service, a U.S. nonprofit called Save Giraffes Now and an African conservation org called the Northern Rangelands Trust have combined their efforts in an unusual rescue mission ... using a barge built for a giraffe to float them back to the mainland one at a time.

So far, 2 of the 8 giraffes have successfully made the 4-mile trek from the island ... and have been relocated to a special sanctuary where they can survive and thrive.

One of them was a female named Asiwa that was stranded on a more remote part of the island, making her rescue a top priority. However, the president of Save Giraffes Now says there's major urgency to saving the rest as well ... as they are an endangered species in Africa, and only about 800 left in Kenya.

As for the barge, get this ... it was engineered by local community members, who have also learned how to train the giraffes to enter the barge voluntarily.

Here's hoping everything goes well with the other 6.


Casanova Surrenders in Racketeering Case ... Facing Life in Prison


11:48 AM PT -- Casanova posted a video proclaiming his innocence and says he plans to fight the charges.


Casanova is now in federal custody following his indictment in a gang-related racketeering conspiracy case ... TMZ has confirmed.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the Brooklyn rapper surrendered at NYPD's Midtown South Precinct Wednesday night at around 11:15 PM. We're told his attorney was with him, and the FBI quickly swooped in to take him into custody.

According to docs, Casanova and 17 others are part of the Untouchable Gorilla Stone Nation gang that's "committed murder, shootings, robberies, and assaults against their rivals and against fellow members of Gorilla Stone." According to the indictment, the gang's also accused of selling crack, coke in NYC and surrounding suburbs.

And, get this ... federal prosecutors allege the gang "engaged in brazen fraud by exploiting benefits programs meant to provide assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic."

Casanova -- who was the last alleged gang member still at large -- was hit with one count of conspiracy to commit racketeering, one count of conspiracy to distribute controlled substances, and one count of possession of a firearm for drug-trafficking. If convicted, he could get life in prison.

Originally published -- 7:06 AM PT

NASA Mystery Solved Object That Flew By is Space Junk ... Old Rocket Booster!!!


10:36 AM PT -- It's confirmed -- the unknown mass that sped by our planet early Tuesday morning was not an asteroid, proof of alien life or anything else extraordinary ... it's just a Centaur rocket booster from Surveyor 2's doomed mission to the moon in 1966.


NASA scientists were able to definitely prove what they already thought by comparing spectral data from another Centaur booster to 2020 SO ... and found they were consistent.


Great work, everyone!

There's a mysterious object hurtling toward Earth right now that will whiz past us early Tuesday morning, and in perfect 2020 fashion ... nobody's sure what the heck it is.

The unknown space mass has been dubbed "2020 SO," and is set to fly by our planet at an extremely close, but safe, distance of 31,605 miles at 3:50 AM ET December 1.

The object was discovered by the Pan-STARRS survey in Hawaii back in September, and initially, it was believed to be an asteroid measuring an estimated 15-33 feet across.

However, scientists at NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) soon began to postulate it wasn't an asteroid or even a "natural body" at all.

Instead, CNEOS director Paul Chodas is on record saying he believes the object is the Centaur rocket booster from NASA's failed Surveyor 2 lunar mission ... which launched way back on September 20, 1966.

Chodas used a bunch of computer science and math to track 2020 SO's orbit backward to come to the conclusion ... that it likely launched from Earth.

Of course, scientists will be able to more closely observe the object as it approaches to determine exactly what it is ... and here's to hoping it's more exciting than a hunk of space junk.

Not likely, though.

Originally Published -- 11/30 3:58 PM PT