Vanderbilt Commodores Sarah Fuller 1st Female ... To Play in Power 5 Football Game

The Vanderbilt University football team made history this weekend by enlisting the athletic prowess of one its star soccer players for their own sport ... and this time it's not a man.

Sarah Fuller took the field Saturday in Vandy's NCAA match against the Missouri Tigers -- where she suited up and kicked off to the opposing team in the second half ... and etching her name in the record books while doing so.

She delivered an effective onside kick to the Tigers, and then jogged off the field to lots of applause. Her play marks the first time a female has played in a Power 5 college football game ... which is a huge deal. The first woman to play the game ever at the college level was Liz Heaston in 1997 ... but that wasn't NCAA.

In 2001, Ashley Martin did the honors there ... but as far as Power 5 (the most competitive tier of collegiate football), Sarah is the first to ever do it -- an historic feat.

Now, as for how this came to be ... word is a few players on Vanderbilt's squad -- including some kickers -- are out right now due to COVID-19, so they were in need of some emergency reinforcements from other athletic departments on campus.

Sarah's actually the goalkeeper for Vanderbilt's women's soccer team, which just won the SEC championship. The Vanderbilt football coach reportedly was considering different options amid his team being down a handful of guys, and thought of Sarah because of how good she was with the soccer ball. One thing led to another, and they had her practice with a football. Obviously, she was a fit.

Some folks -- including certain media personalities -- criticized the move and questioned Vandy's motives for recruiting a female soccer player instead of a guy ... wondering if it was all for publicity and more for PR than actual merit.

Of course, those people are getting dragged through the coals, with many replying ... is it possible that she was the most qualified to play in this spot? Yes, yes it is.

Meghan Markle Reveals Miscarriage and Heartbreak

Meghan Markle shared her grief Wednesday, going public about suffering a miscarriage back in July ... and it all relates back to a reporter asking her a question long ago, "Are you okay?"

Markle wrote an op-ed piece for the NYT, revealing on a July morning she was tending to baby Archie ... "After changing his diaper, I felt a sharp cramp. I dropped to the floor with him in my arms, humming a lullaby to keep us both calm, the cheerful tune a stark contrast to my sense that something was not right."

Meghan's fears were realized ... "I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, I was losing my second."

She then describes the heartbreak ... "Hours later, I lay in a hospital bed, holding my husband's hand. I felt the clamminess of his palm and kissed his knuckles, wet from both our tears."

Meghan confessed, "I tried to imagine how we'd heal" ... and then, months later, she remembered that reporter's simple question, "Are you okay?" She recalled how her answer resonated with people ... that she was NOT okay, and it was liberating to honestly explain.

She says she wanted to share her heartbreak ... "Losing a child means carrying an almost unbearable grief, experienced by many but talked about by few. In the pain of our loss, my husband and I discovered that in a room of 100 women, 10 to 20 of them will have suffered from miscarriage. Yet despite the staggering commonality of this pain, the conversation remains taboo, riddled with (unwarranted) shame, and perpetuating a cycle of solitary mourning."

Meghan goes on to talk about 2020 and its horrors -- coronavirus, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, a country ripped apart by strife, and on and on.

Her revelation comes on the heels of Chrissy Teigen and John Legend going public with their heartbreak ... they talked openly about their loss so others in a similar situation wouldn't feel alone.

Elephant Rescue Beast Lifted From Well in Crazy Video!!!

This tops every video this week ... an enormous elephant hoisted from a well and pulled to safety ... and it only took 12 hours!!!

It was an incredible feat. The majestic beast fell into a deep well in India and rescuers jumped into action. The dilemma -- how to pull all that tonnage up to solid ground.

The rescue effort began in daylight Thursday but extended into darkness, as the elephant was secured by ropes and then a crane was dispatched to lift the creature.

The animal was sedated and slowly ... it was lifted from the base of the well and ascended.

When all was said and done, the elephant emerged from the darkness ... with cheers from rescuers and onlookers. It was freed from the ropes and stood with obvious relief. The elephant's fine!

Apparently, wells are an attractive nuisance for elephants ... 2 others have fallen into Indian wells recently ... not to be confused with Indian Wells outside Palm Springs.

So, who said elephants couldn't fly!?!

Walmart Special (Drone COVID Test) Delivery ... Free in El Paso & NY!!!

Walmart is going from always low prices to almost no prices for at-home COVID-19 tests that they'll drop off at your pad via drone ... if you're in a certain area, that is.

Here's the deal ... two Walmarts in El Paso, TX and Cheektowaga, NY are doing a pilot program in which there's no pilot at all -- sending free COVID test kits to folks that live within a mile radius of their stores, and doing so through a nifty drone delivery service.

It's pretty simple -- people can hop online and fill out a questionnaire to get the nasal swab test sent to their home, where they can administer it to themselves in private ... and then send the whole thing back to a Quest Diagnostics lab, which is also on the house.

Walmart is saying this is all same-day from the time you request it online -- they're also saying asymptomatic people can get tested without issue ... a huge relief for those who've wanted to get tested, but have been turned away on the ground.

Eventually, you'll get your results back through an app. So, in other words, you'll never have to leave your living room to see if you're positive or negative. No lines, no waits ... and no having anyone awkwardly watch you get a stick jammed up your nostrils.

As for why Walmart's doing this in these specific locations -- it could be any number of reasons ... not the least of which might pertain to the infection rates. In El Paso, for instance, cases are at an all-time high ... some are even calling it a new epicenter.

It's so bad inmates are collecting bodies and placing them in mobile morgues -- and there are at least 10 of those already up and running.

So, yeah ... the more contactless solutions they can find, the better.

Alaska Airlines Plane Kills Bear While Landing ... 2-Year-Old Cub Spared

A jetliner tragically hit a brown bear while landing in the dark of night, causing an alarming amount of damage to the jet -- but, thankfully, a nearby cub narrowly survived.

It was an Alaska Airlines plane that got caught up in the freak accident early Saturday morning, with the flight coming in from Cordova, AK and touching down at the Yakutat Airport before the sun had come out.

According to reports, all normal procedures were followed prior to landing -- airport personnel on the ground didn't see the mama brown bear and her cub crossing the runway ... this just 10 minutes after they'd done a scan and given the all-clear.

The plane struck the bear after it had landed and was coming to a stop, before taxiing to the gate. The aircraft's left engine hit the bear, and was clearly damaged afterward. Considering the size of a 737 compared to your average car ... you get a picture of just how dangerous an afternoon drive could be in Alaska.

No one on board the plane was injured, and a 2-year-old cub that was with its mom avoided the jet.

Folks in Alaska say they've seen animals like deer, caribou, geese and other critters getting swept up in a jet -- but this might be a first for a bear.

Rockefeller Center O Christmas Tree ... Making Its Way to NYC!!!

In a year where so many good things have gone virtual, here's one tradition carrying on just like normal ... the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree!!!

The 75-foot-tall Norway Spruce was chopped down Thursday and loaded onto a huge flatbed trailer in Oneonta, NY ... about 170 miles north of its Midtown Manhattan destination.

The massive tree will be erected Saturday, though the popular lighting ceremony isn't until December 1.

Rockefeller Center organizers, along with Mayor Bill de Blasio, have yet to reveal exactly how they'll deal with holiday crowds wanting to gather for the event or see the tree up close, as the city's facing another crisis with rising COVID-19 cases.

The Mayor simply says they will take extra precautions to make sure it's safe for people to visit the spectacle in person ... which he says still evokes a "childlike wonder" for him.

So, unlike the Macy's Day Parade and the NYE Ball Drop -- which are going the virtual route thanks to 2020 -- it sounds like folks can still experience the real deal when it comes to America's most famous Christmas tree.

Bridge Collapse Washes Away in Flood, Live on Air ... Reporter Almost Goes in!!!

NBC Local 33/FOX 44

A reporter and photographer are beyond lucky to be alive after raging floodwater washed away a bridge right from under their feet ... and it happened while they were live on TV.

The scary incident went down Thursday in Alexander County, N.C. on the Hiddenite Bridge where FOX 46 reporter Amber Roberts was in the middle of her live report when a huge chunk of the bridge broke off and fell into the water.

Check out the video ... Amber screams in terror as she quickly realizes the danger just a few feet away from her and her crew. The collapse left about a 10-foot wide gap in the bridge, and you can see a man on the other side fleeing to safety.

Amber didn't waste any time sending it back to the studio after narrowly avoiding catastrophe. The Carolinas are getting slammed with heavy rain ... triggering flash flood warnings across several counties. More than a dozen campers were trapped by the rising water.

Rescue crews are still trying to reach them -- hopefully, they make it out safely like Amber and her crew.

WH Press Sec Kayleigh McEnany Don't Ask Me, Ask The White House (Umm, Say Whaat???)

Fox News

Well here's a new one -- Kayleigh McEnany punted a question about President-elect Joe Biden getting access to intelligent briefings, saying it's a question for The White House ... even though that's literally HER job!!!

The WH Press Secretary's absurd moment went down Thursday morning on "Fox & Friends," when they asked her if President Trump's considering looping Biden in during the transfer of Presidential power.

McEnany says she hasn't spoken to the Prez about that topic, but ... "that would be a question more for The White House."

Puzzled? Yeah, us too. So, we asked a different White House rep what gives, and got this -- "Kayleigh appeared in her personal capacity as a private citizen. She advises the campaign on a voluntary basis."

Oooookay! Now, Kayleigh's paying gig is still Press Secretary -- for the White House -- so, she essentially said ... that would be a question for ME, but at some other time. Welcome to the Twilight Zone. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Despite her next level dodging ... Kayleigh did say all laws are being following during "an expected transition" -- but quickly added, they expect Trump to continue being POTUS.

Ticketmaster Exploring COVID Vaccination, Test For When Concerts Return

Figuring out what to wear to a concert will take a backseat to your COVID-19 status when tours resume in 2021 -- Ticketmaster's exploring a safety plan to help welcome fans back.

The ticket sales company is reportedly in the early stages of developing a plan that event operators can use as a safety measure to mitigate the spread of the virus. One path TM is actively exploring and working to develop ... is a framework for syncing with third party healthcare providers to link COVID vaccine status and/or test results to fans' digital tickets for event entry. It's ultimately up to event organizers to figure out ways to safely bring back fans to live events ... and this is one idea Ticketmaster's spitballing.

The proposed plan was reported by Billboard, and comes on the heels of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announcing its coronavirus vaccine showing a 90% efficacy rate. That's giving concert venues and artists hope the industry can mount a comeback.

Ticketmaster would work with third-party health apps and independent labs, and says data sent to them will be done so in a secure, encrypted way. Ticketmaster would NOT have access to concertgoers' medical records.

Welcome to the new normal.

Originally Published -- 11:29 AM PT


At last!!! It looks like a COVID vaccine is on the horizon that will change the world.

Pfizer just released incredible data -- preliminary though it is -- showing they've developed a vaccine that is MORE THAN 90% EFFECTIVE IN PREVENTING CORONAVIRUS INFECTIONS. That level of protection matches the effectiveness of the measles vaccine, which has effectively wiped out that disease.

Scientists were warning a vaccine might only be 55% effective ... maybe slightly higher, but we hadn't heard percentages like this before in the various trials.

The stock market reacted in spectacular fashion ... futures are up 1500 points, and it makes sense -- the pandemic has wiped out our economy, and this is the light at the end of the tunnel.

Dr. Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, called the results a "great day for science and humanity."

The vaccine requires 2 doses, and the protection kicks in 28 days after the initial dose.

As for the size of the trial ... pretty impressive. There were 43,538 participants, and of those, there were 94 confirmed COVID infections.

Pfizer says by year's end it should have enough doses to immunize 15 million to 20 million people.

The Operation Warp Speed folks have promised Pfizer nearly $2 billion to deliver 100 million doses to Americans free of charge.

The news can't come fast enough -- 1.2 million people worldwide have died from COVID -- 240,000 in the U.S. alone.

Donald Trump Jr. Vaccine News Timing After Election Suspicious ... Go Figure!!!

President Trump's eldest son has his tinfoil hat on Monday morning -- he thinks the promising COVID vaccine news coming out right after the election is more than coincidence ... he's insinuating the drug company held its findings back till after the election so Trump wouldn't get a bounce and possibly win as a result.

Donald Trump Jr.'s response to Pfizer developing a coronavirus vaccine that may be more than 90 percent effective ... "Nothing nefarious about the timing of this at all right?"

The President repeatedly claimed during the lead up to the election that a vaccine would be announced before voting day. On top of that, Trump touted Pfizer as a company with great promise in finding a vaccine. So his son is suggesting the findings were available but held back.

For his part, President Trump took a different approach to Pfizer's vaccine results by tweeting -- in all caps -- "STOCK MARKET UP BIG, VACCINE COMING SOON. REPORT 90% EFFECTIVE. SUCH GREAT NEWS!"

President-elect Biden says he was informed of the vaccine development Sunday night and says, "I congratulate the brilliant women and men who helped produce this breakthrough and to give us such cause for hope."

As we reported ... Pfizer says the new vaccine will be available soon and it should have enough doses to immunize 15 million to 20 million people by year's end. It requires 2 doses and takes 28 days from the first dose to become effective. One of the things that makes this so significant -- the worry is that 40% of the people won't take the vaccine, but if it's more than 90% effective it will still provide great protection for those who choose to take it.

Virgin Hyperloop 1st Test with Human Passengers ... Gets Up to 100 MPH

Virgin Hyperloop

One day, we'll be able to zip through tubes at super-fast speeds like "The Jetsons" -- and that day is coming sooner than later thanks to Sir Richard Branson's company ... which just tried it out with humans.

Virgin Hyperloop announced Monday it had successfully tested a Hyperloop ride with a couple of passengers -- 2 company execs -- over the weekend out at their Las Vegas test site.

The track -- which is, in fact, completely tubular -- only runs about 500 meters or so, and because of that ... the pod was only able to reach up to 100 MPH.

Normally, according to techy lore, a full-blown hyperloop track should (theoretically) be capable of firing down a cylinder at around 600 MPH -- which is faster than a freakin' airplane. Unfortunately, this test didn't quite get there ... but by all accounts, it was a huge first step.

If you're unfamiliar with what a hyperloop system is exactly, it's basically propelled by magnets -- with zero friction on the vehicle you're actually traveling in. So, in other words, you're pretty much hovering ... and because of that, sky's the limit as far as speed. Again, in theory.

There are other companies and wizzes that have eyed getting into the hyperloop market -- like Elon Musk, for example -- but with Virgin ... it seems they're the first ones through the gate on this endeavor. There's other hyperloop-like tech already in use in places like Japan and Germany ... where some of their train systems use magnetic tracks.

It's not quite like this though, and if Virgin continues to roll out passenger tests with more success -- not to mention building out their track for faster speeds -- it could open a whole new mode of transportation, the likes of which we've never seen but were always promised.

The future is here! Almost.

Eddie Van Halen Honored at Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 'The Mozart Of Our Generation'

Eddie Van Halen was honored at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Saturday night ... as one of the greatest guitar players in the history of music.

The tribute is incredible and shows Eddie's miraculous talent.

Some of the greatest living guitarists, including Slash and Tom Morello, paid tribute to the man who was one of 2 guitarists in competition for the G.O.AT. title -- the other, of course, being Jimi Hendrix.

Tom Morello, from Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave, called Eddie, "The Mozart of our generation. He had the kind of talent that maybe comes around once a century."

Slash said, "His style and his sound were completely unique to him. He had a massive impact on guitar playing."

The sounds emanating from Eddie's guitar were like none heard before. The ferocious sounds hit like a nuclear bomb and were subsequently mimicked by many -- but no one had Eddie's touch.

You gotta watch the video to remember how inspiring Eddie was on the guitar.

As you know by now, Eddie died last month after a long battle with cancer at 65.

The inductees Saturday night were Whitney Houston, Nine Inch Nails, Notorious B.I.G. and T-Rex.

Supermanager Irving Azoff and producer Jon Landau received the Ertegun Award award.

BTW ... Van Halen was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2007.

Joe Biden Bill Maher Calls Race for Biden ... Networks too 'Chicken S***' to Call

Real Time with Bill Maher/HBO

The election has not been called on the news shows, but that didn't stop Bill Maher from stating what is increasingly obvious ... Joe Biden's gonna be the next president.

Bill flat-out declared Biden the winner, and he reveled in the fact he's the only one in the media who's said it out loud for all to hear. He also says Trump's acting like a "whiny little bitch" in challenging the process ... something Bill predicted 3 years ago.

The numbers certainly support Bill's conclusion ... Biden is pulling away from Trump in Pennsylvania and Georgia with a dwindling vote count remaining ... and that would be more than enough to win.

Bill also cautioned during his show ... it's not going to be smooth sailing for Biden, because there are 70 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump, and although Biden has vowed he'll be a president for all Americans -- whether they voted for him or not -- it's going to be a tall order to get them under the tent.

Nevertheless ... Bill celebrated with balloons cascading down from above -- balloons that startled the host in the middle of some pretty great conversations.

So, what's everyone waiting for??!??

CA Governor Gavin Newsom Slammed by Weatherman Over COVID ... He's Acting Like a King

This bizarre weather report is pretty shocking ... as the meteorologist goes after California Governor Gavin Newsom, referring to him as a king who is ruining Thanksgiving, and that's just for starters.

Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Video.

Mark Mathis, the weather dude from KUSI in San Diego, has some major beef over turkey, accusing the Governor of acting like a king for daring to impose guidelines on how to stay safe during a COVID Thanksgiving.

Mathis, among other things, says Newsom is urging everyone to regularly sanitize bathrooms, but says the Guv's "throne" is only for him.

He went as far as suggesting Newsom worships Lucifer and not God.

It's ridiculous, but also telling that there's so much contempt for COVID precautions as America breaks some awful records ... on Friday alone there were 25,000 new cases.

Biden's clearly got his work cut out for him.

Keisha Lance Bottoms ATL Mayor Elated Georgia Is Flipping Blue ... But Biden Can't Ignore Trump Supporters


Atlanta's mayor's on cloud nine over her state being on the verge of flipping to blue ... and she says the spirit of some fine Georgians shone through to make it happen.

Keisha Lance Bottoms is feeling incredible, as all signs point to Joe Biden being elected as the next President of the United States ... something she says reflects on Georgia and inspiration it drew from the late John Lewis, C.T. Vivian and Joseph Lowery.

Though she's happy now, the Mayor admits the overall election results felt more like a "gut punch" a couple days ago when she saw roughly half the country supported Trump. Mayor Bottoms told us on "TMZ Live" she said Biden needs to address some of their issues given their sheer numbers.

That's why she says it's so important to have a President like Biden who's unifying instead of divisive ... so we can get back to "civil disagreement" and move forward in a positive way together.

She says the past 4 years have been very dark, but Keisha sounds hopeful that America's heading toward the light.