President Trump Black Voters Go After Him at Town Hall


President Trump got grilled by voters who identify as undecided, and it was a far cry from his rallies as several of them held his feet to the fire on issues like healthcare and systemic racism ... and didn't back down.

The Prez was challenged with many tough questions at an ABC News town hall in Philadelphia Tuesday night ... in particular 2 undecided voters.

Assistant Professor Ellesia Blaque told Trump how she has struggled with a preexisting medical condition all her life, adding it's especially difficult for her as a black woman to get adequate medical care. Trump tried to interrupt her but she wasn't having it and shut him down.

Trump predictably went after Obama and spewed a couple of lies about the Affordable Care Act ... but it didn't go unchecked by ABC's George Stephanopoulos. Like we said -- this was no Trump rally.

Then there was Pastor Carl Day, who called Trump out over his campaign slogan -- "Make America Great Again." Day asked Trump when American has ever been great for African-Americans living in the ghetto ... and if he was aware how tone-deaf MAGA comes off to the Black community.

Dr. Oz America Needs More Black Doctors ... It's a Life or Death Matter


Dr. Oz is appalled, and embarrassed, by stats like Black newborns are 3 times more likely to die under the care of white doctors -- and now he's on a mission to do something about it.

The doc joined "TMZ Live" on Tuesday to explain why he launched the #moreBlackdoctors initiative as part of his effort to raise awareness about racial bias in hospitals. He told us how one of his staffers opened his eyes to the Black community's view of the medical field.

Oz, who just kicked off the 12th season of his show, says he got goosebumps after learning Black babies taken care of by Black doctors have a higher survival rate than Black babies under the care of White doctors. It's shockingly true.

A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S. (PNAS) showed the mortality rate of Black newborns dwindled from 58% to 39% when they're under the care of Black docs. But, when it came to white babies, their mortality rate was hardly affected regardless of the doctor's race.

You'll recall, activist Bakari Sellers recently shared his shocking tale about his wife's pregnancy -- and Dr. Oz says that's a stark reminder of the biases that exist even in medicine.

You gotta see how he's planning to plant seeds of change with kids of color. It's an important initiative that can have a long term, long-lasting impact.

Amber Heard, Tina Knowles It's #HammerTime!!! ... Lead the Way for Habitat for Humanity

Hollywood's rallying behind Habitat for Humanity L.A. ... with Amber Heard, Tina Knowles and Lance Bass leading the way to raise some good money for a great cause.

Amber, Tina and Lance are just some of the many celebs who are helping the org raise awareness and funds through a social media campaign dubbed #Hammertime. The funds will help build homes during the COVID-19 pandemic for families in the Hollywood community who can't afford it. Some of the dough will also be used as valuable resources for families in need.

Scores of other celebs, including Tori Spelling and Holly Robinson Peete, have signed up to help launch the social campaign. For every $25 or more donated to HFH L.A., donors can get a special steel hammer created by Redline Steel ... a veteran-owned, American-made hammer perfect for hammering away while building a new home.

Jo-An Turman, VP of entertainment partnerships at Habitat L.A., tells TMZ ... "these beautiful gifts will help the org continue to build hope, homes and address the need for affordable housing."

BTW, the owner of Redline Steel is Colin Wayne ... an Army veteran who survived a rocket attack nearly 10 years ago in Afghanistan. Now that's one helluva partnership.

'Edward Scissorhands' Boggs Family Home Sold to Fans ... Hair Above Asking Price!!!

A family of "Edward Scissorhands" fans scooped up the Boggs house featured in the movie, and instead of getting it at a slashed price ... they ponied up a little extra to seal the deal.

We broke the story ... the Florida home used for exterior and interior shots in the 1990 Tim Burton cult classic -- starring Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder -- went on the market last month for $224k, with new colors and renovations.

It didn't take long for it to generate interest from multiple buyers, but we're told one family with kids pushed the hardest and bought the house for $6,000 above asking price.

Turns out, the buyers love the movie and the husband grew up in the area. We're told he had watched some of 'Scissorhands' being shot in the Tampa suburban town of Lutz back when he was a kid.

Our sources say the famous movie home got about a dozen offers in its first week on the market, and officially closed last week.

The 1,432-square-foot residence comes with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, including a completely remodeled master bath. Along with the upgrades, it still boasts some original charming attributes from the film ... like the kitchen cabinets and countertops.

The newly-sold Boggs home was listed by Stacie Savoy of Berkshire Hathaway Florida Properties Group.

Oracle Reportedly Wins TikTok Bid in U.S. ... App May Now Get Trump Reprieve

Microsoft is pulling the plug on any potential plans to take over TikTok's operations here in the States -- but a new player has reportedly emerged to take the spoils ... Oracle.

The Wall Street Journal says the Bay Area-based tech company -- which sells database software technology and computer cloud systems -- has struck a deal with TikTok's parent company, ByteDance, to control U.S. operations ... this after Microsoft said it was out.

Microsoft announced Sunday they'd ended convos with ByteDance, basically saying BD didn't wanna make a deal ... despite what they said was a good offer.

Microsoft writes, "ByteDance let us know today they would not be selling TikTok’s US operations to Microsoft." They added, "We are confident our proposal would have been good for TikTok’s users, while protecting national security interests."

Apparently, Microsoft was asking for too much control for BD's taste ... it says under the command of President Trump, who's threatening to ban the app entirely in the U.S. if a deal isn't made ... it would've needed to make significant changes to make sure TikTok would be safe for American users, as it pertains to privacy, security, etc.

The real reason ByteDance reportedly didn't budge is that they weren't willing to sell away their underlying coding, which is the secret to their algorithm (aka what shows up on your TikTok feed, when and why). BD has reportedly indicated THAT isn't for sale.

Of course, that's a huge part of why Trump and co. either want to get rid of the app or control the technology. They allege it's feeding certain content to American users, lifting data from them at the same time and funneling it all back to the Chinese government.

Donald Trump AUGUST 2020

The last remaining known American bidder was Oracle -- and, obviously, they got the coveted prize in the end. What remains unclear is if Oracle is looking to make the same sweeping security changes Microsoft was committed to ... especially if what they're saying about the coding is true. If not, it's almost like a meaningless sale ... or so it would seem.

In any case, the timing couldn't have been more perfect. Trump gave everyone a deadline of Sept. 20 to announce a deal, and a few weeks after that to make the sale actually happen before he threatened to boot TikTok from app stores permanently.

North Dakota City Councilwoman I'm Gay and You're a Bigot!!!

City of Minot

A city councilwoman in Minot, North Dakota got into it with a resident during a council meeting Friday -- a resident who was clearly upset the City would dare raise an LGBTQ+ flag -- and she shut him down by telling him and the rest of the City ... she's gay and she's proud of it.

Councilwoman Carrie Evans clearly had it with the man who has issues with gays, saying, “So, Mr. Walker, if you’re not aware, and I think a lot of people in this room are not aware, and have come here just because this is a gay issue, I am proudly the first openly elected lesbian in North Dakota. So that is why I am not paying any heed to your crap!”

She went on ... “I am a person. I get to see myself represented on that flagpole just as much as the people who got the Juneteenth flag last month, as much as the POW/MIA will get later this month.”

And that wasn't the end ... “Every single person is entitled to see themselves represented. We are not some group of people who live in San Francisco or Seattle. We are HERE. We are your elected officials. We are your brothers. we are your sisters, and don’t tell me you’re not hatred or anger. That’s all I feel. I’ve had to listen to it for days now, as has the mayor and many of my colleagues. It is unacceptable!”

And then she ended with this ... "I’m sorry that it doesn’t make you feel comfortable, but we’re here, we’re queer, and we’re not going away!”

His response ... "Thank you for exposing yourself ..."  Well, that says it all, right?

Pet Abuse CEO Apologizes For Roughing Up Dog ... Finds Pup a New Home

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The dog owner caught on camera dragging, choking and slapping his dog is fessing up and apologizing ... and the abused pup is getting a new home.

Jeffrey Previte, CEO of an environmental consulting firm in L.A., tells TMZ ... he truly regrets the way he attempted to discipline his dog, Bici, and he's sorry and heartbroken over the incident.

Jeffrey tells us he lost his temper and "took unreasonable and unjustifiable action" ... and he's owning up to the video while also saying it doesn't represent the time he spent with Bici.

Previte says he's sorry to Bici and anyone disturbed by the video ... he also tells us he loves the dog and they've had "an exceptional life full of nature and affection."

As we reported ... surveillance footage from Jeffrey's Santa Monica apartment building showed him snapping on the dog last month, and his employer launched an investigation when the disturbing video surfaced.

Jeffrey tells us he's accepting responsibility by taking a leave of absence from his job, enrolling in an anger management program and spending time and money helping animal rights orgs. He also says he's placed Bici with a loving family.

Jeff says he's "an imperfect person" and hopes for some level of forgiveness in time as he tries to become a better human and grow as a man.

Joe Biden & VP Pence Coming Together ... For 9/11 Memorial in NYC

Joe Biden and Vice President Mike Pence put their differences aside and shared a moment of unity at the solemn ceremony in New York City to mark the 19th anniversary of 9/11.

The Democratic Presidential nominee and Vice President were front and center Friday -- along with their spouses -- at Ground Zero for the 9/11 memorial to commemorate the anniversary of the terroristic attack. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg were also there to mark the occasion.


Biden approached Pence, tapped him on the shoulder before they shared an elbow bump. Biden also greeted Pence's wife, Karen, in similar fashion.

Moments of silence were observed at Ground Zero and the Pentagon. There was also a ceremony to mark the 4th plane that crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers fought back against the hijackers.

The 9/11 attacks resulted in nearly 3,000 deaths and more than 25,000 people injured. Many of the first responders became seriously ill as a result of their efforts ... many dying of cancer from the toxic rubble.

The ceremony resonated as if it were still fresh. The reality ... the emotional impact is still gripping.

Pet Abuse CEO Drags, Chokes, Slaps His Dog!!! Employer Launches Investigation

091020-dog-abuse-kal AUGUST 2020

6:28 AM PT -- Previte's own father, who happens to be his boss, finds the video troubling. TMZ spoke with Frank Previte -- founder and Executive Chairman of EBI Consulting -- and he says the company has launched an investigation and disciplinary action might be taken against Jeffrey.


Frank says he's already spoken to his son, but wouldn't reveal details of the conversation.

This jerk of a dog owner, who happens to be a CEO, went off on his pet inside his condo building, and the attack was all caught on surveillance video.

Jeffrey Previte, CEO of an environmental consulting firm in L.A., seemed to lose his mind as he snapped on the dog last month in a hallway of his Santa Monica building. The disturbing video shows Previte entering from a parking garage, and when the dog starts to pee ... Previte suddenly yanks it by the collar, then drags it outside before slapping and choking it.

The poor animal didn't retaliate against its owner's cruel behavior.

One of the building's front desk attendants heard the dog crying, and decided to review the surveillance footage. He told the Daily Mail, which first reported the story, he was horrified by what he saw ... and told Previte he would report the incident to management.

For his part, Previte says he doesn't think he did anything wrong, and certainly not anything illegal -- but he also claims the attendant who busted him tried to get money from him in exchange for keeping it quiet.

The attendant claims his manager didn't take his report about Previte seriously. However, building management told Daily Mail, "The apparent conduct of the unit owner was abhorrent and completely unacceptable. Building management stands behind our employee and we took swift action including contacting animal control and directing the resident to cease all contact with our employee."

Originally Published -- 4:30 AM PT

Beirut Port Huge Fire Forces Panicked Fleeing Month After Deadly Blast


No one in Beirut is taking a chance this time -- a massive fire is burning again in the city's port, immediately triggering large-scale evacuations ... coming just 5 weeks after that deadly explosion rocked the city.

The Lebanese army reportedly ordered the area evacuated Thursday and major roads leading to the port have been shut down after a huge fire engulfed what officials believe to be a tire warehouse. Although authorities said this blaze would NOT trigger another explosion, people aren't buying it, and video shows hundreds running like hell to get out of the area.

Explosion 8/4/20

A reporter tweeted a video showing thick, black smoke filling the air and said, "Some of these buildings still don't have windows after the #BeirutBlast a month ago and now they are being engulfed by (likely poisonous) black smoke."

Just over a month ago, in this very same area of the port, 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate had been sitting unsecured for 6 years in a warehouse and exploded. The blast obliterated Beirut and killed more than 190 people and injured nearly 7,000 others.

The images that came following the deadly blast were horrific ... including video of a bride taking wedding pics and video moments before the blast.

Trump Supporters Chase Down, Beat BLM Protesters ... Leads to 2 Arrests


At least 2 President Trump supporters -- and members of the far-right group Proud Boys -- were busted after chasing down and beating BLM protesters in Oregon.

The incidents went down Monday in the Portland area where a Trump rally turned violent when supporters clashed with opposing Black Lives Matter protesters. There are several videos showing the utter chaos ... alleged Proud Boys members attacked a BLM supporter from behind, knocking him down and getting to deliver several punches.

A woman added to the attack by pepper spraying the guy as he lay beaten on the ground.

The Portland rally ultimately ended up joining forces with another at the State Capitol in Salem, where another BLM protester was chased and beaten. Only this time ... these Trump supporters are armed with baseball bats and paintball guns.

Fortunately for the BLM protester, state troopers were nearby and rushed in to nab one of the attackers. In all, 2 arrests were made.

It's not the first time protesters have clashed. Remember, back in August two protesters literally went fist-to-fist in Portland on the roadway at the ramp to the Morrison Bridge. A Trump caravan also descended into the area that month too ... triggering violent confrontations and leading to 1 death.

Arizona Trump Supporters Heckle BLM Protesters ... 'Go Away for Good'

@davenewworld_2 / Twitter

A group of mostly Trump supporters went on a verbal tirade against a group of Black Lives Matter protesters in Prescott, Arizona, and it's an ugly scene.

The hecklers called the protesters "losers" and implored them to just "go away for good."

Some hecklers called the protesters "trash" ... as others had guns strapped around their chest.

Vehicles passed by with occupants furiously waving the American flag as there were competing chants -- "No Justice, No Peace," vs. "All Lives Matter." It doesn't appear things turned violent, but it was plenty bad nonetheless.

The video is a good example of the intolerance of opposing views ... and that could end up being the biggest threat to democracy that we face as a nation.

Dijon Kizzee Shooting Cops Fire Rubber Bullets, Pepper Spray ... Resembles a War Zone


A protest over the death of Dijon Kizzee ended with a confrontation with cops, as rubber bullets went flying and pepper balls exploding.

Hundreds of protesters marched Saturday, at times shutting down the 110 Freeway. The protest went into the evening, and when the marchers arrived at the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. things took a turn.

Deputies set up barriers at the building ... some poised on the roof with guns.

Just after some protesters shouted obscenities at the deputies, one of the cops hurled a flash bang and so began the move to clear the area with rubber bullets and pepper balls. It looked like a war zone as protesters scattered.

As we reported, Dijon was stopped by cops on August 31 after being pulled over for a bicycle violation, though the Sheriff's Dept. has not disclosed the nature of the violation. Dijon was shot and killed.

Black Lives Matter Car Plows Through Crowd in Times Square

Scattering to safety

It's become the tactic of choice for domestic terrorists ... using a car as a weapon to attack protesters.

A Ford Taurus careened through a Black Lives Matter protest Thursday night, as at least 350 people peacefully assembled in Times Square, protesting the death of Daniel Prude at the hands of Rochester police.

The driver gunned it as dozens of protesters ran for cover. Miraculously, no one was injured, but cops are still on the hunt for the driver.

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Rochester PD

Prude died days after cops put a spit hood over his head, cutting off oxygen. Before officers used the spit hood, you hear Prude plead with cops to let him go. He eventually lost consciousness after cops held him face down for 2 minutes. Only when officers noticed fluid coming out of his mouth did they show concern.

Prude's death was ruled a homicide, and 7 officers have been suspended after the body cam was released. So far, no arrests have been made or charges filed.

Joe Biden Meets with Jacob Blake Family ... 'Very Obvious He Cared'

Joe Biden spent over an hour face-to-face with Jacob Blake's family ... and even spoke with Jacob by phone from his hospital bed.

Civil rights attorney Ben Crump said the Democratic Presidential nominee, along with his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, spent a "very engaging" 90-minute in-person meeting with Jacob's father, sisters and brother in their hometown of Kenosha, WI. Crump joined by phone along with Jacob's mother and Jacob himself from his hospital bed.

Crump, the Blake family's attorney, says they were "very impressed that the Bidens were so engaged and willing to really listen." He added ... "They talked about changing the disparate treatment of minorities in police interactions, the impact of selecting Kamala Harris as a Black woman as his running mate" and his plans for change.

As for Biden's convo with Jacob himself ... Crump says the candidate extended "a sense of humanity, treating him as a person worthy of consideration and prayer."

The sit down comes less than a week after Jacob's father spoke by phone with Biden and Harris.

Biden's trip to Kenosha comes on the heels of President Trump's ... who did not meet with the Blake family or even mention Blake by name during the visit.

NYC Street Fight Rat vs. Pigeon DQ'd by Blindside Strike


A fight between 2 of New York's most notorious residents -- a pigeon and a rat -- looked like it was going to the death ... until a pipe-wielding referee broke up the action.

All this video is missing is a UFC Octagon, and it looks like the rat was about to make the pigeon tap out ... like, forever. The bird was flapping its wings, desperately trying to get out of the rat's death grip.

Things really weren't looking good for the "rat of the sky" when all of a sudden -- outta nowhere -- a man delivered a crushing blow to the ground rat. The rodent quickly scurried away, but looks like the poor pigeon took a few blows too ... adding insult to injury.

Miraculously, both the bird and the rat seemed to walk away from the melee alive. The pigeon even had some swagger in its step as it left. Then again they always look like they're strutting.

The rematch is gonna be awesome.