Bella Hadid Speaks Out About Israel & Hamas ... 'Intricate And Horrific'
Bella Hadid is speaking out for the first time on the ongoing attacks in the Middle East ... saying the last 2 weeks have been nothing short of a horror show, condemning terrorism across the board.
The model, who is part Palestinian, spoke her mind Thursday, first by writing, "Forgive me for my silence" ... before admitting it's been tough to find the words for the "deeply intricate and horrific past 2 weeks."
She says the death and destruction happening in Israel and Palestine shifted the world's focus "back towards a situation that has been taking innocent lives and affecting families for decades" -- adding, "The people and children of Palestine, especially in Gaza, cannot afford our silence."
Bella says her "heart is bleeding with pain from the trauma" she's already seen online ... adding she's mourning alongside the families that are forever broken after seeing the aftermath of the Gaza airstrikes.
While she's mostly speaking in favor of Palestine, she adds, "I mourn for the Israeli families that have been dealing with the pain and aftermath of October 7," when Hamas terrorists first attacked Israel .... writing, "I condemn the terrorist attacks on any civilians, anywhere."
She also confirmed what sources told us last week -- she's gotten hundreds of death threats, and even had her own phone number leaked. Remember ... her sister, Gigi, also spoke out, and was met with disdain over her pro-Palestinian stance.
Gigi came under fire directly by the State of Israel's social media account for her comments, too.
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Pete Davidson and John Mulaney Postpone Comedy Gigs In Maine ... 'Devastated' By Mass Shooting
Pete Davidson and John Mulaney are pushing back the dates for their upcoming shows in Maine as residents deal with the fallout from a mass shooting.
The comedians just announced they are postponing their scheduled weekend shows in Bangor and Portland, roughly 30 miles from where Wednesday's deadly shooting took place.
In a statement on social media, John and Pete say they are "devastated" by the incident and "We are thinking of you all."
As you know ... a gunman went on a shooting rampage Wednesday night at a bowling alley and bar in Lewiston, Maine ... 18 people are dead and 13 more are injured.
The suspected shooter, Robert Card, is still on the loose ... and there's an ever-expanding manhunt.
Meanwhile, residents are being asked to shelter in place as law enforcement tries to find Card.
Folks are applauding Pete and John for postponing the shows ... and there's been no word on a rescheduled date.
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Pete Davidson y John Mulaney están posponiendo las fechas de sus próximos espectáculos en Maine, ya que los residentes se están ocupando de las secuelas de un tiroteo masivo.
Los comediantes acaban de anunciar que están posponiendo sus shows programados para el fin de semana en Bangor y Portland, aproximadamente a 30 millas de donde tuvo lugar el tiroteo mortal del miércoles.
En un comunicado en las redes sociales de John y Pete dicen que están "devastados" por el incidente y "Estamos pensando en todos ustedes".
Como ustedes ya saben; un hombre armado fue el infame autor de un tiroteo la noche del miércoles en local de bolos y un bar en Lewiston, Maine. 18 personas han muerto y 13 resultaron heridas.
El presunto tirador, Robert Card, sigue suelto y hay una persecución cada vez mayor.
Mientras tanto, a los residentes se les pide que se refugien en el lugar mientras las fuerzas del orden tratan de encontrar a Card.
La gente está aplaudiendo a Pete y John por posponer los espectáculos y no ha habido ninguna palabra sobre una fecha reprogramada.
Robert Card, el hombre que según la policía es el autor del tiroteo masivo de Maine, tiene antecedentes militares. Ganó medallas en la Reserva del Ejército a pesar de no haber entrado nunca en combate.
Card se alistó en la Reserva del Ejército en 2002, trabajando como especialista en suministro de petróleo.
Durante su servicio, Card fue galardonado con varias medallas; incluyendo la Medalla de Logro del Ejército, la Medalla de Servicio de Defensa Nacional, la Medalla de Servicio Humanitario, dos Medallas de Logro del Componente de Reserva del Ejército y la Cinta de Servicio del Ejército.
Las funciones de Card como especialista en suministro de petróleo le hicieron responsable de la recepción, almacenamiento y envío de productos derivados del petróleo, asegurándose de que el combustible era transportado y manejado de forma segura y correctamente dispensado en varios vehículos y aviones de las Fuerzas Armadas.
La Reserva del Ejército de la lista de trabajo en línea para la posición de Card promueve el trabajo de esta manera: "Como Especialista en Suministro de Petróleo, suministrarás al Ejército el combustible que necesita para mantener un estado de preparación en todo momento".
Como informamos, la policía está buscando a Card. La información actual es que fue en un caótico tiroteo en un bar en Maine, en el que al menos 18 personas murieron y 13 resultaron heridas.
Card supuestamente utilizó un rifle AR-15 en el tiroteo masivo del miércoles y en este momento hay una búsqueda cada vez mayor y desesperada para encontrarlo.
Maine Mass Shooting Suspect Has Army Background ... Enlisted Over 20 Years Ago
Robert Card, the guy cops say is the Maine mass shooter, has a military background ... earning medals in the Army Reserve despite never seeing combat.
Card enlisted in the Army Reserve way back in 2002, working as a petroleum supply specialist.
During his service, Card was awarded several medals ... including the Army Achievement Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Humanitarian Service Medal, 2 Army Reserve Component Achievement Medals and the Army Service Ribbon.
Card's duties as a petroleum supply specialist made him responsible for receiving, storing and shipping petroleum-based products ... making sure the fuel was transported and handled safely and properly dispensed in various Armed Forces vehicles and aircraft.
The Army Reserve's online job listing for Card's position promotes the job like this ... "As a Petroleum Supply Specialist, you’ll supply the Army with the fuel it needs to maintain a state of readiness at all times."
As we reported ... cops are on the hunt for Card, with police saying he went on a shooting rampage at a bowling alley and a bar in Maine, killing at least 18 people and injuring 13.
Card allegedly used an AR-15-style rifle in Wednesday's mass shooting ... and now there's an ever-expanding, and desperate, search to find him.
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Maine Mass Shooting State Doesn't Have Red Flag Law ... Relaxed Gun Policies Become Talking Point
Maine is a state in the U.S. without a red flag law to take away firearms from those who show signs of being a threat to others -- a law that could have protected the 18 people killed and 13 injured in Wednesday's mass shooting.
U.S. Army Reservist Robert Card allegedly used an AR-15-style gun to kill 18 people in Lewiston, Maine. While a massive manhunt is underway to find him, many have pointed to the state's light gun laws as a major issue.
The state does have a yellow flag law -- the main difference is that, unlike a red flag law, it doesn't specifically empower family members to directly ask a judge to order the removal of someone's guns and block them from purchasing more.
In this case, only cops can issue a request.
It's also a permitless carry state and doesn't have a robust background check program ... and hasn't banned the purchase of assault-style weapons, like the one Card allegedly used at the bowling alley where a youth league was competing.
As we reported, authorities say Card is a trained firearms instructor with 2 decades of military experience -- and recently reported "hearing voices" and threatened to shoot up the National Guard Base in Saco, ME.
There are also reports he was committed to a mental institution this past summer and was released.
The question people are asking in the wake of the massacre is how Card was able to have weapons in his possession after his recently reported issues with his mental health -- with some saying a red flag law could've prevented the tragic incident.
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Adolescentes acusados Se ríen y sonríen a la familia de la víctima en la corte Tras presunto asesinato de un jefe de policía
Los adolescentes acusados de atropellar y causarle la muerte a un jefe de policía retirado con un carro robado se rieron en la corte este martes, le sonrieron a la familia e incluso le exhibieron el dedo del medio cuando se estaban yendo del tribunal.
Jesús Ayala, de 18 años, y Jzamir Keys, de 16, aparecieron para una audiencia por la mañana en un tribunal de Las Vegas después de que fueran acusados de asesinar al ex policía Andreas Probst, además de otros delitos graves.
Un equipo de cámaras de 8NewsNow filmó a los sospechosos en sus uniformes azules de la cárcel, sonriendo y riendo mientras estaban sentados viendo los procedimientos judiciales.
En un momento dado, la pareja se cubrió la cara con las manos para protegerse de las cámaras. Mientras eran conducidos fuera de la sala, sonrieron con suficiencia a la esposa e hija de Probst y les hicieron el gesto ofensivo.
Después de la audiencia, la hija de Probst, Taylor, criticó a los adolescentes, diciendo a KSNV: "Estos chicos no respetaron el tribunal en absoluto. Estuvieron haciendo el tonto todo el tiempo".
Continuó: "Nos estaban sacando de quicio. ¿Cómo puedes sentarte ahí después de quitarle la vida a un hombre y actuar como un idiota con tanto derecho?".
El 14 de agosto, los sospechosos supuestamente conducían en un carro robado por una calle de Las Vegas cuando embistieron intencionadamente la parte trasera de Probst, de 66 años, mientras montaba en bicicleta, causándole la muerte.
Anteriormente, ese mismo día, habían hecho lo mismo estrellando el vehículo contra otro ciclista, que afortunadamente solo sufrió heridas leves, según la policía.
En ambos casos, los delincuentes grabaron videos de sus ataques, mientras se reían. Las imágenes de vigilancia recientemente publicadas los muestran huyendo de la policía. Uno de ellos llevaba una máscara facial.
Ambos están detenidos sin fianza en el Centro de Detención del Condado de Clark.
Accused Teen Murderers Laugh In Court, Grin At Victim's Family ... After Allegedly Killing Ex-Police Chief
The teens accused of fatally mowing down a retired police chief with a stolen car giggled in court Tuesday -- smirking at the victim's family and flipping them the bird.
Jesus Ayala, 18, and Jzamir Keys, 16, appeared for a morning hearing in a Las Vegas courtroom after they were indicted on charges of murdering former top cop Andreas Probst and other serious felonies.
An 8NewsNow camera crew filmed the suspects in their blue jail uniforms, smiling and laughing as they sat watching the court proceedings.
At one point, the pair covered their faces with their hands to shield themselves from the cameras. As they were led out of the courtroom, they grinned smugly at Probst's wife and daughter -- and made the offensive gesture at them.
After the hearing, Probst's daughter, Taylor, blasted the teens, telling KSNV, "These guys did not respect the court whatsoever. They were just dicking around the entire time."
She went on, "They were flipping us off. How can you sit there after taking a man's life and act like such an entitled punk?"
On August 14, the suspects were allegedly driving in a stolen car down a Las Vegas street -- when they intentionally rammed into the back of the 66-year-old Probst while he was riding his bicycle, killing him.
Earlier that day, they did the same thing, crashing the vehicle into another cyclist, who fortunately suffered only minor injuries, according to police.
In both cases, the offenders shot videos of their deliberate attacks -- while they were chuckling. Newly released surveillance footage shows them running away from police -- and one of them wearing a face mask.
Both are being held without bail in the Clark County Detention Center.
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PILOT ACCUSED OF ATTEMPTED MURDER I Was Having Nervous Breakdown ... Admits to Taking Mushrooms
The off-duty Alaska Airlines pilot who tried taking down a sister airline's plane is blaming the incident on a nervous breakdown and a serious lack of shut-eye, and also admits to taking shrooms.
Joseph D. Emerson admitted to law enforcement he tried shutting off the plane's engines during a "nervous breakdown" in the cockpit, adding he felt dehydrated and tired and had not slept in 40 hours.
According to the criminal complaint, obtained by TMZ, Emerson told investigators, "I didn't feel okay. It seemed like the pilots weren't paying attention to what was going on. They didn't ... it didn't seem right."
Emerson copped to pulling both emergency shut-off handles, explaining ... "I thought I was dreaming and I just wanna wake up."
Police say Emerson told them he wasn't taking any medication, but said he had been depressed for about six months ... and then the conversation turned to psychedelic mushrooms.
The complaint says Emerson told investigators about his use of magic mushrooms, saying it was his first time taking shrooms. The complaint does not make it clear when or how many mushrooms Emerson ingested, but there's an insinuation he might have been on mushrooms during the flight.
As we reported, Emerson was arrested and booked on 83 accounts of attempted murder for the incident on a flight from Washington to San Francisco.
Alaska Airlines Pilot Charged with 83 Counts of Attempted Murder
Now, the feds are charging him with inference with flight crew members and attendants ... a charge carrying a prison sentence of up to 20 years behind bars.
Remember ... the captain and first officer subdued Emerson in the cockpit after he tried to shut off the engines mid-flight.
The pilots told cops that before Emerson reached for the handles he stated, "I'm not okay."
The complaint says after Emerson was subdued, he told a flight attendant, "You need to cuff me right now or it's going to be bad." Another flight attendant says Emerson stated, "I messed everything up" and the attendant told investigators, "he tried to kill everybody."
Talk about a bad trip.
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El piloto fuera de servicio de Alaska Airlines que intentó derribar el avión de una aerolínea hermana le echa la culpa del incidente a un ataque de nervios y a una grave falta de sueño... además admite haber comido hongos.
Joseph D. Emerson le confesó a la policía que trató de apagar los motores del avión durante un "ataque de nervios" en la cabina, añadiendo que se sentía deshidratado y cansado y no había dormido en 40 horas.
Según la denuncia penal obtenida por TMZ, Emerson le dijo a los investigadores: "No me sentía bien. Parecía que los pilotos no estaban prestando atención a lo que estaba pasando. Ellos no... nada parecía estar bien".
Emerson copped trató de tirar de las dos manijas de cierre de emergencia, explicando: "Pensé que estaba soñando y solo quería despertar".
La policía dice que Emerson les dijo que no estaba tomando ningún medicamento, pero dijo que había estado deprimido durante unos seis meses y luego la conversación giró en torno a los hongos psicodélicos.
La denuncia dice que Emerson le dijo a los investigadores acerca de su uso de hongos mágicos, diciendo que era su primera vez tomándolos. La denuncia no deja claro cuándo o cuántos hongos ingirió Emerson, pero hay una insinuación de que podría haber sido durante el vuelo.
Piloto de Alaska Airlines es acusado de 83 intentos de asesinato
Como informamos, Emerson fue detenido y fichado por 83 intentos de asesinato por el incidente en un vuelo de Washington a San Francisco.
Ahora, los federales lo acusan de interferir el vuelo... un cargo que conlleva una pena de prisión de hasta 20 años.
Recordemos que el capitán y el primer oficial al mando sometieron a Emerson en la cabina luego de que intentara apagar los motores en pleno vuelo.
Los pilotos le dijeron a la policía que justo antes de que Emerson alcanzara las manijas declaró: "No estoy bien".
La denuncia dice que después de que Emerson fuera sometido, le dijo a una azafata: "Tienes que esposarme ahora mismo o esto va a ir mal". Otra azafata dice que Emerson declaró: "Lo he estropeado todo" y la azafata le dijo a los investigadores: "Intentó matar a todo el mundo".
Hablando de un mal viaje.
Alaska Airlines Pilot Audio Details His Takedown Attempt ... We Got a Guy Going 'Overboard'
New audio from the flight that was almost taken down by an off-duty pilot details the terrifying incident -- and it reveals a huge understatement from the flight's actual pilot ... who described the guy as going "overboard."
The recording starts not long after 44-year-old Alaska Airlines pilot Joseph Emerson allegedly tried to shut off the engines aboard the Horizon Airlines jet. Emerson was traveling in a jump seat in the cockpit as a courtesy -- the same company manages Horizon and Alaska Airlines.
You can hear a pilot saying they got Emerson out of the cockpit and into the back where he was subdued ... asking for law enforcement to meet them instantly when they land in Portland, where the plane was diverted after Emerson's actions.
The pilot tells air traffic control Emerson was handcuffed and has calmed down a bit from his original outburst, but also says the threat level was initially a 4, which is the highest ... often signifying a breach of the cockpit.
As we reported, Emerson was arrested and booked Monday on 83 counts of attempted murder, for each person aboard the plane, 83 counts of reckless endangerment and endangering an aircraft. The flight was bound from Everett, WA to San Francisco.
Cops say he tried taking the plane down by pulling levers that would have initiated an emergency shutdown of the engines ... but the captain and first officer were able to stop him.
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Piloto de Alaska Airlines Audio detalla intento de derribar el avión ... "Tenemos a un tipo que va por la borda"
Un nuevo audio del vuelo que casi fue derribado por un piloto fuera de servicio da cuenta del aterrador incidente y revela una enorme subestimación del piloto a cargo, quien describió al tipo como que se estaba yendo "por la borda".
La grabación comienza poco después de que el piloto de Alaska Airlines, Joseph Emerson, de 44 años, supuestamente intentara apagar los motores a bordo del avión de Horizon Airlines. Emerson viajaba en un asiento en la cabina como una cortesía, ya que Alaksa Airlines, la empresa donde trabaja, también gestiona Horizon Airlines.
En el audio se puede escuchar al piloto diciendo que sacaron a Emerson de la cabina y lo llevaron a la parte trasera donde fue reducido. Además, pide que las fuerzas del orden se reúnan con ellos apenas aterricen en Portland, lugar al que fue desviado el avión después de las acciones de Emerson.
El piloto le comenta a los encargados del control de tráfico aéreo que Emerson fue esposado y se ha calmado un poco, pero también dice que el nivel de amenaza inicial fue de 4, que es el más alto y a menudo significa una violación de la cabina.
Como informamos, Emerson fue detenido el lunes por 83 cargos de intento de asesinato, esto es, un cargo por cada persona que estaba a bordo del avión, además de 83 cargos por imprudencia temeraria y por poner en peligro una aeronave. El vuelo se dirigía de Everett, Washington a San Francisco.
La policía dice que Emerson intentó derribar el avión tirando de las palancas, lo que habría iniciado un apagado de emergencia de los motores, pero el capitán y el primer oficial fueron capaces de detenerlo.
Dave Chappelle Gets Offer to Meet with Jewish Group After Israel Comments
Dave Chappelle has angered many in the Jewish community after his remarks on Israel -- but one group advocating for them is extending an olive branch if he's willing to chat.
American Jewish Committee spokesperson Richard Hirschhaut tells TMZ ... they'd love to have a sit-down with Dave to help him understand why so many people were upset, and how he can better navigate this topic next time around.
Chappelle was a 10/10
— Jim Murray (@bigjimmurray) October 20, 2023 @bigjimmurray
But if you’re going Friday night & the crowd is anything like tonight- good luck.
You’d have thought it was the first night out of the house since the pandemic for these slobs.
The AJC, a global advocacy organization, says Dave's first attempt to discuss Israel-Palestine -- during his Boston show last week -- missed the mark and adds ... "Dave Chappelle prides himself on precision of language and moral clarity. His comments uttered during last Friday's show at TD Garden failed on both counts."
They tell us his initial condemnation of Hamas was great -- but that he should have stopped there. AJC continues, "By criticizing Israel's retaliatory strikes and accusing the US of aiding the slaughter of innocent people, Chappelle turns truth on its head. Make no mistake, the slaughter of innocents is precisely what Hamas did on October 7th."
Of course, there've been innocent Palestinians who've been killed in the aftermath of all this as well -- upwards of 4,300, in fact, depending on which tallies you look at. The original Hamas attack claimed around 1,400 or so innocent Israeli lives.
In any case, the AJC thinks DC needs to be more precise with his language -- and they also believe he should know better at such a volatile time. According to them, his encouraging of people to shout "Free Palestine" creates a hostile and dangerous environment for Jewish people, and they say if that happens again, it's incumbent on him to ask what that means.
In their mind, the answer is obvious ... Free Palestine boils down to eliminating Israel.
Still, Richard says his org "would welcome an opportunity to meet with Chappelle and his team in an effort to help deepen his understanding of the current situation and enable him to be a source of more light than heat going forward."
Based on Dave's track record with other controversies ... the AJC probably shouldn't hold its collective breath. He doesn't tend to apologize, nor does he often feel the need to sit down with anyone after something like this.
Another org repping Jewish interests -- StandWithUs -- has some strong words for Dave. Roz Rothstein, the co-founder and CEO says, "If the reports about Chappelle's comments are correct, it is deeply disappointing that he has yet again used his platform to promote more division, misinformation, and hate regarding Israel and the Jewish people. We applaud the audience members who spoke up and walked out of the show in protest."
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Alaska Airlines Piloto fuera de servicio intenta derribar un avión Acusado de 83 intentos
Un piloto fuera de servicio de Alaska Airlines se encuentra en un gran problema después de que supuestamente tratara de derribar un avión de una aerolínea hermana, y podemos suponerlo por las docenas de cargos que enfrenta ahora.
Joseph D. Emerson, de 44 años de edad, es empleado de Alaska y fue detenido y fichado el lunes por 83 cargos de intento de asesinato en el condado de Multnomah, Oregón. Esto, después de que las autoridades afirmaran que trató de apagar los motores de la aeronave mientras estaba en pleno vuelo la noche anterior.
Es una historia extraña. Al parecer, Emerson estaba haciendo autostop en un vuelo de Horizon Airlines, que es propiedad de la misma empresa que gestiona Alaska, que iba de Seattle a San Francisco, pero tuvo que desviarse a Portland debido a este incidente.
Según los policías --que citan a miembros de la tripulación a bordo-- Emerson realizó esta maniobra increíblemente peligrosa mientras estaba sentado en el asiento de salto de la cabina, pero afortunadamente el capitán y el primer oficial pudieron detenerlo y evitar que el avión se cayera.
NEW: The FAA is telling airlines that Sunday’s incident involving an off-duty pilot who attempted to cut the engines of an Alaska Airlines flight is "not connected" to “current world events.”
— Pete Muntean (@petemuntean) October 23, 2023 @petemuntean
Even still, the agency urged airlines and crews to "maintain vigilance."
Según los informes, el audio de ATC capturó a miembros de la tripulación discutiendo lo sucedido a través de las ondas. En ellas se escucha a alguien diciendo: "Tenemos al tipo que trató de apagar los motores fuera de la cabina y no parece que esté causando ningún problema en la parte trasera en este momento, creo que está controlado. Queremos a las fuerzas del orden en cuanto lleguemos a tierra y aparquemos".
Bueno, Emerson fue efectivamente recibido por los funcionarios, quienes lo acusan de muchas cosas. Además de los 83 cargos de intento de asesinato, también ha sido castigado con 83 cargos de imprudencia temeraria, además de poner en peligro un avión. No se sabe lo que posiblemente lo llevó a hacer esto.
Alaska dice que el equipo de pensamiento rápido de Horizon (quick-thinking team) es al que hay que agradecer por salvar la situación. La FAA, mientras tanto, dice que el episodio del domingo no está conectado a los acontecimientos mundiales ... Mejor conocidos como, Israel y Palestina.
Alaska Airlines Off-Duty Pilot Tries to Take Plane Down Hit w/ 83 Counts of Attempted Murder
An off-duty Alaska Airlines pilot is in big trouble after allegedly trying to take down a plane from a sister airline -- and you can tell by the dozens of charges he's now facing.
44-year-old Joseph D. Emerson -- who's employed by Alaska -- was arrested and booked Monday on 83 counts of attempted murder in Multnomah County, OR ... this after law enforcement claims he attempted to shut off the aircraft's engines mid-flight the night prior.
It's a strange story ... apparently, Emerson was hitching a ride on a Horizon Airlines flight -- which is owned by the same company that manages Alaska -- that was going from Seattle to San Francisco ... but which had to divert to Portland because of this alleged incident.
According to cops -- who cite crew members onboard -- Emerson pulled this incredibly dangerous stunt while sitting in the cockpit's jump seat ... but thankfully, the captain and first officer were able to subdue him and prevent the plane from going down.
NEW: The FAA is telling airlines that Sunday’s incident involving an off-duty pilot who attempted to cut the engines of an Alaska Airlines flight is "not connected" to “current world events.”
— Pete Muntean (@petemuntean) October 23, 2023 @petemuntean
Even still, the agency urged airlines and crews to "maintain vigilance."
ATC audio reportedly captured crew members discussing what happened over the airwaves -- with someone saying, "We’ve got the guy that tried to shut the engines down out of the cockpit and he doesn’t sound like he’s causing any issue in the back right now, I think he’s subdued. We want law enforcement as soon as we get on the ground and parked."
Well, Emerson was indeed met by officials ... and they're accusing him of a lot. In addition to the 83 attempted murder charges, he's also been hit with 83 counts of reckless endangerment -- plus, endangering an aircraft. No word on what possibly led him to do this.
Alaska says the quick-thinking Horizon team are to thank for saving the day. The FAA, meanwhile, says Sunday's episode is not connected to world events ... aka, Israel-Palesine.
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Georgetown Coach Tasha Butts Dead At 41
Breaking News
Georgetown women's basketball head coach Tasha Butts has tragically died following a battle with breast cancer, the school announced Monday.
She was just 41 years old.
In revealing the heartbreaking news, school president John J. DeGioia called her death "a devastating loss."
"She was extraordinary," DeGioia said. "Tasha was a person of character, determination, vision, and kindness. She will be deeply missed by our community and by so many people around the country who have been inspired by her life."
#tbt Tasha Butts (@TashaButts) in the 2004 Final Four.
— The NBS Sports Hour (@NBSSportsHour) April 13, 2023 @NBSSportsHour
Butts finished with 11 points and 11 rebounds in Tennessee’s win against LSU.
Welcome to Georgetown, Coach Butts! #HoyaSaxa | #Hoyas
Butts starred on the court at Tennessee from 2000 to 2004 -- playing forward for Pat Summit ... before she was picked by the Minnesota Lynx in the second round of the 2004 WNBA Draft.
She eventually got into coaching following her one season in the league, beginning as an assistant with Duquesne in 2007. She later coached for LSU and UCLA, before landing a promotion to the associate head coach role at Georgia Tech in 2021.
She found a ton of success as the leader of the Yellow Jackets, this despite being diagnosed with breast cancer during the 2021 season ... and in April, she was named Georgetown's head coach.
She stepped away from the team last month, however, to continue her fight with cancer.
"When I met Tasha, I knew she was a winner on the court, and an incredible person whose drive, passion and determination was second to none," Georgetown AD Lee Reed said. "She exhibited these qualities both as a leader and in her fight against breast cancer. This is a difficult time for the entire Georgetown community, and we will come together to honor her memory."
The school announced Darnell Haney will be the interim head coach for this upcoming season. It also said Monday it and the Big East will continue to raise funds and breast cancer awareness through her "Tasha Tough" initiative.