Israeli Hostage 21-Yr-Old Mia Schem Dancing at Festival ... Mom Posts Vid, Pleads for Her Return

Mia Schem's mother is doing everything she can to humanize the 21-year-old captured by Hamas -- sharing video of her daughter happy and dancing moments before she was taken.


Keren Schem -- who calls her daughter a "warrior" -- released videos Mia's family has gathered since that horrific day.


It shows Mia smiling, partying with friends and dancing at the Supernova Festival. Keren says Mia "only went to a party, to a festival party to have some fun, and now she's in Gaza."

Hamas released a disturbing video on Monday of Mia getting medical treatment for what looks like very serious injuries, and speaking on camera ... claiming she's fine and pleading with the Israeli government to get her out of Gaza ASAP.


On Tuesday, Keren held a news conference where she begged "the world to bring my baby back home." She called out Hamas for committing a "crime against humanity.

She says she called her daughter's phone for hours on end after Hamas terrorists stormed the festival and killed at least 260 innocent concertgoers and took about another 200 people hostage.

Since the attack, Israel has responded to the attack by bombing Hamas hideouts in Gaza. The fear for the families of the hostages is that Hamas will use their loved ones as shields when and if Israel launches a ground offensive to eradicate the terrorists ... as it's vowed to do.

Hadid Family Everyone Receiving Death Threats ... Over Palestine Support

The Hadids are receiving death threats over their support for Palestine -- and it's gotten so bad they've been forced to take action ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us ... every member in the Hadid household -- including Gigi, Bella, Anwar and even their parents, Mohamed and Yolanda -- have gotten ominous messages that have made them fear for their lives.

We're told these death threats are coming through multiple mediums ... including emails, social media and even their own cell phones.

Our sources tell us phone numbers of several Hadid family members have been leaked online over the past week -- in other words, they've been doxxed -- and they've had random people hitting them up with horrific sentiments ... including graphic descriptions of how they would carry out the Hadids' executions.

It's forced the hand of the Hadids, whom we're told have all had to change numbers to avoid the ongoing threats. It's gotten so bad, our sources say Mohamed -- the patriarch -- is considering going to the FBI.

Gigi broke her silence in the wake of the Hamas attack -- which came across as measured and nuanced, but her latest remarks have drawn the ire of Israel itself.


That disgust appears to have manifested into blind hatred ... and it's having real-world effects on the family.

Other members of the family have yet to address the Israel-Palestine issue publicly.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Cornell Professor Hamas Attack Was 'Exhilarating,' 'Energizing' ... Pro-Palestine Rally Remarks


A Cornell University professor is in hot water for calling the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel "exhilarating" and "energizing" -- his words, and the crowd's reaction to them, are downright ugly.

Russell Rickford -- who's an associate professor of history there at the Upstate NY Ivy League school -- made the inflammatory remarks over the weekend at a pro-Palestine rally ... which were also caught on camera and circulated on social media.

Cropped versions of this clip have been making the rounds, but even in its full context ... what Rickford says here is pretty despicable. Take a look for yourself -- he starts by saying that Palestinians have been living in oppression for a long time, and that what Hamas carried out two weeks ago (an outright onslaught of innocents) gave them renewed hope.

He says the Hamas attack allowed the Palestinian people a chance to finally breathe -- and makes the bold claim that by doing what they did ... they've "shifted the balance of power."

Bottom line ... this all amounts to a justification for the terrorism, and it sounds like most of the crowd that was on hand was backing him -- chanting "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." Of course, his remarks have also drawn outrage on the other side.

Amid the outcry ... Cornell has yet to respond, nor has Rickford himself. Many are calling for his job ... but it's unclear if anything's going to happen on that front.

On the opposite coast, however, a different professor from a separate prestigious school is singing a different tune on this issue -- UC Berkeley law professor Steven Solomon is now calling for students who preach Professor Rickford’s brand of discrimination to be blacklisted.

He wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal arguing as much ... saying that law firms should not hire Berkeley grads who've spewed "hate, dehumanization or anti-Semitism toward Jews" --  which he says some of his Berkeley students have been doing.

He writes, in part ... "My students are largely engaged and well-prepared, and I regularly recommend them to legal employers. But, if you don’t want to hire people who advocate hate and practice discrimination, don’t hire some of my students." He goes on to state that it is the "duty" of law firms to reject job applicants "if they support discriminatory bylaws or other acts and resolutions blaming Jews and Israelis for the Hamas massacre."

Correction (10/18/23): A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that Professor Solomon's proposed blacklist extended to those who support Palestine or echo pro-Palestine sentiments. Professor Solomon's op-ed referred only to those who endorse hate and discrimination, or who blame Jews and Israelis for the Hamas massacre.


Los Hadid están recibiendo amenazas de muerte por su apoyo a Palestina. Las cosas han llegado al punto de verse en la necesidad de tomar medidas, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que todos los miembros de la casa Hadid, incluyendo a Gigi, Bella, Anwar e incluso sus padres, Mohamed y Yolanda, han recibido mensajes siniestros que les han hecho temer por sus vidas.

Nos dicen que estas amenazas de muerte están llegando a través de múltiples medios, tales como correos electrónicos, redes sociales e incluso sus propios teléfonos móviles personales.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que los números de varios miembros de la familia Hadid se han filtrado en línea durante la semana pasada y han tenido personas al azar golpeándolos con palabras horribles, incluyendo descripciones gráficas de cómo estos locos anónimos aparentemente llevarían a cabo las ejecuciones de los Hadid.

De hecho, es bastante aterrador escuchar esto, y como resultado, los Hadids han tenido que tomar medidas. Nos informan que todos han tenido que cambiar los números para evitar las amenazas. De hecho, la situación ha empeorado tanto que, según nuestras fuentes, Mohamed —el patriarca— está planteando denunciar todo esto al FBI. Está claro que se lo están tomando en serio.

No hace falta decir que los Hadid fueron los primeros de la mente de mucha gente cuando este conflicto entre Israel y Palestina se intensificó la semana pasada, ya que todos han sido muy abiertos respecto a su apoyo a Palestina debido a que la familia tiene raíces allí.

Gigi rompió su silencio a raíz del ataque de Hamás —que se presentó como medido y matizado— pero desde entonces, sus últimas declaraciones han provocado la ira de Israel.

poniendo la vista en gigi

Ese disgusto parece haberse manifestado en odio ciego para algunos y está teniendo efectos en la familia.

Los otros miembros de la familia aún no han abordado la cuestión de Israel/Palestina públicamente.

Israeli Hostage Hamas Releases Eerie Video 21-Year-Old with Serious Injuries After Abduction


Hamas terrorists have released footage of a hostage who was kidnapped amid the Israel attacks ... showing the young girl receiving medical care while asking to be returned home.

21-year-old Mia Schem is seen with her arm bandaged up in the clip posted on Hamas' Telegram channel Monday. She then addressed the camera directly, saying her hand was injured, but underwent surgery by Hamas at a hospital in Gaza.

She claims Hamas has been taking care of her after being taken hostage, allegedly getting medicine from them, too. She says everything is fine, and is asking the terrorists to send her home as soon as possible.

People online haven't been that quick to take Shem's words as truth, by the way ... some have pointed out her speech felt off, and she may have been forced by her captors to claim she was doing alright for the clip.

Shem's mother has been searching for her missing daughter since being abducted last week -- asking online for anyone with the means of being able to search for her kid to do so ... but hadn't heard any info after all this time.

It's also unclear exactly when Schem's video was filmed.



Un profesor de la Universidad de Cornell se ha metido en un buen lío por calificar el ataque terrorista de Hamás contra Israel de "estimulante" y "energizante", y con razón, porque son comentarios bastante fuera de lugar.

Russell Rickford  —que es un profesor de historia en la Ivy League de Nueva York— hizo los desafortunados comentarios durante el fin de semana en una manifestación pro Palestina que también fueron capturados en cámara y circularon en redes sociales.

Versiones editadas de este clip han estado circulando, pero incluso en su contexto completo, lo que Rickford dice es bastante despreciable. Comienza diciendo que los palestinos han vivido oprimidos durante mucho tiempo y que lo que Hamás llevó a cabo hace dos semanas (un ataque descarado contra inocentes) les dio nuevas esperanzas.

Dice que el ataque de Hamás permitió al pueblo palestino respirar por fin, y hace la audaz afirmación de que al hacer lo que hicieron, han "cambiado el equilibrio de poder".

En resumidas cuentas, todo esto equivale a una justificación del terrorismo, y parece que la mayoría de la multitud que estaba presente le apoyaba, coreando "Del río al mar, Palestina será libre". Por supuesto, sus comentarios también han provocado la indignación del otro bando.

En medio de la protesta, Cornell aún no ha respondido, ni el propio Rickford. Muchos están pidiendo que sea despedido de su trabajo.

Por otra parte, otro profesor de una prestigiosa escuela va por el lado contrario. El profesor de derecho de la Universidad de Berkeley Steven Solomon, está pidiendo que los estudiantes que hablan y apoyan a Palestina y condenan a Israel deben estar en la lista negra.

Escribió un artículo de opinión en el Wall Street Journal argumentando lo mismo, diciendo que los bufetes de abogados no deben contratar a graduados de Berkeley que han vomitado odio hacia los Judios, que es como parece interpretar los sentimientos pro Palestina y que algunos estudiantes de Berkeley ya han manifestado.

Él escribe: "Mis estudiantes son en gran medida comprometidos y bien preparados y regularmente los recomiendo a los empleadores legales. Pero, si no quieren contratar a personas que abogan por el odio y practican la discriminación, no contraten a algunos de mis estudiantes."

El debate continúa, igual que la guerra.



Los terroristas de Hamás han difundido imágenes de una rehén secuestrada en medio de los ataques a Israel en las que se ve a la joven recibiendo atención médica mientras pide que la devuelvan a casa.

Mia Shem, de 21 años, aparece con el brazo vendado en el video publicado el lunes en el canal Telegram de Hamás. A continuación, se dirige directamente a la cámara diciendo que su mano estaba herida pero que fue operada por Hamás en un hospital de Gaza.

Afirma que Hamás ha estado cuidando de ella después de ser tomada como rehén y que supuestamente también le han suministrado medicamentos. Dice que todo está bien y le pide a los terroristas que la envíen a casa lo antes posible.

La gente en línea ha sido precavida con las palabras de Shem. Algunos han señalado que su discurso se sentía "apagado", posiblemente estuvo obligada por sus captores a afirmar que estaba bien para el video.

La madre de Shem ha estado buscando a su hija desde que fue secuestrada la semana pasada, pidiéndole en línea a cualquier persona que tenga información o la facultad de encontrarla por ayuda, pero no ha tenido suerte en todo este tiempo.

Tampoco está claro cuándo se grabó exactamente el video de Shem.


Tyler Perry viene en ayuda de una mujer de 93 años de edad en riesgo de perder la casa de Carolina del Sur de la cual su familia ha sido propietaria desde la época de la Guerra Civil, mediante la compra de una nueva casa.

Fuentes directas nos informan que el actor/director de cine le está construyendo a Josephine Wright una casa de 5 dormitorios en Carolina del Sur para reemplazar la que está viviendo con sus nietos, que también está en el centro de una disputa de tierras.

Nos han dicho que el equipo de construcción de Tyler empezará a construir la casa en las próximas semanas, una vez que todos los permisos estén en regla.

Como hemos informado, Tyler prometió darle su apoyo a Josephine en julio, cuando se enteró de su guerra legal con el Bailey Point Investment Group. Bailey Point al parecer quiere comprar la tierra de Wright en Hilton Head, pero ella no quiere renunciar a ella porque ha sido en su familia durante generaciones. Fue entonces cuando la empresa presentó una demanda para tomar el control de su propiedad.

Wright le dijo al medio de noticias, WSAV-TV, cómo BP obtuvo la aprobación de la ciudad para desarrollar 29 acres de tierra detrás de su casa y dice que rechazó una oferta para comprar la propiedad. Una vez que Wright se negó, afirmó que BP comenzó a acosarla, lo que llevó a una demanda para arrebatarle la propiedad que, según ella, ha pertenecido a su familia desde la época de la Guerra Civil.

Uno de los nietos de Josephine organizó un GoFundMe para ayudar a pagar sus honorarios legales y una actualización de septiembre en la página dice que un árbol cayó sobre la casa y abrió 2 agujeros en el techo.

Ahora, Josephine está recibiendo un nuevo lugar por completo cortesía de Tyler.

Tyler Perry Building New Home For 93-Year-Old Pushed Out By Developers

Tyler Perry is coming to the aid of a 93-year-old woman at risk of losing the South Carolina home her family has owned since the Civil War era ... by buying her a new home.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ … the actor/filmmaker is building Josephine Wright a 5-bedroom home in South Carolina to replace the one she's living in with her grandkids, which is also at the center of a bitter land dispute.

We're told Tyler's construction crew will break ground on the home in the coming weeks, once all the permits are squared away.

As we reported ... Tyler pledged his support to Josephine back in July, when he caught wind of her legal war with the Bailey Point Investment Group. Bailey Point reportedly wants to buy Wright's land in Hilton Head, but she doesn't want to give it up because it's been in her family for generations ... BP then filed suit to seize control of her property.

Wright told news outlet, WSAV-TV, how BP got approval from the town to develop 29 acres of land behind her home ... and says she turned down an offer to buy her home. Once Wright declined, she claimed BP started harassing her, leading to a lawsuit to rip away the property she says has been in her family since the Civil War era.

One of Josephine's grandkids organized a GoFundMe to help pay for her legal fees ... and a September update on the page says a tree fell on the home and opened 2 holes in the roof.

Now, Josephine's getting a new place altogether ... courtesy of Tyler.

Holocaust Survivor 'Inhuman' Hamas Just Like Nazis ... I Won't Leave Israel!!!


A Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust -- and is currently living in Israel -- is getting terrible flashbacks amid the attacks by Hamas ... a group she calls "inhuman," and horrifyingly reminiscent of the Nazis of her childhood.

90-year-old Lucy Lipiner joined us Monday on "TMZ Live," along with her daughter, Rena Lipiner Katz ... and said she can't even begin to comprehend why Jewish people have been persecuted so frequently for centuries now.

Lucy arrived in NYC from Poland in 1949 when she was 16 years old, having survived the horrors of the Holocaust ... and she lived in the Big Apple up until last month when she moved to Israel to join her daughter and other family members.

Despite the destruction and horror of the Hamas attack of October 7 -- and the subsequent rocket volleys between Israel and Gaza -- Rena tells us why she and her mom are staying put.


We also spoke with Ken Wetcher, another survivor of the Holocaust ... and he echoes Lucy's beliefs that the Hamas attacks hold disturbing similarities to the Nazi party's killings of Jewish people nearly 90 years ago.

Texas State Fair Gunman Opens Fire, Wounding Fairgoers


A man with a gun wreaked havoc at the State Fair of Texas Saturday night, firing shots into the food court, injuring 3 and sending scores of people running for their lives, and you see the panic from above as someone shot video from the Ferris wheel.

The incident occurred just before 8 PM at the Dallas State Fairgrounds. Police received reports of an active shooter.


When they arrived, they found 3 people sustained gunshot wounds. Fortunately, all 3 injuries were non-life threatening.

The entire fair was evacuated and shut down. The video shows the chaos as people scrambled to leave. It's expected to re-open Sunday at 2 PM.

It's unclear if the shooter was targeting his victims. Details are still coming in.

The shooter was apprehended after attempting to flee. No word on his identity. Cops recovered the gun.


varados en la cima

Un hombre armado causó estragos en la Feria Estatal de Texas el sábado por la noche, disparando en el patio de comidas, hiriendo a 3 personas y haciendo que decenas corran por sus vidas. Se ve el pánico desde arriba cuando alguien grabó un video desde la noria.

El incidente se produjo poco antes de las 20:00 horas en el recinto ferial de Dallas. La policía recibió informes de un tirador activo.

pánico total

Cuando llegaron, encontraron a tres personas heridas de bala. Afortunadamente, las tres lesiones no fueron mortales.

Toda la feria fue evacuada y cerrada. El video muestra el caos mientras la gente intentaba del lugar. Se espera que vuelva a abrir el domingo a las 2 de la tarde.

No está claro si el tirador tenía como objetivo a sus víctimas. Los detalles siguen llegando.

El tirador fue detenido después de intentar huir. No se sabe nada de su identidad. La policía recuperó el arma.

Video Inquietante DIPLOMÁTICO ISRAELÍ APUÑALADO EN CHINA… El presunto agresor del cuchillo escapa cojeando


El creciente conflicto en Medio Oriente parece haberse extendido a China, como lo demuestra un escalofriante video en el que un atacante armado con un cuchillo apuñala a un trabajador de la Embajada de Israel a plena luz del día.

El frenético ataque tuvo lugar en una acera de Pekín el viernes, después de que el exlíder de Hamás ordenara un 'Día de la Yihad' global, instando a todos los musulmanes a mostrar su apoyo a los palestinos, bajo el liderazgo de terroristas de Hamás, en su lucha contra Israel.

Mira este video obtenido del South China Morning Post… el diplomático israelí se retuerce en el suelo tratando de defenderse del maniático, quien lo apuñala salvajemente con un cuchillo. El sospechoso se levanta entorpecido y apuñala nuevamente al diplomático en el pecho. Puedes escuchar al hombre herido gritar, '¿Por qué, por qué?'

Posteriormente, el atacante se aleja cojeando, con una lesión en la pierna que ha ensangrentado sus pantalones. El video se corta mientras huye. Aún no está claro si fue arrestado.

En cuanto al diplomático, fue trasladado de urgencia a un hospital local, donde se informó que se encontraba en condición estable. La gravedad de sus heridas no se ha revelado.

Mientras tanto, las autoridades militares israelíes emitieron una advertencia a los palestinos para que abandonen la Franja de Gaza, gobernada por Hamás, mientras continúan lanzando bombas en la zona.

El Primer Ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu declaró la guerra contra Hamás después de que el grupo terrorista lanzara un ataque sorpresa, cobrándose la vida de más de 1300 hombres, mujeres y niños judíos.

Israeli Teenage Girl Mom Distracted Her With Taylor Swift Concert ... When Hiding From Hamas

An Israeli teen girl and her family hid from Hamas terrorists for hours on end ... and her mom kept her mind distracted by focusing on an upcoming Taylor Swift concert.


13-year-old Renana Botzer Swissa told CBS News she rushed into her family' safe room Saturday with her parents and grandmother as Hamas aggressors raided the settlement of Kfar Aza -- near the Gaza border.

Swissa says her mom, Ilanit, used Taylor as a means of distracting her teenage daughter from the potentially fatal possibilities that could arise if they were found ... telling Swissa to think about the Europe concert in June as something happy to look forward to.

She says the thought of seeing Taylor live gave her hope that they'd make it out of the unspeakable evil alive, but admits terrible thoughts were still looming over her -- including worries that she'd be kidnapped, raped, or even killed.

Swissa also made a promise to her mom, saying she'd let her give her kisses if they survived ... this after she apparently had been playfully getting annoyed by all the smooches she'd been given.

Since making it out of the safe room alive 16 hours later, Ilanit says she's been giving her daughter nothing but kisses.

As you know, the destruction has continued to intensify in the Middle East since Hamas first attacked Israel on Saturday -- the current total death count is reportedly over 3,000, which includes 27 Americans.

Disturbing Video Israeli Diplomat Stabbed In China ... Knife Suspect Limps Away


The growing conflict in the Middle East seems to have spread to China as terrifying video emerged of a knife-wielding assailant stabbing an Israeli Embassy worker outside in broad daylight.

The frenzied attack unfolded on a Beijing sidewalk Friday after Hamas' ex-leader ordered a global 'Day of Jihad,' calling on all Muslims to show support for Palestinians -- under the leadership of Hamas terrorists -- in their fight against Israel.

Check out this footage, obtained by the South China Morning Post ... the Israeli diplomat is rolling around on the ground trying to fend off the maniac, who is wildly stabbing him with the knife. The suspect clumsily gets to his feet and again stabs the diplomat in the chest. You can hear the victim scream, "Why, Why?"

After that, the attacker limps away, nursing an injury to his leg that has bled through his pants. The video cuts off as he's fleeing. It's not clear if he was arrested.

As for the diplomat, he was rushed to a local hospital, where he was listed in stable condition. The extent of his injuries was not disclosed.

Meanwhile, Israeli military officials issued a warning to Palestinians to leave the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, while continuing to drop bombs in the area.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war on Hamas after the terrorist group launched a sneak attack, killing more than 1300 Jewish men, women and children.

NYT's Kashmir Hill AI Firm Already Has Your Face & Data ... Push Back Or Kiss Privacy Goodbye!!!


Pairing facial recognition with AI is a dream come true for law enforcement, but it could also be a nightmare for privacy as we know it -- which is why an author says it might be time to pump the brakes on the technology.

Kashmir Hill, a New York Times tech reporter, joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live" to tell us about the facial recognition databases lurking in the shadows, how the technology works and what its implications are for the future.

Google and Facebook first developed facial recognition tech in early 2017, but Silicon Valley's major players didn't dare unleash it on the public ... though Kashmir says another company, Clearview AI, picked up the baton and pushed the boundaries.

Kashmir wrote a book about the topic, "Your Face Belongs to Us: A Secretive Startup's Quest," and she says Clearview AI's database scraped the internet for photos of human faces -- without consent -- amassing 30 billion images and counting. Those numbers make it likely your face is already in their database.

There are some practical, and good, uses right now -- the tech is being used to solve crimes, and it was recently used to identify folks who stormed the Capitol during the Jan. 6 insurrection.

However, Kashmir paints a picture of a dystopian future where the tech completely strips away privacy for everyone ... which, for example, could make for some embarrassing trips to the pharmacy.

It's not all doom and gloom, she explains why society doesn't have to lay down and let facial recognition tech change our lives for the worse.