Imágenes del atentado de Hamás Terroristas armados entran en un Kibutz Disparan mortalmente...

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Emboscada en un Kibutz

Terroristas de Hamás completamente armados fueron capturados por una cámara conduciendo sus motocicletas y luego disparando hacia un vehículo en un pueblo israelí, que causó la muerte de todos los que estaban dentro.

Un nuevo video de vigilancia muestra a los terroristas empuñando ametralladoras mientras se dirigen al kibutz de Be'eri para asesinar y decapitar indiscriminadamente a más de 100 civiles judíos, incluidos bebés.

Las imágenes obtenidas por CNN, fueron grabadas después de que los terroristas atravesaran las barreras que separan la Franja de Gaza, gobernada por Hamás, de Israel, durante el ataque sorpresa del sábado por la mañana contra el Estado judío.

Otro video muestra que tras su llegada al kibutz, dos militantes de Hamás intentan pasar por debajo de una verja de seguridad para entrar.

Al no conseguirlo, se meten en una cabina de seguridad a la espera de que alguien venga a abrir la verja.

Pronto llega un carro con varias personas dentro. Los terroristas saltan y rocían a los ocupantes con balas, matándolos.

Mientras tanto, Israel ha estado llevando a cabo ataques aéreos en la Franja de Gaza después de declarar la guerra a Hamás tras el devastador ataque del sábado.

El balance de víctimas es asombroso: más de 1.200 muertos en Israel y 950 en Gaza, donde viven los palestinos.

El Presidente Joe Biden confirmó que al menos 14 estadounidenses habían sido asesinados en los combates, mientras que otros permanecían cautivos, aunque se desconoce el número exacto.

Gigi Hadid Condemns the Murders in Israel ... It's Not Part of the Free Palestine Movement

Gigi Hadid is breaking her silence on the slaughter in Israel ... condemning the murder of "innocent people" ... while pledging her ongoing support for Palestine.

The supermodel shared her thoughts on Tuesday, saying she has "deep empathy and heartbreak for the Palestinian struggle and life under occupation," while underscoring "a responsibility to my Jewish friends to make it clear, as I have before: While I have hopes and dreams for Palestinians, none of them include the harm of a Jewish person."

Gigi, who is of Palestinian descent, goes on to say "The terrorizing of innocent people is not in alignment with & does not do any good for the 'Free Palestine' movement." She goes on to say, "The idea that it does has fueled a painful, decades-long cycle of back&forth retaliation."


She bristles at "the false idea" that being Pro-Palestine is antisemitic.

She ends the post, saying, "every human deserves basic rights, treatment and security; no matter their nationality, religion, ethnicity or where they were born."

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Twitter/@theswtd, Instagram/@bellahadid

Gigi and her sister, Bella, have been criticized for sharing their anti-Israeli thoughts online -- especially in a 2021 post that claimed Israel wasn't a country, but instead a colonized land.

Bella has yet to speak out about the fight in the Middle East, but as you know, many stars have already shown support since Saturday's attack -- most in favor of Israel.

Titan Sub More Wreckage & Human Remains Found Months After Implosion

The remaining chunks from the Titan sub are still being picked up from the ocean floor, even months after it imploded and killed all passengers aboard.

More material from the tragedy was recovered last week, but just got announced Tuesday by the U.S. Coast Guard -- which says their marine safety engineers have scooped additional pieces of the submersible from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

As far as what exactly they recovered ... the sub's titanium endcap, among other unidentified parts. The Coast Guard says it also found more "presumed human remains." The remains are going to be transported for further analysis.

This marks the second plunge the U.S. Coast Guard has undertaken ... the first was done way back in June, when the 5 people inside were confirmed to have perished. During that initial outing, much of the submersible was found ... and it looked awfully crumpled.

Remember, the whole point of the mission -- through private company, OceanGate -- was to take tourists down to see the famous sunken ship. While it had completed successful dives in the past ... this one proved to be ill-fated and deadly.

OceanGate's CEO, Stockton Rush, was among those onboard. The other passengers who died included Paul Henri-Nargeolet, Hamish Hardin, Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman.

It's unclear if any more voyages are going to happen to look for any outstanding pieces of wreckage -- but at some point ... the Coast Guard is expected to hold a press conference to address all their findings.

Gigi Hadid Condena los asesinatos en Israel ... No es parte del movimiento Palestina libre

Gigi Hadid se refirió por primera vez a la matanza en Israel, condenando el asesinato de "personas inocentes", al mismo tiempo que prometió su apoyo constante a Palestina.

La supermodelo compartió sus pensamientos el martes, diciendo que siente una "profunda empatía y desgarro por la lucha palestina y la vida bajo la ocupación", y al mismo tiempo "una responsabilidad con sus amigos judíos" para dejar en claro, como lo ha hecho antes, que aunque tiene "esperanzas y sueños para los palestinos, ninguno de ellos incluye el daño a una persona judía".

Gigi, que es de ascendencia palestina, continúa diciendo: "El aterrorizar a personas inocentes no está alineado y no hace ningún bien al movimiento "Palestina Libre". Y añade: "Pensar que sí lo hace ha alimentado un doloroso ciclo de décadas de represalias de ida y vuelta".

Le eriza la piel "la falsa idea" de que estar a favor de Palestina es antisemita.

Luego termina el post, diciendo, "todos los seres humanos merecen derechos básicos, tratamiento y seguridad; no importa su nacionalidad, religión, etnia o donde nacieron".

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mostrando su solidaridad
Twitter/@theswtd, Instagram/@bellahadid

Gigi y su hermana Bella han sido criticadas por compartir sus pensamientos anti-israelíes, especialmente en un post de 2021 que afirmaba que Israel no era un país, sino una tierra colonizada.

Bella aún no se ha pronunciado sobre la lucha en Medio Oriente, pero como saben, muchas estrellas ya han mostrado su apoyo desde el ataque del sábado, la mayoría a favor de Israel.

104-Year-Old Dorothy Hoffner Dies Days After Skydiving ... Set World Record Last Wk

Dorothy Hoffner, the 104-year-old Chicago woman who set the record for the oldest tandem skydive, died in her sleep just days after the monumental jump.

Hoffner made worldwide news just 10 days ago on October 1, when she became the oldest living person to jump out of a plane ... when she went skydiving at Skydive Chicago.

The record is still being confirmed by Guinness, but Dorothy toppled the previous record held by a 103-year-old Swedish woman who jumped in 2022.


As far as the timing, it appears to be nothing more than a coincidence. Dorothy died in her sleep.

In fact, Hoffner was over the moon after the jump, telling local media ... “Skydiving is a wonderful experience, and it’s nothing to be afraid of. Just do it!”

Skydive Chicago even released a statement on Dorothy's passing ... and they believe there's a lesson to be learned here about living.

“We are deeply saddened by Dorothy’s passing, and feel honored to have been part of making her world record skydive a reality,” the company said.

“Skydiving is an activity that many of us safely tuck away in our bucket lists. But Dorothy reminds us that it’s never too late to take the thrill of a lifetime.”


crímenes terribles

Hay noticias de bebés asesinados en medio del caos en Israel, incluidas descripciones gráficas de terroristas de Hamás que entran y decapitan bebés.

Nicole Zedek, de i24News, realizó un reportaje en directo esta semana junto a soldados israelíes cerca de la frontera de Gaza y ha informado que se han encontrado bebés muertos.

Los soldados han revisado los hogares de las personas atacadas durante el fin de semana y dicen que se han encontrado pruebas de infanticidio... incluyendo decapitaciones.

Algunas imágenes que muestran las aparentes secuelas de estos brutales asesinatos también están apareciendo en línea y parecen mostrar exactamente lo que i24News informa. Se puede ver la sangre salpicada en cunas y habitaciones de los bebés dentro de las casas residenciales.

Hay fotos adicionales que muestran sillas de coches cubiertas de sangre; una prueba más de que los más pequeños no se han librado de esta ofensiva de Hamás. El horror ha quedado claro en las imágenes. Hay otro viral que muestra cómo le disparan a un perro en un campo habierto.

No está demás decir que estos avistamientos son profundamente perturbadores y una prueba más del horror que están viviendo las víctimas de la guerra.

En medio de las represalias contra Gaza, incluidos los bombardeos en curso, hay un video viral que muestra el cuerpo de un bebé siendo rescatado de entre los escombros.

de entre los escombros

No se ve un final en el futuro cercano y la destrucción sigue aumentando día a día.

Hasta el momento, Israel estima que más de 1.000 de sus civiles han muerto. En el otro lado, funcionarios palestinos dicen que al menos 830 han muerto sumando un sinnúmero de heridos entre ambas partes.

Israel Reports of Hamas Beheading Babies


There are reports of babies being killed amid the chaos in Israel -- including graphic descriptions of Hamas terrorists going in and beheading infants.

One particular news story is making rounds -- coming from i24News's Nicole Zedek, who did a live shot this week alongside Israeli soldiers near the Gaza border ... and she says different military members have told her about dead babies being found in the aftermath.

As these soldiers have gone through the homes of people attacked over the weekend, they're now saying they're finding evidence of infanticide ... including beheadings.

Some images showing the apparent aftermath of these brutal killings are also surfacing online -- and they seem to show exactly what i24News is talking about ... namely, blood splattered across cribs and baby rooms inside of residential homes.

There are extra photos that show car seats covered in blood as well ... further proving that little ones have not been spared in this offensive from Hamas. That much has been clear in additional footage as well -- including one viral clip showing a dog being shot in a yard.

It goes without saying ... these sightings are deeply disturbing -- and just further evidence speaking to the sheer ugliness and horror of what's happening on the ground there.

BTW, young lives are being taken on both sides now -- amid retaliation on Gaza, including ongoing bombings, there's a viral video showing a baby's body being lifted from the rubble.


There's no end in sight at this point ... and the destruction continues to mount day by day.

Thus far, Israel estimates over 1,000 of its civilians have been killed. Across the way, Palestinian officials say at least 830 are dead -- and countless are injured between both parties.

Israel Festivalgoer Shani Louk Mom Says She's Still Alive ... After Video Showed Naked Body Paraded By Hamas

Israel festivalgoer Shani Louk is alive, according to her mother ... this after her naked body was paraded through the streets and spat on by Hamas terrorists.

Louk's mother, Ricarda, said Tuesday that her family has received information that claims the 22-year-old is alive -- citing unnamed Palestinian sources as the origin of the info.

She told German news outlets that her daughter is currently in a Gaza hospital with serious head injuries ... and is asking the German government to act quickly to get her out of the conflict zone, adding "Every minute counts."

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As we reported, Ricarda was pleading for anyone with information about her daughter to come forward ... after seeing the brutal video of Louk's naked body being paraded and spat on in the back of a Hamas pickup truck.

Ricarda was holding out hope for Louk, however -- claiming her daughter appeared to be unconscious in the clip, not dead. She did confirm that it was Louk in the video, saying she identified her by her tattoos and dreadlocks.

Remember, Louk was at the Tribe of Nova music festival close to the Gaza Strip on Saturday when Hamas attackers swarmed the event ... massacring those in the crowd and taking people like Louk hostage.

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Video showed Louk smiling and dancing at the festival -- not long before Hamas started the gruesome takeover.

Pro-Palestine Protest Australian Supporters Gather At Opera House ... Chanting 'Gas The Jews'


A pro-Palestinian protest in Australia had 1,000 supporters take to the Sydney Opera House ... chanting antisemitic slogans towards those in Israel like "Gas the Jews."

The crowd marched through downtown Sydney Monday evening, heading to the steps of the world-famous theater -- which Australian officials had lit the colors of the Israeli flag after the country was first attacked by Hamas terrorists on Saturday.

Anti-Semitic chants were heard throughout the protest -- apart from "Gas the Jews," they were also chanting "F*** the Jews" while flying Palestinian flags.

The group lit flares in the middle of the crowd and even appeared to throw what looked like a smoke grenade toward officers stationed on the Opera House steps.

Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese called Monday's protest "horrific," adding, "I understand that people have deep views about issues relating to the Middle East conflict but here in Australia we have to deal with political discourse in a respectful way."


New South Wales police said Tuesday the footage is being investigated to determine if any crimes were committed.

As you know, Israel and Palestine have both been on the offensive since Saturday's attack on Israel by Hamas -- with reportedly over 900 Israelis and nearly 700 Palestinians killed in the days since the destruction began.

Israeli Hostage Stalled & Distracted Hamas Terrorists ... Long Enough to Survive


An Israeli woman was able to stave off her murder at the hands of Hamas terrorists by killing them with kindness ... quite literally.

Rachel Edri is being hailed as a hero across Israel right now because of this harrowing story she recently recounted about being taken hostage by 5 Hamas members on Saturday morning ... when the surprise attack against her country was carried out.

She and her husband, who live in Ofakim, were held at gunpoint after the Hamas members stormed their home -- but she was able to keep them at bay for about 15 hours due to her incredible hospitality ... something she dished out as a way to distract the intruders.

You see ... one of Rachel's kids was a cop, and once he caught wind of his parents' situation -- he rounded up other officers and, while negotiating with the terrorists, scoped out the place to find a way to rescue his family. In the meantime, Mama Bear was playing a good host ... feeding the Hamas guys while also trying to chat them up with banter and conversation, all in an effort to stall.

Rachel, who's a grandmother, says she served coffee and cookies during the standoff, and apparently, it worked -- because when her son and the other officers eventually stormed the place, the terrorists were all stuffing their faces and weren't able to fire back. They were all killed on sight.

Grandma Rachel and her husband ended up surviving the ordeal ... and now, she's become meme fodder for Israelis looking for any good news in this terrible situation. Quite a story, indeed.

New Dash Cam Footage Hamas Lunatics Fatally Shoot Victim In Ditch ... Violently Kidnap Others


More nightmarish images have emerged showing the Hamas-led massacre of concertgoers at the Supernova Festival in Israel.

Dash cam video from a car at the event captured footage of the terrorist group carrying out Saturday's sneak attack that left 260 people brutally murdered.

The clip starts with a Hamas militant holding a terrified man from behind with his hands raised and marching him away to an almost certain death.

Another terrorist -- armed with a machine gun -- sees one of the festival attendees hiding in a ditch near the trunk of a second car. He rushes over and pumps bullets into the pit, apparently killing the person.

The video then cuts to several other terrorists yanking a helpless woman from the backseat of the second car and escorting her away.

One of the terrorists then removes luggage from the trunk of a third vehicle and rummages through the bag, throwing clothes on the ground before the clip ends.

As you already know, Hamas terrorists launched a full-scale assault on Israel around dawn Saturday.


The terrorists broke through barriers separating the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip from the Jewish state, putting the festival under siege for hours. They moved on to other parts of Israel, leveling buildings with rockets and going house to house to fatally shoot men, women and children.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promptly declared war against Hamas, and the two sides have been battling each other for days now.

So far, the overall death toll has reached upwards of 1500 with at least 11 Americans slain.

Protesta Pro Palestina Simpatizantes australianos se reúnen en la Ópera Cantan: "Gas a los judíos"

Cánticos antisemitas

Una protesta pro-palestina en Australia reunió a 1.000 simpatizantes en la Casa de la Ópera de Sydney, quienes corearon consignas antisemitas como "gas a los judíos".

La multitud marchó por el centro de Sydney el lunes por la noche hasta las escaleras del teatro. Los funcionarios habían encendido los colores de la bandera israelí después de que el país fuera atacado por primera vez por terroristas de Hamás el sábado.

Durante toda la protesta cantaron consignas antisemitas: además de "gas a los judíos", corearon cosas como "f*** a los judíos" (que se jodan los judíos) mientras ondeaban banderas palestinas.

El grupo encendió bengalas en medio de la multitud e incluso lanzó lo que parecía ser una granada de humo contra los agentes apostados en la escalinata de la Ópera.

El primer ministro australiano Anthony Albanese calificó la protesta de "horrible" y añadió: "Entiendo que la gente tenga opiniones profundas sobre cuestiones relacionadas con el conflicto de Medio Oriente, pero aquí en Australia tenemos que abordar el discurso político de forma respetuosa."

La policía de Nueva Gales del Sur dijo el martes que las imágenes están siendo investigadas para determinar si se cometió algún delito.

Como ustedes saben, Israel y Palestina han estado en la ofensiva desde el ataque de Hamás a Israel el sábado, con más de 900 israelíes y casi 700 palestinos fallecidos desde que comenzó la destrucción.

Nuevas grabaciones Lunáticos de Hamás disparan hasta dar muerte a víctima Secuestran a otros...

Perturbadoras grabaciones

Más imágenes de pesadilla han aparecido en las últimas horas, las que muestran la masacre dirigida por Hamás contra los asistentes a un concierto en el Festival Supernova de Israel.

El video registrado por la cámara de un carro que se encontraba en el evento captó imágenes del grupo terrorista llevando a cabo el furtivo ataque este sábado, que dejó a 260 personas brutalmente asesinadas.

El video comienza cuando un militante de Hamás sujeta por la espalda a un hombre aterrorizado y se lo lleva hacia lo que casi seguramente será su muerte.

Otro terrorista armado con una ametralladora ve a uno de los asistentes al festival escondido en una zanja cerca del maletero de un segundo carro. Luego se acerca corriendo y dispara contra el foso, aparentemente matando a la persona.

A continuación, el video muestra cómo otros terroristas sacan a una mujer indefensa del asiento trasero del segundo carro y se la llevan.

A continuación, uno de los terroristas saca el equipaje del maletero de un tercer vehículo y rebusca en la bolsa, tirando la ropa al suelo antes de que termine el clip.

Como ya saben, el grupo terrorista Hamás lanzó un asalto a gran escala contra Israel en la madrugada del sábado.

Huyendo del festival

Los terroristas rompieron las barreras que separan la Franja de Gaza, gobernada por Hamás, del Estado judío, y sitiaron el festival durante horas. Se desplazaron a otras partes de Israel, arrasando edificios con cohetes y yendo casa por casa para disparar mortalmente a hombres, mujeres y niños.

El Primer Ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, no tardó en declarar la guerra a Hamás y ambos bandos llevan días enfrentándose.

Hasta el momento, el número total de muertos asciende a más de 1.500 y al menos 11 estadounidenses han sido asesinados.


Kylie Jenner está recibiendo apoyo de las organizaciones judías en Estados Unidos por su post pro-Israel en redes sociales y esas mismas organizaciones están destrozando a los que la avergonzaron para que borrara el post.

Este es el asunto; Kylie compartió y luego borró un post de StandWithUs tras el mortal ataque terrorista de Hamás el fin de semana, volviendo a publicar una imagen de la bandera israelí con la leyenda, "Ahora y siempre, estamos con el pueblo de Israel!".

Luego de toneladas de reacciones en los comentarios, Kylie finalmente borró el post de su Instagram.

Roz Rothstein, cofundador y CEO de StandWithUs, le dijo a TMZ que mientras que la organización se complace con la acción de Kylie, "Es una lástima que algunas personas no pueden expresarse con honestidad debido a la intensa presión y la intimidación por parte de simpatizantes de Hamás".

Kylie no fue ni mucho menos la única celebridad que expresó su apoyo a Israel tras el atentado terrorista del 11-S, Gal Gadot, Bono, Sarah Silverman, Jamie Lee Curtis, Amy Schumer, Madonna, Natalie Portman y Mark Hamill también salieron enérgicamente a favor de los israelíes.

Es por eso que la gente del Comité Judío Americano dice que eso es una guerra en toda regla y que es un momento para utilizar a las celebridades para el bien.

El portavoz de AJC Richard Hirschhaut le informa a TMZ que Kylie "hizo lo correcto y actuó con el corazón con su post inicial" y ella "debe ser aplaudida por hablar".

En cambio, el AJC dice que Kylie se convirtió en "un tema de desprecio vicioso y feo" y la organización espera que ella ponga el post de nuevo en su IG porque "el poder de los medios sociales y el poder de la celebridad se necesita desesperadamente en este momento en que Israel está en guerra y bajo el ataque de una organización terrorista que es bárbara, inhumana e inmoral".

horror en israel

Además de Kylie, el AJC hace un llamando a "personas influyentes de todo el mundo para demostrar coraje y aumentar la moral mediante el apoyo a Israel".

La organización judía dice que los terroristas de Hamás están utilizando las redes sociales para mostrar su "absoluta barbarie" y cree que las celebridades con grandes seguidores deben utilizar sus plataformas para contraatacar con mensajes de amor, apoyo y solidaridad con Israel.

En resumen, para el AJC: "Si alguna vez hubo un momento para mostrar a tus seguidores quién eres y qué defiendes, es éste".

Kylie Jenner Jewish Orgs Back Her Pro-Israel Post ... 'Acted With Her Heart'

Kylie Jenner is getting support from Jewish organizations in America for her pro-Israel social media post ... and those same orgs are ripping those who shamed her into deleting that post.

As we've reported, Kylie shared and then deleted a post from StandWithUs on Sunday morning, following the deadly Hamas terrorist attack ... she reposted an image of the Israeli flag with the caption, "Now and always, we stand with the people of Israel!"

But, following tons of backlash in the comments, Kylie pretty quickly 86'd the post.

Roz Rothstein, co-founder and CEO of StandWithUs, tells TMZ ... while the org is pleased Kylie reposted their account in the first place, "It's a shame that some people cannot express themselves honestly because of intense pressure and intimidation by Hamas sympathizers."

Kylie was far from the only celeb expressing support for Israel in the wake of the 9/11-type terrorist attack ... Gal Gadot, Bono, Sarah Silverman, Jamie Lee Curtis, Amy Schumer, Madonna, Natalie Portman and Mark Hamill also came out strong for Israel.

The folks over at the American Jewish Committee say the now full-blown war between Israel and Hamas provides a moment where celebrity can be used for good.

AJC spokesman Richard Hirschhaut tells TMZ  ... Kylie "did the right thing and acted with her heart with her initial post" and she "should be applauded for speaking up and speaking out."

He says the exact opposite happened, as Kylie became "a subject of vicious and ugly scorn" ... but he hopes she puts the post back on her IG, because "the power of social media and the power of celebrity is desperately needed at this moment when Israel is at war and under attack by a terrorist organization that is barbaric, inhumane and immoral."


In addition to Kylie, the AJC is calling for "influencers across the spectrum to demonstrate moral courage and amplify moral clarity by supporting Israel's high moral ground."

The Jewish org says Hamas terrorists are using social media to show their "sheer barbarity" ... and it feels celebs with large followings should use their platforms to push back with messages of love, support and solidarity with Israel.

Bottom line for the AJC ... "If there ever was a moment to show your followers who you are and what you stand for, this is it."

Mia Khalifa Dropped By Playboy ... After Pro-Hamas Tweets

Mia Khalifa has kissed her deal with Playboy goodbye ... the adult entertainment brand dropped her after sharing her controversial thoughts about the Israel-Hamas attacks.

Playboy sent out an email to its subscribers Monday, after Mia expressed her pro-Hamas thoughts online -- the company said, "Mia has made disgusting and reprehensible comments celebrating Hamas’ attacks on Israel and the murder of innocent men, women and children."

It goes on to say the company encourages free speech and expression ... but adds, "We have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech." Playboy says it's terminated its relationship with her, "including deleting Mia’s Playboy channel on our creator platform."

The former porn star-turned-influencer has been scrubbed from the company's Centerfold platform ... her page has been replaced with a simple "Not Found" graphic.

As we reported, Mia caught heat over the weekend, as Israel was being attacked by Hamas terrorists ... writing things like, "Tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal."

Despite the hate she got, Mia doubled down -- writing, "I’d say supporting Palestine has lost me business opportunities, but I’m more angry at myself for not checking whether or not I was entering into business with Zionists."


Sounds like Mia's now putting Playboy in the "Zionist" category, too.

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