Rep. Kevin McCarthy Voted Out as Speaker of House ... First Ever Removal, No Successor Lined Up


4:20 PM PT -- The House of Representatives is closing up shop for a week. Rep. Matt Gaetz says Speaker pro tem Rep. Patrick McHenry told members of Congress to go home until next Tuesday, when anyone who wants to become Speaker can state their case ... and then a vote could happen on Wednesday.


So, it will be at least a full week before we have a new Speaker of the House. Keep in mind, that elected official is normally third in line to the Presidency, after the VP. As it stands, Sen. Patty Murray, the President pro tem of the Senate becomes third in succession ... until there's a new Speaker.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy just got booted from his role as Speaker of the House of Representatives ... after losing a historic vote 216 to 210.

The House voted to ditch the CA Republican from the leadership position Tuesday in D.C. ... with 8 Republicans siding with Democrats and Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz's call to kick him out.

This marks the first time in history a speaker has been ousted from their post in the middle of their term. It's also the first time the House took the floor for a vote that challenged the Speaker since 1910.

One person who was absent from Tuesday's voting was former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi ... who was in San Francisco mourning the death of former Senator Dianne Feinstein.

The House vote came after Gaetz filed the motion to have McCarthy removed as Speaker.

Of course, Gaetz has been threatening to bring the hammer down for a while, because he was upset with McCarthy for working with the Dems to avoid a government shutdown.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries said Democrats will "continue to put people over politics. We are ready to find bipartisan common ground."

Gaetz spoke out before the crucial vote, saying, “Chaos is Speaker McCarthy. Chaos is somebody who we cannot trust with their word.”

Allies of McCarthy, like Rep. Tom Emmer, told his colleagues, "Now it’s time to stand together stronger than ever so we can get back to the work our majority was elected to do. I’m proud to support the speaker.”

For the time being, Rep. Patrick McHenry, a Republican from NC, takes over as Speaker Pro Tempore.

McHenry was on the list of Congress members McCarthy was required to provide in the case of his vacancy. It's unclear when House members will vote on a new Speaker, or if McCarthy will attempt another run at it.


Kevin McCarthy acaba de ser expulsado de su papel como Presidente de la Cámara de Representantes luego de perder una votación histórica 216 a 210.

La Cámara votó para sacar al republicano de California de la posición de liderazgo el martes en D.C. con 8 republicanos del lado de los demócratas y la llamada de Florida de la Rep. Matt Gaetz para echarlo.

Es la primera vez en la historia que un presidente del Congreso es destituido a mitad de su mandato. También es la primera vez que la Cámara tomó la palabra para una votación que desafió el Presidente desde 1910.

Una persona que estuvo ausente en la votación del martes fue la expresidenta de la Cámara Nancy Pelosi, quien estaba en San Francisco de luto por la muerte de la ex senadora Dianne Feinstein.

La votación en la Cámara se produjo después de que Gaetz presentara la moción para destituir a McCarthy como presidente de la Cámara.

Por supuesto, Gaetz ha estado amenazando con traer el martillo hacia abajo por un tiempo, porque estaba molesto con McCarthy por trabajar con los demócratas para evitar un cierre del gobierno.

El líder de la minoría en la Cámara de Representantes, Hakeem Jeffries, dijo que los demócratas "seguirán poniendo a las personas por encima de la política. Estamos dispuestos a encontrar un terreno común bipartidista".

Gaetz habló antes de la votación crucial, diciendo: "El caos es el presidente McCarthy. El caos es alguien en quien no podemos confiar".

Aliados de McCarthy, como el representante Tom Emmer, le dijeron a sus colegas: "Ahora es el momento de permanecer juntos más fuertes que nunca para que podamos volver al trabajo para el que nuestra mayoría fue elegida. Estoy orgulloso de apoyar al portavoz".

Por el momento, el representante Patrick McHenry —republicano de Carolina del Norte— asume el cargo de Speaker Pro Tempore.

McHenry figuraba en la lista de congresistas que McCarthy debía facilitar en caso de vacante.

Charlotte Sena Abduction Alleged Kidnapper Left Ransom Note ... Child Found in Kitchen Cabinet

The alleged kidnapper of 9-year-old Charlotte Sena made a bonehead move to get caught … leaving a ransom note with his fingerprint on it at the girl’s home.

Craig Nelson Ross Jr. was arrested Monday evening after a 2-day frantic police search for Sena, who was abducted while on a camping trip with her family in upstate New York.

Cops say Sena was biking through Moreau Lake State Park Saturday evening, when she was snatched -- and her cycle was later discovered by authorities, launching the quest to find her.

Investigators caught a huge break early Monday morning when they staked out Sena's house and spotted a man driving up in a car, getting out and stuffing the ransom note into the mailbox.

The man -- suspected to be Ross -- jumped back into his vehicle and drove away.

Officers then retrieved the note from the mailbox and lifted a fingerprint off it. The print was later matched to one already on file for Ross after his 1999 arrest for driving while intoxicated.

Cops then raided Ross's camper in nearby Milton, NY, placing him under arrest and finding Sena in a kitchen cabinet.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced at a press conference Sena was in good health, but was still taken to a hospital to be evaluated.

Ross has been charged with first-degree kidnapping.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Motorcycle Madness Video Shows Biker Chaos In Philly ... Mom, Kids Violently Targeted

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Instagram /@vortex.hz

A gang of motorcycle riders briefly took over downtown Philadelphia this past weekend ... and one pistol-packin' hooligan put a mom and her kids in his violent crosshairs.

Dozens of bikers rolled through "The City of Brotherly Love" Sunday night, stopping traffic and causing a total ruckus.

Check out this video ... which shows all the chaos as it unfolds and the armed troublemaker getting off his bike to climb onto the back of the mom's car.

The young man jumps up and down on the rear windshield, shattering the glass.

As he leaps out of the car, his gun drops to the ground, and he quickly scoops it up as the furious mom exits the driver's seat and confronts him at an intersection.

During their ensuing argument, the mom walks toward him, making him backpedal before he shoves her and headbutts her with his helmet on.

He then straddles his bike, but the mom pushes him over, yet he manages to ride away.

The mom, Nikki Bullock, later told CBS Philadelphia that at the time she was driving for Uber Eats with her kids in the car so she wouldn't have to pay for expensive daycare services. Bullock said her children were terrified and screaming throughout the ordeal.

Philadelphia cops are now searching for the gun-toting suspect.

Motociclista loco Video muestra un caos en Filadelfia Madre y niños violentamente atacados

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Acalorado intercambio
Instagram /@vortex.hz

Un grupo de motociclistas se tomó el centro de Filadelfia el pasado fin de semana y uno de ellos en particular le hizo pasar un muy mal rato a una madre y a sus hijos.

Decenas de motociclistas pasearon por la "La Ciudad del Amor Fraternal" el domingo por la noche, causando detenciones en el tráfico y un alboroto total.

Echa un vistazo a este video que muestra el caos minuto a minuto y al alborotador armado que baja de su bicicleta para subirse a la parte trasera del carro de la madre.

El joven salta sobre el parabrisas trasero y le rompe el cristal.

Al saltar del carro, su pistola cae al suelo. La recoge rápidamente cuando la furiosa madre sale del asiento del conductor y se enfrenta con él en un cruce.

Durante la discusión, la madre camina hacia el motorista, haciéndolo retroceder antes de que él la empuje y le dé un cabezazo con el casco puesto.

A continuación, se sube a su moto. La madre lo empuja, aunque él consigue huir de todas formas.

La mamá, Nikki Bullock, dijo más tarde a CBS Filadelfia que en ese momento estaba conduciendo para Uber Eats con sus hijos en el carro para no tener que pagar por los costosos servicios de guardería. Bullock dijo que sus hijos estaban aterrorizados y que gritaron durante toda la terrible experiencia.

La policía de Filadelfia busca ahora al sospechoso armado.

Niña de 9 años desaparecida Encontrada sana y salva tras temores de secuestro

Charlotte Sena, la niña de 9 años cuya desaparición desató temores de un secuestro, fue encontrada sana y salva y la policía tiene un sospechoso bajo custodia.

La Policía del Estado de Nueva York anunció el lunes que Charlotte fue localizada y que se encuentra en buen estado de salud después de desaparecer el sábado durante un viaje de camping con su familia en el norte del estado de Nueva York.

Charlotte desapareció después de dar un paseo en bicicleta en Moreau Lake State Park. Estuvo paseando por los senderos con sus amigos antes de la cena y nunca regresó. Su madre temía que hubiera sido secuestrada después de que su bicicleta fuera encontrada en uno de los bucles del parque.

Las autoridades iniciaron una búsqueda en el parque, con agencias estatales, federales y locales trabajando juntas. La extensa búsqueda contó con perros policía, barcos, equipos submarinos y aviones no tripulados para tratar de encontrar a Charlotte, con 400 personas rastreando la zona.

Una alerta AMBER salió la noche del domingo y el lunes por la tarde, la Policía Estatal dijo que los investigadores ya no creían que Charlotte aún estuviera en el parque.

No está claro cuándo y dónde se encontró a Charlotte y los funcionarios no han dado a conocer el nombre del sospechoso o qué cargos podría enfrentar.

Por ahora, la policía dice que sigue siendo una investigación activa.

Missing 9-Year-Old Girl Found Safe After Abduction Fears ... Suspect In Custody

Charlotte Sena, the 9-year-old girl whose disappearance sparked fears of an abduction, has been found safe after going missing ... and cops have a suspect in custody.

New York State Police announced Monday that Charlotte was "located and in good health" after vanishing Saturday during a camping trip with her family in upstate New York.

Charlotte disappeared after going on a bike ride in Moreau Lake State Park, hitting the bike trails with her close friends before dinner and never returning. Her mother feared she had been abducted after her bike was found on one of the park's loops.

Law enforcement launched a search of the park ... with state, federal and local agencies working together. The extensive search enlisted police dogs, boats, underwater teams and drones to try and find Charlotte, with 400 people scouring the area.

An AMBER Alert went out Sunday night and by Monday afternoon, State Police said investigators no longer believed Charlotte was still in the park.

It's unclear when and where Charlotte was found ... and officials have not released the name of the suspect, or what charges they could face.

For now, police say it's still an active investigation.

Adolescente muere Al golpear una viga de hormigón en aparcamiento ... Se habría atascado en el techo del carro

Un adolescente canadiense falleció después de ponerse de pie a través del techo de un carro y cruzar a través de un garaje de estacionamiento, trayecto en el que accidentalmente golpeó su cuerpo contra una viga de hormigón.

La Policía de Edmonton respondió a una llamada en el estacionamiento del West Edmonton Mall el jueves por la tarde, después de enterarse sobre las heridas del hombre de 18 años.

Los oficiales dicen que el carro se estaba moviendo bajo una rampa cuando el chico se levantó y se golpeó con la viga. Los paramédicos respondieron para intentar tratarlo, lo llevaron al hospital, pero murió a causa de sus heridas.

Según la policía, el conductor de 17 años de edad, de sexo masculino y un pasajero de 15 años de edad, no resultaron heridos, pero siguen investigando para obtener más detalles.

En este momento, la policía no cree que el exceso de velocidad, las drogas o el alcohol hayan jugado un papel en la colisión fatal.

El West Edmonton Mall ha tenido una mala racha este año. Este es el 2º centro comercial más grande de Norteamérica y fue también escenario de un tiroteo el mes pasado, que dejó a tres personas heridas.

Canadian Teen Dies Hits Concrete Beam in Parking Garage ... Stuck Himself Through Sunroof

A Canadian teenager is dead after standing up through a car sunroof, cruising through a parking garage ... and accidentally slamming his body into a concrete beam.

Edmonton Police responded to a call at the West Edmonton Mall's parking garage Thursday afternoon ... after getting the call about the 18-year-old man's injuries.

EPS says the car was moving under a ramp when the guy stood up and struck the beam. Paramedics responded to treat the guy and rushed him to the hospital, but he died from his injuries.

According to cops, the 17-year-old male driver and a 15-year-old passenger weren't injured -- but cops are still investigating to get more details.

At this point, the police don't think speeding, drugs or alcohol played a role in the fatal collision.

The West Edmonton Mall's had a bad run this year -- the 2nd largest shopping mall in North America was also the scene of a shooting last month, which left 3 people wounded.

Pasajero extraviado de crucero Estaba en libertad condicional cuando desapareció

Kevin McGrath, el pasajero del crucero Carnival que desapareció misteriosamente durante un viaje a las Bahamas, estaba en libertad condicional cuando ocurrió el suceso, lo que añade una nueva arista al caso.

Los problemas legales de McGrath podrían proporcionar otra pista sobre su desaparición el fin de semana del Día del Trabajo, que dio lugar a una búsqueda de la Guardia Costera, que desde entonces ha sido suspendida sin poder encontrarlo.

Según documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, McGrath se declaró culpable de asalto con agravantes en Tennessee en septiembre de 2022. Su esposa dijo que amenazó con matarla a ella y a sus hijos, por lo que terminó siendo condenado a 6 años de libertad condicional supervisada.

Los documentos dicen que McGrath obtuvo un permiso para pasar de Tennessee a Florida, donde vivía con sus padres. El crucero era una celebración del cumpleaños 60 de su padre.

Pero los oficiales a cargo dicen que nunca obtuvo permiso para viajar en el crucero, y que al parecer su oficina de libertad condicional solo se enteró de que estaba a bordo del barco cuando los medios de comunicación informaron que había desaparecido.

Más aún, los documentos dicen que está violando la libertad condicional al no mantener comunicación con su oficial correspondiente. Todos los intentos de ponerse en contacto con él han sido infructuosos desde el crucero y su paradero sigue siendo desconocido.

Los policías también dicen que McGrath debe $241.20 en honorarios de libertad condicional, y no ha hecho ningún pago a la corte.

McGrath desapareció cuando el crucero regresaba a Florida desde las Bahamas. Al parecer, se le vio por última vez la noche del 3 de septiembre. Se utilizó su tarjeta de acceso para entrar en su habitación a las 3:30 de la madrugada del día siguiente. Su familia había acordado desayunar con él, pero este no apareció y luego se denunció su desaparición cuando todos bajaron del barco.

La policía dice que el personal y la seguridad de Carnival buscaron a McGrath por todo el barco y que el sistema de detección de abandono del barco nunca activó la alarma. En resumen: la policía dice que no hay pruebas de que se haya escapado por la borda, aunque tampoco había rastros de él a bordo.

La Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos trajo helicópteros para buscar a McGrath en 3.300 millas náuticas cuadradas, pero no encontró rastros de él y suspendió la búsqueda.

Asimismo, el Servicio de Aduanas y Control de Fronteras de Estados Unidos informó a Carnival de que no se había detectado a McGrath desembarcando del barco en Florida, por lo que el hombre se desvaneció en el aire. Aparentemente, al menos.

Missing Carnival Cruise Passenger On Probation When He Vanished ... Officials Now Skeptical

Kevin McGrath, the missing Carnival cruise passenger who mysteriously disappeared during a Bahamas trip, was on probation at the time ... which adds a whole new wrinkle to the case.

McGrath's legal troubles might provide another clue in his Labor Day weekend disappearance, which led to a Coast Guard search that has since been called off without finding him.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, McGrath pleaded guilty to aggravated assault in Tennessee in September 2022 -- his wife said he threatened to kill her and their kids -- and he ended up getting sentenced to 6 years of supervised probation.

The docs say McGrath got permission to move from Tennessee to Florida, where he was living with his parents ... and the cruise was a celebration for his father's 60th birthday.

But, McGrath's probation officers say he never got permission to go on the cruise, and it appears his probation office only found out he was aboard the ship when the media reported he'd vanished.

What's more, the docs say he's violating probation by failing to maintain communication with his probation officer. All attempts to contact him have been unsuccessful since the cruise, and his whereabouts remain unknown.

The PO also says McGrath is delinquent on $241.20 in probation fees, and he hasn't made any payments toward court fees. He's on probation for

McGrath vanished as the cruise was returning to Florida from the Bahamas. He was apparently last seen the night of Sept. 3 and his keycard was used to enter his room at 3:30 AM the next day. His family had planned to meet for breakfast, but he didn't show up and was reported missing when everyone got off the ship.

Cops say Carnival staff and security scoured the ship for McGrath ... and the ship's overboard detection system never alarmed. Bottom line: Police say there is no evidence he went overboard, and there was no sign of him onboard.

The U.S. Coast Guard brought in helicopters to search 3,300 square nautical miles for McGrath but didn't find a trace and called off the search.

Likewise, U.S. Customs and Border Control reportedly told Carnival McGrath was not detected disembarking the ship in Florida -- so, the guy vanished into thin air. Seemingly, at least.

Iraqi Wedding Tragedy Video Shows Venue Go Up in Flames ... As Guests Run for Cover

New video from inside the horrific fire at a wedding in Iraq shows how quickly the flames spread in only seconds before over 100 people were killed.

The clips show the happy couple dancing inside the Al Haithem wedding hall near the village of Qaraqosh also known as Al-Hamdaniya Tuesday night. A series of sparklers goes off around them, starting the blaze and sending guests into a panic.


Flowers hanging from a massive truss above the couple seem to act as fuel to the flames, going up almost immediately as embers fall to the ground.

After most had evacuated the main room, huge beams -- completely on fire -- crashed to the ground. Footage after the fatal incident shows the intense destruction caused to the building.

The bride and groom reportedly made it out alive, but Reuters says 113 people have been confirmed dead, and another 150 suffered injuries. Iraq's Interior Ministry has allegedly issued arrest warrants for the owners of the wedding hall, with 1 already in cuffs as of Thursday.

Survivors from the wedding fire claim the place wasn't equipped for a disaster like this ... and one woman told the outlet, "This was not a wedding. This was hell," while crying and hitting herself after losing her 27-year-old daughter and 3 grandkids in the fire -- one of whom was just 8 months old.

Grieving family members held a massive gathering outside a morgue in the nearby city of Mosul, crying out in pain.

Tragedia en una boda Video muestra el lugar en llamas ... Un invitado corre para protegerse

Un nuevo video al interior de una boda en Irak muestra la rapidez con que se propagaron las llamas, solo segundos antes de que un horrible incendio matara a más de 100 personas.

Los clips muestran a la feliz pareja bailando dentro del salón de bodas Al Haithem cerca del pueblo de Qaraqosh, también conocido como Al-Hamdaniya, el martes por la noche. A continuación se ve que una serie de bengalas estallan a su alrededor, provocando el incendio y sembrando el pánico entre los invitados.

Completamente en llamas

Las flores que colgaban de un enorme soporte que estaba encima de la pareja parecieron actuar como combustible para el fuego, pues las llamas treparon casi de inmediato.

Después de que la mayoría hubiera evacuado la sala principal, unas enormes vigas, completamente en llamas, se estrellaron contra el suelo. Las imágenes posteriores al fatal incidente muestran la intensa destrucción causada en el edificio.

Aparentemente, los novios salieron con vida, pero Reuters afirma que se ha confirmado la muerte de 113 personas y que otras 150 sufrieron heridas. Al parecer, el Ministerio del Interior de Irak emitió órdenes de detención en contra de los propietarios del salón de bodas, uno de los cuales ya estaba esposado desde el jueves.

Los sobrevivientes del incendio afirman que el lugar no estaba equipado para un desastre como este y una mujer dijo a la salida: "Esto no era una boda. Esto fue un infierno", mientras lloraba y se golpeaba a sí misma tras perder en el incendio a su hija de 27 años y a sus tres nietos, uno de los cuales tenía solo 8 meses.

Los familiares en duelo se reunieron afuera de una morgue en la cercana ciudad de Mosul, en donde lloraron su terrible dolor.


Gypsy Rose Blanchard va a salir de la cárcel antes de tiempo. Se le ha concedido la libertad condicional y está previsto que salga en diciembre, tres años antes de su fecha original de liberación.

Gypsy ha estado cumpliendo una condena de 10 años de prisión después de haber sido declarada culpable de asesinato en segundo grado en relación con la muerte de su madre, Dee Dee Blanchard. De acuerdo con el Departamento Correccional de Missouri, está programado que salga en libertad condicional el 28 de diciembre.

Recordemos que Gypsy fue sentenciada a una década tras las rejas en 2016 luego de declararse culpable del asesinato de su madre, un caso que generó una serie de Hulu y un documental de HBO.

Recordarás que el entonces novio de Gypsy, Nick Godejohn, admitió haber asesinado a Dee Dee en 2015 para ayudar a Gypsy a escapar de las garras de su madre. Actualmente, cumple cadena perpetua, mientras que Gypsy iba a salir de prisión preventiva en 2026 tras declararse culpable de asesinato en segundo grado.

Dee Dee fue acusada de obligar a Gypsy a fingir ser discapacitada durante años, mantenerla como rehén e incluso atarla en una cama después de que Gypsy intentara escapar. Al parecer, Dee Dee sufría de Munchausen por poderes, un trastorno mental en el que un padre inventa enfermedades en su hijo para obtener simpatía o atención.

Gypsy tiene ahora 32 años, y ha dicho en entrevistas desde la cárcel que se siente más libre entre rejas que cuando vivía con su madre.

Pronto tendrá un poco más de libertad.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Early Prison Release Out This Year!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is getting out of prison early ... she's been granted parole and is set to be released in December, three years before her original release date.

Gypsy, who's been serving a 10-year prison sentence after being convicted of second-degree murder in connection with the death of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard, is set to be released on parole Dec. 28 ... according to the Missouri Department of Corrections.

Remember ... Gypsy was sentenced to a decade behind bars in 2016 after pleading guilty in her mother's murder, a case that spawned a Hulu scripted series and an HBO documentary.

You'll recall ... Gypsy's then-boyfriend, Nick Godejohn, admitted to murdering Dee Dee in 2015 to help Gypsy escape her mother's clutches. He's currently serving a life sentence, while Gypsy was originally set to be released from custody in 2026 after pleading guilty to second-degree murder.

Dee Dee was accused of forcing Gypsy to pretend to be disabled for years, holding her hostage and even tying her up in a bed after Gypsy tried to escape. Dee Dee reportedly suffered from Munchausen by proxy -- a mental disorder where a parent fabricates illnesses in their child for sympathy or attention.

Gypsy is 32 years old now, and she's said in interviews from prison she feels more free behind bars than she was when she was living with her mother.

Soon, she will have a little more freedom.

Chris Christie Calls Donald Trump a Quack ... During Second GOP Debate

Fox News

Donald Trump was compared to Donald Duck for "ducking" Wednesday night's GOP presidential debate -- and the diss came from his former friend turned Republican rival Chris Christie.

Christie came out swinging against the 45th President shortly after the first commercial break during the second GOP debate at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California.

In a dramatic moment, the ex-New Jersey governor stared into the camera and addressed Trump directly, saying, "Donald, I know you’re watching, you can’t help yourself."

Christie continued, "You’re not here tonight, not because of polls, and not because of your indictments. You’re not here tonight because you’re afraid of being on the stage and defending your record."

He went on, "You’re ducking these things, and let me tell you what’s going to happen. You keep doing that, and no one up here is going to call you Donald Trump anymore."

Then Christie delivered the punchline ... "We’re going to call you Donald Duck!”


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis also had some choice words for Trump and current President Joe Biden, claiming he's "completely missing in action from leadership."


As for Trump, DeSantis blasted the former Prez for skipping out on his second GOP debate, saying he owes it to the American people to defend his record.

DeSantis then blamed Trump for high inflation in the country because of the $7.8 trillion in debt he added to the economy while he was in office.

Five other GOP candidates were also on the debate stage last night ... North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, former Vice President Mike Pence, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott. But none of them slammed Trump -- who's leading heavily in the polls -- the way Christie and DeSantis did.

Trump, meanwhile, was in Michigan, giving a speech to the United Autoworkers, who have been striking for better wages and benefits against Ford, General Motors and Stellantis.