Las Vegas Cyberattack MGM Resorts Still Reeling ... As Weekend Warriors Arrive

All the MGM Resorts hotels are still feelin' the heat from a massive hacking ... a major nightmare as weekend visitors start to hit the Las Vegas Strip.

The cyberattack went down at the beginning of this week, blocking some guests from getting into their rooms ... and spiraled into casino issues with slot machines, downed phone lines and shutting down hotel check-ins.


As bad as that was, at least it was mid-week -- a much less busy time in Vegas, but now as the weekend begins ... folks staying at MGM properties like the Aria can expect long check-in lines as the weekend warrior crowds arrive.

MGM has said it's identified a "cybersecurity issue" affecting the company's systems and is working with "leading external cybersecurity experts" to get the issue taken care of, but the issues persist.

Hacker groups like The Scattered Spider and ALPHV have claimed responsibility for the issues, but MGM has yet to confirm ... but experts say the problems the resorts are facing have all the markings of a cyberattack.

In the midst of the MGM chaos, Caesars Entertainment revealed it was hit with a similar attack not long before this one, which compromised player info. The company reportedly paid alleged hackers a $15 million ransom just days before MGM's issues started.

So, how bad is it in Sin City? Some visitors say they've gone back to their hotel room to find other people inside.

On the casino floor, slot machines that aren't broken down often aren't printing out tickets when players want to walk away. Instead, casino employees are paying them out by hand with cash!

Best of luck to those looking to win big at the slots this weekend, or just getting into your hotel room without finding a stranger in your bed. Unless you're into that.

Escaped Prisoner Danelo Cavalcante Survived On Watermelon ... Concealed Poop During 14-Day Manhunt

Pennsylvania prison escapee Danelo Cavalcante kept himself alive and under the radar during his two weeks on the lam by scarfing down fruit and drinking water from creeks -- while hiding his poop to avoid detection.

Cavalcante gave investigators a window into his method of survival for 14 days in the forest after he was nabbed Wednesday by a large contingent of police officers and federal marshals in rural Chester County.


The convicted murderer said he stayed out of sight by primarily moving around at night, burying himself under thick brush and covering his poop with leaves, according to Supervisory Deputy U.S. Marshall Robert Clark, who was involved in the manhunt.

Fox News

Clark appeared on Chris Cuomo's NewsNation show Wednesday night, saying Cavalcante had a few close calls with officers, who almost stepped on him while he was under the thickets. In fact, the tactical team was only 7-to-8 yards away from Cavalcante on three occasions.

What's more, Cavalcante hung around the same area for several days, scarfing down watermelons from a farm and drinking water from streams.

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In late August, Cavalcante broke out of Chester County Prison, scaling a wall and climbing over razor wire before dashing across a roof and jumping to the ground below to make his escape. A fugitive task force searched high and low for him as Pennsylvania was gripped with fear.

Now that Cavalcante's back in custody -- and cooling his heels in state prison -- everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.

Preso fugado Danelo Cavalcante Sobrevivió a base de sandía... Ocultó sus heces 14 días!!!

Danelo Cavalcante, preso fugado de una cárcel de Pensilvania, se mantuvo con vida y bajo el radar a base de fruta y agua de los arroyos durante sus dos semanas de fuga, al tiempo que ocultaba sus excrementos para evitar ser detectado.

Cavalcante dio a los investigadores una ventana a su método de supervivencia de 14 días en el bosque después de que fuera atrapado este miércoles por un gran contingente de agentes de policía y alguaciles federales en el condado rural de Chester.

huyendo de la ley

El asesino convicto dijo que se mantenía fuera de la vista moviéndose principalmente durante la noche. Se enterraba bajo la espesa maleza y cubría sus heces con hojas, según el ayudante del U.S. Marshall Robert Clark, que participó en la persecución.

atrapado y bajo custodia
Fox News

Clark apareció en el programa NewsNation, de Chris Cuomo, el miércoles por la noche, y dijo que Cavalcante estuvo muy cerca de los agentes en varios momentos, quienes estuvieron a punto de pillarlo mientras estaba bajo la espesura. De hecho, el equipo táctico estuvo a solo 7 u 8 metros de Cavalcante en tres ocasiones

Además de eso, el prófugo estuvo varios días en la misma zona, comiendo sandías de una granja y bebiendo agua de los arroyos.

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adelante y arriba

A finales de agosto, Cavalcante se fugó de la prisión del condado de Chester, escalando un muro y trepando por encima de una alambrada antes de lanzarse por un tejado y saltar al suelo para escapar. Un grupo especial de fugitivos lo buscó por todas partes mientras el miedo se apoderaba de Pensilvania.

Ahora que Cavalcante está de nuevo bajo custodia -y relajando sus talones en la prisión estatal- todo el mundo puede respirar aliviado.

Prisoner Danelo Cavalcante Manhunt's K-9 Hero Had Tricky Task ... Got Rigorous Training


The K-9 that subdued escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante -- to end a 2-week long manhunt  -- had a massive area to search, but one law enforcement expert says the pup is the perfect officer for the job.

Michael Gould used to train K-9's for NY police departments, and he joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" to explain the training thsese 4-legged officers go through to locate an escapee -- and he says Cavalcante's capture played out almost perfectly.

Michael says dogs go through a lot of training to learn to pick up on a human scent, and he tells us why Cavalcante waiting out in the woods for an extended period made it possible for the pup to sniff him out.

We also talked with Michael about the potential of a dog subduing a suspect like Cavalcante, and turning to deadly force if its trainer isn't nearby.

While he thinks it's natural for people to resist while being chomped on, a simple voice command from the trainer could call off a dog.

As we reported, Cavalcante, who is a convicted murderer, was arrested Wednesday morning by SWAT teams and a Border Patrol Tactical Unit in Pennsylvania after 14 days of hunting. The K-9 left a minor bite wound on his scalp while he tried to break free.

Fox News

Cavalcante scaled a wall at Chester County Prison at the end of August -- climbing over razor wire and running across a roof before jumping to the ground below to make his escape.

Nueva York Doble arcoiris cubre el cielo En aniversario del 11-S

Un espectáculo en el cielo

Los neoyorquinos se maravillaron ante un paisaje especial en el aniversario del 11-S: un enorme arco iris doble se extendió sobre la ciudad exactamente 22 años después del atentado terrorista.

Los habitantes de la Gran Manzana salieron de sus casas en un lunes lluvioso y miraron hacia arriba para contemplar el espectáculo en el cielo, que hizo a la gente asombrarse y tomar fotos y videos que arrasaron por Internet rápidamente.

Una persona compartió su visión desde lo alto de un rascacielos, desde donde parecía que toda la ciudad estaba prácticamente cubierta por el doble arco iris.

El momento elegido por la madre naturaleza no podría haber sido mejor, ya que muchos neoyorquinos estaban recordando o reviviendo el horror que se vivió hace 22 años, por lo que la visión de los arco iris supuso una gran diferencia. Y también muy emotiva.

investigando el quinto vuelo

Como informamos, las autoridades de Nueva York dijeron el viernes que los restos de un hombre y una mujer fueron identificados luego de todos estos años, gracias a los importantes avances en las pruebas de ADN.

Así, se han convertido en las víctimas 1.648 y 1.649 en ser identificadas. Aunque aún se cuentan más de 1.000 víctimas que siguen sin nombre.

New York City Double Rainbow Covers Sky On 9/11 Anniversary


New Yorkers marveled at a special sight on the anniversary of 9/11 -- a massive double rainbow stretched over the city exactly 22 years after the terrorist attack.

Big Apple residents stepped out of their apartments on a rainy Monday, and looked up to see the spectacle in the sky, which had folks oohing, ahhing and shooting photos and videos which took the internet by storm.

One person shared their view from high up in a skyscraper, and it looked like the entire city was practically covered by the double rainbows.

Mother nature's timing couldn't have been better ... as so many New Yorkers were remembering or reliving the horror of what filled the city sky 22 years ago -- so, the sight of the rainbows was a striking difference. And, an emotional one, too.


As we reported, NYC officials said on Friday a man and woman's remains have now been identified all these years later, thanks to major advancements in DNA testing.

They've become the 1,648th and 1,649th victims to be ID'd ... but over 1,000 more victims remain nameless.

Prófugo irrumpe en una casa Se roba un rifle y el residente... abre fuego

La persecución del prófugo de Pensilvania ha dado un giro inesperado, al parecer, el asesino irrumpió en una casa y le dispararon mientras robaba un rifle.

El lunes por la noche, Danelo Cavalcante forzó la entrada de su casa en East Nantmeal Township, un pequeño pueblo en la zona rural de Pensilvania, según Fox 29 Philadelphia.

El medio de comunicación informó de que el residente sacó una pistola y disparó 7 tiros a alguien que encajaba con la descripción de Cavalcante. El ladrón se dio a la fuga, pero no antes de llevarse el rifle del calibre 22 del interior de la casa.

Los investigadores no pudieron confirmar si el hombre que se creía que era Cavalcante resultó herido, pero dijeron que sus zapatillas podrían haberse encontrado cerca. La policía considera ahora a Cavalcante armado y peligroso, y ha cerrado una escuela debido a la amenaza que representa.

TMZ publicó la noticia, Dog the Bounty Hunter podría unirse a las autoridades en su búsqueda masiva del asesino convicto que fue condenado a cadena perpetua luego de apuñalar mortalmente a su ex novia en 2021.

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el escape

Cientos de agentes que forman parte de un grupo especializado en fugitivos, están buscando a Cavalcante por todos los rincones del estado. Se han producido varios avistamientos la última semana, pero ninguno de ellos ha conducido a su captura.

Cavalcante se dio a la fuga el 31 de agosto cuando escaló un muro del patio de recreo de la prisión del condado de Chester. Trepó por encima del alambre de espino, corrió por un tejado y saltó al suelo, ganando así su libertad.

Esperemos que sea sólo temporal.

Pennsylvania Escaped Prisoner Breaks Into Home, Steals Rifle ... Resident Opens Fire At Him

The manhunt for the escaped Pennsylvania prisoner Danelo Cavalcante just got a whole lot crazier … the killer reportedly broke into a house and got shot at while stealing a rifle.

On Monday night, Cavalcante forced his way inside the home in East Nantmeal Township, a tiny village in rural PA, according to Fox 29 Philadelphia.

The outlet reported the resident pulled a gun and fired 7 shots at someone who fit the description of Cavalcante. The burglar got the hell out of dodge, but not before he swiped the .22 Caliber rifle from inside the house.

Investigators could not confirm if the man believed to be Cavalcante was injured but said his sneakers might have been found nearby. Police now consider Cavalcante armed and dangerous, closing a school due to the threat he poses.

The frightening development comes as TMZ broke the story … Dog the Bounty Hunter might join authorities in their massive search for the convicted murderer, who was sentenced to a life term after fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend in 2021.

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Hundreds of officers, part of a fugitive task force, are looking in every nook and cranny across the state for Cavalcante. There have been a number of sightings over the past week or so, but none of them have led to his capture.

Cavalcante made his getaway August 31 when he scaled a wall in the recreational yard at Chester County Prison. He climbed over razor wire, ran across a roof and jumped to the ground below, winning his freedom.

Let's hope that's only temporary.

9/11 Two New Victims Identified 22 Years Later ... Advanced DNA Testing

Two new 9/11 victims have been identified years later through DNA -- a testament to modern science ... but also, to the fact over 1,000 lost souls remain nameless, even today.

NYC officials made the announcement Friday -- a few days before the 22nd anniversary of September 11th -- saying a man and woman's remains have now been linked to a profile ... although their names are being withheld at the request of their families.

They mark the 1,648th and 1,649th victims to be ID'd in the years since the attacks. Remember, a total of 2,753 New Yorkers perished on 9/11 -- so there's many more who continue to be anonymous in the system.

That's not to say scientists, doctors and other professionals aren't trying to piece it all together -- they certainly are. But, the fact that in 2023 there are still unidentified victims might come as news to many. It goes to show, our capabilities are still a work in progress.


Now, as for how they pinpointed who these two individuals were ... government officials are citing advancements in DNA testing as the breakthrough -- namely, next-generation sequence technology -- which is more sensitive and rapid than your standard DNA processes.

In fact, they say this is the same type of testing that's done to identify American servicemembers -- now, it looks like it's being used for civilian purposes such as this.

The man's remains were recovered in 2001, but the woman's remains were actually collected over the years of 2001, 2006 and 2013. Remains of countless others are in the possession of the Office of Chief Medical Examiner, which continues to reunite those with their loved ones.

11/9 Identifican a dos nuevas víctimas 22 años después Con avanzados test de ADN

Dos nuevas víctimas del 11-S han sido identificadas años después gracias a pruebas avanzadas de ADN, un testimonio de la ciencia moderna, pero también de que más de 1.000 personas fallecidas siguen sin identificación, incluso hoy en día.

Las autoridades de Nueva York hicieron el anuncio el viernes, pocos días antes del 22º aniversario del 11 de septiembre, diciendo que los restos de un hombre y una mujer fueron relacionados con los perfiles de dos personas, aunque sus nombres se mantienen en secreto a petición de las familias.

Se trata de las víctimas número 1.648 y 1.649 que son identificadas en los años transcurridos desde los atentados. Recuerda que el 11-S perecieron en total 2.753 neoyorquinos, por lo que hay muchos más que permanecen en el anonimato.

Eso no quiere decir que los científicos, médicos y otros profesionales no estén tratando de reconstruirlo todo, ciertamente lo están haciendo. Pero el hecho de que en 2023 siga habiendo víctimas sin identificar puede ser una noticia para muchos. Esto demuestra que nuestras capacidades aún están en fase de desarrollo.

investigación - el quinto avión

En cuanto a la forma de determinar quiénes eran estas dos personas, los funcionarios del gobierno citaron los avances en las pruebas de ADN como el gran descubrimiento. Esta es una tecnología de secuencias de nueva generación, que es más sensible y rápida que los procesos de ADN estándar.

De hecho, dicen que este es el mismo tipo de pruebas que se utilizan para identificar a los miembros de las fuerzas armadas estadounidenses. Ahora, pareciera que se está usando para fines civiles como este.

Los restos del hombre se recuperaron en 2001, pero los de la mujer se recogieron a lo largo de 2001, 2006 y 2013. Los restos de muchos otros están en posesión de la Oficina Forense, que sigue haciendo la labor de reunir a las personas con sus seres queridos.

Horrifying Video High School Security Guard Shot In Head ... Critical Condition, Teen Arrested


A security guard was shot in the head after a high school football game in upstate New York ... and the terrifying moment was captured on video.

The violence erupted Saturday afternoon in the parking lot at Thomas R. Proctor High School in Utica following Proctor's 60-30 win over Binghamton HS.

Check out this new footage posted to X, which shows a bunch of brawlers going at it as two security guards try to break up the fight.

After people start to disperse, the crackle of gunfire is heard, and one of the guards is hit in the back of the head. You can see him drop to the ground.

He was rushed to a local hospital, where he was listed in critical, but stable condition.

The Utica Police Department said a 16-year-old boy was identified as the shooter after detectives reviewed several videos filmed at the scene.

The teen surrendered Sunday and was charged with attempted murder and firearm offenses. His motive was not disclosed.

Aterrador video Guardia de escuela recibe un disparo en la cabeza El adolescente fue arrestado

Disparo a un guardia de seguridad

Un guardia de seguridad recibió un disparo en la cabeza luego de un partido de fútbol americano de una escuela secundaria en el norte del estado de Nueva York. Y el aterrador momento fue capturado en video.

La violencia estalló el sábado por la tarde en el estacionamiento de la escuela Thomas R. Proctor High School en Utica luego de que el Proctor venciese por 60-30 al Binghamton HS.

Echa un vistazo a esta nueva grabación publicada en X, que muestra a un puñado de pendejos peleando, mientras dos guardias de seguridad intentan disolver el pleito.

Cuando la gente empieza a dispersarse, se oyen disparos y uno de los guardias es alcanzado en la nuca. En el video, se ve cómo el guardia cae al suelo.

El hombre fue trasladado a un hospital local, donde se encuentra en estado crítico pero estable.

El Departamento de Policía de Utica dijo que un chico de 16 años fue identificado como el tirador después de que los detectives revisaran varios videos filmados en el lugar.

El adolescente se entregó el domingo y fue acusado de intento de asesinato y delitos con armas de fuego. No se ha revelado el motivo.

Kim Kardashian Issues Plea To President Biden ... Help Us Prevent Another Armenian Genocide

Kim Kardashian is sending a message to President Joe Biden in the hopes of preventing another Armenian Genocide ... asking him to help cut ties with Azerbaijan.

In a Rolling Stone piece released Friday by Kim and Dr. Eric Esrailian, she starts by saying she and countless others like her are "descendants of Armenian Genocide survivors" ... saying she doesn't want to have to talk about yet another genocide in the future.

Kim goes on to talk about how "Azerbaijan has blockaded the only lifeline between the indigenous Christian Armenians of Artsakh" and the rest of the world since December, adding the war in Ukraine has meant some countries have had to rely on Azerbaijan for oil -- resulting in using "starvation as a weapon against the Armenian population in the region."

She says we are past the point of "thoughts, prayers, or concern," outlining the conflict overseas, as well as the 2020 attacks on Armenians in Artsakh and a ceasefire agreement that she says wasn't upheld.

What's more, Kim, who is of Armenian descent, says the silence by governments across the globe has only been fueling the fire, and is now asking Biden to cut off foreign aid to Azerbaijan and boycott international events happening in the country.

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As we reported, Kim donated $1 million toward the conflict in Armenia in 2020, as conflicts were heating up -- sources told us Khloe, Kourtney and Rob all made sizeable donations, too.


For those unaware, the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia spans decades, and over the territory that lies between them.

Lil Baby Gunfire Erupts During Tennessee Concert ... One person Shot, Critically Injured

X / @TheOfficialThaj

9:59 AM PT -- The victim's condition is now non-critical.

Lil Baby's rap concert was thrown into chaos Thursday night in Tennessee ... this after one person was shot and critically injured.

The hip hop star was performing at FedExForum in Memphis late in the evening, when a gunman suddenly opened fire inside the venue.

seriously injured
Facebook / @GlentaviousJones

Baby was whisked off stage after the bullets started flying on the first floor, according to WREG News.

Memphis PD officers and Emergency Service workers responded, finding a man with gunshot wounds.

A video posted to social media shows paramedics lifting the man onto a gurney and wheeling him away. Other footage caught all the confusion as fans spilled out of the arena.

The victim was rushed to a local hospital, where he was listed in critical condition.

The suspect fled and is still at large. A motive was not disclosed.

We've reached out to Baby's rep for comment ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 5:36 AM PT

Nike Thieves Break Into Memphis Store ... Steal $200k Worth Of Product

Fox 13 Memphis

It sounds like a plot for the new 'Ocean's' movie ... a group of alleged thieves hit a Nike store in Tennessee Thursday morning, allegedly stealing nearly a quarter million worth of kicks and merchandise, before fleeing the scene in 5 different vehicles, police in Memphis told TMZ Sports.

The incident -- which occurred about 12 miles south of downtown -- happened around 4 AM at the Nike Employee store. Police were called to the scene, and an MPD officer "observed 5 vehicles fleeing the scene with their lights off."

It's unclear if the cop attempted to stop the vehicles.

On the scene, investigators found a chain cut, and the back gate open to the Nike store property, and boxes from a nearby semi scattered throughout the parking lot,

"The tractor-trailer had its contents rummaged through and opened," MPD said.

Police spoke with Nike security ... and the woman told them she heard a "loud boom" and saw a guy open the trailer while on her break.

"I watched them and I called my supervisor," security told MPD.

The Nike manager told police that "approximately $200,000 dollars worth of merchandise" was stolen by the suspects.

It's not the first time a Nike store in Memphis has been robbed of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise this year.

Just last month, $400k in Nike sneakers were stolen from a boxcar in North Memphis. Two people have been arrested for that robbery.

So far, no one has been taken into custody for this morning's crime.

'One Chip Challenge' Company Pulls Chip From Stores ... After Teen's Death

Paqui, the company responsible for the viral "One Chip Challenge," is yanking the product off of store shelves ... in response to a teenager who died after eating the product.

The company has a statement at the top of its website, saying the challenge "is intended for adults only, with clear and prominent labeling highlighting the chip is not for children or anyone sensitive to spicy foods."

Paqui says it's seen an uptick in minors jumping in on the challenge, despite the warning label on the packaging -- adding the company's now "working with our retailers to remove the product from shelves."

The company is even offering refunds to folks who have already purchased the challenge. Unclear if it's the end of the product, or if the plan is to ditch the product and come up with a new option ... but Paqui says the product already adheres to food safety standards.

As we reported, 14-year-old Harris Wolobah died in Massachusetts last week -- according to his mother, his passing was a result of complications he suffered from consuming the chip at school.

While Harris' official cause of death is still pending, his mother claims the school contacted her on Friday about a stomach ache he had after eating the Paqui chip, but allegedly was feeling better when he got home. However, she says he collapsed and was rushed to a hospital not long after, where he was pronounced dead.

Harris' mom has been pointing fingers at Harris' school -- mainly for not taking him straight to the hospital when his stomach started hurting, which potentially could've saved his life.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

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