Bob Iger All Of Disney Gets on Message ... SB Ad Celebrating 100 Years

Bob Iger is on a mission to make Disney profitable again -- so, for the Mouse House's centennial ... he made the entire company fall into formation to telegraph his vision.

As you might've heard by now, this year marks a big milestone for the mega-corporation... they're 100 years old, and BI -- who's the newly reinstated CEO once again -- whipped up a nifty little Super Bowl spot that's set to air during the game, which he also released early.

In an accompanying caption to the minute-and-a-half clip, Bob writes ... "Today I want to share this video, which celebrates the @WaltDisneyCo's 100-year milestone. We are enormously grateful to our storytellers, our cast members and our fans. Thank you and enjoy. #Disney100."

As for what's in the spot itself ... a highlight compilation reel full of snippets and stills from their massive vault of content over the years, which is mixed with footage of fans (especially little kids) dressed up as their favorite Disney characters and enjoying the parks.

It's a cool tribute to what Disney's offered/accomplished -- but what's even more striking (at least for the Twitter users of the world) is seeing just how big the Disney umbrella actually is ... as just about every single Disney-owned subsidiary tweeted this same video out.

They all also feature the exact same caption ... "You made this dream come true." All official Disney accounts -- touching everything from Marvel to Star Wars and Disney Animation to Pixar, as well as the different parks around the world -- have posted this, all in unison.

If you scroll through the #Disney100 trend, you'll see just how many properties Disney owns ... it's upwards of at least a couple dozen, which puts Disney's reach into perspective. It also makes ya realize how big a load Iger's got on his plate when it comes to righting the ship.

ICYMI ... Iger was tapped once more late last year after Bob Chapek was pushed out -- this after the Board of Directors apparently felt he wasn't serving the company's best interests.

Since then, Iger has made some big business decisions to get the stock price back up ... including laying off thousands of employees and shifting the structure of the company to focus on creative storytelling from the ground up, while looking for more savings.

Iger has also hinted at the possibility of Hulu potentially getting the boot in a would-be sale -- so it sounds like he's considering any and everything to shore up cash ... this after a few years of Disney struggling to reap significant profits.

And don't get us started on all the culture war stuff Disney's been mired in of late -- that's another headache they've been dealing with ... and will probably continue to battle. Not to mention a proxy war he's in with overzealous board members -- a whole other problem.

At any rate, it's pretty clear where Iger's focus is with this SB spot here ... he wants to get back in touch with the creators, fans and workers, who kinda make this thing go 'round.

With the united front that's Disney showing, it seems he's back in the captain's chair and wants to communicate calm waters ahead. Gotta put that smile on, tough times be damned!

UFO Canada Shoots One Down ... Montana Closes Airspace


6:03 PM PT -- A third "object" has been seen over Montana, leading to a brief closing of the U.S. airspace ... which is now reopened.


Rep. Matt Rosendale tweeted Saturday, "I am in direct contact with NORCOM and monitoring the latest issue over Havre and the northern border. Airspace is closed due to an object that could interfere with commercial air traffic — the DOD will resume efforts to observe and ground the object in the morning."


Shortly after this, he tweeted an update ... saying things were back to normal ... without further elaborating on what exactly had caused the closure to begin with.


2:10 PM PT -- Another unidentified, high-altitude object was spotted flying over Canada Saturday ... and Prime Minster Justin Trudeau says he authorized it being shot down over the Yukon Canadian territory.


JT adds, "I spoke with President Biden this afternoon. Canadian Forces will now recover and analyze the wreckage of the object. Thank you to NORAD for keeping the watch over North America." No word on what it was, or how it got there ... just like the UFO in Alaska.

An unidentified flying object -- literally, a UFO -- was shot down by the United States just outside of Alaska ... but it isn't another balloon, and TikTok is having a tinfoil hat field day.

Here's the deal ... the White House announced Friday that President Biden had ordered the downing of yet another object in the sky that was inexplicably in our airspace, which the Pentagon said posed a reasonable threat to civilian aircraft due to its altitude (40,000 feet).

It had been spotted and surveilled by U.S. intelligence/Alaska-area military Thursday, and the next day ... JB said to take it down, which an F-22 fighter jet then did without issue.

As for what exactly it is -- and more importantly, how the government is talking about it -- is shrouded in mystery ... as White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby described it to the media as the size of a "small car," but didn't offer any more details.

Fortunately, other outlets were able to get a better read on this from anonymous national security sources -- with one unnamed high-ranking official describing it to ABC News as "cylindrical and silverish gray," while also saying it looked to be unmanned and FLOATING ... and not appearing to be steered or propelled with any recognizable aviation systems.

In other words, it sounds like a good old-fashioned flying saucer -- or, at the very least, like something that's been described by Navy officials, of late, as something out of this world.

There's a retrieval mission underway to gather the remains of whatever this thing was, but so far ... there isn't much else out about where it came from, what its capabilities are, or its intent. Uncle Sam has firmly said, however, that it is not another Chinese balloon.

Of course, due to the sci-fi nature of this news ... the internet is off and running with conspiracy theories -- not to mention purported footage and/or images of what some claim to be the actual object ... plus, what some claim have been other recent sightings there.


Par for the course for TikTok, but we must admit ... this is a pretty wild story, especially since the feds are being careful in how to describe the mystery machine. They keep calling it a "high-altitude object" ... but also admit it was, indeed, flying. So, it's a freaking UFO.

BTW, if this feels like déjà vu -- namely, the government admitting to something unknown, while being wish-washy on what exactly it was -- that's because this happened before. Roswell!

The infamous incident from 1947 is top of mind for many right now ... especially since a balloon was just in the mix a week ago, which China said was for weather research. That's what the U.S. ultimately said crashed out there in New Mexico, despite putting out a much more ominous public bulletin about the debris at first ... which definitely didn't sound like a weather balloon. Roswell is by far the most talked-about alien theory to date, at least here.

Time will tell if the feds give more info on what they shot down. With UFO reports at an all-time high -- and with Congress taking it seriously -- this could amount to something. 👀

Originally Published -- 11:08 AM PT

American Airlines Jet Jet Collides with Shuttle Bus At LAX What's Going On at Airports???


Investigators are probing a third commercial plane mishap within a month ... the latest was Friday night at LAX ... and multiple people were hurt.

An American Airlines commercial plane collided with a passenger bus on the LAX tarmac, leaving five people injured.

The empty jet was being towed from a gate to a parking area when it crashed into the shuttle bus, smashing into the front end and damaging the windows.

Four people were taken to a local hospital and treated for non-life-threatening injuries. The 5th person was treated at the scene and released.

Authorities are now investigating the cause of the collision, which comes on the heels of last month's close call at JFK Airport in NYC ... and a similar incident last Tuesday at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport in Texas.

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In the JFK incident, an American Airlines plane crossed a runway without getting clearance from air traffic control, which prevented a Delta Air Lines flight from taking off, officials said.

Luckily, the two planes didn't make contact, but they came within 1400 feet of one another. And thankfully, no one was injured.

In the Austin incident, a Southwest passenger jet came within 100 feet of colliding with a FedEx cargo plane, but a quick-thinking pilot averted the disaster.

Why have there been a spate of mishaps in such a short period of time?

NewsNation Reporter Arrested, Jailed ... During Ohio Governor News Conference


7:14 AM PT -- 2/9 -- According to the arrest affidavit -- just obtained by TMZ -- Evan Lambert was reporting live from the gymnasium during Governor Mike DeWine's press conference about the Ohio train derailment. Two state troopers and a national guardsman told Lambert to stop the broadcast because it was too loud. The docs say Lambert got into a heated exchange with the guardsman, who accused the journalist of "coming at him."


According to the affidavit, the guardsman "pushed" Lambert away as several police officers ordered the reporter to leave the gym. The officers say Lambert refused and continued to disobey police orders to step out of the building ... which finally led to them arresting him for criminal trespass and physically removing him from the building.


Lambert was officially charged with two misdemeanors -- resisting arrest and criminal trespass.


8:32 PM PT -- NewsNation reporter Evan Lambert has been released from jail.


Evan spoke about his arrest upon being released late Wednesday night saying … "I’m doing fine right now, and it’s just been an extremely long day, I have to be kind of careful about what I say, but as you can see I’m out. You know, most things are on video in this situation, so it’s pretty clear to see what happened."


6:32 PM PT -- A Rep for Governor Mike DeWine tells TMZ … "Governor DeWine did not see the incident take place ... Governor DeWine did not request that the reporter stop his live broadcast, nor did he know that the request was being made."


The rep also stated, "As the Governor said at the conclusion of today’s briefing, he has always respected the media’s right to report live before, during, and after his press briefings, and the interruption to the reporter’s broadcast should not have taken place."


5:01 PM PT -- NewsNation Bureau Chief Mike Viqueira just released an official statement on the arrest of Evan Lambert, stating ... "I Just spoke with Evan, who called from the Columbiana County Jail, where he is currently detained."


Viqueira continued, "First, Evan is safe and calm, and continues to act with professionalism and integrity that he brings to his work each day. As you see from the videos, he was doing his job -- what hundreds of journalists do without incident -- reporting to the public on a matter of urgent, critical interest to our audience."


As for Evan's release, Mike says "Local law enforcement has told [Evan] that the soonest he can be released is 8:30 ET tomorrow. Every effort is being made to assist Evan and secure his release as soon as possible."

reporter on the ground

A reporter covering Governor Mike DeWine's news conference was taken down to the ground by law enforcement and arrested Wednesday for allegedly disrupting a news conference.

Governor DeWine was at an East Palestine, Ohio gym, discussing a train derailment in the city when reporter Evan Lambert was doing a live shot for NewsNation. It appears police told Lambert he was interrupting the Governor, but Lambert was in the middle of his report and continued on.

Just after Lambert finished, local police took Lambert down to the ground and cuffed him, as onlookers questioned cops as to why.


Lambert was cuffed and taken to jail. A NewsNation exec tells TMZ they were told Lambert would have to spend the night in jail, adding the Governor called the network and said he wanted Lambert released.

Lambert was arrested for disorderly conduct and criminal trespassing.

Originally Published -- 3:38 PM PT

Rep. Nancy Pelosi No GOP Apologies ... For Wild Rumors About My Husband's Attack


Rep. Nancy Pelosi says she isn't hearing so much as a peep from across the aisle when it comes to apologies for Republican conspiracy theories about the attack on her husband, Paul Pelosi.

We got the former Speaker of the House Wednesday morning in D.C. on the heels of President Biden's State of the Union address -- where both Pelosis were front and center -- and asked if anyone in the GOP has shown contrition for fueling misinformation about her husband ... especially after the brutal body cam was released.

As it turns out ... nobody has, according to NP -- who also gave us an update on Paul's recovery in general. Sounds like things are looking up, and he's almost on the other side of this. He certainly looked good at the SOTU ... cozying up to Bono in the balcony seats.

When it comes to this apology, though -- it's telling that no Republican has circled back to correct the record, including Sen. Ted Cruz, who was one of those spreading fake news.

Back in October -- shortly after the attack -- he was one of several right-wing politicians suggesting things weren't as they seemed on paper ... even hinting Paul might have known the attacker, David DePape.

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Of course, that has since been debunked -- it was nothing more than a break-in/assault which prosecutors say was politically motivated. And Paul was most definitely brutalized, as seen in the since-released video showing the moment officers came to the door.

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But, Pelosi says none of that's moved her congressional comrades to offer the slightest mea culpa.

Sounds like SOP in DC, TBH.

Tyre Nichols Family I Appreciate the President's Words ... Now It's Time to Act!!!


Tyre Nichols' mom is hopeful Congress will make good on what came across as a promise during President Biden's State of the Union address ... but she's reiterating it's time for them to finally act on real police reforms.

We caught up with RowVaughn Wells on Capitol Hill Tuesday night, shortly after the President delivered his State of the Union address ... in which he referenced the fatal beating her son endured at the hands of Memphis cops last month.

joe biden fixed

RowVaughn tells us she's very appreciative of the President's strong message Tuesday night ... saying now it's all about putting forth action.

Given the reaction in Congress after the Prez speech, she says it looks like something might really change this time around. However, she says "we'll just wait to see" -- a point Ben Crump, who is representing the Nichols family also reinforced.

As you know Tyre was beaten by multiple Memphis PD officers so badly during a Jan. 7 traffic stop ... he died 3 days later in a hospital bed.

Memphis Police Department

Since his death, police have released gruesome video of the brutal beating ... which stirred outrage and multiple peaceful protests across the country.

Five Black officers were immediately fired, and later charged with second-degree murder.

Other firefighters and officers who responded to the scene without rendering timely assistance to Tyre have also been fired, but no one else has been criminally charged.

Tyre's family has vowed to join the renewed push for legislators to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing act ... which was defeated in a 2021 Senate vote.

As RowVaughn and Ben put it ... now it's on both aisles of Congress to come together to "show humanity" so we don't have another Tyre.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Involved in Traffic Accident ... Hit Bicyclist, Not at Fault


11:55 AM PT -- More details about the accident ... law enforcement sources tell us the woman made a left turn in front of Arnold before he had a chance to hit his brakes. We're also told he was not going very fast at all, although the woman did complain of pain afterward.


We're told she's in stable condition, and that no alcohol or drugs are suspected. No crime is suspected either -- our sources tell us this seems to just be a simple traffic accident.


We've also learned that Arnold took the lady's bike, attached it to his car and took it to a local bike shop to get it fixed up.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was involved in a traffic accident that sent a bicyclist to the ER -- but it's not something he could've avoided or is to blame over ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the situation tell us the movie star was driving in West L.A. Sunday morning, when at some point ... a woman riding a bike on the road suddenly swerved into his lane and made contact with his vehicle -- something confirmed by 3 eyewitnesses.

We're told first responders arrived on the scene and that the woman was transported to a hospital. Arnold, our sources say, was also on the scene speaking with cops.

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As for how the police view this, thus far ... law enforcement sources tell us it appears Schwarzenegger is not at fault for this collision. An investigation is ongoing, but we're told a determination has been made that it's something he simply couldn't have avoided.

Our sources tell us the woman suffered minor injuries, and is expected to be okay.

Originally Published -- 11:40 AM PT

George Santos Web of Lies Grows Bigger Allegedly Claimed to Work on 'Spider-Man' Musical

George Santos is caught allegedly spinning the truth once again ... this time claiming he worked on the Spider-Man musical, another apparent lie.

That's right ... a new report from Bloomberg claims while Santos was running for Congress in 2021, he told a group of potential donors he worked as one of the producers on the musical "Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark."

As has almost become automatic, Bloomberg reports Santos' claim was shut down by the show's lead producer, Michael Cohl. Cohl says Santos was not a producer on the musical, and his name never appeared in the playbills for the show.

"Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark" ran from 2011 to 2014 with a massive $75 million budget. However, the show became notorious for it's delay in opening and injuries to actors performing stunts.

Of course, it's just the latest in a series of Santos' alleged lies ... including when he said his mom died in 9/11, his education and even accusations he stole money from a charity aimed to help a former military dog with a tumor.

Santos has not yet commented publicly on the new "Spider-Man" controversy.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman Congress Is Playing Games And People Are Dying


Rep. Jamaal Bowman says Democrats and Republicans are scared to break party lines, particularly when it comes to police reform, and it's maddening because people are literally dying as a result.

The Congressman from New York joined us Friday on "TMZ Live" and we asked him if any legislation will come out of Tyre Nichols' death, which is sparking renewed calls to pass reforms written in the wake of George Floyd's death.

Rep. Bowman, a member of the Congressional Black Congress, says provisions in the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act would do a lot of good for Americans who have their rights violated by police ... but he says the gridlock in Washington is making it impossible.

It's pretty damning ... Rep. Bowman says there's so much tribalism going on within the Capitol, nothing can get done ... and he's blaming corporations and mega donors for the standstill.

Rep. Bowman says Democrats and Republicans agree on different aspects of police reform behind closed doors ... but he says lawmakers are too scared to piss off Congressional leaders and the folks who put them in power, and almost no one has the guts to go against the grain.

An educator before being elected to Congress in 2020, Rep. Bowman says the tribalism in D.C. is especially frustrating for him to watch because he's not a career politician ... and as he puts it, the logjam is happening as "people are freaking dying."

There's a lot of problems with American politics ... and Rep. Bowman's shining a light on a major one.

Polish Tourist In Mexico Climbs Sacred Pyramid, Gets Beaten With Stick


A Polish tourist in Mexico got a crash course in Mayan history after climbing a sacred pyramid ... locals were waiting for him when he got down, and one beat him with a stick.

The wild scene, which was captured on video, played out over the weekend at the famous Chichén Itzá archaeological site in Mexico's Yucatan.

In the viral footage, you see the tourist coming down the Kukulkan pyramid's steps ... and when he gets to the bottom, he's confronted by an angry mob ... including a shirtless man with a huge stick who bonks the tourist on the head as others show their displeasure.

The issue for locals ... the Mayan temple is considered one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and it's illegal to climb the pyramid.

The tourist is reportedly from Poland, and was arrested Saturday and released after 12 hours in custody.


Adding insult to injury, the tourist was also slapped with a fine of $5,000 pesos ... but the stick to the head's gotta hurt worse.

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TikTok / @angelalopeze

Climbing the pyramid for clout appears to be part of a disrespectful trend ... back in November, a female tourist climbed the same sacred structure and was assaulted by an angry mob.

T.J. HOLMES & AMY ROBACH Scrubbed From 'GMA3' Intro

ABC is wasting no time in moving on from T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach ... dropping their names from the show they anchored together before their romance sparked their exit.

'GMA3' had a noticeably different intro for Monday's episode, with the announcer saying ... "Now from Times Square, here's what you need to know."

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When T.J. and Amy were anchoring the daily news program, before their romantic relationship changed the game, the show intro used to go like this ... "Now from Times Square, Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes with what you need to know."

TMZ broke the story ... T.J. and Amy officially left ABC Friday, signing exit agreements with the network following an "extremely contentious" mediation. Both leave with compensation packages.

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T.J. and Amy had been off the air since Dec. 2, sidelined while ABC investigated their relationship, but their names remained part of the 'GMA3' intro, even as recently as Friday.

DeMarco Morgan and Rhiannon Ally anchored the show again today, as they've been doing for weeks, but ABC hasn't added their names to the intro ... at least not yet.

Stay tuned ...

Tyre Nichols MPD Shuts Down SCORPION Unit ... Involved in Brutal Death

The special task force to which all 5 officers involved in Tyre Nichols' death belonged is being dismantled for good ... an about-face after the top dog said she wouldn't do it.

The Memphis Police Department announced Saturday they were deactivating the SCORPION Unit effective immediately ... this in the wake of public outcry following the release of body cam footage that showed 5 cops detaining and brutally beating Nichols on Jan. 7.

The department says Police Chief Cerelyn "C.J." Davis met with the remaining officers that were part of SCORPION (Street Crimes Operations to Restore Peace in Our Neighborhoods) and mutually came to the decision it'd be best to disband the unit in light of everything.

MPD says they've made this decision after listening to the family of Tyre, community leaders and the public at large -- noting that the officers who are part of SCORPION, and who do fine work normally, "agree unreservedly with this next step."

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Memphis Police Department

They add, "While the heinous actions of a few casts a cloud of dishonor on the title SCORPION, it is imperative that we, the Memphis Police Department, take proactive steps in the healing process for all impacted." MPD also says they want to restore trust ASAP.

Interestingly, Chief Davis on Friday said she wouldn't be shutting down SCORPION ... telling AP, "The whole idea that the Scorpion unit is a bad unit, I just have a problem with that."

There's been a lot of digging into what this unit was/why officers who were in it had any reason to come into contact with Tyre on the night in question. SCORPION was formed in October 2021 and launched the following month ... so it's been around for just over a year.

Memphis Police Department

According to a MPD description of SCORPION at the time ... the whole idea of it was to get about 40 officers split into 4 teams to patrol "high crime hotspots" all throughout Memphis.

Tyre's traffic stop-turned-chase occurred at the intersection of East Raines Road and Ross Road -- near the Autumn Ridge neighborhood ... which appears to be one of the areas SCORPION was assigned to cover. The fact five of its cops were there is no coincidence.

Memphis Police Department

The Chief has since said no evidence has surfaced for why Tyre was pulled over in the first place. Reckless driving was cited, but proof of probable cause for that is nonexistent.

Tyre died from his injuries, and the 5 officers have subsequently been charged with murder. Nationwide protests have erupted ... and the Nichols family has demanded accountability.

Top Air Force General Sends Memo ... Warning of War with China in '25

A top U.S. Air Force official sent a stunning confession to his subordinates this week that warns of a looming war with China that he believes will manifest in the next couple years.

General Mike Minihan -- a four-star officer -- fired off an internal memo Friday to the rank and file that reports to him within the Air Mobility Command ... a unit that encompasses roughly 50,000 service members and oversees 500 planes for transport/refueling purposes.

While AMC doesn't sound like a combat-ready entity, Minihan reportedly told his guys to prepare for battle ... this according to NBC News, which says it obtained a copy of his note.

According to the outlet, Gen. Minihan writes ... "I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me will fight in 2025," while going on to describe what he says he believes China will do during the 2024 general election cycle -- namely, use that volatility here in the States to move on Taiwan.

In the event this comes to pass, Minihan reportedly laid out a very detailed defense and attack plan ... which includes building up a "Joint Force Maneuver Team" that can mobilize quickly to "fight and win inside the first island chain." He's ordering all airwing commanders and AF operational commanders to report on their progress for this by the end of February.

There's more ... Minihan reportedly has goals in mind for February and March, which entail his boys firing clips at 7-meter targets -- while noting, "unrepentant lethality matters most. Aim for the head." In March, he wants the AMC team to "consider their personal affairs and whether a visit should be scheduled with their servicing base legal office to ensure they are legally ready and prepared." Also, he tells them to update their emergency contacts.

In addition to this, Minihan's memo talks of risk/reward in training ... reportedly saying, "Run deliberately, not recklessly," and later adding, "If you are comfortable in your approach to training, then you are not taking enough risk." NBC News also says he discusses the possible use of commercial drone swarms as a tactic the U.S. might use against China.

In other words, this guy is rounding up the cavalry in very real terms ... not hypotheticals. And yet, a DoD rep went on record to say Minihan's concerns don't reflect the department's view on China ... distancing themselves from what sounds like legit wartime preparations.

Here's hoping Minihan is just an over-prepare-er ... and that this is just covering his bases. 😬

Tyre Nichols Videos Tensions Boil Over in NYC ... Protests in Memphis, D.C., L.A., Detroit


Protests over the brutal slaying of Tyre Nichols at the hands of police boiled over in NYC Friday night, but overall the demonstrations were peaceful across the country.

Check out this footage -- a man standing on the hood of an NYPD vehicle in Times Square packed with demonstrators marching against the 5 fired Memphis cops now charged with Tyre's recorded on-camera murder.

He stomps and punches the windshield, crushing the glass. Cops quickly swarm him, throwing him to the ground and cuffing him. Protesters gather around and film the arrest, repeatedly telling the officers ... "Easy, don't hurt him."

Memphis Police Department

NYPD heard the message loud and clear ... the officers led the man through the crowd, asking people to back away so they could get through.

The suspect was booked for criminal mischief. Two women were also arrested -- one for making graffiti on a police car (not clear what she wrote) and the other for assaulting a cop.

More protests formed in cities across the country, including Washington D.C., Boston, Seattle, Detroit, Atlanta and Memphis, where Tyre was killed. But they were all largely peaceful.

In downtown Los Angeles, however, demonstrators tore down a barricade as police in riot-gear looked on. One protester also tossed a lit firework at a police vehicle, engulfing it in smoke. It's unclear if anyone was injured or arrested.

Al Sharpton Tyre Nichols Murder Even 'More Egregious' ... Because Accused Officers Are Black


Al Sharpton went in on the fired Memphis police officers accused of murdering Tyre Nichols, saying the fact the 5 ex-cops are all Black makes the situation even worse.

We caught up with the Reverend on Friday outside NBC Studios in NYC ... and he didn't mince words after the release of police body cam footage showing Tyre's deadly assault.

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Memphis Police Department

The Rev told us ... "I want to make it clear: these five officers are Black does not make it less. In fact, it's more egregious that some black cops in a town where MLK gave his life, that's where he was killed, would do this is outrageous."

Of course, Al was referring to the fatal shooting of Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis, TN, on April 4, 1968. James Earl Ray confessed to the murder and died of liver disease in prison.

What's more, the Rev said the ex-officers did a disservice to Black people trying to change the justice system from within ... "We fought to get them on the [police] force to correct the force, not to do this."

Memphis Police Department

He also took a swipe at Congress for failing to pass into law the 2021 George Floyd Act, which would have increased accountability for police misconduct.

The Rev said ... "I put this at the feet of those that would not vote for federal law after George Floyd, there were no laws changed!"

Minneapolis Police 5/25/20
Facebook/ Darnella Frazier

Floyd, as you know, was infamously killed in 2020 by then-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was convicted of the homicide and sentenced to decades behind bars.

Memphis Police Department

Al wrapped things up by urging anyone protesting in Tyre's name not to engage in violence. He said if they do riot it will only help the accused officers defend themselves in the criminal case.

Here's how Al explained it, "They will be able to say 'See that's what we were afraid of. Look at how out of control they were.' Don't help the opposition."

Paul Pelosi Chilling 911 Call ... After Intruder Smashed in Back Door

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Paul Pelosi's attacker cased the family's home before making a move inside, leading to a chilling 911 call from Paul where he subtly relayed to the operator he was in danger.

We've obtained additional footage from outside the Pelosi home in San Francisco from the night of the attack when David DePape broke in and struck Paul with a hammer. At first, DePape checks around the house, possibly looking for a way in.

A few minutes pass, and he returns with a bag ... pulling out a hammer and gloves. DePape doesn't waste a lot of time smashing the back door with his weapon and climbing inside.

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The 911 call Paul made is equally as terrifying, you hear him try to stay calm -- without outright saying there was a problem -- it's clearly an attempt to keep DePape at bay.

He tells the operator his name, and states his friend is there but he doesn't know the "friend" as you can also hear DePape in the background. Paul then tells the operator he has to go, and that his "friend" really wants him to get off the phone.

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In additional footage released Friday, you see cops find Pelosi and DePape at the door, Pelosi tries to wrestle the hammer away from the intruder -- but he strikes him in the head -- knocking Paul out cold before cops intervene.

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DePape has been charged with attempted murder, residential burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, false imprisonment of an elder, and threats to a public official and their family.