Iowa TV Sports Reporter Pisses On Bosses During Ice Cold Weather Report!!!


11:05 AM PT -- Mark joined us on "TMZ Live" Friday ... tellin' us he's caught the eyes of some famous stars with his now-viral weather reporting -- and admits that caused a little bit of a panic in terms of his manager's thoughts.


There's also no doubt that his hilarious snarkiness on the air was legit ... because Mark says he was truly miserable out there, having to drastically change up his sleep schedule to get to work -- not to mention the freezin' temps!


Mark knows the higher-ups might ask him to make a return to the morning show game ... and he calls himself a team player -- but notes it'll be a painful experience for him if he has to pick up the shift again.

A local Iowa news broadcaster was EXTREMELY bent out of shape over his assignment -- covering the blizzard -- and he let his bosses know on live TV -- and it's hilarious.

KWWL reporter Mark Woodley was dispatched onto the snow-covered streets in Waterloo, IA, during Thursday's hours-long morning show. Right from the get-go, Woodley had a 'tude, snarkily delivering a weather report about the sub-zero temps.

He kicked things off this way ..."I normally do sports, uh, everything is canceled here for the next couple of days so what better time to ask the sports guy to come in about five hours earlier than he would normally wake up and go stand out in the wind and the snow and the cold and tell other people not to do the same."

It gets funnier ... Woodley joked that a co-worker named Clint cut a better deal because he's allowed to stay warm in the Storm Chaser vehicle. "I feel like Clint got the better end of that deal. That thing's heated. The outdoors currently is not heated."

Woodley also cracked this doozy ... "This is a really long show. Tune in for the next couple hours to watch me progressively get crankier and crankier."

He wasn't done yet ... "I've got good news and I've got bad news. The good news is that I can still feel my face. The bad news is I kind of wish I couldn't."

Hours later, Woodley couldn't take it anymore and addressed the TV host named Ryan, who was enjoying the warm studio ... "Can I go back to my regular job? I'm pretty sure Ryan that you guys added an extra hour to this show because somebody likes torturing me."

One thing's for sure ... Woodley should try stand-up comedy -- after he warms up with some hot chocolate.

Originally Published -- 5:45 AM PT

Walmart Employee Held Hostage at Gunpoint ... Cops Fatally Shoot Suspect

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A woman with a firearm held a Walmart employee hostage at gunpoint inside a Mississippi store ... causing cops to race to the scene and take lethal action.

The nightmare situation played out Wednesday night at a Walmart in Richland, MS ... video from inside the store shows a woman holding a gun in one hand and grabbing hold of a Walmart employee with the other.

As you can see, the Walmart worker looks terrified as she's ordered around the store by the woman with the gun.

Police say they responded to a report of a hostage situation and an officer ended up shooting and killing the suspect. Cops say no one else was hurt in the incident, and now the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is on the case.

It's unclear why the woman took a Walmart employee hostage ... but cops say they were told the suspect walked into the store with a gun and demanded news crews show up.

Folks who were there told local TV news station WAPT they were ordered outside the busy Walmart before hearing gunshots.

Justin Bieber Closing In On $200M Music Deal ... Selling Entire Catalog

Justin Bieber has his sights set on a music deal, one that would sell the rights to his entire catalog ... and it's reportedly got a price tag close to $200 million.

The big-ticket transaction would be with Hipgnosis Songs Capital, according to The Wall Street Journal ... whose sources claim the sale could go down as the largest music-rights acquisition in the company's history.

The possible deal could cover Justin's entire catalog of recorded music, which includes 6 albums over the span of a decade not to mention a ton of singles and collabs over the years.

Hipgnosis isn't a stranger in the world of acquisitions ... because the company reportedly bought catalog rights to Justin Timberlake's catalog earlier this year for $100M.

Experts and investors say putting money down on younger music comes with a higher risk, while jumping on older hits is safer -- especially as popularity in decades-old songs grows over time.

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Get that bread, J.B.!!! 💸

Elon Musk Says He's Resigning As Twitter CEO... Wonders Who Would Be 'Foolish Enough' To Take Job

Elon Musk says he's out as CEO of Twitter ... as soon as he finds a replacement.

Musk confirmed the news in an amusing tweet Tuesday night..."I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take this job!"

He added..."After that, I will only run the software & servers teams." Pretty shocking stuff from a guy who recently purchased the company for $44 BILLION!!

Of course, the move stems from a poll Musk took earlier in the week, asking millions of Twitter users to vote on whether he should remain the boss. More than 57 percent of the people voted to oust Elon, compared with just over 42 percent who wanted him to stay as head honcho.

The poll seemed tied to Elon's misstep on Sunday when he implemented a policy that barred accounts from promoting competing platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Twitter users expressed anger over the new rule because they're accustomed to sharing messages across open social media networks. Musk quickly buckled, adjusting the policy to suspend accounts whose primary purpose is to give free advertising to rival companies.

Elon's troubles with Twitter have only been mounting. Last week, Musk temporarily suspended the accounts of several prominent journalists after he accused them of doxxing him by revealing his personal information and the whereabouts of his private jet in real-time.

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The reporters claimed Elon was getting retribution for their negative coverage of him. It all came to a head during a heated online video chat, which ended with Elon abruptly leaving their meeting.

Armed Homeless Man Takes Over Home ... Kicks Woman Out Of Her Own Place

An apparently unhoused man is in police custody after an hours-long standoff sparked by the guy boldly taking over a woman's home while armed with a sword.

The scary intrusion went down Monday in Venice, CA, where resident Marcia Davalos told KCAL9 she arrived home to find the man already chilling inside, and claiming it was really his. Aside from trashing her place, he slammed the door in her face and locked her out.

What's more, the man reportedly had a knife and a massive sword ... which resulted in a huge LAPD response, swarming the block with the SWAT team and even sending in a robot to check out the situation.

After a 4-hour-long standoff, police used tear gas to force the man out of the home ... and, bizarrely, he emerged wrapped in a bath towel!

The guy had made himself so at home, he was taking a shower when cops decided his time was up.

Neighbors weren't nearly as shocked by the incident as you'd think -- they told reporters on the scene stuff like this happens all too often. Venice is one of the most impacted communities amid L.A.'s unhoused crisis.

Jan. 6 Committee Criminal Referrals Against Trump ... Up to DOJ on Prosecution

Donald Trump broke the law during the attack on the U.S. Capitol -- so says the Jan. 6 congressional committee ... which is now asking the Department of Justice to prosecute.

The House select committee made criminal referrals to federal prosecutors Monday, suggesting they've found evidence of criminality throughout their months-long hearings ... and are now pointing out specific crimes they feel the DOJ could pursue, if they're inclined.

The charges they feel are warranted here ... obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress, conspiracy to make a false statement, conspiracy to defraud the United States and straight-up insurrection. If the DOJ were to prosecute (and if Trump was convicted of all this) ... he could face up to 35 years in prison.

Of course, Congress's recommendation to the Justice Dept. is simply that ... a proposal, which is largely symbolic in this case -- and may not really amount to much big picture.

Fact is ... the DOJ is already running its own investigation into Trump on multiple fronts, including for his involvement on Jan. 6 -- for which they've already appointed a special counsel. Their probe(s) have been running parallel to the congressional hearings for a while, and they've been keeping tabs on the proceedings. It's unclear if they've become aware of any major new bombshells against Trump that they weren't already aware of.

Fox News

With that said ... the fact Congress is officially looking to have a former Prez prosecuted -- even if it is out of their hands -- is a major statement ... as it's never been done before.

Whether Trump ends up being personally charged/prosecuted for any alleged wrongdoing -- and there's a lot he's been accused of lately -- remains to be seen, especially since he's running for office again and is about to be in the thick of his 2024 campaign very soon.

Fox News

Trump's alleged malfeasance on or around Jan. 6 has been well-documented throughout the hearings -- there's been claims that he fought with his own Secret Service in an attempt to arrive and meet the coup crowd at the Capitol ... not to mention the allegation that he asked to have metal detectors removed in hopes of people being able to sneak in weapons.

Of course, there's also the fact that he explicitly called his VP, Mike Pence, a traitor ... and essentially left him for the wolves, along with the other lawmakers that day. Trump was also very soft on condemning the attack, and is reported to have prolonged his response.

This, according to Congress, was in an effort to stop the certification of the 2020 election ... and for Trump to remain in power longer as he continued to challenge the results.

Twitter Ya Can't Promote Other Socials Here ... Linktree Included!!!

New rule alert at Twitter -- Elon Musk apparently wants to keep the bird app exclusive, so he's banning the promotion of any other social media accounts ... including via Linktree.

The official Twitter Support account made the announcement Sunday, writing ... "We recognize that many of our users are active on other social media platforms. However, we will no longer allow free promotion of certain social media platforms on Twitter."

They add, "Specifically, we will remove accounts created solely for the purpose of promoting other social platforms and content that contains links or usernames for the following platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribel, Nostr and Post."

Some clarification ... Twitter Support notes this doesn't mean they're banning the use of links to other social media sites, including cross-posting of content (like throwing up an IG link on Twitter, for instance). What it sounds like they won't stand for now ... unadulterated plugging of one's other accounts that might lead Twitter users away from the platform.

Several users have already gotten into the weeds of Twitter's new policy, and they appear to confirm this will apply to Linktree URLs -- which allow people to go and find someone's entire social media presence, among other useful links. Content creators use Linktree quite often.

Twitter also says that phrases like "Follow me on XXXX" will likely get someone banned as well. This has been happening a lot lately under the new Musk regime -- folks have been touting their Mastadon accounts, and others, as prominent users have migrated over.

It's just the latest crackdown on Elon's watch. Remember, he's been suspending journos who cover/criticize him ... handing down bans and reversals of those bans on the drop of a dime.

Fun times ...

'GMA3' ROBACH & HOLMES Won't Deck the ABC Halls ... Till After the New Year

There's a snowball's chance in hell ABC has Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes anchoring 'GMA3' again before the New Year.

Network sources tell TMZ ... ABC's internal review of their romantic relationship, coupled with Amy and T.J.'s previously scheduled time off for the holidays make an on-air return in 2022 next to impossible.

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As you know ... Amy and T.J. haven't been on camera since a Dec. 2 broadcast ... because the network yanked them off the air while investigating their romance.

TMZ broke the story ... Amy and T.J. will remain off the air pending ABC's internal review, which we're told is ongoing.

Our sources say Amy and T.J. are not having direct conversations with network brass about the review ... instead, we're told the anchors are having their legal teams handle any communication with ABC.

However, our sources say Amy and T.J. are willing to talk personally with network execs if called upon ... though, for now, they're sitting back and urging the network to conduct the review so everything is aboveboard.

Sounds like Amy and T.J. have plenty of time for a romantic holiday getaway ... if they so choose.

Elon Musk & Twitter Bolts Outta Chat Over Suspended Reporters ... Doxx and You're Off!!!


11:16 AM PT -- We had Micah Lee from The Intercept on TMZ Live Friday to talk about his suspension. Lee tells us he believes it was his harsh coverage of Elon that got him the boot ... saying Elon's a hypocrite for allowing Trump and people like Marjorie Taylor Greene on the platform and suspending journalists.


He also expanded more on why the platform is so important to news and reporters.

Elon Musk is dropping the hammer on Twitter, and he's in no mood to talk about it -- he fled an online chat as soon as upset reporters tried to grill him about suspending a bunch of journalists.

The Chief Twit jumped into a Twitter Spaces chat Thursday evening to lay out his new rules about real-time doxxing -- namely that anyone who shares real-time locations of individuals will be immediately suspended from the bird app.

After some back-and-forth in the chat, Elon finally said, "If you Dox you get suspended, end of story, that's it." Moments later, he hopped out of the chat without announcing his exit.

As we reported, Musk shut down a handful of reporters' Twitter accounts Thursday without explanation. Some of them say they never posted any location info, so they felt the suspensions were really due to negative reporting on Elon.

During the abbreviated chat, journalists challenged him -- pointing out he was shutting down journalism in the same way he's criticized the Twitter regime of killing stories about Hunter Biden. Y'know, the whole free speech thing Musk said he wanted to champion when he dropped $44 billion to buy Twitter.

BTW, Elon asked his followers when, if at all, he should unsuspend the accounts who doxxed him ... but he clearly wasn't a fan of the results, saying "Sorry, too many options. Will redo poll."

He did redo it, but was still met with a majority saying he should unsuspend now. He's also reportedly shut down all Twitter Spaces chats since last night. 😬

Elon Musk Suspending Twitter Accounts For Reporters Who Cover Him

Elon Musk is hitting journalists who make a living reporting on the billionaire where he can ... silencing their Twitter accounts.

The new owner of the bird app is suspending Twitter accounts for reporters from major news outlets like The New York Times, Washington Post and CNN ... plus independent journos and folks who report for Mashable and The Intercept.

Among those losing their ability to tweet about Elon ... Donie O'Sullivan from CNN, Drew Harwell from WaPo, Matt Binder from Mashable, Ryan Mac from NYT, Micah Lee from The Intercept, plus Keith Olbermann and Aaron Rupar.

Lots of folks getting the boot have been writing and tweeting critically about Elon ... but the fact is Musk owns Twitter so he can do what he wants with his private company.

Of course, Elon's claimed he's a champion of free speech ... and some folks say that's just not jiving with suspensions for reporters.

Here's what some of those banned reporters are seeing when they try to log in to their Twitter accounts ... a message telling them their account is permanently suspended for violating Twitter rules.

Elon's been changing Twitter terms of service on the fly ... and it's unclear what rules the journalists supposedly violated to earn a suspension.

It appears more accounts are being suspended.

Stay tuned ...

Cruise Ship Horror Woman Dies After Going Overboard ... Coast Guard Finds Body


A woman has died after going overboard on a cruise ship traveling from the Bahamas to Florida.

A rep for the U.S. Coast Guard tells TMZ they were alerted about a 36-year-old female who'd gone overboard on the MSC Meraviglia early Thursday morning about 18 miles off the coast of Port Canaveral in FL.

From there, we're told the Coast Guard sent out both a helicopter and search boat to find the woman ... and her body was located a short time later.

A passenger onboard tells us the ship was traveling from Ocean Cay in The Bahamas to Port Canaveral when the incident happened.

According to the passenger, a staffer on the cruise ship said the woman jumped ... but we have not yet confirmed that info.

A rep for MSC tells us, "Unfortunately, despite the rapid rescue operation, the passenger sustained fatal injuries. We are offering our full support to authorities as they investigate this matter. We are deeply saddened by this incident and offer our sincerest condolences to the family and those affected."

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Coast Guard Air Station New Orleans

It was earlier this month when passenger James Michael Grimes fell off a Carnival Cruise and spent 20 hours in the ocean until he was rescued. Grimes claimed he'd been drinking the day of his accident, but didn't remember how much he had.

'GMA3' Robach & Holmes to Stay Off the Air Pending Internal Review

Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes aren't going to show their faces on camera for the foreseeable future -- because ABC wants to make sure it's able to do a full review of their relationship before bringing 'em back ... TMZ has learned.

Kim Godwin, the president of ABC News, fired off an email to staffers updating everyone on the status of Amy and T.J.'s return to the anchor's desk.

The email, obtained by TMZ, reads, "I want to take a moment to address the on-going matter involving GMA3 anchors T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach. I understand that the continuing coverage can be distracting from the incredibly important work our team does here at ABC News."

She adds, "Amy and T.J. will remain off-air pending the completion of an internal review, and there will be a rotation of anchors at GMA3 for the time being. It is my hope that we will continue to focus our energy on what we do best, and I want all of you to know how immensely proud I am of your hard work and professionalism."

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We'd already broken a story about ABC's probe -- remember, we reported ABC brass wanted to get into the nitty-gritty to see if any company policies had been broken during their romance ... something that Godwin had gotten ahead of by saying this was all kosher.

While the conditions of the review might sound ominous from the outside looking in, we've been told by insiders that everyone at ABC, Amy and T.J. included, welcome this ... as they're confident a proper vetting will clear the couple's names and that they'll be back eventually.

Univ. of Idaho Murders Police Presence Jumps On Campus ... As Students Flock Back For Graduation

police chief idaho
FOX News

Police aren't taking any chances during this weekend's fall graduation at the University of Idaho ... especially with the killer or killers of 4 students still on the loose.

Moscow PD Chief James Fry says he's beefing up patrols on and off campus as students and their families celebrate commencement.

During a Saturday news conference, Fry warned everyone to keep vigilant, move about in groups and stay in close touch with friends and family.

Of course, the chief has major safety concerns ... the fatal stabbings of Madison Mogen, Kaylee Goncalves and Xana Kernodle inside their off-campus house have remained unsolved since November 13. Xana's boyfriend, Ethan Chapin, was also slain, but he didn't live at the location.

Investigators have not identified a suspect/suspects and no murder weapon has been found ... although it's believed a combat knife was used.

Detectives have also ruled out a number of people, including 2 surviving roommates who apparently slept through the attacks inside the home.

An ex-boyfriend of one of the female victims was also cleared, as well as her alleged stalker.

Despite the probe's slow progression, cops recently released a possible break in the case ... they want to interview the occupant(s) of a white 2011-2013 Hyundai Elantra, which was spotted near the murder scene that night.

The FBI, which is assisting in the investigation, has been inundated with tips, but the car has not been located yet. It's not clear if the occupant(s) are potential suspects or witnesses.

Mexico Serial Killer Moves Like Ted Bundy, On the Loose ... Tijuana Victims Piling Up

A serial killer on the U.S. and Mexico border seems like a Ted Bundy copycat, at least to the Mexican authorities desperately trying to hunt him down.

So far, cops believe the murderer has snuffed out 3 Tijuana sex workers -- women he targeted in strip clubs, lured back to a hotel room ... and then performed violent sexual acts before killing them.

Baja California (Mexico) Attorney General Ricardo Iván Carpio Sánchez told reporters Friday ... “This subject has criminal tendencies associated with violent and psychopathic behavior. His profile is very similar to someone who became very well-known decades ago: Ted Bundy."

They also suspect the killer is American. Tijuana is just over the California border.

Bundy confessed to abducting and murdering 30 women and girls across the United States from 1974 to 1978. He was later captured and executed by the state of Florida in 1989.

Carpio says they do have the name of one possible suspect. They're not saying it publicly, yet, but he says they've shared the info with U.S. law enforcement, including the FBI, so they can coordinate efforts to capture him.

UNIV. OF IDAHO MURDERS Cops Find Victim's Alleged Stalker ... No Connection To Killings

Idaho police have looked into a popular theory one of the victims had a stalker ... and while the department thinks it found the person in question, it's saying the incidents don't seem to be connected.

Moscow PD says they investigated and identified an incident from mid-October where Kaylee Goncalves told friends and family about a potential "stalker" in her life.

Cops reportedly say Kaylee went to into a local business, where 2 men were inside. The authorities believe 1 of them may have continued to follow her around the business, and as she headed back to her car -- although they don't think he made any contact with her.

Detectives say they've contacted both men, who told them they were trying to meet women at the business ... but the PD is now saying there's no evidence that points to them as being involved in the gruesome murders.

FYI -- rumors about the stalker theory have been circling for weeks, and Kaylee's father recently revealed in an ABC News interview that his daughter did mention a potential stalker before her death.

Iran Conflicting Reports 'Morality Police' Being Disbanded?

Conflicting reports have come in about what Iran plans to do about its "morality police" -- who are said to be responsible for the death of a woman who wouldn't comply with the hijab law.

Iran's Attorney General Mohammad Jafar Montazeri was quoted as saying that the country's Guidance Patrol would be abolished going forward ... and that their rules on women having to wear hijabs in public would be placed under review -- this per local media.

A state media agency, however, refuted this ... suggesting Montazeri had spoken out of turn, and that any disbandment of the morality police falls under the jurisdiction of the interior ministry -- not the judiciary or parliament. No official word from that department so far.

The news of a potential shift in the nation's strict regulations against women were taking as a huge win after months of protests following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in September, who died as a result of injuries she sustained while being detained in September.

There has been massive protests and civil unrest both there in Iran and elsewhere around the world as people rallied together to show solidarity for Iranian women in the wake of Amini's passing.

Amini is said to not have been wearing a head scarf properly, which is when Guidance Patrol officers approached and tried to get her to put it on fully. This issue's been a longstanding one, and now it seems to be reaching a boiling point -- assuming Iran will actually budge.