Harry Styles I'm Devastated Over Mall Shooting ... Copenhagen Concert Canceled


8:10 AM PT -- Police have not determined a motive, but say the gunman acted alone and have now ruled out terrorism.

Harry Styles is devastated by the mass shooting in Copenhagen, where he was supposed to perform just hours later.

Harry canceled his concert Sunday ... after a gunman opened fire at Field's shopping centre, which is less than 2 football fields in distance away from the venue where Harry was supposed to perform later that night.

Harry said he was feeling utter "devastation" ... "I'm heartbroken along with the people of Copenhagen. I adore this city. The people are so warm and full of love."

He went on ... "I'm devastated for the victims, their families, and everyone hurting. I'm sorry we couldn't be together. Please look after each other. H."

Police say the shooter was a 22-year-old Danish man, and they believe he acted alone. Authorities have not ruled out terrorism.

The gunman entered the mall with a rifle and then began firing randomly at people inside the mall.

Originally Published -- 6:08 AM PT

Abortion Ban So. Dakota Gov. Grilled Over 10-Year-Old Pregnant Rape Victim


South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem did her best to deflect how she and her state would handle the case of a 10-year-old girl who became pregnant after being raped.

Gov. Noem appeared on CNN Sunday and discussed her state's anti-abortion law, which prohibits such procedures except to save the life of the mother.

The Governor immediately tried to change the subject and talk about how a monster could do such a thing and how people like him needed accountability. CNN's Dana Bash pressed her to get back on topic, and the Governor danced around the subject.

The 10-year-old lives in Ohio, and was 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant ... 3 days too late to get an abortion in that state. She reportedly traveled to Indiana for the procedure.

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Bash couldn't pin the Governor down ... she asked, "Because [the] trigger law [in South Dakota] was passed before you became governor, I wanted you to be clear: Will the state of South Dakota going forward force a 10-year-old in that very same situation to have a baby?"

Noem's answer ...  "You know what I think is incredible, Dana, in this tragic story? What’s incredible is that nobody’s talking about the pervert, the horrible and deranged individual, that raped a 10-year-old. What are we doing about those individuals that do this to these children?​"

She added ... "Every single life — every single life is precious."

It seems the Governor is saying the little girl should be forced to give birth ... "What I would say is, I don’t believe a tragic situation should be perpetuated by another tragedy. And so there’s more that we have got to do to make sure that we really are living a life that says every life is precious, especially innocent lives that have been shattered, like that 10-year-old girl."

South Dakota is one of a number of states that is either severely restricting or altogether banning abortions in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Texas Supreme Court Enforces Pre-Roe 1925 Abortion Law As 'Trigger' Deadline Looms

The state of Texas is in a state of confusion as to what the actual law is over abortion -- made only more dubious by a decision its high court just handed down.

On Friday, the Texas Supreme Court overturned a lower court's ruling from earlier this week giving clinics/docs there the green light to continue carrying out abortions up to the 6-week mark -- allowing women a last-minute chance to get abortions before the state's trigger law goes into effect at the end of July ... which will outlaw most instances of abortion, period.

The reason the lower court even had to weigh in on this now is because pro-choice advocates sued the state after TX AG Ken Paxton effectively tried accelerating the trigger law date to right now ... via a loophole in an ancient Texas law from 1925 as his justification.

The 1925 law and the forthcoming trigger law are separate, but essentially enforce the same thing ... a woman cannot get an abortion in Texas, unless having the baby threatens her life.

Paxton apparently didn't wanna wait until the end of July for the trigger law to go into effect, and publicly declared this week that the old law of nearly 100 years could, in fact, be applied today -- both criminally and civilly -- seeing how it had remained on the books this entire time. Before Roe v. Wade was overturned last week, it had superseded the 1925 law.

After the lower court banned this enforcement through a TRO, he filed an appeal with the TX Supreme Court -- asking them to temporarily lift the ban ... which they did late last night. So, as of right now, that 1925 law is in play in Texas -- although, criminal prosecution for violating it is on hold at the moment, per the court. A hearing on this is set for July 12.

It's a stark reality either way ... any woman who was/is attempting to get an abortion in TX before the trigger law hits is now hamstrung with all these back-and-forth rulings.

Several other states' trigger laws have already materialized ... and when the rest do as well, it's going to be a mess as women travel to neighboring states to get abortions ... at the risk of prosecution. President Biden warned of this just yesterday, saying arrests will happen.

In other words, this is far from over ... and the ramifications are going to be felt for a while, at least until the next couple election cycles -- when would-be elected officials could do something to reverse SCOTUS' decision by codifying abortion rights through legislation.

Even that, though, isn't guaranteed at this point.

Video Shows Angry Bison Attacks Man and Family ... Sending Him To Hospital

Rob Goodell

A scary moment for a man and his family, when an angry bison charged the group, goring one person and sending them to the hospital.

It all went down on Monday, the 34-year-old man and his family were walking on a boardwalk near the animal at Yellowstone National Park. Apparently, the trio got a little too close for comfort to the bison, who charged them ... knocking the man and a child to the ground.

Officials say the man was gored, suffering injuries to his arm and sending him to the hospital for treatment.

Park reps say this is the second time this year a visitor got too close to a bison and was not only gored, but also tossed 10 ft into the air.

War in Ukraine Russian Missiles Blast Crowded Mall ... At Least 3 Dead, 40 Wounded


Vladimir Putin is showing no mercy ... disgustingly firing missiles into a Ukraine shopping mall, and video following the attack shows the building -- with nearly 1,000 civilians inside -- up in flames.

Two Russian missiles were reportedly fired Monday into the shopping center, in the central city of Kremenchuk. According to officials, at least 3 are dead and 40 others are wounded. But, President Zelensky says, "It is impossible to even imagine the number of victims."

As you can see, the harrowing attack sparked a huge fire and caused a huge cloud of smoke to fill up the sky ... as soldiers and firefighters sifted through the rubble to search for survivors.

Zelensky confirmed the obvious ... that the mall held no military importance, and was not even near any other military target. Quite frankly, as Ukrainian officials put it ... the attack was a downright "act of terrorism against civilians".

Zelensky called it an effort by Russia to stop “people’s attempts to live a normal life, which make the occupiers so angry.”

Russia, on the other hand, has denied attacking innocent civilians since first launching the war on Ukraine, back in February.

Unfortunately, this isn't the first time we've seen attacks of this scale. You'll recall earlier strikes from Russia like the one at a Mariupol theater, back in March ... where nearly 600 reportedly were killed.

'Full House' Star Jodie Sweetin Shoved To Ground By Police ... During Abortion Rights Protests

Instagram / @bellikemike

Jodie Sweetin, known for playing Stephanie Tanner on 'Full House,' was knocked back by police during an abortions rights protest, slamming her down on the concrete.

Jodie was with other protestors on a freeway in Los Angeles when LAPD began to block their path ... Jodie ended up close to officers when she got shoved back into the crowd -- tripping over the curb and knocking her to the floor.

The original uploader claims she was trying to lead the group away from the freeway, which was when she got pushed back ... the crowd began chanting "No justice, no peace," with Jodie joining in quickly after.

Jodie tells TMZ ... "I’m extremely proud of the hundreds of people who showed up yesterday to exercise their First Amendment rights and take immediate action to peacefully protest the giant injustices that have been delivered from our Supreme Court. Our activism will continue until our voices are heard and action is taken. This will not deter us, we will continue fighting for our rights. We are not free until ALL of us are free."

And she's doing ok after the incident -- the entire event was meant to be a peaceful protest for abortion rights.

We've reached out to LAPD for comment ... so far, no word back.

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As you know, protests have been underway across the country and beyond since Roe V. Wade was overturned Friday ... some have been forming outside the Capitol, featuring both pro-life supporters and pro-choice advocates.

Mass Shooting 2 Dead, at Least 19 Injured ... Attack in Norway's Gay District

Another mass shooting, this time in Oslo, Norway, where 2 people were shot to death and 19 were injured outside of 2 bars in an area of the city that is the hub of gay nightlife.

It was a horrendous scene ... you hear the gunshots in the video as 40 witnesses looked and ran in horror. Police captured a suspect just minutes after the attack. A police spokesman would not identify the alleged shooter or motive. Cops believe there was only one gunman.

One witness told a Norwegian media outlet, "I saw a man arrive at the scene with a bag. He took up a gun and started shooting."

Norway is celebrating gay pride this month, and Saturday -- literally just hours after the attack -- a parade was supposed to start as the highlight of the 10-day festival.

Norway is considered a progressive country ... gay couples have had the right to marry since 2009.

Norway's Prime Minister, Jonas Gahr Store, called the shooting a "cruel and deeply shocking attack on innocent people."

This type of violence is rare in Norway, so it's all the more shocking to folks who live there.

Crash Landing Video Shows Passengers Escape Burning Passenger Jet

Paolo Delgado

Terrified passengers scurried to the exit and jump down the emergency chute as their plane became engulfed in flames ... and it's all caught on video.

The Red Air flight hit the ground hard at the Miami International Airport after the jet's landing gear collapsed, causing a fire in the rear section of the plane.

The video was shot from inside the plane as passengers hurled themselves from the front exit onto the chute.

There were 126 passengers on board ... 7 people were injured, including a pregnant woman. Three of them were hospitalized with minor injuries.

The incident is now under investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board.

Artistic Swimmer Anita Alvarez Passes Out In Pool During Event ... Heroically Saved By Coach

An artistic swimmer nearly lost her life after passing out in the pool following an intense routine at a major event Wednesday ... but, thankfully, her coach quickly dove into the water and rescued her.

The terrifying scene went down at the FINA World Aquatic Championships in Budapest, Hungary ... when American Anita Alvarez had just wrapped up a performance in the women's solo free event and suddenly fainted.

The photos from the pool are horrifying ... they show a lifeless Alvarez sinking to the bottom, clearly in danger of drowning.

Fortunately, her coach, Andrea Fuentes, immediately knew something was wrong ... and jumped in to save her.

Fuentes grabbed Alvarez, pulled her to the top ... and, according to U.S. Artistic Swimming officials, the 25-year-old swimmer is now expected to be OK despite the grim images.

All Aquatics/Eurovision Sports

"Anita has been evaluated by medical staff and will continue to be monitored," the team said in a statement Thursday morning. "She is already feeling much better and using today to rest."

Fuentes, meanwhile, spoke about her heroic efforts to BBC on Thursday morning ... saying she had to rub Alvarez's face to get her to release the water she had taken into her lungs after collapsing in the pool.

"She was very tight on her jaw," Fuentes said. "So I tried to wake her up and massage the jaw because it was too tense. And then she coughed and threw up the water out."

Shockingly, this is not the first time Alvarez has needed Fuentes to rescue her ... the swimmer had a similar incident go down last year at an Olympic qualification event.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

U.S. Artistic Swim officials said there is now a chance Alvarez could still compete in Friday's team event.

They added they're "immensely thankful" to Fuentes for her "genuine love and urgency" in the horrifying moment at the pool.

Child Set on Fire Mother Claims Her Son Falsely Accused of Bullying ... She Says the Video Proves It


The mom of a Connecticut boy accused of setting another boy on fire is going after the alleged victim's mom ... claiming she defamed her son and she wants the mom arrested.

Here's what is uncontested ... 6-year-old Dominick Krankall was burned badly while playing in his backyard in Bridgeport. Dominick's mom accused Laura Giacobbe's son of intentionally lighting the boy on fire.

Now, the new development ... a video that surfaced Friday shows 4 children, including Dominick, lighting fires and kicking a soccer ball engulfed in flames. The video, initially published by the NY Post, shows Dominick stepping on a plastic cup that was filled with gasoline and in flames.


Dominick suffered terrible burns to his face and legs.

So, Laura Giacobbe is furious, and told the Post she actually helped Dominick's mom by instructing her to get him in a bathtub immediately because his legs were on fire.

Giacobbe says Dominick's mom called police and accused her son of intentionally dousing Dominick with gas and throwing a flaming soccer ball at him.

Laura says there was absolutely no bullying and it was just a horrible accident. She's outraged at Dominick's mom and wants her to answer to the law. She also adds, his mom should have been supervising her son better in their own backyard.

Dominick's mom is sticking to her story, telling the Post Laura is a "liar." She says the video is edited and it took a month-and-a-half to come out.

Dominick's mom set up a GoFundMe account with the caption "Justice for Dominick ... STOP BULLYING!" and raised $500k.

Pope Francis Vatican Buzz Resignation May be Looming

Pope Francis may be hanging it up soon -- stepping down as the leader of the Catholic Church -- at least that's the buzz in and around the Vatican.

There's some unusual activity going on ... and the backdrop to all of it is the Pope's frail health. He's been confined to a wheelchair recently ... the result of debilitating knee pain.

The Pope also just canceled a trip to Africa scheduled for next month.

What's fueling the resignation rumors is a meeting of cardinals that the Pope just scheduled ... it's highly unusual.

Pope Francis assumed his role back in 2013 and has instituted a series of reforms, which include a new constitution.

What's especially interesting ... Pope Francis's predecessor, former Pope Benedict, resigned in 2013 ... he says it was based on deteriorating physical and mental health.

And, there's this ... back in May, during a meeting with bishops, Pope Francis addressed his knee issues, saying, "Rather than operate, I'll resign."

Italian newspapers are all abuzz over the Papal resignation rumors, but so far no official word.

Yellowstone National Park Heavy Flooding ... Takes Down Metal Bridge!!!

Nate Creek

Yellowstone National Park looks like it's going through Noah's flood all over again -- the place is buried in water, with currents so strong ... they're taking down nearby bridges.

Check out these wild videos showing the absolute downpour going on near the park, which has forced officials to close off pretty much every roadway to get in. Looks like there are people on the ground there still, and they're capturing some gnarly footage of the conditions.

Nate Creek

With water levels rising to dangerous heights, it seems there's already been some major damage -- namely, one of the crossings there, Carbella Bridge, appears to have been ripped down and washed away in the rapids. That's nuts ... 'cause the thing's made of metal!

As you can see, the bridge -- or at least part of it -- is seen floating away in the roaring stream, leaving onlookers shocked.

In addition to the flooding, there are reports of rockslides and other hazards being flagged -- including power outages around the area. The rain is expected to continue for at least a couple more days ... scary since the water is already sky-high. Evacuations are underway.

As for the wildlife, it seems they're left to fend for themselves for now. Hopefully, they're heading for higher (and dryer) land. 😳

Special Olympics 7th Member Of Haiti's Delegation Missing In Florida

A seventh member of Haiti's Special Olympics delegation is now missing in Florida.

Just days after six Haitians -- who were in town to participate in a soccer competition at the 2022 Special Olympics Games -- disappeared in the Kissimmee area, the Osceola County Sheriff's Office announced that 25-year-old Louis Jacques Wilguens has vanished as well.

In a statement, the sheriff's office said Wilguens was last seen getting off a bus at Disney's All-Star Sports Resort in Lake Buena Vista on Saturday at around 4:30 PM.

Police say Wilguens was wearing blue jeans and a Special Olympics shirt with "Haiti" written on it, and had been scheduled to fly back to Haiti on Sunday, but apparently didn't make the flight.

Police are urging anyone who sees Wilguens to "check his well-being" and immediately get in touch with authorities.

Last week, police said the other 6 Haitians, whose ages range from 18-32, had disappeared after turning in their room keys and leaving behind their personal items. Police said at the time they did not suspect foul play.

The Sheriff's Office said in a statement they had been in communication with Walt Disney World and the Special Olympics over the disappearances.

Officials are asking anyone with information to contact the Osceola County Sheriff's Office at 321-697-4546.

Patriot Front 31 Members of Hate Group Busted Near Pride Event For Planning Riot, Cops Say

Idaho cops successfully foiled what could've been a repeat of Charlottesville by pulling over a U-Haul truck filled with 31 members of a white supremacist group near a Pride event.

The group is called Patriot Front -- you probably first heard of them during the deadly Charlottesville protests in 2017 -- and on Saturday, nearly 3 dozen of their members were packed into the back of the truck.

Police believe the men -- many wearing white supremacy insignias, face coverings and shirts that said "reclaim America" -- were planning to riot and go head-to-head with people participating in the "Pride in the Park" event.

The city's police chief says someone spotted the group loading into the U-Haul at a nearby hotel, and tipped off police. Ten minutes later, heavily armed officers pulled over the truck and arrested the group without incident.

Cops say the group had riot gear, such as shields, and at least one smoke grenade.

The group's leader, Thomas Ryan Rousseau, was arrested for criminal conspiracy to riot. He and others were being held on $300 bail.

As for why cops were able to respond so quickly ... the chief said they were aware of online threats that had been made leading up to the Pride event, and had increased police presence in the area.

John Cena Makes Teenager's Fantasy Reality ... After Escaping Ukraine

John Cena made one kid's fantasy into a real-life storybook ending -- showing up to meet a boy who was told his family was fleeing Ukraine ... just to meet the wrestling superstar.

WWE released this video earlier in the week, showing JC pop up in Europe to meet Misha Rohozhyn -- a teenager with Down Syndrome, who was forced to escape his native city of Mariupol in recent months because of the Russian attack.

The story goes ... Misha, who's non-verbal, was confused and distressed about leaving home -- as he didn't quite understand what was happening. So, his mom told him a story to help.

She convinced her son that they had to leave so that they could go have a face-to-face with Cena ... who is Misha's hero. The kid has a ton of attire bearing John's face, so upon hearing this ... he was able to be convinced to embark on the dangerous journey.

As sweet of a sentiment is on its own, it gets even better ... because John was apparently made aware of this teen's dream, and ventured over to Amsterdam -- where they'd successfully fled to -- and closed the loop on what had been promised. Totally. Awesome.

The video itself tells the full story, so we'll let John speak for himself on why he did this and what exactly it means for him ... but more importantly, for Misha.

Looks like this meetup was everything the teen could hope for and then some. Once again, John proves why he's a class act -- especially when it comes to his work with children.

Well done.

M&M Mars Factory 2 People Fall into Chocolate Tank!!! Rescuers Go in After 'Em

The good folks at M&M Mars have a genuine chocolate disaster on their hands ... 2 people got trapped in a chocolate factory vat -- not on purpose, we think -- and required a "jaws of life" type rescue.

What sounds like a scene straight outta "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" went down Thursday at an M&M Mars plant in Lancaster County ... not too far from Hershey, PA.

It's unclear right now how the 2 people fell into the vat, but authorities reportedly had to cut a hole in the side of the tank to get them out.

The first victim was reportedly rescued around 3:10 PM, and the second was extricated about 15 minutes later. No word yet on if the vat was filled to the brim or empty when the victims went down.

And, yes ... they're still victims, even if they were possibly swimming in chocolate.

No word on either person's condition right now, but according to reports they were alive when cops pulled 'em out.

The factory is known for cranking out a variety of sweet sweet products ... including M&Ms and Dove chocolate.