Cryptocurrency Disaster T-Mobile Sued By Customer Who Lost $750,000 ... Your Security Sucks!!!

T-Mobile caused one of its customers to lose 3/4 of a million bucks, and the guy who's out the money is now suing the phone company, claiming its security sucked so bad, someone just up and stole his money.

Calvin Cheng claims T-Mobile violated Federal laws that impose security regulations to ensure against hacking and outright stealing.

Cheng claims he's a customer of a company called Iterative ... a hybrid investment fund focused on crypto trading. He says in 2018 T-Mobile was the victim of a SIM-swap -- where a criminal third party convinces a wireless carrier to transfer access from one of its legitimate customers to a SIM-card controlled by the criminal.

Cheng alleges in 2020 ... T-Mobile allowed one of these criminal third parties access to Iterative's founder. The criminal third party, posing as the Iterative founder, convinced Cheng to send 15 Bitcoins to a digital wallet ... which he believed was controlled by Iterative. He was expected to cash it in for U.S. dollars but never received them.

He seems to be pegging the price of Bitcoin at the time of the fraud at $50,000 a pop -- hence the $750k in damages -- although now its value has plummeted to just under $30,000 a coin.

Cheng says T-Mobile's security lapses were a direct cause of his loss.

In addition to the $750,000, Cheng wants punitive damages and other costs.

We reached out to T-Mobile ... so far, no word back.

Passenger Who Landed Plane My Pregnant Wife, God Were My Inspiration


The passenger who landed a plane after the pilot lost consciousness says he was "calm and collected" ... in no small part because he was about to become a father.

Darren Harrison spoke to Savannah Guthrie on "Today" ... and explained with all the buttons and gadgets on the control panel, it all came down to common sense.


The emergency was even more harrowing than first reported. The 39-year-old said after the pilot became incapacitated, the Cessna began to nose-dive at a high rate of speed.

Harrison was cool as a cucumber, saying, “I knew if I didn’t react, then we would die."


As he put it ... “I was pretty calm and collected the whole time because I knew it was a life or death situation. Either you do what you have to do to control the situation or you’re gonna die.”

Harrison, who works at a flooring company, said his wife, Britney, who was 7-months pregnant with their unborn daughter, was his inspiration. He also said there was an element of divine intervention, telling Guthrie “the hand of God was on that plane."


As he said, “I was climbing to the front and that plane was in a dive. I was just looking going, ‘I can’t die today. Britney’s pregnant, I’ve got a baby on the way — not today. Today’s not my day."

As we reported, Harrison contacted the tower operator who help guide him down to the runway, where he made a perfect landing ... just incredible.

BTW ... he did the whole thing barefoot!!!

Lovers & Friends Festival Fans Trampled in Vegas ... After Reports of Gunfire

There was a scary situation Saturday night in Vegas, when a stampede erupted after people thought they heard gunshots, and several people were trampled.

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department tells TMZ ... "Shortly after 10 PM, gunfire was reportedly heard near the site of the Lovers & Friends Festival, causing a large group of attendees to exit the venue. At this time, there is no evidence of a shooting and the initial report has been deemed unfounded. Three people were transported to a local hospital with minor injuries. The show has since resumed."

The show was part of the Lovers & Friends Festival, a weekend event courtesy of Live Nation. It went down at the Las Vegas Festival Grounds. Performers included Lauryn Hill, Ludacris, Lil Jon, Mario, Monica, and TLC.

It was bedlam at around 10:30 PM, after people thought they heard gunshots. Thousands of fans beelined it for an exit, and some ended up on the ground getting stomped.

Security paused the concert and it resumed a short time later.

Several people were taken to the hospital. Their condition is not known at the time of this post.

Spanish Cliff Diver Dad Jumps to His Death in Stunt Gone Wrong ... As Family Watches


A tragic end to what was supposed to be an exciting stunt -- after a father miscalculated his cliff jump -- leading to his death as his family watched in horror.

The video is tough to watch, you see the man take a leap from the 100-foot cliff in Spain. Clearly, he knows something is wrong quickly, letting out a scream before clipping the jagged rock and hitting the water ... you hear the woman recording yell, "Oh my God!"

According to the Majorca Daily Bulletin, the woman recording was the man's wife -- his son was also present -- and they had rented a boat for the day to tour the rocks on one of the Malgrats Isles by Santa Ponsa.

The report says authorities were called to the scene shortly after the accident, and they were able to locate the man's body.

It's unclear who the man was or if he was visiting the area on vacation.

Supermassive Black Hole Comes To the Light!!! Insane Photo Shows Massive Image at Galaxy's Center

This is incredible ... a black hole smack in the middle of our Milky Way galaxy that is 4.3 MILLION times the mass of the sun!!!

The image was captured by The Event Horizon Telescope Group. Now get this -- it's located 27,000 light-years from planet Earth. Put another way ... as enormous as this hole is ... when you look up in the sky with a naked eye, it looks about as big as a donut on the moon. Wrap your head around that!!!

The hole is at the center of our galaxy and near the constellation Sagittarius. It is, indeed, supermassive. You want your mind blown again ... its mass is equal to 4 million suns!!!

It's being described as "the glue that holds the galaxy together."  As for how black holes are created ... it's when a gravitational pull is so intense nothing -- even light -- can escape.

This image was released days after NASA showed off super clear images of stars ... courtesy of the James Webb Space Telescope.

The $10 billion telescope is just beginning its work, which should unlock some of the mysteries of our universe.

Brave new world -- and universe -- here we come!!!

Greg Norman On Kashoggi Murder 'We've All Made Mistakes'

Foot meet mouth.

Golf legend Greg Norman, when confronted about the heinous murder and dismemberment of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018 ... said, "we've all made mistakes.".

Norman, a 2x majors winner who spent over 300 weeks as the world's number 1 ranked player in the '80s and '90s, is the CEO of LIV Golf, the new Saudi Arabian-backed golf organization.

GN met with reporters at media day this week and was asked about the killing of the Washington Post journalist at the Saudi Embassy in Istanbul, Turkey.

“Everybody has owned up to it, right? It has been spoken about, from what I’ve read, going on what you guys reported," the 67-year-old said.

"Take ownership, no matter what it is. Look, we’ve all made mistakes and you just want to learn from those mistakes and how you can correct them going forward.”

Of course, there was immediate backlash to the comments ... because that "mistake" was the brutal killing of an innocent man.

Norman also attempted to highlight the good things happening in the middle eastern country.

“This whole thing about Saudi Arabia and Khashoggi and human rights, talk about it, but also talk about the good the country is doing to change its culture," Norman said.

"There’s not many countries that can stand up and be proud of that. They can’t be proud of their past — there’s a lot of countries in this world that have a cross to bear too — but they are looking after the younger generation.”

The golfer is yet to respond to the outrage.

Airport Emergency Pilot Loses Consciousness ... Passenger Lands Plane Safely!!!


Sully's got nothing on this guy ... a passenger in a small plane took the controls midair after the pilot became incapacitated ... and by a miracle he was able to land the aircraft safely.

It went down Tuesday at the Palm Beach International Airport. WPBF-TV in Palm Beach obtained video of the emergency after air traffic control received an alarming radio call ... not from the pilot, but from the passenger ... "I've got a serious situation here. My pilot has gone incoherent. I have no idea how to fly the airplane."


A serious situation is a gross understatement ... but the dude stayed calm as the tower operator jumped to the ready -- "Roger. What's your position?" The passenger responded with this chilling message ... "I can see the coast of Florida in front of me. And I have no idea."

The tower operator said, "Maintain wings level and just try to follow the coast, either north or southbound. We're trying to locate you."

Locate him they did -- 25 miles from the airport. Somehow the tower operator gently gave instructions to the passenger and the plane not only landed safely, but it was also a respectable landing even for a licensed pilot!!!

The FAA has not released the names of the passenger or pilot, and it did not reveal the nature of the medical emergency or the pilot's condition.

NASA James Webb Space Telescope Counts Our Lucky Stars!!! Shockingly Clear, New Images

NASA is giving us a gleaming look at the stars ... releasing shockingly sharp images courtesy of the James Webb Space Telescope.

NASA officials breathed a sigh of relief Monday, saying the telescope's optical alignment was "perfect" ... allowing them to capture a crystal clear view of our galaxy and beyond.

Michael McElwain, a scientist at NASA, gushed ... "I'm delighted to report that the telescope alignment has been completed with performance even better than we had anticipated".

The images were a test, to make sure the $10 billion telescope was working properly.

NASA's goal is to study how stars were created and investigate other objects in the solar system ... in hopes of figuring out how the first stars and galaxies formed.

The image on the left shows a view of the now-retired Spitzer Space telescope and the image on the right displays the improved images from the Webb Space Telescope.

Scientists say, this is only the beginning of what Webb will do in the coming years.

Brave new world.

NYT Sorry for Having 'Fetus' on Wordle It Was An Accident, Guys!!!

Abortion rights were top of mind for many this past week -- and, for a moment, it seemed to be on the New York Times' mind as well ... because a buzzword was worked into Wordle.

Here's the deal ... some Wordle users on Monday reported that the word of the day turned out to be "fetus," which sparked a lot of outrage and speculation that perhaps the Times had purposely plugged that in to make a point about the recent Roe v Wade news.

As you might imagine ... folks didn't think it was funny, and couldn't quite fathom why the NYT would jam that word in amid a very high-tension time in the country. Obviously, reproductive rights are no laughing matter -- especially when they're at risk of being repealed at the federal level.

Lo and behold, the Times didn't do this to provoke the masses -- the paper came out Monday and clarified what exactly had happened ... and it sounds like a case of pre-loaded 5-letter answers that they weren't able to scrub before some players discovered it.

As editor Everdeen Mason notes, "But because of the current Wordle technology, it can be difficult to change words that have already been loaded into the game.

She adds, "When we discovered last week that this particular word would be featured today, we switched it for as many solvers as possible" ... going to explain that the point of Wordle is to escape and entertain, not to focus on the news. EM also seemed to apologize to users.

There's also a way to make sure you don't come across this potentially triggering word -- all you gotta do is refresh your browser, and that'll do the trick.

Virgin Atlantic Jet Bound for NYC Turns Back ... Pilot Reveals He's Unqualified to Fly

This is terrifying ... a transatlantic flight packed with passengers was 40 minutes into the flight, when one of the pilots revealed he was unqualified to fly.

The Virgin Atlantic jumbo jet had taken off from London -- headed to New York -- when the co-pilot somehow made it known he had not taken his final flying test qualifying him to take a seat in the cockpit.

The Civil Aviation Authority in the UK tried to downplay the incident, saying, "Virgin Atlantic has made us aware of the incident. Both pilots were suitably licensed and qualified to undertake the flight." It begs the question ... if they were qualified, why did the plane have to turn around?

Eventually, Virgin found a replacement pilot, and after a 3-hour delay, the plane was off again.

This comes as airlines in the U.S. are experiencing drastic shortages in pilots, resulting in numerous flight cancelations. There's now a push by some airlines to reduce the number of training hours for pilots to qualify in smaller jets. Currently, there's a 1500-hour rule, requiring pilots to train that long before taking the helm in the cockpit. Some airline execs say the 1500-hour rule is too high a hurdle, and want the number of training hours reduced. It used to be 250 hours, but after a recent crash, the number was raised to 1500.

And, while this is pretty shocking ... this is likely part of a larger problem 'cause the U.S. is reportedly experiencing a huge pilot shortage ... and training delays due to the pandemic hasn't helped either.

Airlines are scrambling to recruit more pilots and get them trained and flying, ASAP. As millions take to the skies each day, the shortage will likely become responsible for higher airline prices, cancelations, burnout of current staff and smaller airlines cutting their schedules.

Luckily, everyone on the virgin flight eventually made it to NY safe and sound.

Insane Video Captures Moment Coyote Viciously Attacks A Toddler


A toddler was hospitalized after being viciously attacked by a coyote at the beach ... and it was all caught on camera.

The INSANE incident went down Thursday around 9:45 PM at Huntington Beach in the O.C. ... when a mom took her two kids to take a dip.

A surf cam was rolling and captured the moment the coyote lunged at the little girl.

Fair warning, it's pretty disturbing ... the coyote jumps up and attacks the little girl's face and has her on the ground for at least 15 seconds before she's able to scramble and adults finally notice.

The little girl was rushed to a hospital by ambulance, with serious but non-life-threatening injuries.

Two coyotes were killed by officials later that night, and they're trying to determine if one of them was the one involved in the attack ... as they continue their search.

As for the girl, she is said to be about 2 or 3 years old. She was tested for rabies and will continue to be treated at the hospital.

Thankfully, she is expected to make a full recovery.

EgyptAir Plane Crash Result Of Fatal 2016 Deaths Revealed

A flight on its way to Egypt ended in a fatal crash back in 2016, and a new investigation reveals it all came down to one cigarette.

The report, viewed exclusively by Italian news organization Corriere Della Sera, concludes Pilot, Ali Ali Shoukair, lit a cigarette in the cockpit of an EgyptAir flight, causing oxygen that was leaking from an emergency mask to burst into flames.

Egyptian pilots smoked frequently in the cockpit, and it wasn't banned 6 years ago, at the time of the crash.

Egyptian authorities claimed at the time the plane was brought down in a terrorist attack ... however, no group claimed responsibility.

It was also claimed explosives were found on the bodies of the crash victims, although that was late discredited.

All 66 passengers and crew on board died when the Airbus A320 -- traveling from Paris to Cairo -- crashed into the Mediterranean Sea ... the plane violently swerved back and forth before spiraling downward.

Among the dead was also 40-year-old Richard Osman, whose second daughter had been born just three weeks before the crash.

Julie Heslouin, who lost her father and brother from the crash, responded to the new report, saying "We have been waiting since 2016 to understand why we lost our loved ones and officially no one told us anything."

In 2018, France's Civil Aviation Accident Bureau claimed it was likely a fire that started in the cockpit ... there was no mention of oxygen leaks or cigarettes.

A candlelight vigil was held in Cairo for the victims after their death.

The report was conducted by aviation experts in France and has been sent to the Court of Appeal in Paris.

SpaceX Sends 1st Black Woman to Space ... For Extended Period


Elon Musk's making more history -- SpaceX just sent the first Black woman to the International Space Station for an extended period of time.

Jessica Watkins is one of four astronauts who were hurled into orbit early Wednesday morning -- part of a mission called Crew-4, which was using yet another Dragon rocket to make their daylong ascent.

The team went up around 1 AM PT, and they're expected to dock at the ISS later today, at about 5 PM PT. Crew-4 will stay up there for 5 months, before returning in September.

Like we said ... Watkins is the 1st woman of color who'll have been in space for an extended period of time. Guion Bluford was the first Black person to go up into space, period, back in 1983 -- and since then, more than a dozen African-Americans, in general, have gone up.

Now, as for what they're going to be doing at the ISS ... general upkeep, maintenance and research -- something the previous team, Crew-3, has been doing since November. They're all doing a bit of a trade-off here, and Crew-3 will come back home after Crew-4 settles in.

In the past 2 years -- after SpaceX landed a major contract with NASA -- Elon has sent up 26 people into orbit in what are now seemingly just run-of-the-mill trips into space. That's actually a good thing, because as you know ... EM seems to think the future is up there.

He's said he wants to eventually colonize Mars, so the more we're up in our galaxy ... presumably, that's for the better -- as we can then start inching our way further out.

Of course, there's a commercial aspect too. SpaceX, much like Blue Origin, has started selling private seats for private flights ... so space travel is becoming the norm now, it seems.

Elon Musk Yeah, I'm Rich ... But I Couch Surf Wherever I Go


Elon Musk might be the richest man on Earth, but he isn't consuming an absurdly large amount of stuff for himself -- in fact, it's the opposite ... because he's kinda homeless.

The Tesla chief made the startling revelation in TED interview that surfaced over the weekend -- in which he defended his many billions of dollars by arguing it actually isn't as problematic as some make it seem, because he isn't using any of that wealth on or for himself.

Watch ... EM says if he was spending upwards of a bil on himself with frivolous (and environmentally harmful) toys like a yacht or whatever -- sure, the criticism would be warranted. But, he says that's simply not what he uses his money for ... pointing out he doesn't even own a home at the moment.

That's absolutely shocking, but even more surprising is where he says he sleeps at night -- according to Elon, the dude bums it and couch surfs with his friends from all over the world.

He says he often stays in spare bedrooms of theirs rather than in any one house of his. This is a bit of a 180 from where he said he was living last year while discussing his Texas SpaceX headquarters ... where he was proud to shows off his 375-sq.-foot 1 bed.

Based on what he's saying here and now, Elon might've ditched that modest pad and opted for an even more stripped-down lifestyle ... AKA, no property at all.

One other point ... Elon argues that most his money, by and large, is going toward the greater good of mankind -- evidenced in the products and tech his companies churn out.

Missing Autistic Teen Video of Cops Finding Him ... Parents' Emotional Reaction


The autistic teenager who was found after he went missing for 3 years was freezing his butt off in Utah when cops stumbled upon him ... a moment you can now see on video.

19-year-old Connerjack Oswalt was discovered earlier this month by Summit County Sheriff's deputies in Park City, where he was sitting outside a closed liquor store within a gas station in the dead of night ... shivering by himself and looking helpless.

As you can see, the officers approached him carefully and eventually took him to their car to warm up -- trying to figure out where his shopping cart had gone. Apparently, residents in the area had reported Oswalt before ... and he was on the Sheriff's Dept.'s radar.

The deputies scanned the guy's fingertips and that's where their search for his true identity began. Suspecting there might've been more to his story, they started running different searches ... finding that he'd run into some trouble in Nevada before landing in Utah.

They also perused missing children databases ... and before long, the Sheriff's Dept. realized he'd been reported out of Northern California dating back to 2019.


After some time, they got in touch with his parents ... and Oswalt's stepfather drove all the way down from Idaho Falls -- where the family has since moved -- to make an in-person ID ... that moment, too, was captured on police body cam. Safe to say, it's emotional.

The stepdad, Gerald Flint, has Oswalt's biological mother, Suzanne, on the phone -- and after he realizes it's their kid -- she starts to break down on the other end ... sobbing.

Oswalt is said to be receiving care and is due to reunite with his family soon. Wild story, and one with a very happy ending for once.

WH Press Sec. Jen Psaki *IF* I Were to Leave ... Some Advice for My Replacement

Pod Save America/Crooked Media

Jen Psaki may or may not be leaving her post at the podium, but if she does ... she's got a few nuggets of knowledge to pass on to whomever might replace her, and they're not bad.

The White House Press Secretary sat down with 'Pod Save America' this week and was asked, hypothetically speaking ... what advice would she offer to someone who might be coming to fill her shoes? Again, assuming she exits -- and rumor has it, she will soon.

Psaki actually opened quite a bit on this front ... as she's clearly learned a lot of the job over the past year-plus that she's carried the torch for President Biden and his administration.

For starters, she says whoever gets the gig next has to realize ... the American people aren't stupid, and you don't have to speak to them like they're grade-schoolers. Psaki says folks are paying attention and quite knowledgeable -- so a Press Sec.'s words should reflect that.

She also says the best PS has a wide breadth of knowledge about what they're discussing with the press, and aren't just reading off talking points. So in other words, know you're s***!

Finally, she says a Press Secretary has to be patient with reporters, who undoubtedly ask the same questions a million different ways. It's also important to be consistent with messaging ... otherwise, as she says, you'll be taken out of context and made out to be Satan.

The last thing Psaki suggests is that ... if you don't know, don't pretend to know -- especially since you're literally speaking for the President and co. She says the best way to be good at the job is to have the lowdown on what POTUS may think on any given issue.

To her credit, Psaki's held her own fairly well thus far ... despite a pretty up and down first year in office. If she does bounce, here's hoping her replacement heeds her words here!